Porcupine Advance, 6 Jun 1938, 1, p. 6

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l "00900006000009006900.0909. _OOOOOOOOOOOOOO9000999090” LA R( 3 EST THE STYLE SHOP We haw new! parts of ova descrip- tion. for any makv of car at FPZISUI‘I- able prices. Just (’all at :30! RAILRUAI) STREET or BILL RAHAM Plumbing: and Heating ALL WORK (HARANTEED 8 (‘EDAR ST. N. PHONE 1872 Expert Radio Service dw'g} THE E J DEVUN COMPAN‘I LIH$ T Mrs. S. Mingle. Mmmtjoy SLN Yuu‘ll lilu COR. FOISRTH and (‘EDAR W. A. While, Tamarack Street PAGE SIX TH E THREE STA R A. BRAZEAU WW5 Licensed und SERVICE DINE HERE MAPLE 51‘. NORTH GEORGE H.\(‘U.\' tprup ADVANCE “Hidden Name” CONTEST 8 PALACE THEATRE PASSES GIVEN FREE EACH WEEK ‘? Look For Your Name In These Advertisements U SE!) PARTS l‘usws good fur an» prz'furm- : unrv ('M‘t‘pl Saturday. 00 OOOOOONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO‘ You‘ll Like ()ur FREE INSl‘llANCE PHONE 1670 SULLIVAN FOR A NY (TAR, A U TU PARTS Shoemaker. :31 Hindu St. S Stop at the Sign of 0‘OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”OOOOOO' 'l‘u-N ight and Tues. J une 6- PALACE THEATRE - This Week Your time. at [and rereive The-Mn: hidden hrin and ikv the (Illit'l pleasant .tlmusplwre‘ loo. HOTEL hu'bum Stanwyck and John Bales in Fl N EST TI! *‘Q W PHONE 1339 you h Mum undum -ive {re IT it RULES ‘vlurvlns' right uo'unlw (-lu Iulmu hum Um diulrivt o- frm- “(mac‘s lu [hr Pu ll'v. Luna fur y'all!" I]: u in (In-m mlwrtiwuw u Inn! at. rlilv thv ad. it In 'I'hr .\:lv;nu't- Uf I‘i‘l‘iH‘ .: In P paw. it'll lhru- :ul- ran-f1 mun.’ um» .tppcu. “I. new. guatl fut LHH firl'fu‘ ‘6 ."I‘ELLA DALLAS ” With Alan Hale and Barbara O’Neill Lllc Guaranteed SA FEST All Work es tn the Palace for your name advertisements. lip the ad. and Advanov Office 9 pass. ads carefully. app“: at any hose" -t will ’ulzu'e name The opening day of the new drug store opened on Ther avenue, next to the New Emipre theatre. twenty years ago. attracted big crowds, and the Cur- tis Drug Co. did a big first day's buSt- ness in their new store in 'I‘immins. One of the features of the day was the free distribution of roses to customers. “Dapper Dan ” HERE’S NEWS! UNITED MOVERS A. ’I‘OMKINSUN Balsam St. N. Bring back the memory of the piest moments of your life, in to come, with a distinctive beautiful photograph by the Studio. J. Wintun. 'l‘hird Aw. LOCAL and LUNG DISTANCE the next time you buy a suit zu see the difference in m. Come our store and inspect this m This new process Which gives the tailor an actual photograph of your measurements. is just us good as having your suit made to mould right on to your body. Dapper Dan introduces an an Lix‘ely new technique in made-t0- meusure clothing. 22 PINE STREET S. Mrs. E. La'l‘ruce, 119 Birch St. S Your Wedding Portrait Royal Studio PACKING. SHIPPING 510 Phone Photoâ€"Chart NIGHT (.‘I‘lala HAVE \‘(H'R PM‘TI'RI TAKEN" 1733 TO (I H E R [S H A LWA YS MIRACLE EYE For Appulnhnenl Baker. Sp: we St Phone TIMMINS U LIN (l For Your vit (‘ALL US MOVING JOB CRA'I‘I NU STUKAG E 417 'y of the hap- ' life, in years stinctive and by the Royal Come in thu' 417 llit zx11(l “ LIVE, LOVE and LEARN ” ("u-starring Robert BPIH'IUO ltuuuvv and Mn ’wbert lVlontg'mnery and Rosalind Russell m Wed. and Thurs., J une 8m! The Advance twenty years ago said: "Gib Mclnnis laid charges against a Finlander woman this week for oats and hay destroyed by two cows of hers that. were running at large on the streets. The woman was before Jus- tice of Peace Montgomery on Monday night and a fine of $8.00 and costs L'n- posed for allowing the cows to run at, large. The J. P. pointed out that, the ed it t( 'Thousands of roses were given away but even the large supply secured proved inadequate for the number of customers visiting the store. The fine Lequipment of the store, the large new .stocks and the good service given were other features of the new store that attracted favourable attention. The North Land has been forturraie in the. matter of having good fire orig- ades in this country. In this column reviewing twenty years ago them have bean many references to uphold this. One more. a paragraph from the issue of May 29th. 1918. may be given here: “Schumacher had a blaze of some pro- portions last week when the residence of Mr. J. Labelle was found to be on fire. The Schumacher brigade under Fire Chief Wm. Bennett made prompt and effective response to the alarm. From the time the alarm rang until there was over 700 feet of hose con- nected and the water burned on. was only a matter of less than seven min- utes. The fire was never allowed out- side the building where it started and in a short time it was extinguished al- together. The damage amounted to about $150. For a time the blaze look- preac .lC LEO’S TRANSFER Just Telephone 130 Wilson A ve. â€" 'l‘immins . 334 Q $%\%S\\$$$$$\$.\§$\S%$§SS§S$$§$§$§$®$$S\S\\S\\SSSS‘S” ~\'\\\\\\\\\ x\\\\\\\\\\\ \\‘l. .\‘\.\.\$\.\§$S\\\8.\\\\\$\\\$\~ Hammg ”f every description \ I?!III?!II/IvlvliliiiliiliiiliIt’ll1/2I¢IIIIIIIIIIIIn ’ I (mm: Spr'm. :t. and "lhird Awnuv. ’I‘immins l’hunc 394 I . \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\$\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\$ SINCLAIR THE VALET A complete fleet of large International trucks make it economical for Leo’s Trans- fer to do your hauling. e a very serious one, but the bri- prevented any heavy loss 02‘ any 3 of the fire." Opposite Town Hall THE KING EDWARD HOTEL Mrs. R. (ivnlilr. 1133 Pine St. S BY AN EXPERT SERVICE TECHNICIAN Nuw Located at 22 Pine Street South, Timmins THORPE RADIO SERVICE as low as $3.50 a cord. Mzuline Mulouin. Balsam St CLEAN ROOMSâ€"BY DAY ()R WEEK Dry Wood For Sale PHONE 322 FOR RELIABLE REPAIRS BY AN luxrluiu' alanvujb '1‘be11VILIA1V 'Macassa ated at 22 Pine Street South, Timmins {McLeod Cockshuu W {Mdlmom W1 Easter“ 1 McIntyre ; were given awiiy, ; matter of collecting damages was for gMcKenzie Red Lake 5e supply secured'the Division Court where suit. would chVittie Graham my mp number 01“!)e instituted to recover the price. (‘11‘3McWat181‘s he store. The linerimy fodder eaten by the cows while IMinin'; Corporation tore. the large new I 111nnmg at large Moneta ’ service given were .' Owing to the shortage of clerical help :Nayboh 1w npw store 1hal. I and other causes a1ising 110111 the wa‘, iNipissing’ attention the banks found it necessary in 1918 iNgiranda to make a change in banking hours. iO’Brien Commencing on June 1st. 1918. the;omegu has bewn 10111111111» HI\.I- ll rm] CInn .cxIII TO SIGN” ALL YUl’li (TLU’I‘HICS REGULARLY 'I‘U ITS llvy, “t‘lf‘ll Vinson. Mickey Munty Woolloy Make it Habit PH ONE Keep Spotless with ('25 illltl Quiet Atmosphere m PORCUPI‘N‘E ADVANCE. W8. ONTARIO As The Advance pointed out twenty E Wright Hargreaves 7.11) years ago. and has repeated on more? than one occasion since. Timmins the: department has a happy way of doingl well whatever it may undertakeâ€"from 'Ontario Labour MiniSter the fighting of a fire to the staging of I Died Suddenly Sunday a social event. The firemen‘s annual "â€""'" ball in the Masonic hall on May 24th, Hon. M. M. MacBride. MP. for 1918. was generally conceded as the Brantford. and Minister of Labour in best social event or its kind held in the libs present Hepburn Cabinet. died sud- district that year. There were about denly yesterday at Toronto Irom heart 70 couples present and all had a de- trouble. lightfl’ul time. The Appel orchestra supplied good music for the occasion, ._v..m._ â€"â€"_. .Try The Advance Want Advertisements eluded biblical readings. prayer. the National Anthem. songs. essays. liter-- ary papers on patriotic subjects, etc. The essays and papers included such titles aszâ€"“Why Canada Entered the. War." “What Canada Has Contributed t3 the War in Men and Money,” and essays on various engagements of the war. “In Flanders Fields" was recit- ed. and the programme closed with the saluting of the flag. and "God Save the King." Commencing on June 1st. 1918, the new hours went into force: From 9.30 in the morning until 2.30 in the at- ternoon and on Saturdays from 9.30 am. to noon. Empire Day. May 23rd. 1918. was pleasingly observed at the Timmms public school, the programme being of an attractive patriotic type. It inâ€" cluded biblical readings. prayer. the National Anthem. songs. essays. liter-- ary papers on patriotic subjects, etc. The essays and papers included such titles aszâ€"“Why Canada Entered the. | COMPANY LIMITED 1 Fourth Ave. Phone 800 ..... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ .0.~“.”.”.”.”.”.«.“.”.”.”.00 .00.”.”.“ .0 0.0..”.OO.”.N.N.”.OO. ' ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ v.9. OOOOOOOOOOOO:OO I l I C I I C C I 1 l I .O’:...O:O. O .OOOOO:OOOOO 0.0 O O This car is jmt as good as nmv. Very low mileage. Easy Terms, to :30 this week at 1937 CHEVROLET SEDAN We Have 50 Cars Priced from $50. up. TIMMINS GARAGE ’mbt. Higgins. 54 Messines Ave BARGAIN THIS WEB K $725. OUR Siscoe Teck Hughes gTo-‘ourn Ventures . . .Wright Hargreaves St. Anthony Sullivan Con. Sudbury Basin Stadacona Sylvanite Premier , Read Authier Reno San Antonio Red Lake Goldshore Sherritt Gordon Pioneer Preston East Dome Pamour Paymascer Pickle Crow iAfton lAshley Base Metals IBig Missouri ' Beattie 'Bidgood . ' Bobjo Bxalome Buffalo Ankelite Canadian Malaltic iCastle ’I‘reLheway Central Porcupine Central Patricia. Coniagas Jackson Manion Kerr Addison _. Kirkland Lake . Lebel Oro . Leitch . V. Lake Shore LN: Gold ‘ .. Little Long Lac Coniaurum 7. Con. Chibougamau . Darkwater Dome . Eldoraclo Falconbridge Gillies Goldale Granada Gunnar Hardrock Hollinger ngey .. Hudson Bay International Nickel “All who knew him learned with much regret of the unexpected death of Mr. Dominic Purificat," said The Advance of May 29th. 1918. “He was one of the old-timers of the camp. and a large property-holder here. Death was due to a hemorrhage. A wido-v and two children survive. and to these the sympathy of all is extended in their bereavement. The funeral took and two children survive. and to these the sympathy of all is extended in their bereavement. The funeral took place on Monday and was very largely attended. It was in charge of the new Italian Society. The band was in at- tendance and played funeral muaic during the march to and from the Roman Catholic Church where mass was sung.“ “For some reason. or a number of reasons. the citizens of Timmins have displayed no enthusiasm over the of- fer of the Board of Trade to fence, plough and prepane a five-acre section of good garden land to be divided into plots 01' 50 by 100 feet. the only costs to the applicant to be $10. this amount to be used to help pay the cost of fenc- ing and preparing theland," said The Advance twenty years ago. The plan was inaugurated to assist greater pro- duction during the war. There were a great number of enquiries in the matter but very few regular applica- tions. ‘ match between the mine managers of the district and the business men of the town. “Everybody enjoyed the gameâ€"~even the players." said The Ad- vance in its report. ‘F‘rom the collec- tion taken up on the occasion by Coun- cillor Chas. Pierce there was $56 netted and the firemen donated another $5.00 to this amount. making the total for the Red Cross Society from the afterâ€" noon’s sport $61.50." “For some reason. or a number of and the dancing was much enjoyed. The hall was tastefully decorated for the occasion. flags and bunting heinar chiefly in evidence. with a few devices suggestive of the firemen's calling. While the cups and trophies won t, il.’ Timmins brigade were also ziven place. The refreshments served were also much ccmmented upon. both for quality and quantity. His Lordship Bishop Latuiippe paid his first official pastoral visit to Tim- mins on Friday. May 24th. 1918. and teams? to match t3”! the distric the wwn. hm ing the sh nul 011 an. s warmly wflcomed lioners. There wax ll hundred at the Jli n umbt Bl: hm 'l‘o-day’s Stocks m 11: nop': with a turnin Anthon h undx'ec 0n arrlv )pe :H for d 24m as 0n the mi and the t "Everybody lffPC of a} out. Hf tay mi at the here. r schoc he y in town ion and t .t. to .311 t Church 4 {action in meld. . twenty 1 ' day wa the mine Listed . stau- the cr me or. child h 'aS tile tile C TOWC widen: which he a base‘ managers :H‘ m 1 mid by his large servi I] of to RS inc Bi ll 2. 05 1.91 7.J) 42.23 1.00 73 50.75 24.25 44.25 12 72 2 01 3.10 57 4.80 3.05 59 14 .60 2‘1 1.85 2. 04 29 ”2 1.65 63 show num 9.30 16.23 , 95 65 161 20‘, 105 ‘2 ()0 1.15 1.23 . .21 1‘2 i950 1.83 1.05 3.90 3.40 2.23 85 99 30 U") .24 16 1.11 . 27 41 50 43 the lit); 1n 15 ll 1' he all 30 0:0 :SSSS SSSSSSS SSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SS SSSSSS SSS SSSSSS’ ll I) 95‘ ‘$$$\‘$$$\S$\\‘$$\\SSS$\$$$‘\\\$\SSSS\\\\\\\\\$\\\‘ On the question of dividends, Mr. Segsworth stated that the directors would be justified in giving very ser- ious thought to a distribution of pro- fits later in the year. The company‘s The shaft has been deepened to 1000 feet and three new levels established. At the 675 ft. level an orebody has been encountered in drifting to the north and assurance had of ore for '75 ft. in length across a width of 3.5 feet and better than mine average grade. A shareholder was informed that this meant higher than $21.25. Apparently the drift has been running parallel to the ore and the values were picked up in flat holes. Drifting to the south has not yet located the ore but this does no mean that the ore is not there. The president pointed out that on the upper levels, ore is sometimes found on the contact and sometimes some dis- tance away. On the fourth level considerable drifting has been carried out to the north and indications of a mineralized zone, carrying possibilities of another orebocly. have been located. Reviewing mine developments since March 31st, Mr. Segsworth dealt with the results of exploration work to the south of the present workings. This work has included development of the first level where 100 feet of drifting along the Contact to the south of the fracturing, in which the company's known orebody has been found, has located a, new strong fold in the lava illow which appears to be a duplicate of the fold in which the main ore has been found. Evidences of ore were lo- cated and the president is of the opin- ion that indications are favourable for finding ore both above and below this level. Highly pleasing news greeted the shareholders of Moneta Porcupine Gold Mines at their meeting on Wednesday afternoon. as a. result of which felici- tations were extended all around to the president and directors on the. happy outcome of the undertaking. Steadily increasing production with corresponding improvement in net proâ€" fits were revealed in the operating re- ports for April and May. During April the mill treated 3697 tons of are con- taining 2220.73 ozs. gold and 374.51 oz's. silver, for a gross production of $78,- 262 representing an average recovery of $21.25 per ton. Net profits after all write-offs amounted to $40,535. Pre- liminary estimates for May showed a gross recovery of $88,738 from 4676 tons or about $18 per ton. Net profits for May. President W. E. Segsworth point- ed out, would be higher than April and would well exceed $50,000. 0:1 :1 monthly basis of $50000, earnings would now appear to be running at a rate of $600000 or about 24c per share annually. ‘ Cheerful News at the Moneta Annual President Pleased ( hildren 5 years of age All tickets valid to return Train No. 27. 11.05 p.m., 5. connecting with T. N.O. Tickets valid for travel Train No. 2 from Timmin 16th.. connecting at North Bay. CP. Train No. 85‘ with C. P. Train N0. 28. Tickets Goad in Coat-hes ONLY Tickets to [1.5. Destinations sold subject to Passengers meeting lmmi gration Requirements of USAâ€"Going and ('unadaâ€"-thurning. Hamilton, Smithvillo, l)unnvillo, Welland, llull'alo, Galt, Woodstock, London, Detroit, Kitclwnvr, Guelph, (Jhatham and Windsor via North Bay and Canadian l’aciliv Bargain Coach Excursion Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway The Nipissing Central Railway Company For Fares, Departure Time and Further Information Apply to Local Agent. THURSDAY, JUNE 16th, 1938 Doharty Roadhouse Co. Toronto 29:} Bay Stroe valid to return so as to leave Toronto not later than GP 27. 11.05 p.m., Sunday, June 19th. arriving North Bay and with T. 6.; NO. Train No. 1, 12.45 pm. Monday Tickets on Sale from Regular Stations ONLY and Directors are at, Progress. Market Qantatinns Broadcast each day at [“2330 nmm Direvt Private Wires for fast and accurate- quutatiuns and cxvvutiuns in all Accurate Markets and Exeouliuns in Tinlmins. 19 Pine Street North rnnto Kirkland Lake 1y Street 34 Government Rd. Local Phones 1200 and 1201 'l‘ 0 R O N '1‘ 0 Members Tut-unto Stuck I‘whanr and under 12, when art-«unpainted by Guardian STOCK BROKERS Commission basis only Unlisted Stocks Mining Stocks Industrial and Public Utility Stocks Bonds HALF-FARE and 5.20 pm T0 Sudbury Siai'pflPi-emier Daladie‘ says Franco. will fight if she has to Which is just a way of telling Hitler and Mussolini not to get, too fresh. A cordial invitation is extended to the public ito attend the First Aid compeâ€" tition fora handsome silver trophy which has been donated to the Tim- mins division of the St. John Ambu~ lance Brigade by A. F. McDowell, Esq. of McDowell Motors. for competition amongst the members of the Division. The first of these eonmetitions will be. held in the 'Hollinger hall on Wednes- day, June 8th. commencing at 7 pm. and will afford the public an oppor- tunity of seeing what First Aid really is.. Immediately after the tests are over. refreshm *nts will be served. after which the trophy will ‘be presented to the captain of the winning team and Silver medals to the individual mem- bers of the team. The remainder of the evening will be spent in dancing. The old board of directors was 1‘9- elected with the exception of L. O Steindler. who was replaced by A. M Reaper of Montreal. A motion of ap- preciation for Mr. Steindlor‘s long 991‘- vico to the company was adopted. soon as the. surplus is vide for necessary ( possible expansion. time. he informed tho: question of incneasing not under considerat. First Aid Contest, to be Held on J une 8 policy would be to pass along some of its earnings to shareholdois just as soon as the. sunp..us is sufficient. to pro- vide for necessary contingencies and possible expansion. AL the present time. he informed the shareholders. the question of incneasing mill mpacity was For the I-Iundsumo Trophy Donated by A. I". 1Vlc~ Dowell. Collect all these (‘oupuns you can. (let your friends to saw thmu t'ur yuu. (‘lip neatlyâ€"Du nut roll or fold. Address Porcupine Advance SUBSCRIPTION EXTENSION DRIVE Free Vote Coupon Good for 100 Vutes Nu Baggage (‘hwkml MONDAY. JUNE 01‘”. 1938 )'l .idel‘a Lion in the Thursdav. Jum and at Sudbury June 20th

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