in l +t Psn n fem * e m o . Et s N o o o oi n on t o s . ./ S hok e n MA effice of ‘the Registrar of Deeds of T eople.. 1 Master of Titles for .the Disâ€"| . In thxs year of the diamond jubilee : Local M â€"triet of Cochrane at the Town of of the confederation of the Doxmmon .. Cochrane a descnptlon of the site | of Canada when special notice is beâ€" ;nd the plans of a log %:‘ ing taken of the progress ‘made by â€" mesed to be eonstrneted in the Canada as a whole it seems timely for dorsed be deemed good and. sufficient service of the said writ and stateâ€" ment: of claim. ; 2. It is further ordered ‘that the said defendant James Kennedy do enâ€" ter an appearance to the said writ of summons and file his statement of deâ€" fente in the Office of the Clerk of this in Cochrane, on or before ‘the Re day of July, 1927. ‘ JB. T. CARON. 1. It is ordéred that service upon the defendant James Kennedy of the writ of summons and statement of <laim in this action, by publishing this order together‘ with ‘a notice thereof endorsed, onee a week for two weeks precéding ‘the 30th day of June, 1927, in the Porcupine Advance Newspaper, published. at Timmins. Ontario, and by mailing to the defendant by post plicant and npon reading the affidavit | it of Samuel Anderso dbick and ï¬ of Samuel Anderson Cald the exhibit attached thereto. Public Works at Oitawa and in the| 8 s -oï¬ce ‘of the Registrar of Deeds of ‘ Local Master of Titles Ror the Disâ€"| | Dlstnc't of Cochrane f KHis Honour J ndge Oaron, in chanders Monday, the 13th da__y of June, 1927 MRS. GBEORGE H. ROCHESTER Administratrix of the estate of George H. Rochester, deceased. 3. And it is further ordered: that ‘the defendant Paul Johnson do enter «on the appearance of the said writ of summons and file his statement of deâ€" fence in the Distriect Court Clerk‘s Office at Cochrane, on, or before the l4th day of July, 1927.: . The plaintiff‘s claim is for. specific performance of an agreement between the plaintiff and the defendant Paul «Johnson, made in, or about, the month® of July 1917, for the sale of land. "The description of the said land is as follows; Lot No. 333, as shown . on plan M.30 Sudbury, now deposited in the office of Land Titlesa.-at“'Coelarsag;.‘ In the District Court of the 2. It is ordered that service upon the defendant Paul Johnson of the writ of summons, in this action,. by publishing this order together with the notice endorsed thereon, once a week for three weeks, preceding the Sth day of July, 1927, in the Poreuâ€" pine : Advance Newspaper published at Timmins, Ontario, be deemed good and sufficient service of the said writ. Defendants 1. Upon the application of the plaintiff, upon hearing the for applicant andâ€"upon reading the affidavit of Blvin C. Brewer, filed herein. â€" KHis Honour Judge Caron, in chambers Monday, the 13th day of June, 1927 THE TIMMINS TOWNSITE COMâ€" gggy LIMITED and PAUL JOHNâ€" h48 sn P td ® P0 n Dated at Toronto this l1th day of June, 1927. _ h Between: 22. 000 Sp’ruce Falls Power and Paper Company Limited _ Per J. H. BLACK, And take notice that after the exâ€" piration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice Spruce Falls Power and. Paper Comâ€" pany Limited will under Section 7 of the said Act apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office in the City ef Ottawa for approval of the said site and plans and for leave to conâ€" struct the said log storage and works. In the District Court of the| fire. District of Cochrane |.,," General Manager. Plaintiff Timmins has the most modern elecâ€" trical fire alarm system in Northern Ontaric, with motor fire truck and other modern equipment. â€" The fire chief and fire brigade have a wide reâ€" putation for efficiency and success in protecting property and lives from Fourteen years ago Timmins was a strip of bush. Today it is a town of 15,000 people, with all the comforts and conveniences of modern city life. Paved streets, cement walks, a modern duplicate high pressure waterworks system, an activated sludge disposal plant of upâ€"toâ€"date type, electrical street lighting at all necessary points, incinerator plant, local and long disâ€" tance telephone service, telegraph service, including two. private wires carrying daily news bulletins,â€"these are some of the upâ€"toâ€"date features of the town and its services. a review of this comparatively new town of Timmins, less than a quarter the age of the Dominion in which it is located: 4 p~ > " f m b _ The Liberalâ€"Conservative Associaâ€" tion of the District of Texmskammg will hold a meeting at New Liskeard on Tuesday, July 5th, for the election of officers and the selectlon of deleâ€" gates to attend the Dominion conâ€" vention of the party in Winnipeg in the fall. ' The Cornish Social Club announce a basket picnic to be held (weather perxmttmg) at QGolden City on Sunâ€" day, July 17th, by the bormsh Bocial K\I urrangement.s are being made for a good time. All Timmins members wishing to attend please give in their names to the secretary, 50 Cambrai avenue, not later than July 12th. â€" Schumacher members please notify Mr. J. G. Harris, Third avenue, Schumacher. . Members from the Dome notify Mr. P. Varker, so that suitable arrangements can be made for transport. Please watch The Adâ€" vance next week for further informaâ€" tion. It was decided by the execuâ€" tive committee at their last meeting to hold outdoor events ‘for the reâ€" mainder of the season, instead of soâ€" cial evenings in the Holhnger Recreaâ€" tion hall. _‘ ren, anaâ€"the y.U.N. nurse 18 domg exâ€" cellent work liere hero mbarestedi in the St. Anthony Mine in the Thunder Bay f s t . 3 district and so will be interested in CORNISH SOU0IAL CLUB TO > |the further progress report on the invaluable to ‘the mmers ren, and â€" the Y.O0.N. nurse is cellent work here. w * Eiss i TLE . y ingmale t nds ty weodtvetoctoectoeotoctectrestos vctactoctectrocted edtaetectes ooonoouoo»oo»oonoo n“oonoonoooooooou“uoon es oomooooooooooâ€moom3 s woowâ€Â«â€œÂ«oon“wo é»o\ooo\on»3»3u3“3u3«3«3003003003003ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo noonoonoonoouoo.ooonoouoouoouoouoomoomoouoonoouoou‘Moooo?"ooooomoo ooonoom xa se 6*00%00%06 Rectastactoctoctoctectoctoatectoctoctocstect ©206204004® »oo oor "'oooooo}.fon )* *5! 2095020400050 44 *h o s 0 o n 0 o e o n e o o o t ie s se " o * oooooooooooooooufooooooooooooooooooooooooo0003000000030.0030000000300003000030000 orouoomoooooo ooomooo uooooouoomoom.ouoo ’.’ ".’ Aacthicr® c Wl e y a wE HOLD: BBKBT PIONIO .property given last week. ; The report e y ie 3 by Douglas A. Mutch, consulting enâ€" While cutting lines on claims 9382 and 8377 in the northeast corner of the property an occurrance of Dalamaâ€" tianite was found, the report continâ€" is the “spotted dog‘‘ formâ€" ation which is associated with ore in other sections of the Rouyn district. We consider the finding of this formaâ€" tion to be very favourable. In addiâ€" tion to finding this formation we have located, one quarter mile west of the ‘by Douglas A. Mutch, consulting enâ€" gineer,â€"states that boundary lines have ‘been: cut around the southern block ‘of twenty claims, A base ‘line for the dip needle survey has been cut for â€"the full lenghth of the ‘holdings. From this base line survey lines are being cut east and north and south for the full length west across the property. ‘These lines are 300 ft. apart and upâ€"toâ€"date apâ€" proxlmately ten miles have been cut. Line cutting is at the rate of two and oneâ€"half miles per day. Three weeks should see the line cutting completed. A camp has been built and equipped for a force of ten men. As work proâ€" gresses it will likely be necessary to erect other camps closer to the centre of the property. The recent find of© chal@pyrite made on the Oriole property to the west indicates that important deposits may be looked for. Results from the dip needleâ€"survet should be available in approximately three weeks. This is so 3 % 7# of coars@ gabbro. This is the formation with which the imporâ€" tant deposits at Noranda are associatâ€" ed. This will likely be found to exâ€" tend on to the south block of claims. ~Nothing h:s been ‘donea:’yeg in opening np the gossan sone found on claim 9868. ‘This section of the proâ€" perty where diabase has been located in contact with rhyolite offers good prospective chances. There is conâ€" siderable (mineralization showing in this section and the <formation is favourable for ore deposition. ) +2 N K4 inss a uNs Farewell services are to be held on uinday at the Army hall here at 11 o‘clock in the morning and at 3 and _( pm.s i ; djutant ~and .Mrs.> Crowe and Lieht, Patterson have given excellent service and made innumerable friends during their stay here, and there is general regret at their departure. Dr. L. Gagnon was a vxsxtor Haileybury last week. As noted before in these columns, Adjutant and Mrs. Crowe: and Lieut. Patterson, of the Timmins Salvution Army, are being transferred to other posts. At ‘the time of writing the names of the new officers and new places for Adjutant and Mrs. Crowe and Lieut. Patterson are not known. ARMY SUNDAY d