Thursday, Sept. 15th, 1927 m . , . n a a wlIVIIIIl/I’Iili’ilii7I’I’IVIVIVVVI. VVVI’er’lqufgfigilyl?’V’I?§tééï¬gg IIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIiIlII’IIIII IIIIVII. «I’lllilllllllllllllg 9488?,a,It!IIn«allIlalazaallfllzriï¬lvivg3IIâ€al?¢§§¢§§?§rgï¬ï¬ï¬rï¬tvï¬tï¬aï¬a§v§ï¬aaaï¬alavilllï¬fflï¬ggtgtagï¬tviaxlï¬ldvgdilaffffflffli, n» C .5 1 _88?alaï¬ï¬‚vï¬ï¬aflllwifxaésï¬lffltflaaéréégg,g§ gi~§i§§§fla¢ï¬ï¬fff§tff§alilzgéggliétllaalllllltllvlvftllviflié Remember that this is an event that will not wait, so be here Saturday at 9 a.11 ing shoppers will examine this merchandise. Join the Seeing is believing. You must be the judge, when you see this mountain of merchandise go on sale S happen i ‘1$1???â€ï¬gfâ€gfflflï¬lllllï¬lxllll»“$5lï¬ï¬‚‘fll/Il’lifilfilzlillliilll,’{filmm muxmmmm‘wmmxnxmxxmxxxsxxxxxwi 3cm Men’s Dress Shirts, broken lines, all sizes in the lot; reg. up to $4.00â€"Special at .......... , u\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\X\\\X$SSS.\\3i>\\\\\M\X\\\\MX\W\XWWX$SX 3 Men S Work Shirts; a“ col- Ginghams, assorted colours; I 9 Men’s Ace Spades Overalls; reg. 40c â€"Special, per yard .. .. . ours and sizeS' reg. up to reg. $2.20â€"Spec1al ................ ’ ‘ $3.00â€"Special from ............ SWXVXX‘SX .\\SS\\S\ \“SSW and the following week come and look around Sat, Sept. 17th Men’s Snag-proof Overalls; reg. $2.25â€"Special .............. Men’s Carhartt’s and Bro- therhood Overalls; reg. $2.75 â€"Special .............................. $1.75 I don’t care where you shop and what you, see, examine DABOUS VALUES $1.58 $1 .48 YOUR VERDICT I’miwillingï¬to accept No when you need floflaing, Shoe Men’s Work Boots; reg. up to $6.00â€"Special .................. Thousands of pairs of Men’s Fine Boots and Dress Shoes; reg. up to ESQâ€"Special from $1.95 Up $2.58 SPECIAL Elias Dabous, Manager THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. TIMMINS. ONTARIO Thousands and thousands of articles wi A\\\W“‘S$SSSMXV§‘MS\\\M WWWSSSS$WSSVX$$S$$S$XSI ,‘\“‘\g\$““mm White Flannelette, 36 inchâ€"â€" Special price at, per yard ...... Genuine Engli beautiful stri] Special at ...... . Ladies’ House Dresses; reg. up to $4.00â€"Special at .......... us saws“ “\xxsxx Men’s Fleece-Lined Under- wear, combination or two- piece; reg. up to $2.50â€"Spe- cial .................................... $1.48 To the public of Timmins and surrounding Ansora, bought at very low rate on the dollar the north for bargains. I have gone into tl caution to the winds and give {the people of am going to shatter prices, upset tradition an Sept. 17th. Impossible, absolutely impossibl bargains that will go on sale in every de disappointed in. Read the prices offered for not worth coming for from a long distance. ' 980 Up Children’s Dresses; reg. up to $2.00â€"Special .................. l8cup 18¢†Children’s R are all going 200 dozen Towels; reg. HALF