l l i i i i i i l i i i i MAGAZINES v- w..-“ .... *. â€" W... A. G. Luxton CIGARS, CIGARETTES, PIPES, TOBACCO. ETC. SOFT DRINKS Shoe Shineâ€"Best in Town 32 Third Avenue. Timmins (Ben Jacobs' Old Stand) C)pposite Hollinger Stores. Dry Goods Dept. You only have to lolâ€" low the directions to get the kind oi beer you really like - we guarantee. the quality ol R l'l‘E-GOOD. 2938 A truly wonderful col that the most fastidious will admire ioned of Pinpoint and Needlepoint. with large shawl and crush collar of thihetine. krimmer (‘uï¬'s and tabs to match. ï¬nished with tucks. insets. pleats. etc. Twilight. Tawny Tan. Navy and Black. Sizes. 1-1. to 44. and maudel. ours are Coffee. l’rices ‘ang‘ing from $16.50 â€" $85.00 ’ To appreciate the real value and style of these (‘oats one must come in and look them over. Please do so. Compare and proï¬t. In style and value the store that will set the pace Thursday, Sept. 15th, 192:7,†NEWSPAPERS g-Ilâ€"llâ€"Ijâ€"unâ€"uj-ggflflfl l-.._.. \X'hn you can hare just as good or ll r» {‘.\.s‘. A 3%; ll). tin. costing $l.-i(l. makes '3 gallons. lection. featuring styles: l\ lfllllllllfl Illfllllmlllllt lit Visible Gold Showing in Veianwo to Nine Feet Wide. Traced for ..- _.-- -___.._._..__..... ; Over Fifty Feet .\ :i'eat many varying ritereni-e- cli;i\'e lit-er, made to the diseiiyei'y giild iiti llii' .\llizlliy li\‘ei‘ iii the hurt l'i'l til'i; s’riloi. turning hack when a in; aii'sli:.i '_'.'i\i‘ out the iiit'iii‘iiizitiur' ,.. .i. e is l'i‘eillli‘il wit: giant: l irii'iiiriiafion that \Iliili Tliii. ‘. 't~ pay lutzhpriies tor lxer when licttt'r ii you MAKE IT AT HOME at a cost of 1 ‘ .-c A CLASS â€" you can make it even in your own room. 720 boiling. Strullllllq or muss. And no smell. l‘lull di- rections with cach tin. E. B. NETTELFIELD CO. 18. Front Street, TORONTO. ONT. ST-LAWRENCE PRESERVINC CO. REC’D QUEBEC. PM 2. hm~~â€"‘ llllll Hlll'l. DISCBVERV not present in commercial quantities! i - - 3 gold all right in the new area. it was; Hr; the other hand. there are some who} i l ~still maintain great l'aith and hope iii. ltlie l“iit't, lliilli‘ iitiil. This is the lot int'orniatiiiii :ireii lit a reeeut issui lot" The l’atrieia llerald. published .l’iv laiokiiut liy' that tiiiiiiius old timer. li‘. .\lpine .\laetiregor. lSioux in the matter. l illiipe area. .\ regular "rush" wa~ 'l‘ll“ 'll“"’\"‘l',\' ill “‘3‘? Hope “41‘ law-i,†H... â€H... the mm]. in“ “H‘dlltlili'. .\lr. llowey. says. if.» \Villia‘i. E"tits: ‘ tailed iii i'iililllitti‘. â€my†“ll“ i Stilllli :iliil llltlls‘i‘li'. .‘lliil ii;ls liiii-t: it'.‘ii' ml darted llt ’n the si'i-lii‘ of tie l“‘l â€lily :ilioii: ."iil l'li‘ei, Visiiih- :4i'ii' \ein. \‘i l :l‘si‘l'H‘W‘il â€". l‘lll' illz‘irili‘i \: was in eyideio’e along the lill'l'til'tllll: tti Hunt-y, ililie teet in width. ehaiiiie-l sampled. and t O i\\‘: he results \ i'i'om sissii r. stifi ten-:- lilills z w l - . .ill ll.i'.;t'\ iii liiitl' ti"'l t‘iiiiiiiiereizil iir‘e show-«l o‘ :widtlis sainph-d. lint tit iii" _. .. ~ I ..a i‘- - ‘l‘ ’ . ‘1’ t : itllllt‘ iiisiltiti'ii'ti. \\iii.-. tins ieeti l ilii il")\'i‘ , l llii‘.‘ti"\'.\ "Illilillll. liii'.\i'\'i‘i‘, llii'y lit up its titanium.-. sililli'illlll‘: iii t‘_\l‘t‘ lilttltill lllil'li. "'i' t . p tr ' i .. . fli‘iiiri-x ..-ii«~:ii':iei\ with ;_. o si 'l ~ ..i‘,i \t l“!itlll (lll l'itl I'iil '- l l i I . ii i' . di‘l’ ‘ i .'1 ,. 1.1"" l ,1 i ‘1. ' l ‘( ~||l will ( . tl \ll illl ‘ . . ..-\' ii iii": ‘ill itsol I l l ta l i‘Olil‘ill l'l‘igi .‘f ‘ ll ‘ ll' .,.l i.“ |â€(it ‘1‘! t P.“ t l 1" "ill iii .\ lll.‘ 'ili ‘ i“ ’\1' 'i‘ ’l.’ i ti‘tt ‘ i'l ""lliill' ‘i'iiil ' iwi illi i ii ‘lii 'i \\'it‘l\ ‘ll li“ tiliiit‘ ti}. itit ll. lliz‘aey \yliieh !~ initiiieised iit' siti‘ll w llli‘ii .‘ls l'hl lliif'llt' All \viilQ‘li da .\liiies. l.td.; ltwher . j l’ot. ti iVâ€"lhial : .l. \\'. .\loi'rison. a eonsulf .i jei;:ineer oi' great :iliility'. lliig'h \li' illiilrai. id in; l“:'ei .l. l.\li'l.eiid and l., t'oli. ll. ’ i ' i ' _ ' l lill'lli'ltiilf' enipaasis i- i l l i .liiidy. ilmrne \‘x‘inih-nip. "ll-ltliii'a n ininiiitz â€".â€" v --‘ M a - v ('aiiaili'ili l.sii'i':= l.‘li:l if" lloi‘.'i-y on the l'ai-t that no samples Tiiit‘iiiniatioi; were sezst south iiy him than to his partners in the «e' naine. \ iitni'l' ganixation \\"‘ili'll hears his he prosper-tor also points out that at it†tiiiii' until the present \lillt‘lltt‘lll‘ i t iiil'iii'iiiatioii to t the l“iii't Hope he ‘xt'ti relat i\'e has «Iil'(‘>,s' 'i'iit't‘l'y. 'l‘tl the prosper-tor \\'llii is‘ Willing TH ii‘Llll iniately prospei'l ~ 2! any iii dinâ€" speiid his time l'loi‘t Th“ .‘Ii'i' ('llit‘l'i)li\‘ it: ili lllt' thinks. llli‘l'i" 'l! l\‘ l'ax'ouralile l‘i Q‘iilil ills“â€" wl liltll region is a rust t'oi'iiia~ tiiiii nisitiiiii tlli‘ [iiit'pliy'i'ii'sg iliaâ€"lizlsi-s‘. i narrow intrusions- ot' granite. and tl Iii u ';l‘i-i-llstiitii‘\‘. mâ€"_â€". in the .\outh. \‘isitin: .\lontreal. l’iii'tsillltwl. in ii. and Ms ‘Ltlllt to limniin. .. land. Maine. and other places. Woodlnii'y saw the airplane. iiliil'y,H â€"' t'rom whieh none saw it return. New Fashioned All new. Specially priced from $12.50 to $25.00 \. ~ *‘zst- .. lil ' .0 Also Col- Java. .\Ialag'a. 29 Third Ave. Fresh from the makers. Here's a Dress Event That Will Bring,r Extreme Pleasure to Our Lady Patrons. Evening Gowns in the season’s latest and most advanced styles and colours. Timmins mm~o~~¢,o‘, illi'x. 'l‘lie. l’atrieia llerald pulilishers an ext-lu- sire statement hy .\lr. l.orne l’i. lloiier --i ..', ., .-.3.. min. t“ Iiillil .iui titllxlilt..(ll.\l\t iittt Ln o. . l illlLI'. t‘Xt'i'llI‘lll i,piiiirtllliitli's :ll't‘ :ill‘iil'ilst i i ' lli't'“ ('iitllill'.\‘.‘ F“.â€"-.-_._.M -. Willi†lllllillllllil Ill I Siilt Interesting Address by Rev. J. D. Parks on Summer School at. Te- magami Other Attractive Items at Luncheon. Q 'l‘liei'e was a large attendant-e at ."i‘ Kiwanis. {‘luli lunefi at the lCiiiiiii’e lliiIi'l iill .\liiliilti_\ iit‘ this \yi-elx'. til'iii'i‘i‘illlli;\ i'l. llii‘ oj' \‘ei'y speeial in‘ei‘est. .\l r. illlil l ,‘ ith‘ lllt't‘tfti: '\\i"’i' (t'l‘ll (It‘ill'Lt‘, Iii ill'itilri. lllsti'ii'7 iiii""l‘liiil' iii. l\'l‘.'\.‘llll\. kids liL't'si't.l tor the occasion and mail.- :i 'oisiiu iditii ~s. mite; .lii laii ,i ~sl'ili iitiliilliliii til ilii llp.‘ i lilE'y'tll.l'lll (ii iii Iltlli. lli: il’ il i "Ill lill. Jili'l l Lï¬tlltl il liilliiy _ . i 'l:i‘ _\ it ‘i tlltl i. ".i' ’li‘ - i‘iii i l\'ii Illil.‘ l i' stii i'lx'i‘l‘ lii tlit‘ iii li \ .l. ll. l'ai .l,.. a. d iiir. ‘e ‘tiéi: tl‘ ,‘\tll Hi (i Illllil“ililli ll|i .\l‘ l,..‘ “ .\.-r» n ioaigi i' .iis iii. li' (mist Ellis yeai .lliil spoue iuii-ii .ii l\ ii e in: win i’iiely .\iioii? ~ \ \ouie; it‘ll Elli {Mitzi “ii emit lii il iii-f l ti-liili'il llii \‘tlii‘il \ih- ,l ll lii.:‘.;i iiiiilii li.='-~' .‘-i.'|l'. riiliii‘ iii. llli ii i'iitlii? L iron: :i- iar axis: a llears‘ Hey. .\li l’arls outlined the .ii-tiyi?iis ot the \‘l‘illitiit‘l' si'll'Hil :lllil \llii'di'ii liii‘ lii‘Hi lit-ial it was to ill: attending. 'l‘ilicl'i‘ . {ll t. luncheon. these ineluiline': .\li'. 'l‘ie? Iiope, or ‘li'illia. \‘r ho .‘Ieei-tnpanied .\lf‘. iii-urge here: .\lessi‘s “lather \Viiitliz‘. iil' :\'iii‘lh liay‘. .‘ill'. Schninai-her: Mr. \V. (i. 'l'innaiiis: and Mr. 1'. .\. .Xeti‘ laslgeard. “with .\li'. 'l‘udho-ie and Mr. llyain iiaye hi'iit hat iery it.â€" lti't‘sllllLL‘ addresses iha‘ were liltl"ll appreciated. .\iiiither t'eatuie of†ilie tii'i';isiiii‘i \‘-.;i~ the report Mr. ltohi. llye on t7 Northern ('rusade to 'l'oroiiio, [lye was requested to make :2 Nil the ('rusade. and responded with a lli' _ l. ‘i‘\t': it: .\‘i‘l't' \l‘liill" ..- . . I. l'..‘liii'. H: Smith. i" l'ly'am. iii iii (A l‘i‘iiii‘i lll_j‘ (“Chill :tl liil'HHlH- :HAILEYBURY REGRETS THE ('ommentiiig- on the departure ot' {.\li's. 'l‘. ('ondie l'roni llaileyhui'y :talte the position «it matron at l('oelii‘aite llisti'ii-t (‘liildren‘s :Sllt‘lit'l' at 'l‘inimins. the ." l aqeeli says: i i \l l'. ’l‘. ('iiliilii‘. laileyhuriai; last .,. who has held the .\ltw TEE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIEMIES, ONTARIO ‘. w...“ lllWItttlS HERE UN Mllfllltll .‘lllili ‘the gold camps or 'l'ininiins and Kirkâ€" .. â€"â€" .__-,~_,_ _.w___â€"â€"__. -W_.-_.,._____, -. I CLAIMS ACQUIRED IN THE TOWNSHIP or STEEL Representing: the National l‘ixpiorâ€" ers. Limited. 'l'oronto. Sam .\‘aiusliury has acquired Isl claims in Steel town- ship. north of Lake Ahitilii. and will start work on them to determine their possiliilities. The intention is to shoot into the :ossau in exploratory mini- iier. .\ \\ell-iiiiiiei'aliZeil area will he opened up. and it is expected copper will lie touud. as the t'ormatiou is sim-: ilai to that in Queliei‘. .\‘teel town. siilp is on \\ll:lt getiliiu‘ls‘ts lielieye to he the same lireah as the .\haua and l.a\'al-t)uelii'i‘. tiiriiiei' and 3;â€. l t I | and the results at the‘ lat-t that the latter is ililll'll ii \i.‘li'i li'llil iii ti; do- l I l»‘. .i . ‘ a l-i "MN!“ snie iiiiis .32 eresji;.;. ii .... iiil's i'i.‘lilli. ._._â€"..â€".‘ tiii' ..~.___..____. CRUSADERS SPENT NIGHT AT BARBIE ON war SOUTH: 'l‘lli' lir l\ lllli‘ “i-v.) says; ll, - ,o. . . \ ‘i “Mir; Xlwtolat ' 1:. i' oi s s i . hi \or1h i'ount \ many ol the Hi Wit 1 tlszl l" ‘0'.i‘." l .;‘l"il ill'ifiil‘. it 'l‘iiisday stopping hey it". route oytri'i ’ Haiti. 'illli' 'i-rzisaiie.†in tact. had . lit‘t'll ii;ts~ili:_; tlit'iifii; liqii'i‘ii‘ silli‘i' ilii' I 'ii“\£iiits Saturday and :i;i il.’t\ \eiiiiay "‘il Il.-.- :n.:" iiai‘y ~~ win .\lorttay .ii illllllil. "illi'li‘ ii:t‘\' \“i‘3i‘ iillli';'iii\ iif; , . ‘ i . . ' .i‘lliiilii'it, i‘iilltillg' iiii 1.» li.i!"ti ." i 1" I ‘ ill" orgalil.’ ’ .ttion was iii siili‘iiitid haiads and those lli' points smith that night. i '.\llii could not :ii-i-oniinmlated a: il'll‘d‘ lil-"ld' W'll'll't'ii iii IH .‘l'i' liiitlli'--.i \\'hi‘l" ai'l';‘.ll;'i~tiii‘l,’.~ hail ti'r\‘.~i7'~l\'i .. lii‘i‘li lilaili' iii iiiei! i‘is' H.133 Hip. 1 Li'iï¬lii'y, li \isiiiit' and Their (34‘s-. g \\el't‘ easily ills-lilf.;;.isii.‘ililip 'l‘hi' I \‘~'iil‘e li;til:i's and their ears 3, u‘i' .sii'llw ll‘dll iii: The ‘-‘i llltl‘lilt'i'l and .‘l sT‘i'alii: "I I ttl'l‘tiss Elie iicielt iit’ the :iitl land Latte, although there it nuinher il'iilli ('oearaiie. the most nor-i lili‘t'l_\' point. Quite a ten had to mill their ears ll) the lii-zii‘i‘s? liiiilit iii] tliel lllLLhuay 3.; lilttlx'i' tl Sim. lifli‘ull‘llll [Hi iiiile ti‘izi tii 'l‘iii‘iilitii. \‘~llli'll '\\.'ls l‘eai‘itr‘ ed at ten o'clock 'l‘iiesday morning. .'l‘lie crusaders are returning home at LEAVING OF MRS. CONDIE' it). the~ .\ld. lposition ot' matron oi†it“. i‘hipp-pn‘a .\lr. Vincent \Yoodliury and t'aniily'fi‘helter since its opening in lll‘ll. has x ‘. returned last \y'eelx'. t‘i'oiii a motor ti'iii;-‘(“\'i'i'i'il her i-onueetion \\‘ltll the insti~~ ereeted iii 'l‘imniiiis and will ready for opening aliout ili'illl. 'l‘hix sei'yiei-s ot' the new matron ’yyere reipiired tor the preparations and titlingr up ot' the new liuildine‘ t'iii‘ Ilit’t“! ;.\li's. .(Tt‘ work at the Shelter lii‘i‘ii satis‘i'ai'tiil'y in ey‘ery during" the years she has (‘omlii-X has \"'i ‘ II lit‘t‘ll cared l‘iii‘ liy the society in 'l‘eiii- islt'aiiiiiig. .\t the liegiiiniiig -i... was uiyen hare .m a i'e~?. and it l iit' :: disappointment to the local t'ltit‘li lii li':i\'i‘, under tiie direction ol' li, l.eâ€" years was the lâ€. l “ .liilit' lit. in. ‘.\ 'io ioi' many siiri‘oi' toi 'l'einisltaiiiilig‘ and let't here last year to take eh:ii":e in the .\i‘ili .\ll‘s. i'oudie‘s siieeess'ir iii ’li" iit'.\‘llill':\l .\.l‘t‘lli‘l' lEJis lliii lH‘i‘ll .‘lli‘ ' ll tar.†CANDY ALWAYS FRESH Chocolate Covered Nuts Chocolate Covered Fruits t t l i i Chocolate Ginger Bon-Bons i N ougats Caramels Creams i l Pecan Roll Pecan Dates t i All the same price 75¢. per pound l l l l i P. M. GORDON Dmggist Timmins NI!" where she is takingr a similar position; "(lid With the soeiety ol' ('iielirane llisti'iet. lit" pi'ospeetors and llllllllig‘ men and oth~3 t‘l's‘ interested in lilt‘ \iii'tli iii the; ;announcement made last week that i this Niii'lli. start on the iieeal‘l iourney' liuring' this summer a new shelter has i held at l l l Septeiiilier; t l i ‘tiielii. a week or two previous to the opening? i i t hadi charge or the many eliildren who hay'ej l t I i (ll, .llllhj _I “iv their leisure. many oi them li.’l\lll;1;li~ ready returned north. tine and all they i'iitiiii't u "liig lllllt‘.. DR. GOODWIN GOING TO THE GARDEN CITY PRESS 9 There will lie gineral regret â€HM-".113 (iiiiidu’iii lll‘. \le. l.. Will not .‘ig‘aiiil carry on the l’rospeeiors' t‘lassi-s i! it l hare llt‘t‘ll ot’ .sui-h value and lienetii inl 'lllie l’rospeetors’ Masses. various centres in the North lattid. have pi‘ii\'eil til. the H'l'eates‘t \alue to prospectors and others. and there is a general opinion that Dr. tiiiiidwii; is an ideal man to eonduct His knowledge urology, minerals and mining and allied lines is unquestioned. and in addition he has a land ot' patience and geniality. With an entire ahsenee ot’ any undue assertiveness or annoying" assurance. i’i'ospeetoi's and others had learned to value his knowledge opiiiioiis.‘ l I ill. and t'oi' two iiioiitlisf\\‘liile at the same time they were . l l - - . ‘ . _;,.. litwll Siiiiietliiiig»[iii-.‘isi‘il til lils lli\:il‘l;iliie l'i'udiliess‘ ti: i'eeeiy‘t- their \‘ieus. He worked with {liiï¬iliiï¬i oi’ the sot-iety that she has de- , them. rather than attempting to tear-h 'l‘he soeiety in ('oehr l‘tt‘lll in any schoolmaster t'ashion, and the result was the way best in the Way or lienetit. 'l‘he prospectors l'iiuiid or treat :tii\£lliltt‘.1'i‘. and at time they were pleasant as Its protitahle. l' is but ltiliini at ; llili'llils‘ lii lllt‘ ('lilflï¬i‘,‘ ‘~illlll‘ ii‘ii-ei.‘ w ‘it'i l ‘iie iioyeriiiiient continue fi'il sii ?. the l)l'iis'lit‘t'liil"‘ (‘lzissi-s, it this: is MMNWU-Hâ€"ï¬â€"mâ€"N led the intention, the prosper-tors lose lilze li"\'i i'i‘iIiil‘H‘ liiei'tiiizf iii. Eli" ii‘t‘liiil h.‘lli. ii. the i'lasse- are to lie to w. ,s .eheduled ioi- .\to- i'ai‘ried on. the (toxerninent \‘till inxe Vila Si ,' Lilith. "'i.’llllli‘lli'lli‘_' ‘ l :1 serious pi'iilileiii iii seh-e'in; .‘tl.’ M "-‘i 1‘"'l'i \‘i‘iil “till ‘llillili tllt‘ isltifs it‘flt'ijt‘ti 'iy' llt, iltl‘lthlll. l'i“ iii.‘l\ 'isii "i:i‘ 'i sa‘il l3 ' il' li'iilhl llit‘ l' ‘ili' 'iii il iii-Wis lll li s \Wii l laiid ho \ili . l .1 lit “'1! . ( iiini i or; iii ll .~ \ 3» ve i» in in.‘ .i.i_~.i Elit'ii‘liia‘. 'i’lt ,:;‘~. »-ii I l.‘-~i ‘i'i‘l llr. tiriiiilaig‘ is :;..i_'. i'il.‘.ii‘7i'il ï¬ll: ',,i-li;it'il«l. l'i'. l'i‘i -i§ ii;i‘ili'!i'.';lii‘, ltliit‘iii't'. 'li'i lll'tll omits 2 ._ the i'.-in.-.dian .\liiiinu' .\lai. ml and other ti-i'hliii'al lHiHlx“ and it is also understood that Hill i'iiliiliii't tor i-rosiieetoi‘s in eon ‘ 'I'liiilli'Hl‘. lli'. ‘ lH‘Ii'i i'-i!}lsi"- iitlll(i\\lll "‘)ll“‘.‘"illl .. .. ~ . ' _ ' i nee i'il; .\.; ll win o aorlt with the l’i'ess. nez' Harden (lily l ‘ulâ€"'|_r.â€"â€"y._ â€" uâ€"~ â€"â€" _u|â€"|l ‘The Most Sanitaryi and Up - to - datei Barber Shop in! town i * Latesr Styles in Ladies Haircuts a Specialty. l l J. HOWARD ‘ Opp, Public School, Golden Avenue i â€"1uâ€"(lIâ€"-n l i l t i i ’ I I I V l -â€"â€"niiâ€" flâ€"â€"e‘iâ€"n N.-__w..____.-. -. i SAUVE’S PHARMACY i. 'l'iit- loiila‘ '3 ;iii the iiiiitiii'ists “i't'lllt d to euiio- l‘l‘iillli ere quite a ‘iiill‘ the lield. and it ' t Sure Death to Flies. Mos- . thoes. Roaches and Bug: ._. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Qâ€"Hh-l Dâ€"Il‘ "A Service You Can Trust" â€".u-â€" l THE RBXALL STORE l NeXt to Post Oliice â€"â€" â€"â€" â€"â€". â€" __-.._ 'l‘i illlilillS l â€"-â€"_-. L. ~ . - . :7;- i";:i tlznor 0i er‘sli. l'tPL‘ irllliï¬. iii. hid it is beneficial too, 1: t‘ . .1.. ' i i 1 i c canrmg mouth and teeth. is: - i331 soothing the throat i and helping digestion. *â€" .- ‘POLICE CALLED TO ONTARIO CUP GAME AT KIRKLAND \\'§:eii lls'iawa played Kirkland il.al-;e at the latter place iei-ently' iii iilli' til. llii' :tlttii‘s i, iT' lllt' lllii.:.’l‘i (l'li'. there were oine tall il'illl'ju 'l‘we itshaua men. oi :iieni twin; llli iil;i “iii'iilill Hl. llii' twitlil. li.‘til iii ‘ii- unlined \\ as lii i‘i'ssfll'\ toe t'ii- Itziilii'e to lli‘ railed to i'lliiil'l’t' tin. 'i'iiliixgs oi' the i‘eter-e. In its report iiil' the niateh l;i~t \ki-el; Kirkland Lake‘s \iii'liiei'ii .\i‘ws said: " lilt‘ sei'iiiidJiaél had a si'lln'llliil'dl ii'iiiiiiiiij'. lltil'l‘flf‘t‘t‘ r'i'i‘i'i.ilii_;‘ .‘t [iltss l‘l'tilll l,t‘it‘l\tili‘ lii‘zit .\li'tii‘iigiii' :iiiil landid the Mail in the int. t'adman maltin; no et't'or: tog-'1 at it. l.ttl\'i’ .\‘hore made headway and l’arsons l through; he touled in the dreaded area. .‘lllil lietei'ei- .\leatli :i- iii‘ itii‘\'il;tlili‘ spii? liii'lx'. ll'.‘ do not iitliei’ thing. (hpt. llurst made straight at the reieree and s'tliii'lt' him and so another player had !."li\l‘ “it“ I iyardeii t eiizilil to :ii. liut on this occasion the police he called to i'eliiii\‘e the iillii‘liil- he had earlier in the game it would haye ' liotli teanis. i’ai'siius ioolt the ltii'it lint .\‘initii say He made amends liy'e iniiiiitis l:iiii‘ liy si'iiiiizt.’ :i - 'l‘ll" '-.isitor.s. nor. playing nitfi nine ineii, tiriinu‘. and their doiyiit'all was illillllllt‘lli.llii'ï¬'m i'«.:I~i'iilililiitl ' l ell'iii‘ts. and they were had iii or; it not his “mart-hilt; â€1' (1(1,.\, ~ lit-I'll :i lit'llt’lll l†t'll. I‘lji‘t‘ Quill "\\(‘!“J '.H-’"' llt'\'i to l’lili".ittll:il o i't'y suei-esst'ul. l’:iisoii~. taking: iii‘.‘7iiit:‘_’i' H: a liilltnli'l' iii the ilsha‘wa ili'li lii't'. lt'Lil’ll l“'i .\s‘i. i lliill‘ Sil‘lil' e:ii.i xii ii haying ll ail their with \\.a‘-.' ' I I‘ll! ilis ll ii ilil'iilli ‘i MAI". ".'..'i_‘ ii tilllf' is ‘i rm: ".’il.ii' ii 7ii;i;i ii v'tHil «i. .l‘ i it'll 3‘ li‘.'llll.5 .. in . . .o ti‘ii kid. The 3.. o . iaii it' mmmi 3i; l .. is. iii l 'i 'ii ii"lt'£li. lii . ii "‘i‘ Mi 'lii till a in ii . l.lli"‘tl . is-.l,t., ‘ l .gowf ’lii had .i I . itii ii .' ’ii ll'l iii llii. iiits i' i i H.111 li‘l ll l L i o . l. 4rd i ii hi 'ti‘iil ,.. .- . .. oiiiii‘h Hit h. it}, ‘i ,ii i Mini: tin llilil ii .‘ i it"! ,lr. ‘ii in. ii t n arena. i. , gt' t it. _ lli liii iii i ii ii; i in ii ii lii i i ii' lt‘Jllll. Clit" ...;-' o; l. i ii';iyi:.,_ men!- i“ ii \‘il. . l i . Jli.i‘l' 1.: in git-viiil ’t .i. fliilli‘ii ll‘liilii‘t's ‘.‘-.i‘.'i= illiililiil paid “j. i l'i'lld'l'lii â€Mil I'lll' rials :idliiitti-d t..i'- \U'li' well lli‘tllt'li, i . i 'V' . llli“ lii‘ll. " ii. :i ii;;i~i'i 7"." ill I .o early in the ' illt'ill. ,l‘lli' ‘.'l.~4lltil'.s lhoilie. .\li-Kellor "'t'lllli‘ --s \H-i'i- Wi-l: sergmi it‘, and Simpson. l.†l.al-:e .\iiiire l’;ir "it’ and \Veli... gilit‘n‘d ‘lie L'Jtlllt‘ ii.’ ’lii‘i‘i' li‘t’i‘s. in.†lipi' :s it. liii \.\:i‘. «it» t:.-iiieiit;it to the Mini llii'llllli‘l". who slitting: .‘t lili‘ti‘dlli sill'lil'l~i' ll; ll. ‘i\,‘l.\' .lii‘K ('iillt'li It'll :,,t' iii)’ltl‘illt|’l_ 1"“. 'ite iil ‘l.i--) .- liiiiii' l'i‘t':illttit'llso" .‘HJ' a» iei' ' l“ lid i‘a team were :iye“ 1h [0 ‘ll.lli', ' l i “~‘ill i 'H‘lti r lli tel; iii i-o‘.i-i'zii “Wienses liiials lltHi' their JUill lit-y iii 'l‘iii‘iilitii. the i‘ediiulitalile l .lr'li‘l' ; South Porcupine. Ont. i next round.†- . o o o 0 o o O _n.u.~.u.u.n.â€.fl.“.to.â€.n '0.“ ‘0 O C... I O .0 O. :ï¬m‘szocao O. o c ."Q .0 9‘$“5'('\'% tak fu'n'u’fl‘u.ï¬.oo.“ .00 . '00:“. . . . . .â€.â€:“.“.“."2°°Z":'°:":~:“3’W €“3‘3â€3“3~2'€JWI¢'I~KJK°€¢W LEO MASClOLl CONTRACTOR Excavations for Cellars. Sewers. Etc. Contracts of all kind. EMPIRE BUILDING Phone No. 321 ;..;..;..,..,avyywxxxrwxwowx’wwww