Oakville Beaver, 1 Sep 1999, C6

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C6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, September 1, 1999 wanted AFTER s ch o o l c a re required. "West O ak Trails" re s id e n t see k in g m atu re individual who would enjoy in te ra c tin g , s u p e rv is in g , a s s is t in g 2 g re a t boys (10 & 13). You would be required to provide care in h e r h o m e 4 d a y s /w k ., (not W e d .) 3 :30 -6p m . Call 8 47 -1 09 2 ._________________ LOVING hom em aker for 8 year old twins. Cooking and driver's lice n s e . M o n d ay - Friday, 2p m -6pm , live-out. Mature applicants welcome. M is s is s a u g a . (9 0 5 ) 2 7 1 -8 2 5 0 __________________ AFTER s c h o o l c a re re ­ quired for 8 year old. Pick up at Sutherland Academy, (Lockhart/ M aple), 3:30pm - 6 p m , M o n .- F ri. C a r p re ­ fe r re d . E x p e r ie n c e re ­ q u ire d . P le a s e c a ll 3 3 2 - 5073 (Millcroft area) CHILDCARE needed part- tim e for 3 children (6-mos., 3 & 6 ) our house or yours (C a n a d ia n M artyrs a re a ). 3 3 2 -1 5 1 7 ._________________ R E L IA B L E c a re g iv e r re ­ quired in m y hom e for 3&7- yr o ld s . T ra fa lg a r / U p p e r Middle. Mon-Thurs., 11am- 6pm . Starting S ep t.7. Ex­ p e r ie n c e d , n o n -s m o k e r. References. 842-2323 EXPERIENCED family per­ s o n . re q u ire d , 4 -6 hours w eekly , for two preschool children, my East Oakville home. (9 0 5 )82 9 -08 6 9 LOVING careg iver in "The O rchard" for good-natured 16-mos. old boy. Some flex­ ib ility required. 3 3 2 -5 4 5 3 evgs.______________________ NANNY/ h o u s e k e e p e r w a n te d fo r s ch o o l a g e d children (7 & 10), Monday- F rid a y , live -in /o u t. U p p er M id d le /8 th L in e . (4 1 6 ) 2 0 3 - 3 8 9 8 e x t. 4 2 4 day.________________________ TRANSPORTATION- a l­ te rn a te P ic k -u p /d ro p -o ff ch ildren , S t. B e rn ad e ttes / St. M atthew Schools. T ra ­ fa lg a r R d / U p p e r M id d le , • (9 0 5 ) -8 4 9 -6 5 0 5 , 4 1 6 -8 7 3 - 4365_______________________ CAREGIVER fo r exercise c lass in South Burlington, Mon. & W ed. 9:30am -10:30 am. Call Elise, 827-8291 . R IV E R O a k s . R e q u ire d a.s.a.p. childcare for 5 & 1- yr. olds. Will consider: live- o u t N a n n y o r s h a re d Nanny or in-home daycare. 3 days/w k. (T u es., W ed ., T h u rs .) D riv e rs lic e n s e . R eferences. N on-sm oker. (9 0 5 )25 7 -22 5 0 .____________ S T A R T IN G S ep te m b er to provide housekeeping/ child supervision for 2 children (9 & 11), 3pm -6pm . M on.-Fri. Southeast O akville. R efer­ ences required. 3 37 -7 9 8 4 . CAREGIVER for 8-m o. old g ir l, 4 th L in e / R e b e c c a area. No cooking, very light h o u s e k e e p in g . S ta rt October. 4 65 -0 5 0 9 . 2 & 3 -1 /2 y e a r old girl & boy needs caring,energetic, cre a tive n anny w /c ar and First-Aid. (905)825-0154 . MATURE c a re g iv e r required for supervision of 1 0 & 8 y e a r o ld , d r iv e r, M o n -F r i 3 :3 0 -7 :3 0 . E a s t O a k v ille . P le a s e C a ll 3 3 8 -5 4 7 4 __________________ EXPERIENCED Nanny re­ q u ire d . liv e -o u t, n o n - smoker, friendly disposition fo r 1 0 -m o s . o ld . L ig h t c le a n in g . P re fe r E C E , starting Septem ber. (905 )- 8 2 5 -3 5 7 8 . U pper M idd le/ 4th Line.___________________ Full-time Nanny required to care for 3 children ages 2, 6, & 10 in our east Oakville home. Driver, references re­ q u ire d . 8 4 5 - 6 9 9 1 a fte r 6pm._______________________ LIVE-OUT N an n y needed for infant & 2 school-aged children in W est O ak Trails. 8 -5 :3 0 p m . M o n .-F r i. M ust be English-speaking, non- smokers who love children. References required. C P R / e m e rg e n c y tra in in g p re fe rre d . S ta r t e n d of September 8 27 -3 71 8 . UVE-OUT Nanny required for 15 month old girl. Full­ t im e M o n d a y to F r id a y . Oakville 905-257-4462. UVE-OUT nanny required full-time (4 days/week) for 2 children in Oakville. Refer- ences required. 3 3 8 -9 2 5 5 M O T H E R 'S H elper- 3 af­ te rn o o n s p e r w e e k . A l­ dershot area. Light house­ k ee p in g , p re p a re d in n er. 6 3 7 -4 2 1 8 __________________ C h ild c are re q u ire d - M o n - T h u rs .. 2 :3 0 -5 :3 0 p m . . 2 girls, ages 11 & 14. Dinner preparation, errands, light h o u s e k e e p in g . 8 th L in e / U p p e r M id d le . C a r r e ­ q u ire d . L e a v e m e s s a g e . 8 4 2 -0 1 5 5 __________________ LIVE-IN Nanny required for in fa n ts (tw in s ) & to d d le r. Non-smoker, legal, Novem- ber/99 start. W est Oakville. (9 0 5 )84 7 -60 0 7 . MONEY P ro b le m s? G a r ­ n is h e e s ? T o o m a n y p a y ­ m ents? O ptions to avo id - bankruptcy. Free Consulta­ tion. John Ton n er, Bank­ ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6 3 1 - 0600 Community Notices FALL INSTRUCTION/BACK TO SCHOOL 4* Preparing students for the next academic level Deaths TURNBULL, Cecilia May- On Sunday August 29, 1999 at Toronto, Ontario. Cecilia, beloved wife of the late Robert. Greatly cherished mother of Cheryl and her husband Bob Breakey, Elizabeth and her loving friend Bill Cantelon and Susie and her husband Rick Morton. Dear grandmother of Lora, Paul and Matthew Breakey and Katie, Todd, Erin and Jessie Morton. Visitation at the KOPRIVA TAYLOR COMMUNITY FUNERAL HOME, 64 Lakeshore Road, West, Oakville from 7-9pm Thursday. Funeral service 1:00pm Friday in the chapel. Private family Interment Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. Those who wish may make memorial contributions to Knox Presbyterian Church Fund, Oakville. SUHANIC, Michael died peacefully at home on Fri­ day, August 27th, 1999. Born in Pichne, Czechoslo­ vakia on August 2nd, 1932. Beloved husband of Margaret Alexandria (Buchan). Adored father of Na­ talie and Ron Trecroce, Alexandra and Scott Ince and Rachel Suhanic. Loving grandfather to Michael, Soph­ ie and Danielle. Survived by his mother Mary Hiriak Suhanic, brother George and wife Michelle, Sister Margaret and husband Boris Wolchak, and sister Su­ san and her husband Gerry Jarson. Michael will be fondly remembered as a kind, gentle, humorous man; a wonderful husband and father to his family. Funeral service to be held on Wednesday, September 1st at 1pm at Knox Presbyterian Church, 89 Dunn St. (and Lakeshore Rd. East) in Oakville. In remembrance, do­ nations to the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital or the Victorian Order of Nurses would be appreciated. De ANGELIS, Antonio (longtime resident of Oak­ ville)- After a lengthy illness on Saturday, August 28, 1999, at Oakwood Park Lodge, Niagara Falls, Antonio in his 87th year. Beloved husband of the late Anto- nietta. Dear father of Mario and his wife Franca, Rita Raffaelina and her husband Rivoli lesulauro. Loving grandfather of Lisa, Tina, Marcello, and Sylvia, Michael and Angie, and Tanya and John Drake. Proud great-grandfather to Marcus Anthony, John-Paul and Matthew Jacob. Predeceased by his sisters and brothers Bettina, Domenica, Lucia, G iu lio , and Palmiro. Funeral Mass was held on Tuesday, August 31, at St. James Roman C atholic Church. Entombment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Burlington. In lieu of flowers donations to the Alzheimer's Society, Niagara Region would be greatly appreciated. In Memoriam SHIERS, John Richard Nov. 2 1 ,1 9 5 5 -Sept. 1 ,1994 Beloved husband, father, brother, son and friend. Missed by all who knew him, and especially by Vivien, Tessy and Chris. J U U A D. Martin, September 5th, 1998 In Loving Memory of A Wonderful Wife, Loving Mother and Best Friend. Our hearts still ache with sadness, And many tears still flow. For what it meant to lose you, Few will ever really know. Memories they say are golden, And that may well be true. But we've never wanted memories, W e 've only wanted you. W e m iss you dearly. Love Alan, Stephanie, Roberta and Philip. Funeral Directors O A K VIEW FU N E R A L HOM E Our family serving your family 56 L A K E S H O R E R O A D W E S T O A K V IL L E F u n e ra l D ire c to rs • Don Clarke • Douglas Manners • Tania Di Censo - Gregory Sidora 842-2252 W A R D • • Funeral Homes SINCE 1914 H E L P IN G T O M A K E IT P E R S O N A L 1 09 R e y n o ld s S tre e t, O a k v ille 905 - 844-3221 A n n F u th e r C h a r le s G ib b s Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate ef DOROTHY EDITH HUDSON, late of Oakville, Ontario who died on or about the 3rd day of June, 1999, must be filed with the undersigned personal representative on or before the 30th day of September,1999, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to Ihe claims of which the Estate Trustee then shall have notice. Dated at Oakville, Ontario, this 25th day of August, 1999. W. Scott Aird, Estate Trustee LUSH, BOWKER, AIRD Barristers and Solicitors P.O.Box 734 261 Lakeshore Road East Oakville, Ontario L6J 5C1 Tel: (905)844-0381 Public Notice Forever YOUNG CANADA'S LEADING PUBLICATION FOR TODAY'S FIFTY-PLUS LIFESTYLE ■ f l J i l i - U ' L i L C T 50 PLUS mm Help Wanted Adults Required To deliver the Oakville Beaver door to door. No inserting, no collecting. Delivery days Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. If interested please call 845-9742 Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If y o u d rin k , th a t's y o u r b u s in e s s If yo u w a n t to q u it, T h a t's O urs ! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 Public Notice m i 111 S l i i l I I S * . . y , y - ^ % , T T T *JELis* g § P § :a -- * -- - ■ Fall Job & Career .w^Fair The Era^s Banner THE LIBERAL ECDNSWlST & SUN StouffviUeHibune Wednesday, September 29,199ft 9:30 a.m. ~ 5:30 p.m. N PARKWAY TORONTO NORTH 600 Hwy. #7 East (Hwy. 404/Hwy. 7)_____ esh Start on Your Career G PLENTY OF RESUMES WEAR COMFORTABLE SHOES Guest Speaker: Donna President - ConnectUs Communications Canada "Effective Networking Strategies" WIN! Compliments of Expea more from Sean -Ippfr Canada Atoll $100 G if t C e r t i f ic a te Complete a Ballot Form at the York Region Fall Career Fair to win! T O R O N T O Sc h o o l of B u s in e s s CORPORATE SPONSOR: Helping You.build ■ Heller Life For m ore information, contact Rose Scapin at (905)853-8888 or (416)798-7284 B y N ie n ke T. Jo n k m a n ADVERTISING FEATURE Under the guidance of caring, well-qualified teachers, the students at Cedar Grove School are provided with a solid academic foundation that stimulates, challenges and motivates in an environ­ ment where they can experience the joy of learn­ ing, develop their self-confidence and self-esteem and prepare for their next academic level. Established in 1967, Cedar Grove School has gained a reputation for providing students with a solid and enriched curriculum in a structured envi­ ronment. They are now filled to capacity, with a waiting. list. "Interested parents will need to plan a year or two ahead," says Susan Kendall, principal and owner of Cedar Grove School. The programs offered at Cedar Grove are enriched/enhanced. They offer an all-inclusive pro­ gram which includes every academic subject at all lev­ els. The classes are small, with a maximum of 16 stu­ dents which ensures stu­ dents get a generous amount of individual attention and positive rein­ forcement. Cedar Grove offers a high school preparation course, which is taught in Grades 6, 7 and 8. Students are taught lan­ guage arts and mathemat­ ics by their home room teachers, and other sub­ jects are taught on a rotary basis, by specialists. "This prepares children to deal with other styles of teaching and different expectations," says Kendall. "We also work on organizational skills, study skills and teach stu­ dents how to take responsibility for their own edu­ cation." An adventure of the three little cyber pigs.. . . . Safety Lessons For Th e Information Highway Privacy Playground is a new multi-media game to help children, aged six to nine, under­ stand the marketing implications and safety haz­ ards of divulging personal information on the Internet. The animated, interactive game, which can be Preparation for the next academic skill level reduces stress and anxiety for the pupil and makes the shift forward an easier one. Cedar Grove School aims to stay on the leading edge of technology as well. Every classroom is networked with the computer lab, and children start to learn keyboarding skills as early as grade one. The school also has an updated computer lab and library, which offers Internet services and full multi-media capabilities. Internet use is monitored by 'Cyber Patrol'. The school is divided into three divisions (Primary, Junior and Intermediate) that are super­ vised by department heads. This arrangement yields greater accountability for each division. Each department head oversees the curricula for their age range, and meets regularly with members of the management and faculty to address concerns and ideas and co-ordinate the curricula according­ ly- Kendall also encour­ ages input from par­ ents, and will intro­ duce their ideas into the curriculum when appropriate. "Parents are our best asset," says Kendall. "If we can work as a team with the parents, the child will ulti­ mately get the best education and skills." Formal reports and parent/teacher confer­ ences are scheduled three times per year where students are graded for both acad­ emic achievement and effort. Cedar Grove School is unique and resolute in its strategy to pro­ vide children with a solid foundation in basic education. If you would like more information about Cedar Grove School, call 905-855-0563 or visit their website at www.cedargroveschool.com. downloaded from the Media Awareness Network site to your own hard drive, addresses Internet "clubs," the authenticity of marketing claims, the use of credit cards on the Internet and the dan­ gers of "chatting" online with strangers. The game is accompanied by an extensive guide for parents and teachers and a comic book which can be printed out and given to kids to Fill in their own dialogue. You can find Privacy Playground at www.screen.com/mnet/eng/cpigs/cpigs.htm. Media Awareness Network Cedar Grove School Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 Will your child be ready fo r the new High School curriculum? Does your child have organizational skills and study habits to make an easy transition to High School? Cedar Grove School offers a High School Preparation programme for students in Grades 6 ,7 , and 8. Small class sizes offer each child a positive, warm and motivating environment that is abundant with individual attention. With a rotary system for the Social Sciences, the children learn to adapt to the expectations and demands of different teachers and take responsibility for their work. For additional information contact the school office (905) 855-0563 1884 Lakeshore Road West, Mississauga, Ontario L5J 1J7 % J s t " performing < visual arts school S T U D I O 1 ^ y x \ X 3 W e invite you to view our new modern facility with over 3,000 square feet of instruction area Couples & Singles Welcome » • Ballet • Jazz • Tap • H ip H op • Ballroom • Swing • Latin • Lyrical • Irish Dancing • Pilates • Acting • Musical Theatre • Voice • Instrumental • Painting • Drawing • Clay • Pottery Enjoy Group, Semi and Private Instruction by our Qualified & Experienced Staff Instruction for all ages Now accepting Fall Registration August 23 - September 9 Tel: 9 0 5 - 4 0 3 - 9 4 3 5 F ax : 9 0 5 - 4 0 3 - 9 4 7 9 2359 Royal W indsor Drive, Unit 27, Mississauga L5J 1K5 http://www.cedargroveschool.com http://www.screen.com/mnet/eng/cpigs/cpigs.htm Community Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS TTT* WIN! Now accepting Fall Registration August 23 - September 9

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