Porcupine Advance, 29 Dec 1932, 1, p. 1

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M PCY As C t Geo R. Richardson, , Pr. Honey, and J. Morrison were in the final meeting of the town council and it was the%i’ Inaddition to this pleaamg featyre) th afternoon the council dea.l_ ‘méefinzs this year. ouncil will meet on Tuesday, J the: busmess for 1933. On Monday afternoon the Sou!l| : had an gppuoation Trom Mrs. Gm 5 7 damn gt the s po at 11 a.m., to be sworn in and t s#! P s d uh) .9 7 x6 5> .-:; it" 5. us to huilding pesinit| FLE] "‘. T / 4 e hx . r -""-- 4 uction of a g because of the fact t[‘i ' % schools is behter t‘han t«he t_mnzboothwouldbeiteach sub;diw'r‘isidfi' ‘had 1ts-,"own ’p‘omng booth.' counafl adjom'ne’d to the call of the' m It‘is“walikely that the council mee ' y this year. m aftme o ie the counciliors t] selve 7 of the large amou time they given so generous town affairs, often to the in jury Of "X" "FE. C n"'c ce Jamigaon were appointed meli the His‘b @."h""‘ d /4 negy n new â€" COugcn _ w.H °Do auy| + Deen di/onyâ€" WWWW he »worx; Ifi, commitfiees ‘struck: for: the ha\flns an atthck of the prevalent. éotTve g.nd other business carried through | <gy!* pnd ag he â€" recavmd from . this _*vjto givg the 1983 council a good start it was: a tha.t an~ ophraton tor. the year. On ‘accotnt of Monday a,p jenditoitis ! bsing .a ‘the meeting will be 3 h'eldv Ofl Tmy A8 noted before. WQM m away. sh‘ortly before flVe o’clock last On Mohday afbemoon the b mbh ammms wmmm cosakt Meeting ‘The following re xaing fea xcil deal * "'Yonns Man Just Past Twenty and R Married Only a Few Months, Dies | ‘ Mm mflfln for ‘Appen- got the EKing‘s Christmas addre eir radios. Reception here was genâ€" ‘The; matter has greatly increased ‘the demand for a broadcasting station to serve, the North Land so that British and Canadian features may be received in this North by radio owners. There is on the part of many a feeling that the drowning out by some of the powâ€" erful: United States stations of less powerful ones on side of the line shogld be dealt with Canadian radio fans are inclined te resent the idea that the United States takes the. atâ€" titude of graciously allowing Canada the use of certain wave lengths, but that after all the generous permission for the free use by Canadians of the @0 > 0 2t Australia. Canadian air, the dice are so Aoaded that theradio fan feels he has not chanoe for his money â€" C y Th 0e Eind d P s 1 w hn o +. : to the bereaved family and the| ya_ ig: hbptsfo: triends ‘he, hadmadeintgxe.v,_,r ther. mm Hfifieybury theeldestson ot|~ Ab _ here and: his sunny. | chebrtulandtrmmymsmadem reral favourite wide {cireles. Maboyhewasonthqstaflpfme Advance as one of the newspaper deliâ€" very lads for some years and he was g,flw for the good service given. He On account of Monday of this week being a holiday. the. regular weekly on Tuesday It: was Father and Son |Day and this annual event as usual *‘ | nravadi inucuallyv nleasings and intears this it may be added that large ers ‘in Timmins were greatly disâ€" Timmings Gurling .Citib, Limited will be : |evening (Fnda) Dec. 30th at 7.30 jag | All members . of the club should S _ |attend or send proxies. The chief buâ€" 7 | #tness before the annual general meetâ€" . i .. | Ing wil be. the receiving of reports for : |the past year and the election of the j _omeerq for the ensuing year. The at the‘ club toâ€"morrow w ieb ns w2 uts iC t after the municipal fiomlnaflbna Preâ€" sented his side of the case to 061m~ cll. Whenhewenttoquauryasadap- didate for the town council he found that, he was not allowed to qualtfy beâ€" cause heowedfouromtsvothetown on the year‘s taxes and so was in arâ€" rears of taxes and under the provumns of the law was not eligible as cand!â€" immint Curung clubhadavery sucâ€" ‘cessful season in the year just closing and look fc}rward with confidente to similar success and pleasure in the date. Mr. Bartlemq,n told the cguncil that on ‘looking into the mattiéf he found that instead of owing the town four cents, the . town really WASâ€" over- aâ€" C :005 i mdthe inthe 4 .'.', » * $ s s OR £» e y hk $ . . § 3 54 k son ot L ho m 2 4 ds -."5- t â€" 4 The Timmins branch of the V. O. N. acknowledges with thanks and appreâ€" clation a donation of $25.00 from the Royal Arch Masons, TimmiAs Chapter. Annual Meetmg Frlday On account of Monday of this week being a holiday the regular weekly luncheon of the Riwanis Club was held on Tuesday. <It was Father and Son Day and this annual event as usual proved unusually pleasing and interâ€" ,est{,ng The everit was featured by eqmmunity . singing: and other music, Rev: / Bruce Millar very effectively act~ .Mumwmlalrechorfortheoccas- 'I‘he idea of the Kiwanis Father ‘event is for every member of else‘s son as the guest of the member for the day. . Ttp boysâ€"present all enâ€" joyedtheoocasfiantqrmenmitandthe '1‘ Mbtsley Dr‘LeeHonexandRev Bruce Millar. A special feature Oof the Mr. 3€, the head needleâ€"filler at the labombories of a ‘famous British flrm of radium specialists, works only three months and then has three months‘ holiday. â€"He has a dangerous job and a responsible one. He receives radium in the form of salt and ‘phcks it into tiny needles, and in this way is in the unique position of holding life and death in hishandsatoneanct'thesametime Mr.‘X works with his hands in a case heavily lined with lead while working with the deady yet healing mabefial is not packed evenly in the .needle some unknown person will sufler €opr his error;> What job! Ee ui s 7.,-__..___.,’ of "the a.4:auammni:~ "Mr. Bérbiémm shortly will be | after the municipal nominations freâ€" morrow | sented hi side of the case to the counâ€" m» ~*~Eve in This North Land Suing Town for the Recovery of $26.28 disease. Better weather this week will no doubt help to decrease the number of new cases. / paid as heâ€" had méluded ln hu pby- ment of taxes the amount charged for â€"~lot for which he had received no assessment notice and which he did not The town‘s side of the case is that for m- Bartleman‘s convenience RBe. is ..élven each year a list of the properties Yor which: he is asbesaed with the amount of ‘assessment on each : lot: shown. On this list the lot in dispute did not appear as it was nob known at the time of maklng up this list that the lot in question was ownedâ€"by. Mr. Bartleman. â€" Later, however, a. letter from the Crown Lands Dept. gave the xlot in question as passing from ownership of the Crown. and being sold lot ~was transferred <from <~the: aS8eSSâ€" memthot.heCrowntoappearasthe property of Mr. Bartleman. . The town holds that Mr. Barthmanwasgima separate assessment notice indicating that this lot was assessed to him, wd that he did not sppeal and that as 8 consequence me ‘town had every reaâ€" son to believe that he was the ownher of the lot conterned, and still believeb that he was the owner when the as-‘ sessment was made. 5 The town has retained G. H. Ganth- ler to look after the municipality‘s. inâ€" terests in the case. It is not kngwT whenthecasewmoomebetorc fudge Caron, but the outcome of th" mlfi wm be watchefi with much infiemt- P. Bartlieman Enters Suit Again Town for Taxes Claimed to be Paid on‘ Property Not Owned at her hone ; chairman" of ‘ the relief work of ‘the municipality. So far as possible the Timmins Relief ‘Fund will continue the plan of the town to date to give employment raâ€" ther than direct relief. All cases will have the most careful and thorough inâ€" ‘vestigation. Emphasis is also made of the fact that only bona fide residents of the town will benefit from the Timâ€" mins Relief Fund, so that those in steady employment who contribute to ‘the fund will be sure that their donaâ€" tions are actually going to the assistâ€" Permanent Chairman and Secretary pol nted. Repreâ€" nutttives A inted from Hollinger ine to mi tee. efOfleertolhveChlrzeo "f with Assistance of Committee: Thorough lhvesti tion in All Cases. Active Canvass Under Way for Worthy Cause. . : Owing to the holiday season and particularly to the prevalence of the fAu during the past few days, the work of the Timmins Relief Fund Commiittee has been somewhat handiâ€" capped. However, the town relief reâ€" sources are ample to look after all the cases to date, and organization is now complete to assure the active coâ€"Operaâ€" tion of the Timmins Relief Fund Comâ€" mittee immediately and the incepiion of the proposed fund to augment the ance in the best possible way of their tess fortunate fellow citizens. On Wednesday afternoon of this week the Committee of the Timmins Relief Fund held a meeting in the Emâ€" pire hotel to complete organization and to get the good work well under way. The first step was the election of Rev. Bruce Millar as permanent chairâ€" man and Dr. Lee Honey as secretary. Rev. Fr. Caufieid: was elected a memâ€" ber of the committee. _ * : Messrs Wm. King and Len Cousins were appointed as members ‘of the committee as ~representing the â€"emâ€" ployees at the Hollinger Mine. _3Â¥ ‘‘It was decided that I. E:; Dunn, reâ€" lief officer for Timmins,; will be in charge of all relief with the assistance of the committee and others. | Cards are: to be ‘placed <in the win«â€" dows of all business places. adapting the Timmins Relief Fund plan, noting the fact that theyâ€"are 100 per cent. in support ‘of the FPund. s ' Also . cards . to be prlnwd a.nd_. sted -upi,nthetownamd atthemine' what the prooeeds will be used for, especially . ‘pointing out that only reâ€" sidents will receive relief and only after the most careful investiga.tion of each and employees to sign showing: the amount they wish to subscribe, and when. A number of the members of the Timmins Kiwanis Club will look after the distribution and collection of these cards among the business places of the town. â€" This work will be carried through. on the "manâ€"aâ€"block"‘ system and it will be rushed to completion at the earliest possible date. In this work the coâ€"operation of the public will be very helpful and will greatly expedite matters. From the reception already given the plan by practically all apâ€". proached it seems evident that the npeople in general are in favour of it people in general are in favour Of IL and will give the heartiest support. ~â€"‘To repeat what has been said in preâ€" yious issues of The Advance, the plan is to provide a fund to augment the resources available for relief, without further burden on the taxpayers, many Cards will be printed for .employees Here is the Rajah ol Khamoow g.;% who has reached London, to pay 4) M s visit to the King=Emperor, .. T e picture as taken when the '.".*f“'-‘ arrived in Victoria Btation, 8 of whom are themselves out of employâ€" ment or otherwise handicapped by the conditions of the day. The plan is to have each and every man in steady emâ€" ployment contribute one day‘s pay to help his less fortunate fellow citizens. Any who desire to give more than the one day‘s pay are welcome indeed to do so, v\pfle those: who may feel that the paying of one day‘s pay at the one time may provea.imrden can arrange with their employers to have the amount spread over two or more pays. There is no doubt about the need for the. fund before this winter is over. There will be enough cases of real need to be attended to from present indicaâ€" tions. â€" Not only will families be in need of foxd and shelter, but the necessity for clothing, boots, etc., is very evident. The people of Timmlns will not wishtohavethisneedgoun- caredâ€"for. The town has been doing all it can well do, and further burden can scarcely be considered practical. The Timmins Relief Fund is designed to fill the breach, without undue hard~â€" shir to any. It is not likely that any in steady em:ploymewb will begrudge a day‘s pay to help the less fortunate. From the reception already given from many quarters to the plan it is proving popular and the probabilities are all to the effect that the fund will be raised to meet the need of the coming A cordial welcome ‘should be given bofi\ecanv'asserswhowflleomem few days with the cards for employees az;d employers to sign to: show wha.t y do. . that the~employees of the Hollinger Mine will do their part. The mine itâ€" self has made the offer that it will put up dollar for dollar for all donated by the men. Down town the business places are falling into line as a hundred per cent. with the plan. \Already a large number of firms have ’fbpm%g themselves and their. employees as .fa.vmxr of the plan and rea:dy to carry it out to success. ) = 1. 2P C it d a all to speed up mesuooessfulcomple_ tion of the drive to raise the T f Relief Fund, donated by those in steady employment for the aid of those. less fortunate. In this good work all can do their share and assist in making the plan the suceess it ought to be. All contrlbuting to the Timmins Reâ€" lief Fund can rest assured and mnfld ent that by this plan there will be the maximum of value from the money exâ€" pended.~ All the rellef under the fund, as in the caseofthemesenbmre- lief, will be in charge of L. E. Dunn, town relief officer, with the assistance and coâ€"operation of the Timmins: Reâ€" lief Fund Committee, There will" be thorough investigation ‘ of: each and eévery case. :<Only residents of Timmins are to be helped, and there is the fullâ€" est assurance that every dollar will be expended wisely and wen tor the relief of the distressed. Help the Timmins Relief Fund plam Do your share! You may be certain that practically all others are planning and arranging to do their part in the fairest manner. Toys and Noveltiés Made by, Fi Give Large Number of YÂ¥o a Merry Christmas, _g Mention was made last wip pleasing way in which :th fire department had . giw helping hand to Sants £ There seems to be a general opinion their time :off fi:zenm in‘ the â€"few toysâ€"for the Bheiter, their w

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