Porcupine Advance, 23 Aug 1934, 2, p. 7

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THURSDAY. AUGUST 23110. 1934 sary to m: these insec that; there adhesive Sl makes it 1 from the . up by th( however. L One of the greatest annoyances with whch the motorist has had to con- tend in summer driving has been en- lirely eliminated by the Airflow design at Chrysler and DeSoto cars. namely the. collecting of dead insects on the windshield. In a conventional car whenever one is driving in the country the car hits all manner of insects and crushes them on the windshield. mak- ing an unsightly mess and eventually seriously interfering with the vision of the driver and passengers. , Almost every motorist knows that it is neces- sary to make frequent stops to clean these insects from the windshield and Development at. the Arcadia Gold Mines up and touching one lodge involved i makes the windshield uphill ins case on re: Believed that Sufficient Ore will be Blocked out to Establish Arcadia as; Prcmable Mining Venture A comprehensive development pro- gramme on the Arcadia Gold Mines Limited property. 560 acres in the Por- cupine Mining Division, is being fin- anced. mg Of “It ore to m depth wll nageâ€"sufl dia as a unusuall ore-body You’ll Never Find Bugs 0n Airflow Windshields Filling st first to noti Chrysler which is 01 get the job certainly is or DeSoto I serie over with over well-plan gramme tion wit!- undcr tr capable e This w the va the .no enable finite I Mines clined shaft up to $28.00, and in the main shaft from $5.20 to $8.60. These values are exclusive of the spectacular showings in the high-grade “Tommy Burns" vein lying to the north of the main gold-bearing sulphide ore body. It has been estimated that the prov- ing of the downward extension of the ore to even a comparatively shallow depth wll block out a very large ton- nageâ€"sufficient to establish the Area- dia as a profitable mining venture. Cl] One Man ("laims Lost Job for Other than Politics in 15 work mg very : servative at $20.67; from $2.4 38 samplc clined sh stead buggin And 511 Numero the Arcad ream. claim becau road that the c: the r: 0113. the camp the road 0113. So. trap and right. int who didr in the h« liked hen mad? ‘ came explore W¢ in Onta the I] C [i Mum. 260. u .11 «km. Wake up your Liver Bile ~â€" No Calomel needed YOUR llVER’S MAKING YOU FEEL OUT OF SORTS IE When disclo: m he larg urfa th 50 fee h p1 Dt‘ I] t1 If 1( 40 )I‘K ll 11 mm ed 38! )up ows. h ICHC i1 mr 11 >f these most encourag- it has been decided to re-body at depth by a diamond-drilling pro; :1 progress in conjunc- her underground work, :ervision of a staff of m I‘h imer the usual service ,v to go on his way in- g to submit to a de- .on on his windshield. if those insects that get must be made out of ‘ the way they stick.” Win U 11 ;t3 hear of a man in is job these days and 'eason than just poll- have been able to see than suspicion that he wrong party. But Vindy Lake road camp district gives another 3 a bear. This man was let go last week ‘t like bears and the d. There was a bear annoying the men at ne time. Its visits to .ade the men all nerv- .n set a good old bear .ipoiiular bear walked trap. Then the man bears axed the bear 1e road foreman who very wroth. Was he he men at the camp man who killed the nd. the road foreman ‘ gave him the boot. ; noted before. it is a )vel story after all the sals for political rea- avho gets fired for kill- ; least the satisfaction he has some distinc- 1) I] wid Lh‘ surfm a depressed. tour on tho er “huh Ian I pourin‘l quad We Into your bowels. .iuation are being cloud Lang and don) yum fluid. a feel wretched. I_ like 0.1“. oil. lam ,ble 40 Jrface 11‘ enough. mum. Curtu'a Huh no. date. Pun-l: nu '29!!! by mm. “W conclusively prove ths at a. depth of face ore body. and I to carry out deâ€" ging Arcadia Gold 2 production. nave been made of me of them provid- results. One con- 1ssay results (gold Tace values ranging (the lowest among , values in the in- $28.00, and in the gnawing jun. or London Timestâ€"A alism is decidedly sup collectivism. According to word Matachewan camp. r: being made on the cor 1oo-wn mill on the Matachewan Consol‘.da ed. work on which ‘ early this month. C poured for the found structure will begin to few days. Themill sh anon before the end 18 L0 be cyanide extra‘ Directors of Venture: which company controls th wan Consolidated. annount late in July to proceed wit structlon, after calculations ment work carried on since Underground operations, a recent official report had 1 172 tons of ore, thh an av of $6.92 per ton, at. $35 g( eastern seetion of the p reserves total 53.453 tons of value of $7.91; in the dyl reserves are placed at 68.71! average of $6.92. STEADY PROGRESS MADE AT MATACHEW'AN CONSOLIDATED "I have examined the propert and the reports and also all sampling and assay results available on the Areadia Mine. In my opinion this property merits the expenditure of the funds necessary to prove the downward extension of the ore indicated by the results of the work so far done. Results to date indicate that a large body of commercial ore exists on this property. In addition to this, tltere :is the high-grade Tommy Burns vein‘ system.” (signed) J. Ralph Scott, B.Sc. "The Arcadia property . rep- resents an interesting and promising rospect with widely distribute gold values and in places showing material of high grade over narrow widths. There is regional cross-fractur- ing of the general formational places showing material of high grade over narrow widths. There is regional cross-fractur- ing of the general formational trend, the junction of which in other areas has proven so high- ly important in the localization of ore deposits. Most import- ant ore occurrences are gener- ally located at points ofextreme structural complexity such as are evidenced on the Arcadia property. . 5 a "I believe the property to have merit beyond even the favour- able ore indication disclosed by the work already performed.” ‘ (signed) D. C. II. Wright, B.Sc. "The different rock formations on the Arcadia Gold Mines, Limited pmperty are more or loss identical, relatively, to the roek formations of the produc- ing mines in the district. . . . "Gold has been )anned prac- tically all along 1 1e strike and ore is evidently there in paying valuesand immense tonnages.” ‘ (signed) Colinm'l‘liistletliwaite, *"I sampled across 30 feet on the north side of this formation and from this sample I secured $6. 40 in gold. Should these values av erage ov er $5. 00 a ton for the lenuth of the ledge, then Vou have a bonanza.” (signed) H. C. Anchor, M. E. l“From report made by the late Captain 11. C. Anchor, U E. STEWART, McNAIR 8: CO. McCUAIG BROS. 8: CO. EXTRACTS FROM ENGINEERS’ REPORTS 'ged ind res Limlw the Matache .nced decisio Mine 3C he ARCADIA GOLD MINES 11 mi (N0 Personal Liability) 36 EU iVE ragged 1t )pe 1933 B.Sc., M.E. ,OI' 255 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. ELgin 0421 H ( ul‘. Finds Matachewan Mill was Set on Fire 22‘: store room I Report to fire Marshal Says Blue at the main bu lltllingcr Property at Matachcwan and it was a was of Incendiary Origin. . all damage c admit." Mr. Heaton is quoted as say- ing. “that the fire was started inten- tionally by some person." A large number of rumors had been run down by his department but all proved of little assLstance in bringing the guilty party or parties to justice. “We are reluctantly compelled to! The report of the investigator make: I The investigator for the Ontario Fire Marshal’s department. investigating the recent fire which partly destroyed the mill on the Young-Davidson pro- perty in Powell township. in the Mata- chewan area. has come to the conclu- sion that the fire was of incendiary origin and has so reported to the de- partment, according to despatches from Toronto last week. Fire Marshal Hea- ton in making the disclosure public said that a very thorough enquiry had been conducted by a representative of his department in addition to the en- quiry made by the provincial police and the Canadian Fire Underwriters‘ Association. Members The Toronto Stock Exchange 300,000 SHARES OF TREASURY STOCK OF Authorized Capital (Par value, $1. 00).. ... .. . .. Issuedâ€"for pro erties (Pooled until July 1,1935). for cas to date... a. .0. .0. .0. .0. 0.. O. .0. .0. OJ. 0.. I“ .0. this issue 0 .0. .5. 0.. OD. .0. 0.. ”O 0'. C“ 9‘. 0.. O O .5. .- Iv. Balance remaining in Treasury . The purpose of this issue is generally to place the Treasury of the Company in suflicient funds to aggressively explore and develop the property and particularly to carry out immediately a comprehensive plan laid down by the Company’s Consulting Engineers in co-operation with the Resident Engineer, Colin Thistlethwaite, l\/'I.E., 13.80., for diamond drillling in conjunction with the making of an underground survey and in further extending the workings from the vertical shaft (one of the two shafts already.) on the property). The diamond drilling program is already m progress, under contract. The main part of the property con- sists of l 1 patented and 3 unpatented claimsâ€"totalling 560 acres more or lessâ€"located principally in the Town- ship of Shaw, Porcupine Mining Division, Northern Ontario. Coun- sel certifies that title is absolute and clear subject only to certain claims against the previous owners, as- sumed by the Company as part of the purchase consideration and now in process of adjustment. The property is ten miles distant by road from South Porcupine which is located on the T. N.O.R.R. Two Power Lines from the Northern Canada Power Com- pany cross the property within one-half mile of the Camp. An adequate supply of water for all mining purposes is available from the Redstone River. / The Treasury of the Company will receive 42,125: per Share net. After careful investigation of available information, we recommend these shares as a mining speculation from which many of the primary risks have been eliminated. Shar‘es however should he purchased only by those who appreciate the hazards inherent in all running dev elopmente. roperty of Arcadia Gold Mines Limited is outstanding. t Q’hile all mining properties in the early stages of their development naturally re resent a degree lation to the investor, yet the work that has already been done and the favourab e reports of the justify the expectation that the additional development to he made possible through this issue elusively prove the merit of the property and its potentialities as a profitable producer. Arcadia Gold Mines Limited owns and is developing a property in the rich Porcupine area of Ontario. A num- ber of eminent engineers have reported favourably on the property and extracts from some of these reports appear in this announcement. Electric power, water and transportation facilities, essential to a profitable producing mine, are already available. Two shafts have already been sunk to depths of more than 100 feet showing commercial ore at various depths. Contracts for diamond drilling to prove to depth the reserves of ore indicated have been let; The company is under experienced and ellicient management. From the comprehensive information available, and taking into consideration the present stage of development, the II‘-. We Offer, subject to allotment and prior sale M. RALPH CARRIER. Leaning, Mich, President Federal Drop Forge Coo WILLIAM H. KILI’ATRICK. Detroit. Vice-President Chrynlcr Motor Put. Corporation Consulting Engineersâ€"Dough- G. B. Wright. B.Sc.. Toronto. Ralph Scott. 8.9 Raider“ Enginat-Colin Thistlethwnitc. B.Sc.. M.E.. South Porcupine. Auditorâ€" Regiurar and Transfer Agentsâ€"Prudential Trust Company. Toronto TH! PORCUPIN! ADVANCE. TIMMINB. ONTARIO Property Purpose of This Issue Via.Pruid¢mâ€"-RALPH H. MCKEE. Ph.D.. New York, Profcmr of Chemical Engincetiug. Columbia University Power and Water Transportation blc p0: that of picisn ix be thou 51d One to c discharged 1C WE mm and )1 ocati park CIE h Pigott Building, Hamilton, Ont. BEgent 1048 amoux The above information was obtained from rdinble source. but in not guaranteed. H )l‘ BBC Orders may be placed through the undersigned or through your own broker tsth Price: SOC Per Share If T18 1E .ds t he ll )f me unde employee On )8 at lder atec othe notm ARCADIA GOLD MINES LIMITED i! 1a) Lh hea WE incer )nt in 11 . The Porcupine gold area has today six producing gold mines. C It has produced over $329,- 000,000 in gold to date. C More than $97,000,000 in dividends have been paid to date. 0 Market value of producing properties (June 15,1934) exceeded $173, 000, 000. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Presidentâ€"WILLIAM E. DEDERICK. New th mt H If JOSEPH MONTGOMERY. Toronto. Buriuer M 1E pic 11 31 on was a xhaustive 1C (N0 Personal Liability) WC '(l ll con- alm of bu th 1nd ion 1nd H I] ques emp mile Departmer mid had held a ‘ which there playing and found to be The report the fact that t‘ $80,000.00, while insurance, the H direct financial 1 may be added. 1r 1f theory that there w e construction of th: smplctely scouted by ’ter their investigatia as to the effect that c Development to Date Considerable development work"'h‘as"been carriéddfi‘f‘bfi‘ the property. ‘ Surface work has disclosed an unusually large gold-bear- ing sulphide body which has been exposed by trenches, pits and excavations at intervals for over 1400 feet in length, with an apparent average width of over 50 feet. The Surface exposures have been sampled by numerous independent mining engineers and found to contain com- mercial values, and this quite apart from many spectacu- lar high-grade showings. The concensus of opinion is that the whole sulphide zone can reasonably be expected to prove commercial ore and extend to considerable depth. Trenching, Shaft sinking and cross- cutting llave been carried out on a parallel high grade vein approxim- ately 200 feet north of the large sulphide zone. Thisvein has every indication of continuing in depth as a commercial ore body, augmented with occasional spectacular inclus- ions of high grade. gold area has :lucing gold (I over $329,- Lo date. 7,000,000 in been Paid to Milling and Metallurgical Tests Milling tests have been made on the ore by Professor (1‘. J. MacKay at Queen’s University, who reports "the ore is exceptionally easy to treat and the milling cost should be very low.” Conclusions The simple milling and extraction with the very low costs possible in mining such a large ore body makes this property exeeptionally attractive and augurs well for a very profit- able large-tonnage producer and, as in the case of the other well-known Porcupine mines, an indefinitely long life. The proving to depth of the large surface ore body by diamond drilling, etc., will enable the Company to immediately lay definite plans for bringing the property into production. It has been estimated that the iroving to even a comparatively shallow de th will blocl( out a very large quantity of ore, and enalile the Company to go into large scale operations. )f producing :1e 15, 1934) 10,000. K Toronto. Ralph Scot} nve 1111C Montreal. Geologilt. Member Canadian Institute ol and Metallurgy. Society 0! Chemical Industry. 1 Late Comntiaaioner. Drpt. of Natural Reroute: Canadian National Railway: Dr“ HENRY W. NICHOLS Chicago. Curator of Urology. Field M uuum with hm New York Secruary- Treasurerâ€"CHAIN ES PRICE-GREEN. B.A.. 12315.3 hf 11' at for supper. return- during which time the 9 ant durin Arbad )vi‘ 3cott. 8.3a. Toronto. Auditorâ€"lichen K. McDonald. C.A.. Tomato quaw filembers filontreal Stock Exchange, Montreal Curb Market. 274 St. James Street, 1420 Peel Street, Montreal, P.Q. ' ~v Montreal, P. Q. HArbour 9151 MArquettc 9311 ainctal pence and the Fire Marshal's 1'. failed to lead u: L this man. dis 9.30 had a gla the night twelve miles spect is now Mine. fifteen .mg-Davidson ed that the work about .m. he went “‘ ten the Ending 9 miles Canadian Institute of Mining uf Chemical Induflry. etc. .t. of Natural Resource... and The current issue of K-Ray. the 0113-} and ti‘ cial publication of the Ontario- Que- gioups bec- Ma1itime District of Kiwanis gives jou1ne» interesting percentages of the Dist1ict|f9110w51 Convention to be held at Halifax. NS... on Sept. 23rd. 24th and 25th. The fare Sudb from Timmins and return. is $87.45. the G with sleeping car fare, tax included to mousta at“... tutu!”swat”:Val???"Sutu8u8u8u8u¢u8u1u8?n§3§ PARTICULARS RE KIW'ANIS DISTRICT MEET AT HALIFAX of time in bringing the mill to oomole- Montreal tion is also a serious form of loss for as bv x: the company and one that loomed as steamshi more important than direct monetaryét "ifteen ( 1 200.000 350.000. 300,000 ‘WWW4«\N*2%\W~3 THOUGHTFUL CARE 5ND DIGNITY CHARACTERIZE DUB SERVICE of specu- enviumrs win con- S. T. W’ALKICH 1.850.000 1,650,000 3,500,000 Shares TELEPHONE 509 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Funeral Director Quotml from (I Rvpur! nun/v I)\' C. I’II'w-(Ilovn, 13.1., I..R(I..S "It is my aim t‘l‘t‘ l)(.‘ii('r that this pmpm ly can be III \(‘iupt «1 into one uftiic largest .. .IIIins of the Porcupine District.” "lunch coarse gold is seen on the surface 01g (his dec in place§ for. its “hole lcntran Wfé”fék011 indiEute a gold content. averagiuo :3 l2.()() per ton . . . As I said before this property will make a mine.” (signed) W. W. Worthinrrton, 11.15. "Concluding this report I would say that you have the most prnmisintr propusilicm that l have examined dining twenty Jive \ears experiem e. ” "T he ore body eoml'IriseIl in the big Ilyke Ian he ef'I-lII tiVelv blocked out by drilling a-s the average VViIlth of IIighty lIIIIt makes it entirely Ilil'l'ere Int from the orIliuarv gold mining pro- position \Vllll narrow ve ins and irregular ore shoots, “I here Ilia- monIl drilling is only useful to determine the formation. ()ne of the engineers reporting, eqti- mates that a hloI k lilty leet by l ,800 feet ltV lUU feel It] Ileptli, will give one million tons of commercial ore VVlIieh he very conservatively values at $0.00 per ton, but the average of the surfaee values, aeIIIIrIling to reeorIleIl sampling and assays, is nearer $2lHlU a ton.” “I have taken 27;) samples along the dyke, also in tlu uartz leads penetrating tln ilyke and have determined any where from $2.00 to 3 10.00 pe 1 ton in gold. I spent mveral months on the property, my opinion is that with good min- ing and careful management, this mine will he among the large dividend payers of the Porcupine District.” (signed) Lawrence (Lhureh1 M .l'l. EXTRACTS FROM ENGINEERS" R EP( )RTS (signed) John Mt: Marlin, MJ (signed) Louis Whitman, LIMITED TIMMINS (signed) C. L. Heath, M.E [he sugg the motc and the cure 10 per 911mg rates C11 11‘ mac-«www.c«w-xwmxxw 81 THIRD AVENUE .0 N O. N 0‘ O .00... O. O o N O .0 O 0.. O .0 N O O O. O. O O 0.. .0 c N '0 O n O. n ibury St German )( Hal mo 1011 tc ”'an K “I W m JG :16 .- ~zm remember mom when his at. the ends. PAGE SEVEN ‘ increas .hip. r given a. rest rail so that 11d make the route is given via Montreal. starting point, :‘dom any one Montreal will lotion on tra- K-Rny makes this occasion fiOOd

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