Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Feb 1901, p. 7

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By Net. Quarterly and Semi-Annual Prem- inmouot yet due. and Ptoninms in course of Hanoi! (full reserve thoroon included in li- |bilitiqs) .............. lords to its policy-holders, and the public confidence in the bpany, abich Was satisfactory from the beginning and has been grow- . every year since, are all that can be desired by the policy-holders and 0 Directors of the Company and all the others interested in the Company’s hire.” ' On motion of the lat Vice-President. Mr. A. E. Anise; seconded by Mr. *9. Cox, the Managing Director, the report was unanimously adopted. -A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the Company’s Provincial and flaaagers, Agentsuaad Medical Examiners on the motion of the rm Mackenzie Bowell ; seconded by Hon. 8. C Wood. Gross surplus for the security of 8.. Applications tor new assurances accepted and $740,000 declined or um fr. BRA DSIIA w, -u-V -\‘.'VI I! V. DIIU “HUIIIUI: Balance Sheet. The Dixectoi's dosire to place on record their 8i the assistance rendered by the loyal and efficient Ag another thoroughly satisfactory'year’s business to Company. The satisfactory nature of the year’s bu: the following : y “0:603 Interest on basements, etc ..... '6. RES JKH'BS. - -ln computing the reserves to be retained to meet liabilities under assurance and annuity contracts, the conservative interest rate of :33 per cent. was assumed, although a much higher rate than this was earned by the Company. In conjunction with the 3g per cent. intereSt rate. the lusti’ ute of Actuaries’ tHeulthy Malesfi'l‘able of Mortality was em played for assurance, and for annuities the latest Mortality Table of the British Government Annuitants. In addition to the strong reserve thus brought out. a special reserve was mide for suspended or deferred mortality, and a further special reserve for the immediate payment of death claims. The Reserve Fund amounted to $597,488, an increase in the year of $156,376. 7. C().\'CL[.'.\‘I()I§.~-'l‘he report of the Auditors is appended tn the I) I ,, In l. .‘s' E \\ 1:175: .‘s’ 13.9.4. â€"7 During the year 1-123 applications for $3,847,000 of asmtranco- m-r- m up! ; of these 1320 for 83,107,000 were accepted, and Dolicles grnntteol. \ telling a new annual premium income of $121,403 03,1118 balance. 10.; for ST-IH_u¢.__m, were declined or not completed. 2. '1‘0')'!’.-\.l. isl'slNHs‘S. --' he total amount of assurance in force on Decembt 1' ill-v 19M), was $1!.:.’26.350~an increase of $2,083,725 in the year. 3. [NilllxllL 'l'h» immune from premiums amounted to $319,860.30, and (rain into-.1205: v.) $.;.:.;7.' 71. making the total income $356,133.04. The income from ennui; premiums (exclusive of single payment premiums and purchase money lul' annuities) amounted to $314,410.30. an increase of 398,582.83 over that of the preceding year. ' 4. ASSETS. --â€" The assets amounted to $1,102,092.24, an increase during the year of $171.‘il\'.‘.lli 5. CLAIMS. The net amount of policies becoming claims by death was $35,803.01. The lllttl‘o-usc in the amount paid to policyholders and an- nuitants over ”1th (lislrn‘sml in 1809 was $26,539.14. The death claims were ‘gain considerably less than the amount exgzected, although the Company's o-sriinnte was tuned Upon the Select Life Tables deduced from the lnsmute of Actuaries’ (Him) Experience, which takes into account the recent selection of assured lives. -Reccipts.â€"- IN” Ledger .‘RSPTS a4 oi Dec. :31. 1599 ...... 4‘ I Not Assurance and Annuity Premiums, l... Dividends, etc ..... The L‘irecmra Maine” (or f}: ' y:- 1. NEW BUS liar Stocks and Dev- tales. Loans on 36mins and Whnmres” Loans on Policies and Mcios purchased [0.01) in Banks“ The Annual TSPM'I'al Meeting of the Company was held at its Head Ofice, in Tnz'nuto. on {Vo'hruary 6th, 1901. Among those present were: Hon. Sir Mu Chum} is raw”. William McKenzie, Dr. I". R. Eccles (London). Hugh N. 8a.. !. :,3§...r:--~ \h-Hill. F. G. Cox, A. E. Ames. S. J. Moore, David Emith. Hon. 5‘. (Tue-y Woo l. E. '1‘. Malone, K. C., David Moyle, Dr. John L. Davisou, H Xi. Hangzhou 0Lomlon). G. I. Ridden, George \Veston, E. R. Wood, '3‘. 3 .uLJu The Annual Report am low. . We have examined the above Statements of Receipts and Disburse- ts, and of Assets and Liabilities. with the books and vouchers of the many. and certify the same to be correct. We have also examined each the securities of the Company. and the evidences of the Dominion Irnment Deposit and the Cash and Bank Balances. and find the same lot and in accordance with the above Statements. Arunning audit hon maintained during the year, and we certify that the books are [Old truly kept. T. BRA DSHA \V, Act uaryo. rlrst Mortgages on “1 Estate .......... Vorument Stock Municipal Deben- Annual premium income ........... Interest income ......... Net surplus over all liabililigs. ...... Total insurance in force ........... .0 0.01 ridge: Asset. . . . $1,007,017.15 Ih u Head Office other ()fliccs ...... ABSTRA " t. l‘ OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT rnto, January 29th, 1901. Feb. 2|. 1901. E, '1'. Islam, K. -â€"- Assets Imperial Life Assurance Company of Canada. tuary ..... 3 75,314.83 AUDITORS’ REPORT him. vaaS'zl'e in submitting their report upon the ..r Which ended December 3lst, 1900. ies and annuities income ill liabilities. . {area ..f 8| , {02,092.24 . 3 39.3,7C3.62 $ 857,243. 94 . ...................... 31.1022092 and annuities .......... 597,488 me ................. . .. 314 410 ....................... 36,273 [abilities .............. 39.199 ce .................... 9,226,350 4.766 28 l 19,244.90 395,136.14 1 I13 ’- ’ ;."1)‘ 3 was nude for suspended or (lefe'ired mervtaiity, 3 for the immediate payment of death claims. I to $597,488, an increase in the year of $156,376. Increase in the Year .................. 31,1022 09:2 18 per cent. ninuit ies .......... 597 ,488 35 per cent. ............... . .. 314 410 46 per cent. .................. 36,273 32 per cent. ties .............. . 39,199 23 per cent. 9 ,226 ,3.30 529 per cent. ity of policvhoolders ............ 489 199 61 :1nces $3,847 ,000, of which $3,107,000 were 0: uncompleted anncial Statements were submitted 1899 was $26,539.14. The death cfaiII-ls an the amount exnected, although the .on the Select Life Tables deduced from Experience, which takes into account. the Reserves (3.} per cent.) on assurances and an- nuities, in including Special Reserves (1) for immediate pay- ment of Death Claims, and (‘2) for suspended mortality All other na'b'uiuéé”. .... Surplus on Policyhold- ers’ account .......... -â€"Disbursements. By claims under policies, payments to Annui- tants and Expenses..$ By Balance Net Ledger Assets ............... ‘ l of the Auditors is appended to the JOHN MACKAY, H. VIGEON, record their sincere appreciation of 3 business to the history of the the year’s business is attested .by â€"râ€"Liabilities , Managing Director. _. ._ ........ $ 597,488.00 o. MOWAT, Auditors. $1,102,092.24 $1,152,405.08 1,007,017.15 489,199.61 145,387.93 President. 15,404.63 , as fol- John “ invalided homo ” because of the vulture of the battlo roundâ€"Rheumatism. South American Rgeumatic Cure will ubsolutely cure every cue of Rheumatism in existence. Relief in ii! 110011-93 Mr. J. Meier, of Clifl’ord, paid his sister a flying visit Saturday lass. Warrior Wfltrâ€"Through darn . coid and exposure many : brave soldier w 0 left his native hearth as " fit" as man could be 39. fig-lgt. {or couragry’s honpr. has been Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Watt. of Dur- ham, paid a visit to the latter’s parents- on Sunday. Mr. John Collins purchased a fine team of horses last week. He in- tends hauling‘crenm for the Holstein Creamery when the season opens. Rev. Mr. 'Campbell, of Dromores occupied the Methodist pulpit-Sunday evening. He preached to a full house. Miss Martha. Queen returned last week after visiting friends in Clifiord. Miss Minnie Cornish visited with friends in Mt. Forest last. week. Miss Lou Euart and Mr. Jim Cor- ley, of Mt. Forest, visited with Miss Calvert on Friday, and took in the concert in the evening. Mr. and Miss Bradley visited with Priceville friends lately. Grippe, Grippe, Grippe. Everyone has a grip of La Grippe. Mr. John Brown reterned last week from Toronto, where he was partly for pleasure and partly on business, The benefit concert held here by the I. 0. F. on Friday evening, was a decided success in every way, and] Court Orchard certainly deserves credit for the interest they have, taken in it in securing such excellent . talent. The Durham. Mount Forest, ! Ayton and home entertainers each; did their parts exceedingly well, and ’ all met with hearty applause. It’ was Miss Whelpley’s first appearance here, and the Foresters say it will not be their fault if she is not present at their next concert. Mr. W. I. Houston. of Ayton, occupied the chair in a very acceptable manner. Proceeds $45. Mr. Everette Hoy, of Flesherton visited his parents Sunday. Too Many People Dally. With Oatarrh.â€"â€"It strikes one like a thu:.uer- clap, develops with a rapidity that no mher disease does. Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Pow- der is the radical, quick, safe and pleasant Cure that the disease demands. Use the means, prevent its deepsea'ing and years of distress. Don’t daily with Catarrh. Agnew’s gives relief in ten minutes. 50 cents."-â€"97 Mrs. James Gadd visnted the par- ental home one day last, week. Quite a number attended the con- cern at Orchardville and report a grand success. Mr. Jake Yaunt had a wood bee last week and got a nice pile put up. He also treated the boys to a dance, in which they all enjoyed themselves to the We sma hours. Miss Alice Dunn left for the Queen City on Tuesday. We wish her the best of success. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McCulmon, Flesherton, were visiting friends and around Varney. Mrs. S. McConnb and her daughter, Jewel, were the guests of the form- er’s parents and the latter’s grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Little, one day last week. Mrs. Adam Little took suddenly last Saturday, but is improving time of writing. Miss Maggie Hintze is visiting Mrs. Jake Yaunt for a week or so. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Clark were visit- ing Egremont friends last week, Mr. and Mrs R. J. Eden were the guests of Egremont friends'one day last week. Misslda Backus was the guest of Miss Alba Leeson one day last week. Mr. '1‘. Petty and daughter. Annie, visited Beatinck friends one day last week. J. J. Kenny, Vice-President. West ern and British America Assurance Co. Chester D. Massey, Treasurer Massey-Harris Co. Charles McGill. General Manager Frederick G. Cox, Managing Director The Imperial L of Canada. Thos. The Ontario Bank. ife Assurance Co., ., of Canada. . Sir Oliver Mowat was . Ames and T. Bradshaw lst and 2nd ! scrutineers. reported the following gentlemen an elected as Di: ! the ensuing year: I I . . 'of Ontario, Ex-Minister of Justice of Canada. g ., President Toronto Board 4 Hugh X- Baird, Grain Merchant, Director Weetern .‘tssnrmwn ;» A. E. Kemp. M. P., President Kemp ‘launfavtming Company I ident Toronto Board of Trade. ’ , Honorable Sir Mackenzie Bowell, P. C., K. C. N. ' Minister of Canada, Belleville. a y Wm. Mackenzie, President Toronto Street Railway Company i F. R. Eccles, M. D,, F. R. C. 8., etc., London, Ont. 5 Hon. Wm. Harty’, M. P. P., Commissioner of Public Works. . ' Warren Y. Soper. of Ahearn ! Railway Company, Ottawa. George B. Reeve, 2nd Vice-President and General Manag Trunk Railway Company, Montreal. Samuel J. Moore, General Manager Cart HOD. S. C. Wood- Vinn-ppn.:anna In“.-- . G... Senator Soper, Director Ottawa Elect er-Crume Co., Ltd. Sold by Hutu-bu «Co. Sold by MacFarlane 5 Co. ORCHARD VA RN EY. 1?. Ames 00., President Toronto Board of Trade. ram Merchant, Director Weptern Asmrnnm Comp-”w. - Pre i ' . _ V. e, v “a.“ \t“ of the Directors Hon. Sir Oliver Mowat was rs. A. E. Ames and '1‘. Bradshaw lst and 2nd Vice-President and General Manager Grand nfrnnl ill at of in I'K'"_ \- 5 atmafi' ter of Sullivan (now Williamsl'ord) in 1847 by W. H. Griflln, Deputy Postmaster-General of Canada, the appointmex‘ being ratified by Ulick John, Marquis of Clanricarde, on the 13th of March, 1848, in the eleventh year of her Majesty’s reign. This position he held continuously for 53 years. until May 1, 1900, when on account of failing health and the loss throught death of his wife he resign. ed the position. He was a. most faithful and obltging official. Mr. Buchanan is a native of Scotland. having been born in the village oil Stonehouse, Lanarkshire County, on the 25th of April, 1814. He was married to Janet Halliday on Septem- ber 2, 1844, theirs being the first marriage of white people in the township of Sullivan. Mr. Buchanan ’has still in his possession his first official postal guide, received in 1847, and also his commission from the Marquis Clanricarde. He has also many interesting and valuable curios, among them being an eight-day clock 100 years old. In his library are many ancient works, some dating back as far as 1650. Mr. Buchanan has been a lifelong Liberal and a reader of The Globe since its first publication.â€"The Saturday Globe, J an”: 19th. , wv. VI] snuuutcu “1L1! 'heart diseasd 7h; I was unable for 18 months to lie down in bed lest I smather. After taking one dose of Dr. Agnew's Heart ,’ Cure, I retired and slept sonndlv I “car‘ The subject of the following remarks is Mr. Wm. Buchanan, of Williamsford. Grey County, who holds the distinction of being the pioneers of the county, having come to Canada in 1842, settling near Williamsford, where roads were un- known and one had to travel by fol- lowing the blaze on the trees. He was engaged for a time as school teacher. and was appointed Postmas- ‘A_ A. n nu. . -‘- The Oldest Postmgster in the mu. u al'Ji! t Cure. I réiired and slepisounbdly I used trouble has not re- ___'._- uvuuvv "Is-I "var DilOaOO.â€"Mr. L. 1 Law, Toronto, Can. writes: ”I W88 so sorely troubled wit}; heart disease that I_ wagunable for 18 _--LL_ ‘â€" ‘9, . This will be a lovely country soon. ‘ We are getting a railroad from Al- pena to Gailard. This road runs from Lake Huron to Lake Michigan. Land can be got here now from five to twelve dollars an acre. The five dollar land is what we are slashing and the twelve dollar land is hard- wood. After the election wages was $26 a month, and now $28 and $30. Hay is ten dollars a ton. good hay. Oats are 400. a bushel, potatoes 60c. a bag, but flour is no more than it is in Durham. Number one flour 1s $2 a hundred and wheat here is 700, per; busheh DEAR SIR ;â€"I thought that I would drOp you a few lines about the place I came to last fall. I would like {or all to know where to find a good home and good land. The climate here in Montmorency, Michigan, is a Splendid place for any one. The soil is ol rich black clay and red clay and sandy loam. I have seen cucumbers grow 12 to 14 inches long, and for wheat, oats and all kinds of grain it can’t be beaten. We can raise and cut two :crops of clover hay in one year, and the second crop will yield ltwo tons to the acre. For beets, carrots and turnips I never saw any- thing better. We have no stones, and no stumps. The timber is small, and we can pull all the stumps out the first year, and cut the first crOp with the binder. Then we have the sand planes that are covered with Jack pines, and this is the prettiest place for hunting deer, Those planes are fifty miles long and twelve miles wide, and a man can drive all over them. In summer they are covered with blue berries, and there are lots of big black berries too, , P. C., K. C, M. 6.. Senator, Ex-Pz‘in‘e Hillman, Mich” Feb ED. CHRONICLE. Sold by MacFarlane Co. Yours etc., JAMES H. MCKENZIE, Hillman, Mich., Formerly of Dromore. ublic Works. Kingston Ottawa Electric Street CHRONICLE. Lie nth-Governor . 12th. 1901. . B.â€"â€"A S in! Bar sin is offered 0'1 l40¢ 33. Con. gpowc'. G. Rugflentinck 1m acresâ€"Durham an: m'le ' or one West and bound to sell. ' 3â€"0” g . Twenty Years’ experience and residence In the neighborhood counts for something end enables H H. MILLER to do your luminous with nrofit to you as well u to himself. . d of writings. arranges busigess quarrels, efl'ects settlements with n tickets, buys old notes and ways has on hand farm and village proEerties which he is willing to trade or en: tune for other property. . Twentyfi'ears’ experience and residence 'n .t‘|° new bOI‘hOCI'l I‘flllntfl {All nnmnlh‘nn He Does Fire, life . . and Accident Insurance _ - - v_â€"-. v V‘J "mv 8‘11“. For sale at very low figures and on very my terms. ’Farm lands are bonntl to increase in price and now is the tune to buy. HE ALSO undertakes the collection of Notes and Accounts-s, and it is a pretty bad clam; that he cannot make some money out of no charge for his trouble if not collected He V _ v v_â€" - vu- Invvl ID IUIIUIIIK [.10 l‘ey on good farm mortgages at lower rates of interest than you can borrow elsewhere and on very liberal terms and at small cost. That is the reason whly people all e over theOcountry pass by other uders and travel males to borrow from him. Is what Count like to know. \ CAN TELL Y U H ' I‘- 6' of Grey Farmers would '6 cannot tell you, but. we that 1.1. 'H. “MILLER, v n nnn the Hanover Conveancer ' - vv yuan In nrfnr- .onn IS 31114 141115“, le'nding money J. D. I'lcNab, Nov " l ‘ fl senice at Lot 210011.319 Ulenelgr Terms 75c. at time of ser 1 V _-v_-vvv-;u4cJJL/, ULLI‘JD‘ TER WHITE; one six months old. and one older, at lot 25;, 20' and 27, con. 3, S. l). R., Uleuulg. Both took first prize at l’riceviile. Registered pedigree may be seen on application. N0v.14,4 m. Boars for Service. V 1W0 THOROUGHBRED nCHES- P131: \‘Hllll‘ mm \|\ nu u. u, u... wen u)! containing 50 acres, or 300 acres in all. nearly all cleared. Well watered, well fenced. gum! Outbuildings and dwellings, guud bearing urclmrds. In first class state ufcnltivatiun, within a few rods of school, 4 miles from Durham. Will be sold en bloc or in separate lots. as purchas- er desires. Easy terms. Fur turtlier par ticulars apply to Nov. lâ€"tf (3011.2, N _- ..., vv.‘ . a, LV.l/.l\; , kllellelg, 11 containing f acres. about 44': acres cleared, well fenced, well natured. good house, bearing orchard, good land and in good state of cultivation, easy terms. For further particulars apply to DONALD McCosxrznv 378 King St. West. Toronto, or to ALLAN CAMPBELL, Oct. 15â€"6111 ml. '{Illinunnfi U Melligan l’rnperty on (ieo one acre of good land in good desirable residenoe, will be sul terms. Apply to 'El). MILLIGAN, Palmerston, or to W. CALDER Jan. 17. 1900. tf Nov 5 tf. ___-v-o-u Jl‘ .1 Priceville. newly bricked all new brick kitchen. new windows all improvements. 0n the n'emises an stable and two never ailing wells place has always dune a good busin will be rented right to a good man fmniture will be sold to lessee. For particulars apply to. V HE CO \I \I ERCI A_L HOTEL PHCMIHG neulv In “,1,“ n ENGINEER for llowick, Wiugham EING Lots No. 11 and 12. Con. 1, N. D. It, Glenelg, and 11 and I2, (m l. 2, N. 1). IL, also 13 and 14. on Gun. 3, D, R., paella. lut cmfiailgjng 50 acres, or llnnnu :- .0730: {5, CON. 1, N.l).R â€" .-‘ Boar for Service. THQROUQHBRED BOAR FOR For sale. Rwy; HOUSE AND FARM FOR SA LE JOHN MACKENZIE, .1900. 3 pd. Rock v Saugeeu : Wingham and Wiarton. Ontario Land Surveyor,â€"â€" Civil and Drainage Engineer __ ---.v..- .. -uu nut. HR uuuung is broad. thorough and n'at'lit'al. N0 schm-l in Canada has n ttvr. re-pum- tiuu for strictly high wm‘kJInd we are uutliving upon mu- reputation. but upon What we arr (luing in ”:0 school- rmmn w-day. Why not putruuiu our cullogu .’ Studruh mhuiflml each week. ‘Vl‘itl‘ for handsome catalogue. .WJflIioi‘t : : Principal Farm for Sale A school that statulu to-day without a superior in Canada. Its ammun- ments are modern and pro-emuwntb’ first class. Its instrncturs an! like best that "mm-)- mm hire. Its training i5 l)r(l.’lll "ulh‘tnur‘. u‘. I “h- -9 n -. Several Hotel to Rent. ’ 5N7) STRATFORD ) ONTARIO. newly bricked all round; an, new Windows and other On the n'emlses are a gum] never ailing wells. The . .1 u- ‘ ‘ ‘ Joux ECKHARD’I‘ Bunessan A. C. ”EATON, Bunusnun 1’. 0. rtv on George Street d in good location, a will be said on easv EAIJHGR, Durham. good. bukiness and 200d man.‘ The 23596. For further A. Bl 1‘1 Ens Priceville. service. 50 Bushell â€"Wheat to â€"the Acre Cross Cut Saws“ Horse Covers. . . . Heavy Open Bells. Butter Dishes ..... Dinner Paifs. . Horse Brushes... Curry Combs”... Dust Pans. .. Granite Cups . . . . . mu msmuucs pmrnv 4 "union: to }.BLACK .' DURHAM. Our Samples of Plowo. Hot-rows. Disc Harrow: and Groom Sop-n t nod nee them. Give no 3 trial Spring Tooth, Seed Drills. We are still offering some great bargains helm 0 getting more new stoqk. Do not miss the opportun - ity. Another shipment of “W.Black" silverware jmt to hand. Customers are getting to know the quali- 5 GALLONS COAL OI L FOR 95 CENTS Host “(and Implement Watemoms. THURSDAY. $250 Jno. Livingston, 10 10 Woototthollwnonu m Clothes Wringers. . . Funcy Lamps ...... pet-pet Sweepers. . . Razors ............. Skates ............. Sweat Pads ........ Leather Helteram . . . Whips ............ Busting Spoons .....

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