r pounds. Mr. McH n1 mm W8 who t indm was doing self. would clusion of ctusion of m “Well, who Advance aske “That’s a L] h United States Tourist in the North Succumbs. to Heart Attack While Fishing“. he saw no should not statements without. the ins: to the: that. a at whic over, b the rm he saw pcarc Th had st Llemaz‘ eral’s fused Lh vestig woulc think . Onta ri Tm ha. gavc investig til the : thur R concc the : tigati were Bar News Stories Not Quite Correct Says the Mayor Municipal Head Blames Any linfavorahle Publicity on Council, but Admits Attitude of (‘ouncil )lisrcpresented in Some Instances. (‘ouneil Did Not Refuse Investi- gation, but Wanted All Information. IE" 11’ Whil Vol. XXI. N0. 60 ! andsBlg'lmutand1 a Friend This Morning DIES 0f EXCItC’IIIQIIIE I1. Ii Haakkala. 0f Mountj113 Township, 1101“me1l3 11f Tim- ? mins Suddenl3 Stri1ken I13 Heart \tta1k. Had Been 1n I i’11r1upine ()311r â€'I33ent3 Years. “11r11e1l at Hollinger 21nd McIntyre Years Ago. 11111-111 Stz1tesT11111ist in the N111tl1 8111111111115 111 H11z111; ALLA- I- ‘tfl- 'I, l.‘-_I Rom The Pioneer Paper i of the Porcupine LEatlblished 1912 1 U! lievc bk W8 9111 i! 11‘ I'E’X' him >11 )E )€( he name of the pars em being made put Not Doing It Alone 'ouldn't think for a the whc the ma (l ll The (Younril‘s Fault . W. B. E .xmmoned Mr. MCH . Dr. Sm“ reason why the have listened to t. he had in his I name of the persc ; being made pub 1E 11:11:11.:1 1rv::'1-w' 111 .‘H. 11 11.1w XIV -1131‘1' '1 Sllghtly Warmer Weather? is in it i, l' can ht in H: Monday 01 n If )llapé McH and ï¬n IT 60 v W 11 1dc {K w bli Or “’OI‘D H 11‘ 60 Falls Dead at Home of HO 1V1 College Calours at Dance Friday Night :11 Many Universiti presented at S] Weatherman Suggests that Next Few Days May Not be so Much Like Winter. nd Mr 1m< 11 Stove (1 M11 â€hose wl‘ Haukka 3’2 111' {aim-beg upd‘l'lmmilu. 0M... (hush. tun MONDAY and THURSDAY 1C 11' 111mb beer .11 ~11 Detec Devin C1 D1 till available. been asked to act; .‘ODESSFS for the af- irs. John Knox. Mr. ddington. Mr. and m. R. J. Ennis, J. ran ltles U) be lie- Specia] Dance he Porcupine for nd had worked in ad McIntyre but in hear .K'l )lay :11 3 Map N11 1E L. E. Dy and M1 .ivc pr ay. max. 67 morning 46 3. V’ 'ound Lhal failure. Hc aple stree in a chai Nil 11‘ Zoroner H McClintor or a numâ€" Iave been go of the ) have as 5 possible. W Ser )wnship. visit his mlnu 1a 1a n a pa- com- !†th? Irtain and 16 11 :1 nc‘ my n I] .03 11' “i Bornâ€"to Mr. and Mrs. Mux'r J in Toronto. July 22ndâ€"a son Contract Not Awarded for New Public School Fine Strawberries Grown near Tlmmms quan Dan Barr, Bristol 'I‘ownship, has Large Crop of Excel- lent Fr'ult. Stra wbex'rie: Timmins area Empire hotel, Timmins. Among the guests who have been invited to this event and who are planning to come are the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ontario. Bro. Kingston. and the President of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, Sister Christine Allan. The committee on arrangements for the twentieth anniversary event in- cludezâ€"Bro. W. H. Pritchard. P.G.. and P.G.H.: Bro. A. G. Carson. rP.D.D.G.M.; Bro. Harris. D:D.G.M.; Bro. Spencer. P.G.; Bro. Rolands, N.G.; Sister E. Keene. P.P.R.A.; Sister J. Webb. P.N. G.; Sister M. Sears. P.N.G.; Sister A. Jackson, P.N.G.; Sister J. Fulton, N.G. Ell‘ mins. In Lodge No get Rebek 20th Anniversary Oddfellowship Here 31 Among Guests of Honour at Banquet Expected to Have Grand Master and Presi- dent of Rebekahs. This year is the twent 11y of’the Oddf-ellows 1‘ lins. In View of this 1 1n 831' 3mm: Mr. Ba 11' ‘18 Oddfellows lodge in Tim view of this fact Timmin 459 I.0.0.F. and Gold Nug ah Lodge No. 173 are planning .niversary banquet to be hel< naming of Sept 14th in th< atel. Timmins. Among Lh.‘ He hac 11min mor flaking the berries, a big one. Evidently 1‘ is strawberries. L: :e_ Advance about pla .» waawberries on wha ber SOYDE N I‘ dis sma awb U made action was his wee 3 local SI known Lh 1C appen TIMMINS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 30TH. 1936 ct W11 me 1V 1f trawar week plam blic schoo sion. Ten- “‘ the box me ha M Heh planning ) be held 1 in the long the 3.1‘ TU Yoll be Ba DJ M an I'll Charles Cole Died ,i at Home Yesterday Jspecial (‘ bee of Marm Duparq w The Boa househo] sentative welcome make tr accurate bc Entrance Certificates in Mail for Distribution As noted in the last issue of The Advance. the work of preparing a new directory for Timmins. Schumacher and South Porcupine, is now in pro- gress. The Tim-mins Board of Trade has always taken a keen interest in the preparation of the directory for town and district and this fact no doubt has some bearing on the other fact that the Porcupine District Direc- tory is recognized as one of the best of its kind issued. The directory now in use has proven of very special value to business and professional men and others. Of course. at the present time it is admittedly out of date. having been issued in 1934. and all know the extent of the growth of the town in the intervening two years. to sav no- firm issuing the directory aim for a number of yea their men busy on the wc New Directory for 'l‘lmmms and Distrlct W ork N 0w Under Prepara- tion. Householders and Others Urged to Assist in Plan. Injured Mam Taken to Toronto for Treatment 11C xam loneel balt 2 Aftel 1E \l aeratiox na 159 ali time T10 ll ti 11‘ If Mm Abmmm 1a 31' and 1V 11 m Prospector of C 0- 1d Porcumne Passes Lung Illness. Quebe 1T1 H c M has book 3 Porcupine District Direc- nized as one of the best of led. The directory now in ven of very special value and professional men and ourse. at the present time adly out of date. having in 1934. and all know the 'ic in 1V . M Mr: 11M) h '86 1m l'E inr h iin ) the mce M. Donald 1'6 MCI 3! DIN/0 O "â€â€™O "o†'00â€"'"oom ’quumuu I \RK 5F00tball and Baseball "“1 s - To Feature Sports Day issued in 11) of pub aken :-;(' .\ '3‘- £1 ‘ Y" H .;::; Next Issue LIAUIKX. of Advance ¢ .' . Al.‘ n me Mr [0011 t: atmen He 1'1 morn DOX'I' OI njurc 3 mir )f neral ll “l sAre They Repairing 1 Cars t0 Steal Them? Ha iTo Add Another Man i iii: to Tisdale Police: Otld Case of Disabled Car that Disal‘)1:)eare(1 Over- night. Ad Oscar Neilson Caught in Fall of Rock at Mine have a perma: A discussior appointing an the increasing result3d in f: other to the f Sampler at Hollinger Loses Life When Loose Rock Falls. Resident in 'l‘immins for Fifteen Years. No one Knew of Accident Until End of Shift. An eXLra put on as a have a Dem on i Weigh scales of the. be inspected and if on after by a governmsnt The sanitary the matter of Cecil street. hi 1H ll Or Meeting of Township Coun- cil Held on Monday Night. Many Questions Before Councfl. e to be 3 Nick Bla hum I‘l‘ 101' 'OliCE ‘0 w n of :ouncil me on Monda with Reev :1 1‘ 11 al Civic Holiday Dance at. the Riverside '11 mifo iecid 110 .n favoul he force. iC de upon. policeman. who has been temporary man. is now to anent position. in as to the desirability of nother constable owing to 1:3; growth of the township favour of appointing an- 31‘an 1pm I) 3.! ir Ad ma specter arbage On rok 1‘6 nspect awnship we to be THU )W p .ollec ire hip build nd Coun ir .ook :ion on J. M. Hamilton has been appointed postmaster at Mud Lake, Quebec, and 3 to the i will have charge of the new post oi- ‘fice opened there in connection with as been I the air mail service between that point now to and Haileybury. Ontario, it was an- nounced this week from the office of iility of I J. C. Ross. district superintendent of wing to postal service. )wnship The new office is served twice weekly ng an- i by air. The round trip is a distance of OI' )wnship lookec NOI‘k 181' 1936 car ire th m1 was 1'1 in 11 Published at Timmlm, Ont. Candi. In" IONDAY Ind THURSDAY was 1" taking I the se wi to if IT pho 1' 1100-f notice 11'! by air. The row about 106 miles have out Postmaster Appointed for New Mud Lake Ofï¬ce Spain’s ( to Thrc Porcupine Wreath at Vimy land the Porcupine District's Part in the Vimy Memorial Cere- monies. Notable Programme of Sports \thletie‘ Noveltie‘ for (‘ivie Holiday \londm. August )rd. at \Itlnh re Park. Baseball (Jame ()ne of the Most Important of the Season. ’overnment Jas reports Arx‘ang‘em arcl nln Madrid n )I' car Nei .mx scla mmix U )la ll )art 11 SOlTlE of Mr Minin 111 1m adian h 311 f 1'1 member )1 1C il €11 nd will be abh ’time, it was submarine ne 1 sunk by a re I] 7ivil War atcn to be ame M Memor many moon him f r( 1 war am down in: id 1n UT W1 m W 8. iv ome in I be re alented Tl‘ ampler 1 years )1‘ be DC h ainil 4O ces hav be able )1 W8 .his morning that rcupine branch of U: am mt no (13 abaut 40 3 14 Main )peared Lo-day 1L0 a~ long dra ll near Gibraltar a rebel seaplane. ",0 the bottom of n I] 1C I] as admitted VE :' the shift check em ; some time ic 11‘ Torom member violinis Toronto London fimy and also rday. quick much Seems Long ()110 pr h he unveilim been carriec president 0: 31‘ FIFE cab h pl 9 1101111 killed ( 11 31‘ 1V OI] “U ' Famous Frood Team Coming ; 0110 The football match should be one i I the best of the season. Sudbui'y’s Frat -day 00‘ Tigers. one of the strongest teams 1 drawn the Nickel Belt League and Nation attacks“ League champions last year, will gi‘ groundl the Macs good opposition. d seige The athletic events promise to l ontinue good. Competition is to be keen, fro ted. A all reports of those who have bee ibraltai" training for the past few weeks for tl aplane, | races and ï¬eld sports. ,tom ofi The dance at night will be held on dance floor built this week at the par Gordon Aitthibald's orchestra will su] ‘ ply the music. 11 LIE md 11 rm 1'6 Lh If DE: he of n )f The story of a travelling ma: parks an old car at North Bay 1 on the roads of the North is t: The Northern News and gives a: illustration of how bad the ma the North are and how hard th on good cars. “I drive my car as North Bay." the traveller tol Northern Ncws. “and ‘Old crock’ I store ther Ferguson highway. I of bringing my car 2.00â€"1-mi1e walk; sawing conte mile race. 2.30â€"Horseshoe pitching contest vault Programmr ~---Morning 8.00â€"Drllling contest. 9.30â€"-Races for boys and years to 15 years. 10.30â€"Sack relay race; 3-m: ged race; shuttle relay race; back race. 11.45â€"â€"Bicycle relay race; 5 wheelbarrow race. Refreshment booths have been erect.- ed and will be ready early in the day to serve food and soft drinks to the crowd. The children of McIntyre employees can look forward to a good day. for there will be free ice cream cones for them. woman and child who attends. From early morning until late at night. there‘ll be something interesting going. Kiddies races. events for the. ladies, men's track and ï¬eld events a baseball game between McIntyre and Porcupine. a football match between McIntyre and Frood Tigers. mucking. drilling and log-sawing contests. and to ï¬nish off the big day. an open-air dance at the McIntyre park. The baseball game is one of the most important of the season. It was hoped that T oburn could come up from Kirk- land Lake but word was received yester- day that they could not make it. So the Temiskaming Baseball League ï¬x- ture For Wednesday has been moved ahead to Monday. The Macs must win to stay in the league. .The game will be called at 4.15. McIntyre Field Day is throughout the North as one of sports days of the year; thi Civic holiday programme at th macher mine promises to be 1 ever held. No trouble has been by the committee in arrang events that should please eve: 3.15â€"220 yards, open 3.25â€"High jump. * 3.50â€"1-mile open. 4.00â€"Baseball. 6.15â€"F‘ootball. 9.00â€"Strect dance. 1d 1.00â€"Mucking contest 1.15â€"100 yards. open. 125â€"880 yards, open. LBSâ€"Broad jump. 1.50â€"440 yards. open. N01 rtht 2.50â€"1-mile relay 3.00â€"Ladies' ever 3.15â€"220 vards. < PRICE THREE CENTS 2 Sections 16 Pages Frood Team Coming 1 match should be one of e seas'an. Sudbury‘s Frood f the strongest teams in Afternoon events; sho 181' men ne of the most. It was hoped up from Kirk- 3-man 4-leg race; pick-a r us 11d: this year's Lt the Schu- be the best, been spared ranging for every man. over these .s known of the best man who shon put; put told y for use . told by another roads in 191d on a the park. will sup- 1d The up an on the think girls- pole 'iv )m on he be 11 11