Porcupine Advance, 15 Sep 1927, 2, p. 5

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H Northern Crusade Will Have Many Important Results even t. Th Wednesday Has Increased the Interest of the South in the North Land. Good Feeling Between the Different Sections of the Province Will Be Augmented. Proposal That Event Be Made an Annual Affair Leaves Mattagami Dock every morning at 9 am. for Sandy Falls. Which connects With Kamiskotia boat at 10 am. Leaves Mattagami Dock at 1 pm. every day for Wawaitin Falls. Special trips can be arranged for by calling J. CLOUTIBR. Queen's Hotel blo-â€"-as :1 [and fit «mly fur the sturdy hrnturer with u mnstitutiun which lahivs him to Yaw every kind of H'(i.~'ili}) and privation. 'l‘hv ‘(‘1'usml- '3' yesterday dispollml any surh iihn -ms, if they existed. The {not than mu- ut' them had travelled due south 1' u distancv of 500 milvs over 0X00]â€" nt. motoring roads was convincing '001' that the vast territory whiwh 2:3 *zlrs agu was omnpuratively unknown the whito man has completely given :I\' tn the onward march of civiliza- RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra_good. Ill Passenger Boat “Foch” U 1.1 1'! h '1 h South haw 1540 which 'I 21 time. inn m emstonm am). At H Over 30 years the same good tea. Now packed in Aluminum. ll tlu llllll If 1H me UNI 1Y1 ”'11 (‘V h |\‘ ”It e arm'ul m :reztt mutnrt 1w mmtmuml to .and as still an uni sommvhcre nom' ; :1. land fit «imly I'm t. h ( l.\'( west the ‘old my totalling. 1 h\' ”H (H and (10m N H ll it c m H] II tt [01 M lll'( l'( nulnl .l( Hlllllll the a n (1 {ill in anuntu nmu‘n'czulc fro” own! 01" unusu ()VPI l'l 1‘1 Il c; and those who 2 survey the 3m: than two decades must mhmt that m nu I l'nwth c; and 11113 and ll H il( idem H \'ln(‘( UH st mt inn It's 1110]! ll h Hi ll um ll h )w farm m is taken plum- hey may 112m wouunts nl’ dis silver. and « millimrs (if (1 mines, but 111:7 31H) )( l'll’h‘ZH )Illlllllll 't'mn It for flu tlu m quarrel tune nm‘l h \\' i'ul 1y ukvn rn ()nt‘n HM...â€" IC~ 1H of flu H lll l( 0 II ll ll t1) an over 110 \V tt 1\,'( l\' (l )I‘t 1'0 V 1 1H I‘h )Il {u plt'lll 11\'itn (l Timmins DI'IlOtit t1 H xli hv gran thrnugh lV 111:1“ My It ll Ix lay (1i . mm 1' I] ll .ll H ) \\' )p w ()n \V 111( mm- I] 118011 w: I - )I'I‘h li 1H ll he ()1 “is good tea” [Ontario is deeply interested in the North, and desires to do business there. The ‘Crusaders,’ ‘hy success- fully carrying through sm-h a large Ierx'pedit'ion, have shown the stuff they Jare made of, and by their presence in such large nmnhers have proclaimed the fact that New ()ntario is now wide open for motor trallic. Automo- bilistzs ot' the South are not likely to rest [content until they have explored for themselves and lH‘t‘UIllt‘ hetter ac- lquainted with Untario's wondert‘ul hinterland, which is fast. becoming famous for the many attractions it ofl’ers to the tourist, as well as for its mineral and other resources. Next iyear and in the years to come North- ' ern Ontario is likely to become a pop- ular rendezvous for Southern tourists on both sides of the international an C 10w Advance ()Hiw. Sign your name send them in. The signature. 017 mm is not for publicatmn, but. amply cmmvle nmvsz tht' suurm' ul' on both side: boundary lim fine 1 h o 1‘( \‘isit lvng‘ initi uml¢ «lisp the hllmll‘ml frequently l 01' the Nnrl NH) In )l south to 31‘ sections of I“ If first-hand velopment And now ‘ ' 'l‘hv ntvrln'i (l KIN-«lit m'ns many m Ito to join fu‘ are its 211w $111011]: 1!“. “The ‘1 :10 ‘lmnst lore will ll (H Ill friends wil (H't‘l viednce of grand faith and iu the invarlabel rule of all m' It l'tm 01 1H )1 mull H {01‘ 11H mt f0! 1n umson ‘Urusade st’ for H4 \V ll HIV lllll'( SHIN! probably be 2m el't'nrt mu an annual affair. Sueh orth repeating. Southe deeply interested in t l desires to do businc e ‘Crusaders,’ “by snow: n ml ll ll ll'l mum whi( I] NESTLLIE [H.211 H w the 1) Ontario ll 1m HI (It RDCI l'ule 0t all lmwr ms to msmt (m knowin .111 ll'lt’urmutiun used. UL alg‘g’l‘msr lllx' found in ll H'l ll H Ill Il it ul't ll how If 1h l( 1.1 lid ms abuu m i, but a mmmiu ll'tivimu' m In! ns abuut yuursol wolmmc dat Th 11 your name :1111 mature. 0f (‘()lll'$( l\\'2l\ )1 only m ( Hm finishing much to tea.E or coffee 1: 3 Il 1\'( I‘I that ll 1nd tlu ()l'!21!llZ( It. n'th Land that. an vl't'm't mmlo It'fnil'. Suvh a nu. Southern \V I cstml in the do business ’ ”by succvss- _ -â€"-n-â€"¢r such :1 larg'v I the stuff thm ir m'e'sonvv iix ll IN C \m y \\ l - a... H )1) (It In the (lo- iken place haul ('(mw )1. the 01(101 unless and I] IH 11 hormmng ctions it IS for its 8. Next wt mil lll ”3 W (‘Ullll ‘sidvnts usually \' \V ll It halt pouplt [joint tttor- ll) 1hl( ll In 111 In 0X1 li menu In numm lMlIES av smrsun £0.17". brought t‘ng'ol vommunity of (‘}u\'crnmmlt h the («.nlfidvnm could surely z townships and right angles u the great, new THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, UNTARIO Tributes Paid to North Land Ladies By Speakers at Banquet to Crusaders llllSSlUIl mum lusm ti Hun. \Villim Lands and have the Northern .\I'1 'l‘lmt their mission \\'(. 3'.'_1‘('1t('1' 11i(11(lship and )1 I“ 0011 tho 11001110 of th( 1111! ()lql Ontario, was 1114 .11'ossml by 11011. (I. .llowu Don’t Buy or Sell Before You See Me. Best Prices on all Goods Purchased. Lowest Prices on all Goods Sold. Satisfaction assured you here whether you Buy or Sell. Give us a Trial. Goods Delivered Free. 36 Wilson Ave." cor. Preston St Phone 610-J. AP Kinds of Furniture, Bought, Sold or Exchanged. m In v pnpm rrivultm 11w to 'l H .111 I) Irt ()m med 'n‘tht nqut odm ll ll Ll'. Hurt”: . you who 4 ting: minim mt 10 North «m [h mmity welfare ll 7 “W ; and others . Burton said in the temority 0t 5. Ill m mm 110 N. GREENBERG )l I‘ll tlu l of the city. J. 1‘}. .l.’zltlurson expressed ttion of the members of for the line hosl'ntality o them in Toronto. Mrs. ' it new £1131) _\' (l , and Second- Hand Store |( would and in .5 and build settlers" roads at :les to existing 'ailroads and new 1*‘e1‘g'usun highway, and rehy (m an entirely new and um! more prosperous basis of it than exists at present.” iui'lnn, in euneluding, said: who emne from the busy and mining areas, and these from r lmx'ns. and you from the IIV the (l SWEETENED UNSWIEKT EH10 llilll M 1' mt the new Ferguson hi own up many :ulvanta (‘11 P (?\'( ulio: “'1 H'lll ll ll] I1 ll UH 1'( l\'( S( ll enjoy their huli‘ lwing‘ given 1le ulizm Nutlonal .I‘: 1(l( H ll 1th ts particularly men returning from £111 W151 )t sug‘; settle] mnrc ms the (: .l‘luwzu'd ‘imontod mir effm' 01H ir efforts 1m 1nd public. In give zntlenth theii H 1110mm \\'()ll u m :1 way Now that Imelv (lvsm' ly ttk 3T7?!“- n't (mmt 1nd all ' honour Robert Sm poupk m 1121 Nul‘lh upini: that 111i_t.:'h msc goon " roads at roads and may, and new and lmquoi \11 ()I mt inn Land 87 ()IIH'I It 181m H alt n N'UUI‘ tth 0 rm )(1 \\' (_ 100 lihi )Il 1t H ll Vl.( \V d )l 11' lC l( Stilltnll, )1 O’Neill. Following: tlu vhavuung' fawn tho g'uvsts, m lliblu Mrs ( ”.011. from miles \I1I 210111,(11 Mrs. L-mx Ixo} (1, M1. I . I). TOIPII Icy, II)1‘. IMnIittIv, Mis In'oumm', Mr. II. Y. in}: numl Miss Ar] Aluxamh Ml \\ Dated at Porcupine, this 18th day of June, 1927. or the people of the North. She oped that the visit would promote ordial relations between the great Iorth Land and Toronto and that the ext trip would be from Toronto to he North. Mr. Finlayson expressed his pride nd pleasure in the line delegation rom the North. After travelling 500 tinm n()t‘i( lfl 80 ll ntmn litlzu' 40 44 MI .46 all 50 31 n'kv, Mull 30 33 ’9 PH H (h‘il ll (i IV s, the ladws won rent advantage. By virtue of a varrant issued by tl T, and to me directed, commanding me 10d and described in the following lis ice pursuant to the Assessment .Xct :1 rl 1 shall on Friday, 7th October, 19271 )lie auction so much of the. said land and about the sale and collections of The following \Vl'ig 1', MI Duk Smith ..... Dome ..... Summer . . Ruth ...... Haileybury Haileybury I’laileybury Haileybur)‘ ('5 (i Queen King. New . . Henry U t’rmces . Brlstol . t10rence.. llailcybury Dome UH 111101 \\' 11H (l 3.1) 1M! (Jon. or Street ,\1't H M II N) milt ll and “HOV :tvmlin ltslnn". Treasurer’s Sale of Land for Arrears of Taxes attendance and the contributing ontert Miss Thelma Bate: lll‘ 11‘ M v Kni .\l (inn-rt a inmvnt ersnnal direct H .\I Ave lands are all patented. Xve :h‘ e son, Mr novelty 4'0 \\'( m f. lcmmms, All Bailey, Mr. J21: Hogarth and MI ‘vrc rotm'm :' [he Mnusu l1 1’21. ()11 )V I‘( In the Township of Whitney, District of Cochrane mot sod his pride 9 delegation rnvelling 500 )10 to appear thmls, Ml H, Mr. W. 1, Mr. I“. ' presentt ', I’lmt’essu: , Major ()x ()xwvll, Mr (.znnms, Mr 31/2 pt. 204 205, 192 1924 NE 81/2 11 12121 NW 81/2 111921 78 10’} 207 1024 NW 81/2 5 1:131 SE N1/2 7 12-124 NE 81/2 2 .1924 NW 131/2 2 1921 SW 81/2 2 1921 SE Nl/2 9 1921 SE 81/2 12 1924. SW 81/2 12 1921. NW N% 11 1921. SW N1/2 11 1921 NW 81/2 1 1924â€": 280-1, 2, 3 1921. Block, Part Years in Quan. of Lot, of land Lot arrears acres at '(étum .\rthm ul {1 II “(‘01 \V l\'( W 1'01 1'0 ()11 11‘ l( 111 Ul to ll 113.; me to levy 1 11;; list of arrea \ (t and amend ,UB) 7, {IL 103 1 lands as may ms of same. .I 00000000000000.0000.90.00000000000000000000000000 z’fuooooffoo’ooooooo’o’0600600000...Coo9.0300600000009003.000303030303000000090099030coo:03.30:.30303030103030303030000000000. H tit PRODUCTION AT DOME INCREASED FOR AUGUST .\l .OOCCQOOOOCCOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOp 90:0:0000000000000000000000zoo0000000000000090 000000 000090 000000000000000000 000 000 000 000 000 . 90 005 090 000 004 090 000000 000 090 090 000 000.00 000 000 000 000 000900.00. ' the Reeve of the Township of \Vhitney bearing (late the (it me to levy upon the several lands being in the Township of \ list of arrears of taxes respectively (1 no thereon and costs, t and amendments that unless the said arrears of taxes and c 37, at 10 a.m., at the Township Hall, at Porcupine, proec mls as may be sullicient to discharge the taxes and lawful ul)’ and wordxn; ow Y0 mounts to 2.634.474. UV SON am 19134 Dmm ll H Opposite Goldfields Hotel IV l‘ al.1proximately $6,000 over last and the slightly better showing July of this year is encouraging. )lllll he remembered in consider- 1080 figures that home this year :y paying $1 a share. instead of st year, and consequently meet- ni‘ce surplus on operation. 1 n (' l‘t PERSONAL SERVICE MODERN PARLOURS (i (i (i (i (S (i (5 SIMMS, HOOKER DREW 160 160 160 1-10 1-10 1-10 40 4O 40 40 160 160 INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES :1 mm recen'od Ist wook by Arthur 0. Produvtion for months of this V 2,601,2' 8, compared 1 1-10 1-10 1-10 4-0 10 l- 10 1 10 40 4O 40 3-10 [-10 [-10 [-10 1-10 [-10 1-10 [-10 [-10 40 3-10 TIMMINS 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 4O ‘)C (Agents for Confederation Life Association). 40 fur the month of 40 40 10 10 Funeral Director and Embalmer Houses and Lots for Sale on Terms 30/ )0! 33'! 88 )5)! 150 150 150 150 150 137 139 139 136 140 140 140 171 91 168 18 168 18 160 30 100 30 160 30 160 30 130 84 105 87 3 [.v Ix: J‘ w 168 165 DOMINION BANK BUILDING $64 69 .16 14 87 14 Q9. 7(5 10 )I {9 18 0 9 3X88 (S 88 J. T. EASTON 18 18 18 18 99 O4 18 18 (50 66 92 45 75 81 ()0 ~10 4O 13 91 91 91 76 18 18 54 RE AL ESTATE 12% Pine St. S. Phone 51 15 15 st was 901 in .t your, from $3 11 197 COStS To t, year Wit h :\ll 94 9-1 94 92 48 4‘5 U ()0 iii: 6 93 142 71 142 71 142 71 18 91 144 144 141 18 144 6)]- 173 70 16 182 142 145 145 $67 144 144 )1 )l ’ Retain that good spirit by using our Superior Dry Cleaning Service )l )l' )l' 30 16 80 “we CLEAN EVERYTHING” King’s Dry Cleaning Service Did you ever notice how much better you feel when you don a freshly cleaned garment 9 3 LICENSED EMBALMBRS Thursday, Sept. 15th, 1927 al 96 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 95 95 38 03 03 ()3 03 03 98 ()3 S) 76 88 88 88 02 00 48 86 8O 7(5 76 76 . NICOLSON, Treasurer, Township of Whitney '1'yrell, J B., Tyrell, J B., Tyrell, J. B., Tyre”, J B., Tyrell, J. B., Wright; T. J. Wright. T. J. “Wright, T. J. Webber, R., I MOTOR EQUIPMENT Rainbow Rainbow Rainbow Small, \ Sutherla Tyrell, J Tyrell, J Tyrell, J Tyrell. J Twin Mines, Montre Twin Mines, Montre Twin Mines, Montre Twin Mines, Montre Townsite Mines, (in Townsite Mines, Gu I’at. Mining (30., ’1‘01 Pat. Mining (30., Tm Pat. Mining (.70., T01 Pat. Mining (30., T01 Pore. Gold Fields, T0 A. E. Phillips, Tinin: A. E. Phillips, Timm A. 1']. Phillips, Timm A. Pclletier, S. Pore \V. l“. inell, ()ttaw Pelletier, Rev. Fix. Ir Amer. Gold 1 Daly, Taylor, Daly, Taylor, D0111. Diam. Dougen, 1‘1, .\ Geraldine, D. Howley, Lee, L. G. Harlis, L. G. Harris, L. G. Harxis, L. G. Harris, L. G. Harris, L. G. Harris, L. G. Harris, L. G. Harris, L. G. Harris, Hautala, WU S. A. Jones, Kennedy, '1‘ Kennedy, '1‘ Kennedy, T Lindholm, ’J Mullholland Mullholland McDonald, . Twin Mines Twin Mines Twin Mines Ache, J., Porcupine Residence PHONE 136 clletit ainho ainho ainbo Owner 11D 1m how 1m GOOD SPIRITS nbow b0“ m m m t.i(~ Phone 280 )\' Gold 1- Taylor, Tux’lur. \V In name and address PHONE 112 Fields, Toronto. 7, Toronto. 3, Toronto. Drill, S. l’ox'c. Nova, Scotia. (5le day of June E \Vhitney, men- , .I hereby give . costs be sooner ., Porcupine. Brantl’ord Flint, Mich. Flint, Mich. Flint, Mich. , Iroquois Falls Mines, Toronto Mines, Toronto . G., Kingston. Toronto Toronto ToronLo Toronto Toronto U n 1 cago. Great Falls Toronto. Toronto. Toronto. Toronto. 'orcupme 3cd to sell by costs incurred )nto. mm. Porcupine. Porcupine. Porcupine. treal [real Guelph. Guelph. Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto oronto. )1

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