Porcupine Advance, 5 Mar 1936, 2, p. 5

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'. *w_ Tim-”.155? ivikfif’h’ STE 1936 Doherty Roadhouse Co. l Members Toronto Stock Exchange STOCK BROK ERS Timmitis Pine St. North Toronto 293 Bay Street 19 liircct pri 'atc wires for fast and accur- ate quotations and executions in all Mining Stocks Industrial and Public Utility Stocks Bonds Accurate Markets :1 1111 Executions in Unlisted Stocks ('ommision basis only Local Phones 1200 and 1201 (‘lttrt'lie littll l‘.'it'tt‘1:‘15_;“et‘ “...â€"m - ...-o”.â€" ...â€"...-m ...â€"... -.---~ . Mining Industry Hselp in Creating Employment ...â€"-..... ....“ -.....â€". ......M , l ifth of Series of \ddresses on ( 1111ad11 s Mining: lndti. str3'. Value of the industry in (reating' New and Profitable Employment in Recent, Times. ”-'- lllllll'."-n<‘l.l 1'.:1'11 11: t: e .~-11-(';tllt-1i 1112-.11311-1 :1111'1 01111111111.» 'lltlT :tiven make for :l(l(li‘(l 11'111111111'55 '111 .5-1' ac~ trvrties. have been 1.1111115. llitl"5tl' ' 'l‘he .Advar'rr'e ha. the .5.1'1‘11-5, of 1X1I"'llt'lll atltli‘t'.~~‘.:'. i by th- 11111111121111; 111-31.11'11111'11: of Mimi called '2111 1':.:1~ttn'1"': 11112,“. Below will be found the filth 211i . the series 11 tail; on thr- r'olt- of the; Second 1'5 the capital :111l11.5'â€" minute 11'rltt5try in creature employ-irr'y,‘ which 11111111: 1511 l l l I I mettt-~-.1y 1111.111. "1“, .A. Crerar. Munster that 1111111111"';11111111 or 111'1111111- 111111115 111' Mine». 'l'his ..ddr'ew should l1-- elven very 5.}Jt'l'lill attention and l.)ill)ll('lt"1'. "or. Mr. ('l'et‘at's Address 111.111. Mr. (..‘i'erar and 5 .3 "In 1'l11111.5;;11L'. T11 «111-11k to you 1111 1111" part played by fire 11111111111 and 1‘11..'11t'.1iltl1111'1' .5111'11 :15. electrical 1114:111'». lt1‘.1'._v Irttrt'htttt'ry. 111112 :tt'ttt'ftti'ai mice. in fact all machinery 11:1: '1.» 11.5.1111 to 111111;) an interprise 1.111- pioduciivc p 11â€" With this 11111.1;1 111 111111151115 should be included as well the “1151‘ 1. industry in creating 111.1 113111111 ofittnstr'uction and littlltlltlti’ 11111115'13 .'nililoytnetit. I do -:. '.vzgl'; .1 1:12-11 1'1-.t.’1-l}'ttrall.‘1' 'w‘e liar-1- the ‘.«5111'111'1' industries zation that 131.1 511') 't -.11 11:71: l1111lwhic‘11 cotnprise our :'ail'-.'.'ay systems men with 1.13111: 1-~t.1;111 :1111 ('1'-111:1 111 land all iltt‘i5'1' 'rtdtt.5'1'r"s that 1.-:111'1lr'1y r1105! (11.5'1'11 “:21. .1: '111 111' '1' 111111 11011111 who :11111111115'111' to 11'11' personal 1} :.\L11..'.'111e 1.1eds. '.ndusti'y in "Now with 111-pee: to the elite-tuner ..1sibie for the 1.11011 industry. although there has been nltlllllf‘liltg'.‘t' .tpptrt't 111 many a '.gt‘ttft'ali.tll111"-1)l'f 111 the number cmâ€" thou5arrti-. 1 : :ker's (llll'lllit the past ployed. the (11111 use is rnttch less mark- live you. 11111 111 order that 1 ma}. ed than it has been 111 the capital goods show 1'.: w the influence of the mining; and service lllflll.\[l'lt'.s. The reason for industry 1.5 11'1“ throttchout the country. this. is quit: cvrdent. when we consider allow me 1:1 explain to you the three ltat the people must. be fed. clothed. great. 11.-ids ot lxumarr endeayoztr' that, 1111.1 1101151111. 1'1151111'1'11115's of whether they 1.5.l111ild ltlzi- 1-1'1.1 211.: attivrtre. 1:1 12.1 :1...'.'.".1 Canada hav- 1 '.1 :11' ‘a râ€"0 provide employment 111111111: normal work or not, '1 1'11 capital 5.111011. ' industry times. and. in part. 1f~1e tr an~por Lation or .5'11'- "First: "11111111 .1111 the primary indtts- vices industry have no .5'11'11 perm. 111 in market. Their dcpetiden‘ on wo:ld trade and any 111 immediately renewed in the liil.ll‘lf‘l' of men employed condition is. to a la t'TlU‘ domestic and tries such 115 f‘arunnu. fishina. and others, 1111.1 The associated manufacâ€" llll'lllil 111'111.'1111-.t'1111t seek to provid- mankind .titl 1 foodstuffs and the other iitcessities of our daily life as well as (fitt'lil ':"t't';t.51' 11 1’1' 1. _.-_____.Mâ€"â€"â€"__._.W_.__â€"..â€"_._ -..â€" â€"â€". .â€"â€"__â€"â€".. w“..- -_.â€"._. ‘.111'111111111‘1.'1'.5.1 *W.“ ..--A ...----”. - ....-- . .-.. -1.“. ”'.‘-~“.-.M~ -‘.- M . “â€"..- Mining Industry Provides l Employment 1 'Now let us see how the minim: in- 11.1~.:r" t. presiding direct employmen' .11111 10501110110011? indirect employâ€" :111;. .:1 711‘“ 'hree liPlil.‘ of 111111.511"; I mentioned I. 1 K. .1 11 .4 .. - :'~.1- previous broadcasts you have :1 .1 pi1:.11'1- 113 '111'1 develop .:11.'.' 1. '1.-11 111:1'11111 illtltl.572‘_‘1 (ltll‘lll.’ 1:111 p.15' {"1311 1. ears You have been told 721.1‘ (‘illitttll ;5:551"5'-1'.5 large deposits 01 1111-21! particularly cold. copper. nickel. .1'.tfl ..nd 7011'. and that treatise of her- :1:1,Ie 1111'115' {immutable to th“ occurrence 1'1 111.1111'1115. the possibilities of her 4111111111 to 1111.5- already known store- .1111..1- of wealth are very great indeed .\f11:'11111.'1 r' 51111 lW‘SP.".‘~‘"- abundant hydro power and skilled men win-te- ['Allli to develop the mines and pro-- 11::11'1- 1111't.1l.\' 1111’ world markets. Ftrl‘r‘ii'li 1 fortunate 111 this respect :111 .st 1'01”" to Canada for a large share .11-1111111101 ms. In consequence. L111 ierrs' 871 per cent. of Canada's metal ;.1."111' 1 '1.1.11 11 11x111'1t'11'1l.'1‘11 produce this ..151111111111111 of‘ new wealth requires the 11'r".'ic s of many men: specific figures 111 .1 Talk of this kind are not 1't'ttirely 1-11.11:'.1.11111111 and 1 would much prefer 1.11 1.1.1111 you a manual impression of the 211:1 army of workers required to pro- 1111111. refine. and market this wealth. N1 '.'ei'tlit less, 111 order 111 fith‘ you a 1'1111t'li-li' example of' how the minitr'.‘ :titluiztry {trr'ec'iv provides employment 1 .1111 11111111.: to (“111011- 111'1 figures of em- 111(13'1111'111 at the mines during 103-1. the latest year for which accurate fittâ€" ttrcs ”1‘11 available. In 10:24. accort‘litr'.1 ‘to the Dominion Bureau 01' Statistics. 511.0313 inn. 5 and plants, including 1.111.5' '.11111 oil wells. and sand and gravel pits. proxidtd 73,000 workers with $88,000,- 11110 111 studies and 13111111.. If we take #1211 1111' .al 11111111111. industry alone we find that. in the same year 34.000 works t‘l'n 1 eerved a total of' nearly $51000.- 1100 111 salarit'1s and wages, or an aver- true annual wage of approximately $17100. According to figures shown by 111.11 Workmen‘s Compensation Board :lns l11.-erase annual wage is consider ab- ly higher than the average w'as'es paid to employees in any other industry. Moreover, the work is steady and con~ 111111111115. representing as it. does an [average daily wage of $5 for the 1100 workine days of the year. it lfi‘t‘l l'll' 1'1111133'.t.1. .'t" - . ‘. 1a ."1 111‘... .“-,.--. -_.-*_--_..- â€"â€".~.- ...- _ <_‘â€"-. ...- 1..._ . ----..___.. .. l 1 Interesting Figures "Figures of employment in the metal minim; industry for 1930 are interest- 11114 as showing the extent to which direct employment in this branch of the industry has stood tip dur'ing the depression In 1930 the metal mining industry employed 31000 1.1 01 kels with a payroll totalling almost $49. 000000. Not. only has there been an inc t'f‘ase in the number employed during the de- pt'es5'11111 years 11111 the average scale of 31111.15. has been maintained. "It should be remembered that. I do not include in any of' the foregoing figures the number of' prospectors and others engaged in private development of prospects and placers, and although no accurate figures can be obtained the number so engaged must be well i1.1;11' 15000. i 73.000 Workers Directly Employed l I have told 3011 of an army of over '73 000 w'orkt rs dir'ectl3 employed by the mines. Now tonsider' what the provid- l1115: of food. clothing; and furniture for this army 01' workers and their depen- ('.'\1\’.AI)I.ANS AND THEIR l.\'l)ll.“1 “1"?1Rll.Ҥ-~ AND 'l'lll'flR BANK .llM.’ lull.lt'1j.'11111_1x-1:;-:: tilt l1 i- l1.1: litzz'y .‘.nit. lint titc ("hilt ...iit‘rittcd 111 111L‘, citinlltlc‘tltially, (if t~l1. '1"-l1. J}: 1315“ 1111151" - 11.11.11. that it it lidtlll been for the Bank of 5 . _ f . ‘ 3111111311 111.111, 111;:l1lrr't ll.1\C succeeded. and he H” I" '\ “"1.l’“"1 ""3! ” "i" ”'4' "’ "'5‘ .'~“"‘ rt 1hr; 1. :11:- 311.11. with .1 lot of the other \\.l:c11 l lllltl'. 111 the tl:1~1.. .11:.l5 1f :--:1_. \'..'.' 15111,. R 1 , ' 1.111'111 {1' lt't'ti A lle: ;'1.11 5.111112 lltli and l l;:'1w it's true, 1‘31: "l'ha's 1111:»: l. v 1.'.'~»:';..'.' .'1.i '. . 11 . 1 .l , . I . ‘1" ‘ ‘ 1‘ 111:1..1. c 1 11:11 told me. too. I reckon hc tcrls 1:1. !:'11 21:11 111.111; ' . 1.. .1 ' . -. . . ‘ r L ‘ 1, . 1 v 1'.-clause lit like» to tail. about . .. . . . - l1.1:.} l: :11" Bali. t1111. l have .1 5.1311125 lllllz \\'.'1sr'.'t ui‘y\.l‘1'- 1111:. 1l11‘11;;;.“., l:'. (-.. 1 ~' v .11 ;'.'1lltl 1'3‘11'{lli'tllll("\.'.1‘. 35111.: in tt 1» .5 \ I I l ' .1 1‘ ‘5 ‘ II )1 ‘v ' ‘ l1. 1 v t 10 I .ll-\ (Jrl \1. ‘1! \(ul11\ 111l1ll1. 1-l ‘-\. ll .. . 4' ES!‘ 1‘ I: . 1. 1; li','; 5(lll.l‘1'(.l 11..111111 1111121111 they would do .1 11.111111: 1: ' 1: 1h. toulti ixcp hair but tics‘r 11': ...-..1 ' ° ° lsl.1..' lhcy went to 1111' 11.1111. 111 .\it1:;:1-..13 .1' 1 ..1. 1 ' ;.; l' .51'1'1111-1. to the lashing Indus- '."1'11'11“Cl 1111 tllcll’ immortal ~11'1112111. 111 t' .; .‘. ' '. .' 5; business chi-111110: accounts; 11211.1 3:11:20”: plant. (ll 111111.512 tl;t'.' 5.111;; l 1 ; " 1. ' ' 1f 5'. 't: .'Ith. tulilltit‘fttal limits: (Unit 1 .. ‘. . . " ‘ ' '1 _ - _ 1.11 .1.1Jt..l'('t.11.'.' 11 int 1:»! 11 ll.» 51;“ 3311.1! .1 '11.! ' ' 11' .1111 5.111.141: tutti; (1i subtitle). 13.11:: this l.‘l".‘t'SS 13,1» 1511111 111 l'-: and 11111;: : ~ ' - '. "11111". which {.1'. cllt‘rs '. 1:1 tcht ".1‘.i:‘;\'_ .\.1w {1.1L .1: (1.1. . 111.1.1. l.'l'\l'li\lllH :; ' 1'?\i." tillitl. .\l(1\l‘l’.l..'\l 'l‘immins Branch: 1). R. 13 . ‘s\ HllF \lanagcr Ntnnll’. ‘x' 11111 1.1 ‘.i l'.\\'Â¥'.1\('. “* ..1 “1'1. l 11211‘1111711‘71 (1‘. ‘~ \1 W ‘lt~".l111‘\ll'1Ul'FRAl'lON Are You Tiredâ€"Listless? is your rest broken at night? If your kidneys need attention take Gin Pills. They will strengthen your kid. trays and if you r-leep better you 1will feel better and look better. 3“ t 1 l l t l ...- .... dents means to the consumer 1111.5'tt'3', particularly the farmer supplies the 11111111113.” community most of its f'oodstttff5. It has been e.5'ti-,1 mated that total payroll of' the ltllllllltt,‘ went to l)lll'(‘ll'.l.\.t" foot'lstuf't's. another 3510000000 to purchase clothing and art additional $110.10 000 in household cquipme 111. What. this mtans to Canada is all the 11101'1' apparent when I tell you that lt‘.‘.\ than 2;") years ago the thriving 1-:1111111un'111es of Timmins with a. population of 20.000 and Kirkland Lake with another 1.3.000 Wt‘l‘.‘ a wilder- ntss who5e only population consisted of a few prospectors and tr'appers. It is entirely due to the purchasing: power industry of the workers support-"d by these mines that the agricultural products: '11f' the great. clay belt of that region are .511 easily marketed. Value of New Mines Let us now titt'ii to what the opening trip of“ a new mine means to the capital or durable goods industry. It has been estimated that. to bring a cold prospect [to the producing stage requires the .5x-1 ‘penditure of at lt‘llSt course this amount. will vary considerâ€" ably. and in many sumed to be much more. 1111' base metal mines much larger-~~n1ore was expended in into production. In the casL' this estimate is than 330000.000 1111111111111; Flirt Flori I 1 l l "We a,re I t hink. quit.- 111, that. :10 per cent. tttre is required 1111' direct labour, the1 remainder is required for the purchase 121‘ mill building and in this all members of the goods indtttry share. Illmm‘l,‘ tutal sttel and Portland cement. must be purcha5 d for the mine building's; 1xplosiv1's. drill steel. and hoistino equipment f'or the actual mining oper- ations; heavy machinery in the shape '01 crusher 1's: motors; and other equip- rnsnt. including; chemicals for the ex- traction of the metal; and the supply- 111;: of‘ these demands in turn provides employment for thousands 01' people. "The latest figures obtainable show that. during 1935 twenty n;w gold mines having mills capable of' treating more than 100 tons a day were brought into production. In addition many of the larger mines have made substantial additions and (xtensions to their exist-; ling plants. According to the Dominion Bureau of‘ Statistics. the ‘anadian [mining and metal industry purchased 570.000.1100 worth of stores and equip- ment. in 1034. This amount. also includes expenditures for electrical power. freight, proximately $21..(')00000. These figure:- do not ltlt’lllde the e. :penditur'c of pros lptttors or syndicates whose opet 1'5ation.‘ l were be 1111,; conducted in rremote er5‘1'.ions ‘or' 111:1 vast sums of monev spent in rther w .1315. in the search 101 new mines, ' .111 of which 1101's either into payrolls or the purchase of equipment and stip- plies. Onc eminent Canadian mining authority has estimated the cost 01' finding; a dividend-prodiicint: gold mine to be at. least 31.000000. I include this last statement as a hint that mines: are not easy to find. that all prospects do not. necessarily become mines. and that. the finding and developing: of them requires capital, skilled efficient la rear. and pt'~r'_~e\'erarice. "In crder that you may understand more clearly just how the r'eqtiir'.-ment.51 or .111 mining industry create employ- ment. let. its briefly outline the record of (1111' 111' two or the 11101':- important min- in; camps. 1 “Let us look at the record of N11- 1anda. Ten years 115.111 it was btit a pros- pect. 111 the middle of' a wilderness. It Ir'eqtured something like the ture of 325.000.1100 to bring it into proâ€" duction. but. since that. out almost $21.000000 in wages and calarie» In 1995 ' paid almost. $1.000.- 000 in fr1111ht and express and pur- cha 1d over $3 000000 worth of supplies of which amount almost. $400,000 went '11 buy lurk" and coal. Eighteen years ago last sarntircr. 1' stood where the town of Flirt F1011 now stands. There was nothing there but. barren rock and a diamond drill. I000.000 to bring the mine into produc- ltion, including: the development of ‘zrydro-elcctric power at Island Fall: ,on the Churchill river and the build- ;11111 or a power line 58 miles 111 length 111111 111.51 y"ar they ‘000000 in new wealth. vast expenditures for capital uoods such 111 undertakinv calls for l 111 1112c how mininc creates employment rtidirec'l3.' 1 1.1111111111 th- e ..‘15'e of No- it'anda and F1111 F1011. I :llt)lll(l like to '11 11:1 1111' a few minutes ,5 International Nickel Com- :.anys payroll for the 8000 odd em-‘ 11111311s 15 113'1'11 $1 000 000 a mon 11 how 1 1 l i .itntne, the past 1.1.11 years Consolidated. Mining1 and Smeltincr British Columbia has 376000000 11'. w'iczes. L'er >ille‘ 1911 l‘as paid out over $79,- 000.000 in wages, purchased over $50.- 000000 worth of supplies. and paid in 111110111115 our 377000.000 This com- pany has produced over $211: ..000000 of: new wealth, over 92 per cent. of which labourer tann- Company in paid out 1.11'1-2‘ has been shared by the floods ln-. who “ with 1 in 193-1. $30,000,000 of the' 31.000000. 01" cases may be as-' sale 111 assumâ€" ; of the expendi-‘ equipment. and, capital . struc- ' and insurance which total 1111-1 expendi- . time it. has paid . It required over $30- 1 produced over $8.5 Think of the. and you will1 longer to tell' and how Rollin-.31 YET POECTTTTNT. ADVAN N'f'E, mnrms ONTARIO u..â€" -.-._ -... .. -..”â€" ...__-.-__. ._-._.._..__._......-. "...â€"... let. n1.'111".factut'er railroader and iii-l lvrstnr l i “What 1 1111c 111.51 said wt! 1 hope 1 iprovide 31111 with a '.'.limpse of wit-.1“ lzhe dev'lopmem of "tese new-1r 111111- 1215; areas. c.1111 11.5 l"'.11. Finn .N'otgiuda ll'tckh Lake and. lithium R‘.\' 1' .1111 '1111. inpening up 0: 1tll‘.-‘:' 111w 1111111111' .111'11 will mean to Canada '11 '.lt1' wit nil '11'11'.1dit"1 i‘llllli11\1llt'll‘ .'111:.1'1- .'.11 311.11 1 11 come ; Hun- .Amount of Slate-rials l'st'd (.1 “1 think 1 have 1'11'1111 you a .5111. -‘ ,eicntly detailed p;cttit'e of the r'eqtitrei lmerits 111 mininir trtcrprire for 3'01 111 ,aain an impression of thel:111:11.1111111111. {of material that 1111151 be ltalltllttl 15upply the needs 111 the mine and itiiimr \1111 begin to see now why 1 1'» Heard the [10.5511111113'111' the 11111111151. 111 ldtt5tt'3' bernw .1 powerful intent of .11 111111.3' in the field of employment. Asttl from lllt' number 1: 1111111113.» dirr~11§3 it requires many thotrstrnd5 111111‘1' 'Cttpply its wants. Because 11.5 product: especially gold. are in demand 111 1111 markets the itttlustry 15‘ in a condition. Prospects for 11111‘ll191' expansion are br'rtrht becaust 11 tttit'c has richly endowed our country 1191 as reg 1am every new cold mine (ll.\~ teovcrcd and brought into production a: lanother great industrial f'actory whose 'pxd 1c.» are r'adily salable. Why; should we not aim at doublinir (1111' gold production within a limited period ' of years. On the basis 01' our past r'c cord of development. I do not 1'1'11..1.ard this as impossible of achievement. 111 1910 Canada pro'lttctd sliehtly 111(11'1' than 310000000 worth or 11111113?) years later she produted $110,000,000 ’I'irink what. the doubling of our present proâ€" duction would mean in the way of pro- .vidinfl employment for many of 11111 130111152; men who have been s 1 11111111111111 last few years in our relief (amps! Think of the grain iti independence of . action and spirit that would be achieved by these young men if they could 111~ provided with gainful 1'::'1'upation’ 1.11:; an motto for the nexr five years '.11-. 1 "mining camps insti ad of' relief camps " i w ot‘lti 1 healthy l "Every increase made 111 the pr'-:11dttâ€" ' ition of' our mineral walth assists in; 'the solution of 11111' railway and emâ€"l tploymt 111 problems and will do much! to bring back to this courrtr y the pros-1 pctity we are all looking for. 1 have anl tabiding faith in the future of Canada! .and think Canadians are sensible and’ capable of forming means 111 develop; ithe immense storehouse of 11:11.111'al'i mineral wealth we possess." l By James W. Barton, M.D.. Toronto I then '--»the kitty; 1.1 the neat amount and the importance of 11.5 1 fully work. It does more different job: than any Other (r'g'an and has 1111l11 tiliem in such a. b11101 wholes 111.1 manner 01 c0ur>et the heart which is only a 11 w . i {ounces compared to the ll'tt'l".'~. six; speak about the but orgatrsâ€"because of the }A to pounds 111 weigh: has :he important 11111 of pumping blood 11111 that is its whol -1 'job. The little glands pituitary as 121.51 1 of brain. thyroid iii the 11 1k. it(ll"tll'.ill i situated one on top of' each kidney hav 1 most important. 10115311 3111 1.111 starctly anything. bttt the liver carries 1111 d -- lspite the various f'01111s of dam 15111 11111 lorttir to it. In fact. as 11111111011111 1111- l fore. practically two of every three per- irons have some irritation or inflammaâ€"l Lion of liver and gall bladder and 3x111 perhaps only one in a hundred has: real trouble. R'cent investigation would seem .111 show that the liver has :1 regular 1:111-' 11119 or system of' p.1'1r'f'01'rnirra' two 01' 115' itnportan: jobs. that is the storing: away of glycogen 1stia'art 1'01' future use. and. the niarntfactitre of bile to assist dices- ' tion and stimulate bowel action. 1;. appears that in man there is pro- bably iii the liver the greatest amount .of bile being; manufactured when the llea5t. amount ot' 111311-5111'1111 is 11111111 storâ€" ed, and the 1111111..»11 amount of' glyco- gen is 'eing stored when least bile is lbeing; manufactured. According; to 1.1- C'c'arch workers the 11111.51. glycotgen is l;"- ' § 1112' manufa 't.urcd at noon and the 1110.51 ' ; after midnight. While taking food may iaerCt. this 11111111111 to some extent. ill(‘\'('1‘tl1(‘lt.\‘>l this mineral rule 1.5 main- 'taincd.” These facts are of interest stuns treating diabetic to physi- patients 11.5: 111 1 insulin is more" lefi'ectivc at. certain times- than others i This f'act of the daily routine of the l l i 1 'has been fottnd that liver in storinu its largest amount of glycogen at night-41110111 1after the evening 111e111~~lr5 be thec €011.51 of fulti".5's about 1115; in certain individuals. Eating their. large meal of starchy and fa: 11111115â€" 1 'potatocs bread. sugar. .'.veets. puddings 1 creamâ€" at the 110011 hour instead of a' ' six o'clock. might b of some help. 1111' 1111011111 centainly not tend to keep 1111-111 alert for mental work 111 the 1111:1111111. . tittgis’ered 1:1 11111111 hour: thought 11:; .-~i:‘.1'pie:5sncss or Wake-1 111"1'0!'1l.111('11 witi; 'ht ‘ ('.'z’1pyr'iaiit act 1 Dallas, Texas. N1-'.1.'.5“-â€"It ."1"‘lll.~ that .t-he last. the League of Nair-21.5 1"1‘1'11‘11 ido would be to return their irzz'arfior': ‘f11-_5 '.11 China and l'ltl‘riripia. â€"....-___... .... ....“ .. ‘.~ ‘ Brampton (for; 1:".'a 0195-1114111: on: race track5 has 1111' year'- beer: corn idcmned by 11 rayiricn and 111.111; 111-- 'Cdldrt‘ (1‘. (11.111111t‘aitxlt‘rx. effect younger people. Btt' the practice 'ttnues and tncre.1.--1-.5. 11 Ontario 211* “Jar 3.111.424.0110 was wagered or: the tracks of 1211. province. as against $13.: ‘148000 111 19.34. The revenue in 10:14 ‘ 1.1.5 3733.610 .1111“: :1. 103.317.1713 "rig-:1 lwas at: ntcrcasa- in attendance at the' "lel'ftltt‘r! ll‘l“"l.1iltll‘fl 3117.51.33 .:1 10:14 '11 '035031 111 19371. 55:10:”. 'akcs 11 101, 111'} itnrurey even in the. e (Eats of depr1'1s5zzori " tlgiz'iit ('()l.~ ' more ’rrrvolvine; plied to drawinu 101d." by I). 1). “sea 111‘: [to the ptiblic the results of y ..51111'ch and the content of many underworld. 111' yll'l. :"11. iappcars in this remarkable book. Verse. 1032." includes all the fine poetry «11 31111111113011 Pyle; 'Cooper \Villr5. 'l‘he volumes .-1'11:1.111‘. 11' fand happeriiircs 111 each ."-ltl)_jt’" "Old and Younci Ahead. :1 Mrl‘11111':r111 'l “111 81111.5. .11 1.1111 111;»: t . 1 two ('1 crock 111 the morn- 1 ' l .'113' America tillt‘ ('1' 5'1 '11” ......» ...-....- ._ -... â€"- “â€"..â€"..- -W-~-â€"- 111111.1111‘11-1111uu..1s~11 Mt Ht‘FATT-H A LL (New) 7 11111 1: "'1‘â€"sot 11.â€"lot on ____11 Hm--¢câ€".<.â€".â€"-.â€"â€"â€".â€".. ,.â€" - .â€" -. _ PAY??? F'TYE . - . -..â€"..-- ..--.-1. -..... m*-â€"â€"-~-5 . 111'”! lil’ilillltllltin 1m in .111: st '13 \RRFT'I‘ ( U. R. l’. 330 B \Y ST. 0 MEMBERS TIIIC TORONTO STUCK] EXP" \.\'(3II ‘ \‘ ‘. 111.1 l‘)|{‘)\'l‘() I Many New Books Now at Timmins Public Library .- -..“..mm... Some Notable New Non l‘i ctiOn Rooks \ddtd to Library Shelves. (lens. Building. (loll. 'lhe 11111.5: fiction broks to l the public 111.5 many volumes that will 1 3111115} littllt'ly of present-day inc-1115' "l'lrialairti Speaks " one of 1111'11-1111'11'51 c.111'1'nt intere5'. since cottthtit'ttis 111' 1 rlaces as texts to be used for althottuh their are a few Books on England. Art. .A nth ropology, Also New Fiction. lf‘ .13 l’hiltp (1111b. Shrubs, Rock (1111'- \'crse, .\utobiography. .‘.. ..«--7.._._7-_ l'~'t"t‘lll Sllllllllt‘lli 01' llttll'l}itll'ltt‘ :5 .tltttiilt'I' 1‘13 "2:1“ tlltllt'.'t‘:l\ lil)l'.tl'_\' 1'1111- lbotuttl ltllit‘ ll‘rt‘lt' .51‘1‘15; 11'. 12.11111 ’,1'..t\ ‘ ".\111:11:' Racine: and 11111:.1 tn._1n\ 1111' " by ("1 1'? 'l‘ l'i3511111 and 11.11..» of 1â€"11".131.1l1111 is packed 1111'. 1': 1111135 .1111l 11. they tellI t11:111.ttiotr for '.l'.--' 13113111 1‘L‘11l‘.il.\'1'~ 1111\1' .11111 "11112' 11.2 11 '11 11111111 and l-zit11'.'..-. 11".1' 111 '1'1 111 1111.11 11. tltt'tltl (‘11l1111'.'11‘. (".t‘lt' (1 111 lhe author" .s own de.~."111 1111111 suits 1'. 'best' '131'1111. with road .5'.'.'1"‘111'1'.5. bar 1111's 5.t 1te5111'1 11 tarnnne f 1 lords and ltttlit'5. beituars. actor's, ar'ti.5:.5'. literary tt'atnps, workers. liis:hl)t'11u'.~:. blacksmiths. the mat strict. lowbr'ows. (lt)\\’ll-;tll(l-()tll>. min: .. manner 0'. folk of humble and tank. with a panorama of the 51'ene 111 this year of grace 103.1 than a 1'1'11.~~'.~-set'tiort 111 .'lili- and llttillfilll. lllt' Legacy of l'llrtilzttttl,” 1' of contributions of liritish authors. 141131111111! 11:15. 11:1 t:‘e.t.-..r:1.; of their tt.t'.‘.'.“" 1t'i‘ll that a lttttk’lhlt' lt'tz.1:'3‘ t 1 tltiwll 15. fine 1'le.5.ci'rptrt.n and Baum". 11.511 building. country. l;:'1- 111.15 "Sln'ubs for Heart should be of value to ,Lill'(ltll('l'.“' now that lttl't'. 'llsls t'Xt‘t'lit'lll covers Zenabra.” '.vrll no doubt he‘111 platiricd 11.11'1'11'11 "The ltock ("1111'de11." by if. ’kins is another work that will gardener. All abott' ~siness. how to build, .tnttttt'ttt' :ardcn b 11.5.1 111 it and how to look after 11. '11 Pit-:tit'1’15. text book "131'1‘5111'1rtiv1' a5. Appllt'd 13311:." by Rex Vit'at Cole is a 1.11.2111'3' and practrtc tecture. Well illustrated and 1. easily understood 1111111111199, it acceptable both to the stud 1'1 and the general reader. “Building Construction." by F. Mitchell. 1;. an 1'11'1111'11111"j.' 'written by .1 2.1111 lecturer 111' 1. it':lgltt'(i to meet the architec- I.ond11n. 1 5:11.111 nts contain; technic. 1111'. (ls of me. 1:. 1'1111'1'111: much .ftrination 1111113- 1111- 1111- Saw'et'. "At“. 111 should encourage 113111'3' love of addition to 1111.5. much valua .1le iri5tr'1tctit1n in “A Hundred Years of' Antliropolt'iaf'.” by 'I. K. Penniman, tells of the forced in 1.111 conception of t ['Scit'nc» of -'vfarr 1:11:1'11212' the years. In 111110111 111 main 111111111113 111 antl'..o author 1111‘11111" tofu; of 1111“ "paces 1111 which .5cicnce is still "A Natural History of the St'.1..' by 1‘5" i1}. (1. Bottlengcr, is a book that title it"ttllrt's 11.1 111(- Even the loch Nc.5s "Pctdyar'd Kipling‘s K111111111; last four except. that written _\'t"'.tl‘.s“ of his life. "Colltct‘d Verse of Edgar A (illt‘.§',' is a 1100-1111211 de luxe editior American 111111131 “11111.5 A scraps of "Great Lives" available including: J1.hrr I')rir‘1kw.tt:t': “George ’31101.‘ ' by Anne I'r'eernantie; "Keir "The Bt't‘intes.‘ but. contain the more imporw’a 13(‘111" . l .Atnatt-uz's.‘ '11'.‘ 11111111111; spring; 1' shrub 11.1 1‘.:. from ".1\.1'_'lia to Wi.5:.ti'i:1 and '\ i 1111111“()\‘t'1111'.11 ». 111ait.' 131-0 through 111' awe-.5.. 11 ll. Jett- 1" all“ and 11:11'23 1.11115:h'.1'.~:_ .ows how 1.. 111' 11.1 thins. .11'1' 1':' 11111 t‘otttitt'.‘ 1111‘! 111-1111.351 where ';1..1ly:11:- 1 1111.111- 1.: .1 111111.1'1111111 11111 111 1111' 112.11: :' 111-11- 1"..1.t 113.1211" T'""'l hurrior.ou. commcn: 111 caddie lllr"1‘ 1 l3? 1"“ has l1.11.1.1.'l.1111.1 '.1 l1vw11:.1 :11 'l 11 came of '“10' "- L'll'il'. .Il"tl it 11' ltij' '.It‘ '.li'V'. 111111“ 1" 31‘ 1\tlt..l down a collection 11: '.1';1~ 1"‘1 sworn" ""1“”‘(l;:1l""wotthy 1:1. 11:5 111111111111'” 15 1 1' "" ~1..ttt'1 volume of ;I.'1‘.ll'.t'tt (‘1:1l.-'.\\.or:ltj~.' """""' ttitt 1.'111"1's paratttaphs; then from hm \‘Hlk5 Lilltl :11111'1'1.‘Itt' '11 11111111! 1".t't‘\' \'Ulllll lt‘ will’l‘l' ""'\' A ..‘,1111Ll tlt';tl lli 111':,11tt l1.1~ .11311 l11'1'tt ("H t'ct' ntly added 111 13.11 {1111;111. lllt'llitl- faith 1 1111:. ""' :N'” Hold 'l‘htne (1111; " b). 11.11. 111111111. . 1"" 1A 1111111 111' S1 otlar't 1113111311111. a 31111111: 111 1“"- 1111111 1.31151' lzttttl 1-~ 1111'1'1111'111'11. 2111 1-tt.5..111111 American 1:11'1. and her trupioyet't. 'Vltl. 10113.5" .1\' N'lzll‘jtil'it' 'l':lll. l'l‘ti 1'scipe from 1111' family tyrant. Aunt Susan \1115'1'1 take: a 511.11 a5 companion to a lttly on a (‘l'lll.\t'. where she meets well by 301111: 5111111111. H11 811 ll My llear't.‘ 111. .larrc 'l‘cm- 111'51 1lite s11113 112 :1 81111 who t't'f‘.t.51'1l to rollow 1111~ luv-.1 to Attica \V .l. nearly which 11'. '.t 11‘ ' 1'“ '|\ 1 ~- ‘ ’3' 1” "" "Love ‘lt‘ult‘. by 1.133 is (ox. '1" rock (Michael Selmau. banker. bets he can '.111'1 11.1 ‘1 I he the ltl'i‘~ '.1 1111.5; 1011 describing 12:11 pointy. :3. Lee. 1At an outpou 111 the Arautau 111-â€" I 1. painting and Charles Vuldahh Young: and contains .1 of material and suggestion that l' nude. | l ."ha ll‘ll’.'1 (‘1 :1 1 Captain .A.')t'atn Kean. O. B. 113.. Captain Kean tells .5101": 1111‘ 11111.1 he landed 'orn ships 111.» («11111111. (it'Milclf writer. 'lre under 112' hr. l't‘it 11d ' Sky (lypsy, ' by I'll» 11:7 3.7111le 11111115. 111 1111111: clipper airway.- 112111111732 1il..'..::':.' 1 . \ .131111191 111113: ' | 1.11 \ (‘lattdia ('1' ( 1 3'11'11-tts'1s "For Goodness 'ar's 111' 111- ll 1 I"- "Shtll{t"f5]')(‘;ll'1"' lij.’ llat‘1lt1-.' by ..a real Northern -.a story re.1-.1 008,100 -'.11 l; " l . :11 1 1 Cameron, Ponnton t moth-1‘11 . . 1. . '1' .5...1.1 . 11~ ’ .-1'il1"(l' 1.11:. (11' F311” 1’1111'..1 "1311' .1'1(il‘111:‘.1'.'1}1' (.‘1‘1-"l13111';.' 3111'11 111 will be -vt,_ .1111 1 l 1 livinu by 51115111111. 111 the street. There he in ct:. I'Iilcctt. 1111121! lain-- earn iii: of London. dt‘tttahtei' ot' a none 1111'. .111 ilyt “1,.1'13'1'5-"11' You Dare.“ 11.11113“ Juliet. Key-51111112 11111111, '30, L’,()t':~'- to 1.1211111111 to cart. h 1' livine, and there falls in 11131.1 with 11.1 equally petnriless :11'1151 "Hotncbird." by Lewis (‘11\. 15.11111- 11111151: did happen. a». llanuah Brown mother of :evrti grownâ€"11o children. had 11111111811111.1111 more 11.1111 .mlrc bat- 14111111-11 1111' 111 l‘<)llltll'11"1'. 1111111111 and 1.1".1~ aetly. 1 '111111"t:tp'.1'1l 11.“'t;e\'111111111_" by 1".1115 1111' Benedict Fischer, 1:1 11114111111111 1.! interr'ttption.; to a carefully 1111111111111 honeymoon make; a t'i'al 1'11111.'(l\’.1 "Brass 11‘21111115" by Sarah Athertnti. 1A lill'l 111 :1 (ii-partrnent :.t.11'e 13111.51- HS 111)- .tt't'lll- by (1113' Trent. tit-tritllt'.5's 111* til atl'l h-_ -â€"-._.-.___. _.._â€"..â€"â€" --...- _' .... â€"_- .â€"~.â€".â€"._â€"â€" (‘Ulll'b" Volt- 1“ 11. -..._ ......rv.._..._.__ 1 111 .'t'm l1 it. out. and an .Arnctr '.att 111111.111 112‘1' the 1' rural 1'i1ai'actcr's.1 "Spun (111111." by ltuth 11111111501111- loreien a "i)11":»l(lt' int-11‘ rnatch.1 [he I)au:.1,l'.tcr.. of 112111,“ by Annaa-l ‘.Vrtadt'. 1A .5'11'1111111-1' breaks up whole --_-__-_. . ”‘.‘...“ ...â€"...“. â€" 1p...“ 5.t-rt where she has 11111111 to v.11 her fiance. an 1.1711” 1.511 1.1.11'l turd llllt'\f;)t't"i excit1mcrit..1 t '.v1‘1r‘111. Saki-f ht 1‘.11'11'.'.11 Wells. 1Myster'3.1 amp”- “The Girl 111 the .'“ltttltt " 13111111 tilt:- lllillHU.) ](',11_11-1-"TLI S Pl'f‘lt‘lltl " lt11:“lrt' ‘1'? 'llti-- llli 1110.0, 11l1.:"1â€" ”l'lti 1.1ttl1- 11111'111: lla'ti; 111’115 . 1111111'1'1 ”13111111 (11 a 111111113," 11', l'.'l1' 11 111 the 1111111111 mystery 1 l t t l l ...- 111 the ill!“ and 0 River . .. . l ; Gold 1'; in 11 1.1 1:"; 111 i Y’c have prepared a folder (1111- main j raining. latest itrlor'tirzitioti 1111 this .212" .1 l interesting dcyt 111111111111. 11:1 .1. ,___ . --. ...w..........._ A top? will lie mar/ml (m ll‘qul'll. â€" ._ ---...- 5 » -- - -- V (1.1 and Merrill 0111110171 The Toronto Stock Exchange "Il' .l 1; ' t lll’. ;. i 44 Adelaide St. W. Toronto ' Telephone WA. 29131 .1 l . ----_..-~-m~_-.-._...-.-. -- .. ..__ ,_ if. .._U-â€" -..â€"‘My-m‘ CHURCH DESTROYED BY FIRE 1S Ytll'R PROPERTY l"l'l.l.\' ('f)\'l'IRl'11)'.’ Sec 115' for sound Fire Insurance 1’ rotect ion. SULLIVAN 8c NEWTON Security 21 Pine St. N. Service Phone. 101 Est. 1012 daily 1'11.1t;tre is the 5:111111 31-;11' 131. year ......_.__.. ... ‘.......... - 11. ...â€" - :a5lw‘w-v- . \\

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