Porcupine Advance, 13 Jul 1936, 1, p. 4

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for improper purposes. he is the only man in any authority in Ontario, who is so astounded. For years past the communists have been trying to use the relief situation to foment trouble and disorder. In the North practically every deputation appear- ing before municipal bodies to complain in any way about relief have been headed by paid agi- tators. It is a fact that those on relief in the North have been well treated. but it is equally true that they would likely have received still better usage had it not been for the evident intention of the communists to seek to make capital out of the mis- fortune of the unemployed. Every labour trouble lnthe North in recent years has been romented by Last week announcement was made in very stern voice by Hon. David Croll to the effect that alien agitators were responsible for trouble in the ad- ministration of relief at Espanola. The Minister of Welfare (what an ironic title for this particular member of the Cabinet!) talked as if he were an- nouncing something new and startling. As a mat- ter of fact Hon. Mr. Croll must know perfectly well .for the past five or six years there has been an active alien organization in Canada using every possible means and methods to create trouble and dissatisfaction in the Dominion. They have used socal, church and labour troubles to foment dis- order and disorganization in the country. This has been what they have been paid for, and for years there was no secret about the fact that only a small percentage of their generous funds came from the silly dupes they lured to their ranks. The material part of their financing came from Russia, by way of New York. If Hon. Mr. Croll didn’t know this he certainly lacked intelligence enough, or, perhaps. courage enough, to be a member of‘ any Cabinet in any British country. The provin-. cial police could have given him the facts of the, case. if the Attorney-General would have allowed; them. The Dominion police could have furnished? him with full details. General Draper, chief conâ€", stable of Toronto, did attempt to explain to Hon. Mr. Croll and other members of the Ontario! Cabinet. just what was in active progress, but all': the Toronto chief received for his pains was to; endure another conspiracy to oust him from his} place. If Hon. Mr. Croll is surprised to find organ-i ized effort being made to use the relief situation for improper purposes. he is the only man in any A list of howlers should conclude with one that must have made the examiner howl, and wonder if. he dare give full marks in the case. “How many] wars were waged against Spain?” was the question.’ “Six” was the answer. “Enumerate them,” was the: second part of the question. And the boy enumer-. ated them thus:~â€"“One, Two,Three, Four, Five and; 1 Six." ! heads” are undoubtedly part cause in most wars; All good citizens will be pleased to see Hon. Mr. ‘even though the history DOOR spells it “bIOCK’i Hepburn taking a strong stand in stamping out the ades” in the case Of the war of 1812. + alien interference with the administration of re- Then there was the boy WhO said that “Colum-! lief. No one will be deceived. however, into believ- bus was a great navigator who cursed about the! ing that the communists have just started their Atlantic.” If that boy iSh't right, then Columbus! dirty work in the last few weeks. They have been at wasn’t human, and nothing matters. [ it literally for years. and members of the Hepburn “What part did the U.S. navy play in the war?"% government have been giving them comfort and was one examination question. One boy answered: ' support in indirect way. Hon. David Croll has “It played the Star-Spangled Banner.” That 3115-: pandered in a score of ways to these alien agitators. wer was no “howler,” hilt the devastating truth. He has persistently refused to support municipaliâ€" One of the best Of the recent howlers, because, ties in efforts to curb their vicious work. Hon. Mr. it is so likely to be true. is this 'onezâ€"“When thel Croll’s plan has been to flirt with the Reds and British got'up in the morning and saw the Ameri-l then blame everything on the municipalities. The cans on the opposite hill. they threw up their abject terror these alien agitators apparently breakfasts.” The examiner may mark Ollt “break-l create in the heart of the Minister of Welfare would fasts” and write in “breastworks,” but there always! be amusing, were it not so serious a matter for the will be the d011bt as to whether the boy had hiS: country. Fortunately, however, Hon. Mr. Croll is facts or not. . eouallv docile with_‘the premier. and now that the “What part did the U.S. navy play in the war?" was one examination question. One boy answered: “It played the Star-Spangled Banner.” That ans- wer was no “howler,” but the devastating truth. Then there was the boy who said that “Colum- bus was a great navigator who cursed about the Atlantic.” If that boy isn’t right, then Columbus wasn’t human, and nothing matters. m Ah the communists. Every relief difficulty may be r; 2 arm um? traced more or less directly to their contemptible ' mg, ammo work. The communists have made money and g...” am,“ Wm NW!" mm; Ont-no- capital out of every trouble arising in the province cum NW” mum; cu. m- we.” Group gin the past few years. Thousands of dollars col- omen Penanceâ€"“ammo; 70 ’ lected ostensibly to help strikers at Stratford and hblbhad Every Monday and “and” by: elsewhere never seemed to reach those places 080 LAKE. 0m and Publish- ‘where the city or the province or local churches Bumflvuon Bates: and service clubs defrayed the costs of keeping Canadaâ€"42.00 Per Year United Statesâ€"33.00 Per Year women and children and others during the trouble. I Following the wavering protest about the mean Reds who were interfering with the work of Hon. , Mr. Croll, there came the active disorders and riots MORE OF THE HOWLERS i in the vicinity of Toronto. Relief officials and imunicipal officers were kidnapped. roughly han- On several occasions The Advance has published; died. and even threatened with death by well- examples of what are commonly called “howiers.”| organized mobs. This has roused Premier HED- They are supposed to be samples of the amusing burn, who bravely declared that “mob rule must replies made to school examination questions. In‘ end in Ontario." The issuing of warrants for the publishing these howlers for the entertainment arrest of the ringleaders has followed as a matter of readers, The Advance has more than once sug- of course. Also. as a matter of course, the police gested that the laugh should be with the boy, have taken the accused men in charge and Show rather than at him. Sometimes, the howler is like quite plainly that they could have handled the situ- the occasional error of the linotype operator; it; aton if not improperly held back in enforcing the gives interest, humour and life to what would law. It is remarkable, indeed. that they were able otherwise be dull and prosaic. Full proof of this is to arrest all of the ringleaders but one. Of course, given by the latest group of howlers to come to that one was perhaps the worst of the lot. Usually hand. Contrast the alleged howlers with what the in the communist schemes. special care is taken1 teachers [no doubt would consider the “correct that those really responsible for the trouble leave} answer.” othersâ€"poor dupes. usually~~~to bear the burden of “King Alfred conquered the Dames,” writes one facing the law. That is the way it has been in young hopeful. At this late date and with the re. Timmins in most cases of disorder here. In one cord of some other British sovereigns as guide. case some years ago two poor dupes went to jail! who is there to say that the boy is wrong. I for their small part in a disturbance here, follow- Another lad wrote:-â€"â€"The marriage of Catherine[ ing a solemn agreement that no fines should be was declared rum and void.” There are lots of paid, while the worst offender of the lot waited marriages like that, so the boy has much on his until the last minute. and then paid his fine and side of the question. kept his freedom.. It was the same way in Coch- “Blockheads were part cause of the war of 1812," rane, in Rouyn, in a dozen other places where trouâ€" is the way another youngster answers a question. ble was fomented and the sneaks responsible made The examiner may mark a zero against that ans-l themselves scarce. leaving half-innocenttdupes to wer, but nothing will take away its value. “Block-z face the law’s punishment. heads” are undoubtedly part cause in most warsi All good citizens will be pleased to see Hon. M12: even though the history bOOk 8138118 it “blOCK-i Hepburn taking a strong stand in stamping out the ades” in the case Of the war Of 1812. . alien interference with the administration of re- Then there was the boy who said that "Comm-hid. No one will be. deceived. however, into believ- bus was a great navigator who cursed about the! ing that the communists have just started their: Timmins, Ont, Monday, July 13th, 1936 * WW f “King Alfred conquered the Dames,” writes one young hopeful. At this late date and with the re-. cord of some other British sovereigns as guide. who is there to say that the boy is wrong. On several occasions, The Advance has published examples of what are commonly called “howlers." They are supposed to be samples of the amusing replies made to school examination questions. In publishing these howlers for the entertainment of readers, The Advance has more than once sug- gested that the laugh should be with the boy, rather than at him. Sometimes, the howler is like the occasional error of the linotype operator; it gives interest, humour and life to what would otherwise be dull and prosaic. Full proof of this is given by the latest group of howlers to come to hand. Contrast the alleged howlers with what the teachers [no doubt would consider the “correct answer.” TIMING. ONTARIO lembel'a Canadian Weekly Newapapet Antennae; 01mm. Quebce Newspaper Association; Clan "A” Weekly Group OFFICE 26â€"â€"â€"PHONE8â€"-â€"â€"â€"-RESIDENCI 70 Published Every Monday and Thuraday by: GEO LAKE. Owner and 1’anth Subscrlpuon Rates: PAGE POUR 01119 lflnrrupinr Ahuanrv ? ABOUT RED AGITATORS ’ equally docile withjthe premier, and now that the premier has declared himself in regard to the Reds and their dirty work. there is some hope that Hon. Mr. Croll" will show a little less regard for the paid ! agitators. Hon. Da‘ most of LI‘ them. The “City of Toronu “Bar” read "Beer Santa Claus. “Two bottles of bee by a girl who looked waiter at a local be minor?" said tm house." beer. The new bus service i O. is going to be of grea Timmins, Iroquois Falls mediate points. It is : ever that there is no Su With Golden City, Bar spots in the district alor vice would make the bu: addition to those desiri Sunday there are many spend Sunday with frie bus leaving here on Sui turning late at night W( the people and likely a railway. Will the T. 8; I‘ to sax GRAV EL \NI) S \NILâ€"AND PL ACER WNWN””’O ’ ‘0‘. so -fi-vmw All will sincerely wish Premier Hepburn complete triumph over these alien agitators who have done so much harm in recent years to the unemployed and the country alike. But at thesame time the thoughtful man is liable to remember that when Hon. Mr. Bennett and his Cabinet and Hon. Mr. Henry and his Cabinet struggled with these pro- vokers of disorder, they received little but criticism and abuse from Hon. Mr. Hepburn and his present Cabinet Ministers. The same men, the same tricks, the same sneaking disregard of law and order and the same contemptible attempt to induce others to riot are troubling the present Ontario Government that caused worry to its predecessor. It isn’t the communists that have changed; it is Hon. Mr. Hepburn. the communists. E‘ traced more or less < work. The commur capital out of every t in the past few year lected ostensibly to l elsewhere never seq where the city or th and service clubs dc It has b( headin quc 1V rm 11 cc inaugurated by the T. N. 'reat value and convenience to alls and Cochrane, and inter- is a matter for regret, how- ) Sunday service for Timmins. Barber’s Bay and other cool along the route, a Sunday ser- bus service about perfect. In rsiring a cool spot on a hot any others who would like to friends on the bus routes. A Sunday morning and one re- t would be a big advantage to v a good profit-maker for the 8; N. 0. think it over? Every Toronto Telegram reads:â€" andod on Bar.” Shouldn't our?" Bars went out with 11 L1 1' of Welfare, now has ust where he wants YOU 1g man accompanied 1 seventeen told the 1'. “Isn’t the girl a ‘Naw! I‘m a miner!” works in a roomintz have had the nerve mks in a rooming he two bottles of 183’ are m PORCU‘PINE ADVANCE. manna ONTARIO criptlc recent anon given to a: diabely. The council ha: through the passi $75,000 worth of c tion will probably of August. and 1 building will be to t. for bluc atlo chat ber To Ask Tenders {or am New Publlc School 1P7}: Bll a couple will atten vention a Mr. and children 16 Rhode Isl: for a week week at C Bay islancj her 1 Dona the 5011 Mrs. Secord of 66 Mountjo Mrs. Wm. McC day on a mo MI‘S. Lord w her sister, M Liskeaz'd. Miss Edith Hil Donald left on f a. holiday near I Bornâ€"to Mr holdt, 8 Monet a daughter. Bornâ€"Lo chapelle. 82 â€"â€"a daughu An itsm i The New L sayszâ€"“Mrs. 3f Timmins Miss F1 week at In near New Bornâ€"â€" 178 Ceda Dr. and Mr York. N.Y.. v zik, 69 .' daughter Miss cousin Rouyn Miss I friends week. :1 8011 spend Miss Ethc Mrs. Rudd 58 At area. Ke ue Prints App Meeting of Pub] Board Last Weel Born Born SOD n ll Born-40 M ‘2 Lakesho 6‘ ; discx nem bj paren week :11 OPTICAL COMPANY “at the differvnc glasses made in my hus band‘s disposition. ll had been working ham at the office and th strain on his eyes :ll‘l'vvi ed his nerves and mud him tired and irritable. “He's ‘his old 50H" ug'nil now that ho wears th glasses at the office, thza Mr. Curtis proscrihod fo him." .1 of the p issue of The nâ€"-Lo M1 76 Kirby I was Avoid your‘ CUR'HS: -to M Fifth IVIi RI .‘vIr 1C a1 )V M Am .Vl “I surprised 11' th( Annrov< M Ed at. School 1rd h (- which {Be ears Seen Around l g at South Porcupine Pleasing; Address 011 Ontarlo Gardens . . ei a ‘il 3‘ ve of r a. val- day afternoon when tthe bicycle upon pJ ntadhe 1.1132“ 1%}; vi i esgiown which she was riding came into col- ue, an 355‘s m ce. 9 .ew lision with a. car on the. Dome road. were edueame as well as interesting. In some way the bicycle swerved on Alter the address he answned a num- the bad spots in the road undergoing her or .quest‘ions from those present. repair just as the young lady met the He advrsed the use of commerc1al fer- car. She fell off the bicycle but forâ€" tilizer rather than any‘form of manure, tunately was not hit by the car. he pointing out” that a new preparation. is suffering from a. badly laceratedi ”Fertilin," notonly had the best dual.- lznre which has required severali ities Cf. a'fertilizer. but It also fumigat- stitches. but is otherwise little the worse! 9d the. 5011- killing Off most or the DBSt'S for her unpleasant experience. of the garden in their early stages. Nick Bodlovic. our garbage contrac- Some of the pictures shown dealt with :or. has several timES lately seen a’lthe insect pests that injure gardens. bear and two half-grown cubs in the’ bush near «the dump on the Timmins road near the old government campsiTemperature Here He says they hardly wait until he turns to go away before they are pawing and, 105 Degrees sundav nosing over the stuff to find cast-out __ ‘ fruit and vegetables and other edibles. . His horses get uneasy and restless when; LOHgBSt PCI‘IOd 0f HOt wea' thzy are in the vicinity otherwise the‘ they Ever Recgrded in bears cause no trouble. 5 , . '_ We hear also from 'an authenticl North° NO Bleak ER source that the unusual sight of a heart 'pected fOI' Day 01‘ TW’O. with three cubs has been observed once (21' twice in the vicinity of the Buffalool ”It: will probably begin to moderate Ankerite Mines this summer. ia little bit after to-day," the weather- Mr. and Mrs. Stan Graham, Mr. and! man said this morning. He doesn't see Mrs. Harry Chevier. Freeman Anthony, any quick break in the record-breaking and Mrs. H. Disher. left by car for To-' hit weather 'bUl C1055 599 hope that route and Hamilton for a holiday on: both the temperature and the humid- Saturday. Mrs. Graham and Mrs! my will go down slowly. Chpvier intend taking up a course in} The longest period of hot weather hairdressing before returning. ever recorded in Northern Ontario. the Mrs. Wm. Gagnon and children, Bob, highest day and night tfmpcratures all Whitehead and Ernie Gagnon. left for! contributed to general discomfort- ill- HELP WANTEDâ€"Calendar and Ad- vertising Specialty Salesman required immediately for Sudbury district to sell Louis F. Dow line Calendars and Wide range leather and metal novel- ties on good commission basis. Write age, experience and references to Mortimer Ltd, Ottawa. Ont. 55-56-57 ohn S. Hall Delights Audi- ence Here Friday with Helpful and Interesting Address. WAN'IE Mr .lm- es. H 'dens Sout-h Porcupine. Ont., July 11th, 1936 medal to The Advance. Marion. the second daughter of Mr. Id Mrs. J. J. Jordan, of Dome Mines in hospital here recovering from the feats of an accident sustained on Fri- rwing no doubt chiefly to the intense .t. there was only a handful of peo- at the Church of the Nativity hall- Friday evening for the address by n S. Hall. Toronto. under the aus- 38 of the Timmins Horticultural Soâ€" y. Those who were present had a ghtful evening with information of 1e and much of interest. Mayor J. Bartleman briefly introduced the aker, and at the conclusion of the ress called or a vote of thanks ch was heartily given by enthusiasâ€" applau W3 )( n SALEâ€"D Hollimzer WOOD FOR SALE RENT I) 1V e. paying for thi proving property HE Elm Str i1 n E LP WANTED 11' of glasses in red « ald Lake, last Tuesday 3 return to Graham“ Pine North. Timmin not alone for beauty but .nd real profit in contenb ldren. he said, should be 3 take an interest. in hor- referred to the many-sid- FOR RENT I‘ra WANTED a rere Gagnon. Pobalt, on Saturday 18 TEE FOUND Three-roomed apartmen conveniences. Apply 7: LOST roomed h( at $40 per sion. App] 'eet South slabs. Apply 4 me. phone 441 18 atlon US month “'8 may ob- I‘he Ad- 'tisement 54-551) Da ll 79 Db X Nortk in Vs’ a Sam Sun immmmms FOR SALE 'eath '81 1V FROPEI license joy FOR SALE FOR SALE GEN'I‘LEMA N OWNING PRIVATE HOE Tc Tl‘ "It will probably begin to moderate little bit after to-day," the weather- an said this morning. He doesn‘t see 1y quick break in the recordnbreaking -: wtather but does see hope that OR SAI small hi d Lt rooms N ewly $40 111 )R valu . brc 'd u and BULL MOOSE (‘ALF WANTED Ill 1.11m h he 11‘ SA Ll‘ 11 (i bra 113 13 n dam 11' Id be 105 degrees. 3 east and south were gm with thunderstorms. drop of rain fell here. :-expectrd thunderstorm the Porcupine, it, will be predicted. The only rain 1 was a amull amount at came with Thursday , rough thunderstorm. mt the North have suf- amage, it is reported. ma] feature of the heat the regular display of .. Sometime during each past eight, the, cool we been seen oxer the 11' le W ). Ba McKay hou S ALE )I K21}y ion 181'0 you dcsire. I. McKay and Lh door. dening and n this work . His addrcs: rom 1 this work to the His address was lis- Lit with intense inter- m. and many of the ll prove of great val- . The views shown well as interesting. he answered a num- l from those present. . e of commercial fer- any‘ form of manure, I a new preparation.) y had the best qual- but it also fumigat- off most of the pest-s their early stages. res shown dealt with hat injure gardens. 1f hav m m memoon. 21y humid. yet no ) make the hot air n the form of rain y is from 70 b0 85 31' cent, above nor- wn 6 1nd m a1 I11 High Low t. 101 66 . . 96 69 ._ .100 77 .103 79 1m temperature -80 degrees. By ling it had risen throughout the ALEâ€"$6000 buys 11 GOOâ€"Northern Id men's beverage 3. No competition. 2,000 cash. Apply 3.. 102 Durham 1k£ <75 m house on Hem- nveniences. Price ant $600. Balance 'oom house on lvmiences. First 3700. Down pay- : arranged. An- 20 Pine North, Sudbury [10 on very eaay '3’ modern homps a1 sections. Lots you dcsire. Just, :Kay and Lhe car . house on Ban- All conveniences. c 81600. Down nins where the buildings and least two de-‘ Lhe mine, the ant yesterday's s reachcd early 3911 the govern- er touched 103 rase at, the H01â€" ures in the last heat:â€" >f hot weather m Ontario, the rmperatures all discomfort, ill- .l 1' 101158 on Wilson :es. Price $1900 Balance 330 Apply J. J. Mc- 3hone 1135 . ~55 veniences. Cen- .rt.her informa- Spruce Street lC 1nd the true rgo 6-roomed cted with all niences. Cen- her informa- On $35 month 31118 North number of L'ICKay procure n having 2 can be Northern to death or smothered u refuge in the shaft of LI mine lie buried at Drac on Porcupine lake, Mr. E on Saturday. Although 1 Boards of Trade erected lte shaft in memory of t] Just three of the graves n any permanent way. Th 01 a mining engineer. only u job of vi bx te Anniversary oi Porcupine Fla Tlagedy of th Of the {am} Satuulay In Survwmg her 2 bert, Sam and S‘ sister Mrs. A. Mol husband and six The Fallen held from h this mornin day evening Had Been Resident Here for 21 Years Mrs. G. St. Jean Pa After Brief 111m: In memory of mo“ in the Porcupine loving boy and Blackman, who July 13th. 1932. There is a link dez Love and rememb â€"Ever rmlembm Uncle Maurim anc darling son. Alfn July 13th. 1932. 2 God knew that he That, the hills wcr So He closed his w And whispz-red “P‘ Away in Lht‘ beauti By the valley of r4 Some time. some when, We will meet our 10 â€"â€"Sad1y missed 13: BLACKMAN~In 1 LUXMORE-In loving fred Luxmorc, who 1 13. 1931. One by one our loved And the pain of bit? Teaches that the hea: Is the shadow of th â€"Ever remembered man. and nephew. W1 BLACKMANâ€"â€"In FOUR POUNDS I $1.00. fourteen p< pounds Virginia bacoo $1.50. Post G. W. Jeffrey. L( One vid CHILDREN FOR ADOPTION-4 homes desired for'cmldrcn. boys girls. Catholic and Protestant. 4 to 14 years. Any home den to adopt a youngster shouid their clergyman write A. a. Ca: Supt. Children‘s Aid. Timmms. ay evening he had com ther membe sen a high] as 36 years ierre dc Wit ARTICLES WANTED tiques. spinning “- weapons. books. Va: 135 Ossington. Tom Men WINDSOR HO’E‘EL Survivin Licensed undm’ the Liquor (“.0111”)! rific ole Travellers 3n I‘C WANTED TO l’.l'\ ba‘ 1 Sa MISCELLANEOUS 6 Cedar St. North 1E IN MEMORIA M IN M E MOR IA M IN M E M O R I A M IN MEN‘IURIAN‘I MONDAY. JULY A Complot'ly Mozivrn â€"â€"Fro m 0 Board of Ont H ()TEE T()B.-\(‘(‘() will find and d W 1‘1 11‘ 1V ll ()1 th hi "'6 1E W homc W n David Prop. th 3TH 11 1911 M h ll On 4-H! 311 ll

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