Porcupine Advance, 19 May 1920, 1, p. 7

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Clear Blrch F lfim'mg, Sash, 3 vT, N * LLV l h A A I 8 MB L 2. BsA tw menc ~NOSTIM ‘H °M.: omer L. Gibson Co. ““MWW*M*%**@*M*-QM*“ _ for Hayes :'2' ' J A I Bros. Tombs tones. $ +_ . Remember the person who tries to buy at the lowest point i andsdhtthemhestnovermsanyvhm andthetimtobuy _ stocks with merit is NOW. _ 4+ _ E_ r Ex Doors, Frames, Beaver Board Strlps, Casmgs, Mouldmgs + _ . wWRITE Us FOR PRiCEs . \Wallingford Bros. â€"â€"~Mattagami Heights ’,:.,_ k )# HA‘MILT O N ‘__ WILI.S 3 . Our Private GCGode Book L J ml ms“ Mb m""""v' 2.‘ “‘* 100 â€" i2 i5 : *Porcupine ‘ Cobalt . Toronto ~Detbroit _ Pul U New York. Byracuse, N.Y. * J.P., (TEMISKAMING) â€" Affidavits, Marriage Licenses Huntmf' and Trapping Liâ€" censes‘ in Season. _ Typeâ€" writingâ€"Special attention tu correspondence and Mining Engineers‘ Reports. / ~All work absolutely confidential. Bruce Avenue , Opp King George Hotel. P 0 Box 102 SOUTH â€" PORCUPINE, Ont ~ *The liquidation which has been in. evidence for the past few weeks in the Porcupine and Cobalt stocks now appears to have subsided, and the following stocks should be bought :â€" CROWN makes it possible for you to transact ; business with us in privhcy and with despatch. A copy-of this code mH be sent free on request. We pay Qelegraph charges o# orders and conflrmatlons, accept Poreupine cheques at par, and remit in Eunds payabla at par anywhere in Northern Ontario. We specialize in prompt deliveries. Onr facilities for handhng yonr orders in these issues ,are nnexcelled." â€" Orders when reeexved’ at our Toronto office have the perâ€" sonal attention of either Ho mer L. Gibson or Eruest H. Bridger. â€" . 4 Market Leiter mailed upon request All Kinds of Rough â€" Members of Standard Stock Exchange 703â€"4â€"5 Bank of Hamiiton. Building TORONTO @IvE THIS SERVICE A TRIAL LIMITED â€" PO Box 24, Phone 5 NEW LISKEIRD WE HAVE IN STOCK, ® m TTA +T ‘an Tte?® HAS. SMITH, BOX 150, SCHUMâ€" ACHER, representing the Martinâ€"Orâ€" ‘me Piano for the Porcupine District. Used pianos for sale or _ to rent, on easy terms. 4. oring, ) | NEW L [ -.;‘h / ‘| Hines, a eard, â€"ec himself 135 years rather s and it is self whi mental c } Beaver Bbél;él : , Mouldings â€" R PRICES # +m 7 * h ag" e s 4)4 : K3 s ns . ‘ % P * m / » j 3 A C * t REGUL, s Some. Sturgeor trial on e Raymon TDJUIUJS J J LD\SD J\ C | mont wa ®@ e K‘ â€" DR:; JNO. B AIKEN DENTIST ; Phone 201 ¢ Orown and Bridge â€" Work Plates 0mfltaflon F‘ree. Some.days ago Hector Dumont,â€"of Sturgeon Falls, was commuttedâ€"for trial on the charfe of murdering Cyril Raymond on April 23rd. 1919.. Duâ€" mont was taken to North Bay jail to await trial. (The story given to the police is to the effect that Dumont was a frequent visitor at the home of Raymond and one evening when Rayâ€" mond wont into his house he awas seizâ€" ed and silenced for this world. Tha body was. then taken .to the bush where it" was found some ‘days later. In the meantime Dumont and' Mrs. Raymond ~disappeared and stayed away about a year,.â€" They returned some days ago, however, and Dumont was taken into eustody. According to the despatchea, the woman has made a confession ~which unphcates herself, Dumont and another man in the crime. This is the plot of one of the tvpes oi’ motion picture pla’ys that was "run,to death‘‘ some years agq, and is sti‘ll soccasionally_ usedâ€" when nothiny better can * be tilbnght of by the producers. Bank opened for business i in: Tummnsl last week. . Announcement Been mads to. "the effect: that the *annual gencral meeting of the sllareholdexs of the ,Hollmgel ("onsohda«ted Gold ; Minas, Limited, will :beâ€"eld at ‘thesoffice of the Premdent, Mr. N. A, Tlmmlns.‘ Room 306,, Dominibn EKxpress Buildâ€" Ang,* Montreal, on \Yedx.\esda\, (toâ€" da\), May 19’?11 at 2.30 p; m., to reâ€" ceive the dxrectors report and financâ€" dal statement,. ‘to elect the ensuing year, and forâ€"such other, business asnay come before the mset ing. . The annual report was *mailed to shzireholders some time ago. o is REGULAR ‘‘MOVIE‘‘ PLOT~ |. __IN THIS MURDER STORY. I Iroquois Falls South Porcupine Gaturday, . Aug. 14th. â€" $ Last "Wedneedai evening Thomas Hines, a farmer living near Now Liskâ€" eard, committed sm(‘lde by hanging lumself in his barn. Hines was about 35 years of age. He had been acting rat'her strangely for some weeks past and it is surmised that he hanged himâ€" self) while suffering from temporary mental deranvement R s .. ‘The new branch of the Dominion NEW HSKRARD RZBSIDEN‘T Timmins vs. South Porcupme, Tuesâ€" /day , July 27th. \ TroquoisFa lIs vs. Mcinty re, Satur~ day, July 31st. \IcInt\ ve vs. South P01 cupme, Wed nesdai Ang. 25th. _ _ ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ; HOLLINGBR CONSOLIDATED. South Poreapin= vs. Tlmmms Friâ€" day, Aug. 20th. _ _ â€" South Porcupme vs. Troquois I‘a(fls,. Wednesday, Aug. 4th. _ Melntyre vs. Txmmlns, I"mda;, Aug 6th. /‘ 7 ‘Timmins vs. I\Iclnt‘yre, \\ =dnesdav, Aug. 11th. ‘ The following are the games of the first league the firstâ€"named team in .each case being the homeâ€"team :â€"._ * _ Iroquois Falls versus outh Por- ‘cupine, Monday, May 24th. Melntyre vs. Timmins, May 24th. Timmins xs. Iroqums Falls, Friday, ’\iay 28. i South Poreflpme vs. McInt\ rc,{W'ed nesday, June 2nd. ; The Second League games are as folImVS' Melntyre vs. Iroqums. Fal]a, Wedâ€" Fsday, July 7th,. ’QA!Q"'-\ Dflfln.‘i\:‘.;fi tow » 14 “Irn.rh"tvivn .Tl‘..: Timmins vs. Iroquois Falls, Wedâ€" nesday, July 21st. â€" _ Souts Poreapine vs. Iroquois Falls, Wednesday, June 9th. Meluatyre vs. South Porcupine;, \Tl esdsay, June 15th. : Â¥ South . Poreupine vs.. ’T‘hnmins,’, Saturday, June 19th | : â€" Troquois Falls vs . Mclntyra, batur- ds > 101. _ Melatyre vs. Iroquois Falls, Wedâ€" nesday, June 23rd. â€" . se o 1 Fafl/s vs. Timmins, Saturâ€" day, July 17th. _ T s South Poreupine vs. Melntyre, Friâ€" day, July 16th, _ hi ce h ols ols o o. her 29. 6. tw c 2l cedb af 69 k n «o Timmins vs. Melntyre, ‘ Tuesday, Jun\e 29th . e Iroquois Falls vs. Timmins, batur- day, June 5th. Timmins â€"vs, ‘South. Porcupine, Tuesday, July 6th. j 0 es At the meeting of the Northern Onâ€" tario Football Association, ‘held some days ago in Irpquois Falls, the followâ€" ing schedules were adopted for the season. The dates, so far as they apply to Timmins have been approved by the Board of Governors of the Timmins Amateur Athletlc Aswcm- tion. ie Cames in District THis Smon for King and Dickson Cups. coemt o indut . FODTBALt CAMES o cmd LISKEBEARD RESIDENT HANGS HIMSELF IN BARN. We dn nc i on es 1 n Nt Notice is hereby given that all creâ€" ditors and others having claims aâ€" gainst the estate_of the said Charles Dalton, who diedâ€"on or about_ the Twentyâ€"third day of February, 1920, are required on or before the Flrst day of J uly, 1920, to send by post prepaid or dehvel to J. M. I‘orbes, Barrister, of the Town of Timmins, Ontario, Solicitor The Toronto General ‘Trusts Corporation, the exeâ€" cutor of the last will and testament of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresges and desceriptions, «the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. A MILLION DOLLAR f .SURPLUS AT THE DOME. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said exâ€" ecutor avill proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parâ€" ties entitled thereto, ‘having regard only to the claims ‘of whlch it shall then have notice, and that the said exécutor will not‘ be Hable for the assets or any partf thereof to any perâ€" son or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by it at t« c\tlme of such dlstmbutxon Py * 920. ipagy is scheduled on June 18th at Toronto. â€" One of the features of the financial statement to be presented at the meeting is understood to be the atem showingâ€"the sutplus of the Dome Mines now to be practically a million ‘dollars. This is a material increase over last year, and in many other atems the Dome willâ€"also show similar pleasing progress during the year past The Dome is one of the most efficientâ€" ly managed mines of the North Land and has made f*good showing through allthe difficulties thHat have beset mining in the last few years. > With the coming of ‘"easier‘‘ conditions in the mirfing industry the success and' progress of the Dome is ~beyond question. N En the Matter of the Estate of Charles Dailton, ~late of the Township of ~Ashfield in the Gounjm of Huron, _ Liveryman, deceased> _ The annual general meeting of the sharecholders of Mines Comâ€" J. M. . 'Sohmtm for The Toronto General Trusts Corporation. +Â¥ U ated the Eleventh day of May, NOTICE TO CREDITORS * THE . GARAGE_ _\ â€"â€" Suabscribe to *+Box 52, Schumacher "-\ Representing A Great West Life Assm-an'a ‘\Co. _ Generalâ€"Accident Assurance Co. n 34 “ 4‘..\. *%,, . * * : s3 ; Py xX » n * T M 3 . ; j ':“"’; ..' | | ¢ A ) _ T. Moseleyâ€"Williams Life and Sickness and Accident Insurance your local paper SOUTH PORCUPINE»++ ysnt

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