Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Jul 1901, p. 2

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.‘ITS OF INFOBHATION WHICH YOU SHOULD KNOW. Hora and There the World Over - Interesting Items About Al- The City of Pekln has only one street lamp. Only one man in 203 is over on. in Se‘Sght. There are forty-eight kinds of the house-fly. The latest (ad in society is perfum- ed butter Cotton of twelve different colours grows in Peru. Green garnets are more valuable than diamonds. The Swedish mile ’9 the longest mile in the world. LITTLE 0F EVERYTHING; The screw of an Atlantic steamer costs about. $20,000. There are several varieties of fish that cannot swim. There are seventeen metals more valuable than gold. Each British soldier costs his coun- try $400 every year. VVJ The giant bees 01 India. build combs ten ieet in height. Sheep are used as beasts o! burden in India and Persia. People who live with their mouths shut live longest. Thirty-five railway companies have depots in Chicago. There are more than 6,000 known languages and dialects. Honey will turn to wax if left un- touched for some time. Fully 100,000 inhabitants of Lon- don are nightâ€"workers. 0! seven Presidents of France only one has served a full term. The price of medicine in Prussia is regulated by the State. It takes £35 a. year to keep a rail- way carriage in working order. It is against the rules to carry matches on board I. manâ€"of-wur. A caterpillar can eat 600 times its weight of food in a month. The most costly leather in the world is known as piano leather. In New Zealand two persons work- ing together constitute a factory. It. is estimated that, one crow will destroy 700,000 insects every year. BuckWnodsmen of China still use bow and arrow as a weapon. The length of life of a tratlosman is only two-thirds that o! a. tmvacr. About. 300 organ-grinders arrhu in London every June lrom Italy. A silver coin is usually in cm- rem‘y for about. twentyâ€"seven years. A six months’ cruise will ()062‘0336 the speed of a ship 15 per cent. The Paris theatres give away an uverage of 8,500 free tickets (Iuily. Telefon-Bismondo the Most Sin- gular in the World. The World's strangest. journal is located in Budapest. It. is called the 'I‘clulon-Ilisuumdo. or Telephone News, and enjoys a splendid reputa- tion. For eight years this venture has been in working order. and it is a great financial success. There are 6.2M) subscribers. who at regular stated intervals receive the news of the day, “hot" from all over the world, while sittingr comfortably at home. The subscribers take up at a Certain time of day their telephone reorivers and listen to the news which is spoken to them’ all simul- taneously by a "teller" in the news- paper office. Advertisements are heard in the same way. You can- not skip the advertisements in the same way. You cannot skip the advertisements in the telephone neWspaper. for they are artfully sandwiched by the teller between ex- citing pieces of news, and you are bound to listen for fear of missing anything. One editor. {our assistant editors. nine reporters, and a number of ‘tcllers' compose the stat“ of the pater. News is collected in the us- ual way. and is written out by the assistant editors. and finally initial- led by the editor. Then it is handâ€" ed to the “teller,” who speaks it owr the wires. Thz-re are two Sunday “issues. as well as many “editions" during the “titular days 0! the week. i'l‘hc telephone newspaper does not escape libel actions. It has had {our and won them all. Aggrieved subscribers dissatisfied with the editorial policy of the pa.- per sometimes wish to stop their connection with it. but this is not done easily. In the first place. in- struments have been installed in the house, and security given for a year's subscription. and some time must elapse before the receivers can be re- moved . The subscriber may decline to listen to the news; but the mad- dening bell will nevertheless continue to ring him up at the customary in- tervals. "Kt 'first some difficulty was exper- ienced in hearing the news clearly over the telephoneâ€"a difficulty whxch telephone subscribers is} qaher coun- tries experience ‘in ‘orflmary. conver- _._A-A“ “\l“‘ V- "v antionsâ€"t'nxt' a Ci'nple invention 'suon (imposed 9! an (uncle. per in all that pertains to its tech- nique is largely due to Mr. Emil Von Szveties. who is known on the staff as technical director. His skill and energy have produced great. re- sults. The concern is owned by a flock company with a capital of about £50,000. The pcnny-in-tme-slot system is be- in: tried in cannc'ction with the newspaper. so (but soon anyone in Budapest will ‘0 able)» have “penâ€" nurth's” of newts doled out to them. 'l‘iiis novel and interesting enter- prise was started about eight years ago by Theodore Buschgasch. who had been interested in electricity and had patented come inventions. Mr. Buschgasch dbd March 16, 1893. and the present. efficiency 0! the pa- PENNY-IN-THE-SLOT NEWS. LONDON. First here you will get the best price ’for really first grade poultry in 'prime condition, done up exactly as . the market wants, but the consumer land merchants are a cranky lot, and ghard to please. with many senseless 1 {ads and prejudices on trifling points so that some slight variation in the .packing of your poultry may turn 'them entirely against you and bring Iyou a bad price. But above all :Lnndon is the worst market in the iwax-1d to reach. It, has two portsâ€" !Tilhury and the Royal Akbcrt docks l both of them many miles from Lon- don markets, and at either of them your shipment may be dumped on the wharf and remain there from one to ten days for its turn to go up to London. by which time it will be well thawed. and fit for pigs only ! Such was the actual experience of thousands of pounds of Australian rabbits this year. When its turn Sconu-s it usually goes up to London .by barges. which are filthy, and are ‘fioated up with the tide. which take days in the journey; this will finish anything not already spoilt. You can aVoid this by paying 83. 00 per ton to have it sent up by train but that means a good slice off your pm- fit. In fact, your goods must be met by some one especially inter- ested in them, such as a special 'agei wor your buyer, who will see that they are rushed up to London without delay. London can also be 'i'cachcll by shipping to Southamp- ton. Liverpool or Manchester. and thence by rail, but from Liverpool or Manchester to London the freight is $6 to $14 per ton according to quantity, which is It is useless in shipping poultry to think of shipping anything under a car load, that is ten tons. for less than that cannot possibly be expect- ed to pay. The expense of shipping insurance, etc., will more than eat up the profits. To make this clear 1 may state. What anyone who has shipped anything knows to be the case. namely. that the more you send the less the expense in propor- tion. Therefore it is practically im- possible for any single farmer to ex- port chickens. 11, however, a num- London the Highest-Priced â€" Man- chester or Liverpool Safest-â€" To Whom to Ship. It has occurred to me that much trouble and loss to the Canadian farmer might be avoided if the par- ticulars of this subject were bet- ter understood, and as I have thor- oughly investigated the matter ,on the spot, the information I give is probably more recent and correct than anything at present written. WHERE SHALL THE CANADIAN PARKER SHIP. MARKETS FUR POULTRY. ber of farmers wish to co-opcratc and try their luck, good or bad, this is my advice. First. decide where you will ship, then to whom, and then how, In this article I wish to speak of the first. of those, namely, what port? Now let me take the largest and wealthiest in the world, Many cases are constantly being] brought to light of persons being cured by that wonderful remedyâ€"Dr. |\\'illiams' Pink Pillsâ€"after doctors ‘haye failed to be of benefit. Among I them may le noted the case of Mrs. ‘ Benjamin Harrison. a well known lady who. resides in the near vicinity iof ()rangeville, Ont. A reporter of the Sun hearing of Mrs. Harrison's wonderful cure called at her home to inquire into the facts of the case. Mrs. llarri>on said she was pleased to be able to testify to the great curative powers of these pills. Shei said: “For some years I have been a' constant san'erer. Just what to call my disease I do not know; even the doctors Were unable to diagnose it. I i was Completely run down. I had racking pains in my head, back and limbs. I was unable to secure sound .s'eep. and on arising in the morning i would feel as tired as before going to 3 bed. My stomach was in a bad con- ! dition and the least movement caus- ed my heart to palpitate violently, lIioctors’ treatment failed to be of ébenelit to me and I was in a very idiscouraged state when a friend ad- vised me to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Thinking that they might re- lieve me a little I procured a supply and began taking them according to idirections. From the first I could isee that they were helping me, and i by the time I had taken half a dozen boxes I was free from the ailments that had made my life miserable. It is now several years since I took the pills and not the least sign of my old trouble has since shown itself. I would strongly urge the use of Dr. Williams’ ,I‘ink Pills for any person who has a weak or run down system and I am sure they will not fail to be beneiicial.” ' Unfan'tmmtely, also. all the railways are curolvss and slow, greatly adding to risk nf total loss by delay, our uwu expm‘icucc of a shipment, taking fnur days from Manchester to Lon- don. at distance of 225 miles. being BY THE CASE OF MRS. HARRI- SON, OF ORANGEVILLE. She Was Completelv Run Downâ€" Racked With Pains in the Back, Head and Limbsâ€"Again Rejoic- ing in Good Health. I~'mm (.10 Sun, Orangeville. Ont. To those who are weak. easily tired. nervous. or whose blood is out of condition. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills come as a blessing. curing when all other medicines fail and restoring those who give them a fair trial to a full measure of health and strength. Sold by all dealers in medicine or sent by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box. or six boxes for $2.50. by ad- dressing the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Dmckville. Ont. ‘ DOCTORS BAFFLED STRAIGHT ROBBERY To sum up, I believe the easiest. simplest and safest markets are Liv- crpool and Manchester. To the be- ginner I would certainly advise eith- er of these until they have had con- siderable experience in shipping. for, if they cannot make quite as much, they certainly cannot lose as much as with London. We will now suppose you have de-.‘ cided on which port you will ship to ' you next want your man. We need not advise you as to this, almost. any trade journal will give you their . names Write to a good many of . them asking what they will do and] in the meantime make every enquiry' you can about their standing hon-; esty. and it possible learn if they have dealt with any Canadian house ‘ and how. We will suppose you have done so, and are satisfied; you will: hear from most of those you wrote to ; they will wxite you a most rosy letter in all probability, promise you; all you want and more, including big prices. and asking you to send a trial shipment on commission. If you do so try one that promises you the least; he is the nearest to being hon- est. Now. if you ship him but a very small quantity, and either tell {him you have more or he thinks youl 'have, he will do one of two things: he will either acable you : "Complete lsuccess, ship all you can, will remit \:t once, " so as to get the rest be- fore he makes returns or he will re- turn you a fair price for what you ent. hoping to get the nest by that means. llut remembei what we warn you, they will get tahead of you on. the seCond lot sure. This is what, you will hear, “Sorry, we couldn't return you higher price, but some ar- rived in poor Condition, quality was! not up to standard and huge ship- ments made the price low; we hope it won't mean a loss to you." All this means nothing except that the poulterer wants to let himself down easy Your poultry may have been| the best in the world, arrived in fine condition and brought the best price; still you will hear the same. The poulterer asks himself only, “What will he stand," and pays you ac- cordingly. You will see we have but a poor opinion of the English poul- try merchant. but such was the ex- perience. My visit to England The remaining great ports in E: - land are Liverpool and Manchester, and these are so alike as to be in- cluded under one description. The prices here are not so good by at least one cent per pound, but both are more easily pleased than London; in fact, will take anything it whole- some and eatable. But, above all. both ports are very easily reached and have. no second handling or re- shipment, and excellent lines run to each direct from Canadian ports, 'with low rates and very good cold storage. ‘ an example. Now the other port, Southampton, is probably the best way to reach London, but. unfortu- nately, large American companies have recognized this and buy up all the space to that port early in the year, so the small shippers finds he cannot obtain space that way. GEYLDN AND 'lNDiA TEA looks out for the family health and the family pocketbook. If she uses Ceylon and India Machine-Made Tea she gets the purest and most economical tea to be had. pericnce. My brought to light. THE ACTUAL FACTS as above stated. Our advice is,’ trust no one and never ship on com-l mission if you can avoid it, or on. joint account, or on a guarantee, for} in each case you will come out at- tl1e small end of the ho1n, but sell! out for cash if possible. This is very difficult. for there is a stiong de- termination, in the mind of every! dealer to sell on commission for. that means he gets your produce at? his own price, paying what he llkCS‘ and no more, the real price your pro-2 (lucc brings, having nothing what-i ever to do with it. If you are in-‘ duced to ship on joint account orl with a guarantee of 5 or 6 pence per pound, and you draw on the firm to that amount, rest assured you will get no more. rather will you be very likely to receive an account for what you have overdrawn. You have no} help or protection; in every case you‘ are entirely at the mercy of the; poultry merchant and he has no mer-j cy. in conclusion always. if possible sell fo1 cash only , remember it is better to sell for cash at 5 or 6. pence, than on commission with pro-l mise of 8 pence. And when you sell name your price to include cost, in- surance.f1eight, or sell at ship side, winch is the same thing; avoid all in- land freight. dock and town dues. porte1age and many other etceteras ,that the shipping companies and mer- chants like to tack on to your ex- penses and which soon amounts to considerable. If, howevei, you fail to sell try and find a good agent over in England who will handle your stuff fox you for a consideration, making sure he understands poultry, but is not in the business or connected with any poultry house. In fact, I would rather trust a sharp honest man, who knows but little about poultry than a poultry commission merchant. Of course if you can send some one over from here with it that is the best way of all, and if it is expensive it is per- haps the cheapest way in the end. Failing everything, you must sell on commission. but be prepared for dis- appointment. There are 40,000 ill and bedridden paupers in English workhouses. An iron ship' 5 hull is 40 per cent. lighter than one of the same size built of wood. and a steel ship 15 per cent. lighter than one of iron GET THE RIGHT MAN. GREEN on BLACK. A WISE HOUSEWIFE DR. ALFRED BOULTBEE. Ceylon Teas are sold ln'Se-alea Lead Packets only. Black, l‘lixed, Unoolored Ceylon Green. Free samples tent. Address “SALADA,” Toronto. Central European- time, or one hour east of Greenwich, is legal in Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bosnia. and Herzegovina, the Congo Free State, Denmark, Italy, Servia. Swe- den. Norway and Switzerland. Western European time, or that of the meridian of Greenwich. is legal in England, Belgium, Holland and Luxemburg. Eastern European time, or two hours cast of Greenwich, is adopted by Bulgaria, Roumania, Natal and Turkey in Europe. The difficulty of appreciating the difference in time that prevails be- tween different countries is very gen. oral, and the following list is printed for the purpose of a ready reference guide by which to Calculate the time of any occurrence in another coun- try. All nations, except Spain, Port- ugal and Russia, calculate their time from the meridian of Greenwich, ac- cepting as standard some even hour meridian, east or- west of Greenwich, For instance :â€" Eight. hours east of Greenwich ap- plies to the Philippines. Nine hours easf ‘0! Greenwich is adopted by Central Australia and Japan. Ten hours cast of Greenwich ls of- ficial in Victoria, Queensland, and Tasmania. The United States, Canada and Mexico have adopted the tifth, sixth seventh and eighth hours west. of Greenwich. Eleven and a half hours east has been adopted by New Zealand. The Hawaiian Islands adopt the meridian of ten and a. half hours West. In Spain, the meridian of Madrid, fourteen minutes. forty-five seconds west. of Greenwich. is 1egal; in Portuâ€" gal, that. of Lisbon. or thirty-six minutes. thirty-nine seconds nest. and in Russia that of St. Petersburg or two hours. one minute and thir- teen seconds east, of Greenwich. Two Letters Which Prove the lin- Dcrroohm Cured of Diabetes In mas-mu! It {or over an Yamâ€"nu neunt Letter Prove: that an Gnu mm Bola Good. A STRAIGHT CASE AGAIN THIS TIME. Quebec, June 24.â€"(Special)â€"Sam Derrochers, of the Fortress City was cured of Diabetes by Dodd's Kidney Pills in 1898. His case is well known here, it having been published in the papers at the time. and a great deal of attention was drawn to I‘lodd's Kidney Pills on its ac- count. Diabetes, however, is known to be an incurable disease, and many of the more sceptical of Quebec citi- zens expressed doubt as to the per- manency of the cure. These doubts may now be set at rest. Mr. Der- terrochers himself attests that in three years he has had no sign of Diabetes’ return. In May 28. 1898, Mr. Sam Der- rocherss published the following let- ter in the Quebec papers‘ “I have been a victim to Diabetes for over live years with terrible pains around my kidneys. My feet were always cold, and my thirst could not be quenched, no matter what I drank. I tried remedy after remedy but re- ceived no help. I purchased one box of Dodd's Kidney Pills and found immediate relief. I have now finish- ed five boxes, and can say I am per- fectly cured." Now to clear away all possible doubt that Mr. Derrochers was nit cured, to Show beyond question that Dodd's Kidney Pills did not merely relieve him for the time, but ac- tually cured him of Diabetes, and cured him to stay cured, we publish his letter of April 4th. 1901. “Dear Sirs,-4My cui‘e of Diabetes by Dodd's Kidney Pills has been permanent. I have not been trouhlo ed with a sign of Diabetes since my cure three years ago.” Dodd’s Kidney Fills cure all dis- eases of the kidneys, and the troub- les arising" from weak action of the Kidneys. They are used throughout the World.._ Sheâ€"There are same people I like and some I don’t like. Heâ€"What about me? She â€" Oh, present company is always excepted. Victoria, Australia, has 1,051,246 acres of gold-bearing land. You say, pursued the chairman of the investigating committee, that he resorted to no bribery whatever dur- ing the election, so far as you know? Yes, sir, replied the witness, that's what I said. Did he not circulate several boxes of cigars? Yes, sir, but them cigars wasn't bribes. Here's one of them. You can try it. sozonoir m'u-o TEETH 25o. Table of the Hour Reckoning: of All Nations. Permanency of Cures by Dodd’s Kidney Pills. WHERE WAS HE AT. STANDARD TIME . Resort to grace A Russian servant engaged in a large private house in Moscow re- cently composed a Greek ode after the style of Anncreou. The verses celebrated the dignities and virtues of the family by whom he was em- ployed. and was said, to be a mas- terpiece of style, composition. and si‘ . â€"-vv- v-auuv‘ ed to be travelling in Normandy,and encountered at a small inn in that province a young "factotum" who entered into an elaborate conversa- tion with him concerning the relative merits of Greek and Latin poetry. Further chat proved that the serv- ant in question had taken high hon- ors at the University of France,and that he was endeavoring to save sufficient money from his “tips" and salary to complete his education and become a barrister. We wind a watch and turn a; screw from left to right, and we think we do it because it is the only right and proper way. We rend from left to right, and when we sit down to indite an epistle to our fr3ends our pen goes in the same direction We open a book and a fold of inte- paper at the left side. That is be- cause W‘) read in the same direccion as the sun moves, and, of coursewe must write in the corresponding way, for the custom of doing everything from left to right is a relic of the practices of some ancient religion of our worship. On many farms there is a popular notion that if the churn be turned only once from right to left all the work previously done 'in the manufacture. of butter will be nulli- fied, and the butter be no nearer ;than it was at the beginning. Both forms of Sozodont u the Stores or by mu; p'iomfic. each; LargeSius. together. 750 ‘ HALL a RUOKIL. Montreal. ARE YOU A SUN WORSHIPPER ? On July 5th to 12th. the Wabash Railroad will sell round trip tickets to San Francisco, California, at sin- gle firstclass fare, good to return any time up to August 3lst. 1901. Diagram of through sleepers now ready. Stop over on route west of first Colorado point. Everything will be firstclass and up-to-date. This will be by far the most coin- prehensive trip ever offered to v1sxt this golden land of sunshine and flowers. Free reclining chairs on all trains. "' ‘ I -133.-- Since the year 1000 England has suffered from 57 families, Ireland from 34. Scotland has had 12, France 10, and Italy 36, HI (11115. Full particulars at. Wabash che, North-cast corner King and Yongc streets. 'l‘oron_tc\. - .‘O ‘ _MJ-n“ es mercury will mrely dec troy the some of smell and completely deran e the whole eystem when entering it through t e mucous surfnces. Such nrtncles should never be used except on srescriptions from re utable physiciene. as the maze they willdo eten told to the good you can possibly derive from them. He l's Ceterrh Cute. manufactured by FJ. Cheney it (’o.. To. ledo. 0.. contnine no mercury. and e taken in- ternelly. ectlng directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hell’s Cntnrrh Cure be eure you get the genu- Ine. It in teken internally.nnd made in Toledo. phlo. by F. J. Cheney 8: Co. Teetimcninle Beware of Ointment: for Catarrn that contain Mercury Builders strike more often than any other workmen. Next come collier 1:3, and then cotton and wool spinners. A.â€"-Did you hear about Watson's whiskers? B.â€"â€"No; What Was it? A. â€"Why they looked so ugly that all the neighbors signed a petition ask- ing Watson, as a matter of public policy, to shave them off. B.-â€"\\'ell did he do it? A.â€"ch, he did. B. -â€"Well. what then? A.-â€"\\'liy, the very next day the neighbors signed a. petition asking Watson. as a mat- ter of public policy to let them grow Sold by yDrof’gistsm price 750 per homo. Hsll'n Fm! Pills are the but. ‘ Perfect Liquid Dentitrico for tho Tooth m Breath 25° Sozodonl Tooth Powder CALIFORNIA AND RI TURN. SCEOLABLY snvms. Sozodont I 'A. Richardson. Dist. Puss. Agt. the writer chanc- ‘9 The United Kingdom gets on an average. 33 in. of rain in a your, Europe generally 26 in., and North America 40 in. . be. " n ! ‘- I'lzhvog want tmt‘fig'ugo‘l fight". ”nu. other mm and M h e awson Commission 00. “mag.“gg‘m‘tgw blinard's Liuiment Relieves Neumgia In. Wnasmw’c Scornnm Bum:- hu been med by millions of mothers for their ohiidrcn while teeming. It noodles the child. tone-m the gums. flay» pain. cures wind colic. resumes the Stomach 3nd Inwelo. and in tho twat. nmedy fur Diarrhoea. Tmmtrflve cent. a butch Bo_ld_ tidings“ llaroughoqt the world. Be gum and at for “ Hus. W xxshuw a doorman Bx Bur. " British rivers and canals carry 35 million tons of merchandise (1 year, those of France 25 million. and of Germany 9 million. I\ x x \ r\ \ /\ .\n\ \ \ \ \ Minard's Linimont Cures Burns, etc. France holds the lccord us a user of gold. She has coinod 2,600 tons in the last 40 years, against. 1.40” used by the English Mint. Cheap Round Tap Bate Between St. Paul, Ilium, and the Pa- cific Coast. Within the past. 70 years the death rate of soldiers on garrison duty in English towns had fallen from 10 per 1,000 a year to 6 per 1,000. On July 6th the Northern Pacific Ry. will place in caect a low first“ class round trip rate of $45.00 from eastern terminals to Seattle. Ta- coma and Portland. Dates of sale at. eastern terminals will be from July 6th to July 13th inclusive, and the final limit, for return will to Aug. 313e, 1901. Destination must be reached not later than Jul}' 18th. stopovers being allowed IN EITHER DIRECTION within the transit limits. LUIELLA‘ 4} million people use Landon's swimming-baths yearly. For Canadian delegntvs and all others going to the I‘ZDWUI'th Iwug‘ue Convention, via Chicago and Knuth- Western RuilWaiy, to leave ('hicag‘u Tuesday; Julv 91h, 21.5%; p. in. Stops will be made at Donner. Col- orado Springs, (:leanOd Springs and Salt Lake, passing en route the finest scenery in the Rocky and Sierra Nevada Mountains. Through Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleep- ing Cars. Order berths early, as party will be limited in num'er. Fare only 350 round trip, with choice of routes returning. Send stamp for illustrated itinerary and map of San Francisco to B. H. Ben- nett, Gen'l Agent. 2 King St. East, linarl's liniment Cures Dandruff. This offers an unsurpassed oppor- tunity for those desiring to hunt new homes and farms to go into the northwest and look over the coun- try, or for those wishing to visit. relatives or friends or to make plea- sure trips. to do so. Tomato. Ont. Blobbsâ€"Why did she jilt you? Slobbsâ€"Shc detected the odor of beer on my breath. Blobbs-A prudc. eh? Slobbs-â€"-Not at. all. but there was another {cilow whose breath smelled of champagne. 'l‘hc Trinidad Pitch Luke. is lousod to an American company who dig 96,000 tons of pitch a your from it. yet its surface never falls. SPECIAL TRAIN ’10 SAN FRAN- CISCO. For Canadian dologatvs and all others going to the l-Hlymmth 1/ wine Convention, \ia Chicago and \m: th- “cstorn Railway, w lone (‘hicagu T'csday. Julv 91!», 21.544 p. m. “““‘ A- l‘l‘l- EVERYTHING arm: "A an mu. tuna. among MORE SU BS'I‘A NT] AL For Over Fifty Venn u " ntlo‘g II than E Gallant“ ”mum ad bus to “at?“ of SU BURBA N FLORAL FESTI V Yesterday was sweet pea Guy out at. our house. In bloom all ready? No. my wife stood over me whflo I wooded them. lilafl's Lininent «M oven“ on. There are only 18 stars of the first magnitude. The light from then takes about three years to reach the earth. There are 55 of second mag- nitude. Dear Sirs,â€"l cannot speak too strongly of the excellence of MIN~ Allll'h‘ LlNlMlCN’l‘. It is THE rem- edy in my household for burns. .»,pn'u,lns. etc., and we would not be without. it. It. is truly a wonderful medicine. JOHN A. MACDONALD. Dominion__Llnq §toa_m_§hipo and the like. good paint; a paint that our on when put on. that looks t and clout throughout the life pure peint; a paint that in handyâ€"ready for the hunch; that is better than white lead a any other hand-made paint. Publisher Arnprior Chroniclo. Rich 17 Ink.“ alt.“ D. forum. 1 00.. Round and Pmt nre jut that kindâ€"ml, for we. acknowledged the beat. known at the lender tor sixty yearn. economi- cal. brilliant. pure. Send tot our A. RIMS“ “I. {Q 3313;]; Wil'hmuon ha bow 'voo alibi 5.3de 33100. and Third-(flu “scam: uou. I'm musty-M all Mounts. wot: u a; W BOOKLET “K" FREE about paint, homes and pica“ AVENUE HOUSE when you write to an Moor to" Man (Mt you nu ma lint-thence“ In um up». 't I. o ‘ “”“‘ “ 4‘ -- -- In! fink- m 'w .w I!" "U' .w........ your futon-t to a. no. uâ€" but Folia'm honutly m can“ with on but. .n“A\ loulm: SKYLIGHTS “ IIITIBI WA. I'll“: 0.." book (or “out in your town. or send dim. Montreal,Toronto. Ottawa, Quebec. Ramsay's Painls Dyelng ! Cleaning! 'l‘hc ruby is the heaviest of prod- nus wanes. Next. comes the garnet. topaz. and diamond. in tho order named. The diamond is 3| umcl heavier than 'watcr. CALVERT’S CARBOLIG OINTMENT. For Oil Okla ullmonh. I. 0. w ‘ 00-. W. W Brass Band EVERY TONI CM! IMVE A BAND Lowest prices ever noted. Flt. analogue Willustnxlons.mam Irrc. an us for my thing in Ink or Inn"! laureate-u. [fir ad M 8m“: Burt w ch!"- dp‘v'ttm 5 instruments. Drama. Unlfbnno. Etc. CANADA'S PREMIER COMPANY LARGEST ' w"lull? nah-11.10: «man. (lives have ch. In“ UNQUESTIONABLE SEQ-RWY . TIE “MIA PEINAHEUT AID "£8118“ CANADA IOITQAQE GORPDBAYIOI lloouul to Liverpool. Boston to [Jut- pool. Portland to 11me Va Quota- For the very “and yout work on an HIS OWN FREE WILL MONTREAL. nu Monks-s on application. u nous: Family Hutel um: 31 50 per day. Toronto Strut. Von-mu. Beech“ sums rt .100 sud up wu‘dl on which Inherest at FOUR PIR_QENT. PER ANNE“ is WITH THE W I’ C "'82 [aid-up 93pm! Queer“ Fahd Mats . . . mm ..0’.. ”A Add. idonbt... Toni: 0703!}.

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