Oakville Beaver, 26 Sep 1999, p. 38

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Sunday, September 26,1999 Page 38The Oakville BeaverCLASSIFIED Toplaceanadpleasecall 845-3824 or 337-5610 Fax632-8165 Mon,-Fit 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. REAL ESTATE 100-165 RENTALS 170-196 LEISURE LIVING 200*265 MERCHANDISE 300-375 AUTOMART 400*465 HELP WANTED 500-599 ANNOUNCEMENTS 600-675 SERVICES 700-800 ClassiffiedEXpress71 2 4 H O U R S A D A Y We Accept Cheque o r Cash DEADLINES & CANCELLATIONS: Mon. 6 pm for W ednesday; Wed. 6 p.m . for Friday. T hu rs . 6 p.m . for S u nday houses for sale HOMESELLERS- Find out what the home down the street so ld fo r. R e ce iv e com puterized printout of recent a rea hom e sa le s , current listings... mailed... no cost or obligation. Ca ll 24-hrs, 1-888-556-6037 , enter ID#1041, leave mes­ sage ind ica ting w hich streets you want info on! HEADON Fo rest. 4 bedroom home, 2.5 baths, hardwood & ce ra m ics throughout. eat- in-kitchen, family room with foreplace, m ain flo o r laundry, central air & vac., close to schools and parks. G rea t fam ily hom e on a quiet street. 3206 Renton Rd. $225,000. 331-8285 2101 M eadow brook Rd, lln it-F, Burlington. Private sa le - supe fb , 2 s to rey townhom e. C o nven ien t M oun ta inv iew lo cation . Open House- Sat/Sun, 1- 5pm, $115 ,900 . 905- 332-1547 , http://web- hom e .id ire c t.com /-rex is / sale.html_________________ NORTH O a kv ille - , 2373 P en ro se Lane . 3-bdrm townhouse. 1.5 baths. C/A, gas f ire p la ce , sp a c io u s co rne r lot, fu lly fen ced b a ckya rd w /la rge deck , c lo se to a ll am en it ie s . $207,000. (905)257-4970 CLOSE to YMCA. library & Mall. 3-bedrooms with fire- , new 3 3 3 - p lace. deck, garag k itchen. $149 ,500 4311 ■ K u l lots & acreages GOVERNMENT approved waterfront subdivision, e s­ tate sized lots. 40 minutes North of 401. Investo rs wanted. 705-439-1155. I industrial /commercial space MONEY ACCESS L ^ • N o c r e d i t in v e s tig a tio n • C o n fid e n tia lity S f REQUIRED TO BE APPROVED: ^ 4 • $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 a n d u p f i n a n c i n g • R R S P o r RIF, LIRA, M utual Funds • Pension Plan from a Fortner Employer C .F .M . I N C . -Analyzed by our C onsultants and referred for Rapid Financial Execution! Call Toll Free: 1-888-657-1062 Fax: 1-888-703-1492 7 Days Per Week - 24 H our Service Prime Franchise Locations in Hamilton 1-877-241-0-241® PRIME Com m ercia l P laza for lease. Glen Abbey. Suit many u ses. C a ll N ick or Paul: (426)744-3311. Nor- dale Realty & A sso c ia te s Inc. O AKVILLE- Lake sh o re / Kerr; prim e re ta il/ o ffice space: 1100sq.ft.+ fu ll basement, parking. $1280/ mo+ hydro; App rox. 850sq.ft., basement, park­ ing. $1048/m o.+ hydro. 842-3196_______________ OFFICE space on Industrial Road with or without furni­ ture, $350/mo, heat & hydro included. Immediate. 681- 7067____________________ 250 sq.ft. Office space. In­ d u s t r i a l Dr., Bu rling ton . $300/mo. Available Oct 1st. 639-5461________________ OAKVILLE Downtown. Re­ ta il/ o ffice / com m erc ia l units. 850 sq.ft., 1100 sq.ft. & 1200 sq.ft. (905)845- 6160, (416)746-9494 _ _ TWO bright, offices ava il­ able. Burlington industrial core. Am p le pa rk ing , ^ ' x l f $350/mo.; 13'x18\ $450/mo, 631-9545_______ SHARED Executive office space available in Oakville (D orva l/ S p e e rs area). Secretaria l services ava il­ able (905)337-2133 ONCE You Pop, You Cant Stop! L im ited num ber of d is tr ibu to rsh ip s . Instant cash flow. Profitable oppor­ tunity. regardless of experi­ ence. No Se llin g . Take charge of your future. Mini­ mum investment, $16,800., puts on fast track to early retirement. Info package call 1-800-336-4296_______ SS Government Funds SS G Grants and loans informa­ tion to start and expand your business or farm. 1- 800-505-8866____________ SS Government Funds SS. Grants and loans informa­ tion to start and expand u your business or farm. 1- 800-505-8866. CANADIANA.Q uiet, w ell m a in ta in ed bu ild in g on lakefront. Ve ry spacious 2&3 bedrooms, December. 5220 Lakeshore Rd., Bur- lington, (905)632-5486 DOWNTOWN, Burlington. O ne 2-bedroom , O c t.1st; O ne 3-bedroom Nov. 1st. W e ll m a in ta in ed , qu iet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital. Lake. 637-0321 BRONTE. 2-bedroom, 4th- floor. clean, quiet building. S920/mo. includes utilities. Nov. 1st. (905)827-8228 A 1 -Bedroom a va ila b le Oct. 1st. $840/mo. includes heat, hydro, park ing. On Bronte Road by the Lake. Ca ll (905)827-6783„ BURLINGTON- 2-bedroom apartments. Well- located, quiet building. Near down­ town, buses, highway, lake. CaH (905)333-0869. IMMACULATE 2-storey 1- bedroom country apartment includes heat, hydro, satel­ lite. Immediate possession. No pets . $895/m o. (905)335-4319.___________ SHORT-TERM Rentals. 3+ m onths. S p a c io u s One Bedrooms. Utilities. Indoor Pool, Work-out Room. Bur- lington Towers. 639-8583 R E F U R B I S H E D A p a r t m e n t s . Downtown Burlington. E liz­ abeth Manor, 477 E liz a ­ beth Street. 1&2 Bedroom Apartments with spectacu- lar view. 634-9374________ BURLINGTON- 1 bedroom. 2 b locks to lake, laundry, underground parking, in- doorpool, view, $800/mo. u t ilit ie s in c lu ded . Imme- diate. 905-633-9707 BURLINGTON Lakeshore. near Burloak. 1-bedroom, lake view, Nov. 1st., $800/ mo, (905)639-3301 RELOCATING- 2 bedroom a va ila b le im m ed ia te ly in O a kv ille . W est Sunse t. S965/mo. utilities included. 339-3912________________ EXECU TIVE 1-bedroom basement apartment, North O a kv ille . S e p a ra te en tran ce , own laundry , c ab le , d ishw ashe r, m icrowave. No pets, non- smoker. Suit young, quiet p ro fe s s io n a l fem ale . N ovem ber 1st. S690. in c lu s iv e . 8 4 9 -1 1 7 6 or 330-7255.________________ O AK VILLE 17th F loo r. P/H, overlooking O akv ille Y a ch t C lu b . T h ree b ed ­ rooms, 2 1/2 baths, 5 Ap ­ pliances, including Ensuite Laundry. C a ll (905) 844- 9670 If you are.... • Single... new to workforce! • Couple., two income... starting out! • Senior... needing to join a community! YOU DESERVE A 1-BEDR00M APT at BURLINGTON TOWERS Ask about our "Added Value" feature ...a FREE' Microwave or VCR ' some restrictions apply Magnificent Indoor Pool & Fitness Centre ' Utilities & Parking Included • Fantastic loca tion! TO VIEW CALL (905) 639-8583 BURLINGTON A P A R T M E N T S 2 & 3 Bedrooms Also Available U b h u j ★★ 1460 Ghent Avenue ★★ (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted Lofts • Studios • 1&2 Bedroom Suites * All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths * Indoor pool & saunas »Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. * Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access BURLINGTON SQUARE 6 3 9 - 4 6 7 7 Mon-Thu., 9-7; Fri. 9-5; Sat & Sun 11-4 / V P A J ^ v t f l T Downtown On-The-Lake BURLINGTON PLACE 1-BDRM SUITES From $850/mo. Fitness facilities • Outdoor Pool CALL TODAY FOR A N APPT. TO VIEW: 333-9141 Minto Management Ltd. B A SEM EN T apartm ent w ith sep a ra te entrance. Two bed room s, liv ing room, k itchen and w ash­ room. (905)845-4406. BURLINGTON. 2 bedroom, m ain floo r. C lo s e to schools, & shopping. Avail­ ab le October 15th. Refer­ ences. $900/mo includes heat/water. 698 Brant St. (905)631-2997___________ 2-BEDROOM available now or Oct. 1st. $725/mo. Heat & park ing inc luded. Fridge, s tove , laundry fa c ilit ie s . 333-5506, Ext.53_________ QUIET, Convenient, Well- Maintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd.. Burlington. Very spa­ c io u s . O ne 1-bedroom , O c t .1st; one 2-bedroom , Nov. 1st. 637-3921 1- BEDROOM , N o v .1st. Charm ing Bronte. $785./ mo. inc lusive. Poo l, A/C, gym. Call Brad Miller, Cen­ tury 21 M iller R E . 845 - 9180____________________ BURLINGTON Downtown, spac iou s 2-bedroom apt. Clean quiet building. Avail­ ab le Nov.1st./ or earlier. $718/mo. 336-6690. BURLINGTON Near W a­ terfront! 1-bedroom, $725/ mo; 2-bedroom, $825/mo. Rem ode led un its. Q u ie t buildings. (905)639-5079. ALD ER SH O T. Beau tifu l main floor 2-bdrm+ den, 2 baths, J a cu z z i. Park ing . P riva te yard . N o v .1st. (905)631-7678, (905)339- 4623. SOUTH Burlington. 1 bed­ room, main floor of house. Walking distance to down­ town. $850/m o, p lus utilities. Oct. 1st. 639-5461 OAKVILLE- Main floor of bungalow ava ilab le Nov. 1st., $1,025. + utilities. Call Tony Fe rnandes, Sutton Group. 848-9800_________ BEAUTIFUL, Newly Reno­ va ted 2 -Bedroom A p a rt­ m ents. Som e with lake views! Refurbished, P re s­ tigious Burlington Highrise. Immediate. From $950./mo (905)637-6701___________ BURLINGTON D ow n­ town. Wellington Place, 478 Pearl Street. Newly deco­ rated 1&2 Bedroom Apart­ ments with scen ic views. 632-1643_______________ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ S/E Oakville- Walk to lake! 2- bedroom, lower level of house, 5 app liances, ga­ rage. patio . Su it s ing le/ coup le . $1,000/m o. (In­ c lu d e s heat). A lbert, (905)339-8822___________ DELIGHTFUL 1-bedroom, downtown Burling ton . $615/mo. inc ludes stove, fridge, park ing , u tilitie s . Laundry available. Nov. 1st. Call Don, 639-2085_______ OAKVILLE. Perfect new­ lywed nest/ singles haven, patio, park-like ravine set­ ting, fireplace, 4 applianc­ es, C/A, C/V, utilities in­ c luded , non-sm oker. D e c .1st. $850/mo. 905)844-9161______________ BEAUTIFUL WATERD0WN! Edith Court 1&2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS From $620./mo. Includes utilities and 1 outside parking! (905) 690-1896 2 bedroom in 4-p lex. Beach Blvd., bay window. Eat-in size kitchen, Oct. 1st $575/mo+hydro. Gardening lover preferred. 634-2883 BRAN T /P ro spect. 1-bed- room apartment, balcony. Spac iou s, quiet build ing. Heat. p a rk ing inc l. F irs t/ la s t. Im m ediate. $565/mo. 639-7231. ★ 2 -B E D R O O M A p a rt­ ments $760. (Utilities in­ cluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11-8pm. 639-5761 T Y AN D AG A Terrace, Bur­ lington. Freshly decorated 2&3 bedroom s, October. Low-rise building, Garden like setting. P rivate land­ scaped patios. 336-0016, 336-0015 All The Advantages of Condo Living 2 BDRM SUITES WITH SOLARIUM! Oct/Nov. Rec. facilities, 24-hr security & more. Conveniently located in the Mapleview area! « 637-3155 ® BURLINGTON Lakefronl. 2190 Lake sh o re Rd. 1- bedroom. Available imme­ diately. $1100/mo. hydro/ gas included. 5 applianc- es„ 634-5690.___________ 1-BEDROOM Rentals: Bur­ lington & Bronte: Spotless, 5 appliances, balcony, un­ derground parking.. From $850/m o. to $1050/m o. Oct. 1st to Nov. 15th. Linda D av ie s R .E ., (905)333- 4347 I houses for rent ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ FURNISHED Luxury! 1-3 Bdrm Corporate, Executive Homes, Condos. 1-2 baths, 6 appliances, Central Air, Jacuzzi, recreation centre, pool, security, TV, V CR , stereo, from.... $1295/mo.! 681-RENT (7368). BURLINGTON near QEW- Executive completely fur­ nished upscale townhouse. 2 bedroom, 3 baths, fire ­ p lace, ideal for corporate accomodation. $2,000/mo. 3 33 -3 5 0 0 Marg Morren, Re/Max Garden City Realty, Inc. BURLINGTON luxury fur­ nished 1&2 bedrooms from $1 ,395./month all utilities inc luded . Imm ediate. (905)632-8354, (905)632- 6189 BURLINGTON Core area- reg is te red 2 bedroom dup lex. Double car port, backyard, laundry. October 1st. $845/m o+ utilities. (905)634-2646 NORTH Bu rling ton . 4- bdrm., 2 baths, main floor fam ily / laundry, deck. Nov. 1st $1,2C utilities. 332-2011________ GUELPH & 5- Spacious 4 bedroom semi, central air and fireplace, backs onto park. $1,200/mo. + utilities. 335-2504________________ E A S T Burling ton 3 bedroom 4 appliances, 1.5 baths, O ct.15 /N ov .1st. $1,095/m onth -4-utilities. A c t ive M anagm ent 333- 5506 ext 51 ___________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing availab le to facilitate pur­ chase of home with little or nothing down! Ja y Ne lli- gan, Sales Rep, (905)575- 5478 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor 3 Bedroom Bungalow , Oakville, Morden area, Fin­ ished basement. Posses­ s ion Novem ber 1st. $1 ,350 .00 . C en tu ry 21. Miller Adriano 845-9180 BU N G A LO W (O akv ille ) close to downtown, 3 bed­ room, 4 ap p lia n ce s , f in ­ ished basement, garage, a/c. No pets. $1200./mo. Avail. Oct. 1st. 847-1246 or 847-3708. O A K V ILLE - 3-Bedroom Tow nhouses a va ilab le Nov. 1st. 4 appliances. Ho- peda le M a ll area. Lakeshore M anagem ent, (905)876-3336___________ SPACIOUS 2&3 Bedrooms available Oct./Nov. Parklike se tting near shopp ing , schoo ls , GO . Hwy. Poo l, tennis. U tilit ie s included. G eo rg ian Court E sta tes. Bu rling ton . 632 -8547 , 9am-7pm NORTH Burlington: S-bed* room s, 1.5 baths. 5 a p ­ p lia n ce s , recen t white k itchen, s in g le a ttached garage, private patio, fin ­ ished rec.rm , $1200/mo. Nov. 1st. Linda Davies R.E., (905)333-4347 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm Irom $852+ 795 Dynes Road Tel: 639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt EXECUTIVE Condo town- house , North O akv ille . 2300 sq.ft., 3-bedrooms, 2- 1/2 baths, fam ilyroom , 5 appliances, fireplace, air, garage. N ov .1st. $1650/ mo. T ra fa lg a r P roperty Management, Warren Hill, 338-1130 ★ ★ ★ ★ 3-Bdrm 2-Level Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. Available Immediately Call 639-9212 BRANT/ Mount Forest. 3- bedroom townhouse m ai­ sonette, laundry facilities, 1- parking. Nov. From $775/ mo.+ utilities. (905)319- 9104.____________________ PARK like setting. 2-bed­ room tow nhouse near Tyandaga Golf Course. 1-1/ 2 baths, finished basement, hardw ood flo o rs , fridge, stove. Availab le Nov. 1st. 335-3001________________ BRO N TE H arbou r a rea , $1,450./mo. Large 3-bed­ room , 4 bathroom town- home, familyroom with fire­ place, 2 walk-outs to 2 bal­ conies, single garage. No pets allowed. References requ ired . N o v .1st. (905)847 -5502 or (705)767-3061____________ BURLINGTON: Nov./Dec.: 2- bedroom from $892.85/ mo.+ utilities. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths, near schoo ls , shopping. Park-like setting; 3- bedrooms, $989.75/mo. 333-1190. 2110 C le a v e r A ve , Unit 220. Love ly , 3 bedrobm townhouse backing on to treed ravine, 2 1/2 baths, 2 sto rey , 5 ap p lia n ce s , fire p la ce , d eck , ga rage , sto rage room . No Pe ts $1,200/mo utilitie s extra. Ca l Joseph (H)(905) 939- 8545 or(W) 939-7349 CHRISTIAN family locating to Oakville need furnished 3-4 bedroom home, Dec.1- approx. Mar.1. 3 children (eldest in wheelchair). Will ca re for your property. (416)576-2820.___________ ▼TTTf EARN $ 1 ,0 0 0 .- $2,000. Now for your Residence! Triple "A" corporate clients waiting to move in! All your bills paid for 1-12 months! Don't leave your home un­ secured! 681-RENT (7368) BURLOAK/ New St. Room for rent, use of k itchen. Non-smoker. 633-9727. Fu rn ished room , im m e­ diate, Gue lph L ine area. $395/mo. cable/hydro in­ cluded. First/ last. Peter, (905)332 -0599 , ce ll: (905)515-3292____________ FURNISHED room for rent in large apartment. Board a va ilab le - nego tiab le . A v a ila b le O c t .1st. A l­ de rshot. nea r G O . 6 3 1 - 9400____________________ ROOM and board a v a il­ able. Laundry, own bath­ room, meals, access to in­ ternet. a ll inc lusive $550. 842-4974 FURNISHED bedroom , share bath. K itchen privF- leges U t ilit ie s inc luded . Pool, hot tub. $100./wkly. East Oakville. Non-smoker 829-5995 m sharedaccommodation MILLCROFT area, 2 rooms a va ila b le fo r w ork ing female. Clean, smoke-free env ironm ent, k itchen/ laundry use, parking, a/c. First/ last. References. 335- 6 1 6 4 .__________________ FURNISHED bedroom with p riv ledges in apartm ent. G ue lp h L ine & P ro sp e c t area. Mature female, non­ drinker. $395/mo. P lease call 637-9893 FURNISHED room in house. Shared entrances, kitchen, bath, laundry. TV, cab le , lin e n s in c lu ded . Burlington Mafl area. Suit non -sm ok ing w ork ing female. No pets. $300/mo. 632-1585________________ M ATURE, re spo n s ib le , non -sm ok ing fem a le to sha re fu lly fu rn ish ed 2- bedroom apt, near Burlington Mall. $390/mo. 681-7306.________________ WALKER'S/ Upper Middle. Share upsca le townhome, Use of all facilities. Parking. $450/mo. inclusive. Nov. 1st (905)331-0012___________ S Q U A R E O ne. sha re 2 bedroom condo , own ba th room , s tuden t non- sm oker, non-d rinke r, $500/m o. in c lu s iv e . (416)574-7266.___________ 3-BEDROOM townhouse to share in Aldershot. A ll ap­ p liances including washer & dryer. Smoker welcome. Parking included. Call 681- 0652 14FT Northwood aluminum boat, with floor, 2 sw ive l seats, live well, 15hp Suzu­ ki. oil injected outboard with 5 gal. tank. Northtrail trailer with spare tire also include Minnkota electric trolling motor and eagle fish finder, $4,400 obo. C a ll S tan at 257-2953 18 inch Jum bo P illow top Pocketcoil Mattress & Boxs­ pring, s till in p la s t ic cost $3 ,000 , s a c r if ic e $1000 . (905)567-4042.___________ 54IN., upright grand piano. Turn of the century english h e ir loom w ith sw eet resonan t tone. E xce lle n t condition except for rub on front keybed during recent m ove. $1 ,195 . Len 845-1227________________ ALL in original boxes: JVC stereo receiver, JV C stereo cassette deck, Optimus CD player with remote control. Zen ith V H S H Q V C R . P a c k a g e $600/obo . C a ll (905)689-9902____________ ANTIQUE cherrywood refin­ ished 4-poster bedroom su­ ite, 6-pce, $3,300.; Dining­ room suite, 9-pce, $3,800. (905)333-3940___________ APPLIANCES/ Furn iture. Almond, fridge, $100; dish­ washer $75; washer $100; dryer $75; sectional sofa w/ bed, $300; 3 wall units $90/ all; com puter bench $30; 486 computer multi-media sys tem $250. (905)827-8807. BEDROOM suite, dark solid wood, exce llen t condition $800 obo. So fa and love sea t e xce lle n t cond ition , $650 obo. Wedding dress straight cut with train, size 12-14, paid $1,000 asking $500. 319-3039__________ BLACK wrought iron queen canopy bed, mattress, box, frame, new, cost $1200, sell $490. (905)567-9459. SIT On It- Don't S it In It! R ep la cem en t foam for cushions. Residential/ com­ mercial. Fields Upholstery, 9-9, 7 days/ w eek! 6 3 2 - 9090____________________ FR EE E st im a te s ... G o t w obb ly cha irs ...w ea k springs... tired looking wood f in is h e s ? W e do it a ll! Custom wood refin ish ing/ fu rn itu re repa irs . F ie ld s C u s to m Fu rn itu re , 9-9, daily! 632-9090__________ CA R PETS, thousands of yards/ styles. Will do LR/DR for $319. including under­ pad, installation. Warranty. 510-0589________________ CANADIAN P in e c la s s ic dining suite. Natural pine fin ish . G o o d cond ition . $2200. 333-6645_________ CAR PET - I have several 1,000 yds. of new Sta in - master & 100% nylon car­ pet. W ill do liv ingroom & hall for $349. Includes car­ pet. pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, 639-2902 CUSTOM-MADE oak enter­ tainment unit, 6'x4'x2', holds TV, stereo, speakers, VCR, v id eo tapes, reco rds . $1500; 3-pce. wall unit 6'x8' light oak, $800. 637-7766. DIAMOND & Sapphire ring, value $1200., asking $600.; Call (905)689-9902________ ELEGANT white 3 seater & 2 seater sofas, $1000/pair. 332-4506________________ FR EE E s t im a te s - Love your sofa and chairs? Hate your colours? Give Fields a call! Great Savings! Sofas from $598 ... Cha irs from $198. S en io r D iscoun ts . F ie lds Custom Upholster- ing, 632-9090, Daily 9-9 BOOKS, Aquariums, Dog & Bird cages, lamps, furniture bikes, screen doors, desks, filing cabinets, garage cup­ boards, tools, tiles, sofas, chairs.. .Reasonable prices. The Reu se Centre , 3335 N .S e rv ic e , Bu rling ton . W ed /T h u rs /F r i-1 2-8 pm; Sat-9-5pm; Sun-1-4pm. LADIES clothes-size 8-12, $5/each. Shoes, size 6,7 & 8, $2.00. Golf clubs. LRH, $100. 631-7876__________ MOVING Sale: Appliances and househo ld furniture. Call (905)331-8791._______ TIRES w/chrome mag rims, A m e rica n R ace r, for C h e v ro le t J im m ie / light tru ck, a l-m ost new , 15" $500/set 632-8377. ULTRAMATIC bed- double, with m assage , like new, $900/obo. Electric Ball type­ writer, Facit, includes new ribbons & correctional tape, $50. Sewing machine table & stool. $50/obo. 529-1363 WEDDING d ress , brand new, with veil, never worn, s iz e 8, $800. C a ll (905)639-9818.__________ W O O D S T O V E S - (2) a ir tight. "Ironsm ith", round, s in g le door w /screen, w oodcra ft re ctangu la r 2 door w/screen. $150/each. 331-6437 ANTIQUES wanted- furni­ ture, g la s s ch ina , s ilver, jewelry, c lo cks, watches, p a in t in g s , o ld photos, can e s , etc. Best cash! (905)-522-4727___________ PAINTINGS Wanted An tiques of all kinds; furniture, g lass, china, co llectib les, A d d iso n rad io s from 1930s. Estates purchased. Karl (905 )681 -6939 Bur­ lington. GUARANTEED dry 100% hardwood. Pick-up/ Deliv­ ery. "Ontario's largest Fire­ wood retail because we're O n ta r io 's Best". M arc 's Q ua lity F irew ood , (905)- 257-6366________________ G E T your firew ood now! se a so n e d m ixed ha rd ­ wood, 4'x8'x12" $50./cord, 4'x8'x16", $ 55 /cord. Deliv­ ered -minimum 5 cords. 1- 519-582-4628 K j i | 1 pets, supplies AUSTRALIAN Cattle Dog pups, good with children, pa ren ts good w orkers. $150. (519)669-2220. No Sunday calls. FR E E to good homes- Bor­ der Co llie Australian She- pherX puppies. 6 wks old. 632-5564 after 5pm LO VE birds- hand raised, 3 months old, Dutch Blue & Peach face. $75/each. 336- 9187.____________________ YORKSHIRE Terriers. 3-yr old male. $300.; 6-mo. old male. $300.; 3-mo. old tiny fem ale . $600. (905)331 - 7840 AIR EDALE Te rrie r Pups Top Cham pion Pedigree. Ready to go. Call (905) 680 2124 http://web-home.idirect.com/-rexis/ http://web-home.idirect.com/-rexis/ CLASSIFIED

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