Porcupine Advance, 11 Apr 1938, 1, p. 3

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The Town Girls Basketball team left on Saturday to play Cochrane team in sang, and Nnad a grani tim2 tOg2tLner before lunth was served at midnight. Mr. J. Cuihbertson left on Friday to spend two weeks in Noranda. Scuth Porcupine, April. to The Advancerâ€"A delight{ul evening was epent on Friday in the new Scout hall, by a number of our young people, who gave a "surprise" and farewell party to Norman Bonter, who leaves on Sunday to work with the Department of Highways at Huntsville. Over thirâ€" ty got together and arranged the afâ€" fair, and tell us that the party was a wonderful success. They presented Mr. Bonter with a steamer trunk, and he was both surprised and touched with the gift and the feelim» which prompted it. He has been one of them for some years now and has proved himself to be a good sport and a jolly good fellow. The party played gam2ss, sang, and had a grand time together before lunch was served at midnizht. Surprise Farewell at South Porcupine Other Items of Interest from South Poreupine and the Dome. Â¥ convener for the Ho had been appointsd (M six dozen pieces of w completed by the Leagu Two prizzs have beet tran?e examination p League for the Dome arn< A study club has bze made in 320CGd congition, and d ed where the msd was feit, t ent families in town and 214 q millktâ€";sent to needy familics. baskets of edibles werse distrik Christmas (including one to t pital), for the year from the different branches ai to be congratulated 0 work to which it is r The Social Servy Mrs. Cunningham SBsuth Porcurpine, April 9 to The an: of the South b: CW.L. was hnol4d on Fr vestry â€"of Si. Joachim‘s civ was.a very gocd attondan pieces of c South Porcupine C.W.L. Holds Annual Meetmg Work for the Past Year Reviewed. â€" Much Excellent W nrk i sch Accomplished by South Porcupine Catholic Women‘s| »,; a; League. Officers Elected for the Ensuing Year. | â€" Bor 1+ NVA were reac ELECTRIC REFRIGCGERATIQO N Canada Northern Power Corporation Limited Aprilâ€" 9.â€"+Spezcia delight{ul evenin: in the new Scou It‘s fun to take food out of an Electric Refrigerator. The dullest "leftover" looks more tempting than ever: salads are fresh and crisp: everything at the peak of its flavour. That‘s why Electric Refrigeration gives such wonderful savings in food and money. I\othmg deteriorates: nothing need be thrown out. And you‘re able, as well, to take full advantage of bargain rates for quantity purchases, knowing everything will keep till you need it. Small down payment. Easy terms. 1€ Northern Ontario Power Company, Limited Northern Quebec Power Company, Limited preéesented trunk, and d â€" touched limm» which ne of them i1as proved ind a jolly @4 Eizht D it Y 1€ heme in Oittawa on Sunday, after spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. Ostrom. Mr. and Mrs., T. W. Hall, of. Cecil sircet, left on Friday to take up perâ€" mansnt residencs in London, Ont Noris Orr, of Connaught Station, is spending the weekend with Bob Pearce at his home on Broadway. Bornâ€"On April 5th in the Porcupine paild in thrts instalmer May 16th, second on 15 third on July 15th. Isobel Rap wordas of t replied tha with them. mending, girls have Est: antic Girls Sewing Cli Sharp) was a pr 5. Blake, who h: this wints2r by t C3 â€"various brai Myers, Mi Mrs. May auri Mrs. Vonds: memberchip by Miss Anr The follow ard on J Miss ~Syv President. The treasurer‘s 1 Seore Controiling and Operating 1l ing the y:ar Mrs. Conglit Margatr y <Mrs. .: Hi M gsham 1re tatting and raffi; appreciated her Pave her a love LUN ta w a 1C¢ Dut Myrs A€ iT M 7 har with Mrs. M Woon Na A1 WIiil brid Mrs. S¢ W. CG. Sm cnhurst. v The Workers Coâ€"operative Society acld a big whist drive and dance in the Masonic hall on Wednesday night. So many people attende2d that:extra tables ind chairs had to be sent for and twenâ€" yâ€"four tables of players accommedated After cards, round and>~square dancâ€" mz held interest and a nice lunch was erved.. These evenings under the 1upervision of Mr. Harper. of the local Mrs. CGHi 14 m. Allen (Dome Ex.) Mrs. Wm. icmas, playing as geont, won first ize for men. and Messrs Clark and urray cut for second prize.. A ‘spotâ€" ht‘ prize was won in dancing by Miss The R6 i1 this T adent, was 11 ting only las takzsn up wit] V ‘To will be a mseting cof the Past is‘ Clttb of the Rebekah Lodge at Woebb‘s home, Dome Extension. Tuesday night. a.m. â€" Morning prayer ‘vening service at 7 union at each servics Rebekah annual May Day party, is year take the form of a big party and will be held on May the Parish hall. Date is given _date will not conflict with any rganization‘s plans. choltz afid hnher mother, Mrs. where Mrs. ‘ial treatmet riday (Apri Anglican â€" 11 A T say, of Bruce avenue, is in vering from throat oporâ€" to be attracting attenâ€" whist drives especially are For ladies, prizes were rs. W. Parren and 2, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jacks, of in the Porcupire hespital, Mr. Harpet fr. and Mrs. Theodote the Pamour Mine, a son, n the Poreunine General A .M 30 p.im. Easter Day _ children‘s service prayer at 11 a.m., e at 7 pm. Holy service for adults. seting of the Past 1 services in Church will be as rvice at 10.30 a.m. iou«sly given). and daughter t> M mothe av for Gravâ€" to reâ€" THE PORCUPINE Anvaxct, ThAAitfN3, ONTaARIO In Michizar, y valent, it was fou it by the use of i. cedure has bes: places. We can c part of cur s#upp other fosds is vat wore given ts young m tions of the country. incidéence was found to thermn States which do the Atlantic. This regi by glaciers in the last they melted they took upper stratum of the tire water of the seas jodine. On the West C tains are so high that posit little of this mine take from thz sea) on CI1€ It is a little lsss thar two since it became known that iod amonsg the mirerals which m considered in planminx the peorfe For some tim: it had beon su that the cause of simple goiter was prevalent in certain parts country and in other parts of th was linked im with the lack 0o heir source Sea Food Furnishes Part of the Supply of Iodine Necesâ€" sary in Food. Iodized Salt is Suggested for Children. Matter of Ilodine in the Diet Dealt with by Expert. Iodine Plays Important Part in the Perfect Diet The thres most media Are: scap Jeanstte MacDonal ing. Just what it? Tho>re Aar almost as many as thers are peo suited to your tently. Occasiol your dist for th your diet for yo ing and the skir to the new, prc as goOcd as it is 1 taks the ti the skin a The lick at scrubbing w harphazard honestâ€"toâ€"g ingz. Just v CCnVv fair, clean basis of HELEN VINSON uses the speedy liquefying type of cleansing cream the studio but at night uses the cold cream type. als ma C. . :DUut cup mili tablespoor anli 1 1 By Edith M. Bark Ssoap, Oil n Curricd Ovsters Sereen St By ELSIE PIERCE T A M O U S :cR L L X°CEY..: KX PE K T Bro BEAUTIFUL hn *I1 0] 1lif 11 s thar two decsadcs that ioding was ils which must be inz the perfect diet. had be>n suspected simple goiter which ertain pbarts of this De im Uht not borde on was co ice age. | with then earth to v had conril oast the 11 tars Use Diverse Preparations and Methods to Cleanse Skin. beauty. â€"There‘s 1i never decays." ‘ver looks dull. look really fresh is scrupulously ilple ream 1ig â€"war examinations from all secâ€" The highest in the . Norâ€" ot border Jn ‘tnods â€"an reparatior he cne be: constitut e cleans cover Wht d eansing cream. i1 nigzht OuU vatr imulat readil g,} It i vyomen to ~give nsing rficia uffiâ€" bones. Melt the butter, add the flour and when well blendcd, add the milk slowly, stirr.ng constantly until thickâ€" enedi. Boil on> minute., Season. Arâ€" range a layer of salmon in the bottom cf a greased baking dish, add some»e of the sauce, some sliccd eggs, then anâ€" cther layer of salmon andâ€"so forth, unâ€" til all tAh> inzredients are used. Cover the top with butt@red bread and bake in a mcdsrat»> oven, 3745 dezrses Faâ€" hrerheit, until the crumbs are brown. (Copyright 1938, by The Bell Syndiâ€" cats>, Inc.) 24 oysters i 2 shelled, hardâ€"cooked cggs, s»lice.d.‘ Saute onicn in butter over direct heat until tender. Remove from heat, add flour, salt, pepper and curry powder | and blend. Add milk; and cook over | 4; bsiling water, stirring constantly, -un-‘ til thickened. Add oysters and eggs, and cook until the sdges of the oysters : ;x curl. Serves six. § â€" Sariton to Have Subâ€"Port on Transâ€"Canada Airw: scrupulcusly clean and freeo to It contracts and closes the p fact, and by that token refi skin texture. Thersfore, the c and toning shcould be rezarded step in your skin care routine (Copyrizht 1938, by The Enll cate, Inc.) LypP23) S cleansin: any rem freshes ‘aWLlo pUE 4snp ‘anâ€"EeyEUW [[B 11 UjIM puUB WUWBaId ay} sAcWoaI 0; pesn ate sans â€"St4 Sulsutalp a|lGIsUss UE St sWIsal SUISUEC3IQD §.Uu03 â€"UIA SStW csumpoos eqmb st q1 pus 1asutato s yenotoyj se 3s3nl st ad4} sUp ‘UIYXS JAl}ISUs3S s8u; o puno; sq auy ‘W BJJ eutfijonbt;â€"uou t sesm ays awunmpaq 12 ind CIpn}$ 3y 12 UJaUAM U 5h \ ButjanbI[ U}A SoSsURa[d UOSUIA U3I@H and morning for cleansing skin which is vory lovely but inclin»d to be ary. kin Salt, peppor 2 hardâ€"cooked cez l2 cup buttered | Shred the salmon 3 tablespoons flour *4 teaspoon salt Few grains pepper 1% teaspoons curry powder 1‘ cups milk tab‘ tabl i.lIne sNhe usys a nonâ€"liquelying Incidentally, the liqusfying i1ay be found slightly drying to ‘nsitive skin, the nonâ€"liquefyin‘? s just as thorough a cleanser and quite soothing. Thus Miss Vinâ€" balanced cleansing regime is an rely sensible cne. Cleansing tisâ€" re used to remove the cram and t all makeâ€"up, dust and grime. Tonic Patting ing with a mild tonic or astringâ€" he first for the dry or sensitive the second for the cily, heavy shcould foaollow the cream or oil ing. The tonic helps to remove maining trace of the cream, reâ€" s the skin, leaves every pore lcusly clean and fres to breathe. tracts and closes the pores, in and by that token refines the cuyp scalloped Salmor d can salmon spoons butter spsons flour s milk tered bread crumbs ind remove the r, add the flour d, add the milk itly unitil thickâ€" he Boll Syndiâ€" cleansing d as one did the others. U taw I believe the above records teach two’ things. First, getting to bed and reâ€" ! libe; maining in bed is more important than | | that medicine; second, that all of us "like | disc attention‘‘ when we‘re sick and the use | tran of simple remedies may help the morale mak or well being of the patient. they The Common Cold “a'll Are you bothered with colds three or | burc four tim>s a year? Have you ever stopâ€" Citiz ped to consider the consequences? Ssend for Dr. Barton‘s illuminfating‘ It santtsat cantitied The Common Cold. | for four tit ped to Send f« booklet four hours. The results of these methods showed that th> tempsrature, the stay in hosâ€" pital, and the complications were not any hizher, longzer, or more numerous in the cases whore rest in bed was the cnly method of treatment than when medicine was used. Dr. Glazer stated that, however, those who did receive mdical treatmo>nt ssemed to "feel better" on leavinz the hospital than did the others. Group 2 was given the same treatâ€" ment as Group 1 plus fiftsen grains of soda bicarbonatsâ€"baking sodaâ€"every four hours. Group 3 was given same treatment as Group 1 but quinine was used inâ€" stead of aspirin. Group 4. No medicine of any kind except rest in bed, was given but a gelatin capsule of glucsose (sugar) every by a rsport of Dr. Alfred M. Glazer, | Cincinnati, in the Chio State Medical Journal. There were four groups of! patients. ' Group 1 was given aspirin compound, phencbarbital, best rest, forced fluids.[ and light diet. | Importance of Rest in Bed During the 1918 and 1919 ‘fAue epiâ€" demic I happened to be Senior Mediâ€"| cal Officer of a large »military hospital | ard was in a position to watch ’che? affect of different types of treatment| â€"the use of fever reducing Grugs, the! use of varicus heart stimulants, the efâ€"| fect of getting patients to bed the firsti day of the attack (and also three or | fcour days after the attack first occur-| red), the effect of removing blood j from patierts who had recovered an-d| injecting it into ctheors, particularly | who with a high temperature or | whoere thore was a complication ofi bronchoâ€"pneumosnia or pneumonia. | Cur rezords showsd that our death ! rate was much lower than the average | for the general pepulation and this was | believid to be due to the fact that every | soldier was checked over daily and | those with influenza were placed in hospital a day or two sconer. It was this getting the patient into hospital. "a day or two sooner" that brought about early recovery and prevented the dangerous complications â€" bronchoâ€" pneumonia and pneumonia. . These two ailments, not influenza, were reâ€" sponsible for most deaths because they overtaxed the> heart. That early rest in bed is more imâ€" portant in preventing complications than the form of treatment is shown ont â€"mcni Imdi¢cs an New York more recirn. resident of manager of Paper Co. kasinzâ€"a ] Former Mayor of Timmins Returns from Holida NC k lIngt, Thomas, St. Pierre, F Pori of Spain in the W La Guaira and Curaca South Amorica. â€" The 11 ICtL _ entItH for Booklc o Kay (by James W. Barton, M.D.) iL V as, ~t. PIQrrEe, FOrL G2 FrAICEC, f Spain in the West Indiss, then laira and Curacao on the tip of Amorica. The motorchip then 1 howeward, calling at Havana ie back to New York. The mayor is wife fully enjoysd the wonâ€" tropics under the ideal condiâ€" of the vovage." by of ST. RLELGIS 202 SHERBOURNE ST. (Just above Carlton) RA. 4135 ced he iN M ‘ is al cition with Amatil a Not he w amet ut i EVERY ROOM is an outside room,highâ€" 4 ceilinged and good size. Each room has its own balcony and tiled bath and shower. Good food. Attentive service. Private hotel garage service available. Away from trains and noise; yet only 3 minutes from Eaton‘s College Street Storeâ€"which indicates how quickly you can reach stores and theatres. Single rooms, double rooms, suites â€"all with bath and shower FROM $2.00 DAILY nber of frionds in town 1 these will be accordâ€" in the fco‘lowing paraâ€" st week‘s issue of The WHEN YOURE IN TORONTO was fo The Common No. 104, enzslosin a J Â¥I ns, thn> i0cai rthern Canada Powâ€" was in that position a covp‘e of terms as counsillors hers, In Mr. Nob:> has been a iskasirnz. beingzg the E. S. NC on April cruise t Anvsrica asir3}, bing ihe co Fa.‘s Pulp and mayor of Kapusâ€" e has he‘d for is election most . Bcscoauss cof the Mr. Ncble and his le here, Mr. Noble K frionds in town ise to the West srica. Leaving itial Gecrgic of touched at St. bof > Pours â€" That Bodp C OACK 1 dA1li/Oot Bseauss> the! . Ncble and his | Mr. Noble risnds in town; f,‘( o? THMTEE ANN Y blav at 1 t terms as hers, In has been a being the »turnâ€" a [3 R! Glscontinue thg } transients ard t makes arangemst they are entitled "wil" the ratipay Bburdem» over chcould st2ps "transi;nts" now 0: cf thes> men are n town cn their wa} mining fields, cr 0o irem bush work or are being visited e moeore of thess men. citizens who beli« sent directly to the son likes to turn do but this continued bz:csomes monctonscu liberal citizzn, anJ that all househcside discontinue the pri Asks Liskeard Council to Hamper Transients (From New Lisksard Spsakor) The expensiveness of driving over North*rn Rsads, or, at least, one section of thess Government rcads, was brought to light over the week when a New Liskeard citizsn undertsok to drive from Elk Laks rezs>ntly. He adâ€" mits he was told the road was in bad eccnrdition and he took the precaution of ascertainirn: that a truck would be making the same trip at th> time he of ascertainit making the undertcck it. Driving Over North Roads an Expensive Business Comts to cover cost of handling. your request to The Bell Library West 43rd St., New York, N.Y., : The Advance, Timmins. (Registered in accordance with Copyright Act). THEAntisEptic ©@ When you feel a cold coming on inhbhale the vapors from Qlympene. The penetrating vapors of this powâ€" erful antiseptic linment break up the congestionâ€"let you breathe more freely and comfortably. Keep Olympene â€" the all â€"purpose antiseptic liniment â€" on hand for every emergencyâ€"sprains, strains, sore stiff muscles, cuts, bruses, and as a refreshing rubâ€"down after exerâ€" cise. Olympene yives 4 or. 50¢. positive relief to the 10 or. $1.00 irritating soreness of insidious "Athlete‘s Foot". 11 rom N2zw Li take tainir:z ‘that a t the same trip a K mes?> men. who believe tr: ‘tly to thzir hon to turn down a corntinued reques eard tswn. counzil s to Ilook after the on the Many now passing through ay to the: Northern on th> way > south ines., som ry day by Indsecd Â¥YOU M 0 R R 0O W ! 1€ 11 cf feeding town csouncil such food as hs expense of sSnpecaker) ugg3@es10n eques‘ed 11 s he had trip cost ~onge ran i total of one man No petrâ€" ry man, a meal hz most O hom few

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