Porcupine Advance, 14 Apr 1932, 2, p. 4

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Wrap all Garbage In paper. Keep your Garbage Can covered Use plenty of Chloride of lee which can be procured at the Town Hall tree. Householders uslng well water must boll It for at least 20 minutes. All Outside Toilets must be made I) proof. By Order of THE BOARD OF HEALTH met over a real good road to God}: Mum’oain. Here they will find A1 unplug ground and‘rotsofmâ€"ywood and spring water. There is a good mad up the mountain to the tower. Here. To the Editor of The Advance. Tlmmins. Dear Slrzâ€"If Mr. Wallingfscrd- knows (If anyone in Timm’ms who wants to have a real gcod bear hunt. I can as- sure them they will have it if they get leady and leave in a few days. about the 30th, say. for Ramore. and men go ord's ideas in the matter} chm ever. What ab Tim ks mentioned to Show why in the! max:- Living in Can Mowing letter Mr. Pmtxm makes use ‘ 1110.120 sums of mom of Mr. Waumgrfonws name. Mr. Pres- try every year to la (:00 writes as fonowazâ€" to the British Empi: Schumacher, April 9th. 1932 I tax would fit well in It will be recalled by readers of The Advance that F. M. Wm start- ed a unable discumion hat year by Questing that bears were more des- tructive to game than even the wolves. A comparatively recent. letter in The mee from W. Kass, who has had a hug and Mable experience in the mode of the North fully supported Mr. Wflllnzfords ideas in the matter- truct-lve to game than A comparatively rece: Advance from W Has: hug and notable ex B. A. Preston Tens About the Chances for Good Sport in the way of Bear Hunting at Present. with Skins the Best. Architect Ontario Land Surveyor Building Plans Estimates. Etc. Old P.O. Bldg., Timmins Phone 362 Good Bear Hunting Near Cook Mountain Arch.Gillies,B,A.Sc.,0.LS. Corner Cedar and Second Ave. 10 miles on a 321109 of Gasoline will receive 10 Free Quarts of Choice Oil for every 1.000 miles. This Gives you Sufficient Oil for Your Car 15 miles on a gallon of Gasoline will receive 73 Free Quarts of Choice on for every 1,000 miles. This Gives you Sufficient Oil for Your Car 20 miles on a gallon of Gasoline will receive 5 Free Quarts of Choice Oil for every 1,000 miles. This Gives you Sufficient Oil for Your Car. Castrol Oil CITY SERVICE STATION Stops the Cough. Clears the Bronchial tubes. Soothes the torn tissues and. frees the breathing before other reme- dies, have begun to act. A combination of Honey Syrup Sqnill and Pine For Sale at The Goldfields Drug Store Only FREE ATTENTION HOUSEHOLDERS One Free Quart of Oil for Every 10 Gallons of Gasoline Purchased. 108 NOX COLD WHOLESALE and RETAIL Buy Your Gasoline at the BEST ATTENTION GIVEN ol Oil Mobil A Oil City Service Oil Remember you have the choice of CARS AVERAGING CARS AVERAGING CARS AVERAGING and get your oil FREE The Northern Tribune, of Kapusâ€" kasing, last week sayszâ€"“Mrs. T. Maurice of Timmins returned b0 her home this week after a short holiday vizlt the exhibits where courteous at- tendants will be pileased to explain the various features ‘and answer ques- tiom. A new item in upholstering effect to- gether with other interior refinements, will particularly please the ladies. The written description of these refinements could not adequately tell their charm. That is why Dominion Motors Limited is making this showing and is ex- tremely desirous of having the ladies spent with her daughters, Mrs. E. Par- ent and Miss Germaine Maurice." Dominion Motors Limited, therefore, has embodied in the Frontenac Six the qualities which not only commend themselves to prospective purchasers but which prove themselves during the lifetime of the car as being stable, well-engineered, well-built; and econ- omically Operated. There is much to arouse the intense interest of to-day‘s motorists, and par- ticularly interest will centre around the distinguished Frontenac with its many attractive features. This car, so skii- fuily designed for Canadian conditions is very appropriately named in that the great Frontenac, himself, was a leader. a. courageous exponent of Canadian unity and strength, and a stauneh be- liever in emcient transportation, the best .to be had in his day. The new Frontenac and Dunant au- tomc biles are on display at the show- reams of Chas. Pierce .3: Sons, Limited. with new refinements. new features. new riding qualities and new values. These outstanding additions are in keeping with the high standards that have always governed the building of Durant products and which led to the sensational introduction of the Fron- tenac. Special Display of New Fontenacs and Durants try every year to lands not belonglng to the British Empire. I think a good tax would fit well ln cases of this kind. I know this has no connectlon with bear hunting, but it has a let To do with the other popular sport of the present timeâ€"hunting .taxes.â€"H. A. Preston. Commercial hotelmd I am sure he will take them out with a team of horses. or get someone to do so. It. sure will be a grand hunt. for any spartsman and I'll be: they. will have one of the bar. times of their llvas. Now is the time t3 get ready. May is the time of year when bear sklns are bwt. H. A. Preston O‘Connor Hate], Sohumaci Those who live in Canada ; 063 Who live in Canada and names. here and spend their Lam-e are to be taxed more What about those who earn in Canada and send im- : of money out. of the cann- in Canada and se of money out. of th sar to lands not be 31 Empire. I think ; well in cases of th Timmins be‘fme'wtheOanadmnpeople.o-r whether it shall be controlled {mm New York by pmverful American radio in- cerests." Klngsbon Wlug-Smndardzâ€"Refen'ing recently to the radlo problem of Can- ada we stated that “tie paramount is- sue is whether Canadian ‘ether’ shall Anyone wishing any information re- garding Scouting or the formation of a troop should write to the Boy Scouts Association. 330 Bay Street. Toronto 2, Ontario, which is our provincial (head- quarters. or if they wish to get in touch witnmeatnunmeromnunmmand ten Elm istreet. north. or Box 1086. Just address the Scouunaster and I will be very pleased indeed to give you any information I can. Naturally I’m glad to have the op- pcrtunlty to be’leadlng such a splendid group of boys in a splendid bays' or- ganization as I have been in Scouting for a number af years and fully appre- ciate its wonderful value to boy life in making better citizens. Don‘t you think. folks. that your boy should be proud and happy to belong to such a wonderful organization? In Canada there are about 52 000 members of this great bmtzherhood of In 1929 there were about 654.130 Scouts and leaders in the British Em- pire and approximately 1,785,560 in the world. This ~15 just one example of what Scouting does for the boy in order that he might develop into a better citizen. A boy must really know something of aviation in order that he might db- fiain this badge and it. is certainly worth working for. 8. Give outline of airshrips develop- ment in England, Germany and Unit- ed Sham, stating name and any de- tails you know of (the most prominent example. (Five marks). 6. Name three well-known distinct ‘ypes of aircraft or seaplane that, has flown successfully, giving make, power of motors. and carrying capacity (in passengers). (Five marks). 5. Name and briefly discnisbe three well-known makes each of Canadian, British and American aeroplanes. (To- 5a} five marks). 3. Explain the eflect produced on an aeroplane by the movement of (a) ailerons, vb) elevators, and (c) rudder. (Five marks each). 4. Name three outstandmg men and tell what they achieved in aviation: (a) twenty years ago; (b) to-day. (Ten marks each). After about an hour's work on Scout- ing we played several games. such as “Indian leg wrestling," “busting bron- lco" and "snatch the hat." u In “busting bronco" the object is for the cowboy to break the bronco by re- maining on his back for two minutes The bronco bucks, plunges, twists, and I turns in an effort to throw the cowboy. If in doing so he takes his hands “from his knees or falls, the rider wins. If lainy part of the cowboy's body touches the ground. if he releases his grip, or carries his feet to the front by wrap- ping his legs around the bronco, a vic- tory is scored for the pony. This event may also be conducted on a time basis: .that is, the players take turns riding. i and the one who stays on longest wins. 2. Explain how the work to produce flight (b) aeroplanes, and (Five marks each). As well as tenderfoot, second and first class badges there are some sixty proficiency badges. This week we will explain what is required. of 3 Scout. in order that 'he might obtain his “Airman" badge. 1. Make a model of an aeroplane which will be judged for (a) design; (b) wormansMp and (0) performance. (Ten marks each). hand, foot, arm, leg, and head. Know how to bandage a sprained ankle. Know how to apply a tourniquet. A bruise is caused by a blow any- where on the surface of the body, which may cause bleeding beneath the skin without breaking ibâ€"a “black eye” is an instance. The injury caused by a bruise is accompanied by discolouration and smelling. Treatmentâ€"Apply ice or cold water dressings. A piece of lint soaked in extract of witchhazel may be placed on the affected part. Know how to apply a triangular or other effective bandage to keep a dress- ing on a wound; burn or scald on the hand, foat, arm. leg. and head. Know how to make a. large and a small arm sling, using a triangular bandage. Know the general rules of health a given in “Scouting for Boys." simple first. aid problems, as follows:â€" Scratches, cuts. bruises. sprains, burn and scalds, gtrit in eye, bleeding frqn the ncse, insect stings and bifes. After 9. Scout obtains his tenderfocrt badge his next step is to become a se- cond class Scout. th an troi This Week Very Busy With the Boy Scouts This we and there me [term on the Programme. Some of the Activities. Four Newl’ntrols Organized. What Is Required for Badgcs. The 1mm “our new patrols mere organized. me with temporary appcdntments. i the patrol leaders 'were'made re- »nsible for the growth of their pa- there W88!) '11 13.31. to n 1mg By the Emma W8 LII la .of a. num )beccme n t, a dul ne pm THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO 1E various forces in (a) gliders, (c) dirigigbles. iced very bu moment, fro evenm mem bars at DTO‘ nevn It was explained the Ashley Company had 3,000,000 share capital. There are now approximately 2,500,000 issued shares with Mining Corp. holding 70 per cent; Quemont 7-} per cent... and the prospectors wno turned over the property the remainder. Remaining shares are also optioned by Mining Corp. The same board of directors was re-elected. Our Want Ad. Column Brings Results President Watson noted that Base Metals Mining Corporation, had not operated in 1931, and Normetal Mining Corporation, also under control of Min- inngorporation of Canada would not operate until the prices of copper and zinc reached a reasonable stable level. Reference was also made to the Co- balt properties. Among other things Mr. Watson said:-â€"“0wing to the ter- Imination of our favorable contract at the close of last year we have stopped mining cobalt and confined our oper- ations to the production of silver un- der a new smelter contract. Due to new discoveries of high-grade silver a Jew months ago these operations show a substantial profit and will be con- .inued until the mines are exhausted. The Hudson Bay Mining Smelting Company, Limited, in which company we are large shareholders, operated con- tinually throughout the year. The year’s results have been consistently better than originally estimated and? would permit operation at metal prices; even lower than those prevailing." j “The Ontario Government, whose engineers and geologists have been in complete touch with our underground work, assay sheets, etc., has undertaken to build a. road suitable for motors and trucks to be finished by August lst, all at no cost to us.” ”The power company. after no doubt ..ooking into the proposition from every angle, cntracted to build and equip a transmission line to the Ashley at no cost to us, giving us most favourable terms. We have now been operating under this contract since March 15th. “The official published assays of ore necessarily have not been indicative of ore that will go through the mill, as these assays had to be taken over arbi- trary widths, whereas actual mining practice will take ore from a wider width, or a narrower width according to the ore showing from time to time Therefore, it is expected a pleasant sur- prise will be in store for the shareâ€" holders about six months hence. “Since January there has been taken into the Ashley supplies for the coming season, and complete machinery and equipment for an up-to-date mill with a capacity of 150 tons per day, but be- fore decision was made regarding the mill sufficient ore was proven, the profit from which would more than re-im- burse us for our expenditure on the milling plant. This profitable ore we anticipate will be rapidly added to as the program of drifting at present un- der way on all four levels calls for an advance of approximately 1,000 feet per month, Reports of the meeting suggest that President Watson is very favourably impressed with Matachewan camp and has good hopes of the Ashley Mine. “1 think we can, in the future, euro :ail cur aggressive search for new pro- perties and follow a policy of consoli- dation and development of our present holdings. Our objective should be to reach a. stronger liquid position tending in time to the resumption of dividends, not altogether dependent on the fluc- tuating prices of silver and base me- tals," declared Mr. Watson. SATURDAY APRIL 19th, 1932 At the annual meeting last week in Toronto J. P. Watson, president of the Mining Corporation of Canada. told the shareholders he looked upon the acqui- sition of the Ashley Gold Mine property in Matachewan area as rounding out the properties of the company. His remarks along this line will be of spe- cial interest in this immediate district as there is a general belief not only in the possibilities of the Matachewan dis- trict but also in the area lying between Timmins and the new mining camp to the south. President of Mining Corporation of Canada Looks for New Gold Pro- perty to be a Big Help to His Compan). Expects Big Things from Ashley Mine Mar Morandin’s Bowlers Win McIntyre Championship A RUMMAGE SALE Morandix BI SCHUMACHER UNITED CHURCH the losers with 582. 1.3 winning team was:â€"J. Griffith Monaghan, 8. Morandin. M. Mac Ian. A. Momnddn. .unners-up:â€"T. Langley. C. Mira. E chedule and Cooke t .cMman. for the win: 665 total and Lang .ers-up:â€"T. La! no, W Staples in. A. H. Cooke he McInty 9.00 am. tpam is the re-pm chum MIKEY 1e fix the : WES “‘88 DIR 32011 oke‘ Wl high 11 18h ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Building or Modernizing Your Home . . . enough in fact to pay 1' or your Electric Refrigera- tor in a surprisingly short time. No wonder women everywhere are so enthu- siastic about this modern way of keeping foods with- a thrifty payment plan: money saved on every day’s housekeeping bills A thrifty purchase price: 3. TOILET OUTFIT With Mail Order 15" x 16" roll rim cast iron White on- amelled. Complete with first quality faucets, trap and supplies to floor. Oak finish Pussyfoct tank. ,(‘hina bowl Oak finish Seat and ('over. (‘ompletc to floor. $22.50 Compare These $15.50 Canada Northggg Power Corporation Limited NORTHERN ONTARIO POWER COMPANY. LIMITED NORTHERN QUEBEC POWER COMPANY. LIMITED Starts from the minute you buy your WASH BASIN Houses Prices FREE DELIVERY---TERMS ARRANGED LIMITED Phone 327 CONTROLLING AND orziA'nNG KITCHEN SIN KS 55.00 up 3.75 up out waste and spoilage; without the contamination of drain pipes and drip pans. Electric Refrigera- tion is convenient. Ice cubes are always ready; salads always crisp; frozen desserts easy to make. And it guards your family’s health by keeping food pure and protected against bacteria. FURNACES From From THRIFT Galvanized, tested to 85 lbs. (70m with stand. $8.50 03% iron White enamelled. Complcté with first quality faucets, waste and overflow and supplies to floor. Five feet long by thirty inches wide RANGE BOILERS $36.75 BATH Complete Line Exhibited in Our Show Rooms at 71 Third Avenue 'I‘immins Thursday. April 14th, 1932 For as little as $10.00 down: balance spread over 24 months. Purchase Plan to Suit YOU fomplete

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