Porcupine Advance, 23 Aug 1934, 1, p. 4

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FOR RENTâ€"Five-roomed modern apartment. in Massie Block, Tim- mms. Phone 122. -34p FOR RENTâ€"Apartment, with all con- venlences. Central location; hot water heated; immediate possession. Apply-ho 85 Pine Street, South, Tim- mlns. -30p FOR. RENTâ€"Three-roomed heated apartment. Lights paid. Reason- able price. Apply at 22 Way Avenue. Timmms. -34p FOR RENTâ€"House with all conveni- ences. Water paid. Immediate pos- session. Apply at. 12 Third Avenue, Ttmmins. 432-349 HOUSE TO RENTâ€"Seven rooms and bathroom. Apply at 203 Maple Street,‘ Nogth, comer of Seventh Avenue. Timmins. -33p FOR RENTâ€"Wee-roomed apartment. Suitable for couple without children. Electrlc stove furnished. Apply 13 Fifth Avenue. Timmins. -34 OFFICES AND FURNISHED ROOMS ' 'I‘O RENTâ€"Rooms newly decorated. Apply Office No. 18 or phone 1013, Reed Bldg., Timmins. ~32-34 FOR RENTfiâ€"Newly finished apartment. Three rooms. bath and kitchenette, wired for electric range. Near High Sch’qol. 2 Suitable for married couple or teachers. Write to PO Box 736 or apply at 35 Way Avenue, Tim- mlns. ~34- 36p PROPERTIES FOR SALE FdR SALE OR RENTâ€"Comer lot and ouse. 9 rooms and bathroom, gal- ge Woodshed '.garden etc. Applv lel First. Avenue Schumacher. 34- ~35p BARBER SHOP FOR RENTâ€"For two weeks. Good trade. Barber on holidays. Apply before Saturday 25th,.at 118 Mountjoy Street. Tim- mins. ' ~34p Wrap all Garbage in paper Keep your Garbage Can covered Use plenty of Chloride of Lime which can be procured at the Town Hall free. Householders using well water must boll it for at least 20 mluutes. All Outside Toners must be rude dy- proof. By Order of THE BOARD OF HEALTH WOMEN WANTEDâ€"To sew for us at home. Sewing machine necessary. No selling. Ontario Neckwear Com- pany. Dept. 272, Toronto 8. 33-34-35 Mg: SALEâ€"Shack wired for lights. Same Afi new lumber. $60.00 cash. Apply at 69 Wende Avenue. Tim'- mins. , . ~34 FOR BWSeven-momed house; a;' éonveniences; 3â€"plece bathroom; not and cold water; cement cellar. Ap- ply at 203 Maple Street. South. Tim- mins. -34p FOR SALEâ€"Wicker baby carriage. in good candition. Apply at 66 Fifth Avenue. 'I‘immins, rear. -34p Notice is hereby given that. I will not. be responsible for any debts con- tracted in my name by my wife. Ethel Douglas. -34p. (Signed) A. DOUGLAS. FOR SALEâ€"Commercial lot, located on Second Avenue between St. Charles and Doranda. Hotels. Apply at City Service Station. corner Sec- ond Avenue and Cedar Street. Tim- mins. Phone 40. -34-35p_ FOR SALEâ€"1932 Ford V- 8 Coupe with rumble seat. Apply after 4.30 pm. to 91 Third Avenue. Schumach- er. -33-34 FOR SALEâ€"A Ford Truck. 1932 model. good condition. Apply to 16 Ban- nerman Avenue. 'I‘immins. o34p EXPERIENCED AGENTS WANTED For made-to-measure clothes. Ex- cellent prospects. State references. Apply to Supercraft Clothes, 294 St. Catherine W., Montreal, Que. -34p BEAUTIFUL, REGISTERED MALE GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS for sale. $15.00 each including registra- tion papers. Try one; you'll like him. Apply Harry Bmwn. Graven- hurst. Ontario. -34-36p FURNITURE FOR SALEâ€"At. . 152 girch Street. North. Timmins. Ap- ply at. 4 pm. ~ -34 WILL SELL PRIVATELY-OWNIED PACKARD “four-passenger Coupe. 1929. A sacrifice. Terms can be ar- ranged. Phone 940 mornings. -34p Applications will be received by the undersigned to August 315:. 1934. at 5 $31.. {or the position of Fire Chief for the mm! mm. FOR SALEâ€"Baby's high chair; aluâ€" minum lid. Apply 16 Commercial Avenue. Timmlns. ~34 ARTICLES FOR SALE PAGE '00]! ATTENTION HOUSEHOLDERS HELP WANTED FOR RENT NOTICE NOTICE H. a. mommy.- Clerk {OR RENTâ€"Nice bright rooms. New- 1y ddcorated. ’31200 per month Apply 22 Scccml Avenue, Tim- mlns. -34o36r FOR. RENTâ€"Newly built room with? modém conveniences and telephone; well furnished in quiet home, prices _ ' WANTED moderate. Apply to 77 Balsam Street, wmn TO Buy_mat-wp office 803‘“ 0" phone 45' J, Timmlns ' desk. Apply at 'I‘immins Garage. -34 - -22- 23- 24-251)” ROOM AND BOARDâ€"Two large front _.....____ rooms, suitable for four gentlemen. WANTED All conveniences. Single beds.'- four-r00 Phone 957-w. or apply to 85 Balsam] Apply u Street. South, Timmins. ~24Lf. Timmm: OHIIDREN ~EOR ADOPTIONâ€"Good homes desired for children, boys and girls, Catholic and Protestant ages 4 to 1.4 years. Any home desiring to adopt; a. youngster Should have their clergyman write A G. Carson. Supt. Childrens Aid, Timmins, Ont. .. 44tf ROOM AND BOARDâ€"In private home with all Conveniences including use of phone. Washing. pressing and mending mine, with reasonable price. Apply’ to Miss Judge. 67 Birch Street. South, Timmins. ~33p Be one. oft 'the Successful graduates of the Timmins Business Collegeâ€"we have helped hundreds and we can help you. Many who enrolled this time last. year are now holding worth-while posi- tions; Dozens have been placed dur- ing the past year. Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mlnquuleltéd ; , 1L. . Notice is 'herebyfi‘g‘Wefi'iifiéi "1“wa (notg-bpgmsplonfible for any debtsyon- 'tl‘afitédw‘lifiim' wife. Blanche” mm. +3341)? (Signed) P. ~' .. U . A regula: dividend of 1 no. ,and an extra dividend of 1 "p.c.. making 2 p.c [in all have been declared on the Capi- tal Stock of the Company. payable on the 10th day of September,1934.to shareholders of record at the close of business on the" 24th day of August. Arrangement for enrollment or reâ€" servation for the Fall Term mav be made at the College Office from now on. For the convenience of all con- cerned, those who contemplate emoll- lng should arrange as soon as posslblo. September 4th for particulars. ‘A Gold Medal School in a Golden Centre" I 8. M. TERRY. Supervising Principal Aristi} Hamilton Block. Timmlns. Ont. lmnco tc resulted Pat Percival. the seven-year«old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Perc'.va!., Mount,- joy. was, ,summently recovered this week as to be able to leave St. Mary's hospital and return to his home near tum. The little lad was very serious- 3331mm sufleringfromthe eflecb a! an Maori his neck. but Is now well anthem no recovery. LADIESâ€"Mi dressés'and sport suits will wear longer and look better when cleaned by Miss Betty Cleaning and .Pressing Shop, ’ 10 Cedar Street. North. Ipnmins. Phone 1120. â€"32-35 WOOD FOR SALEâ€"Jackpine, $2. '75 cord. Spruce $2 50. Four- foot wood Spruce $5. 75 cord. G. Morin 71 Main Avenge Timmins, Phone 829- J 2". 7 ' f , ""'33 34D Notice is hereby given that I will not ' be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by my wife, Bernadette, Ranger 533 345)? ‘(%i gried)‘ FRi§I§ RANGER ' Phone 501 T HURSDAY BULLETIN [ATTENTIQflL I’Ienuflflhue FLanue!s and Gofi Togs ngk like new when cleane y MisszBetty Cleaning and Press " _ he ‘10 Cedar Street. Nor >_ " - im 5,-Teleph0110" 1120. 1934 Timmins Business ' College Dated thé DWIDEND‘NUMBERZM _ EXTRA DIVIDEND NUMBER 16 ROOM AND BOARD MISCELLANEOUS WOOD FOR SALE Fall Te'rm begin ROOMS 17th day of .Aggust 1934 I. McIVOR. Assistant- Treasurer NOTICE Gall, phone P.O. Box 223 Tuesd Wl‘i 1120. 324371 use ! Re-opening‘ of Juvenile ““‘- Dancing School, Sept. 10th inn 1 BOOIOKEEFER WANTS POSITION with reliable firm; six years experl- ence: French and English-speaking. good references. Apply at Northern Hotel Timmins. or phone 392. ~34p WANTED TO PURCHASE FOR. CASH New light Coach Of Sedan. 1933 0? Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johns: 1934 model. Apply to BOX D.S.. Ad- Lloyd. were recent visitors to vancc Office, Timmins. #34. lake; Cobalt camp. Thrgate-ning“ . Firies Soon Extmgurshed Miss Margaret Easton will re-open' her Juvenile Dancing School on Sept: 10th and will again take up the work of giving class and private lessons in. dancing in all branches. Previous toi l the summer vacation Miss Easton had a large class in dancing and also a: large number taking private lessons. Those ’who ,lgnow her talent as a dancer will not be ready to believe that she needs any improvement in the art, but Miss Easton took advantage of the summer vacation time to take what may be aptly termed a post-graduate coarse in dancing from the noted dancing teacher Da Costa, of Toronto. and so is better equipped than ever to carry on the wprk here as .‘dancingl teacher. Those who have children in-l terested in dancing will .accordingly' be pleased to read the announcement elsewhere in this issue of the re-Open- ing on Sept. 10th of Miss Margaret. Easton‘s Juvenile Dancing School. : There were three fire calls during the ‘.past fe‘iv days and two of them looked as if they might prbve serious fires. but good work on the part of Chief Borland and his brigade soon averted this danger in each case. There was a. fire yesterday at 6 Hem- lock street. the residence of J. Berini. A shed at the back of the house was on fire and going strongly before it was noticed. the back of the house also catching fire from the burning shed. The alarm was sent in at 3.40 pm. by telephone and also by box call from box 27. The fire brigade made the usual prompt response and fought the blaze with their usual efficiency under the direction of Chief Borland. When the fire was first discovered it had a geod grip and looked as if it might prove a serious affair: Chief Borland and his men. however soon had their usual effective fire- fighting equipment at work and the blaze was extinguished but not before it had caused several hundred dollars‘ worth of damage. There was a large amount of smoke and - that and the alarm brought a large crowd to the scene. The efficiency of the fire-fighters drew favourable commenl. from many of those present. The fire originated through boys playing in the shed. The other threatening fire was on August 20th at 10.15 am. This call cam-r in from Kingston hotel by phone. The fire was in the kitchen and had started from the grease vent pipe in the kitchen becoming overheated and taking fire. For a time this fire look- ed dangerous. but by the use of the big chemical tanks and one water line the blaze was eventually extinguished. The damage was about $400.00, covered by insurance. The other fire call during the week was on Tuesday. August let at 9.10 a.m.. being a phone call to No. 9 Col- umbus avenue. where stovepipes were More (”Bond Fire Brigade Work Saves Danger of Serious boss on‘ Two Occasions in Past Week. Fire Yesterday Afternoon. Aristippuszâ€"Good cheer rance to a good life. Mrs. Bradley’s Beauty Shopfi? 114 Pine St. South, Timminsgg Bills were put around town last night after dark announcing a meeting to be held in a Local hall to hear "Tom” Hill, just returning from Kingston where he has spent half of a five-year sent- ence for breach of the' section of the Criminal Code forbidding incitement to violence or threats of violence. . The bills‘ say that Tom Hill'wni tell all aficgtr conditions'in Kirigsto . It is 3}“); apnmmcgd onithe binith he will- arrive" at‘ mih'am'ms; "on; the 50 train and that his friends are goin% to wel- come “him on‘ his retum. . fou-r-roomed house Apply to Box C. I Timmins. an Out on Parole from Kingston to Give Address POSITION WANTED fire. No damage of any importance med from this fire. Guaranteed Penna-116nm from Marcela and Finger Waves TO PURC $2.95 up 35c. all during the week August 215k at 9.10 e call to No. 9 Col- ,ere stovepipes were :1 good locallty. Advance Office. -34p EASE â€" Small no hind m PORCUPINE ADVANCE. W8. ONTARIO Mrs. Wm. Green. Gold Centre, spent the past, six weeks at her home in Winnipeg. She was accompanied home l by her brother, Mr. Ben Tyrrel. ' Rev. Mr. Proudfoot, formerly of Cochranc Baptist church, but more re- ; cently of Toronto, was the preacher at i the Baptist church on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andemheck spent the past two weeks at Kiflaloe. Ont. reported 4 Matheson Mr. and Bobby. left to Toronto week holiday Albert Courtemanche. the second chief of police of the town of Timmlns. was recently added to the Rouyn police force. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. H. Fassett and Mr and Mrs. J. B. Bissonette have retum' ed from a motor trip to the South. Mrs. Hamilton, of Toronto. is spend- ing a few weeks with her daughter. Mrs. A. H. Hall, 17 Montgomery avenue. Mortimer J. Isnor spent a few days at his home at 118 Elm street south, last week. returning to Pickle Crow Mme on the 9th of August. Eric A. Fleming and son, Alvey. left by Monday's noon train for Smith‘s Falls. Ont. to attend the funeral of Mr. Fleming‘s aunt, Mrs. A. Leach. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Redden and family arrived home some days ago afper spending five weeks at their old homes in Nova Scotia. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Redden return- ed to Timmins last week after spend- ing their honeymoon in Nova. Scotia and other polnts South. Kiwanis Meet. Wednesday Next. at Summer Cottage The A. P. Go: Opened a. branch store. in NewLiskeard last week. with Jerry Cook, :formerly of Huntsville A. P. Store. as manager. . Friends: obRal'ph Reddensolclest; son ofer. and» Mrs... G. B. Redden.‘ 34 Columbus avenue will leg-vet to learn that he had‘ both bdnes in his right arm bloken on TueSday. .w ' l 4 :Miss Dorothy th'nham. of Cobalt, who has been visiting'for the past two weeks at the- home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Webb. left for Cobalt. on Monday, ac- companied by..-Miss Madge Webbu r Messrs Dan-icl-Isnor. Ian Luxton and Scottie; Andrews .arc vacationing in Muskoka. Tomntor and Niagara, and are expected back the latter end of next- week. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Cook and family. of Sudbury. are visiting Mr. Cook's brother, Walter Cook, and Mrs. Cook's brother, W. Stanley. They were accompanied here by Stanley Ellis. of Paisley, nephew of W. Stanley. ‘Rev. Mr; Slade. of the First Baptist Church. 'I‘immins,'w:io is at present on holiday. was recently married at Westport. Oht-., to a young lady of that tom]. They expect to spend part of the honeymoon in Texas. Rev. Mr. Slade is not expected home to Timâ€" mins until the middle of next month. Andrew King. proprietor of the En- terprise'Show Print. of Rouleau. Sask.. well known throughout Canada for coloured circus. carnival and show printing. as well as publishing a week- ly newspaper. was a visitor to Tim- mins this week. calling on friends here and being a welcOme visitor also to The Advance office. Mr. King was on his way home to Rouleau, Sask., after attending the annual convention of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Associa- Mr. and Mrs A. H. Rogers and daughter. Helen. left on the noon train to-day for Toronto and Detroit. where they will visit friends and relatives for two weeks. ~ So. pleasant did the 'I‘immins Ki-l wanis Club find the recent meeting! held at Past President Reg. Smith's! summer cottage at Bayslde Beach that they are trying the same plan again. Accordingly, next week’s meeting is to be held at Kiwanian Charlie Roach's summer cottage. The meeting will be on Wednesday evening of next week. It is expwted that departure for the pleasant place of meeting will be made from the Timmins Golf Clubhouse: between 4 and 5 p.m.. although there! will also be a few leaving here around 230 pm. Anyone wishing to leave early in the afternoon for the place of, next Wednesday's meeting should get; in touch with the secretary. W. 11.; Wilson. A specially happy time is ex-i pected at the meeting on Wednesday next at Kiwanion Charlie Roach's sum- mer home, as there is fishing. swim- ming and the finest fresh air in the world to be enjoyed at this happy spot. There will be a meeting with regular business taken up and after thsteards and other entertainment will be the order of the evening. tion at Montreal Mr. and Mrs. seek for Mount Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johns and son and Mrs quantities of as being ship S. Wheeler and son. :mday on a motor trip 'OI‘E‘S blueberries are mi south from Hall left this ,. Ont.. for a Glroux {Funeral of Geo. Vary * Resident 22 Years Past Master of Golden Beaver Lndgc Buried with Masonic Honours. One of the Early Residents Passes. George Vary. well-known and highly esteemed in 'I‘immins and the North where he had spent a great many years. passed away on Sunday morning. Aug. 19th. at an earLy hour. He had been in ill health for some years past. suf- fering from rheumatism but only re- cently was his condition critical. The late George Vary was born in Dalesville. Quebec. and at the time of death was 67 years of age. He had followed mining from early manhood and after some years in the United States he came to Cobalt in the early days of that camp. From Cobalt the family moved to Timmins in 1912. The late Mr. Vary was with the McIntyre mine for a number of years. then go- ing to the Porcupine Crown where he remained until his health failed some years ago. ' The late George Vary was promin- ent in fratemai. church and other air- cles and he leaves behind him large numbers of friends and acquaintances who will deeply regret his death. He was of friendly and genial disposition and won the high regard of all who knew him. He was especially promin- ent in Masonic circles and was honâ€" oured by life membership in both Co- balt and Timmins Masonic Lodges. He. was a Past Master of Golden Beaver Lodge, A. F. 85 A. M.. Timmins. being the second to hold that office in the commencing years of the lodge. The late Mr. Vary was married some 41 years ago in Michigan. and he is survived by his widow and two daugh- ters and one son. The latter is Ronald Vary. mill superintendent of the Bufâ€" falo-Ankerite Mine. The daughters are Mrs. Thomas Blackman. of Tim- mins, and Mrs. Fred Bailey. of Kapus- kasing. To these and to the other near relatives and friends the sincerest sympathy of all is extended at this time. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon, Aug. let. and was with full Masonic honours. There was a Maso- nic service at the house and then ser- vice at the United Church, Timmins conducted by Rev. Dr. Fraser, United Church minister, South Porcupine The impressive Masonic service was completed at the graveside. The pali- bearers were six Masonic Past Masters â€"J. E. Gurneil, W. R. Rinn, J. Mor~ rison, C. P. Ramsay. W. Ramsay. and R. Richards. All but W. Ramsay;.ar€ Past Masters of the Timmins lodge. .jThere was a. large attendance at. thc funeral, numerous friends .and ac- quaintances .beLng present to pay the last sad token of respect and to show sympathy. for those: bereaved. The flora]. offerings wexe many and beautt- ful. and included tributes from the following: -â€"“Mother and Family,” Bast Masters Golden Beaver Lodge A F A..M. Silver Lodge A F. A ..M (Cobalt). Arbutus Chapber O‘EWS Mr and Mrs. G. H. F. Adams Mr and M15 R.A11e11, Mr. and Mrs. A. R Bateman and Family. Mr and M1s. J Berini, Mr. and Mrs. A. Booker. Mr. and Mrs. J Brown, Mrs Harry Clarke. Mr. and M.rs J. J. Davis. Mr. and Mrs Geo. S. Drew, Mr. and M15. H. Dun- Exhibition Branch IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA OPEN AUGUST 24th TO SEPTEMBER 8th IMPERIAL BANK OF (HMO?! This branch is operated during the Exhibition for the convenience of the Canadian National Exhibition Association and the public, and is one of 200 branches operated across Canada. Banking service on the grounds ’ In the Administration Building, near the fountain HERD OFFKLE Capltal and Surplus $15,000,009 field, Mr A. Ellis : J. W. F: Gurnell, and Mrs Holland. MacDonald. Miss Lou and Mrs. V. Neily. 1‘ Nicholson. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. 1 Mrs. W. H. Pritchm Mr. and Mrs. J. Ra and Charlie. Dave Ri Johnson Rutledge. h H. Simms. Sullivan a Mrs. C. E. Taylor. Thomas. Mr. and I\ and Son. Mr. and I Mr. and Mrs. R. M Mrs. W. H. Wilson. E. Kim kle. Mr Elaine. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Luxton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. N. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. McCoy. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Ex-(‘hicf ll. Jones from Vlsni t0 interes Jones routed under u this web} to his ho Mrs. Moore was de 01d times in the ‘ thc iwhile the other three girls are 8.1.30 gromn‘g beyond chilnhood days. Miss May is well-known as a dancer, espe- gially“111.,Higl1ia11cl dances. Mr. Jones has a number of pictures that he took )f the M0010 family, showing the girls 11 Highland costume. Another ac- ]uamtance that M1. Jones made was hat of Sir Hamy Lauder. One of the pictu'zés that M1. Jones brought home with him was that of a group including hiinself. Sir Harry Lauder and the Moore family. back to fairly While at Jones had the J. K. Moorc The Sudbury Star last week says:- “Mr. and Mrs. S. Yawney and two 3hildrcn, Mayme and Billy, have left an a two weeks‘ motox trip to Kixk- {and Lake and Timmins." friends have. I\ be early resid was very papula 18 a soloist. I lll VFW Exhibition Branch mcc th an OPEN TO PUBLIC mmin the o1 plc it b; ii 11‘ and Mrs. R. Eddy. Mrs. M. nd Mrs. Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. ithful. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mr. and Mrs. L. Halperin Mr. E H. H11 Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Mr. and Mrs Kemslcy and Mrs. Laidlaw Mr. and Mrs. rley. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Kin- and Mrs. M. O. Knutson and )lc :s. chief of police of Timmins years until his displacement 1e, present council. returned L from a three months’ visit meland, England. He reports leasant holiday and much of in the trip. In England Mr. )lllld the depression being y the courage and faith of 71 to 3 daytime 8 to” at night d Mr Mrs. 'ul. M and i . Lcwit, Man-act Jiss Louise MacDonald. Mr. Neily. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. [12 and Mrs. Chas. Pierce. . T. E. Pritchard. Mr. and Pritchard. Dick RichardS. ;. J. Ralph. Mrs. Ramsay Dave Riggs and JohnSeal, ledge. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. .zllivan Newton. Dr. and Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. J. . and Mrs. W. W. White 1'. and Mrs. V. Woodbury. s. R. M. Wynne, Mr. and rl'mal asure of meeting Mrs. rmerly of Tlmmins. slighted to talk about Porcupine camp and who knew her old 3. Moore was one of 1L3 of Timmins and and much in demand rr daughter. May, a time that the family now a young lady. three girls are al.~,o :hilnhood days. Miss )C 1ditions England, Mr ' meeting Mrs of Tlmmins Back England 'onerally TORONTO THURSDAY. AUGUST 23RD. 1934 i' AL Picrinis Orchestra , Giving Anniversary Dance Low Priced Good of the very best. {Lovers of ' dar music should kep the date in mind $125 $2 $200 5; Mrs. Fred Farr: visiting her home i $20 ESSEX SEDAN motor in gm Look this one over. $52 CHRYSLER SEDAN. Paint and motor perfect. also tires. Bring your old (M and let's (ha I. Timmins Garage Co. Ltd. $350 ;40 PONTIAC SPORT (‘OUPE See this car and drive it (‘ash or Terms. Where all the Good Used Cars Come From SPECIAL ! USED CARS $50.00 Down. balance Easy Bl’H‘K TOURING: Why walk in work PONTIAC SEDAN Farrell and family are home in Huntsville Ont. gum Paint and condition.

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