t Just Received MWWMW“ 0@004008%008060404600466 M“OQMWNMWOMOM““W And of course w OUR MOTTO. "SERVICE, CONFIDENCE ANO FAIR DEALING®" verything in Window Blinds, Curtain Rods, etc. } 23. 264 § 15.00 § 10.00 $ 5.00 Participating or Nonâ€"Participating HE following diagram shows diminishing premiums of a policy under Mutual annual dividends, and represents the actual experience of policy No. 1270, now in force in the Mutual Life of Canada, the irregular line showing how annual dividends have reduced the premium year by year, until in 1922 the assured paid only $2.92. The straight line represents the lowest nonâ€"participating rate in 1872 of which we have any knowledge. : This policy is not an exceptionâ€"it is typicalâ€"and a company that can show uch results over a period of fifty years can safely be trusted with the business of oâ€"day and toâ€"morrow. The surest guarantee for the future is the indisputable record £ the past. Sead for our leafliet "Life Insurance at Cost." THE MUTUAL LFE of Canadas Waterloo Ontario 1Â¥ /Thls hné ;epresents the lowe‘st -AAA‘- ]-.‘ t w s# """" Ordxnary LiG e~Ag« ~This line represents the {Nonâ€"Participating Premium known at that time N* rse we have everything in equipment for the kitchen including a nice range of ke man taken a nonâ€"partic:ipat and see our display of Congoleum rugs, all sizes, many fine designs. 18 82 1887 18982 18987 1902 1907 1912 1917 1 1 1 ‘ L______.._Lâ€"- taking a pa General Agents. â€" Timmixs, Ont. * exaeg * e §3~]ssued 187 ; pat SULLIVAN NEWTON Which y with fine new shipment of popular Pyrex ware. $453.31 ;3 13 t $1913 THE PORCUPINHE ADVANOE P [ C ns ES 485 57 AVERAGE TEMPERATURE IN JUNE, AND IT WAS DRY The Haileyburian by Mr. Cobbold, who is in charge of ernment Observatory at th Towh :â€"â€" The following is the 0 of the weather for June the loth}; the damage heing done DYV the frost being increased by the viâ€" olence of the wind, which reached a velocity of 40 miles per hour on the 12th. The cold spell lasted till the 18th, when warmer conditions set in, culminating in the maximum for the month of 94.0 on the 14th, when anâ€" other decided. ‘tlow"" gave strong southwest winds. On the afternoon of the 24th a strong northwest wind set in, which cooled the air so rapidly that by the morning of the 25th, the temperature had dropped to 38.0, a fall of 56 degrees in albout 14 hours. The rest of the month was fine exeept for a slight shower on the 27th. There was a second slight frost nearbyv on a large depres tario bringing rear, which car fall and gave 1 the 13th; the The mean te was 62.0, one mal; the â€"high the lowest, 33 solute maxim peratures in t 100.1 in 1911, was A S the 26th Probably th storms was d chec seconrnid: â€"ten . days moisture in the the crop. fourth driest J:18, 19008 u 11 ( 10 We "His Master‘s V oice" Victor Records 11 d "‘by Â¥ AiAdiIiis OL 1d4lll. . NZil epression passed a« ging a northwest g h caused the tempe ave frost in many the damage hbeing hbeing mereased hb 1n mperature of the month degree above the norâ€" W with showers, ‘but no of rain. On the lith m passed across Onâ€" northwest gale in its d the temperature to st in many places on imagze being done by at any "His Master‘s V 01ce" doals=â€" t h 94 on the t June as given in by ‘Mr. <Paul A charge of the Gov: rv at the County N the official report e dryness oL Pne the growth was weather of the the month, the und has helped mM U Anothe Lonesome ! Memphis 1 Stumbling Cooâ€"Coo (1 Le Cogqg €‘Orâ€"Hymne au Soleil I0â€"inch Red Sceal Manuflactured by Berliner Gramâ€"oâ€"phones Co., Lin 1896 w 1919 s e severe thunder wert 111 the T. MMINS YOUNG MAN MARRIED AT NORTH BAY ‘The following report of in North Bay was given by get last week :â€" L“A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized in St. Vincent De Paul church by the Rev. Father Chapleau when Miss Beatrice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gauthier, North Bay was united in marriage to Edmond Rocheford, son of Mrs. A, Rocheford, Timmins. To the strains of the wedâ€" ding march played by Miss Deschesne, the ‘bride approached the altar on the arm of ‘her father, who gave her away. She was charmingly attired in a suit of nary tricotine with hat to match and carried a beautiful shower bouâ€" quet of sweetheart roses and lilies of the valley. She was unattended. Durâ€" the service, theâ€"girls choir renderâ€" 0C( ding bre of Mr. the rela happy y ing â€"tral will resi town, numbe r‘ecel companieo large num 11 ‘ â€"12, A. OUAMPDE@IL ,( formerly of Haileybury, this week on a visit to M and other friends. Ask to hear them played on the ‘DUKE*‘‘ McCURRY TO REGAIN AMATEUR STANDING AUG. 1 The Harleyburian Mrs. D. A. Camyr nmnont )01 the servic delighttul 101 ition th t otr aln side V OuUn in acdian a ut and o U C du the younger people of the ct which was testified by the ‘ beautiful wedding presents ind the young couple are acâ€" 1 by the good wishes of ber of friends. The outâ€"ofâ€" ests were: Miss Eugenie , Messrs. Peter and Oscat m dllowing the service, welâ€" ist was served at the home Mrs. Ernest Gauthier t VLPS, tC and near friends. The couple left on the mornâ€" + Timmins, where they the bride was very popuâ€" bleâ€"s1id rville C Cw '*.-.- 4 mer, North hnay age to Edmond s,. A, Rocheford, uns of the wedâ€" Miss Deschesne, the altar on the sSUIti a weddin The NXus ry popu to FPOR HOMESTEAD FPOR SALE Tenders Timmins Gold Nugget Rebekah Lodge, No 173 111 00000: New and Secondâ€"Hand Goods € 4 t e the ue t or 1ed W a 16400604808 6660860046 Mattagami Heights. Balsam street. spr) n ment ty tamarac Di Paolo, 60 Balsam St. you wiil gfelb g§00Gd Da If you want to sell, vou right. 111 DoOout 1e pI ation, irily accepted. J. F. Henderson, Town Engine o1 0 ins and spec} and form of t # ngimeer‘s othee Nathan Greenberg 1t welcome s every 2nd and 4th Thursday Oddfellows‘ Hall, Thud Aveâ€" d CC rice. Right at Keyson ; T. N. 0.; 160 acres; ultivation â€" sowed :o4 acres cut over.. Go mgaway â€" crosses property 60 acres green pulp and plen arack and bireh firewood. K lo, Poreupine P.0. for Water Works Seweyrs trk, will be : Monday construction ‘ tile sewer V tent 11 romyOu.+ iLE y O anything in Furr Beds, Mattresses, get good bargains Brothers and Nisters alâ€" or anvy tender mnree roome water mains best marke H. K. mneations may tender obtaine e Town Hall, _ t, Montgomeé received until r July 24th, 18 ~.6f£ :3300 Jin ‘ and 3800 lin Eithel Keene Ree. 5 prices 1f VOILl )Oo ds you wa ‘ # Curnitur Timmins rins het ply to 11 at reas § 14 who ouUse treaAt rOveYr