Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Apr 1907, p. 8

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You?! find just what you want in our Grocery Department. Our Groceries are always faresh (Eur Shoes m m Whole Family a , § Most Stylish and Most Artistieally Tailored Ready-2-wear Garments Ever; Produced ‘VTILLH HAVL‘ bOR SALE A vmnti _\ of slabs. mixed wood at $3. 50 per large double load delivered Orders may he left at the Chronicle Office. SP?) OF '1‘“ 0 YEAR OLD atched black Clydesdale mares. Will sell nne 01 both. Also a. couple of cows (luv to valve. Apply to JAS. ATKINSON, Ap. 11.â€"tf. All persons interested will govern themselves accordingly. 3 THOMAS DAVIS, Inspector, South Grey. Dated at Durham this first day of April, 1907. T115: Dmmnr FURNITURE Co Al). lloâ€"tfo NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of License Commissioners for the License District of South Grey will meet at License Inspector’s office, Town of Durham, on A ril 16th, 1907, at 1 o’clock p. m.. for t e pur ose of considering applications for iquor Licenses for the License year 1907 and come See the New Snring Styles For ”an, Young Men and Boys ' £31.”, one block north of Re- !) 'Tzce, Cor. Hunter St. and Gara- 1‘: -.\ -. 130ml, consxsting of iacre good u Ming: orchard and garden. Stable. yummy, woodshed. soft, and hard \V: 191-. 11 roamed residence, Lwn large stnnecellru‘s. Apply -v9 .4 w- . 4 rod )4- Ap. 11.-â€" 1t. ENDERS \VILL BE RECEIVED Up to the 20th of April, 1907, for the stock in trade, of the Barclay Bell Estate consisting of Stoves. Root Pulpers. Harness. Repairs, etc. The Stock and Stock Sheets may be seen at any time by applying to. the As- sinnee. \V. CALDER, Assignee. Ap. llâ€"tf. LICENSE DISTRICT OF SOUTH Durham, April 10th, 1907. "37:1“ IN UPPER TOW’N. OR SALE HOUSE AND LOT Applym Mil! Wood for Sale. Pmperty for Sale. Stock for Sale. Do not delay coming here to see our magnificent display of Clothing for men, young men and boys. Every new style, fabric, pattern and coloring is in the collection. Our prices are sure to surprise you. MRS. MARG. LAURIE, Lower Town. For Sale. J. CA M BRO-N, Notice. Notice. 25 Homewoud. Ave.. Toronto. Ont. Lnt. 56 (Jon. 2, Glenelg ROBERT BURNETT A BY? i7‘iFFERENT A METE SMAR’IER A SHADE NEWER Fhe People’s. Store READY YOU’LL SEE THE WEARS ' THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Mr. John Haney an 'old resident of the Centre line, Artemeeie passed away on Setnrdey last after a. pro- A. Bobinsan. of Markdale, District Chaplain, conducted the impressive service of the Order. The residence of Mr. John Davis, west of the village, wee the scene of e pleuent. gethering of neighbors end friends ’on Tneedey evening of lest week when Mr, end Mrs. Davis. who ere leeving to reeide in the Uni ted Stetes. were presented witn hendeome gifts the former l‘OOOlVng e gold chein end locket end the lame e eat of silver knivee end forks. M.- ‘ Emereon Wiekene nede the presence tion end Mr. Cherlee Stewert reed en eppropriete eddreee to which Mr Devie mede e fitting reply. The evening wee enjoyehly epent. Mr Devie hed e snooeesfnl sale of his ohettele end honeehold goods on Thnredey. A death extremelv sad was that of Mr. Frank Rennie. of Toron’to line. who on Thursday last succumbed te pneumonia after a short illness. The deceased was in the prime of life being only 37 of age. He leaves a grief stricken young widow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tucker of Glen- elg. and two children aged 10 and 3 vears respectively and all have the deepest sympatey of the communitv in the great sorrow that has so sud- denly filled their home. That the deceased was held in high esteem in the community where he has lived for. many years was "shown bv the very ‘large funeral. which followed' his remains to' Flesherton cemeterv. on Saturday afternoon. Rev. H. Ferguson, pastor at Inistoge. cen- ducted the funeral service. The de- ceased was a prominent Orangeman filling the honorable position of Master of No. 244 L. O. L this year. His remains were therefore interred with Orange honors by a large turn out of the members of No. 244 and others lodges 1n the district. 338V ‘J Two weeks ago we referred to De- tective Greer. of Toronto, having been in Osprey investigating a case placed in his hands. As the result Mr. Hugh Thompson of that town.- ship was before Magiatrate VanDusen here on Tuesday of last week charged with having had criminal intimacy for some time with J ans Patterson, the 13 year old daughter of John Patterson a neighbor. Upon the ev- idence produced the accused was committed for trial at Owen Sound. Crown Attorney Armstrong conduc- ted the prosecution and Mr. W. E. Wright was counsel for the accused. A By-law to raise the sum of three thousand dollars for the construction of cement sidewalks in the village this summer was submitted to the ratepayers on Tuesday of last week and was carried by a majority of forty. At a special meeting of Artemesia Discrict L. O. L. held here last week it was decided that. the District cele- brate the Battle of the Boyne at Markdale this year. Mr. John Kerr Infr. on Monday to spend some time in New Ontario. Mr. Ed Jamieson has returned from Toronto to spend a few days with his mother before going to the New Ontario. Rev. 1’. McNabb of Kilsyth preach- ed in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. Rev. J. F. Somerville, B. A. of Toronto will preach the next two Sabbaths. Mr. M. Ferguson was called to Orangeville. lasn week to attend the funeral of his brother Peter. who died suddenly. The deceased was Unmarried. Miss Tall of Blvtb. has been added to our public school staff in the place of Miss Farqnharaon. Mrs. John Paul of Feversham. who has been ill and in Toronto for some time under treatment by a spe “ialist. was in town on Saturday on her re- turn home and her friends here were pleased to learn of marked improve- ment in her condition. Miss Mabel Boyd returned to Alma College on Monday. Mrs Anflrew Bentham has been I. r some daya as Torunto Junction, Waiting her daughter at; Whose home Mrs. Sheppard, Sr. suddenly died. last wgek. \h'. J. W. Tucker of Markdale. at- tvnded the funeral of his brother-in. law, Mr. Frank Rennie on Saturday. Miss AHIB Ottawa”. of anrey. is visiting her brother Dr. Ottewell, this week. Mrs. \V. A. Armstrong received the sad news on Thursday last of the death of her nephew, Bert Neilson, need 19 years. eldest son of the late Mr Archie Neilson of Proton Station Only a year ago the deceased with his mother left their farm near Proton .n reside in the coa9t city. Mrs. Neilson has numerous friends here who deeply sympathize wilh her in the sad bereavement she has so soon been called to pass through. Mrs. John Sheppard formerly of thia place and mother of T. J. and Fred Sheppard, died suddenly of heart failure at the home of the lat- ‘9“. Toronto Junction, on Thursday Hut. The remains were interred at Mt. Forest on Saturd‘av. The de- ceased who was in her 69 WW". W71“ hm'n at Fullerton. Ont. She waq married to \ir Sheppard nearlv fiftv years and m'enara'ian was being made for the cela-‘hration of‘ their Ho‘den wedding. During her reei deuce here Mra. Sheppard made mam- friends who sympathize With her husband and familv in their bereave- ment. Fleshel‘ton shzw tracted illnegs with stomach trouble. The:. (unity! took piped-oh Honday to Mt. Ziom .cemetery. . The deceased was 65 years of age. He is survived by his aged widow gnd the following grown up\ ftmilyrâ€"Jonn W. and George at home; Edvard, in Toronto; Robt‘.. Albert ond'flra. W. Morrow; Dundslk and M1". John Wood, Cay. dashing up etreet at e lively peoe u ageinet 'e telephone pole et J. d: v Boyd’s store where they were captured. The impect turned the W '28? over end the mix up looked to f considereble demege wee done, but 'h neckynke end a. whifietree only The first qunrterly meeting of the Sunday School To .chers Union hero held in the Bnptist church on Friday evening sud proved interesting and helpful. Rev. L. F. Kipp cove n fine sddress on Methods of Touching nnd on interesting discussion followed. taken port in by M. K. Richnrdaon. Principal Mill, Mrs. Thurston. W. H. Buut, Chas Stewart and F. Chard. Among those who have Spent their EaSter holidays at home are Mr. Hugh Renwick. Ottawa. Miss E. Wilson. teacher at Yeovil and Miss Janet: Hay, Toronto. \ A very interesting and beneficial meeting of the Women’s lnstitute of South Gery was held at Mr. Robt. Renwick’s Sr. on Wednesday April 3rd. The day was rather wet and disagreeable yet a goodly number of over twenty were in attendance. This was the first meeting held in Dromore since the re organization in February “fit and by the enthusiasm shown by those present we are all well assured of a succes ful series of meetings during the Summer months. M’iss P. Moody 91mm a few davs lasx. week with her sister Mrs. Colin McMillan. We congratulate the new Presiuent, Miss Agnes Benwick who so ably conducted xhe meeting. She also Spoke cf the value and benefit to be derived from a good Institute of this kind. The topic which was “House- cleaning” was treated to perieCLicn. All the problems in connection with this coming: event were solved The discussions were lively and showed up lack of intelligence along this line of work. It has been decided to hold the meetings the first Wednes- day of each month. The next. meet. ing to be held at Mrs Jno. Renton’s. Topics “Gardening and Poultry}; The e'ders of Ann’s church and their wives. soent a pleasant evening at. the manse Friday last. msrv’w 'Wflru 'p: «when. )H A young totm belonging to Mr. hn Blackburn broke' loose from a -d in the village on Sttqrdoy Int iiHunteP’ 3 “High Quaiity” *‘ Grass and Clover Seeds wm%%%*%%%%*%%%%¢$w*% Z N o t e d E v e r y vCr h e r e f or th e ir V if; 0 r a n d p u r- ‘1" .y A most thorough germination “Germination TCSt” test is made in duplicate of every lot of seed we ofier which is done according to the standard methods employed by the Department of Agriculture of Ottawa, Washington. and by European seed testing stations. To further protect our customers a duplicate sample of each lot is sent to the seed testing branch at Ottawa for check and comparison. With such unusual case users of Hunter’s Government Standard Brands in Clovers and Grasses have the strongest assurance of securing the very fineSt grades of seeds to be had from any known sources for puri‘tfv and value. HHHHJIGWSKEX‘ “ 9’ In RH" it'd Al Our Government Standard W Timothy Seeds have given unqualified r-a Isfaclwn The ”LL-t, persistent care is given to supply the knight-95L quality and pumy obtainable. PRICE TELLS ! QUALITY SELLS ! Hunter’s Hardware}: And Seed Store !* THE SAME careful germinsuoo tests is given to every variety of garden. field and papered seeds. We know that. Hunter’s seeds grow. / Dromore. High Quality is the first and stumg'est rw'em- mendation to every buyer and user of am kind of seed; the price is a second considea-atmn when estimating its value and worth. \Vhen comparing both quality and price ot‘zmy seeds We Offer they Will be fuund in the buyers" hast interests. SELECTIO We decline to purchase rough and uncleaned seed and refuse any Iota containing such noxious weed seeds that cannot comply with the Seed Act. Call and Examine our Seeds Cash for all Kinds of Grain We also have in stock a mu line of Turnip. Mangel and Sugar Beet Seeds. We carry in stock a full strength (40 0/0) F‘m‘malin Kills smut germs. Trv it. We have in shock a com- plete line of garde seeds in bulk Giue us a Trial '\Vhen Needing These Teese seeds are haught from reputable growers and are pure .‘GARDENERS ATTENTION ! PEAS, ONIONS, CORN. BEANS, AND RADlSflES f he People’s Druggists Formalin April 11, 1907-~ «a ’ Ak‘ w «W». - _ ’m‘ 75“ >0. '0“

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