COMPLIMENTS TIMMIN®, ONTAR1IO Members Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association; Ontario Quebec Newspaper Association; Class "A" Weekly Group P Kn 11 olving the pr The truth se vork for bï¬e rdinary ludin nploymen T AI 250 18. MAN LOSES 20 1B§. [trrmrd and .t took a s She Vormmpine Aduance CCC ons W 3t MB W 0 0P t on 49e t m s t Jns .‘x-‘ .I ']‘ (;"\‘ "‘,,)(‘!‘: !‘ pt \nd Looks 10 Years Younger ed he CARTING THE CART WHEEI aig P0# ng Oth who 16 empli( don expan licated pian he Situa N1II Published Every Monday and Thursday by GEO LAKE, Owner and Publisher Years ago the public had to ind weighty silver gollars. "C SÂ¥ A J nï¬ rhe rthern Miner, considered by le who ought to know as the ig newspaper published had ng note published in its isâ€" trad 21 pat ENTS GON THE NEW ISSUE OF SEMIâ€"WEEKLY nd mpl 111 idreas mia ilve A l hn 1] evidence of the growth of iing fields than the broadâ€" e two principal newspapers em. A few weeks ago The ws of Kirkland Lake went â€"week basis with a Canadiâ€" ‘s service. On Monday the dvance also graduated to y class. Splendidly edited inted, both papers are a communities they serve." 1¢€ 1J e situation in adequate way there must be a . a Dominionâ€"wide, plan for the creation of or young and old. In this Dr. Speakman‘s sug â€" horter hours of work should play important 1J ) despatc iticn of ae dollar ‘r dollar MArIY, it will give rise to other body poisons. And e to take the defensive ing this poisonâ€"breeding the way in the form of rest who are giving thought and interest to _ problems that may present themselves. It 1i mind, however, that T.mmins can not ar problem that tempted FPresident W. O. mmins board of trade to induce Dr. Speakâ€" and give his notable address. Were every young woman now in Timmins to be d toâ€"morrow the situation would not long ered. There would almost immediately be people into the camp, with conditions to the unsatisfactory standing of toâ€"day. iddress showed that the mines have been ‘e the problem so far as Timmins is conâ€" as and cities must take up the question in 0, it will be found that the situation in be worse than in other towns, but Timâ€" f + Keéeep you in conâ€" * Kruschen Salts ee from encumberâ€" Inless this wastage . 1t will give rise to ; body poisons,. And take the defensive ubscrip t s well a the tim ches from Ottawa this week it is the the Dominion Government to inflict r upon a longâ€"suffering public. A t is said to be about to make its apâ€" dex PHONES A T nIit emplIC ssible. There were scores of hints, of the evening whereby something e the difficulty, The address by Mr. i this direction. Other speakers, in â€" ibuted thoughts that may assist in working hours, greater attention to e hours, and a betterment of the point ways in which some alleviaâ€" be expected. It is a large problem a large way. The addresses at the were encouraging in the fact that are in the town and district men ) are giving thought and interest to step ha t the problem of finding suitable s not a strictly North Land proâ€" faces other towns and cities ir . Speakman‘s suggestions in reâ€" rking hours, greater attention tc hours, and a betterment of the FV roport who appear to have expected tail a plan or method whereby oyment for the growing numâ€" g women in T.mmins and disâ€" overcome. Of course,, there is ble. Even as gifted an observer Dr. Speakman should not be e,. There were scores of hints writes 30 Ilbs. on Rates Tnitesa § in other affairs will be found T lign.te deposits and th ies may be developed â€" und after round of ap professional me the annual board 0 id it unusually .nte : picture of the re eference to the p may be developed to d after round of applause ning evidenced the appreâ€" "Uon Salt: S an shall 0 carry round the cumâ€" Cart wheels" they were ‘Chairman of T. N. 0. Says he will Contest Temiskamâ€" ing in the Liberal Interâ€" l ests. Mac Lang Not to be Out of the Election According to an announcement mad at North Bay by Col. Mac Lang, th new chairman of the T. N. O., he ha no intention of dropping out of th Dominion election contest in Sout! Temiskaming. Some weeks ago he wa nominated as the Liberal candidate fo that riding, a protest against the no mination being registered by Jos. A Legris, of Haileybury, who claimed tha the convention was irregular in man ways and particularly in the fact tha a number of people voted whom Mi: Legris claimed were not accredited dele gates. Col. Lang, however, beyond say Ing that the convention was regula: did not carry on any discussion in th matter but it was understood that h intendéed to be the Liberal candidat ll right. Then along comes the ap pointment of Col. Lang as chairma: papermen a; North Bay this week th he was not resigning as the Liber candidate in South Temiskaming. "I be right in the thick of the fight." he quoted as saying. If Col. Lang continues in the field | Bouth Temiskaming, he will be rut ning against Hon. W. A. Gordon, Mir ister of Labour, Minister of Mines, et Hon. Mr. Gordon and Col. Lang we! opixwed to each other in the la: 6f the T. N. O became current | would withdraw : RESIDENCE 70 taker these re of the resource; ‘e to the probable Cochrane. His adâ€" $3.00 Per Yea 411 _ the new appointmen 1 Government emplo; imors of his resignal ariy in the Th: ple voted whom M e not accredited deli however, beyond sa1 vention was regula Geo. W. Lee, former chairman of the T. N. O. Railway commission, this week called upon the new commission in session at North Bay, congratulated them on their appointâ€" ment and wished them well. That is like the genial former chairman and it is a reason why most people were so sorry when he was deposed. condition of pulpwood res Sturgeon Fal are not being to keep them ling the supp papers Dbecal Boxing Day, past The Ad to prepare, a humor. Th other n Hepburn ( buryv pleasing spirit th COs ba not het At the annual banqguet Porcupine Welsh Miner‘ The music presented b PsP PP DP APâ€"APâ€"APâ€"Pâ€"AP PP â€M“mm’mww GRAVEL AND SANDâ€"AND PLACER resigna He t« New York There i There The fi1 n‘t it will be nou beca use Day, D M hC pea K annual banquet of the Timmins board of trade, the e Welsh Miner‘s Choir sang a number of choruses. sic presented by the Welsh Choir was unusually but st.ll more pleasing was the generous and friendly at prompted the choir to offer its services without any kind. A T the the fine of $100 and costs, levied for faillure to pay nt year‘s radio license fée. Frankly, The Advance believe the story as outlined herewith. It does not onable. It will likely be found that there are other nces ang conditions in connection with the matâ€" eaks something for something or other, that a i relief should have a radio and not be able to pay fee necessary to fulfftl the law. 1€ A€ A} 1e W ed da ernment dealing with pa 11 and other F ipplied with e cupied, the de KeGd newspapers Aare g1 uver, after having >» be in jélil because of $100 and costs, papermen V ha ce that an But that < halfâ€"dollar Dominion election and had a strenuous but friendly battle. There is talk that in addition to Col. Lang and Hon. W. A. Gordon a third and even a fourth candidate may be in the field in the riding. There is said to be a possibility that an independent Liberal candidate may enter the fight just as occurred in 1925 in the North Temiskaming riding. Also it is suggested that a straight Labâ€" our party candidate may enter the batâ€" tle in Temiskaming South. i 13 CEnls was paid It 1930 regular dividends cents, while bonus of paid in 1930 and 1931, and 230 cents last veat PARENT® OF QUINTUPLETs MAY VISIT WASHINGTON. D. C ao0se last name rdon Howard wa deposed Dr. Dafoe hi have figure rejuvenate the o bad for those in 11 YVlilia Newsâ€"Letter:â€"Japan Ready Finance Big Navyâ€"Headâ€"line,. This ans naturally., she has the yven for it. r. and Mrs. Oliva Dionne, parents he quintuplets at Corbeil, have been ted to visit the United States and if y do they will be the guests of Mr. _ _Mrs. W. D. Herridge. Hon. Mr. ridge is the Canadian Minister to shington. They will not take the , however, if they finally decide to pt the invitation, until Dr. Dafoc irns from his holiday in New York. excitement among some ainitoba Government h: his pocket he has not has to carry it. dolla1 NDs OF HOLLINGER TOTAL $1.40 FOR THE YEAR inyone is lkely to refu doesn‘t prove the poj ar is heavy enough an um paid ._â€" Regul m third and even a fourtt e may be in the field in the There is said to be a possibilit independent Liberal name is Ferguson and whose ard was in police court at Sud. law officials appointed by the ills are alarmed because they nough work at the paper mills mand for newsprint not equalâ€" w Canadian ; a big load t » be called th be called wor d out that a recent cents, payable holders of record laration brings 1934 to $1.40 per to have a queer sense of opinion of birth control. have propx mg pocke jlecided ot a J 11 @ivy be welcon old silver camp. But it concerned. lidatec peopit 2l the history of the dividends for the ents, while a total in sonuses, Since ds amounted to 65 of five cents were 1. 10 zents in 1933 bDe Howard ‘th anniversary ol on May 6th, 1910 een weighed down corc â€"the man rofi Ae dGeciaratliol ayment plus : ne of the newsâ€" has proclaimed xOlid ntemplating en pius Decembe Decembe he â€" tot: da v m enough ing he rimming Mir 11 Di arity C umber couple sue of yeatr‘s a day th THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO FOU id no easy entral criminally inc cial efforts of and thefts J found of much light is burning is diff.cult for in proper work w With the presei police force a 1 the public in ge men in particul of protection. 1 of your store | securely fastene save you time a police fing a do owner or manag main in charge Iv fastened. Store Doors Should Needed be Securely Locked: _ Hence Quintuplets favour.lte ducts his York cit program on manday aiterncamn, was onCce a resident of Deseronto at the time of the war. She is still remembeéered by many as the first lady in Deseronto to openly smoke cigarettes and wear bobbâ€" ed hair. The fir odd occu fOr 1i double« items, cddity a quite a popular ple more from Bits of the Hur ng tC W presentit ing his p ly has Sseveral re mentioned items of n various 1 ‘"The C Worceste celebritic During estimate: graph filed : The night and seven is difficult to de of the robbery ar cases of sneakâ€" there loss from t so from the dam creants in their convin that hn While J. E. Schumacher, v ing of Dec Ith 8th, his home he suffered bo! the thief or t house was for dollars taken : The clothing vaiue, even being remo macher were are at work took place : night and s is difficult t Odd Items to be Found in the News of the Day numerous scattered also mad mnet One the the poil¢t carefully back door the busin It would entrance Business Plac Protect T Many Doo1 minimum For this 1 Thieves Cause Damage and Loss at Schumache: lights burnin consistently that somethi out, and the system â€"has ingle la1r occupi famou igl to minim r thieves ood plan T cceup thin theyv pot r thie forcib D< h aI ometl beetr nt lit 1CC it adio mce babic A 1Y 11 1 "As far as the north country is conâ€" erned," he said, " we need the populaâ€" on. The Dionne five came from good tock. The Frenchâ€"Canadian stock was s good as there was on the North merican continent, virile, free of diâ€" eases, ‘Aâ€"1‘ ang led a normal life. Dr. Dafoe said there were no new riedical discoveries made when the uintuplets appeared on the scene. The nly feeling he had was that he didn‘t now much about it. He felt as though e had had a bad Gream, he was rt} The in‘ Says Dr. Dafoe to the Newspaper Men at New Y ork on Visit There. e admitted to having assisted at ind 1400 births. The Callander disâ€" , hag a high birth rate, he sald, as evidenced by the fact that it a ion of 1000 pspulation 400 were goâ€" to school. Another paragraph given New York papers about the.interâ€" reads as follows:â€""It was the thiest climate in the world about ‘e, cold but steady. People didn‘t e T.B. or much of anything except es. They didn‘t bother with inocâ€" ions because there was a sort of ing against it." T KnowWw tuplets : ~YOou â€"£ that M of 19347 At Dionne was pretty sick and know about the arrival of the lets for a couple of days. Her pression when she knew about "Holy Mary!" humour. He told the new en that what impressed hi w York was its great s.ze al ent friendliness of its peop ssed a desire to meet Al Smi considered an important m round Callander.. Dr. Dal he thought modern women much time in night clubs, the k newspapers say that he anâ€" "I don‘t know. All they do up have large families." u agree with Arthur Brisâ€" t Mrs. Dionne is the first woâ€" porters asked him the most and personal questions but the questions of the reporters that the quintuplets were doâ€" nely well and at a guess he eir total weight as 58 to 59 is against 12 ppunds nine a total for the five at birth. to see all of New York while is quoted as saving. "I want 110 _ a bad dre eemed unreal CRAWLEY McCRACKEN COMPANY, LIMITED â€""Canada‘s Biggest Cook" has been prominently identified with the lumber industry. Serving strengthening, heartening food to the men ir the bush, establishing and improving housing conditions in the camp: and relieving executives of the details of maintenance, Crawley anc McCracken are proud to have particiâ€" | pated in the development of Canada‘s natural resources by promoting the welfare of the men in the fhield of action. Roy Dafoe, ttendance since birth : and has For the past twentyâ€"one yearsâ€"short years in Canada‘s lumber trade history but years marked by rapidly changing conditions and methods Since the time of the hardy pioneers, strong men have voluntarily forsaken the comforts and security of home to ally themselves with the work of turning this vast wealth into productive forms. Gripping stories have been written of the menâ€"of the hazards they facedâ€"the hardships they enduredâ€"of the camp conditions, now happily obsoâ€" lete, which prevailed in the genesis of Canada‘s lumbering activities. Tur great forests that cover oneâ€"third of Canada, and which rank second to agriculture as a source of natural wealth,provide means of liveâ€" lihood, directly or indirectly, to millions of Canadian men and women. see all Ofâ€" NCW ~1 quoted as saying ubways and the ht club if we I f such things. J don‘t have up C A‘N A DA ‘S NA T U RAL CRES O UR GOE S 1 HEâ€" MUY S AND BR O F â€"â€"_Hâ€"E R . New York permen, ph men â€" and 11 1 has c n there ther. D * *‘Canada‘s Biggest Cook" has assisted and is assisting in the realization of these reâ€" sourcesâ€"and now is particiâ€" pating in the develohment of Canada‘s newest seurce of wealth â€"Tourist T rad e â€"through Good Highways. evidently _ humour He told : CANADA‘S NATURAL RESOURCES I8s â€" On $ created m re. He is a W. A. {amo n th rurs Fisheries Forests Minerals Hydroâ€"Electne Power A griculture h Port Arthur lLondon ive time. want to wife. ep 1€ him and NT 11 n @ert literally a result tional R tor‘s tra the bag containt start on hi eq with a Mon promiseqd to which fitted b surements we mouth and th anC the Is This the Limit in the Line of Meanest Thefts? River guide than 550 mi senger agt authorized from Picke turn, and # 0900600 090000004000 % 000060609000 000600 000040066 %¢ 00046 06000000 0 0 0 0 0099090000000 00 0 0 00 00 0060900000 0 » 0066 % 66606 A L W party > miles 1 I North Bay Montreag 11 wWEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19th and 20th Midnight Show, Sunday, December "MOST PRECIOUS THING IN LIFE Mascioli Theatre, Schumacher a ticket to be sent rel River to Oshaw over the weekâ€"en s long journey to b new set of teeth. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14th and 15th MONDAY AND TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17th and i8th FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21st and i1 the p "BARRETTS OF WIMPOLE STREE "MOST PRECIOUS THING IN LIF 1] 11 ik packt omeor which it ‘ssary mea the guide‘ 11 ted dig 1€ and re he wil furnish Kit W m.nal wl 11 Booting the Famous Five Babies at Corbeil, Ont How to have a "Mappy" Stomach drugs. The; forming. Ju of Health. plenty. Exe stom. kind] energizr taken at still deli This all the exert a of dl n Don‘t :1 earn to 6 Are v healthy s an esti ur stoma tha xer er glass t tw usly an Preview of PA 5 1 of Waving a it doesn‘t take e food? Then , Nop‘t take us ana habit«= Andrews‘ Ruies rately. w v. ‘Breathe all ndd eftecd the whol rinati important as estive system following the feel betterâ€" from the day ver Salt from 5c and:> 60c. sole Agents: cep yourseit a purifving, iver, Salt hile it is x m t on the digestive e process trself 9R