Porcupine Advance, 14 Apr 1932, 1, p. 4

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GIRL WANTEDâ€"For general house- work. Apply H. E. Waddle. Fourth Avenue, Schumacher, after seven in the evening. 7 .15 W WANTEDâ€"Apply Beatty Washer Store. 35 m F'OR ' BALE -- Seven-roomed cottage with bathroom; located on Maple street south. All conveniences; fur- FOR SAIE-nis-roouned Hotel and Boarding house at the River, fully fumished; owner wants to retire. It's a money-maker. Price. $2,500.00. cash $1,000, balance mortgage. Snap this up Wonderful situation. Ask at once for information. Babcodk the Lot Man. 32 Third avenue, Phone FOR BAIEâ€"Specialâ€"Twn lots on W11- son avenue, near Rae. and Cameron; quick action wanted. First offer takes them at $300.00 for two. Lots fen'ced all round. Babcock the «Lot PROPERTIES FOR SALEâ€"Why pay rent? Build yourself a home and pay for it by small monthly pay- ments. Choloe of nice building lots. good. location. close to school, have local improvements. Terms 35 low as 1310.00 cash. balance $10.00 per month. Also shack for sale, good terms. For more particulars apply between 5 to 130 pm. to 157 Maple Street. South, Timmins. -13-16p PROPERTY FOR SALEâ€"Four-roomed {house with water in and 11 acres of land, 3580 Cameron Street, North. Apply to Pete 'Lavarne, 80 Cameron Street, North, Timmins. -15-18p FOR 'RLENTâ€"Ccsy three-roomed cot- tage with sun-porch and conveni- ences. Furnished or unfurnished. at 66' Montgomery Ave. Apply to 105 ‘ Pine, Street, South.»-1Thnmms. ~15p FARM LAND FOR SALEâ€"By the acre. Apply to 139 Wilson Ave.. Tim- mins. -11-13p FUR COATS, CLEANED, GLAZED, REIJNED AND AL'I'ERED. All work guaranteed by Sloma Tailors, phone 592, 69 Third Ave, Tim- mins. ~10tf EVEREADY TRANSFER OFFICEâ€"At 69 Third Ave., next door to Smith Elston. Office hours, 8 am. to 9 pm. phone. 895, Tatrault, proprietor. Tim- mlns. -52tf LADIESâ€"Send 15c for large box of face powder and bottle of perfume to Cosmo Cosmetics, Hamilton, Ont. A good pcwder. but box imperfect. State shade required. -15p PM )PERTIES FOR SALE 'CHILDREN FOR. ADOPTIONâ€"Good homes desired for children, boys and girls. Catholic and Protestant, ages 4 to 14 years. Any home desiring to adopt a youngster should have their clergyman write A. G. Carson. Supt. Children's Aid. Timmlns, Onto 44m. MECHANICS, HAVE YOUR OVER- ALLS DRY CLEANED without shrinkage ;_ price reasonable. Sinclair the ‘Valet, 21 Fourth Ave. Phone (25. -3tf DANCING SCHOOL -â€" For children, tuition included, tap and ballet danc- ing, em, very moderate: fees. Write Mrs. Harold Burt, Box 948, or call at 1'7 Borden Ava, Timmins. 43-45th PRACTICAL NURSEâ€"Open fer en- gagement, can stay whole or part time. Apply to Mrs. Annie Jcnes. 40 Commercial Ave.. Timmms. -15p FUR COATS CLEANED GLAZED RE- LINED AND ALTERED; first-class workmanship. Sinclair the Valet. 21 Fourth Ave.. Phone 625. -3tf we in cellar; hardwood floors; first- class finish. Wired for electrlc range. Electric fixtures and garage. Will give a real bargain for cash. Apply to H. Perreault, City Service Station, corner of Cedar and Second avenue, ‘I‘lmmins. -l4p ’AN’I‘ED-Two salesmen. Apply to Room 3., Gordon Block. downstairs. fromsto 103'..m.s.nd7t09p.m.. Ming -15-16 ZT'STOM LADIES’ TAILOR. repairs and remodelling. cleaning and press- ing. 810m Tailors, Phone 592. 69 Third Ave., Timmlns. ~10tf OR SALEâ€"Slx-roomed house with bath and furnace, at 51 Maple Street. South, corner of Maple and Second Ave. Will sell cheap for cash or on terms. For price - and terms apply to W. Armltage. PO. Box 211, Parry Sound, Ont. -15p\ fenCed all round. Babcock the «Lot Man. 32 Third avenue. Sauve Office. Phone 85. -15 ’I‘hursda):L April 14th, 195: MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED to Ave- I29 SALE OF FURNITURE FOR STOR- AGEâ€"On the 16th of April at 2 o‘clock pm. will be sold by Public Auction for payment of storage chm. the household furniture of Mary Jane DugemLs, formerly of 15 Elm Street. Noah. Tfmmfns. Auc- tion to take mace at New Transfer Store Rooms. 1 Spruce Street. South. ’nmmfm' oft-f5 FURNITURE FOR SALEâ€"1n first- class condition; also baby carriage and lots of tools. Apply to J. C. Gilbert. 50 Laurier Ave.. Townsite, Timmins. 15p FOR SAIEâ€"At a bargain; slightly us- ed; 150 opera. (man's; one safe; one cash register: one Underwood type- writer. Apply to Horperm Furniture Shore. 43 Third Ave" Mus. 45-16 FOR SALEâ€"Alsike Seed. Government inspected, loo-pound lots. $15.00. Less quantities, 15 cents per pound, F.O.B. Monteith, Ont. Write Thos; J. Cau- field. Montcalm. Ont. 43-14-15 FOR SALEâ€"One Jchnéon outboard motor. 25 11.11.; practically new. Al- so. 17-foot Canoe. W111 sell cheap. Apply 5 Way avmme, Timmins. -15p FOR SAIEâ€"Studebaker car, 1931 mo- del; 'good bargain. Apply to 170 Bal- sam Street, North, Tlmmdns. -15 SECOND-HAND BABY CARRIAGES FOR SALE; in the best of condition; $5.00 and up. Apply at Ideal Hard- ware and Furniture Co.. Limited, 56!: Third Ave.. Timmins. -9tf FOR SALEâ€"~Hougehold furniture. Ap- ply to 61 Fourth Ave.. Tlmmins. 15p FOR SALEâ€"One leatherette davenport. one floor lamp, one library table and one Singer sewing machine. Apply to 30 Middleton Ave. Timmins. -15p LOSTâ€"Between St. Anthony’s Church and Dalton‘s Taxi stand. Nurse's Graduate Pill with name. “Jeanne Desjarctms, Ottawa. General Hosp}- m1." Finder please return to PO. Box 907, Tlmmins. -15p FOR SALEâ€"Child’s crib. Apply to 118 Birch Street, South, Tlmmins. 14p FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENTâ€"A1- so board if desired. We have the phone for your convenience. Apply to 77 Balsam Street, South, Tim- mins. ‘ ~14p LOST~Pmaud’s black and silver com- - pact with initials “A. McD.” Valued as keepsake. Finder please return to Mrs. F. J. Hamilton. South Porcu- pine. Reward. ~15h ROOM AND BOARDâ€"TWO boarders wanted, $8.50 per week. All conveni- ences. Apply to Box 195, or 16 Wil- son Ave., Timmins. , -13p RUSSELL HOTELâ€"Board and Room-â€" By day, week or month. Rates $8.00 to $9.50 a week. Hot and cold water year round. Phone 275-W., or call at 2 Wilson Ave., Timmins. -2tf WAmTwo boarders. Apply to 202 Spruce Street, South, Tlm-mins. -15-16p ROOM AND BOARDâ€"In private home. centrally located. Prices rea- sonable. Apply to 57 Elm Street, South, Tlmmins. -12p FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT; suitable for married couple; house- keeping privileges. Apply 205 Pine Street, South. ~4ptf FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT- Clean and comfortable. Suitable for light housekeeping. Use of phone and kitchen. Apply to El Fifth avenue. or phone 64W. 30! FOR RENTâ€"Nme-roomed house with all conveniences; house conveniently , arranged if necessary to two families. Central. Birch street south. Imme- diate possession. Apply to 12 Third avenue Tlmmlns -14-16p FOR RENTâ€"Wee-rcomed apartment at 15 Mountjoy Street. 'Apply to Room 3. 15 Mountjoy Street, Tim- mins. Open for inspection between 1 and 4 p.m. -15p FOR RENTâ€"Two-rcomed apartment, furnished for light housekeeping; all conveniences. Suitable for couptle with no children. Apply to 35 W11- son Ave., 'I‘lmmins. -11p FOR RENTâ€"Bungalow at river. Va- cant April 215:. Apply to Arthur Filmer on property; white house, just across bridge, 'I‘immins 13-151) FOR RENTâ€"Emu-rocmed house. Ap- ply to B. F. Lennan. 10 Elm Street. North, Timmlns. -15tf 'I‘O 'RENTâ€"Fbm-roomed house: no family with small children desired. Apply 5 Kirby Avenue, Timmins. -15p| FOR RENTâ€"Marooned apartment with bath and all conveniences. Ap- ply to 131mm Ave.. Timmlns. 14p \ RTICLES FOR SALE ROOM AND BOARD FOR RENT ROOMS LOST Ten Fireman‘s uniforms: two pair trousers with each uniform: 22-01 Indigo serge preferred. Sampla to be What! with each tender. mg of the Electors for nomination of a Public School Trustee to fill the vacancy which has occurred for the balance of the year 1932, will be held in my omce Thnmlns from 12 o'clock noon to 1 pm. on Friday, April 22nd, 1932. Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to Friday, April 22nd, 1932, for the following:â€" 'PROPERTIES FOR SALEâ€"New 5- ~ roamed House,w1th store front. cor- ner Kirby and Rea; move fight in. Mr. Evan T. Donaldson having ceas- ed soliciting insurance in our behalf, we will not be responsible for monies paid to him after this date. Timmins, April 13th, 1932. â€"-Ever remembered by Daughter and Son-in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. W. Blake- man. - 15h WOOD FOR SALEâ€"Dry Slabs by the load, $4.50; also round wood, 16 ins. Jackpine by lots, $2.50 a cord; and good dry birch, $3.50 a cord. Apply to Chaput Mainville, 118 First Ave. third house from corner of Preston, Phone 377, Timmins. Orders taken Schumacher; prices right ~14tf OOUSINSâ€"In loving memory of our dear Mother, Mrs. Emma Cousins, who passed my April 12th, 1930 in Toronto. . . Sleep on. dear Mother, thy work is done Thy willing hands will work no more; It was God's will, we will not complain But hope some day to meet. again. CAPELESSâ€"In loving memory of John Capalecs who departed this life April 12th, 1930. . The flowing streams of life roll on. But still the vacant chair Recalls the love, the voice, the smile, 0! him who once sat there. His life was one long sacrifice, His heart was true and tender, He toiled so hard for those he loved Then left us to nemember. â€"-Ever remembered "by Wlf e and Family. -15p WOOD FOR SALEâ€"IB-inch Jackpine, $2.75; 16-inch Tamarack, $3.00 and $3.50. Also‘extra dry slabs. $2.50 per cord, or $5.00 per load. Apply Mc- Dade and Lauzon, 74 Maple Street; South, or phone 332, Tlmmins. Or- ders taken for Schumacher, no ex- tra. charge. -12-15p WOOD FOR SALEâ€"Real good Jack- pine; for persons taking 5 cords or over, $2.75 a cord. Less than 5 cords, $3.00. Apply to Joe Goulet, 94 Main Ave., or Phone 681, Tizmnins. 15-16p WOOD FOR SALEâ€"ls-inch Jackpi-ne a: $3.00 a cord. 16-inch Tamarack, $3.50 a card; also dry slabs at $5.00 a. load. Phone 441, J. A. Daly, 110 Wilson Ave., ’I‘immins. All wood cash on delivery. -9tf{ FOR SALEâ€"Lot on Mountjoy Street near Second Ave; sewer and water in. Get it at $450.06. Terms. SEE BABCOCB. THE LOT MAN, 32 Third BABCOCK THE LOT MAN 32 Third Avenue. Phone 85. WOOD FOR SALEâ€"«Sound dry jack- pine‘ $3.25, Tamarack, $3.75. Apply Cameron and McConnell, 23 Honin- ger Lane or phone 654-J. Tim- mins. ~1-2ptf FOR SALEâ€"Another cheap buy, seven- roomed house on Wilson Ave.; going at $950.00. Down payment. $200.00. SPECIAL BARGAINâ€"Roominghouse, furnished, near the station, grab this one at $5,000.00. Terms arranged See Ba'bcock the Lat Man, 32 Third Ave.. first floor, upstairs, Sauve office, phone 85. TEN ACRES CLOSE IN. cheap. Twenty acres, close in, on the river. LUNCH COUNTER AND RESTAUR- ANT FOR SALEâ€"Central: want to sell this week. Cheap. Rent living room. Price this week. $200.00. A FEW GOOD HOUSES at your own terms. LOTS FOR BALEâ€"3 ‘ lots on Mont- gomery. 2 lots on Kimberley. 3 lots on Kitty. 1 lot on First avenue. 2 corner lots on Rea. 1 lot on Toke street. Prices right. Notice is hereby given that a. meet- Ave., ghone 85, Timmins. WOOD FOR SALE IN MEMORIAM BA BCOCK’S LIST IN MEMORIAM SULLIVAN NEWTON H.‘ E. MON'I‘GOhlERY‘ NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE H. E. Moa'cgomen" THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Clark Clerk. Notice is hereby given that all per- sons having any craim or demand against the said Mark-o Geroviftz are required to send by post to S. A. Cald- bick, 'I‘imm'ms. Ontario. Solicitar for the Administratrix of the estate of the said deceased within the space of two months from the date hereof , their Chrietian names and mama. ad- dresses and descriptions, the mm per- ticulars of their chims and the nature or the sectnities, 11‘ any. held by them and in delimit thereof the Administra- trlx um .pmoceed to administer the said and: ham regard only to the claims 0(th she shall then have had Dated at 'I‘lznmlms, Ontario this 8th day of April, 1932. 8. A. CALDBICK. 45-17. Solicitor for the Administratrix, D. A. Campben and Murdock Camp- hem wish very sincerely to thank the Masons the employees of the Honmger Mine and the many others who Showed such kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of their brother, the late Angus Campbell. Also for the many beautitul floral tokens. -15p In the matter of the estate of Marta Gerovitz late of the Township of Tis- da'e in the District of Cochrane, de- ceased, who died on or about the 61h day of July, 1931. The community were grief stricken on Sunday when it was learned that Miss Ruth Spencer had passed away at her mother's home at four o’clock that afternoon. A young girl with high ideals, and of exceptional sweetness of character, she was beloved by all who knew her. She would have been twen- tV-“ne years of age in August. For the past two years she had taught north of Cochrane, this year at Eastford. Having rather a severe cold when holi- day time came she did not get home Good Friday evening as expected but came the following Tuesday, having had to drive fifteen miles to get to the train in Cochrane. By the time she reached home she was again ill and in NOTICE TO CREDITORS Bornâ€"At, South Porcupine, on Fri- day April 8th, to Mr. and Mrs; Hector Hodgins, of Red Lakeâ€"a son. MI. Eugenie Fioveson, i’s sailing from New York on April 15th for his native land. DRESSMAKINGâ€"Dresses. children’s dresses, masquerade costumes. etc. Apply to rear of 158 Pine Street, North, T'meins. ~10-36p It is reported in town that Mrs. Frank Findlay, formerly Miss Ollie Orr. of the postal stafl here, is seriously ill with meumonia. at her home in New Lis- Heard. The Ladies' Guilt:- of the United Church held their regular monthly meeting this (Tuesday) afternoon. They are planning for a. tea. and sale of various useful articles as well as home cooking on Thursday, May 26th. Bornâ€"in South Porcupine, on- Tues- day, April 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. McLarey The Consumers' Co-operétive Club are going to occupy the building lately moved by Mr. T. Ryan from the Pay- master Mine to Main street in town. There have already been a couple bf dances held there but the formal open~ lng has not, yet taken place. The bridge club was entertained at the home of Mrs. W. Johns at the Dome on Thursday of last week. The lucky ones were Mrs. R. Cameron and Mrs. M. Bessette. S: ORESSMAKINGâ€"Dreeses. Coats and children’s clothing. Apply Mrs. La- moureaux, 108 Birch street, north, Timmins. -46p Mrs. Leonard. of Chemmis, was a, visitor to town on business this week. Mrs. A. McDougall has returned from a ,vlsit with her son, Kenneth at Hamilton. The Rebekahs are holding their monthly euchre and bridge party on Friday, April 15th, this week in the“. Hall. Mrs. Berkley. left today for the South after a visit with her sister, Mrs c. Mcmms. Mrs D. McLeilan is visiting her hus- band at Gravenhurst. Mrs. J. Costain of her friends: at Blue Bird Tea R1 Popular Young Lady of South Poun- plne Passes After Brief Illness. Other Items of News from South Porcupine. Miss Spencer Dies at South Porcupine CARD OF THANKS DRESSMAKING spite of careful nursing and the doc- tor‘s care never recovered enough to leave her bed. The tender young spirit passed on to her heavenly home on Snnd‘ay evening, leaving the beautiful human form for loved ones to care for and place in a last resting place. The funeral took place at her mother‘s home on Connau-ght Hill on Monday morning and the remains were taken on the noon train to Shallow Loke, her former home, where interment will take place. They were accompanied by her mother and younger brother. The 2 Cuticura Soap ............................... z Castile Soap, 1mp01 ted laurg‘e bar Snap, regular 20a, 2 tins for ......... é Casti1_e Soap, regular 30x: fox ........ Hind’s Honey and Almond CreannJ..3 c Daggett Ramsdell‘... 213c., 43c and 79c "M Italian Balm ............ 2411., 470 am! 79c Coty’ 8 Face PoWdeI ...................... ......57c Pomp eian Face Powder ......... ..... 44c ’ Quelques Face Powdel ........................ 64c 2 Sweet Pea Face vadel ,.reg $112.25... .79c g Florida Water ..... ...34t and 79c Gillette Blades .............. m1 ..... 370 and 69c Probak Blades .......... _ .............. 50c and $1. 01» Auto St! op Blades ............... 14c and 84p or Two Bérs Tor ..... Woodbury s Soap, 3 fan Pebeeo Tooth Paste Ipana Tooth Paste J ...... Pepsodent Tooth Paste Listex me ............... ....... 2:3 Nestle’ 3 Food“ Lacto gen .......................... $11.}; and ..$ Baby’g 3 Own Tablets W . . Castoria .................... ,,,,,, e ..... . ............... Nipples, 4 for ........................................ Soothers, regular 25c- for Johnson Johnscm; Soap and Talc 11 PINE STREET NORTH 171/, WILSON AVE. COR. PINE and 7I‘HIHI) PHONE 7 PHONE 870 PHONE 423 WE SAVE YOU MONEY FREE I 3 for CALIFORNIAN LEMONS, dozen SAUSAGES, GRAPEFRUIT NAVEL ORANGES med. size. dozen ........ “CONSUMO” FR ESH PORK per lb. BONELESS VEAL Rolled, per lb. ......... FRESH HAMS whole or half, lb. whole or half, per lb. ............ Soaps and Tooth; Pastes EAMS per lb. BREAKFAST BACON FRESH PICNIC - THREE STORES IN TIMMINS 50c BOTTLE PERFUME with each purchase of THREE FLOWERS FACE POWDER TEA Telephone 101, South Porculalne FRUITS omumtw coronfimnwl; 6% K“ ”ESZESOCIETX LINEDM Tuifamzi'es For Baby; WEEKwEND SPECIALS WHERE QUALITY" RULES OUR OWN REDUCED BLEND NOW TO 23c., 4'5‘c and 89c “84c Sim; and $2. 49 FREE I short service at the home was con- ducted by Rev. LL. Hussey and the pal] bearers were Irlems and lormer school mates, Messrs H. McInnls,, R. McWil- hams. C. Mumffrey. R- Jones, B. Saunders and L. Lloyd. Ruth was born at Shallow Lake; Ont., amf her father died there when she was only four years old. III-213124 she came to South Porcupine with: her mother and step- father, Mr. H: Harrison-.. who .besides two brothers and a married sister sur- vive, andxio-xw-hom the man-trek, sym- pathy of all go_,out. Of a particularly 18c 14c 100 380 33c 44c 25c .19c .39c .250 18c 300 69c 39c 39c 220 1’90 MA‘zCARON I 2 16' oz. pkgs. CL‘ARK’S CORNED BEEF. I’s but...” VERY’I‘HIN G TOILET TISSUE 6 rolls for HAWES" FLOOR WAX, 1 lb. tin ....... PURE GOLD J ELLY PUVVDERS KRAFT CANADIAN CHEESE, Agarol‘ ................................... 69c and Nujol ...................................... 59c 11] Petroleum Oil, pint bottle ............. Petroleum Oil, 1 quart bottle ....... Lydia Pinkham’s Vegetable Com Pinex ................................................. Mathieu’s Syrup ............................. Red Pills, (Pilules Rouges) ......... Hot Water Bottles, regular $2.00 and $3.00, guaranteed ............... Combination Attachments ........... Lunch Kits ....................................... Vacuum Bottles ............ 47c., 59¢ a: Stronglass Bottles ...................... $1 Kotex, 3 for ..................................... lfin' Molasees ..................... Burdock Blood Bitters Erie’s Salts Abbey Salts- ................ 3E Kruschen Salts ...... . ...... Wampole’s Salts ..... a Sal Hepatifca ........... ..... Jad Salts ........................ Nyal’s Spring Tonic Beef, Iron and Wine SpringTOnicS-and Blasted Purifiers Su_lph‘ur, Cream Tartarand‘ “BETTER~PSTRIE§" DELICIOUS Penoozeu LEMGN A M TART 29c FREE I lb. pkg. Cor. Birch .St. Fourth. Ave. Drugs and Sundries per lb. .4 7c with every purchase of 53E ! FREE ! 50c TOBACCO POUCH ONE DOLLAR PIPE ‘takm. lovable dispositiom she was always a favourite among: m schoolmates here in both public anci high school. Her. life seemed to take on a sweater charm with the added“ seriousnem of young womanhood. and? being endowed with a grace and beamy beyond aha average‘ wherever she ~ went she made hast friends. The pupils in- hat-school, tbs. Qa'rencs of mgr-deceased "and all have who knew hem-both old.- and young: feel keexfl‘y her loss and reahtze it is, one pf the mystcmte-s. of life why she was Sto “”350” 60c and $1.00 47c., 59c and 690 ............... $1.25 up ........................ 84c ........................ 69c ....... 50c and $1.00 270., 54c and 98c ......................... 69c ..................... $1.00 ....................... ..69c 694: and $1.35 .. 59c and 89c .................. 59c :tle ............ 99c rle Com ..... 94c ................... 37c W E SAME YOU MONG’?‘ 4'3 C 250 WC [“90 l"9c L99c 33c 690 59c .890

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