1 1 5.. --,~.â€".\ Wadswow. 1». ‘...111.-q.. ' -.. . ._ .' .11, ,. ' .. .m"’.â€Â¢ 1 '“’ . . Paid Circulation Last Week 2795 â€"'O.-"- Ow -..- .. .‘flï¬wfl. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V01. XII. NO. 37 Attend This Meeting .1 111111111111; is called 111 11111 .\11111511 1115'1‘11111111115. 1111 \\'1111111151l:151. 111111111151. s11»! 13151. :11 «‘1 p.111.. 111 1'111'111 :1 1111111» ,‘11'1'141 111‘1111111Z1' 11111 i11\ .\‘1'11111'5 '. 1111111111.1:11111:~11'11pl:111. Mr. 11111411 "7....11'. who 1111.5 taken 511111 1111 ‘ 111‘15111‘111 51211'1 111 \I'111‘1{ 1111' 15151- 115115.. .f'1 111‘ 1111 1111515. 11:15 ;1 11111::111'11 }11:1tl T :1'11111s 111 [11111111511 11111111 :1111‘:1111~ .\11..Sl1:1\1' 11:15 1'1-11111'11151' 1'1-1111'111-11 _# 1111 11:11'1111. .\‘1â€"11' \‘111‘11'. \‘1111-11 '11111-: 1111. 1111111151111 11111111511 111 train- {111' 1111\'s‘ ‘11111'112. 1’1'1-‘(1111‘15 11111115 .\11'..Sl1.'11v 111111 . 1111155111111 11.5115 11.5:11'1'111111'11 112 1l11-11-111-l<.l111: 111111: 111'- ‘ I .1 .11 more deeply 11111-1'11s11-1l 111 2:11.- "1 1111111 11111‘111'11. l"111' s111111- 5111:11'5' 1.1- 11:15, 11111'11 11:11'1'51'11151: 1111 work -11111‘5 1111' 11111 ‘1‘11111111115 K. 111‘ 1‘. 11111 1111511111 111111 this was 11111 1111-111511'11 11313.11 111111 1‘111‘ Illt' S:ll1'.1' 111‘ 1111' 11115\'5 ‘ 1111111 1111' 111‘ 1111' ..1.1'. 11111 work 1.1111111 11111 111111 111111'111111111'11. St'iilil' -; 1111 1111 1111:11 (1111 11111'111.h11111511155111l ‘g11‘1111111111s 111111 111:11111'15 111 111115 1 s111'11 :15 1111' 1‘111111'1.‘.'1115'_."2 1'1‘1151'111‘ Ilotten, executive secretary 111’ the ‘."-.'1..11l1'1':1l‘1 1.111131111111‘ .\111111'11'.1; .‘vl11'1 .21-1'1‘1111151111111. llt‘ltl :Slfl'l'l'illl'5'1 ‘11‘ 1111' '.5,~‘(‘luh l"ed111'1111on: l‘ton'mn 1‘. S 111111111, 11.1111111111'11 5111-1'1'1111'y 111 1.11:1 111' 131'11111111'5 :11111 1111;- .S151111'5 111111' .‘i11‘1111l: ’1111'1'1ai'1l (‘1111-111111111. 5111-111 ‘11' 111‘ 11111 (‘11111'1'11 11‘1'1111111115 111'511.111' Boy Scouts 111' .\111111'11-11: 1‘. .1. ,‘\11'i11('t'l(1'. 11.1'111111111'11 111‘ 11111 W_ . 0 Q. 11 51111111 5111 I115151111. 51111111111115 1111111 NIB; Spring a Surprise on McIntyre Team 323 1100 Taken in on Wednesday and by Winning Three Straights. Fitzjohn Pluckily Plays Though Shoulder Frac- 1‘1115\' .\‘1'11111:5 ‘ 1 1 "lan to Organize Boy Scout Movement on Big Scale Here Meeting Called 1n the Moose H,all Timmins, for II ednes- day Evening, September 21st, at 8 0’ Clock. All Inter- ested in Boy Welfare and Geod Citizenship Urged to 5 . TIMMINs ONTARIO THt RsnAY, SEPT 1.3111 1112'.- lllMMlllS 5111111 10 1’11 5115115151111551115111, 111111 11111111111 111511 111 111115 1111155111 111’ ISIWflMINl To Give Musical Programme at the5 1 White Stoi‘ii‘ings. Black Skirt. Lady . Big Paper Town on Sunday ' Brown Coat and a Chic Hat Afternoon. Weather Per- " Lead to Man’ 3 Arrest mitting. ._.._._â€"â€"__. I 1111“ I1 5}" _\l11111.11 1-111111111: 1111- {1"1’11 111 1111111’ .\11‘11 511111 12.1'_\ 1111111'1‘ 51'1'111111. ’\\ 111'1'1' 151511111111 :11111 11111121115 1:1';:11111 li:1111l It‘ll 111 '1‘11111111115 ('111141-115' 11:151' :1 111111111111111'151' l 11111|51111~-;1111111!11 “'51“. 55 -. -...__.___. w-.._ -M..- .. _ -_,4. Fire Sunday Evening Caused 1 Good II ork of F ne Brigadeb Câ€"uâ€"l- DOCâ€"CMC-IOW- o m 5 Paid Circulation 11111518 1 1 Last Week 27 95 PRICE FIVE CENTS -w-..â€"â€".._._._.â€"_._..~ 4...â€; __ ...._.--_- .. _ “. ..--.._ .s... -.......__.. --..- .. H... WM-..- $5000 Loss in Short T ime Saved 1IIoreS erious Damage When FireS . Started in Frame Structure on Third Ave- nue. Blaze Had Much Headway in Light Structure II'hen Discovered l , , _ 5 _ _ 5 5 55 5 5 5 1 5 511;;|1< 5555 5555555555.. 55555] #555. 55 5. 1_1.5.5j1;1l:11'1111111 1151 :1 111.111 111:1515111'1'1111111: 11$ :1. 5 5 5 . 55. 5 5, 5 555 5 5 5 5.5 5 5 5' 5 5 5 5 , 5 55 .\1111‘1‘11'1‘1. 1355555515153. 5’. 1} !)5-(\'5-f.51“ 55155 lliil‘k 551.55.“ 1111‘ 1111‘ 55:55:5‘5115_‘5 55 5'1I'1111151H, \ 5555. 55555“. “5‘55,“5; 5 5115111111} t“1I'11111‘_' .1. 5.1“. 111151111115‘111 1‘: "l\1511 1'1 11111 1'1.. 111" 11111.1‘. 5 l 1‘ 11.1 11'111 5111'1'1'111l'_\ l\.11! .1111\ 1111' 551111. 11'5“. 555 555.115 555 15555 5’5555â€. '1‘11\\!’1. (11"11'.1‘;1'1l 1111' 1'11111511111111 \I'uS '~1‘111 111 l!" ' “‘1‘ 1111111 ‘1‘“ ““““““ “H“, .\‘H‘ .1“. “‘ 1‘1““ 111:!‘115 ““\‘.“5“ ““5 ““1 H‘ “H‘ ‘l ‘H ““1 “' ““11“ “"'\““" “1 ‘l““‘ “““‘ 1““: 511'11\.11115 \lSlls 111 1111- l":1llS. 1111' ‘1‘1111 ‘ 11111111 111 1:11' .11115. 111 1111111'31' .\111 ““““““ “ “‘1‘“ ““H‘V‘l 1“ 1“ ““V ““111†“' ““11““111†11“"1'131.\“‘- 5 l l 1 l 1 1‘1‘111111 ’ 1 11.111111.- 1 ‘53“ ‘5“"","“““.\‘ “‘ ““‘5 ‘ “‘1“ ‘ 5 55 51111115 1‘1111111 11'115 111111111 appreciated ‘1. 511111‘11'. :1 5111111. who 15 past the age 111‘ ""“"""‘“"“‘ â€1‘“ 51-11'1'111 “““"" A“ 111.11 51111151111 111111'11 111111 11111111 11111111111 1111'11551-5 11'. 51111111 1‘111'11' 1'11111'5. 111-11121" """““‘ “11““ 51““‘55 “‘1‘†‘""“““ “PM ‘1111111‘15 11‘111'1' 14111111 1'111'1111' 1111.111 1111.1111'111:1~: ,11151 ‘ 51:11111111'.‘ 1111 .\‘1‘111-11\' 511'111-1. “““" “H‘ ““H" 1 11111111111: “"“M “P “H ‘ 11111511- 1‘111'111‘5‘11111. X11 111111111 111‘1"1'111. ‘1111 was :1 51:91 1111'11115'1' 1111111 11‘ 1151115. 111111741111 5111111 111‘ 11111 111151 Scouts 5555 555555 5555 5555, '1‘11111111111111'1 11111 - 1111111 1111111 111;:‘. "111'1'11 111111'1' 51'1‘11111.S. 111111111111 111' 11111 :11111'111. 11.11 11.11.: 11115 111 '51'1'11141'1155'. 11111111111115 l1155111:111.'é~':'1.1'1“‘. .\1 1'11111'1'11 1'1'11111 111111'11 11'1'11‘1 1'1'111‘. 11 1111111111111'1111111' \\1111111.1_'.1‘ 11111 51111111511 £11111 1‘11-1'11. 111'1' 111'114‘11111'. :11111 with :1'15 the results 1111511111 11:11. 1111111 11111111 11111115. 11' 1:11111'11111' tl‘yt'l‘ 1.. ll 111111.‘1 the tire. 1111111' 11111111'11111' "1\ 51'11111' 111‘ 1111111151 I The 111'1' \1'115111 11.1 ‘ , , . . 5 , “11111'1 111; Sunday 11111 1111 11151::1li_1. 115131111 1,5111'1- 111' 11111111'11'1s11. 55. , , ., , 5 l 11111'1'111'5.5111-11'11115 11111.1111111-1'111':‘1|llI/-'.5.;.555.55 \ .5}. 5.5. 5.5.1|,.5.15,555 .55115 .5-,.5.55.»5 1551515. 15.1.5 55.55. 55.55 555- 5555, 5 1114111 Home 511'111'1111'11 1111115111111 111111: 1.11111 11:11'111 11:15 11:1114111' 111 11111 5111112» . 11 . . . 1 1 1- . \ ‘ 1 . 1 ~11 1 I t 1 . . . .5 1 ' . ‘. ' . ‘ 1. - .g ,1. '1 ‘ 1 . . 5 51 â€" 5 . . . . ‘g‘1 '\ ' , ‘ '5 5, . . - 5 5. l5 .‘ 5 ‘ 51' I . . 5" “‘ “H“ ““““. “““ “H “ ‘5"“‘f‘ 5“ 51:111'1'11 up 1111' 1111- 111115111115 1'1111. 1111.115 1111'111111 1:11'111151 111111 11111111 111111 111111 :15 ““‘ ".\ 1‘" (“5'1‘111‘ 1‘1 [115 â€.5 1â€; 11“" "111‘s 1’ 1 1 l\1‘-11 11115111111 1‘1’1111111 """fl15. all 11111111." 11111 51111111 11111'.1'. 111. 55\55‘5555\.55555 555-5555555553 5555 51555 1111 555555 5555 55 5555555. 55555555 5555 55555.5, 55 45555.5 11111 .\11-1‘1'11'1 l11111111:111t :511111 l':1111"j. and his :1111111511'1514'111111511115111111151111111111'51' "‘11“: 111" ““1“" 1’1"’5‘“â€â€œlâ€â€œ" “““ 111 1'11S1' 111‘ 1':1111 111' cold weather S1111~‘511'11'111l11::1'1;111:1111'11111111111111111111111 < ("“â€â€˜l" 51‘1“†““11 ‘11’-‘11â€1'5 113' 1111' 111 511'11111115 111 water 1111 1 :11 11.111. 11:11'.~; 1 11‘ 1" - ‘1 “ 1 ‘\\ “"" - 1 ' - ‘ )‘ II' ‘ " I 1‘1 " ' l 1,. ‘ ' 1!‘ ‘1 . ' x 1' 7 1 ‘ 11'11".-- 1.1.111 1115;111111 115. .151111 .1 1151 5555555 55555555555555 55555 555555555555 55 555 5555 5:55 ‘5 555.5555“ 5555555 555- 5-555‘55- 5555 15555 5555\555455 1.115111 11 111111. 1111 1111 51.1111511 111 511111 511111.. .11111 11111: 1.111 .111 .111. .1. 1. -"‘“ “1‘“ “""““““““'1" 1““ "“““““‘ 11111 111 1111- 1111111 1111.11. The ‘1'11111111‘111111'1115111'1'11 111211111111111'11115111's1111111111 “,“HI' ““‘ “ “““““‘ “‘ ..‘ “‘ “‘.“““.‘ 111'-.1' ““"“‘ 1111115151111111151111 .. “““1h “““““ ““ “““M‘ “ ““““““ “‘1‘ ‘ 11111111 1111111111 111 l‘1'1151111 '1 >11111-1'111111111111'11 1111 :1 51:111'111‘ 111111! 1111111 1111111- 1 ‘11" rooms “1"â€1 11"“ 11111‘1'11111'1'111Sl111‘ 1‘ .\11'. l . . . 115111111.1115::1':111.1.1311111511." gfl;1111,;1111155 â€1111 s11 1111' \\‘lil'11' \I‘Hlll‘l 1’“ ‘.,-55555] 551-55.,-5-.55555555. 5'555 5.555 555.5..5555555 ‘ 5:55555555503 T1555 “.55.“. 555555 55555 5555 11111 1'\11111111 11111 \\';15\‘ 1111' 11111S1111‘ 112 ‘ 1111' 11115 .\111‘11‘1‘1'11 111511'11'1. 1111:1511'1‘11'11 “"'“‘““““““' “““M‘ “““““ ““ 1'1111111 1 1111 11111 11111111' 11'1111111111 11111111111115 1111 1111' 111111111 111' 111111111 '1 11111 111111 1111..1\ 1-11'1111111' 11:1-. 11111'111'11 511:":‘1'S‘1 ‘ 111111 1111' 11111111111111111 11'-.1111 \11'11 1.151111;11'-1.:111~1' 5 5 . 5 . 5' . 5 5. . 55 1 5 1 11 . . . _ 5 ‘ 1 5 5 5 5.. 11 .1 .- 1 ..| . 5 5 .5 \55 ‘ .1 5 1 ‘ 5\ 555 5 5 â€5 ‘5; ‘ '5 ‘5 31.1 55.5..55" 5 1‘“ “H "‘5Ԡ1†““‘ “‘ “““‘ “‘ ““ 511111 11111111 11111 1111111111111 1111551151'11111111311511125. which 15 1111'. 1:151:111111111111 :11151 1‘“ ""'.\_ “‘1“ "‘11‘†“"1 ‘1‘" .111115 1'†15"" "1'1‘ â€11111-13 "_ “1 1‘1 5'5511" '5“ H“â€1"" ‘1““““““ ““V“ ““““‘ “P 1111 the l".'1‘115 '11111 11111 111-1111111- 211111 :1' 1:11111'11. '1‘111111 111111111 111111 11111111111 all 11111411111 its way 111511111. 11111 11111511 111 ,:1111. 1111111 11.-151' 111 111111-11 1111- 111111111115 11111l{111l:11‘11-r111 11111111117111111115 like 1111 55.555555,†5551 5555, “55.555 5 5555p- .555. 5 5155.5... 555.5- (;5.555..,5.'5‘. 55555.55 555555 555555.555“ 11111 111511111 111 11111 11111111111}: ‘15 1111:1111'1111'1'1111111 11111111111 :1 111'11 .\1111151'. 111111‘:111:11li:11111'111111 :11111 111 555,55555551555 55555.55 555555.555555555, 555555-55 555555555555 5555 111111 _5 1111: "1111 :11111 1111- 11111111111' 1.11111; 111']. 1111-1“; 111.1 11115 1;.111 .111111 551111111 _' 1‘;1‘.I,'.'llll‘, 11114111114“ 111‘ 1111‘\(1 tllllt't‘ 1)]‘45 __‘“___ __v_ 5 _._.. ‘11;'5555111(1 in 5' 5\ ‘tJ.l\ .v5\\ 1.155 55:151_‘i5â€â€151 1111111 [‘55. â€"51 5\\'5.555 â€15555:: 5‘555551‘15\ 1:55“! (.551. 5.5“! 51 55 5 ‘1lI 5 55. :5115\ 1111111‘5111HI1 '_'§1lli/..’11111115 11:11'1111;11511115151111 111'11 1'11- VI’ET.»r 3H SOCIETY DANCE ON ‘ H11111'111'11111115111111111111'1111111 111111 11"““"‘“ 11“"7' '1“1“""1l“" 11"“ “1‘“ 1‘ 1‘“ ‘11“""“ ‘“‘ ' 1' ‘11 111“ ‘1‘-11‘3â€"‘1'11‘ . . . ‘ A “ - - . l '1 1: 11111“l1'1‘\111'11!1III'11\’:11 1.1 11111 [11:111. [1111; FRIDAY EVENING5 SEPT. 1115 0555 '1‘1111111' 5555 55555 55555 “5*“ 111111» 1111:;1111. 111111 5511'111'111 1111'1\ 1'211111111‘. .15 ; “1111111 111 111111111. 111111'1- 11.15, 1.1.»- “““‘“ H“ “H‘ “‘(“““‘L“ \\‘1111111'.S‘11:15\' 3111\1 \‘ l1 ‘l‘ \\j ‘ l" S; ' 1'1 11'11"111 (111111"'1' 111'1111' 1"1‘1111'1' 1'111'1‘1151'11 1111-111â€: \111‘111 111111' 1111' '11' 1111' 1'1'11‘1\'1l~ 1":1t‘\'1'l'. 11155 11'11111 \\';111'l‘ :11111 5111111111. 1.111 ‘ 5 . . _ 5 5 5‘ 5 5 \ 1 1 . _ t 1 1 1 . ‘ . 5 5 ' 5 . 5 . . . 5 5; 111 1111'111 g1 11111151111'111'5‘1' 1'1111‘11111111111 11,1 ’ " “‘5“ ‘ “\" '5‘" ‘5‘ “ “ ““5|.5555] 5555.555554555555. 55155155.- _55 5555, 5555555,“ 5111111 111:15\' 11111 11:1\ 1' 111111'11 ll :11 111's . l 1111:11 11:1lll:11;1' 111'-111'; I'S111111111'11 :lS .‘1~ 5 IV 2 ' \ “a.- 1 ‘ .I 1.‘ 1 -1 ‘ 51\\ 1 5‘ 1 ‘Q ‘ , ‘5 5 5 5 ‘. 5 5 5 ‘5 ' :5- 5.5 ‘ 55 . 1:117 11111 511:1.11 111111111' 1.'.':1\', 1111' 111'S‘1“““1‘ ‘ “‘i “‘ “‘ “““ ““55 ‘5“ “ 5511111111'111111'1‘111 1111111'1'11111 “1111‘!†555 1.111 1'11551111511 111 11111 111111111111 11115 1111'5111111111 331.1111111111. 1.111 1‘111111-111 1 1111 5 . ' 151 1 1 '15 1 ~ -1 ' 15' . 1 1 - " 1 . \ 1 ' ‘ _. v ‘ 1 I ' , " . __ , \:l\' 555 ‘55 ‘111‘7111\‘11111L'1‘S<'1 555 55 555 555 .5 .111 15115115\.11511. 511‘ 11111.!) \ 1.. 11 5115111\ 5 5 11111 11 11) 1110 551555515†llllS‘ \vak 5151:1151: 1111111111. 1121115 :11111 1155 51555-55 1:511:1111111'111 11:1 3115111'31‘1-13 11511 1111551; 1115mm ' W." E ‘ 51': 1 .' 1 ' 1 1‘“ ‘ ‘ .. . '1 . I . . . . .. 1 . . .: 15 1111:11 111'. S11: 111 1.1111: 1111 11 111 1111â€" "J†H“ ‘ “‘1 M “ ‘1“ ‘ ‘1‘1 “‘lH‘i‘ ‘ ‘1\‘11111' "'1‘ 1111111111 1-11ul1l 11:11'1111' '11'1'.1\-t ""’l\ 1‘11" ‘1‘11112 1111' 1111:111111151111. 51'.~11111.111'11 1111111 .15 111111111s. I11111-51 . 11 o ‘l ‘ ‘5’ 5 5‘ 5‘ .51 55‘ A Ill I ( - 5 ‘ . ‘ l 5 .. . 5 5, . . ‘ 5 ‘ 1:111. .\11111111111111111111111'11151111111111'11 11 “““ ,‘H ““ ,‘ 5““ ‘\\."‘5 5“ \1“ ‘.‘ ‘H ‘ ‘ 5‘.“.‘ J55“. 551.5‘55555.5-.55[5.51 5'555. 555511155555... .55 l5e- '\1'l'. 111:1111' :1 1'1'1'111'11 111 1111‘ 1:11'1111:1 [S1111'l1. 1.:11111'11 :11 51.1.1111“. 1115111:1111':' . . - . :::1~11:1'1'5111 111' 1'51 .111'11'11' 1111 ‘1'1 “ ‘ ‘ “ “ ' “' .-. ' . <1 - -I. . .11: - -I. .' "1"1-111 - ‘ g» 5.". 1 1‘ 111111 .11 1::1' 1111111111114. 511 :ill 11:11'1'1'111-1li 5 1\ 55 55515 5555 ...5 “\55 . 555 \35555 55555 (45.54555. 55 â€55555.5â€.5 555555 5555, 1111151511115 1 \111 11111 1151 1111 11:511 111.111111 1.11 . 51.415111 5.1-1 . 11, .1151 .51 11115151 151, 5., 5 , 5 5 _ 5 555 ;,55 5 5 ‘ ‘ ““‘ _“"‘ “““é' ' " 55“ " 5 1"11111 .55.55.5555,55 555.5555. .5555 5,5,55,55555 .555 11'1-1'11111111111511111.11'111-111111'1111111113'111'1'111'. [Met111'111111'11'.111111111'111 111111111111111153. 1.11- 1. -‘ 1,1 1 .I 1.. 1 l -. _' 1 1 '1 ' 1. 1 ‘ 11 ’ 1 ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ' " 1 . 1 - 1 1 . , 111 1151 \1111'11' ‘1'1 1‘ "’11‘“ “"1 1111 1\1111 ‘.\111 11. 111111 111 111* 11'111111'1 ‘ - . ‘ ‘ .‘ ' ll 1 11 11° '1 l 11 ' l '11.-1\' 1'; 11.-11- ..1 ~4s1111111‘11’1'l ' 51.111'1 . . 5. 5 ' 5 , . ' 5, 5 ‘111i(1‘-l(. ()‘('I1(‘111(l111 111 \Tilit:1â€d11111 15(5‘)"1111( 11\ \I 11" l\\1111\ ‘. 1‘1 \11 11111. '1 5 H IIIII 111.11I ' . '. o v . .l)\‘. ' L.‘ . 1'lll/.1‘llSlll]1 511111141 Illillx'i' .‘t 5511'1'111151'11'5111'1'1‘11zl‘1111ll 111111. 111‘11'1‘S111111'll1S1 ‘ .' ' . ' F ‘ . p.555 5., .., . 55 , 55 5h, <55 _ 5115551555.!“ [)1- .1- (‘11 1115'15...55,5, 44g_ 5 . 5 5 5 5 55 55 555 5 5. 555 55 5 555 55 _55~511111,' 111 Lit‘llt'l'1‘11 1101111111151111151155155551055." 111.111 1. 11111 5111111151 51 .1 5 1 .151111 - _ 5 1 1 5.1-1_ ., 1. .1 1 . 1 11111111; present :11 \‘111111111s11:11\1l 11" >1 1‘11 1 111111; 1-1 1-111.11_..1..1.5 ‘ ‘ 111.. 151111 111111 1111111111: \1'1111 will 11111 1.111111._:1111 111ss.$;)1ltl.(111. 11111 11 . - - 1" 51:111111111151111'1111'11111111-11111 1111.5 51:11‘111'1l'l 111151 111‘ 111115111 1‘111'15 . 5, 5 1111' 111111111: 1111,151'11111'. 11111 1111 11111 1111' 11:1111'1111â€. .11'11 Q 111...... 11.111.‘ 111111111151; - 1111111111151; 111 1111- ‘1 l zoomnnr AND FOLK DANCING 5 1 1.11:51 week two ',l_‘11r1111111 yours-1' 1111111 purchased l"1:1rd 111' 111111 vintage, 111 'l‘oronto, and utter trying out their 1111\1' ['11'15511ss11111 111 the 111111.111hourhood 1111' that city, tried their luck in newer 11111115. arriving 111 '1‘11111111115 the early part ot.‘ this. week, 11111 $411 l"or11 still running: and doing 1x111ll ent service on 211â€"11111115â€"10â€"1111'-gallon 111 The 111un5c,r 111111 who are students at Uni~ 11151151'111Toronto, left here \Iednes- 111111 1111111111 111 11115 5111111 P1115 15151 1111115 AT SOUTH PORCUFII‘.‘ E National 1‘11'1'1111111111 1115;11'1111'1‘ \\'1111 1111' 1111'1111511‘11 111‘ 11111111111111 1.11111111' 1.1111111 '1‘1 11111} 1111 \55111111111111‘5 111'11111-11 in .South 1’111'111511111111111 111115111111111111 the .\1: 1111~111- 11111111111'1 South 1’111'1111111'11'. 11111 â€'1111115'111151 1-1e11111; 1111.11. .S1 pt . 221111. lat 5.3111 p.111. :1 1111151 :1111':11111v11 pro- 1111111111151; .\1111111111111 1‘1111 51'111111‘1 11}(‘ 1)" " 5_L 5. More Likely To- day. Tuesday’ s Amount was 811,000 .u. â€â€™.â€"fl-“ .â€" M-_-â€" .___..â€"... . _-..â€"_ __._. .7... __.. __._ -w-w.___. -_- tured ‘1‘11â€"111151' 1‘1‘11111'511115‘1'1 i5 1111' 1:151 11:151' 5141211111111: 111' 11111511:. 11:1111'11111' 111111 other day 11111111111151, and last 1'11 ports (11 their . 1111'1.1111111111111111: 111'1111-111'51 111511111111111? 1111111'11111111111111. 'l‘he 1'11lk 11:1111-115 111'11 111111111155 511111111 111111 they were still \" ““11“ ""“"“‘ “"1†1‘" “l“ 111' 1‘13? 1:1\’1-s '11111111 11111 1111111111 511111~ sure to 1111 111' 111:151111111111:11111-1'1151. travelline'1111,11'1'111' aloni: over 17111 1-51-5111111 1.““"““ “3‘“ .“““ ‘1‘“ 111.11115111111: :1111'111'1'1 11.11 111.1111 ‘1‘111 1'11 1111511111111 H 111111111 the 11:.511'1111111111111 111111 1'111':11 “:.l.111'â€"1 1'111' through 11111 hush 111 515:5» ol the 11111115111111111151-1' 1111511111111 555 555555 45.515555 555 1'1.\ 55555 5- 5155- 11'11111 55555.5. 55515 515152151 5111 .Shilline'ton. ‘ 1 and 11111 11’. \. Mclunis trophy ‘1‘1111 .\11-111151'1'11 11'11111. 111‘ 11'11111111'5 111' 11115 Northern L'soup. Went 111 (‘11111111 11151 111-1111' 111 _»:.'1_1 11111 11111115, 111111 the Silver '1-11111 sprung a surprise, 1111111111;-r three ~‘1'::11."l11 5211111115. .\111111151'1'11 111111 won ":1 1".111 1 . 1111:111' ‘11?' 11111 5\'1:11‘. S1-11111111111h111', Lillllt‘S 1‘111111'11‘ l l l 1 l . , 1111151111'.‘ :11 111111111115 and seem» :1 1111 :11111111111111111151111111111111.S111'e1'1‘1111â€"‘ 1.1111 (‘11- ‘1'11 11115115. 11 1111111111 like :1 sure '111' .\1‘11111151'1'11. However, at "1:111 Silver Centre won the lirst 11111 11111151111111 :151111111'111 1111.51. 1111'1'1 11:11'11 21111111111111; :1 111‘.1’111111. \\111111151i'1\‘5 1111111 1111' .Sil111' :11111 ‘1‘11111'511115' was :1 33 111 5‘ 11‘5:1st111' 1‘111' .\11-1111y'11'. T1111 1111.11 111.11 1111-1111115;r 5111111111 was played .1‘. 1.31.1113. '11-:11-111111 Saturday;S111'111't‘1'1111'111111p ' 15111-1. 111 this 511111111: the M11111- "11'11‘5 11111'11 luck was capped 11y Fit/â€" 1111111' 1'11-1'1'11 11:111hc' ':5 5111111111111' 1111 [1111111111 St 111111 111 311- 1.1111111; 111111'11'111'. despite 111.5 1111111 €1.115111111111111'.:1111l111111.11111151 11'115111.11 his 11111111 111:11115 learned ‘1115‘ 1115111111. .Sil'1'111'1'11111 111111111: ahility, while 111 .\11'111151'1'11 111.51 1111' 41111111 1111511 11 111 11 t ‘ 1'111 1“ I ..1l 51".111. 11‘111‘11 1".â€1'11 511111-X11'111 111‘ 5 . '1'1";1'1'111'1l -1 three 11111111111'5' 111111 1111 the play. put 1151 :1 1-111111-5151'111' $1111" 1111' 11:151-11:1ll 1111111' 1' '11-11111 "-'.5\ 1'1' 1:111S 111:11 11111111 1111' ~11111'.1"5 111115 11111111'}‘ 111! .411". PROFUSION OF FLOWERS AT FUNERAL LAST WEEK 11111111'111 last week 111' the daughter 111' Mr. and Phillips, 111 (‘11111111111'1-1111 111111111, 11:15. 11 111'111‘us11111 111 1-111111 1111 11111111 1'15. .\111111151: those send- 11111111 11111'111 trihutes weie: Mrs \i 1111‘ .1'-511111211111 ."111'5. IV. 11. 111'1‘1' 1 ‘11-111111111, \1111111111 Clerinont,1111011111 '21-111111111. "\111'11111111 .Stadelinan, Mr. .1.11 Mrs Hardy and 111111111. Mr. and .‘111'5'. 1'. .\ . 11111111. Mr. and Mrs. 11115- 12.‘ 11:11:11. Mr. and Mrs. (, uthh1r1s1111, ~‘1'. :11111 Mrs. .\‘11'11151111. Mr. and Mrs. I 11111 1"11l11111:111. Mr. and Mrs. 1’. ..let‘~ 11151, Ward :11111 Marjorie .\111111. -\1111 31 11111111,.Il1. 11:1 \Ikitis1111,I\.-1\. '11111111111'. Ml. 111111 .\lt‘S. (111111'1' .\lnul't‘. 15:11 and Marion Sheridan. Mr. and “131's. \1. 11. Smut, Mi. and .\115. 1.. E. .1111°\\‘:15\'. Mi‘. and Mrs, ti. ll. (i:111111111°.1 111'. and Mrs. .Severt and Claire. Mrs. Fatlur and Mothei and '1-:1:i11. 'l‘iminins; Grandma and Jean 1111 Jacqueline: Mr. 111111 Mrs. 1". C. 111115. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Morgan. 111'. and Mrs. l’ullin and Doris, Mr. '.11 Mrs. 1Mclntosh. Mr. and Mrs. :111'1115' Melnnis. Porcupine Chapter :1s11'11'11 Star. 11111 Pearce family, Mr. :111 Mrs. Fairliurst. .South Porcupine: Nehekah Lodge. No. 1117. Cobalt: Mrs. ‘1‘».1'Laug'111111 111111 family. 01' t'ohalt. 3' (1st1'11551'1'. Mr. Homer L. Gibson, of Toronto, 11s. a Timmins visitor at the end of .5: 11111111 and the early part of this 1 11;. 13'1'1111'5. ‘1‘1111 211111115 :11‘11 1111.51'1'1111111 :15'E “.1111 1111511111111 111' 11111511 who .51111' 1111111. 1.11 1111111111 1.511111111111111 111111 1111-111-1. 11111 .11....‘1 1111': 11115 11111111 11111111115: 1151111'11111'1111114'11 .1111151; '1‘11115111151‘. 111111'11 11’115111'111'341 i'racturine' . . :1111111" 1 1111111' rush. 11111 11111141151 111111 1111111'. 1.111111 1:111'1111 1'11111'1'1111'1‘111111111'11. “.1111- :l 11.\'1'1155 111‘ 5423511110 11151 1111_\‘ 11111111111 instalment. 11 15 1111' 1111 t:1\'115. 11111 11:1).11111111111 . 5 5 11'111'11 11:15 111W}: 11111'1' 1'11' 1‘1'111'111‘11 11111511111 1111' Fire Brigade Captains to lnspect Business Places 11: 1151' Tax was 11111 111'5‘. 1111'1‘1' 1‘11-1l:1_1' 111111151; 1 . 5'11:.111_1' 1111' 1111' .. â€w. _â€"â€"~â€"â€"___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘ W 111111111111 111111 1111111511115 [1111 HE 11111 1111111111 Illtllllllll 111 11111115115111 11111111 111 55111115111118 ._.__.___. Showings Reported. and Good Crowd at Golden City for Event Yesterday, Despite the Rain. Many Noteworthy Features Good Cepper Reports About Aconda Make Big Impression in Reviving 1 litterest in Kamiskotia , 5 . - . .South 1111'1-111111111. lath. Speâ€" 1 .\1 11111 111'1'51'111 time there 1.5 :1 1'111'1'101111 111 '1‘111'1-1\dvance. [\‘unlis- 1 Even the untavourahlo weather yesâ€" s1-511. general revival 111' 1111‘111'1151 111 kotia This is spreiallv true 111' tl1111terdav failed to (101111'111-1t11l5v spoil the \‘oit 11. :11111 511-11151111111-1111'111' '1‘11111111115' 151’11111115111111l":111':11111111111111.‘11y.though .-\111111 111 11115 new 111111'1115‘1 111111 1111131511-1'11111111' 11111 event 1111511111111 11 '11 '11:; 1'11111115 11'11111 11111 active 111111'51' 111 1111-‘11'111'1' 1121.1. 111‘S11111' 1111' 1:11.31 11"11‘ .\1111111111 Mines. 111111111111. 111111 the \\:15:11r11111l11'1111'11111:1111111111111'1'. .-'1 1111511111111 area. This entry 1111111111111 11'1111 111\\:11'11.51"'\111111,1.r. 11111111111111 1:111 1151-11111 1111111111 .1'1'11111 :1 group 111‘ experi~ cling 111 111111111'1111'5' and 111111111111 1111111111 111111 11111111111g'11111111'5. .\111111111111â€" 11'0111'111111111115, S1lmm11111'1 111111 S1111 '111 exploration and 1111'1-1111111111111 plan Pmcupine. 1.5 :11: '111111111 1111' 111111-\111111la 5 l\1111115- The exhihits W't'lt'imml,111111151;11 11111 11111111 pr11p11'11'. .\11'11111151. 11111'111 1111111 disliltns welc naturallv 1111"1:11111l :11 1111111 51111{111111'11511115 1‘1'11111 worl; 111111 the W1.1.‘tt111;1‘.1 The (.\‘1111111s 111':‘11'-1~'"‘1 511.l11111 S511ctacular samples 111‘ 11.11 produce and 111111'1'11s were 11111'111111111. 1 1-\11111-11'.l that 111111111115 records 11115 , . ~ 5555- 5, 55,555 1. “515555555 5.55 .55, 5 5555, ,5 . II ill Familiarize Themselves IVith Premises, and See That511.......... .11....111111111111 1.1-1. 1-1- 1111111111 111' 1111... .111. 1. 11 1111511 (‘\ ‘ ‘ '1‘ ‘1 ‘ - I1 1 . 1 1 r-S . . . . 5 5 ‘0 . 5. 5 u 11 .. 5 . .1 , , 5 5*, 5 ‘ ,5 55 ‘(5.\« 11111 111‘ 11111 1:111:11 tux-payers 11:11'11 51111111 I" ire. lEiSkS Are KCDt DOIVII. BUSineSS lVIen ShOllld Give 1111111’11. \\ 1111 1111'5141111111.1l 5..1.11l1 111 1111- \\ 1111 “1511. 11111111.s 111.1115 1111115515111 155. , - . . , ‘ .1 . ',.,-..- 1 . ‘111111-11 1'11111111' than the 111111111 1111111. 11117.05). 1:11 :1 :11'11'1111111111111'11 111111 1'11: 1111 1115H 51155151111511111. 1111151111 111â€"5'» 15 Every Co- operation. Other Business Before Meeting "of 55555 555 ,5 555 5555555 55.5555 55. 5.5, 555...... 5.....55 .,..,.,..5..5,,.. “.5... p: 11..-. .- â€5555‘ \\1 lxt ‘ H‘ 5“ 111~1 NY. 55‘. 5 555 5) , .11 5,11 1 11 ' . 1 1 ..1 15,. -- 51 1 .15... h 5 1.51 11.11- .555 555 555.15 5.555.. 5555.35.55 .5 555.51 1 the TOW“ COUHCII 0“ TUQSday Afternoon 111:111111'11115 111'1'11 1.111'1111 11111 111' 11111 11111- piece. Mrs. 11. l1’:1ps1-v. .Si'.. 111111 :1111-1- 5. ‘ ( 5 l 1- t I 5 ___- ‘ ' ' 1‘- '1, '1" '1} 1‘ Q} 1'1 I‘II" \ , - _, '. .,5., .. ._1 , . . 1111 11.1",111 111111'11 111-11 11112515111111 11 111115 1111111111111511111'11111. 111'11 1 1 -_ 11111-5 1.111111 5-1 111115111“ 1 111’“ " ‘ 1‘ 1’51'.\ 5 The regular meeting 111 the 10111115111: 11011.11] 1 1111 1111111. Only in v11rv‘555m5 5155 â€5515.55.1-5_5- 151“ e.,5555.5:5555.. ‘5.-5.. 11111 11.11111111111111. T111111 11'11111 111 111111'1115 â€1.: 1111‘ 1“" ’11‘111111115‘5111‘ "1_"â€"“- ""“1 11111111111], scheduled for Monday, 1111 511x1'eptional 1111:5115 could anvthinu' 11lse1 _ . , ' ".5 -‘.. 1 1 1 . | 11.1.1 t. 1 111‘ 111111 1111111'11' 1'11-1111111 111 ? â€'11-1111111111 11151 c....'5 - . 1 11'1.Ill\ 111'11111 1\.11111.5111111.1. 1'11"}11111'1111 111 [“111 11) 1 1 '11“ 11 11' 1 '11-5 11 ' ' â€" 5- not 1111.111 owlne' to lack 01; a quorum,111111111111. - ., 111 1 ‘ T} 1 l l ' 1- ‘11 wood 11151'1111111111 1111111 111111 111111 1111151 11 ( 1 1) t } 1 '5 1'" 1111.11151 “‘1“““"“‘ “““‘ “H ““H‘ ““ “ 11111111 “ “‘1‘ "‘ “I “H‘ “ 111511111 11111 '1111111111’ 111' 11111 '1 111111 1111111 51311115111111â€; 311‘015131“ 11i ( ‘1Ԡant l ““‘ ’1‘“"11Ull (’1 the S1190611113411j 0f} 111111111 111 1121111 1'111'1'1'11'2111‘111111 :11111 11111131“; 511N111. “11‘-1 “ ‘1‘ ""1111 ‘1‘“ 1"" 151.111-1‘1‘51 \\'111111.-\1‘5-5\ 115.. 1-5\' 1111111-1-_ l 5111\(11 10111151110111 111(31an t 11: on \ mem- 11““ 1"“1â€"““l 3mm“ \311(’“-" 01- 1-71‘511'ts Of1‘5 111 111111 1.511: 11 l\..111151111111 \\ ill make 11111111 5 '1 1111,21“ HS 111 S1111111 p1'e111111-S 3““1“? ‘ 5.5.5 5555. 5,55,5- 1'5,55. 55 .5155 55.5\. 55,5. '5 ‘018 plesent uesday aitcinoon,‘ Tisdale to the town 11 as attain dis- 5.1.5.. .15â€, "lhit will 1111;11515551111 1 15111111 prize 11111111111 that won 1'1'11'1' genâ€" \ ' I: \“l 1' 1 t . 1 1 . , 1‘“ - . . ‘ 5 5 5 5 _. 5 5 5 ' 5 5 llOIIC\:Cl‘,i illCIC IIIIS 11 “1001an or 1.11014115‘5d5’51‘h51 “51555151 \\-:5.; 1551;“.(15l 111 551511 H1555 . 55,. W55“ . (I 555 (5555 “1.1111111111151 5‘51 “55555.55 \\-‘.5\- 5}“, 5.5551545555155511 5511515.†11"‘1" “1'“ 1'†‘1" “1'11 “1‘“ l“ 1““ â€â€˜1“ ' ‘ council with Mayor 1" l lon1r1noie‘ - 1 ‘ ' ' ‘ “1“" “1‘ ‘1“ 11' 11' 1 ' ’ ' 11111111 111 1111' '11111'11‘1'11‘111' 11111111'11111- 1311-1; ' ‘ 1 . l ‘f J“ J.’ " 5 111311111“ 01 11â€? 111111111†"“11â€â€1111‘1‘1 ‘1 1111 :11111 11111 1'1'1111111 111.51.1‘11'1. 51’1'1'11 11"l-"1“l“~ 1111'1'11511111' 1““““" “ '11': -1-‘ '1' 1‘1 he 1'11151'11‘ 1'111' "111F‘1-1lh'-‘ 1? “‘9 1:11:1'11', and (5101111011101'5 “' .J ‘1l'1’W1'l' 111 1'11111121' 111111115151 111 :1111'111‘1 1111 1111111 11111111111 owed :11111 11111111111111 111 1. 15 1 1111.1 1 1 1' l ' ‘ 1...:11's1111. II. 11. 1’1'11’1'11111'11 111111 I)1‘.1 5 . 1.....5 ' . l \5 p “'. ' . 5' '[1 .. ' .. l1111111'11' '5' 1 5 1‘ N ‘1‘“ pomts. |CONIAURUM SHAREHOLDERS ' " " “1“ ' †11111111111. ' ' .111'11 iresen . 1 . " . '. .1 ~ -- 3- - ws- ~ ~ -- - â€" 5 5'55 1 5 15 .\1'1'11111115 were 111'11111'1111 pald. pay-15 APPROVE OF BOND ISSUE 111“ 1 â€1‘ .\ “““‘ “' 1“†““ H ‘1‘ THE SIGN ON THE OLD CAR :5 111111'11 were many 111111111115: 01 more 5.55555. 55555555,“ 555555 555155â€. 5.5555555“, 555.55_5 11111111 11111111 11111 work 111'1 1111 vounu- - 1 ' 1" '1 . i ' 1 A‘ '. ‘ . 1 .1 '1 ‘ 1 1 ' TOLD THE STRAIGHT TRUTH ‘5 “1 “ 5" 1“â€51';“ 1511‘151‘1111115 “51'†51111511115 dealt with. .-\ 111111111111' 01 watel5 5\ 5151\‘55.555.l5 5.5.S55.5.5155\. 55.55555 51555 551115 1111111111111 1ill."lh1 511111 11111 1.111, â€__5__ 5 511111111151 51111 11171115111» 15111 11.11 5151 1.1115 5.5555. 55.153505 5505.5. 55555155,5-j,5.51 “‘1111‘1‘011'1111111111115 5555,55, ‘555555 555 55 “5555555“: 5 do 1'1111115 11v l.illi:1 151115111151, 5111 51 111- Mi'. W. l) 1’11:11'1111‘~ 11.-11' 111 11111 (‘1'11-1‘5““:““ ‘5‘“ 51111115511111511111105515111151111-5 1““ 1'1‘1‘5‘111S ltil,\‘1111_" 17-111 1:11c5 1111115.\11.1 1111111111'11111 511111'1111111111- 11'5 1111 111'1 1111“l “ “ 1111111'. 11.111 5"“““,““‘ “"5“5“‘ “““ ,““ - . . 1111 1 1111.‘ 11 1' MW 111 111.11 '1; " .51 . ., . . .. . . . . , . , 1 ; '; 1 111111'1 ““555 55555555 1111111111.." 55‘ 555;555555\5 .. 51,555, 5 515 55 55555155111 ‘15“ (5 1‘:]ltl 1:1 \I d 11111,,1\((1. I’.1I111(111181111111-1-(1llllt11,11 tllf‘ 5 \1:11111 1\ :1 '11111111s<1111111 S31111111111111551 l51\‘1111111 (51111511‘1 ('11 5111111511“ 55 I1 5 5 . . .. .. 1 1 '11 1111 ' :1 1- 11' :'511. '.. '. . ... . _ n c - .1 '1 1's ':.11' '11 1111111111 \1111.l\'; l‘. s :1 \\11111111‘l .‘11111: 5 555“ 111 ‘5 â€.1 515 51:1 55 511 5‘5‘ 11 511111111 111111 1111111 517110111 11011111S “01‘1‘55555 51.15- 1-1-111, 11:15 1111111111'1/.1'1l. 111‘ l ‘ “‘ 1111115111 11111 “5“ 55 5 5\ 5. 11 11S 1" 1' 1'1 -55 "2 1 11 ' '1â€"! . .. .-. . -. . , .‘ .1 . - . .. 5 ' " 11 1" \' 111 " 1‘ $1 ‘ “ \“H‘i 1.111111 ““ :,~.‘.1l|1 “ ~.11:1‘1'11.15 1111I1 111 1 1 11 1111 01‘ 1111 (111 11 "1‘ 11111551311, 11> “(‘11 3* 501““ 05111111119“ 1““ 155111111111 1111 11111'1‘1‘11 ‘1†â€1‘ share 511111 “‘ 1‘“H \1 H ‘1 “ ‘5‘ l 111 11'1“1 - 1.1': ‘ 1 1' ': 1 S†1 '11 _"-, , ° 5 . , ,. ', . , . - a ; ,5 1 1'115511 : 1. '111111 was :1 5141-11111 1.151 511111 51111 111.11 ' 5. . 51 . 5 5 r15 .puhlu works done this, year. 155,] 55.5 .- 5,5.55 5.55555 55, 15555.55- $55,553 5555515111171‘1111 1 ‘5’ l“l ‘ 5 _ 5 555 5.55555. 55555.55 5 55 5.5 .55, 55555 5555, .. ,5 1111111111111111!111551111'111111s111 1111])1'1111119115 , J , 5 5 55 “ 555 5 11‘ 5 5 1111111 S11111111 511111 1'1111111r 111:111 5' 111111111 :15 :111 1111». 5 1. __ 55- -5 5 5 . , 5 , ,5 . 5- , , , . .. 5 '1 1 11 ' '111-11 11 :5 1 1S 1 . . , ' " . - \15 55‘5“ 5.55 55555555 255555 .5555 5,5 \5__ 1111 11111 111151111155 area 111 the town 11511111111101 T““"“““‘ “"1““ 1" t11(.15.\ 5. 5 5 .515 5 \ 55 55 55.5 '. 11111111111'111' 11'111 11'111'11'111 11:11'1'1' .\1: '11:;1 1. - 1 I I 5 \1 . ‘ . 1.5 ‘ u 5 o 1, 5 r1 ,. u )u l '9 o |l ) ' u \‘h 1 “ 5‘ IH‘ '_ 1‘ ‘ ‘| '(“l ‘ ‘ I ‘ , . ' ' ‘ . I 5) 1151\51 5 \\v‘ .5‘ 1" 5.5515 1 ( ()1l11(‘lll()!' ( :ll"()ll ()\!)lzllrl()11 tililt,101“ \I’)((.](ll {1(4)11t(120 \\ (It‘ll 1(1t‘ \\ (I111(1 (151-511 LlliI 1' 5 1“â€. I 1 1'5 151‘ ‘5‘51 55,11515 I’III.('11111111'.\Ivil\‘11 ‘55551511‘55 ‘; I ‘ y‘ (\ .' 4‘ I ' - . ' . ‘ ». ~' ~ 1 _ . I . . " ‘- ; o ‘. "i i I ‘1 1 ,1‘5 “5 ‘ 111 \~ 1111 “15 l511H ,55‘ 1111111111: 1111. 1'111'11111111111111111t11111 ot' the 011-‘ 1’1} 111 15111' case 01 two 101‘ 11190111911‘ “‘ ‘ ‘ ‘5 ““.“““5. 5‘ “15†“‘5‘ ““5 1 5 151.151.“: [111 won :1 1112:: 511' 1x1 1111 1 1‘ “ ‘1 “ †‘ 1 ‘ ‘1 “‘~ ' ‘ 1' 1 1 ' 111 '11 .. ~ . 1 1 11111' 1 11 .5 )s1'1'1 11111: '11‘ :1 .11111 ‘ ‘ . ‘ l ‘ l l'1 11' ‘H 1'1 1111 111111 ' 1:11‘111 l‘n‘“ Marshal " ‘11‘1’1'11‘11111'1‘1’1 1U" “““‘ 11111 “0115‘ “(h 011 011‘ and t1105“1_1_‘ “ ““1 “1‘1 ‘ ‘ l l 5" ('lock case design. 111111 second 111" :1 55- ‘ . . 1‘ 5-‘\ 1 s 5 15 . ‘ 5 ‘ 5 5 " 5 - . , . 1 ‘ i 1‘1 .515' 1 ‘.‘“‘1‘ “‘1‘1 id“ "‘ ' 5} p ‘ ’ ‘1'1111'1'111111-111'5' 111111 11111111 111111111 111 have 1111101 was used for lawn and garden "‘ 5:111, .1111 “l â€1,“ 11151†‘ “ H lpipe rack 111 1 11- 111-1'111111' 11'1.111 .S11u 1 111'1'11~1 ‘ .' . . . ‘. - " . . ~ - ' 1 . 1‘ 1' 5 : "5 1‘ 5 ". 11' “WWW ' ‘ . , ‘ 1 the captains 111 11111 fire 1)1‘15L"tlil11 in- l““1“.“‘“" -“H ‘.‘“"““ ““m‘m‘ “H‘ “"“ â€â€˜7‘.“ “ 1H5. “ 1““‘- . 5 . 5 .- .1 Mrs. l’ullin. 111' South 1’111'1111111111'. l'â€â€œ- ' the intention 01 the {1111 was to make '111““1 1’." 1 1“ l“1m 1‘ "’ " ““‘ "“ 1 -.â€"'â€" _. . ._....â€"........ .__._. l 1 l l l 1 speet all premises in the business area 111' the town. The idea of this was to .11111 111 11111111}: all tire risks removed 1'1'11111 cellars, outbuildings and other parts 111 properties in the ï¬re area. l‘h111:1pt.1111s 11311111 111111 advi1e in the 111112111'111 lire prot111ti1111 and pr1'1yen- 11111811. 11111111112 vacant 1111? help pay for the advantage 111' the water mains he- ing' accessihle to their property. In cases where a house was partly on two lots the frontage rate was not c1 1ar1_:11 1d ' if water rates were paid, hut he f ti()ll. â€â€œ51 5!â€) ‘1 ‘lnlinp\\ â€f tiâ€; t()\vn. 1}l()11(_rllt t11(‘r(‘ IDIL’llT I)() {I I)(1\SI})ilit-\ l as well as the redu1' 111111 111 fire risk (‘1' (511181011 0‘ 1““ idea 0‘ the 30‘ If ex- 555.5555551515 [55 5551555555555. 5555, ception were made where adjoining 5 would he 1 plan would give the tire captains an 11111111111111 knowledge 111' the premises. 1 that would he 111 11111111 advantaze. i (‘1111111"ill111(‘111‘s1111 pointed out that 511111 plan 11 .15 1111' the pul1li1 advantage. 5111111 ."'atet_1. and he hoped that the husiness people would welcome the captains and 111111 them full (10- opera- 11011. May or 1.1;)11g'11111r11 thouirht it might he well to extend the plan to take in as 11111111 of the town as: the taptains could look af'tei. as it would certainly assist in preventingr careless- ‘ ness in the matter of ï¬re risks. The application 01 John Johnson for the refund of $46, paid for town licenses which he had never used, was ‘ granted. ~ II 1111 two 11 111111111... tor years has been Some appeals for remission of taxes 5 a director ot the Alherta \\ heat Pool by those in difficult ciruunstames ' $1110 or .511. and the committee recom- has heen appointed South Amer 11: .111 prompted the mayor to point out that . mended this plan. The council passed representative 111 the ( ‘anadian II heat it had been the pnntiple of the mun-1 a resolution for the installation of an lool. He sails trom \1 11 Ioi'k this 111 to simplv hold tank the collection 1 eight-foot crossing" at the point sug- month 1111' 811111 nos Ayres'. 111 taxes in 5111111 111-sec thet taxes stand-‘ g‘ested.‘ lots were used for Garden purposes. If the owner did not intend to sell, it was all right, of course, but if he were simply holding till he got his price, the purpose 11111111 t‘rontae'e tax would he evaded. Councillor Carson thought the frontage water rate tax should only apply to vacant lots. The mat- 1111' was left over to see what the law actually is in the matter. Councillor Pritchard reported 1111' the public works committee that 1111 and Dr. Joyal had taken tip with the .Sisters of Providence the matter of the request for a sidewalk on Fitth 1111111111 in tront of the hospital. The Sisters had suggested that a crossin': 5111 front of‘ the hospital would serve ‘1111- purpose. T1115 would only IV. 1 ICKSUN ("181 1111111 1'1111S11‘111'111111. 111.111. 11111 511117.11 1111- 11111 11115.1 lemon pic. ___,___,_________.,___. ‘1‘1111 11mm (11"1111.51r'1'111111'51 \I'JIS II‘U‘I .Mr. 11111111: 1s 111111115 11.15 :1. 11115111055 "I 1““ ‘ " 11'11'111111'†5 . 211111 111111111111:_'1111111111111111'111 .\11'.l.'1:11« Toronto 1111 Sunday visitor 111 Monday. l’yke 111111 the] 11'1/.1 1111 1111.51 11111151 1.111 11111' :1 year. The weather 1111111'1'111'1'1111 11.1111 ‘:111- s}.1orts,hutth11 [11'115111'1111111111 1.1':1~ 1'1111 1111‘ 11115511111 1111 1,111111'11111115. ‘1‘1111‘1151 111‘ prize 51:11'111'111111'5 111' 11111 1'111111 will 1.11 511111 115111111 111 The .\11'1. :111111111111'. CHIEF OF POLICE NOW WELL ON THE WAY TO RECOVERY I 111111111115 :11;-1 111111'1' 11111'1' 1'1‘ ““111 11‘ All will he pleased 11'1 know 111.-1 Mr. L. Mat-'Lachlan. 11111111‘ 111' 511111 '11 o“ the town ot.‘ 'I‘inunins, continues 11. make excellent progress to 11111115111-11 recovery of health. 1.11.51 week 1111 11115 sufï¬ciently re1':ove1'1'111 to 111- out, 11111-1 an attack of‘ typhoid fever, 11111 111111 the further ill~t'or1unc to step on :1 1 hoard that 111111 11 111111 in 11. The 111111 entered his foot and it was feared that this might retard his rerovery to some extent. However, the injury has not proved serious, and his health generallv eontinuer to 1111prov11,so Tlil‘ (1013} III/3111) lones 111‘ \tlanta, whose 1111/.5 l 1 l 1 5 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 l l 1 1 Blihliy zling exhibitions in Europe have earn- that it is expected that it 1111‘11111 111 long before he will 111 1111111 111 1111 111111: 51in (Illth 5 e11 101 him the title 111 the oolt‘ wizard 111 the 1-11111111")..11_rain. . “MM-yum 1 1.11% “ "1.4119511†{111‘-1:111‘63m-m73m L1%%,',v.“!fâ€.“, ' n†Mini“: .1 r.‘ lb aQLAA‘ri ‘ 1 . tu"-1'r"~,=‘-1- ~54 5:91.113"! Tmiwï¬soï¬-b} '1’-'5‘. \"l‘l;~£$1.â€t3unll7:u '. v ‘ {1.91116} .spflk‘w-flsv‘fl MLâ€: '- 1 v .‘~'£§?{NW ‘5. A _ . .... ._ N5 v -. "5‘ 1:.1-,;:«.'-:?4sm.1m11.~:::2mm' .