Porcupine Advance, 7 Jun 1928, 2, p. 4

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.g. 3". .fm .) . .. . (A. $3.54.. . {$11. ism!) menu ‘°‘. KI‘WflmS members when- rane has built up a flarge prrvate ever Weigh may. be and to set 4'8 a practice on his character and talent vehicle through Winch _Klwam£ edua» in his professlon, . 5. . ,. ' . catmnxsmay‘he dis ,3 Ed among the The Government has announced the @6111 ‘ .appomtment of 200 new King’s Cmm J Gun Will the 1700 Kiwanis <31an 'sel. In makmg the appombments, At-7 alhovér the United States and Canal" torney -Gen_e1tal Brice pomts out that dag? all of 3131011 W111 meet Slmultan a- condltion has been; nnpoeed in con- mislSr he Knvt‘h'ms Club 0? Timmjns 1; neetio'n with the ap' jjfntments as K obsenvmg ‘~ ‘AflaKrwanis Night ’ ’ N ' C.‘ â€"'â€"-’rth.at the ap ntee must have Woe of Every Description '1 :26 i. .5»; A 4:91? . “ ‘ ' thesafinluai 'irnternational conyenstioij‘fpravotlsed his'pro £6881in1 f? at lens; _ .‘ " ._ . at ea. te. he meeti s thrbugho at fifteen years ..‘be ore e aneur o ' C‘ (-4,. ,r (30111314815031 Elbe]! Canaa andthe U ited States are ,‘f‘KC ean be added Mr. Price Said , , :1: _ '\ _ n- “ the observed as’~a,-un1fed' expi-ession Q‘w’; “That hne has been drawn mgidty. ' ‘ ' ' a . .f No doubt there are members of the tribute ta the feilqwship and accomaa“ , , -~ - ‘ tuition . :professlon who are good conned and "'3' time Of the: yet who 113‘? not practised that “Zero Hour, "xylength of. (tune The w111 have an "“5=:‘-::opport11mty at some future date. If -"one reviews the leaf)" 6f tune be ‘t- - .-.L\ '. /-' i ,- § ’§ 11 633‘: H J. ' ... 5: t ' 7 ‘- [C j _ ' ‘ «W$%“%”W”.fl um“ ” I I ' f ' ‘ v u. ‘U i I a; : ' - ”I 2 7 ) ’fl. H11. . .- ‘ ~. v . a! welcome it W111 WW». fix? aifi“: .$233? 94;: 13s.- 2 for 75¢. . -- “z; s ,yed by the, _- gunmmis Kiwanis Ciub ~. :1_ t the Empire 9 hotel main dining- . 1;;.:.’room on Monday eVening, June 13th, comimenéin'g; at ,7. 30 pm. The event Will take the form of a dinner dance I and programme The ladies will be- '_.,â€"f;..1 5 guests £0‘r the evening ‘and a' very en‘- *Q Joymbde time is assured t0 #11. The" . committee in charge is looking after pa - Enjoy i.- e and Interestm Event Planned t6 Celebrate A] pi ”ions Occasmn. Lathes ml] be Guests 0f Club for g ' ‘ .A ‘-’> . '. . . -- :L . _, . ”-ij _ 1 . ‘4 \ w: / ;._ 1: l‘, ‘ "- , ‘3 ‘ .- . ; If 9 ~ _ "dw N i allfeaturasqf the ,gccasiomna, in 1"_ yAII-Knvm‘g nght’ ’ W111 be“ _ob-_ : and rails lie w , . _. Frdsfiigfi var Bgdge " ' '1‘ trscki so {it it the; vthroushi- shit (2 P .P is concerned is 1101:0th snebuver ind taking care of ___a steady and normal est of the a vex-1m 11th miles to" H .. ‘ as; the extenit -.. j underway about'thafcity. .. - INA. , “An indication of the programmé "of attendiofi '6! he eady multi- fold, trackage facilities is given in the plans being carried out at Pier Willow“ tit: ’Gfaflfille Street mid ins: 9pm madnew CPR find at 1:113 sous ’end of_ 13119 second M c; ' â€" A (3 'etersu,‘ = Cu-P’B“ Genaral Supennt” pdent h-as Issued flames demons, ' .tmg tins vast ax- and of this alrbw- additions whé‘n .. _j ,‘hsxdered as the bait «33$- 0:: amount of the mane? _, 'of show eflorh ‘ ‘ ,_ yem ago to bar {imam town brim ' 73.3w..- valâ€".23; -- “3â€":‘2-2 -' ' - ”W”! “are smuated ” The re; g; li‘fAll Klwams N ht" ’ y be sum- ,”niamzed brlefl was-13m have all Kl:- 'Wanis concentrate the liqttentlon 031 the obj @3ch 'and dbjec ti es‘Of hwams to strengthem the feeling of fellovw fishnp amen, v. Krwams memlbetrs wher- "e‘ver- theynb may be; and to act 11's 11 "\fehlcle through W leh “Klwams edu-' gatiéfism' ’1‘". LQ‘be dis j": ‘ :fl‘hed among the .6? ' 1 ' ‘1‘ stratlon. 1:55qu its last list In 1900 11 years elafijwea From the .‘ ;_ mic of the Drugy overnmenfi list . ’dbsenfi the zem‘ho 1‘ at 11.15. pgm. -‘1f'{g‘;£1£ 3“: V 1,911.? U I... ’1, . ,- . 5’31." ‘3“‘1'3, -.£ 1,; 1333.11.12 g.‘. . 1' . t ' 413' 81.»?5mwum: w§a # «'1th seven ‘ ‘ ‘ , ijjisafiés" “twéagmi-ayi '1' “A11K1wams Nig ht.”- is described as the Inme‘ when all Kiwanis clubs- Canada and the United‘ States shall demonstrate the united fellow:- ship of .KiWanis by- holdmg club meetmgs on *the Monday eVening ofi the International Convention; being held this year at seattle. All clubs are reqmred‘ "f0 arrange their pro- orammes to include the slmultaneous obSeryance Of the zero hour aceordmg‘ tip the tune zones5 1n wluch the 0111 tithef_.;$uoces$:_ mpy ‘- confidently be" ex; .' a?” gocordmg tic t] i~~-e é 1- ”_fj"éd “rm, Timms w “dbserv‘aéthe zenwh gr (it 11.15 mm 411$ ’53? 111* “ ’LL. "1 wh‘. ._ ~ ’2 :6: envyâ€"w. 7-_â€":-;w' wvâ€" r-yyâ€" v Vivâ€"y:â€" â€" -, _â€" v- v‘ ‘ I " ghee v 4 6m " 4 , ion thg new: share to the south; end 6f fhe second N we Brid e,_' .1116 C RR 11‘ gm ore 1:611 9;? ea; :ofj “€19.6in e .4 “i m the eouth end’, ~‘6f4 the" 6‘ 6‘ 6 Narrow "Bria to; 0661346: 'ou‘rare'an L _ mil 2, The False Gr " 7,“ " :27: males me 1:11 601161136166 eel: gYard hes bet glen three 666 four: miles In th6 cgutlam Termmnl ;Y6rd d6; eel-mg 6th Vancouverg and New Westminste there are 22 miles of trackigg with yard capes. city 161' double 1: 6t mileage 6hould' it become necessary Another four . , . , . fit.) («é-é: Mr” “H u» :4 1 : ‘7'" - 75*?" "" “,4.“va W aim - - .""‘ :i»»:;"-5:~vl 143m 3w“"~h"~*" '5 ""- W‘ » '9' A «in: i . “fawnugmmctmm will b? m‘: . Tima 19th +n 981-11 H. m ,. ”to meme the honour " . . «5.: ~ Ejbng tEé others of dthe 200 named --6 1% My, In «5131: Bay, Vaen e 9 .wv-l‘-v-v Y- .â€" .; This treatise” an 15:19 the~ P13 13 concerned is not only, tahn {care ofa. ate teedy and nonnal- . ' in ’trade through the? great pert, but 3136 lien lingwanrflabno -. , n n e- um: movement 9Addig$1§s have few . made and others be: deceasary ,gte nerd i6? 1: his growing weatbeund :ztrafie which reached ’9.“ peak in. the crop season 6I':- 1927-28 The- Canadian Pacific’s first westward wheat shipments were made in 1922 tteined more thin 60, 000,- - l 000 b hela in 1928-24, and reached- the record this spring or 53 000,000 bushels ahi pped through the 'port lbeIore the ehd o;I February. _ .... Announcement has been mafie of a! new list Of Km ’3 Counsel, these in- eluding three well-known and talented North Land leg" a1 men, Wesley A. Gor- den, of Hmleybury John M Greer, cf Cochrane;° , and, F L. Sinile5 of Haileybury. ' $11 the North ' there will be a general feeling that if the others on the list are as well qualified as the three from this sec? 'tion then the Government 8 list of """"s Counsel for this year is a re- markably geo'd one. Mr. Gordon ml 9. wide reputatlon for outstandmg ta-_. lent and suchess in his profession and? is looked upgn as the leadlf ' .- ’ ter and solicitor of the Nfirt 2;" ' = Smile has been CraWn Attorney at ;‘-; eybury for a number of' years. and e oys Zen env1afble reputation as. a man 11‘)‘0‘)? talent and character. M1}.1 Greer, who for some years was Grown Attorney for the D1str1ct of Coch- Wesle A Gordon, John M. Greer, .~ and P L Smiley Among Those .1 » -. Appointed KO. ’3. ,, ' -- my that tins has worked out rather rr.'_i'_';;ly to _a. nuniber of the profes “ 47:1 .,. 2.1.2.“: mactm in; 32119 W a}; ma“ I he k , Leta t0- 1191'. Vallegsmlkt meek aftei‘ 48' t-o Tmmmg often \mtm and Kirkland Lake ("m R DEVIdSOIl, .Qf AbErdeenJ Scatland, is “smug hér‘ bioth" = Mr B} G Wflson fOr a few months-g}: i’ A man named Frobel was recen { sent to jail at Sndbury 1361' fiv months for knoekmg a woman down: and kicking heri. The women 8:; story was that [the assault resulted ‘ "~.‘_'_.mxherf refusal to sell h1m li nor. Frobel at; one rtime was a‘ res1dent 6f T1mm1ns, and during his stay here was in- mm ; culties on? more than one oeeasmn. .- Klrkland Lakb 13 estmbhshmgw‘ 3hig h school there, {he townshlp of Tech recently passmg the: necessary byfâ€"la:'w creatmg 'a high school area and andahlghschool” . ' . . I Sir Alfred Mond, presldent of the: ‘tMond Nujkel Company, 8341.321}? and ’ Enerehart iS‘i'Préhafifisi a; “WSW -park19e;=’gmund «:6 ”$119er cf"-'the‘ Born-“In T7; 7 Ont:I 9011' Friday; fie lat,1923§f'tqivfir. an , “Mrs. .11.. frid Perreault :‘f:’77-i7_‘;;$0n‘ _ .. . . .reault , -‘- . (Mr. Jos. . lhicaid‘bxéii of Timmss, visited his parents, Shenfl aimix Mrs. Geok. Caidlbnck at Hafleybury last. wee \ . ~ . . . zMond Ni ' =el?“""-Com'1§;£uiy, Sudb." '_' and who is .4 'l-‘knOWn in Canadafét‘ qugh resident in England, has 13681: Â¥e,evat- e51 to the peerage _ - f _- ... M. TNSSWG OI' ANOTHER 0P ' HAILBYBURY’ PIONBBRS Cobalt Umted Church has glven a call to Rev Fred Smith, at- present pas-tor of the United Church at Sault' Ste. Manic, to succeed Rev. N. Raw; 30);, who resugnatmn was recently an: veepted. - - A- â€" - ~~ - After an illness of more than three months Mrs Man \Ahce; Meagher, wife of Thus. Meagher clerk of the; district court,- died 011' Saturday last! at hér home. in Hafleybnry She was 'a member of a picneer Sturgeon Falls famni y, havmg 11111911 a daughter 91:“- 1:11eT _iato J D 0001111111111, for many years} postmaster and magistrate in that town. The funeral was héld 011 Mon-x day at Haaleybury Mrs. Meagher isr Survwed by her husband and one daughter, Mauréen, by her mother, six:- brothers, Walter A. NOrth Bay J- 1 _P J Donald Gordon L._, R01: ’ eon Falls and Hamlton 18L; Cockbum, Homepa. he, and by two; Sisters, Mrs Harold Bwhardspu, j puskasmg, and Mrs John alley, Sbmgeou'FallS, 35*" “513:3: Timmmt 6vér‘m ee -end.. EVE: :E fiaériiwfi..;Â¥ may 2331’}?

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