ch hions in fur period priofr the French tut ing Furniture in Home Shows Personality tur constt were cont! of â€" their IrTnl Hoy 30‘% THIRKRD AVI ishions Change in Furniâ€" ture, but Styles Usually In(licctte Character of the Homes. i d Som{( Armstrong Electric House Wirimg Power Work Armature Winding Phone 898 there gre yvorkmen Walpamur The Economical § Way to Beautiful | Interiors y# l We o A Paint With Many Qualities Walpamur is permanent, nonâ€" . SANlTARY ;‘.“_;Xt.f‘.;. :‘.1"1-‘: ltxi a)n‘d ,} ‘ PERMANENT which nonâ€"~absorben! a n d hygieni( It is far superior to Kalsomine in manufacture, workâ€" ‘ ECONO MlCï¬L ing and finished appearance. It drics very quickly. and after being allowed to harden thoroughly, it @ FIREâ€"RETARDING | ons requires washing to be kepi presents a smooth, velvety finish We do Everything Eicctricai Y ard and Office: 79 Sixth Ave. A utomatic Smith Elston vVeI Alfred Caron PLUMBING AND HEATING Third A venue, Timmins | Manufactered by The Crown Diamond Paint Co., Montreal SOLD BY Call in and let us show you the new Imperial G. B. Oil Burner. Let us show how it saves you shovelling coal, carryving out ashes, sweeping basements and forâ€" ever attending fires. This efficient heating system needs no attention whatever,. It automatically lowers the temperature in your home after you g0o to bed and raises it again in the morning, before you riseâ€" always giving just the amount of heat you require. The G. B. Impcrial Oil Burner can be installed in any furnace, hot water, hot air or steam. Come in and get full particulars. furt a«d ve vou ever .taken the trouble to get the real ‘ts about Oil Heat as it is used in thousands of nadian homes toâ€"day? Are you aware of the great vances that have been made in the efficiency and nomy of eil burners? Do you realizs that the comâ€" t and convenience of QGil Heat can be yours at lower for your HOME : # ® 11 reCt than ¢ Visit Our Showrooms 1¢ of out led Ch itemporaries the thing. )€ eLlort Oor a I{ iundre in fur eop rkmen Down and $6 per month. ppen vie dale, Sheraton and Hepplewhite, whose creations caracierized by delicacy of workmanship and grace, are eagerly sought by collectors. There were types or fashions, such as the Jacobean. The styles of American colonial furâ€" niture were at that time as a rule deâ€" termined by the racial origin of the Colonists, although some articleâ€"such as the highbovy chest and the lowâ€"boy The styles of niture were at termined by t Colonists, althc as the dressi of Col Bra tisti met living rcom furniiure w bedroom furniture total lion. Dining room furn for almost nine million and kitchen furniture, utensils or equipment, s\ tors, nearly five million Drunken Driver to Be Tested at Exhibition obtained pared. ability of sponsored riv hey wetr This inf L CAn nside he D LC g tableâ€"a nial design . of the Doxn Departmen ominion, t amounted Sixt=sen m rda rab 1ed AI O mA 1LI Xp m 1V Phone 4: H ive ‘Bu Exhibi T Phone 327 put takC Inte furniture forms the retail trad« otal at the last ver 50 millior dollars of this he purchase o| 71 lle Tthe saies 01 ed eleven milâ€" ture accounted dollars in sales not including h as refrigeraâ€" in to make uilding at | t the The exhibit i Oil Ltd. an coâ€"operatll iys Depalt Jeen install imitted t through t inother w The results n il C ind drunken it iles of Tra omm boy ical he Fashions in Furniture Include Vogue for Pine Pine Notable for Its Distinctive Decorative Style. Many Quaint Designs of Toâ€"day Follow the Lines of the Furniâ€" ture Used by the Oldâ€"Time Cabinet Makers, Some 0o Whom had an Eve for Art. Walter Raleish which touche now Jamaica in 1595. The used by Gibbon first in the tury after a quantity of it brought into that country. is reputed to be the most v all known timber and coming from tropical countries, has tursd in the Far Eastern fur centuries. Bathroom Te Now in Extended Usage Jacobin ous to English so were brought ba carnpenter on bc (By M.B.) The tile has extended from the bathâ€" rcom and has reached many other parts of the modern home. Tiles are very ancient in their comparatively modern aspect, and they have been for generaâ€" tions, in one form or another, a feature af public places and home of Mediterâ€" ranean countries. They have also found favour in northern European climes and thence» crossed the western ocean t? They are an excellent flooring and they do not have to be painted, polished or finished. Instead, the French have found a way, at once simple and effecâ€" tive. They sprinkle them with linseed meal and leove it there until shuffling feet in the course of a week or so have done their work,. treading in the oil from the meal and polishing the tile surface at the same time. they do not or finished found a w£ tive. They Al tile tant LVpC trac querot M > imported Italian ce after avowed Moorks A curious fact men famous Majolica til aric Islands travelle Siena in Italy and hs on the diffusion of the Spanish mainla affect other revetment â€" materials, thought it is doubtful if this fact alone accounts for the myriad uses to which they have lately been put. At all events whether in their plainer forms or of polychromeâ€"decorated surfaces, they have added much to the gaiety as well as the comfort of the home. No other surâ€" face stands up in so clean a fashion, which in this day and age means that the labourâ€"saving factor is one of moâ€" iDOUuUrâ€"savill| ment. In France, Ital reached their m« ed in period furniturk some Woeods Used by Makers pl 111C l e of Tile Spread from Bathroo: to Many Other Parts of the Moderr. Home t10 eV n of C indust Moo janish archaeologist, wI erable part of his inc ig up things" for Ameri he following simple e 1 the Moors of the Western »b overran Spain, they brought of the tile with them and plantâ€" ver the whole land, with the exâ€" of Catalonia. Toâ€"day the Spanish lustry is one of the most imporâ€" nnected with the building trades. use its products in most unconâ€" ial manner. Modernistic motives ntered into the commercial conâ€" i + the art, but they still make ons of the Hispanoâ€"Mauresque with their elaborately irterlaced Moor Spait Moor anish archaeologist, who made a rable part of his income from g up things" for Americans, once he following simple explanation t are commonly called Spanish The Spanishâ€"Moorish specimens uine antiquity divide themselves ree classes: those made for the for their own use when in Spain; made by their Christian conâ€" s: those made by Spanish or by ed Italian ceramists in Spain vowed Moorish designs. rious fact mentio.ned was that the s Majolica tiles from the Baleâ€" lands travelled as far afield as in Italy and had an infiuence upâ€" : diffusion of the use of tiles in »anish mainland itself. It is in however, that the use of tiles has d its greatest height, a legacy of suffers ustry is one inected with se its produy erlati Caus(s of Vogues reason back of vogues of t as there are causes for _ styles of shapes and deâ€" rniture. The prevalance of s in localities where furniâ€" riginally needed is a primâ€" e Moors of verran Spain, he tile with the he whole land, italonia. Toâ€"da Tales of mahogany k to England by the ird the ship of Sir hich touched what is 1595. The wood was irst in the 18th cenâ€" ntity of it had been t country. Teakwood the most valuable of iBaron Walker) ds used in the 1€ US few of vetmen 0O nd Spain they have distinguished forms 1O t forests of Oofal i of makers 0 @rlnut is indigen f ng as it does as been feaâ€" furniture for 1i the makâ€" as fluctuatâ€" e furniture od d« kinds. 1s a prim inds bein 1€ Cabinet foOrms O | ten se foundâ€" | wa ch waves | led iny ry adapt ind prac THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO found not Oof Pine Plentiful It was natural for the . Pilg use pine wood for their craftsm It was plentiful, and is famous ing easy to work with. In one < of its many kinds pine is a fam{( building timber. Selecting Pine Furniture When selecting pine furniture of knots in the wood. Althou; not choice furniture wood, it i liarly wellâ€"suited to certain de styles. The tone is distincti though maple is good in co The pieces brought out tod: are admirable in their quail the vogue of pine furniture be and modern, and many of th glazed terraâ€"cotta which for so have been used in England to meet climatic conditions brisk shower cleans them 0 sand blast is called for wit] stucco or concrete. The Financial Post is of the «( that rehabilitation and remodel existing houses, tenements and ment housesâ€"that is, their mod tionâ€"would do much to restord perity in Canada, in addition to course of the kind would effect improvement of appearances a; increase of conveniences. As in recent times, but Dutch ject lesson it presents "bef after‘‘ cuts. Certainly there to build upon in a large numb older structures. Wooden ol reared when timber was of t brick and stone strutures wer "in the elder days of art when wrought with greatest care, for see everywhere." Some may that it is better to tear down buildings, root and branch, thi ing the destruction of vermin. would apply mainly to slum, plan proposed by The Finan has been tried often snough ous parts of the land to den its merits. Remodelling of Houses Would Assist Recovery The premier of Norway this made it plain that his country h intSntion of expelling Leon Trots suggested by Russia. He said th Trotsky incident was beinrg treate Norwegian interests and Nor\ principles in view. ie vogue of pine > sweeping the country. (Copyright, 1936, by The B ite, Inc.) nme rmed the Pin autiful indeed d sti iden @kin to pI of the pin‘s.â€" 1 furniture makin to pine imsd fc ‘y tTOW ralded BUILD THIS YEAR! P BREE : carszoous 9D Feldman Timber Why put off building any longer? Why pay high rents for cramped uncomfortable quarters? â€" Now is the time to decide to have a home of your own. Take the first step at once. Come in and let us show you how little it costs to have a home you and your family will enjoy. Regardless of the size of the job be sure to get our price on all building materials. You‘ll find our quotâ€" ation considerably lower,â€"yet the highest standards of quality and service will be maintained. From Renfrew M 18 ml Head Office schumacher Phone 708 Vogue of Pinc test vogue of by :| ‘The p th 1€ COMPANY, LIMITED i which for 60 vea s about Plym{ Hills, and th Ithough now 16 yogu New En inly the: large nun Wooden h pIn 12m oOoff w r with o1 Om day i dem moderniza 1€ and abnal l lal 1€ build mA 11 A U be 1 pil 1l rt 1l 11 Styles in Bathroom Equipment Changing Newest Shapes in Bathtubs Styles of Towel Rods, other Bathroom Stvles. Village of Fergus Again Comes Into Limelight ide 1ich Concrning Types of Tubs kins of bathtubs., let me . 1€ makin or [hne sAhine oi Sia. Phe Newest Shapes il n Bathtub Styles s featured in htub. The bot are decided advantages s such a satisfaction to get about on each side of the 1 with an even tug from ith both hands. No mere es such a feeling of safety with little effort, straight, ied Towel Rods ed mode sen this 16 T1 11 1« eBaron Walker ‘oom equipmen ib ba Beatty Beatt )u must when stralin: Perhaps some stil wi‘l combine the in ured in the newest The bottom is widâ€" the curves closer to e danger of slipping or out of the tub. nodern tubs anything this danger is welâ€" can come on but one they are in the wall ub stands. The outâ€" as glassy smooth as ) opportunity to grab > been frequent and So with a tub> of ttom is needed. 1 n} y of Beatty Bros. s, was shipped, on rainload of 44 cars. h trainload to be atty factory in Perâ€" years. The trainâ€" $500,000.00 and conâ€" BEeatty electric and Ts and nundreds of village 11 pit afety double side rem@mbered that ‘abd rail should be used with equal 7 for a shower, or quareness in all | parts of to feel that style I Zealand. as Establi us, noted for its y, lacrosse and e limelight again. age of 2700 inâ€" > very few places rainload of merâ€" 11. The Bell Synd 11 y changing itive mind . sometime Mill Office Timmins Phone 709 1€ Squat ind |} i1C ied square cunded fo Aass, GIVC me€ bec rom with g h it C penâ€"set ivantages ind CoOnveln allotted 1e size, re and basins. 1| vog bat 18€ rod préâ€" rdily TV ind 1 wo yeal brated its d occasion shi load of Bea ada. Thsy are the ers of washers in t Last March they pu of the Galt Machin now manufacturing castings in Galt. rergus, Crailt aJ Oof 11 acres an with an annua 1 hne siderab heavy press work, beautiful an equipment | turing of t on Literary Woodland eoe0de8000000080800000000000000000480004 0066608 0066006 8 4 » ¢ Office a Res. § Phone 1555 spruce St. i. Phone 583 <Gp 0000000600600000000000000000000000000000000000000000 > ire in «1 and eig} The local brarch | Third avenue and Mi the local manager. quipment 11 Teca H ' £ s .vh'.’o. «n o OS K Y SA . y P w nCcs ww v B ARMSTRONG ELEOTRIG T 1€ mpany mode ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS DEALERS IN ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCH THIRD AVENUE PHONE 898 TCJ 1¢€ Ught 1o RIGHT TLim rAILt ind 1 86 THIRD AVHE. l NEW QUARTERS Bea ON AND AFTER SEPTEMBER 8th 111 iumble beginning, have grown to be mndustries in Canâ€" argest manufaturâ€" e British Empire. chased the factory Screw Co. and are die and pressure eatty factories at DH Y Our Record is Proof WE WILL BE LOCATED IN QOUR . Van Rasse! the manutftacâ€" his trainload. istomers may service, Beatâ€" tablished over OU ver a total r 1500 men 2,000,000.00, dded conâ€" ALIn THi bratr aI it >â€"model, choose the servicé factorily. chaes land ind 10e aAs80C when thi | Forest Superyvisor \â€"â€" Restons Posttion Reported That Torsten Eh Will Be Succeeded by Fo: mer Deputy of Norther Developnment Dent. Word from Toronto this week the effect that Torsten Ehn, sup of forest operations and speci spector under the Woodmen‘s E: ment Investigation Act, has sever connection with the Hepburn G ment ard will be succeeded sho is reported, by R. A. Campbell goverrment over n‘s meuidds oi ministration. A Mr. Campbell was made deputy } ister of*Northern Development in but retired from the service with C associate officials during the shak of that particular department, spring, just before it was transtferre that of Hon.‘T. B. McQuesten, min of highways. ime deputy minister O NC elopment under Hon. Pete Mr. Ehn, who was appoi ice shortly after the prese! ration came into power, is iave resigned his very resp( luring the recent bush fire ollowing alleged differencd roverrment over his meth ited with buildin firm takes on a PYVMMINS job i lInM H puty m ible poj utbreal with â€" t 1pery ‘Ccial irdmini Tt