Oll. After playing two games of bingo, a short varied programme under the dirm-ot Miss G. Anderson, was put on. and enjoyed greatly. The Guides had complete charge of the party, and were responsible for its charming success. ' Patrol Leaders in charge werp: Berâ€" tie Ogden, Patsy Cannon, June Potter and Hazel Brindle, who were ably asâ€" sisted by the assistant senior officer, Miss Peggy Hogg. Guests at this meeting were, Mrs. C. S. Jessup and Mrs. E. A. Prowe. Miss Helen Hogge‘s reeord in the Girl Guide work is one worthy of mention, she having spent 2 years in the Brownâ€" les, later being promoted to the Girl Guides, where she has been a willing and active worker for the past thirteen years, Her ceaseless efforts to mainâ€" tain the standards upon which the Girl Guide movement is based, has proven beneficial to many girls, and at the present time the Company has a membership of 30 girls. C.W.L. Hold Bingo Party A splendid evening of entertainment was put on for the local residents, on Tuesday evening in the Knights of Columbus hall, sponsored by the Catholic Women‘s League. in the form of a bingo party. A good attendance proved the pubâ€" lic‘s interest, and made the evening a most successful one le Marie Manion, only 7 years of yed the piano herself, while After the roll call, Jean Dobson made the excuse that she wished to show her companions something of interest, and on returning, made an appropriate speech while she presented Miss Hogg with a lovely silver comport dish, of Sheffield repreduction, on behalf of the Girl Guides. Inscribed in this beautifu] dish was: "Presented to Helen Hogy by the Troquois Fals Girl Guides 1938", Miss HMHogg received her gift n a most fitting manner, and when speaking to the girls, mentioned how muth she had enjoyed working with them. The Girl Guides realize that they are loosing a loyal and highly reâ€" specied Leader, and one who will be hard to replace. * After the presentation, the continued their meeting with games and songs, after whuen lightful lunch was served. Iroquois Falls, Ont., Feb. 17th, 1938â€" (Special to The Advance)â€"At the reâ€" gular meeting of the ist Iroquois Falls Girl Guides, held on Wednesday evenâ€" Ing, a lovely farewell party was given in honour of their retiring Leader, Miss Helen Hogg, who is leaving shortly to be married in Montreal. Iroquois Falls Gir] Guides Give Party MR. MERCHANT: place your message where it will be re}d by the greatest number of people each week. For parâ€" ticulars phone %6, The Advance. Other News from Iroquois Falls and District. Mr. Jas. Cowan, Balsam South for 25 Less Right Now FOR EXAMPLE 1937 Chevrolet (Master Sedan) mmuese. ... ... $775 1937 Dodge Coach, 7,000 miles Nicely broken 3675 m to:go at.....:....;.%., Â¥ 1936 Chevrolet Coach. You‘ll pay more for this later. 550 now _ .}...........:% .. e # 1934 Chevrolet Coupe 325 newly reâ€"conditioned ... .. eDe A Small Deposit Will Hold Any of These Cars Until May Ist. YOU CAN BUY ‘ A GOOD USED CAR 8 FREE PALACE THEATRE PASSES Why not drop in and look over the Smart New Hats at Hyacinthe, Miss Comissione will advise you on restyling and reâ€"blocking your last year‘s hat to look like new models, Mr. M. Netcoff ,Montgzgomery Ave, Cor. 4th Ave. and Cedar A] 4# d 9 y ) THE BJ DEVLIN COMPLNY L'MéTgJ MOST REASONABLE PRICE® 10% Balsam St. N. Phone 296 â€"Hyacinthe = MILLINERY COMPANXY LIMITED Mrs. E. Durocher Present Fashionable Furs At Our Representative Guides several McLeod with his slippery stick handâ€"| â€" Surviving M ling. and good skating. registered the| Mrs. Ella A. counts for the Scouts, while W.} one son, Edwar Hili netted the one goal for the Tuxis.| cisco, Californi This was a noâ€"score game up until the | Mrs. J. Roy G:q third period, when the lads broke away l Mrs. J. P. Ft and did the trick. Both games proved | Ontaric interesting to watch, and the lads who are playing around. with the puck in Bom to Dr. these games will undoubtedly make | former residen gcood material forâ€"later years. the St. Michae Lantern Slides Prove Interesting Thursday, Feb: Lantern slides, depicting the true PFirl Both doir lads of the Iroquo in which gams the came out victorious, b 1. Alvin. Brown was the one goal netted Echool, while Romain winners when he score The second contest Boys matched up ags and in this fast gam hockey, the Scouts w with a score of 2 to i Convenor for the bingo games was Mrs. Cosgrove. Singing of the National Anthem, drew to a close a most enjoyable evenâ€" ing filled with entertainment. Boys Play Good Hockey Last night‘s hockey games saw the local boys battling for honours in the Iroquois Falls arena, in a doubleâ€"headâ€" er All attending participated in the deâ€" licious refreshments which were preâ€" pared and served by Mrs. Cratteau, Mrs. Martineau, Mrs. Dovle and Mrs. Goodman. this, Violet Manion played "Vieni Vient‘" on the piano while her little sisâ€" ter, Marie, sang. Marie‘s lovely singing drew great applause. Theresa and Leona McDonald sang a delightful duet and were accompanied on the piano by Miss McGrath. Bingo games were then again played, the winners being recipients of many lovely and useful prizes. Winners were Miss Clara McDonald, Miss Dorothy Cratteau, Miss Aura Gignac, Mr. Edâ€" ward Goodman, Miss Leona McDonald, Miss Anna Oulette, Mrs. Joseph Gauâ€" thier, Miss R. Kideckel, and the two special prizes played for were won by Miss Patsy Wall and Miss M. Johnson. Donators uf the above lovely prizes were: Mrs., P. Stack, Mrs. J. Devine Miss T. Russel, Mr. A. Delean, Father Lafieur, Miss A. Wilkes, Mrs. A. Fahey, and Mrs,. E. McGrath. James. Violét Manion and Cecilia Corcoran ably demonstrated the Dutch Dance, to the complete satisfaction of the gathering. A tap dance by Hope Fahey, and accompanied on the piano by Miss M. McGrath, was lovely, and received hearty applause. Following this, Violet Manion played "Vieni she sang, ‘Dear Evelena." This act was quite cute,"and was greatly appreciatâ€" ed by the audience. Geraldine and June St., James sang two selections beautifully, and were accompanied on the pianc by their father, Mr. St. James. Violet Manion and Cecilia The first game featured the Separate hool, Ansonville, tussling with the is of the TIroquois Falls Public which gamse the Separate School Thorpe Radio Service EXPERT REPAIMRS 10 Cedar St. N. Phone 599 Carioca Shoe Repair 63 Third Ave. Timmins We use only the highest quality leathers, this together with our many years of experience assures you of satisfaction. 10% Pine 8. Phone 1875 Phone GUARANTEED Shoe Repairs BILL‘S Advance "Hidden Name" Contest i8 YOQOUK FAXI FOK PROMPT CAREFUL SERVICE DAY AND NNTGHT Member R. M. S omain made ns tea: e scored the two goal rontest saw the Tux up against the Scout t game of good clea outs were able to wi * Â¥ na," â€" This act was greatly appreciatâ€" Geraldine and 1¢ two selections a score of 2 to responsible for for the Public Tuxis | Birth Bom to Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Evans. former residents of Troquois Falls, ai the St. Michael‘s hospital, Toronto, on Thursday, February 17th, a fine baby girl. Both doing well. They were active members in the Church of Christ, Milton, N.S. Funeral will take place in Milton, NS. Rev. R. Johnston, conducting the funeral services. Surviving Mr. Harlow are his wife. Mrs. Ella A. Harlow, Iroquois Falls, one son, Edward H. Harlow, San Franâ€" cisco, California, and two daughters, Mrs. J. Royv Garden, Milton, NS.. and Prior to spending the last ten years in San Francisco, California, Mr. Harâ€" low had resided in Liverpool, Nova Scotia, for over 40 years. During Auâ€" gust of 1937, Mr. and Mrs. Harlow had come to Troquois Falls to spend a visit with their daughter, Mrs. J. P. Freeâ€" man. # On Ociober 15th, 1885, Mr. Harlow married Miss Ella A. Patten, in Yarâ€" mouth, Nova Scotia. Mr. Harlow was born in Milton, Nova Sceotia, on December 16th, 1852, and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Abner Harlow. The sale proved very successful. Obituary The death occurred of Alester Harâ€" low. age 86, on Monday, February 14, at the residence of Mr. J. P. Freeman, 120 Buckingham avenue, after suffering two months from heart illness. Funds realized by this supper will be used for local church needs. Anglican Church Society Hold Rummage Sale A rummage sale displaying many useful articles which were purchased at a small cost, was held in the Parâ€" ish hall, on Wednesday afternoon by a group of ladies who are forming a society in connection with the Anglican Church. picture of ‘"Across Canada," was an added feature of the regular meeting of the 1.0.0.F., held in the Orange hall on Tuesday evening. These slides were loaned through the courtesy of the Canadian National Raiiâ€" ways, and proved both interesting and educational to the members. Many of those attending expressed their enjoyment, and also mentioned the great variety of enjcoyable foods that were placed before them. An unusu@lly large numbér turned out to enjoy the delicious supper that was ably prepared and served by the ladies. In seeing these pictures, it is realizâ€" ed how immense Canada really is, and the wonderful progress that the many cities have made in the past years. Becfsteak Pie Supper is Success The Beefsteak Pie supper held in the United Church hall on Tuesday evening, under the auspices of the Ladies‘ Aid Society proved most sucâ€" cessful. Prepare your lunch with Albert‘s Sliced Bread, specially wrapped to stay fresh longer. It will please your guests. Mrs. W,. Spinks, Ninth Avenue Gordon Blk., Timmins AFTER THE SHOW VISIT US Plumbing and Heating ALL WORK GUARANTEED 8 CEDAR ST. N. PHONE 18782 Mr. Bruce Mover, First Avenue YOU‘LL ~â€"ENJOY A TAXS L U N:CH PREPARED BY AN EXCELLENT CHEEF. Delicious Pastry Matinee daily at 2.30 p.m. Evening 7.00 and 8.50 p.m. On Double Feature Nights patrons should attend not later than 8.00 p.m. in order to see full show TOâ€"NIGHT AND TUESDAY FEBRUARY 21 â€"22 William Powell and Myrna Loy lbert‘s Iways Elizabeth Bergner, Raymond Massey and Romney Brent, mnAIl DOUBLE WEDDING (qjuois read DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRA MME THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS3S, ONTARTO Persona.: Mr. Albert Dixon was called away toâ€"day, owing to the death of F‘is mother, Mrs. Edwin Dixon, 82 years of age,. at Orville, Ontario. â€" Funeral services will be held in Bracebridge, sectch Team R. Niven W. Findlay J. McConnel The games evenin Timmins w Scoich Team Dr. Richmond H. F. Smith of their party at noon on Sunday. Those who came to Timmins are:â€" Hecicr McKay, Dr. Richmond, James McConne!ll, Capt. Ralph Joyson, Walâ€" ter McGlashan, Robert Grierson, Wilâ€" liam Findlay, James Brett, H. F. Smith, George Reid, James Brown, Earl sof Stair banquet at the Empire hotel. Much of the credit for the success ¢I the visit of the curlers to Timmins goes to Geo. 5. Drew and Dr. R. P. Smith, who had complete charge of all the arrangements, representing the Dome, South Porcupine and Timmins clubs. J. M. Belanger acted as capâ€" tain of the local clubs for the occasion. The curlers, who were accompanied by E. E. Smith, of Haileybury, repreâ€" senting the Northern Ontario Curling Asscciation, left to join the remainder of their party at noon on Sunday. In the afternocn the two of the three game rinks from Dome, South Timmins. ‘The local : captured two games and at the evening session bangquet at the Empire Much of the credit f Met at the train by a delegation of local curlers, the famous visitors were paraded to their hotel with Pipers O‘Neill and Stewart in the lead. In the morning they visited Hollinâ€" ger mine and made a trip underground following which they were entertained to luncheon by John Knox, general manager of the mine. at the directors‘ A capacity audiencse witnessed the games played at the local curling rink on Saturday by the touring Sceottish Curlers, who artived here on the Nerthland that morning. Capacity Audience See Games Played by Scottish Curlers Rinks from Dome, South Porcupine and Timmins Have Slight Edge Over Famous Visitors, who Played Here Saturday. Guests for Luncheon at Hollinger Directors‘ Lodge with John Knox as Host. LArIO i I Corner Spruce Sst. and Third Avenue, Timmins Phone 324 Z \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘ *4# SS t 4* Watch these ads careâ€" fully. Your name may appear at any time. Each Monday eight peoâ€" ple chosen at random from this district will receive free passes to the Palace Theatre. Look for your name hidden in these adâ€" vertisements. If you find it, clip the ad and bring it to The Advance Office and receive a free pass. Passes good for any perâ€" formance rexcept Saturâ€" day. THE KING EDWARD HOTEL piay AFPTERNOON G Rules Alr CLEAN ROOMSâ€"BY DAY OR WEEK â€" Quiet Atmosphere J CGrAMES Timmirs Team C. Desaulniers A. W. Pickering J. Arscott E. H. Elill e visitors took s played with Porcupine and representatives tied the other, following the Dome Mir ilts of the noon and With Scott Colton, Jean Rogers and Jack Smart In an exhibition game at Timmin arena last night "Popeye" Stone‘s Brew ery Tigers defeated Connaught in t minutes of overtime by the score of | to 3. The teams were tied at the enc of every period and at the expiration 0o full time were deadlocked 3â€"3. In th overtime session the Brewery outfit rat in two goals to win the game which wa: witnessed by a goodâ€"sized crowd. A return game will be played at an earl; date. After the game the visitors were enâ€" tertained at a spaghetti supper held in the Oddfellows‘ hall. don Brewery Tigers Defeat Connaught Local Team Won Exhibition Game Here Last Night 5 to 3 in Overtime. Kari Of â€"SKIp â€" C. o. Kkemslicy Dcmeâ€"Porcupine _ won, Geo. Drew substituting. sectch Team Mines Team Thos. Blackman â€" lead R. P. Kinkel James Brown second K. E. Dye W. Rinn vice G. S Lowe H. McKay skip I. A, Solomon Game ended in a tie. Thos. Blackâ€" man and W. Rinn substituting. scotch FTeam Timmins 5. R. McCoy lead Dr. Honey H. E. Smith second â€" W. 8. Jamiess scotch FTeam Timmins 5. R. McCoy lead Dr. Honey H. E. Smith _ second W. S. Jamieson S. A. Caldbick vice J. M. Belanger W. McGlashan skip Fr. O‘Gorman Timmins won, S. R. McCoy and S. A. Caldbick substituting. seoetch Team Geo. Drew W. Findlay J. M:Connel] EKarl of Stair E. E. Smith vice _ H. Michaelson W. McGlashan skip F®. Blair scotch team won. E. E. Smith, Hailâ€" eybury, substituting. scotch Team south Porcupine James Bett lead F. E. Cooper James Brown second Dr. R.P. Smith J. R,. Walker vice _ Wm. Fairhurst H. McKay skip F. C. Evans Scotch team won, J. R. Walker, Timâ€" mins, substituting. Buffalo News:â€"Another way to ake wirter hurry by, in case you n‘t like cold weatherâ€"give. someone ur noto for 90 days. The Fern Cottage Lunch _ EAT THE BEST OF FOOD AT REASONABLE PRICES WITH QUICK â€" SERVICE TINCLUDED, Miss T. Machalak. Third Avenue 2 Cedar N. Phone 1911 WE DO sSERVE NEW LAID EGGS AT THE FERN COTTAGE LUNCH YOU CAN HAVE COURSE MEA ‘THIKR‘CY CI EVENING GAMES We Never Close lead second vice skip Domeâ€"Porcupine Gordon Cross a Max Smith Dr. Kinsman C. G. Kemsley yvon,. â€" Geo. Drew A FULI FOR NTS and 100iing the Police dGdefence who were prepared for a pass, scored a lovely shot on Thomas shortly after Omara. The police did not intend to lose the game without a stift battie, and added more pressure to their alâ€" ready fast skating. (Bob Miller registâ€" ered the sixth ecpunt for the Cubs when he took an effective backâ€"hand Cubs Take T.P.A.A. to Camp 6â€"2 i1vened M. Kalenchu when he seor them. A. Ther very good on | handling, but past Watt. Po hot Great Game of Hockey at Iroquois Falls F riday Night. ' 3 Third Ave., Timmins OFFERS â€" EXCELLENT â€" SERVICE 6 Rooms e Kingston Hotel Room Board $11 and $12 per week Mrs. Shephard‘s Stork Shop is just full of smart wee things for Baby. Visit thit new shop on your next trip downtown. CEDAKRK ST. N. AT FOURTH AVE peri Royal Studio 5 Balsam N Miss Dorothy Turcotte, Maple S wWith the Cubs having one man FPilms left at the sti 9 a.m. will be ready day at 6 pim. Our work is done up standard, not down to a Your films deserve the Let our experts develor Mr. Leo Renaud, Borden Ave J0¢ upâ€"also Meal Tickets THE BABY p the game considerably Porter and D. Omara going ther, and dribbling past the orter shot, Thomas throwing _be picked up by D. Omara greased lightning, shot i greased iignlning, 1as to count. Shots 4, £ ‘e about even in ‘this olice were pultting e n up the score. Quality Woolen Wear GIFTS® â€" NOVELTIES Shephard‘s Stork Shop For Every Occasion A. TOMKINSsSON YÂ¥ at an ear Dawson,. of Meals @ un‘er found both trojans, and many nessed as the boys aways. J. Omara n early interval of m, on a lone run, the studio befort ‘ve the best develon vour WEEKLY $4.00 Phone 417 found the the Timâ€" a forward egister the he same 4t times, goal. The a couple tao . _ 8 price Look For Your Name in These Advertisements it both pericod, lInxpect(n OIson _ _Drop Game 6â€"4 _ Defeat This Ye Johnson and Cu Pearce; wings, McC« ternates, Roach, D Whetmore, Bateman TP.AA.A.â€"Goal, Omaccilo: detence Mascarello and Chaplic; centre, Or. land; wings, Mousseau and Cecchini: alternates, Morin, Pontello, Marshall Seneck, Anderson. the police team. produced five gcals Durkin bulging the Senetk and Morin the final session t at one apiece, Sene time this season on Saturday morning when they dropped a 6â€"4 decision to the fast travelling Tuxis team. The police kids had lost only one game preâ€" viously and that to South Porcupine. Pearce, McCoy and James played stellar hockey for Tuxis with Seneck doing a nice job for the Cops. Tuxis led at the end of the first period 2â€"1, McSoy and Raynsford doing the seorâ€" ing for the winners and Orland for the police tcam. The second frame produced five gcals, McCoy, James and Durkin bulging the twin for Tuxis and Senetk and Morin for TP.AAA. In MecCoy for chooters. Police Juveniles Defeated by Tuxis Inspector â€" Atr juveniles tasted pame. CG, Brown received the only penalty in this encounter. Lineâ€"up for the Timmins Police was: Goalie, P. Thomas; defence, M. Panâ€" chuck, R. Churchill, H. Hongisto, and W. Dawson ; forwards, G. Theriault, A. Theriault, R. Moore, A. Kalenchuck, and L. Joncas. Coach, W. S. Jardine. Manager, P.C. Leo Gagnon. For the Iroquofts Falls Cubs: Goalie, L. Watt; defence, E. Dawson, L. Porter, and D. Omara; forwards, J. Omara, L. Lavallee, A. Smith, R. Miller, A. Mcâ€" Grath and G. Brown. Subâ€"zoalie, J. Clarke. Coach, T. Cybulski. Manager, F. Miller. Trainer, LL, Lepage, Referee for this game was C. Behan, Iroquois Falls. a lovely shot past Watt. J. Omara was unfortunate in having three penâ€" alties all in this period, as he enâ€" deavoured to stop the increased presâ€" sure of the Police. Churchill and M. Kalenchuck also received 2 minutes each in this period. The last twenty minutes found the Police still trying, and M. Kalenchuck again scored on a lone play from cenâ€" tre ice. The game became exciting and the Police lads got heart. Their passâ€" ing was very good all through the pame. . Brown received the only off, M. Kalenchuck managed the first count for the Police on a lone run, when he slipped past the defence for Watch for the "Hidden Name" section every Monâ€" day. Your name may ‘be in next. Eight free theatre passes given away each week When in need of a permanent wave, dont forâ€" get to call us. Fourth Ave and Balsam Street LOUIS KRAJCHI, prop. Cigars We offer a splendid assortment of Chocolates and Candy, aiso Tce Cream in all seasons. Finest W aves We have the equipment to give you the finest hair dress obtainâ€" able the world over. Imperial Corner DeLuxe Beauty Salon The â€" Radio Manufacâ€" turers‘ Service . advises that you let such memâ€" bers service your set. for they are qualified to do guaranteed work on any make of radio. BRASEMENTâ€"REED BLOCK Phone 483 Goal, Schrocder; defence, and _ Cummings: centre, ings, McCoy and James; alâ€" Roach, Durkin, Raynsford, H O N E 1 6 7 0 id Mrs. Roy Hoftstetor Fifth Ave. Cigarettes Member Olson‘s _ Squad als were even the Cops and z the sharpâ€" Tobaccos Second