Oakville Beaver, 1 Sep 1999, A7

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Wednesday September 1, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A7 C O M M E N T H e a l t h y e a t i n g d o e s n ' t h a v e t o b e a c h o r e I'in all for healthy eating. But I've got a bone to pick with the people behind a study reported in the National Post a cou­ ple of weeks ago revealing a (gee whiz) fact: restrict junk food and kids crave it more. No kidding. Not that the results are in any way surprising: give, me untold amounts of Belgian chocolate and then tell me I can't have it and you're going to see one crazy lady. You always want what you cant have, right? So, fine, dangle some junk food in front of the little tots' eyes, tell them they can't have it and then watch them scream. Result? They want more. Okay, fine. But it's more the contents of the study that I take issue with. For instance, one four-week study looked at 37 preschool children. Over the course of the study, the kids were given wheat crackers and cheese goldfish crackers during snack time and told they could eat as much as possible of either cracker. But wait right there: who in their right mind would choose a wheat cracker over those yummy and oh-so-bad-for-you goldfish crackers. It's like asking some­ one if they want a root canal on a Monday o ra Tuesday....is there any real choice in this ? This is conclusive? What if, say, you offered these same tykes an interesting alternative to a tepid wheat cracker - say a few mini- pitas with an herbed dip; some watermelon slices and a dollop of yogurt. Something with colour, maybe. Or a fruit juice pop from the freezer compared to a popsicle from a store? What then do you think the kids would reach for? I guess my point is that not everything that happens to be categorized as "healthy" ought to be uninteresting and boring. A wheat cracker for heaven's sake. Who wouldn't gobble anything other than a wheat cracker? What could be more boring than a wheat cracker? After two weeks, the study people changed the conditions: the kids could still eat as many crackers as they wanted at snack time, but the gold fish crackers were restricted. They were told they could only eat the gold fish crackers for five minutes...they could see the crack­ ers, but not touch them. The result? In those five minutes the kids inhaled the goldfish crackers actual­ ly eating 20% more than before. Their conclusion? That restrictions have the opposite effect...not only does it make kids crave it, but given the oppor­ tunity, they eat more junk food. They say there's nothing wrong with watching what kids eat, but being overly restrictive is not the way to go about it. I suppose the reasons behind the study were partly to show the foolishness of restricting so-called bad stuff from kids. DIANE HART Far better to, as they said, instill modera­ tion and judicious choices. And that makes a lot of sense. What was omitted from this study - and all too often anything to do with the nefarious role television plays in the lives of kids today - is offering appealing choices. Healthy eating doesn't have to be a chore. In fact, you can actually get to like munching plain popcorn, the kind someone once said was like chomping down on a maternity bra. And who has done that, I would like to know. You can even get to like snacking on an orange mid-afternoon rather than a bag of chips. Really. But, you know, it's hard to change. We've always looked at healthy eating as a chore. Eat your peas or you don't get dessert kind of thinking. But it doesn't have to be that way. And until we start looking at it in a different light we'll never fight the over­ whelming message out there: junk food is cool. Better, I think, to go for the junk Lesson needed in naval naming etiquette Re: H.M.C.S. Oakville I read with interest your article re the above vessel in the Aug. 18th edition of the Beaver. It does not refer to her as The H.M.C.S. Oakville. Her name is "Oakville" and belongs to his/her majesty. She should be referred to as "H.M.C.S. Oakville" or "The Oakville." "The Her Majesty's Canadian" Ship Oakville is incorrect. Letters to the Editor Also, I have seen in the Beaver that flags are flown at "half staff' referring to a death. The Oxford dictionary states that "staff' is a pole, sup­ port, weapon amongst other things. I have never seen anybody carrying a staff with a flag halfway down it. The correct term is "half mast." J im Baillie Safe boatin g program a fiasco An advertisement in a local news­ paper read "Attention Boaters." I'd heard that, at least, one organization who was vying for the big bucks that can be made coaching boaters for a Canadian Coast Guard test are disap­ pointed in the turn-out. This adver­ tisement was from another organiza­ tion, and they were offering a home study course and test. Even though adult boaters don't have to be documented until the fall of 2009, I was interested in knowing just how the home study course would be conducted. The person who answered my call to the 800 number couldn't understand my point that nobody buys a dog licence 10 years before it's due, so why bother wast­ ing money for something that may not fly in the long run anyway. His response was to advise me that he'd just been told by a Coast Guard official that they were going to be making the course and test much tougher in the months to ★ ★ I I I h i Centre for Childhood Sexual Abuse (£P cesenls 1 1 IN I k ■ m n w PORT CELEBRITY PRAISING DINNER FOMENTS IN CANADIAN SPORT" (Ep>eatminq Quests * ★ 4* LARRY CAIN Two-time Gold medalist! PAUL HENDERSON Whose 1972 winning goal made hockey history! Two-time Grey Cup Winner! < § M m ter o fj C e re m o n ie s GORDON KIRKE Sport Lawyer and Agent of famous Canadian Athletes! <S=4 lso 'fjeatimncj ROB FAULDS CTV SPORTSNET reporter of many famous Canadian sporting events! Le Dome Banquet Hall 1173 North Service Road • Oakville ON T hursday • Septem ber 23 ,1999 • 6:30 pm Tickets: Corporate table fo r 10- $700 per person- $75 Tax receipts issued fo r portion o f the dinner For Information call Jolene at (905) 825-3242 MEDIA SPONSOR The Ĉ KVTLLE Beaver food/junk television comparison. You feed your mind a steady diet of junk tele­ vision and it dulls the brain; feed your body a steady diet of junk food and it can't perform as well as it can. That's it. Pretty simple, eh? If those study officials really and truly wanted to help parents choose better stuff for their kids and fight the pervasive junk food mentality in this country, they need to look at the greys. They need to look at subtle ways to help people eat better. Rather than the wheat cracker (eat this and you'll stay healthy) school of thought, let them chow down on a heap­ ing bowl of cherries or peaches. Then have them look at pre-packaged junk on shelves. Now we're talking real choices. come. If this is true, how well prepared for boating are the people who have already passed the test? If they've just been pushing people through up to this point, how will they stack-up in boating knowledge against those who wait for the more stringent courses and testing that is to come? Or was this all just another ruse to try and drum up some business in an otherwise faltering program? P e te r E . S tic k le e C o u n c i l & S t a n d i n g C o m m i t t e e M e e t i n g s Tuesday, September 7,1999 Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 14,1999 Community Services Com m ittee 7:30 p.m. - Oakville Room Administrative Services Com m . 7:30 p.m. - Bronte Room Monday, September 13,1999 Planning & Development Council Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Monday, September 20,1999 Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. C o u n c il & C o m m it t e e T o u c h t o n e P h o n e L in e 8 1 5 -5 9 5 9 n o t i c e o f t h e r e p e a l o f d e v e l o p m e n t c h a r g e B Y - L A W S O F T H E C O R P O R A T I O N O F T H E T O W N O F O A K V I L L E T A K E N O T IC E that the Council of the Town of Oakville repealed, upon the coming into force of By-Law 1999-106 and effective 31* day of August, 1999, Development Charge By-laws 1991-255 and 1991-256, as amended by By-laws 1993-101 and 1993-102, 1996-152 and 1996-153, 1996-198 and 1996-199 and 1997-173 and 1997-174 respectively, and Ontario Municipal Board Order, Board File Nos.: S910078, S910079, S930090, and S930091. A N D T A K E N O T IC E that any person or organization may apply for a refund of credits for ineligible services given under Section 13 of the Development Charges Act, 1989 (old Act) by filing with the Clerk of the Town of Oakville on or before 80 days after the day the By-law is repealed, an application for refund. A credit for ineligible services is a credit given under the old Act where the municipality permitted the provision of services in lieu of the payment of all or any portion of a development charge, equal to the reason­ able cost to the owner of providing services ineligible under the Development Charges Act, 1997. Such services include the provision of cultural or entertainment facilities, including museums, theatres and art galleries; the provision of tourism facilities, including convention centres; the acquisition of land for parks; the provision of a hospital; the provision of waste manage­ ment services; the provision of headquarters for the general administration of municipalities and local boards; and other services as prescribed, including a credit given under the old Act as it applies under Section 62. There is no right of appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of a claim under Section 64 of the Act for a refund of credits for ineligible services. Road Closure By-law 1999-137 Closure of Part of Sinclair Road and 0.3 Metre Reserve Lying Southeasterly of Wyecroft Road TAKE NOTICE THAT; 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Oakville proposes to pass a by-law pursuant to Section 297 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, in order to stop up and close for all purposes part of Sinclair Road and 0.3 metre reserve lying southeasterly of Wyecroft Road legally described as: Firstly: Part of Sinclair Road, Registered Plan 949, Town of Oakville, Regional Municipality of Halton, designated as Parts 1 to 6, inclusive, on Plan 20R-13289, being part of PIN 24828-0005; Secondly: All of one foot reserve, Registered Plan 949, Town of Oakville, Regional Municipality of Halton, designated as Parts 7 and 8 on Plan 20R-13289, being all of PIN 24828-0009. 2. Pursuant to Section 300 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, before passing this by-law, Council or a Committee thereof will hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially affected by this by-law, pro­ vided that such person makes application in writing to the undersigned on or before September 15, 1999, at 4:30 p.m. This matter will be heard at the Council meeting of October 4, 1999, commenc­ ing at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. 3. A copy of Plan 20R-13289 is available for inspection at the Office of the Town Clerk at the address shown below, during normal business hours. Judith Muncaster, Town Clerk 1225 Trafalgar Road Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD • OAKVILLE, ONTARIO • L6) 5A6 Drivers wanted. VISIT OAKVILLE VOLKSWAGEN INC. SEE AD O N PAGE D2 DIANE HART Lesson needed in naval naming etiquette Letters to the Editor Safe boating program a fiasco ★ ★ hi Centre for Childhood Sexual Abuse FOMENTS IN CANADIAN SPORT" LARRY CAIN PAUL HENDERSON GORDON KIRKE Le Dome Banquet Hall Thursday • September 23,1999 • 6:30 pm Tuesday, September 7,1999 Tuesday, September 14,1999 Monday, September 13,1999 Monday, September 20,1999 Road Closure By-law 1999-137 Closure of Part of Sinclair Road and 0.3 Metre Reserve Lying Southeasterly of Wyecroft Road Drivers wanted. VISIT OAKVILLE VOLKSWAGEN INC. SEE AD ON PAGE D2

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