Porcupine Advance, 22 Sep 1920, 1, p. 7

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: ~Nothing to Sell but â€"SERVICE @4 09440 900898948 04 4 4 44994644 4 04 0 #%®4 44 C OM I 40000000400800000000000000000000000000000000600606666 $0080000000000000000000080000000000000800000000008#06, i j. TLEASTON 0080800000044 Funeral Director and Embalmer Phone 52 TIMMINS OWW“OOOMW“WWO B y An n in n ie sn she se ofe o ate obo ofe oBe ce ofe abe oBe se ofe oBp ule ze oBe se afe ofe MWWWM“WMM: ©0 6900000 9000000009806 ¢ $000000000000000000000000000000000600000000080066464046 W. J. CUNDAS, awith a fcll line of Watches, Clocks and Jewelery. Rings made to order a specialty. Experts in watchmaking. Try once and you will come again. Special attention to work sent.by mail. Poreupine Hamilton B. Wills Co. Limited your films. Agent for Victor Records and Victrolas. Agent for Tanlac. These Days offer a lot of Exercise for your Kodsk. There are plenty of opportunities to take pictures without a coutk*. so put ysur Kodak to work and give it plenty of exercise this month. If you have‘nt a Kodak lst us sell you one, we can sell you a small ons or a bigger size if you wish. In any case let us supply @8 POMMIEER Wheat Participation Certificates We do developing and Printing. Our wore is Satisfactory. Raid Building, next Bank of Commerce FR A Drugs and Stationery â€" Pine St., Timmins Watchmaker and Jeweler Memhmrs Standardl Stock Exchange Porcupine Office â€" â€" Yimmins, Ontario Phones: Day 100. Night 172 e ~â€" Cabalt â€" Toronto New York. â€" Syracuse Direct Private Wire C Has now opened a store in the New Empire Theatre Building The initial instalment of Thirty C bushel on is payable on or after August 10ih. Present your certificates at the nearest branch of this Bank and the amount will be collected for you. § TIMMINS ERANCH, CHAS. SMITH, BOX 150, SCHUMâ€" ACHER, representing the Matrtinâ€"Orâ€" me Piano for the Poreupine District. Used pianos for sale or to rent, on easy terms. â€"p39â€" Detroit _ Buffalo J N.Y. Kirkland Lake nnecting all Offices. Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. 0. B. AIKE Phone 201 Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timmins. Agent for Hayes Bros. Tombs tones. Phone 7 Roche per Manager Hay CROP ALGXE WORtd ~OnAKEMAR NWO M | $17.00 07 THS _ Wt 01. 0R 0 mean a production of over $12,000.00 for the hay.crop alone. The Stuart Farm at Earlton was esâ€" tablished by (Mr. Stuart, insurance agent, of New Liskeard. He spent time and money on it to make it ya business suceess. He believed thiat narvesied, and previously pri Land for good Tarming# like any business sons; of North Temiskaming, for a price said to e $40,000. There are about 400 acres under cultivation out of the 480 acres in the farm. Machâ€" inery of the most upâ€"toâ€"date kind is on the property, and this item alone counted for several thousands of dolâ€" lars in the purchase price of the farm. Many suggested that <the purchase price was too much for a farm in the North Lanrd, but if $12,000 erops of 4ay can be grown in a year, it will not take long to make the big expenditure for first cost dook like a profitable inâ€" vestment, Hay is not hy anyvy mears the only franchise uniess they could get much improved terms from tie town than those governing the present franchise. In the second place, it was found that| the Hydro Electrie Commission were not ready to help out, as it was not considered good businuess to attempt to ! transmit power to Cochrane or deâ€"| velop it at the town for all t'he' business in sight. Accordingly, the| Cochrane Council came to the concluâ€" sion that the only resource for the Town was to buy the power plant and business. Mayor Rothschild worked on the question for a considerable time, and now arrived at an agreeâ€" able solution that is generally bolievâ€" ed to be to the advantage of the Town. | The price set for the purchase is said | to be a very reasonable one, being several thousand dollars lower than the cost of the plant several years ago when machinery and supplies were considerably cheaper that at the preâ€" sent time. ‘The Northern ()ntario! Light Power Co., apparently, look upon the Cochrane business as not imâ€" portant enough to spend too much time or discussion over as a strictly business proposition. On the other hand it is of vital importance to Cochâ€" rane, so a mutually satisfactory settleâ€" ment is possible with fairness to all. Acceording Mayor Rothschild‘s reâ€" port on the Light and Power Situation Cochrane‘s consumption of electrieal energy only tota‘ls for all purposes about 160 horse power, apart from anâ€" other 125 horse power generated at all will vote on thse byâ€"iaws on OQctober nd. The power plant:and buginess it to be purchased at $65,000.00 and the telephone concern at $32,000.00. When the termination of the franchise of the Northern Ontario Light Power Co., began to come in sight, Cochrane Council began to work to see how conditions could be improved. On the one hand it was found that the Northern Ontario Light Power Co. were not at all anxious to renew the Cochrane Town Council is submitâ€" ting two byâ€"laws to the votes of the electors, one for t*e purchass by deâ€" bentures at par of the Nortnern Onâ€" tario Light Power Co. p‘ant and business at Cochrane and the other his cer COCHRANE TOWN MAY BUVY LIGHT POWER CO. business at Cochrane and the other for the buying of the toleâ€" phone scrvice and plant, also owned by the Northern Ontario Light Power Co. The people of Cochrane will vote on the byâ€"laws on October nd. The power plant:and buginess it to be purchased at $65,000.00 and about 160 other 125 times for pe be To Mr. Roy Upton, of the Timmins Fire Department, returned last week from a visit to Toronto and other npasints south. turns. y is not by any mears the only of the. regul ap this \('dl' on the Burwash pro freight trains (or Stewart farm as it will be| â€"â€" known). Good, crops in utllel are also wpmtod with, att]e,‘S.CAI.DED B poultry, cte., tohelp out in t"ei AUTOML HFasle Crops on Wellâ€"Known Engin: Farm Near BEariton. ‘ Ext success. ne hould be run other busine and at hre t sprin irm to Myr t ie Dusiness have North Land. e mnead and ousine ut would make 1e 1mmense sC price in the â€" North tonnage will ap §12,000,.00 AVJ urwas h His ideas conftrmation and ~ His V arn e W 4A idt ko A N Â¥ . e it i# "th ness and wreck took place snort o‘clock on.â€" Wednesday train No. 139, st stopped at Redwater t Extra freight No. 140, f ed into the rear end of gine of 140 was thre track by the impact 0 and the ho locomotiv Dr. MeDougall, of North Bay, was expected in New Liskeard this woeek to speak on Consolidated Schools. Throughout the whole North Land the need is very evident for some help in ltlw school and education problems. Wihether Consolidated Scehools would help solve the problems remains open ‘for discussion. Men like Dr. MeDouâ€" gall may do much to give information | to the people on the matter and assist ‘in reasonable decisions on the quesâ€" tion. In parts of the West and in secâ€" gtiuns in Old Ontario the Consolidated LSehool has tkeen of much assistance. teorge wio W end brakesman on 140 under the engine as it tu rious consequences ate aceident. in traiffic the tracl couple of man living in North Bay, without any family exceept one adopted child. He was wellâ€"known and greatly esteemed by his fellow employees and his death is regarded as one of the most unforâ€" tunate occeurrences ever on the T. N. 0. line. Redwater, the sceene of the tragic accident, is about 55 miles from North Bay on the North Bay subâ€"division of the T. N. O. Redwater is about 16 miles south of Temagami, and is one of the regular stopos for water by One week Mr. W. Pierec met withâ€"a painful but not serious acâ€" cident that scarred his face for a day; or two. He‘ad been out in the autn,‘ and the engine had unduly heated up, | and Bil Gecided to investigate tlw% water tank to see if it had sufficient water for eooling purposes. _ When he' toock the cap off the tank there was a sudden rush ouf steam, the force of | which struck him in the face and left arm. He received some nasty scealds, on the face and arm, but luckily escap‘ ed any serious injury. ie says, howâ€"| ever, that hereafter when ‘he wants to look in that water tank che will use a long distance per:scope. SCALDED BY STEAM FROM * AUTOMOBILE WATER TANK. School has been of much assistance. It migkt not be suitable for the conâ€" ditions and requirements of the North Lapd. But in any case the need for some help iif educational matters is very evident and very pressing. Someâ€" thing should be one, and leading educationalists may do much by rousâ€" ing public opinion. CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS DISTCUSSED IN THE NORTH. rCCI od that | rious and killed ‘apI1 mino er BLadly 1 ra Freight CA U (1€C reck )e hours o1 man on 140, was pinned ngine as it turned over. He almost instantly. The enâ€" Thomas, was badly sealded x steam and also received Â¥r injuries, but it is underâ€" At Ecdwater. Toronto ((7 J/ F > “ ‘ w Wicson 40 mX NDRE ILS ‘Qmafi A N € In Jjuries,â€"<Dutb It s s condition is not at all that he will chave no seâ€" rences from the unfortunâ€" 11 <esman was a married orth Bay, without any I1¢ linomas, engineer, s badly sealded. The hortly before eleven »sday m«mt Extra 39, southhmmd was ter tank for water. 140, following, piteh nd of 139. ‘The enâ€" calded When Two th« Trains Collidsd â€" |wi: + _accident 18 arlure. ~Of â€" d usual on No d some 1itt! in jury W edne throyv € LTC turned over. is the frontâ€" was pinned rned over. He o Trom~ the he line tlhe ~All L Still the Most for the Money 111 but to @6@@ Mippuintp® Cc niststs q $ BUILDERS ATTENTION $ MnCY erP P NR Ts We The Hardinge Co. â€" REPRESENTATIVE â€" Vanecuver Weod, Fipe Tank Co. British American Oil Co. Phcere 43 Timmins. Cobalt 17 11 exnpt |ereal § 3 [ uol Timmins, Cobalit, Onatario NQ@XRXTHERN CNRTARIO DISTRIBUTOR WE HAVE IN STCOCK Clear Birch Flooring, Sash, Doors, Frames, Beaver Board Strips, Casings, Mouldings wWRITE US FOoRr PricEs 1( Mine and Mill supplics, also building materials. VINCEN T FOR SURE RESULTS Porcupine Advance Insert One Next Week One Insertion costing you 50 cents in advance will bring you what yeu require LIMITED P.O. Box 24, Phone 5 NEW LISKEAKRKD IOC. Can. Johnsâ€"Manville Co. Becretary L. P. Heil V| it d x JC

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