Porcupine Advance, 9 May 1938, 1, p. 8

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Her father died about a year ago. This érath is the firrs break in a family of ten children. _ The funcral arrangcâ€" meonts were in the hands of Mr. Hunâ€" kin, and the body was shipped to Shawâ€" +8 4 ville for interment, leaving here on the ~Ssouth Porcupine, May 6th, 1938â€" pecial to The Advance)â€"An occurâ€" ince that has shocked the community d especially Dome Extension was the sudden death on Friday morning Mrs. Robert Connelly, aged 44, and other of six children under 14 years. Mrs. Connclly was in tfown on Wednesâ€" @ay apparently in good health, but was aricken Thursday and taken to hosâ€" tal and within twentyâ€"four hours had ssed away. Intense sympathy is felt for the husband and lictle family, too Foung yet to what has hapâ€" ned to them. Mrs. Connelly was a soman who lived for her home and amily and was an excellent mother to r children who range in ags from Kathl=cn who is fourteen to little Berâ€" wha aged thrce years, In botween are Florsnce 13, Mary 10, Margaret 8, and dim 6. Mrs,. Connelly was born Eliza ane Morrison and was married sixâ€" een yzars ago, comingz from Shawville South Porcupine ten years ago. Two Sistrors, Mrs. Thomas Farrell and Mrs. J. Johnston, live in South Porcupine;. her m:ther is still living in Shawville. Death of Mrs. Connolly at Dome Extension Friday Much Regret at the II Only About Twentyâ€"four Hours. z Death. Mrs. Turtin Meets Unfortunate Accident. Other * News of South Porcupine, Dome ana D‘ome Extension. PAGE EIGHT LAkeview Galden Avenue SCHUMATHER HARDWARE AND FURNITURE CO. 79 Sirxth Avenue MHead Office: SCHUMACHERâ€"Phone 708 COR. sSECOND AVE. BALSAM 8T 38 THIRD AVENXUE PHON E. 1601â€"1602 First Avenue The George TAYLOR > Limited COMPLETE STOCK OF INSULâ€"ATED SIDINGS CARRIED BY PORCUPINE HARDWARE GLGENERAL CONTRACTORS SUPPLIES wold by the following firms too, can be built at less cost and with better appearance. B.P. Insulâ€" Ated Sidings not only improve the outside, but they also insulate the inside â€" for back of the attractive weatherâ€"resisting surface is Insulâ€" Board, the moistureâ€"proof insulation. Available in many styles and colours, Insulâ€"Ated Sidings protect, enhance the value and improve the appearance of every house. Fireâ€"resisting â€" permanent in colour â€" fuel saving â€" repay the cost by the savings effected. Ask any hardware, lumber, or building supply dealer for complete information. »STOCKED AT THE WAREHOUSE OF BUILDINXG PRODUCTS® SOLD BY An accident of serious nature befell Mrs. Turtin on Friday. She walked down the hill from her home to visit her niccc, Mrs. Wm. Gannon, and slippcd on some loose rock near the Gannon home, and fell breaking her hip. Mrs. Gannon took iher immediâ€" ately to the Porcupine hospital where the elderly lady now is doing as well as can be expected. The Workers‘ Coâ€"6perative Social Club lheld another very well attended whiss drive and dance in the Masonic hall on Wednesday evening. Over twenty tables were filled for cards and The Ladies‘ Guild Church is to meet on at the home of Mrs. a list of which will be published later. The body was borne to the station by the following pallbearers:â€"Mr. Jack Johnstone, Mr. Thomas Farrell, Mr. George Piric, Mtr. A. LeMay, Mr. A. McGinn and Mr. Jack Wilson. We add our sympashies to those of others for the bereaved husband and children. The Ladies‘ Guild of the United Church is to meet on Wednesday next at the home of Mrs. Gooding at 7.30 ncon train on Saturday. Accompanyâ€" ing the deceased for the funeral were Mrs. Johnscone, Mrs. Farrell and Mr. Connelly, with his four older children, also Jim Baker, a nephew. Many beautiful floral tributes were sent from sympathizing neighbours and friends, ALFRED CARON "WE SERVE THE NORTH" sSOUTH PORCUPINE MILL AND OFFICE sOUTH PORCUPINE M ACHER Mill Office: TIMMINSâ€"Phone 709 The first game openinzy the season is to ko played at the Dome on Tusesâ€" day, May l7th, against McIntyre. The Junior CW.L. ast their recent Football is in the air, and training of the Dome Football team has begun under Mr. J. Naish who takes them three times a week for exercise. A new directorate of the club was elected two weeks ago, with the following in office:â€"Mr. Walter Horner, president; Mr. Wim. Kellow, viceâ€"President; and Mr,., H. Richmond, secretaryâ€"treasurer. Mr. P. J. Andrews (who served 12 years as was appointed on the committee, with Mr. Mark Ford, Mr. H. Barnes and Mr. Jos. White as manager. No new ‘"imports" are to be brought in on the Dome team it being now generally understood that local players will be given opportunity for starring. This also aplies, we undsrâ€" stand to all forms of sport sponsored by the Dome Mines. y3 Little Keith Horner, five years old, returned to his home on Bloor aveniue on Thursday after spending fifteen months in the Western Sanitarium. We are glad to rmport the little fellow is discharged as completely cured of tuberculosis. prizes were won by:â€"Ladies‘ first, Mrs. Barnes; 2, Mrs. J. D. McDonald; 3, Mrs. W. J. Butter. For men, Mrs. Hedges won first playing as man, and J. Johnson gained second with C. Craig coming third. The rest of the evening was taken up with singing and square dancing. We hear that 115 tickets were sold locally for the "Kiwanis Special" woekâ€" end blossomâ€"time excursion. Leaving South Porcupine among others were:â€" Mrs. I. Cameron, Mrs. F. H. Hall, Mrs. Sky, Mr. H. Burton, Mr. A. Carlson, Mr. B. Levinson and Mr Oswald Miller. 103 SPRUCE ST. S. PHONE 1425 18 PHONE Phone Phone 84 Phone THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO New York Sun:â€"In the Legislatures Stratford Beaconâ€"Herald;:â€"The Itaiâ€" military forces of occupation are said be losing their grip in Ethioâ€" pia. Which may prevent thein from packing up and going home. sident, in the chair. The Diocesan president, Mrs. Munn, was also present, and gave an interesting reading on the duties of the standing committees. Among other business, a card party was arranged to take place on Thursâ€" day evening, May 19th. Plans were discussed for a rummage sale to be held on Saturday morning, May 28th, and many interesting matters were brought to the attention of the new executive. The first general meeting of the new executive of the CW.L. was held on Wednesday evening in the Church of Nativity hall with Mrs. Carriere, preâ€" Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibbons, also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reynolds, are leaving on Wednesday ¢to sail from Montreal on Friday for three months‘ visit to Lancashire, h the S.S. Duchess of Richmond. We wish them "bon voyâ€" age." a dainty handkerchief and body of the model was filled with silk stockâ€" ings, and this was presented to Mrs. Gibbons with the many felicitations of all concerning her voyage and holiday. Mrs. Gibbons was both surprised and touched at the kindly thought of her follow Rebekahs, and responded briefly with expressions of thanks. Another presegntation was then made to the Past President of the Club, Mrs. Wilson Rayner, of two lovely cups and saucers with the best wishes of the Club. The hostess served a very nice lunch at the conclusion of proceedings. 1, Mrs. Anthony; 2, Mrs. Sky; and consolation to Mrs. R. Quesnel. After cards a pleasing little took place. The president, Mrs. T. Gibbons, is leaving on Wednesday next to spend three months‘ holiday in her native England, so the members had made a model of a ship in full sail, each sail Executive of the C. W. L. Preparing for New Events ester, had an examination which proâ€" nounced him in complete health again. The annual banquet of the Pas«t Grands‘ Club of the Rebekah Lodge took place on Wednesday in the Dutch Door restaurant. A very delicious banâ€" quect was served to the members, enâ€" joyed by all, the dainty tables being decorzted with tulips for tmne occasion. The members then adjourned to the home of Mrs. Walter Freeman, where bridge was played, honours going toâ€" 1, Mrs. Anthony; 2, Mrs. Sky; and Mr. and Mrs. Gsorge P. Hamilton, of Haileybury, spent a week visiting his sisverâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs. Gavin McIntosh, reâ€" turning on Thursday. The interior of St. Paul‘s Church is being painted this week, that of the Parish hall being completed last wesk. The hall looks very smart and clean, andâ€" the new curtains (made during Lent by AYP.A.) are in position for the breakfastâ€"party after Corporâ€" ate Communion on Sunday morning. W2 mentioned last week that Rev. J. W. Bradbury, B.D., Eastern Field Secreâ€" tary, of the G.BR.E., is visiting Sc. Paul‘s in the interests of our Sunday Schsols and a special invitation is exâ€" tended by Archdeacon Woodall to the mothers of Bible Class pupils and Sunâ€" day School children to a gathsring in ‘he Parish hall on Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 pm. Tea will be served, and as Mr. Bradkury is an expert on the many problems concerning youth, and espscially the religious lif2 of our children, he will be in a position to discuss them with those attending. We are glad to hear that Mr. C. Armstrong, upon reporting at Gravenâ€" hurst Sanitarium on his way to Rochâ€" ¢f home baking at the home of Mrs. George Starling, 130 Dome aveniue east on Saturday afteroon next (May 14) irom 3 to 6 p.m. meeting decided to hold a tea, and sale Phone 212 A Registered Optometrist in Charge _EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT L. HALPERIN There is only one sure way to know if your eyes are using more enâ€" ergy than necessary Have them thoroughly checked by a competent eyeâ€"sight specialist. heard people say "My eyes are alright, I can see perfectly." But have you ever stopped to conâ€" sider how much energy that person may be usâ€" ing in order to see. GOOD VISION DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN EFFICIENT VISION. How often have you Optometrical Dept. 7 Pine N. Following last week‘s internationalâ€" istic feature, the South Porcupine Kiâ€" wanis Club was further impressed with the importance of racial® selfâ€"analysis as a step towards the |progress of a nation or group of nations, by a most interesting address by Rev. Dr. J. R. Frascr, of the United Church of South Porcupine, when he spoke as guest ofi the club on Thursday evening last. As a political factor, the cultivation of which has apparently served Britain or the British race to good advantage, Dr. Praser laid stress upon the Angloâ€" Saxon‘s inherent sense of personal reâ€" Address to Kiwanis at South Porcupine We are pleased to see Mtr. A. F. Righton, of the main office, back to work again, after having spent a few days in the hospital for observation. We hope that nothing serious will be found from the tests taken. Dr. Fraser Stresses the Anâ€" gloâ€"Saxon Inherent Sense of Personal Responsibility Mr. H. L. Sanborn, of the Abitibi Toronto office, and head of the elecâ€" trical development for the company, spent an excended visit in town last week. Notes Major Geo. Mitchell and Major Chown, of Ayers Limited, were visitors in town last week. Honorary â€" Presidentâ€"Rev.â€" Francis Joy. Card games, "monopoly" and dancâ€" ing were the order of the evening, and as the younger se participated, great enjoyment was realized by all. A delightful lunch was served and was greatly enjoyed by all. It was noted at the meeting, that due to several changes in the execuâ€" live of the AY.P.A. during the past fow weeks, that it was necessary to ho‘!ld a reâ€"election, the results being:â€" Delightful refreshments wore served during the course of the evening unâ€" der the abluis direction of Mrs. E. Olaveson. Enjoyable Evening by AYP.A. Nearly thirty members were on hand Tuesday evening, at the St. Mark‘s parish hall, to join in the entertainâ€" wiznt sponsored by the A.Y.P.A. Dancing proved very gay and enâ€" Joyable to t he excellent music played by Mrs. L. McDonald and Mr. G. Deâ€" Cote. Following the card games, dancing was the ordr of the evening,~ and many more people turned up for this feature of the party. The winners of the bridge games were: Ladies, first, Mrs. Dales: second, Mrs. M. Ayoub. For gentlemen, first, Mr. L. second, Mr. B. Devine. For the games of 500, Mrs. Mellenfont took the ladics‘ first, and second, Mrs. McDonought. Mr. Ludâ€" gatr took the gentlemen‘s first in 500, and the second was won by Mr. Leâ€" reby 2. The early part of the svening was spent in playing bridgs and 500. Mrs. P. DeCote was convener of the card tables, where 70 people were playing with keen interest. Iroquois Falls, Ont., May 6, 1938.â€" (Special to The Advance)â€"In the Knights ol Columbus hall on Tuesday evening a very successful card party and dance was held, under the ausâ€" pices of the Women of the Moose, Anâ€" sonville Chapter No. 551. Interesting Events at Iroquois Falls Moose Chapter Sponsor P ty. A.Y.P.A: Meeting. Presidentâ€"Mr. Bruce Brewer. Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"Mr. W. Walters Secretaryâ€"Mr. J. Eaton. Treasurerâ€"Mtr. Alex Smith. Chaplainâ€"Mr. M. Owen. Timmins <, Laundry NEW CURTAIN EQUIPMENT INSTALLED and have our driver call for your CURTAINS N O W LA U N DR Y washed and perfectly finished you can have at the Progress is well under way towards securing a site for the Kiwanis playâ€" ground in South Porcupine; and i is expected that the matter will be comp‘eted within the course of the next week. The Kiwanisâ€"T. N. O. excursion to Southern this weekâ€"end will, it is hoped, help considerably toâ€" wards securing funds for this enterâ€" se and tactâ€"the basis of that Angloâ€" Saxon policy which has stood him in such good stead in both national and international affairs.‘ sponsibility in both individual and naâ€" tional matters. This sense, developed through, and as evidenced by jury trials, elections, etc., has taught the Angloâ€"Saxon the value of compromâ€" DOZENS OF OTHER WORTH â€" WHILE FEATURES THAT 61VE YOU MORE FQR YOoOuRr monrkey 10â€" WARRANTY on the Rollator compression unit you buy today will still be in effect in 1948. Only Norge has the surplusâ€"powered Rollator comâ€" pressor that makes cold by revolving slowly in a permanent bath of protecting oil . . . That‘s why the Rollator comâ€" pression unit . . . exclusive to Norge . .. carries a 10â€" YEAR WARRANTY., Taylor Hardware 20 Oe ie s . o Ne onl e e td e 00|fi N OW 5) de e ol e Nh 4 / MR LK ie Branch Stores and Warehouses Etf‘ Cobalt, New Liskeard, Swastika o n o o s e > Phones 300â€"301â€"1601â€"1602 WE sSERVE THE NORTH Head Officeâ€"New Liskeard, Ont Now, no danger of curtains shrinking or going out of shape. The Timmins New Method Laundry are now equipped to careâ€" fully wash and finish your curtains perfectly, KNew drying frames hold the curtains in their proper shape and size without the use of pins, hooks or any other device that may mark or damage them. Send your curtains to the laundry. You‘ll be delighted with their clean, fresh new look when they are deâ€" livered i0 you. The cost is very moderate. NE EC dn ripeard 4 Aredings Prie d Kukland Léke Cochrane, Timmins, Ont 1 mys During the twoâ€"day period a total of four drunks were brought in and lodged in the cells. Minor traffic infractions were also among the cases listed. Three men were picked uP at 5.30 p.m. saturday at the rear of a garage on the Schumacher road and charged with illegally consuming wine. Trio Picked up by Timmins Police Saturday Night Timmins police department had a quiet time during the weekâ€"end and with the exception of several nominal charges under the LC.A., there was A period of tranquility. Arrest Three Men . for Drinking Wine ADJUSTABLE PRESERVOIR... Three positions for cold storage use or chilling of mreats or desserts. NORGE PRESTOTRAYS...Reâ€" move one ice cube or a dozen this quick, easy way. Sxmplc, clean, safe. DESSERT SET ... Eight indiâ€" vidual desserts can be chilled or frozen in these new dishes. CONVENIENCE SET ... Three dishes of Norbake oven ware. Two 1â€"quart water bottles. , Noranda Que Timmins

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