Porcupine Advance, 13 Dec 1934, 2, p. 5

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g ODDFELLOWS‘ HALL § Saturday, December 15th â€"The Opeépeesway Lake area includes the township of Benton, Mallard, Osâ€" way, Huffman and parts of Esther, Finâ€" gal, Arbutus and Eric, in the district 6of Sudbury, and lies between the Three Duck Lakes and Swayze areas, both of which have been prominent in the pubâ€" lic eye of late years, states the report. As a result of the keen interest and apparent success attending operat.ons in the Swayze area from 1930 to 1933 rogether with gold discoveries and a mild rush into the central part of Malâ€" lard township in the summer of 1933, a season of intensive prospecting was anâ€" ticipated. This expectation, however, was not reallzed, the area being pracâ€" tically devoid of prospectors all season. outlining the geology of the Opeepeesway Lake region, the report states that there are no operating proâ€" perties in the area at present, and only one on which exploration work was done during the past season, namely. that of the Woman River Gold Syndiâ€" cate. The discovery of gold values on the Mogr.dge and Hermiston groups in the central part of Mallard township in the summer of 1933 led to the staking 6of more than 100 claims lying on either side of the Opeepeesway River. The Mogridge showing was diamond drilled in the fall of the same year by the N. A. Timmins Corporat.on. The results of 500 feet of drilling in four short holes for a length of 520 feet are said to have been disappointing and no furâ€" Revival of Interest in the West Shining Tree Area ‘‘A very interesting and helpful repor on the Opeepeesway Lake area, Sud bury ~district, with nsotes on Swayz Horwood Lake and West Shining Tre areas, by H. C. Laird, Ontario geclogis has been given out by the Ontar.o Dep 6f Mines. \"n #. # ** ## # «n ## # .’ w .0 #. .# #* ## ® .. VNLAKRC 0..0.“. *2 0.00. # # Lad # *# Li d ##@ usn .“..0.00.0.. Mineral Areas Reviewed by Ontario (Geologist. Special Reference to the West Shining Tree Section., ® .* w t * i. kh. (%. #. * o.!#l ’% e w w e ha e e ae otu’???o.oo zoo cause poisons to accumulate in the sysâ€" tem and bring on persistent Backache, Lumbago, Rheumatism, or Sciatica Take Gin Pills to restore the kidneys to a healthy condition and eliminate the poison from your system. THURBDAY, DECEMBER 13TH Kidney Troubles 19 Pine Street North DL DLA LCR Approved Listed Stocks carried on margin Lovely Hams and Milkâ€"Fed Poultry Legion Christmas Christmas Draw Takes Place at 11.30 p.m GET YOUR DRAW TICKET NOWâ€"25c¢ 217 territorie thern OI maAn, Nowt intens the Jul th Swa ship ng, Al the M cup Wes We: t] WC In known Mincs,. nl it 1 Y Revic As t In 211 peratl yimm H ramo Gold Syndicate, W. E. Groundhog Gold Mines, Limitâ€" evrelâ€"Anderson and others. w of West Shining Tree Area e preposed roadway from Porâ€" to Sudbury would pass through hining Tree the reference to the hining Tree section should be of In his> report Mr. ‘RY, 5 tI imit Tir it at 8.00 p.m. Mi1r h N T1 Th Mint ake section occurs in emain.ng unsurveyed central part of Norâ€" mely, the area lying e township of Hardiâ€" of the townships of The geological conâ€" s to warrant a more r goldâ€"bearing quartz rations are proceedâ€" hat of G. A. Thorne,. a} Mines | I1d Min "BINGO" FOR ALL OTHER BAZAAR FEATURES ‘as paid to the old area, to which eing directeq on npany reorganizaâ€" : of further underâ€" cn many of the brief account of elopments in the this camp. nd Milling Comâ€" ay of this year a s.nk the old 40â€" ‘re made during abandonment of operation about a decidedly disâ€" hose prospectors ad planned furâ€" their properties. es Limited, and Mines, after conâ€" r respective proâ€" operations durâ€" resent there are i the area being amely, Halcrowâ€" , Halecrow townâ€" Mines, Limited, WI l1q Mines, L.mitâ€" i new company, Canadian Gold reganized to take rly in October. erty was equipâ€" iub mill, which ntly throughout On October 10 n, and no work ie property was 110 f¢ veries of e during ADMISSION FREE over the assets and obligations of Ribble Mines, Limited, consi.sting Of group of 8 leased claims in the town: ships of Macmurchy ang Churchill This property was formerly (1932) ownâ€" ed by the Wasapika Consolidated Mine: Limited, and was originally (1920 known as the Wasap.ka Gold Mines Limited. Frevious work has centred about the famous Ribble vein, which has already been developed by a 2â€"compartment shaft to a depth of 300 feet and a limitâ€" ed amount of lateral work on the 109. 200 and 300â€"foot levels. According to company estimates, previous data inâ€" dicate 37,000 tons of 0.37 ounce ore alâ€" ready blocked out above the 3rd level Furthermore, the old dump is estimatâ€" ed by officials to conta‘n from 7,000 to 10,000 tons of cre, averaging 0.39 ounces gold per ton. It is reported that the new interests plan on prosecuting vigorous campaign of underground geâ€" velopment, which will include further lateral work on the levels already estabâ€" lished as well as sinking to deeper horiâ€" zons. Operations were resumed on August 4 under the direction of Frank Milne, resident mine superintendent. To date a crew of 14 men have been engaged in clearing the ground and putting the steam plant, buildings ,and other equipâ€" ment in firstâ€"class condition in preâ€" paration for dewatering the shaft. It :s expected that the shaft will have been dewatereg and underground deâ€" velopment well under way early in Noâ€" vember. Lake Caswell Mines. Limited.â€"This company is a recent reorganization of the Burvan Gold Mines, Limited. The property consists of 4 leased claims in Macmurchy township adjo.ning the Neville Canadian group on the east. It was originally owned by the West Tree Mines, Limited, which in 1926 turned it over to the Canadian Chamâ€" pion Reef Mining Company, Limited. On the dissolution of this company early in 1933, the property was acquirâ€" ed by the Burvan Gold Mines, Limited. Early in July, a crew of 14 men, unâ€" der the direction of Thomas Bullock, were ongaged in putt.ng the old mining plant and other equipment in condition for further underground development. At the time of our visit in October the shaft was being kept dry while the results of sampling of the underground workings by Paul M. Hedley were aâ€" waited. In the meantime, an aggresâ€" sive programme of surface explorat.on was being conducted with the result that several new quartz leads have already been uncovered. In all, 40 quartz veins varying from mere stringâ€" ers to some two feet in width, have been located; doubtless many of these veins will prove to be duplications. The majority of the veins show only moderate mineralizat.on, but in places spectacular high grade gold specimens have been obtained. _ Bilmac Gold Mines, Limited.â€"This company. which was incorporated about October 1, is an amalgamation of four groups of cla‘ims in Macmurchy township adjoining the Lake Caswell property on the east. The hoidings of the new company consist of two claims owned by the White Rock Mining Comâ€" pany, Limited, one claim formerly helg by the Atlas Gold Mines, Limited, one claim of the Wm. McVi.ttie estate, and two claims formerly owned by Harvey Kirkland Mines. Limited. Considerable development work has already been done on each of these groups. Underâ€" ground work at the White Rock in the winter of 1933 carried the main shaft to a depth of 175 feet, where 560 feet of drifting was done. A level was also established at a depth of 65 feet, where some drifting and stoping operations were carried on. The original shaft On the property was sunk to a depth of 65 feet at a point 180 feet northwest of E. B. James Group.â€"This group con sists of 11 claims, 2 of wh.ch are sur veyed. It is located in the central par of Asquith township about a quarte shaft. Operations iwere just getting well under way at the time of our visit. The old plant and equipment at the White Rock were being overhauled and preparations were being made to deâ€" water the main shaft, where it is planâ€" ned to concentrate on further underâ€" ground â€" development. Mr. Sydney Brown is in charge of this work. 65 feet at a point 180 feet northwe what is now the main shaft. On Atlas property a shaft was origi: sunk to a depth of 87 feet; this nlyvy 860 feet east of the + this st White R ted, one ite, and Harvey THE PORCU PINFE ADV ANC n stripping and trenching Uthis ven dquring the past summer. It is planned to carry on with further surface exâ€" |ploration along the westerly strike, ‘ Facilities within the Area The West Shining Tree area is beset by none of the problems that frequentâ€" ly retard development in the new secâ€" tions of the north country. For many years the operating properties named above have been served by telephonic communication and an excellent motor road connecting with Westree station ‘cn the C.N.R., 60 miles north of Sudâ€" bury. At present, this road is being put in still better condition as part of the relief project of the Ontario Governâ€" ment and, at the same time, it is beâ€" ‘ing extended northeast toward Tyrrell township. By next summer it may be possible to motor from Westree to Gowâ€" ganda. Construction of this northern higshway is being suuperintended by | mission wWHLN a viEwWw TO @ll adequate supply of electric power for further deep development. In th s reâ€" gard no particular difficulty is anticiâ€" pateq owing to the fact that the main transmission line from Abitibi Canyon to Sudbury passes 11 miles west of this camp. located in | TR.S. 6,699 eq at intel dipping intC feathering from 3 and about a m Tree village. The W by none ly retard tions of here are the Onta mission ganda. Constrl highway is be Mortimer Moore Dia nac hirm La Reine Man to Die for Killing of His Brother Try The Advance Want Advertisement 1 it as sentencC und him . other last embl TOlI 2L it and that :t was "Just an idea.> . Marois and Dr. Desrochers, Queâ€" both testified, however, that they examined the accused and found normal mentally. the â€" ather ied , _ or Miss 1 lier rccident,. ; I‘re Y Trembl fiea th issizes at Amos, Que., last h Napoleon Emilien Tremâ€" i Reine, east of Cochrane, ced to death after the jury guilty of the murder of his t January 14. The victim, nblay, was beaten to death den club in the family home e, Que. Mr. Justice Romeo ntenced Joseph Tremblay to eph ght 10 men have b and trenchin * } ight YCt hedc Hilda Jervis, bride of rds. Suffering from she grits teeth as the ing o full; sant verd was lying Gde 1 in. Jeseph »ld his mother for leadiitg Operators m negotiations with Electric Power Comâ€" ew to obtaining an f electric power for )pment. In this reâ€" difficulty is anticiâ€" fact that the main ie government road uthwest of Shining t of guilly ag counsel during ittempted UU lef L and three O i engaged this vein ; planned John nkle m a through which a stream passes. ecclonies of beavers decided this to dam this stream. That left the way rightâ€"ofâ€"way men doing as way Tgntâ€"0oiâ€"wWway mc for the beavers. Th eventually forced to 444. 8 . 6 + * * * % ts ts ts t5 46 % 3 "Scarecrows‘ Ssouth, but the the busy little lads A similar situation ( some fortyâ€"two milé Bay. knoll scme They Have to Use "Scarebeavers" at Points on T. N. 0. Now C A * * *4 * * * * * * * @1 ids h At Redw carebeaver f logs, m as large a. rolled the en 11 These reductions will become effective on all accounts rendered after the end of the yvear. Jus In that announcement we stated that these reduced rates would take efâ€" feet on all accounts rendered after the end of the year. That date is now very close, and we strongly urge all customers to prepare to take advanâ€" tage of these low rates by signing the new contract which is now ready at all our offices. The taxes at the present time, mean an increase of approximately 11 p.c. on the above rate. T} of th istaine The above rates are net after deduct ing the usual discount »a vment. ows" are common in the the North has had to adopt in this lineâ€"*"scarebeavers," ust north of Redwater on the . maln line there is a culvert hich a stream passes. TwoO f beavers decided this year s stream. That left the railâ€" ofâ€"way men doing as much avers. The secticnmen were forced to place scarecrows, avers, in the stream to stop little lads from their work. situation developed at Otter, â€"two miles north of North Sarly in September we announced through the press our latest reduction in Commercial and Domestic Rates it Plus .9¢ per K.W.H. for all addiâ€" tional use. Plus taxes. Fixed Charge $1.35 per month Plus 2.7¢ per K.W.H. for the first 100 hours use of connected load. mo. anada Northern Power Corporation, Limited e British d in recent ndon church log Canada Northern Power Corporation, Limited NEW OPTIONAL COMMERCIAL RATE beavers cleared £ them poplar, a hes in diameter. ibout 50 feet to re to take advantage Of these reduced rates, the new contr nmunicate with any of our offices, we will be pleased to give Greniaâ€" nt auto ‘OLLING ARE THE NEW OPTIONAL RATES are entirely voluntary on the Company‘s part and will enat ricity, ang at the same time save money,. We also hope be able to make still further reductions in our rates from Controlling and Operating NORTHERN ONTARIO POWER COMPANY LIMITED NORTHERN QUEBEC POWER COMPANY LIMITED and V’II’I"”"I"II/’I’IIIIIIIII *S848%*4A**4*4 III//I/'I’I”’,’IW g 35 Third Avenue Timmins Phones 944â€"95 4 ? § 44544 4 4 4 44 4 ~â€"Redwater and Otter are both alongâ€" side the game preserve where the beaâ€" ver are reported as greatly increasing in numbers in the last few years. In 1929 it is said that there were Oonly six beaver families in the preserve when it was made into‘a sanctuary for beaâ€" vers and other protected denizens of the forests and streams. Toâ€"day it is claimed that there are over 400 colonâ€" ics of beaver in and adjacent to the preserve. > There is general opinion that the beavers should be protected. At the same time no one really thinks that the place where the beavers started their damming and the railway men finished it. sA GRAND C H RISTMAS GIFT 1t BEA T S ROBERT SIMPSON Fixed Charge 54¢ per month Plus 2.7 per K.W.H. for the first 100 K.W.H. Plus .9¢ per K.W.H. for all addiâ€" tional use. Plus taxes. NEW OPTIONAL DOMESTIC RATE T# 1ifF CS W EiR P 5 .;_... ON DISPLAY AT That‘s what bowls the DOW N husbands over â€"the idea that they can give a Hoover for Christmas so painlessly. And get so much! Three distinct cleaning actions, Builtâ€"in electric DirtFinder. Two speeds and an Aromadorâ€"to freshen the air a1 you clean â€" on Models 800 and 825. New Dusting Tools. A comâ€" plete homeâ€"cleaning equipment on small monthly payments. Liberal alâ€" lowance for your old electric cleaner. As LitTtiL® as $ Huntingd¢n Gleaner:â€"A man o twentyâ€"six has beeon arrested 266 times in Madrid for begging and still he stays in the capital, which is something of a beggars‘ paradise. Some of the older hands at the game claim to have been in prison 400 times. Nearly all prefer prison to work. One woman who used to beg outside the house of parliament sent four sons to the university. Telephone ... we‘ll handle all details and deliverThe Hoover on Christmas Eve ire now availlable, and full information reâ€" as it C LE A N S COMPANY LIMITED for prompt td ) mak! Pacgt F1Iv?

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