Porcupine Advance, 29 Dec 1932, 1, p. 3

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field thas yetâ€"been tested:at a:greatâ€"~ ‘;:;:-‘:._f' erâ€"‘depth‘ than,300 feet.> The intention ; is ‘to. ship heavier .equipment to . .Gregt Linke next spring for testing the foermation atâ€" greater â€"depths. ‘The ‘SPR7 :other machine is from Sudbury and has r some the: other Ontario Any m who knows the prospectâ€" '_ libec camyl." ,ng game isn‘t going to leave the fertile % sup wash member of a party fields of Ontario and Quebec to go ff into kreat Bear Lake last|there, especially if he has been there W #r the fln Bear Mines Limitâ€" |before," he declared, emphatically. _ : fion- had acquired | Nfr. Jessup, who is an old ‘Cobalt, w 4) : * which Mr.!John |Kirkland Lake and «Je wn'rozonto tor, left last night for Timmins, ‘but the evious fall M.|â€"expects to return to Sudbury where he lt ‘ij id â€" sgjsociates .at. Toronte..| will â€" make â€"headquarters for next year‘s loce.ted on Cameron | operations in 'ahe EBwayze. field. slwreotGreaBear\,y ce :t a â€" : v ‘.10 out khl‘efl miles froh the‘. £ f‘l_ Efihfl Bay. The Q“W mam RUSSTIAN SOVIET 3y os@ecting the cm’ t .: M ifteresting : veins : were.} _‘an ‘editorial â€" m "The Toront.o ‘Mail mardithe end of the season.,, ols l sq short that little OppOTâ€" | ayp for performing any |agatn he claims and #gonseâ€"| counti § ful} geason‘s : effort ‘theâ€"|â€";ten ’;ff’ B comparatively unexâ€" [ mercial possibilmes Jkt bfiyand these,{ aelk that has been been in opera.tion on the showings. ot te-coppei' on tlie Dominion Ex~ peotors had been : '* ‘Das#led ‘by the publicity with which plane and‘ there wire still about? 251| cyeat Bear Take (Pad beoen isherad Into s 3000 mi:le firip i:he mming world the ‘usualâ€"invasion of waltmg to lea\ke Te quired a ‘little mof ehpn eight days In gharp contrast h ari? expe ditions:of the geolojort survey parki . U3 N o uie td 41. "IT‘m .afraid I with Ithe hurrah M‘l‘l’l; Says tht Q Been Ovei'w on said Mr Jg;:up' t “flr,not but when ys 1e!t;GreatBear' j the Consolida.ted ‘ow, there is nothâ€" ’t been seen in ho lack ,»__'I:he Oparation consist,s o! driving |tunnel.on. the. vein into the side of a bill ‘and from this indications are that {. Jmage tonnage of high grade silver -'dated Bmelters moved lnto the field ito {test bhe depth conditions on its â€"claims. |Several ‘boles were put on surface |ahowings of uranium stain and. veing: inâ€"silver but nothing in Wit.h.* *@ga.rd to ‘the ~popularity of Great fBea.r Lake next year in the light of iecenfi :developments in the gold prcspecgg fields of Northern Ontario, Quebec: gnd Manitoba, Mr. Jessup was extremely doubtful. and “bhere are four restaurants at - ‘to operate and imâ€" i8 f"[;,‘ » for the expected rush Tt It was felt tha; the occasion was fiting to.show the beautiful portrait of ‘Bir â€"«John A. Macdonald given ‘to the school by ‘Mr. G. _ A. Macdonald, of Timmins. number after number Oof cntertaining ard: +mirthâ€"provoking stenes ensued. Beveralâ€" darkyâ€"skits and domestic epiâ€" sodes were given ‘by real talent and ‘songs rendered nicely, showing the Skilâ€" ful training of the teachers. Mn James Cole made an ideal chairman and in her usual happy way gave each number. a pleasant remark,, "The concert opened with the classes singing "Greeting Song," with Helenâ€"Cole at the piano, after. which 2 w y MacDonald, of ‘Alexandria, Ont. in the porches. space was packed, peoâ€" ple even standing ‘The interior was gaily dec held a.prominent p ‘"Merry christmas" and "Welcome* were mottoes that gave sileat greetings to each visitor on entering. The evening clased by the ‘singing of "God :Save the King 1:3 Miss MacDonald left. on ‘I‘hursday to . the Christmas holidays at her with a numiber of Highland aances. «~Messrs‘ Froderick Deering, Aithur Buokindale ‘and Reg. Waldrun, acted the parts of â€""Rastus", "Sambo" and Ned" fthroughout ‘the might, giving comical songs, ~and choice selecâ€" ‘tions on the guitar, violin ‘and mouth ~‘Towards theâ€"end of the programme during lull in the proceeding‘s, the stamping of feet and chimes of sleigh bells were heard and presently Santa Claus entered, distributing the gifts from a wellâ€"laden tree to the children HALLZLJALELG, AFA _ A NA U _ NeA AAAALLLLS _ _ LE LAFD Ei bells were heard and presently Santa|C. Shaw, principalâ€"Senior Fourthâ€", ; Claus entered, distributing the gifts) Vieno Kautto, Ame \Manner; :Omer: 3 from a 'well-laden tree to the chfldren LOlugiau and. Arnold : 000“3 gqual Pres-' and grownâ€"u A wmm%fmww‘" id ?)M" n Mary Nicholls and ‘Mr. William John WNicholis wereâ€"dressed in the Sceotâ€" tish <Kilts and entertained the â€"autience Writing in his column of: ‘"Sportoâ€" Jlogy‘" in The North Bay Nugget, "Obâ€" server" ‘says:â€"*"Kapuskasing‘s absence from the N.O.H.A. fold this season does not necessarily mean that hockey has been dropped from the town‘s sporting diet. Rather, local activities have ‘been stepped up and in consequence three strong squads have been formed for a town senior group. Why the Northern Papermakers ‘this year elected to allow Ats N.O.H.A. membership to lapse has nodt been clearly éxplained. . It isn‘t beâ€" cause of a lack of players for there are upwards to ‘fifty allied ‘with the town ‘group. Jn dact, bhere is sufficient good material to prompt the league to look forward to a series of: exhibitionâ€"games with the Timmins and South Porcupine »NO.H.A senior +teams.> To Kapuska-_ tagami group in which Smooth Reck EFalis and Cochrane. bold. membership. It is intimated by the: Northern Triblme that a hockey war has been in. progmss, in Kapuskasing and the was that the N.~O. H. A. was thrown overâ€" board and a decision to fight it out in ‘a special treat of goodies was sen:t down, from Timmins by Mr. Macdonald for ‘‘One item that struck ‘the writer as very ‘beautiful was singing of "The Maple by the class, the large new flag the Home and Bchool Club lately ‘presented ‘being â€" draped‘ ‘behnind the There was a lovely pyrex and â€"silver caisserole presonted ‘to Mrs. James MacDonald.‘ Also a book ("Life of Queen was presented to Helen‘Cole for having secured the largâ€" est number of memfbers for 1932- 1933. , Cole, ‘a past president, by Miss Macâ€" Donald on bahalf of the club and an address being a@bly read by Mr Angus : Mrs.:Cole ‘gave a little talk on: what Bir John A. Macdonald had stood ‘for and what an asset it was to have his picture in ‘the school. Says Hockey W ar on This Season in Kapuskasing sing‘s default can probably ‘be attriâ€" buted the temporary .demise of the Matâ€" The Tribune says: "The man on the streetorthegoodladymthehome .may .or Jnay not. know that there has except when . exhibition. games ~AN€) whs not given for Helpérin‘s Furniture‘ played with\ teams. from Timmings ‘0r| Store and the Canada 5¢ to $1.00 Store‘ other N.: O~H. A. towas. Anallwmmcnmameunpmd; Jme-npwmfichmnlorthpsesmdslmwhflm "The correct. served. At the end of the festivities it was moved ‘and ‘heartily endorsed "by the crowd that Miss MacDonald ‘be comâ€" mended for her successful concert. home in Alexandria, Ont. ;fiuznwhwwmflewm’awd Helpar!n!s ‘Furniture Store: mwdthmexmmmnmm ‘and the Canada 5¢ to $1.00 Store is 82. season. _ $ tThird avenue, corfer of Maple street. There were nearly fifty items on ‘the Cake, sandwiches and coffee were There was at "least ‘one place, howâ€". ever, ‘where things were different. In an editorial one day last week The, Toronto Mail and Empire says:â€" | "In Canada,,. as in other Christian. ‘countries, Christmas is regarded as a: ‘Season of Joy, of family reâ€"unions and‘ of gifts especially to ‘children. â€"It ‘has‘ been very different in Soviet . Russia: since the Communists came to the top. The members of the "Union ‘of Miliâ€" tant ‘Atheists". have started their, anâ€" nual cam@mn against: »Christignity . with their cry a single kopeck. for the holiday; not a single absentee from ‘work; not a single hour to be wasted in ‘the factories because of ‘Christmas." ‘This campaign will reach its climax on January ‘6, the date of the old Russian «Christmas. : "The campgign this year however will be conducted on somewhat milder lines than formerly.. (It was found that the wild processions and the atâ€" tacks upon the churches gave too much encouragement to hoodlums and drunkâ€" ards. ‘In spaking of this year‘s plans "NM. Khudiakoff,» head ofr the propaâ€" atheists, said: "The antiâ€"religious carâ€" nivals of the early years of the reâ€" volution are no more. "They belong to the errors of ‘our youth. Such carniâ€" vals and demonstrations only did us harm and attracted idle »passersâ€"by or youths looking for a ‘little ‘excitement. Now we are for serious antiâ€"religious propaganda ‘based on scientific explanâ€" ation ‘of the origin of ‘the human being, ‘the origin of relgion and its class naâ€" ture. We are flghting to ‘put our antiâ€" religious propaganda on a Marxist bass 39 .0 "*Christmas in Russia is to be the same as any other day. of the year. No holiday, no pleasure, no gifts. Poor ‘children <of the Revolution !" maki Ina Rintamagki, Jean Gallai, Naâ€" talile Kostynyk and Marion Myers, equal; Johnny Mortenson; Josephine Cecconi, Robert Purnis, Marjory Smith and Sapphiraâ€" Toderan, equal; Irene Varker, Kathleen Emdin, Edgarleen. ‘Owens; Bernice MacDonald :and Irene. iGosca, cequal; Elsie McCaw, ‘Porothy Farrell, Stella Brown, Marion Gibson,. Helen «Lefurgy, Leonel Olusiau, John1 Vivian Miller and Harold Helâ€". smer equal; Cinderella Harvey, Lila !Kay, Charlie Cunningham, Donald} Pecore. ' Decemba' Report of | \S.S8. No. 1Â¥, Tasflale Owing to ilinessâ€"there will_be no reâ€" iport for Junior IV this month. Sr. Iâ€"Rose M. Donlevy, teacherâ€" Clarg Lindross, Adeline Jakes, Albert Clusiau,, Luella Johnston, Keljo Ilola, Kauko Nikannen, Bonnie Clark, Kauko cember for S.8. No. 1A; Tisdale:â€"B. Vesala, Martha Lubta, Ruth Emden. _ Jr. Iâ€"Annie Mozder, Mary: Sekulick, Walter Rachanski, Elmer McLary, Orâ€" ville Lhamothe. Dogue; Btephen â€" Evans, Lila «Janakka, John Vesala, Myra Cantor, Fermn Helâ€" ‘mer, Bhirley Evwing, Annie Rintimaki, Betty Cumming, Kathlten _Pecore, Standing :of *the Pupils in the Vm'ious rClaeses,at §..8. .No. 1A 'l.‘lsdaleor the Month ‘of December, 19382 Teresa Cosco, Eileen Lowry, Eino Kautâ€" to, Lillanâ€"â€"Kauiman, Betty MaciIntosh, Treneâ€" . Disher, Dgrothy Deacon, ~Joan Smith, Mario Gliovanella, Harry Turner. #r. IILâ€"M. L. Thorpe, teacherâ€"Joyce Coffey, Irja Lubta, Alli Luhta, Elaine Second Classâ€"Oreta Walker, teacher Helen ‘Mancberry ; Agnes Robertson and Frank Richards, equal; Margaret Foster, Harry® Disher, Aila Saari, ‘Eva Pictala, Vidla Miansfisld, Lillian® Belisle, Rauno Waganen, Bill Lowry;â€"Ann.e Cameron ‘end ‘Urpa Latvola, equal; Marion Strand, Lawrence Mahon, Vivian Ferriâ€" !Rall. Tois McLeod, Douglas Deacon, Esâ€" Senior. ‘"Thirdâ€"Mary E. McNab, teacherâ€"Jean Andrews, Jessie Hanilâ€" Kaarlo Iola, Ronald Walker, Audrey, ' Bowss, Bill . Turner, Leonard Battrick, | Bobby Pearce, ‘Violet Waanen, Violet| Dillon, Nick Toderan, playton MceClary, Betty Mitchell, June Philbin, Kathleenâ€" fiDDRESS SHOULD HAVE â€"READ "CORNER MAPLE AND THI Th2 following is the report for Through an error the correct address ; Â¥ urdy, James Emâ€" Alice Robertson, and Saintly Art t‘had everybodygomg ‘In the onceâ€"over he nearly sywallowedâ€" ‘crew got into a: huddle among the brnanas ~and . Pete cleaned off his glasses. Someone cut off Art‘s free air, ‘but whaflever was â€" sdid or ~done« it worked, and ‘Gamble‘s got down to business and turned the tables andâ€"won ‘the last game ‘by 172, therefore winning the ‘first ‘half of the Commercial league. . The T. N. O. had.their star bowler retum to town in the name of :C. Alton and by his score he surely must: have been doing some heavy training. . T. N. 0. Behind Tiime by ‘a Point his cigar. It worked ‘fine and they came through with=217 pins to spare. The second cfimp ‘was just ‘as noisy, and ‘Gamble‘s could not get the hang on the game and dropped another 372 Those getting on the honour roll are! C. Alton 753, C. Canie 653, R. Belleveau 637, A. Saint 626, and P. Nicholson 609. t 4 =â€" a P Bussiere ............ 129. Canie ........... ... 219. Gagnon .220 . Horester ............156 â€" Nicholson :....., 3038 Totals .............. 1144....1133.....:869....8146 Gamble‘s 1 point; T. N. 0.3 points ‘Owing to sickness ‘and business presâ€" sure, the Power â€"and Advance were unâ€" able to.roll their game. This game will be rolled on Friday night of this week. blow Before the third ew got into a>} Totals After Christmas clearing on all lines of merchandiseâ€" . ‘Many Lines Broken in Sizes and Colours _ . Durchased for sale purm can be ho" cial Yalues ‘in this Leot All $1.00 Hosiery to clear At DEL 7D¢ All $1.25 and $1.75 Hos1ery to clear at per pair............... $1,00 Children‘s Haesiery toclear â€"at less 20 per cent. iL J / UbA U ces ie ces ce e db e ie ne e § P * Scarf and Tam Sets at ..4...:14‘90 To clear at ......... e in if 5e * See our table of Geods to clear at on : ~all Lingeries, Skiâ€"Suits, Sweaters, Skirts, Linens, Towels, Children‘s Dresses, Gloves, Corâ€" Sete, Brassieres, Monarch Yarns, Wool Underâ€" : wear, Jaeger. Wear, etc.: "GAMBLE‘S Silk Hostery _ 761 p.c. DISCOU NT â€" @ all Yard Goods * :218 1041 538 126 209 126 377 753 The wontest this year the. last. minute d» lucky ‘ones. « Molt first prize with oy a very,close seco.nd with 25 440 + won the third. with 25,869. ~So you can see haw closely the first three.ran. Thére.was practic no. difference. ‘The other twelve did exceptionally June Trumble ........ Jeannine Granbois Winnifred Jackson Leonora Volpini ... 12 545 Joyee,Oox ...... d Ne : :9865 Besides the fifteen winning the prizes as> advertised the management decided to give eight addltlcmal prizes to those who had over 6,000. These came‘in order as followss girls who entered the contest want to thank all those Who so kindly voted for them. The â€"management @iso takes this opbporâ€" tunity toâ€"congratulate :all of the little girls who were successful and those ‘who did not win a prigte but did exoepuonauyfwell in 'ihe wontat e After the vigorous :holtdays take a agnbd *tmuc- _ _ NEVER‘DIE â€" °~ ‘ Miss Edwards. Miss Calameco Miss Platus _ _‘ 20 pEr oent ‘B:;Wt on fil S’ ‘. Good Shoes at very low prices Just a few sizes left in Rubbers . 25 per cent Discount on all . our Newest Dresses. ’ One Rack Dresses to clear at ' Half Price > _ . and Gvcrshoes To Clearâ€"Very Cheap Final Clearanee of all Coats Ladles and Children‘s â€" ~Half Price 15,848 14,056 13,233 12,545 15,969 Violet. Robillard .. ll‘ulton ....... Beryl McQuarrie | Shirley ‘Longmore Miss ‘Croteau Miss Martin

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