Porcupine Advance, 19 May 1938, 1, p. 5

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ing s.oOtk sairs, agreements, options, cic. Among the lisw sent out this weck are the following: Aurex Larder Gold Mincs Limtedâ€"â€" By agreement April 16, grants option to John Daniel Son Limited, Torâ€" onto, on i,400,000 sharesâ€"200,000 shares at three cents, 200,000 shares at four ceris, 100,000 shares at five conts, and balance in lots of 50,000 shares from scvicn and oneâ€"half cents toâ€" fifty cents, payable 50,000 shares a month until Sep‘icmber 6, 1940. Company inâ€" corporated April, 1938, (Ontario) authâ€" orized capiial 3,000.000 shares, $1 par; issued 1,200,005. Propertics consist of 31 claims in ‘t‘he Larder Lake Minâ€" ing@g Division. Blueâ€"Jay Long Lac Gold Mincs Limit:dâ€"â€"By agreement May 5, Keith securities Limited, purchases 100 optionel(t! (0 J. A. ~LaDnnk â€"£,4900,U00 shares, 80,000 shares at 10 cens payâ€" able 10.000 shares within one month, 30,.0C0 shares within two months, 40,â€" 000 shares within three months, balâ€" ancorn at from twelve and oneâ€" half ceonts to thireyâ€"four cents per share to net company a minimum of $5.000 per month. Company incorporâ€" ated January, 1937 (Ontario) authorâ€" ized capital 3,000,000 shares, $1 par issucd 1.061,727. minin Ontario Securities Commussion Report option on 30,U00U SNares at IIVC CCHIlS payable July 1, 100,000 shares at five cents payable August 1, and a further 800,000 shares at prices from seven and oneâ€"half cers to fifty cents payâ€" able by September 15, 1939. Company incorporated January, 1937 (Ontario) authorized capital 3,000.000 shares, $1 par: issued 1,310,339. Twentyâ€"five per ecnt of proceeds of sale is to be used in reduction of mortgage totalling $20,000 in favor of Crescent Kirkland Gold Mines, Limited. Adanacâ€"Quebsc Mines Planst â€" Gold May pany, Toronto, i shares ‘at five Some of the Mining Comâ€" panies Registering Agreeâ€" ments. 1€ e Onlario Securitics Commission week sends out a list of all the ag and other companies registerâ€" siock sales, agreements, options, Among the lis, sent out this weck Doherty Roadhouse Co. STOCK BROKERS Timmins, 19 Pine Street North Toronto Kirkland Lake 293 Bay Strect 34 Government Rd. Gold Mines Limted â€" By May 4, Radford Comâ€" nto, agrco o purchase 50,000 five cents by June 1, with 50,000 shares at five cents ly 1, 100000 shares at five Direet Private Wires for fast and accurate quotations and executions in all Markelt Quotations Broadcast each day at 12%.30 noon Accurate Markets and Executions in Gold Mincs nt May 2, has Labinege â€" 1,000,.000 Commission basis only ocal Phones 1200 and 1201 Membars Toronto Stock Exchange Unlisted Stocks Mining Stocks Industrial and Public Utility Stocks Bonds and 5.20 p.m. | agreemnet April 4, Thomas Reilly Inâ€" vestments, Toronto, agresd to purchase 20,000 shares at five ceonts by April 20, ard has option on 259,000 shares jat five cents payable by August 20; 200,000 shares at seven cents payable by D:cember 20, and 238,330 shares at 10 ‘cer‘s payable by April 20, 1939. Company . incorporated May, 1935 tOntario‘) authorized capital 2,500,000 shares at $1 par; issued 1,050,000. | . Amosâ€"Cadillac Gold Mines Limited ; â€"â€"By= agreement May 5, Nocl. H. «Knowles Limited, Toronto, purchases 200,000 sharcs at two cents payable forthwith and has opcion on further 500,000 sharesâ€"100,000 shares at two ‘cents; 100,000 shares at three cents, |100.000 shares at five cents, 100,000 shares at seven and oneâ€"half cents 100,000 shares at 10 conts payâ€" ‘able $2.000 per morch for May and seven months; 100,000 shares at eight cents payable within nive months. Company incorporated January, 1937 (Ontario) authorized capital 3,000,000 sharcs, $1 par; issued 1,000,005. able. $2,000 pgr morch for May and cune and thereafter $3,500 per month. Company inâ€"orporated 1936 (Ontario) | authorized capital 3.000,000 shares at | $1 par; issued 1,517.155. Girrulard Kirkland Mincs Limitedâ€" By agrsement April 26, James McCaa,| Toronto, agrees to purchase 20,000 shares at five conts payable forthwith. Has option on fumher 480,000 slmres,g 180.000 shares at five cents payable | $1,1750 within 45 days after May 18,! | | £2,500 threse months; $2,500 within four months; $2,500 within five monihs; 100,000 shares at six cents : payable within six months; 100.000| shares at seven cents payable within} Waterloo Chronicle:â€"Spaniards arc so busy killing each other in the civil war that a ban has been put on bullâ€" figchting. Edmonton,. Alta. M.ay 18â€" An urtusâ€" ual shipment went over Canadian Natâ€" ional lines here recently. It was a cargo of 1,200,000 bees consigned to a man at Westlock. They had travelled from Calitfornia without stinging anyâ€" one. BUZZING CARGO I _ Tctal of ore brok>n during the quarâ€" f ter was 93,578 tons. North mine driftâ€" ! ing in ore was approximately equal } to grade milled and in the south mine 'ctop‘n" longths on the 100 and 8C0 levels were the la<ter proving the ,dommald continuation of No. 1 vein ! as stoped on the 600 level. Horizontal !cuL and fill system on the 1050 level is progressing favorably and has shown ! considerable advantage over the shrinkâ€" | age system. Stope widths and grades are subssantiating the ore reserve estiâ€" mate of D:c. 31, 193"7; No. 5 sh: 1rt reached depth of 910 fcct, at cond of quarter. From 1700 to apâ€" proximately 1150 feet it will be passing through chloritic schist, requiring heaâ€" vier Sinking will be disconâ€" tinued when new hceadframe is erady for installation, but will be continued again about June 1. Shaft will have reached depth of about 1000 before lexcction of headframs is commenced. Working Capital $725,857 Balance sheet shows cash in banks and on hand at $397,436; investments 2i cost $408,423, with market value of $410.619; gold bullion in transit $99,â€" 262 and stores and supplics, $94,054; ! investments in and advances to subâ€" | sidiaries, $13.860 and prepaid insurance $26,859. Liabilities are placed at $314,â€" 938, including reserve for taxes, $180,â€" |916; accounts, $81,566; payroll, $48,â€" 828. lceaving nct working capital at 1| $120,8007. April production has already been ‘repomed on this page at 0239,000 from |\30,394 tons, avceragzing $7.68 per ton, ‘ bringing total for first four months of sn m me mm snn on Marked Increase in Nepheline Syenite Rcport covering first quaricr of 1938 issued by Buffalo Ankzsrite Gold Mincs, Porcupine district, shows bullion reâ€" covery of $753.130, after adjustment for valuz> of ore in solution; expenditures of $422.979 and operating profit of $330,151. 8 wWith miscellaneous income of $4294 added,. $37,966 set aside for incomo axcs and $42,524 written off for cost oaf sinking shaft No. 5 up‘till the cond of March, balance of $253,954 was carâ€" ried to surplus. President E. G. Kink:l. in his report, Buffaloâ€"Ankerite Report for Quarter All4; executive. office cxpeonditures, $0.167 ; d ‘preciation cosis â€" $0.441, bringing toial per ton costs to $4.1722 per ton. Net profit for che period was at the annual rate of $1.69 per share upon 701,679 shares issusd. Capital expenditures for additions to buildings and improvements amounted to $44,1853, Shaftâ€"sinking is progreossing satisfacâ€" torily and by June 1 the compressor and hoist house should be completed, the large hoist installed and new headâ€" frame erccted. Annual Earnings at Rate of $1.68 per Share vear to $9894.657, compared with $864,â€" 011 from 107,5408 tons and average of $8.05 in sam»s period of 1937. Gross production up till end of April, 1938, reached approximately $7,600,584. : Production of nepheline syenite from Ontario, which was begun in 1936, has since increased rapidly, shipments of the produc:. in 1937 being valued at $121,481, an increase of 225 per cnt. over the previous year. Canadian Nephelinec., Limited, which operates deposits of the mineral in Peterborough county, increased the capacity of its processing plant at Lakefield las.. year from an initial rate of twenty tons daily to forty tons daily, and also made extensions to its quarry plant, with the presont installation reported to be capable of producing 4C0 tons of shipâ€" ping rock daily. Established to produce material for the domestic glassâ€"making industry, Interesting Information in to Output. $8436 p In the first three months of 1938, Canada‘s producâ€" tin of radium and associated minerals increased 36 per cent over the same period of last year and will register a 25 per cent further gain before the end of this year, Gilbert LaBine, discoverer of the Dominion‘s subâ€"Arctic pitchblende resources and now president of Eldorado Gold Mines Limited, told shareholders at the annual meeting of the company at itE in hisâ€"report rccovery during thr quarter }¢ per, ; â€"operat:ng. Cosus, xecutive office cexponditures, CANADA STEPS UP PRODUCTION OF RADIU M THE FOECXCUFINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTAR According . to the Department of Mincs and Resources, Otiawa, the large Coposits of nepheline syenite which cccur in Peterborough, Hastâ€" ings. and Haliburton countins have been known for many years, but it is only in recent years that their cconoâ€" mic importance was establish»d. Alâ€" though interest in the mincral 2 presâ€" ent is conired chiefly in its use in the glass industry, research has shown that it is suitable for several other ceraâ€" mic uses, including: seimniâ€"v‘.reous and sanitary cware, and sheetâ€"steel enamâ€" ols, and it is probable that the ficld of use will be still further extended. N:pheceline sycnite from the Ontario deposits has already become a c us compr@itor to straight feldspar, which mincral it may progressively supplant for various ceramic uses; its advanâ€" tazes over most mineâ€"run feldspars beâ€" ing its apparsnt availability in large tonnages of closely uniform composiâ€" tion: its higher alumina content, and its low cortent, afier.â€"a imlatively simple, and inexpensive process of magnetic seoparation. mn ie ces ocm ty is i on mm e mm mm es > ILcc Gold Little Long Lac Macassa McLeod Cockshuu, Manitoba and Eastern McIntyre . McKenzie Red Ldm M McVittic Graham McWalters ... Corpomuon Moneta Naybob Nipissing Noranda O Brien IOnw"’a ; Pamcur Paymaster Pickle Crow Plionter .......;.. Preston East Domc Premier ‘Rcad Authiecr Rano c Red Lake Goldahoxn San Antonio !Sherrit.t Gordon St Anthony Sullivan Consolidated Sudbury Basin Stadacona Sylvant‘.s Siscoe ....... Teck Hughes i Toburn ... Veniures ; Wright Hargrea»ea the company has been a success from the start. Potential demand for its : product in the United States appsared | so promising that is erected a largs plant at Rochester, New York to proâ€" | cess crude rock from the quarries in Ontario. This plant will be operatcd | by a subsidiary company, American Nopheline Corporation, and is expected to enter produciion in 1938. Along with the foregoing developâ€" ments, active praospecting of the same gcueral rogion has been carricd on by othor interests,. and several deposits of promise have been located. ‘Three of these propem ies were operated in 1937, with a total output of about 2,000 tons of ecrude sysonite, all of which was to the States for exâ€" prrimental processing. ® Aiudll Ashlecy Baso Motals Big Missouri Beattic Bidgood ... Bobjo Pralorne . Buffalo Ank cnto Canadian Malartic Castle Tretheway Central Porcupine Ceontral, Patricia . Conliagas Coniaurum Cno. Chibcugamau Darkwater Dome Eldorado Falconsridgs: Gillies Goldale Granada Gunnar Hardrock Hollinger Howey Hudson Bay International Nickel Jackson Keorr Addison Kirkland Lake . Lebel Oro . Leittch Lake Shore Toâ€"day‘s Stocks l ai.\‘ P(l elected to the board of directors, Charles B, Bonn of Detroit, authority on nonâ€"ferrous metals and esident of Bolhn Aluminum and Brass; Irving B Babcock, president of General Motors Truck and Coach Corp., Pontiac, Mich. Photos show (left to right Mr. Bolhn, Mr. LaBine und Mr. Babcock. pr in Toronto. Two leading U.S. industrialiists were (From Globe and Mail) Some of the older mining men of Onâ€" tario will remember the gold boom that cccurred at Republic, Ferry Counry, Washington, in the last four years of the last century, soon after the south half of the Colville Indian Reservaâ€" tion was opened to eniry in 1896 by the United States government. Western Gold Camp Stages a Comeback Thon cccurred scenes measuring up to any in the land stampedes of this continent. â€" Watchers on the border alcng the Columbia River stood ready with rifles to flash the word to assoâ€" ciates on the other side of .the river and when is came human beings milâ€" led like cattle in ~reaching favoured spots already spied out. That was the first gold boom in the history of that particular part of the ‘Tarthwest and closely followed the cxâ€" 2‘sement at Rossland, on the Canadian side. A stock exchange was organized 8485 ***** Republic Area in Washing ton Promises to Revive new camp In INncusure, Ui¢ original Reopiblic mine, brought to divâ€" icond stage in jig time by the late Patâ€" sy Clark, passing (o Montreal interests through the stock exchange firm of McQuarig, Rykert and Company at a price around $3,500,000. A great mill was built under plans and supervision of Daniel C. Jackling who later beâ€" came the "Porphyry Copper King‘ of the Unittd States but the project was at Spokane, wi‘ch the secretary, and Ropublé abln town, with the Railroad rushing in a | Marcus and what wa "Hot Air"® line conno blossomit Canadi Drifting on the second level at Porâ€" cupine Lake Mining Company, Porcuâ€" pine district, is rrported continuing to open good grade ore over mining width, word from the ming saying face at that time averazed $27.50 across 22 Porcupine Lake Continues in Good Grade on Second cap wiuat was known as the e connectirg the Canaâ€" o. Grand Forks, then a neliting contrée. ipital was poured into the i gonerous measure, the blic mine, brought to divâ€" i jig time by the late Patâ€" sing (o Montreal the Great in a branc} writer as first ew to a sizeâ€" Northern i line from n as the the Canaâ€" t Df improvIing OoVver quari( suilts, with April production repor just under $70,000 against averi !$63.700 for first thrse months °C iycm'. Mill averaged 420 tons d; April, or tcial of about 12,600 to ths month, which would place a recovery in neighbourhosd of $5. ton against $5.18 in the first qu | St. Mary‘s Journalâ€"Argus:â€"When a Scotch boy asked his mother the other day, *"‘Is it trus, mither, that ws spring from monkiss?" she replied, "I dinna | ken, laddic. I wisna very weel acquent Ewi yoer faither‘s fowk." dail up 0o Lncouraging tained from e: derground drill solidated Minc rccording to re it is difficult rosults will me: til further uns done., some a Opcrating costs approxi per ton milled,; placing opet oi slightly less than $17,000 with $33,003 in first quart age of $11,000 monthly. Operations Improving at Matachewan Consolidated O Four Lowâ€"Priced Stocks With Outstanding Possibilities BROKER 200 BAY ST. TORONTO CRUWSHORE LACOMA CHEMINIS KIRKLAND GATEWAY 6. K e pproximated $4.22 ig operating profit $17,000 to compare quarter, or averâ€" nmnths of this tons daily in 2,600 tons for ace averag? of $5.54 per ‘st quarter. 1 wan Conâ€" district, ind while uss what PD cÂ¥ TC g¢ uns tion is 17 Can the ob Ol

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