.\I..-\ l\ .\I 'zltmns ()1 1m wryâ€"12, S¢ street; 13, 1 “wt 14, 'l‘ i'IIH‘t ' 21,1‘ -'%‘:t1((t . -3. F Meet : 24, Fi Tl'N’t 2 25, Six =Il'vct; 31, 'I ~Tl'(‘t(' ; 32. Se -ll'(wt ° 3,}4 1‘ tl'tvt. ’ [t i triker, a gong 1n the .pump house, lmiers in the homes of the ï¬remen, ml :1 gcmg and imlieatur in the ï¬re all. The system was installed unâ€" er the supervision of Meqsrs 'l‘hns. Lluekman, J. D. MacLean, dtltlE. luppy, and Fire Chief A. Boz'lzmtl, all ,iking their part in the installing. 'he system was supplied by the furthern Electrie C0,, of Montreal. ml is of the must klppl'dVQll mmlern we. An alarm of tire may he sent 1 from any of the street boxes. The my to send in an alarm is tn hreuk he glass ()1) the street alarm hex, â€pen he (lour, pull down the hook, and hen let go. The alarm will then he utm'natieuLlV l‘llIlg‘ in to the hall .‘\'ll€ KIN†e 1l11111', pull down the li1111l:, 111111 en let 1:11. The alarm will then he 11111'nati1'ally rung- in tn the hall here the hell will s1111111l the 1111111l1e-1' ' the box four times. .\t the same :ne the alarm gees in to the li1'e111an ’5 1115113, to the 111111111 house and t1) the 1li1'at111'. The following: are the. 111- .tiuns of the boxes with their 1111mâ€" ‘1's2â€"12 Second avenue and Pine reef; 113, Third axeuue and Pine red; 14, 'll1i11l menue 111111 (‘1111111 11et ' 21,1“'itth 21111111111 211111 Balsam net; -13 Pitnli axenue and Pine reet : 24, Fifth avenue and l'le111l11ek reet : 25, Sixth avenue 211111 '_l‘amai'ael~: 1'1 et' .31, Third awnue an1l I3i1'1'l1 111't'132, 8111111111 axenue 111111 Maple 1e11t' .34 Fuui'th axenue and Birch Met.†It is i11te1esti111r 111 11111t1' ast .e tire 111111111 81 stem 11f ten \11'1115 115m oriï¬ce. ’ " :ule plain 111isk11111ing 1111111 111 (‘11111111 11111 51121115 11, 11111'. .1. Mardunald,13'.\.,1)1' r1105 P1'11zs'115111r11111 ( 11111'1-111, 111111111115. .< 11111111111 11111111111111111 111' 11111 11111415- 5 1111' 11111. 1115111111; 511:1r. "11'111111 1111s 111111115 1111111113911111111111 111 11111 minis- 211 111' 11111 11124111111 11111311111 211111 1111â€" 111'212‘11112; reports 11111111 11111111111111 1'1'11111 1111111111115? 111-"'1115 11011111111111.1111 111' 1111111 work. 111 11111 11111111111 1111101111 il 1H u could diers over nudians h Hot meals are hard to take! 111 "Kindly send me !wu packets of Dr. Watson's T o n l 6 (cut. If H in thr m “flaking l! dull)’ will build up 30‘" health 75» purkutr make-93““ ll. Allen 5 Co" kin; In ml 1 It now Jun it will be good. .\I Cool- refreshing nutriment for light summer appetites- Delightful meals without mokin q, 't‘ll Il hvrn 1.44 is 011' t: An 2 um um ll IONS t'vin ,) V HM h alt the (memu ll wlu \VUIIH T3955 ’WAm '80'nd “318:1. Toto n10 ton )mls alarm systvm ur . (extended one 01 movtmg ol’ the l H t the :l ft( h v If 111‘ mmt 01' Hour, hem. mm n )0 pointed out that the 1 r was asking for emmum)‘ Linn in these items, and ll '00d 5. U 1t "mg Hum). the minis 11's 11,20 the mum of the shv thought won '31 lbs. meat am She- urgod the us ll‘l‘ and swim n strut-t I] :1 1‘ )(H It ll Saul, "Dy ('Onsel'vzu During the Ineetin z. that the idea was 5 like beef, [mum :1 1w exported to f prams. and our allie lll \V H )vl'mtem that t1hr Mothml I'noon . Une ! meeting: was In the muttvr of 11011“ ‘ I'olml‘t was ()Spm'iaH) During the summer vver) in this part of the North 'optiun of Broblmul', hzu v l’illml. Rev. J: l) tlm had been uwmled uul money fur p1 (It HS 011M ' feed them that could not he LIEU I} .ieut‘ xctin Itch hoard. n. m M boxes. :1 tuwe in the pump hon-st â€It mat and special at- ' the meals appetiz- than the use of ex- Plan \0111 p:1rt,wu- bV (“onserv 1tim1 and :the meeting; it \\ .1~ Ihe idea \\ as to con- eet‘, bacon and Hum varied to feed our . the balance s} McIntyre-Peron} mpm {111' he an .1] I: mum-e 0113111 1“ (hour )luntm'x l't town \V ()ne of the fa was an 21111111.» (70011111119. Ml ll \V \vuuld m to M 1151 *huplam mï¬ully 'l'hvrï¬ W the min and t «lay. hvtorv 11 [111( lb 0t llllllln w hilt selves 11‘501 H H) 111v )lIH UH UH t h( H) IV 11 1'92! I 17.3 1. smillt It pul'lmst anvv cause eliminated. Cont rust. 111111111511 (11' [111' L'.1\..\. 15 [11511 improve the 1111111113 111111 stir parental 1'1‘111- 51411111195 that every child will have tlw right 14111111111 l’111 the right things of Iil'v. \\ itli 111111111'11111111' t111i11i11u- 111111 c1110 and attention, the public 11111111}- 11111-1' '111151111 by straw children will I111 tihe irernians held no inquest. \\'hen a Canadian I‘lighlander was found erueitied in Belgium no one could be blamed for suspecting .t'oul play, but the Hans enipanelled no jury to enâ€" quire into the matter. \Vhen a Brit- isher dies in a Austrian prison filml), the» eoronm's simply say, †Well, we should worry," and make sure that the man is t'ully dead. But in this British land this week tnueh trouble and expense were freely spent to t'iiirnially enquire into the death of a praetieally unknown Austrian labour- er, whose death resulted indireetly from his own evident carelessness. 'l‘he evidenee het‘ore the ,jury took up n Of Contrast. was made in The Advanw ten years ago lwtwwu British and German111(1t11(1(ls:-â€"“'l‘he British 1101)- 111111110 :1 queer lut. There were certain- 1y some suspicious circuinstancvs almut the «l0 1th at \111'se (i‘avoll, but l’ilt‘, Germans 1111111 110 inquest. \\'livn a Canadian l‘liglilai’ulér was ’l'uuncl 1'1'111'itied in Belgium 1111 (me could lM' lilamml t'm' suspecting .t'uul play, but mum}! tmw mnsidered Austrian 1: 01‘ the stoj pel'ivnvml ‘ hut (10> died at time of ()H'P l] H H [0101' wide ll '1‘ h 0 ta x . and ; umual IO disorderly actions and «lanmgc ing often at nights. prmnpted \(lvance to again zulvm'ate the tion of 21 ln'nneh ()t' the Child- Aid Swivty in 'l‘innnins. The new pointed out that any trouble 1 by the children muhl usually wed tn the homes. “What is :l," Silltl The Advance, “is 21 that will stir up thv humos t0 :1 \\' 11 S vulvnw hot tune and W spin 10H mvm 01" th( â€boring 0t 0. station NESBITT. THOMSON 6:? COMPANY ("V P l'\ mm 11.901! les, and at Ilw w 1000 HI ] vll mum M Ill Montreal H muv S‘!‘ .l(,‘('i(‘1(‘l'l 1H Hm It H 'l‘lu The Advance, “is stir up thv humus to the (lllIiP' um] 10 [m to tlw ('hihlmn. T H 0t m In ()1 UI' il m 8t 11 H Royal Bank Building. TORONTO. 2 plank and 1 the A1151 ‘ hOsmml 1} .iI tir parental child will hzm he right thing l'huu 11H mum . 191 \‘01111 \V Canada’s Potentialities Each year Canadians are becoming more familiar with the amazing possibilities of our untapped resources. To make this remarkable story of our heritage easy to grasp we have condensed it into ï¬ve small booklets. These cover the bpsic industries of the Dominion. Copies on request. 1fvtx I". ll l( pItztl 21ml lical atte IONS Vt l] mu â€It IN simply wont hurt (listzmve. New (â€1' rovk ten Quebec London. Ont. pk 1V t 0 \V {l N ll 1'11 i h “we l. Tin iunn‘uw lIl III \V m 111 H'h‘ 11031 )lll It ll ll 11th)! Iqux \V th t} LIhiITED ll] THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. ‘T outï¬t there. He married by the wn when he was on leave: at the end of th year. He was 1 tmuniny eueumlu of coolness in the trenches.†“A for Bill'. MacDonald, he x'as quie eahn, Illethodi ra], undeviating and m ehanging. but extremely eapuhle of u- inu' tall outstanding nat‘hs of eommu where ‘h(: thew m4 outï¬t {In when he ‘ public school supporters and for separate school supporter ratepayers ttllen complained, that taxes were too high. As First Iowa. I‘Jngineers. Liamp Dongle, Des Moines, Iowa, USA.†“Aeeordâ€" ing to the. press reports nearly t'our hundred applieations have now been reeeived t'rom returned soldiers for farm lands in the North, under the Ontario (‘rovernment’s plan of assist- anee to soldier settlers.†“The dance given in the Masonic hall on Monday night by some ot.‘ the young men of the camp proved a pleasant and enjoyable event, and those pres- ent spent a delightful evening. “Mr. J. Perrault, who has for several months been on the staff of the Mar- shallâ€"liwlestone. Limited, left on Fri- (lav for New Liskeard to go in with in The Advanm the f'oll<)\\'ing:â€"-â€"â€" (m \\'ednes<lay. Mr. and Mrs. l' 101'." “Mr. '1‘} .\I slgnod as sthnl here i ('ipal of tin “('m-hrane i Sept. 27th and ‘38t Clark. furnwrly ( Krist Mine, is now First Iowa. Engim “Mr. J. Per‘uult, who has for s months been an the staff nf the shat]1-.Ifloclosttnlo, Limited, left 0 day for New Liskem'd to go ir the Taylor Hzmlwzu'o Cu. with concern ho was it"m'mm-ly (30111" During: his stay‘in this «amp ho many friends by his unfailing: tesy zmd business otiioivrivy, zmd regretting his removal from 'l‘il those many friends join in w Alpine Mac( The Advam 1‘11 )Il(‘( 'Ol H] alle Amonv flu Ottawa Int mm H The .\(l pnmu h) le ll 1118 V IXl te s. 1'. L. 1\(‘t()n,"‘f 'l‘hos, Dowim‘, prim-imal ()t' the in June last, is m 1' 501100] at ES] IS to hold its fall] 1nd 28th.†“Mr. Marlâ€")unzlld Slim is s ire I] extremal mdmg m Advunm diol' settlers.†“Thv in the Musomc 1121]] (m t b\' some of the young: ll \\'( W V t {emm'k 11 ten w: 11 Bum at Hamilton umplained, as now, :wcommoc thigh. As The Ad- Third B0 rs agn. most people the publk high no matter how s ‘ede has 1 that here: won Sent 1nd personal I thv Thumpsq with (‘nmpzmy 3124. Camp Dod 1,211 1 n tmas1 H tor II] lt‘hs‘. of comm†, also publishe Alpinv MmGu NH able ('hap ndvd 1m (1, left on Fri- to go in with 1)., with which rly cunnected. camp he made mfailinq cour- W t Hailvy 3th, 19] mn pnhlis 12th. 5 now pm Espanola. fall fair 0 11'. H90. L ,l‘humpson ul' int-11121,] ago .331? vlih‘thl pwzh‘un; USO pH‘S-T (‘\'(_’Ilill;_{'.j vl‘ wvvml ? tlw Marâ€"é + ‘ 1“: 11‘I'; b l 1 (Ian who :10 1'0- publh 111111011 11111111 IN) S011] mill whih ll I'( h 'lmnmns recently, and suggosw “some of the corrugated old hum husy with a pen right away.†will he noted by the anonnvenwnt where in this issue. Mr. Neil Kym taken over the men ’s furnishings news formerly condurtvd undo lirm name of Murtagh h’yim. Ryan is a. popular young: hits man, with 21 wide ()chrivnvc ii lines carried, and with llpâ€"tU-(latt progressive ideas, and no doubt hold the (ivon'nevtion estahlishvd h' ï¬rm, as well as adding to the, pa 1121? of the business at 47 Pine Sil't H age of the business at 41 l’me 1 “Mr. Murtag'h. who was tilt member in the ï¬rm of “art: R\ an, is no“ \isiting: the gym where he may locate it he favourable openi‘hg. Mi. 3 interests < a] years regret his all would {enrdfl ’ ’ ‘ Uw nccommodation I‘hird Book is at K21]?)1.12-5k218ing camp u'I'atifying rate. Gr portant North Land Hill pemlin um hat lllllll Unit! .1 re 11 t 1m HI ,1] UH II 111 I] ll Beautiful in designâ€"thoroughly modem-mechanically righg Compare-2 ll l\'( TIMMINS. ONTARIO I] word '0 the ('211111 .11 \Viddiï¬el mp1] will ll tl ll h I] Canadians know good motor cars. So, everywhere from the Maritimes to British Columbia, Stude- baker cars are gaining in popularity. From Janu- ary Ist to August lst, Studebaker sales in Canada showed an increase of 19% over the some period of 1926. the Studebaker Dictator is the most powerful sedan of its weight and size in the world! 69 sedans having less power cost more than The Dictator. We invite you to compare these new Canadian- built Studebakers here today. Compare them for performance and compare them for valueâ€"every Studebaker car carries more than $100 worth o! extra equipment at no extra cost: According to ratings 0! the Royal Automobile Club and the Society of Automotive Engineers, .md smm M on 3 school here. the sonool been compelled to announce 1fter pupils under the grade I'll h as I‘OCPI recentlx‘ t0 month )l\‘ h ll IY1('( Book ) the S( ruardian pu-b] i0 he Thir \\' 0 £ at of fort Owing to sehOUI 1) th: 11in H 1111111 how )M‘II point tt II {n 018 Mm: ‘ W 1 wed no 11 v, and SH rzumted n I) )w 1:; pupil N 11 V H‘ W 311001, unless their 3 are supporters of school. Outside “000R SEDAN H tins \ re-pm h “H l\ 11119 in New the fact that ll B ushmld tilt U\'BI‘('I‘O\V( progressmg‘ at z 'adually an im svttlenwnt 0. if 110 Mr. M th tho 1) Land for nth TAN) W (-ontimu st 521mm Septmulw 'uung business crimwc iu thv 11].)â€"tn-dato and nu doubt \viil {Wished by the to the, patron- 09 7 Pine street.“ (ll MK 1n 1H H (fur \‘lm ranco atht )Il have, $2.00 Mclnnis is ttox that H tel U W \V 1n school 5011102- 11 and says from that Ill In .l V 1(?( [11‘ MI OI .1t h .lt MARSHALL - ECCLESTONE Dr turne mg uli< ll In nd 0115 ll lt’l't Iits thoroughbred performance! its amazing OnevProfit valuefl UH l1 N l (l *‘. E. Bell from theix F, and 1 hink th ill in t} llllf E1027 flaï¬yj 750d [If a//- 17/1/0027)??? 5 LIMITED Timmins, Ont. Made in Canada If you cannot nurse baby use Eagle BrancL which has raised more healthy bottleâ€"fed babies than all other forms of infant foods combined. It is absolutely pure, unifomm in quality and strengthdeasily digested and has been endorsed by doctors since 1857. Write for feeding chart and Baby Welfare Book, containing information c v e r y m o t b er should have. Both are free. Address The Borden Co. Limited . /;77 Montreal. [\zums‘ Ill 11(- U l! \'a( family 11:1 \‘c ation. ll st tym and m Ii 'Q'IH‘I'OUS 110m he 'Furont It Thursday, Sept. 15th, 1927 Best of all Fly Killersâ€"10c and 25c per packet at all Druggists, Grocers and General Stores. (ccTanï¬sm MILK Custom Sedan . . .120 Sport Coupc,/or 4 . 120 Coupe, for 2 . . 113 Sport Roadster, for 4 110 All rice. 1. o. I). W. Ital-ville. Ont. Government taxes to be: addtd Sedan, plusl1[4-dr.]$1§§§ Sedan, mohair {4 dr.] 1685 Victoria . . 1685 Coupe, for 2 . . 1555 Coupe, for 4 . . 1685 Roadster, [or 4 . . 1610 Tourer, for 5 . . 1445 The Commander Sedan . . . Sedan, Regal Victoria . . Victoria, Regal Coupe, for 2 Coupe, Regal Roadster, for 4 Sedan, for 7 Jan . . . . . $1955 dan, Regal . . 1115 ctoria . . . 1955 Cturia, Regal. . 2115 )upe, for 2 . . 1955 )upe, Regal . . 1115 )adster, [or-1 . . 10.5 The President The Dictator Ln, {UT 7 . . ‘1.1° Erskine Sit f.o.b. Walkcrlillc,0nt. ,_ including front and rear bumpers, lhock absorbers,etc.â€"more than 3100 in extra equipment without extra cost. $1105 1205 1130 1105