(Nico hours: 910 )2 a In. 2M4 p, m â€a0". Old 0500, Old Bank buildings. Uppu'l'own, Dutluuu. Win Vii-it Ptieevilio Tunday and Frida y ‘00.!“ I'm-Op. u .04 p.m. ï¬hï¬Ã© ., :. \Q The Garner Store 7! Wishing.) all} (N U J. 5:. .5. we. Removed Swim-as “1"") ynu the impurtmum- of dealing with Us, “'0 invite an in- spm'tiun «if «every line of gcmris we. hum-Jig, feeling mnn'iiicmi that we van suit 7mm in the \Vv beg to announce to til«*;1‘vll(‘:'al} public that \‘.'l‘ :m: now timing busi- nm in hair new stm'omnd in ul‘dCl‘ The Busy $1ch 0:: the Busy Garner. :1 happy Naw Year, We» _\'ul‘|i".~‘. fur trade. "' g1 THURSDAY. I ARRIS’I‘ER, NOTARY, CON- VEYANCER. Etch. Etc. Money to Loan at rouonable ram and on terms to suit bottowet. ovum-Helium Black. (Out a. lab \V. S. DAVIDSON, .3? . I/ o. KI \VALLPupez‘ a '1 he Big Store, J A. Hunter. SCHOOL BOOKS. School Supplips and Stationery at Darling’s Drug Store. FOR Poultry OySter shells, Grit and Poultry Powders at Parker’s. THE Big tore has two ads. Read them. OATMEAL, Flake \Vhem um] Ann-ni- cau Commenl at. Parker's. LEWIS B1032, Merrhant Tniluz's. of Mt. Forest. are coming, to to“ us. See their ad. A L [SE woman muv Hrlld a fooï¬sh \alentiue. but no lath will add n10! f scribbiing that Can suggest. vul‘ gurity THE Linerln 31941503319. 00. has an ad. refm’ring to Lincoln tablets sold by J. A. Hailing. FOR SALEâ€"-Four young Du: ham bulls, two grade bulls. and one three- yerr-old mare.â€"-J.~\S. BELL, Glenelg, Marl-{dale P. O. Mus. (REV’.)SMITII has been quite ill for the past fortnight, and Mr. Smith also has been suffering, from La Grippe. MR JOHN WILKINSON, ot Vm-ney re- cently purchased the David Leith farm in Egremont, and will take possession in the spring. AUCTION SAI.E.â€"â€"Farm Stock, Im plemcms,etc., at. lot. 27, con. 2,. N. 1). 1%.,P‘ri'day, March 1, Hugh Mac- Lellan Prop.. Hugh MacKay auctibn- eer. See bills. SEED OATSâ€"Fifty bushels of Im- proved Ligowo oats for 8a! . Sample at this ofï¬ce. Apply to Wm. L. Dixon, lot 15, con. 22, Egremont, Dromorc P. 0.â€"~‘3 pd. SKA'I‘IXG Races and Carnival under the auspices of the Durham Band, will be held in the rink here, on Thursday night next. Feb. 28th. See bills for particulars. Let us support the band by assisting to make this carnival a success. READ Parker’s ad. this week. W1; regret to learn that Miss Scott. teacher of S. S, No. 9, Glenolg, is seriously ill, and her recovery at. the time of writing is said to he doubtful. We are not informed as to the nature of the trouble. We hope for the bosc, and trust that ere long Slm may be restored to her usual health and usefulness. 'I‘mc Canadian Order of Foresters held their annual banquet in the Mid- daugh House on Thurctiay evening of last week, about fifty or sixty of the brethren taking part in the fasti- vities. Ye Editor was favored with an invitation, but was very reluctant- ly forced to be absent. Those who were present, at least those we have spoken to concerning the matter any that a very pleasant soaial HVttlring was spent. and say that mine. ho<t and hOstcss, Mr. and Mrs. Hahn. [HM up a magnificent Spread for the occasion. \VE forgot, actually forgot, to mou- tion last week that .\l r. and John P. Whelan, of llomvorth. visitol friends in town {or a day or so. and didn’t forget to give us a call. This was their first appearance in Durham since the matrimonial knot was tied in the early part of the cumury and from the ha; py (lcportment of â€w hapm couple no inmgine thox haw not \et {ti-Assad 0: It of tho honm moon and entmcl the p r053 realitits of life. “'6 Shall lw ever pli'a'~etl to hwtt‘ of their success, and how the; will overlook our neglect to mention the fact that they were in town. MR W. R. BONE, of Beardsley, Miu., in renewing his subscription for 1901, s::ys:â€"“ I muat never for- get. to pay in advance for 'l‘ul: CHIMN- IULE. We could not ket'p home with- out. it. What has become of (“rank Irwin ? Has he gone to South Ah im yet? We are waiting anxiously to see another letter from him.†Thanks for kind expression of apprec- iution of 'l‘mc mexww. and also for interest taken in letters of that wandering boy, of ours. Let, us re- mark here that. Frank is a son of Y0 Editor of this papisr anal just entered his 20th year. His lvttei's are run- ning again. and will be used when- ever available. On Friday evening last a lecture illustrated with moving pictures ant; stereomiCnn views “its delivered here by Stanley McKeown Brown, Mail and Empire correspondent in the South African War. Mr. Brown u as here under the auspices of the Durham Public Library, and made his address interesting in places. though many of the picture-1 could not be considered good. The reason perhaps may be partly attributed to the fact that the gas was low and suflicient pressure could not be used to get the best results. The audi- ence consisted largely of children. who, though admitted at a reduced rate, assisted in making up expenses. We understand Principal Allan sug- gested the idea of letting the school children in cheaper or the institute would be "in the hole†worse than it was. There’s no use minsing mat- ters, and we may just as well ac- knowled that the evening’s perform- ance was rather dis'sapointiug and produced no great enthusiasm. LOCL N WS. SHAW: L‘Ald'lnï¬'lh‘ :aml lute cu’Ftains at The Big: Slow). Evm'unnwn muchrs and other fruits at I‘m'ne-r’a DURHAM CHRONICLE. THE urvuteslr bargains in boots and shoes exrl‘ seen in Durham at Laid- law’s. A MTMBER of our young people attended the skating carnival in Flushenou Tuesday uight last. i‘Annun'rr'u McL‘MJL will he at. the (L'ur.»xxmu:iul ilulfl, Priceville, on the svcomi and law. Tuesdays of each nun-H: from 11a. m. to 4 I). m. tf. Tim Oratorio, Queen Esther will be: given TO-llighf; and to-morrow night 'i‘lmrsday and Friday. the 21% and 243.] February. Admission. :25 and IS.) cums. Lumâ€" ()n Tuesday. Feb.12, 1901, be: h m-n [)HI ham and Hay wards Falls a sum of muuey. Finder who leaves the mumey at this ofï¬ce shall receive handwme reward. 'l‘mc I. U. F. oyster supper will be held in their Court Room, on Feb. ‘28. Members and their ladies ex- pected to be present. Tickets 25 cts. WM. MACK, C. R. WM. JOHNSTON, J1: . It S. W»: most heartily congratulate Dr. Landetkin Ex-M P., who for a period of twentyfour- years represented this constituency in the House of Commons. on his recent appoint- ment. to a position in the Senate. During the last election contest ew-ryhody knows we opposed the Doctor. but felt conï¬dent at the time that his defeat was the only avenue through “hich provision would he made icij.}tisdeclining years We are truly gladi‘to see that things â€lave turned out so well {or " our old friend, the Doctor.†“'1: publish in this issue a reporti of 'he Annual General )eeting ON the Imperial Life Assurance of Can- ada. Hon. Oliver Mowat is Presid-‘ ent, and ShppOl‘tud as he is by a strong board of Directors and the successful showing of growth borne by the Company it is not a surprise that. his l't'lnill'kï¬, as recorded in the report Should take such a oulogistic turn. The Directors are ali strong, shrewd business men. most of them holding: high and l'esponsihle posit- ions in other iinos of hnsinvss. Note for instance with names as A. ‘1'}. Ann's, I’rcsiden‘. of the Board of Vl‘radv; Hligh N. Baird, Director Western Assurance Co ; A. E. Kemp. ilx-Prvsidonl of Toronto Board of Trade; Senator limwll; Wm. Mc- Kenzie. I‘m-sident of the Toronto St. Rziilnzxy; Goo. B. Reeve. Gonna! .\l:_in:1«,:or Grand 'l‘iunk Rail“ «y and In nuniiier oi othurs. From the pro- I;.\lrol..~.w’s n! nurzug' Hm «:omnm gear. All Inter- osuul in mock insurance should give tlw â€port. at (Hr-Ml perusal. .‘Jr. .Ins. (Inflerhlge, of Dmmore. Was in town Saturday. 33394 M. J. Hutton left yesmrday Imsrning for Part Perry. _ Miss (_'7()llit‘ns«,w||. of Cevlm). is the um-sl of Mr aunt, Mrs. J. W. Craw- [UH]. .‘1!!'. John and \liss L:' 11.19 \\ ilkin- son. of \":11"11e,'».visimd their many friends in (511911.11 last. week. groas shown all along lhe line dur- ing the past, year we belim‘e our sm-msslul lotal am, 0.!†Mr. \V. l) ‘.|ill.~ has :1 mod (menpany and will lu' able, ~o .\ rite Up a lot of insuranc.q (llH'lllg‘ :.w coming gear. All inter- Miss ("anxplmIL of Hammer, is vislmng: 1101' sister, Mrs John Mc- Keuhnie. Mi. E. 0 Windsor, of Toronto. piano tuner. Spun! a few days in town 13s! neck and this. Mr. Edward Kress left. Tuesday morning- uu a trip to Berlin. St. Unï¬lmriucs. IhniTalu and mhm‘ plncns Mi'v Chess. Gray :‘vtnl‘lmd last week to his home in Emu-mun: after an ubsvncu of two years in the North- “WJSt. ' Mr. G. (J--:llix:S-m. of Flesherton Station. was indowu Saturday. He looks as 5ouug as when we ï¬rst knew him. Dominic John MuKHmon, of Wil- liamsford. was in town Sanuday. We warn Ipleased to men: him for a few minutes. \h. John; S. Black of Pomona. Township (link, If Glcnelg. “as in IOIHI Honda), and (lloppéd in a few minutes to see us Mr. W. 1). Mills, agent, for the [Imperial Life Assurance Company of (Junizda is‘workiug up business this Mr. Malcolm McKinnon. of For: Willimn. is Spending a few weeks’ visit with relatives and friends in the vicinity of Rocky Saugeen. We had a call (I om him a few days ago. and spent a short time in pleasant. chat. over things in the West. " He is looking well as usual. weak at Arthur, Gram} VaHey and otlwr Naces. Mr Jas. A. Lulingham, of Dor- noch. gave us a call Monday. He tells us that his brother, of the Strathcona Horse. is in England on his way home from South Africa. Miss Dick returned last week from visiting different millinery houses in Detroit, and Landon, where she has purchased some of the leading novel- ties in millinery for the coming season. PERSONAL MENTION. m: is will in full gonvoyanceg'. ~ Valuator, Collections of all Kinds Promptly Attended to ()nxClc:-McKenzie’a 01d Stand, DURHA M. : : : : UX'I Notice of Dissolution. i‘ That the partnership heretofure snh- Sisting.r between us, the undersigned. as General Merchants. in the town of Durham, has this day been dissolved by mutual can sent. All debts owing to the said partner- ship. nre to be aid to William liaidlaw at the Town of nrham aforesaid. and all claims against the said partnership are to be presented to the said William Laidlaw, by whom the same will be settled. Dated at Durham this 8th day of Febru- ary, 1901. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey in the Matter of the Guard- ianship of the Infant Children of Catherine Lavelle Late of the City of Toronto in the County of York. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY lenx. Witness, J. 1'. TELrom). i‘ 'l‘hatfafter the expiratiun of twenty days from the ï¬rst publication of this Notice. an applicatinn will he made to the Snrrugnte Cunrt uf the County uf they fur a grant. of letters of Guardianship of Charles Robert anelle. Lnttie Cecelia Lavelle, Jami-u La- Velle. William Anthony Lavelle, Henry Eruy Lavelle. Luuis Lavelle, Lennard l.a~ Yellt‘. Russell Lavelle. and ltuhert liuyd Lavelle inlant. children of the raid (lather ine llavelle. Deceased. to James Lavelle, of the'l‘own of Durham, in the (,‘unnty ut' Urey. Railway Conductor, the natural and lawful father of the said Infants. Dated the 9th (layuf February, A. D., 1901. Executor’s Sale Vaiuable Farm Lands! l'mler and by virtue of the powers cun- taiumliuthe la<t will and testament of llmzh thltlcâ€. deceased, probate of which will be prmluced at the tune of sale, the Exu‘lltul'a'uf the said llugh Riddell will .At'erhr mlnat Public Auction, on Satur- cluy. 2.â€):(1 11:.) uf February, A. D., IQOI. at timlmur int 1;: p‘cluck._ noon, at William m1 hnnr «It '32 n’cluck. noon, at William 1 ‘ .‘dnra’a hntel Durnuch. HI and singular int number three in the tir >1 (-nncessiun, \\. ti 11 in the township nt’ l’.:ntinck, euntaining one hundred acres III' .1 m h m The sale will be subject tn 2. 10.- m- to «me Chas \h Kinnm' “ith “hmu |H<:e.~iUn has been ar ranged 10] the first ut \lmc h A. 11.1".03. 7.) in ms «.1 the Int are dear and under cnttlxatiun; Jéum‘es hardnoud and cedar b 1511.1 arm is n 011 wezm red with comfort.- nbhe 11:11:30 and burn. making a comfortable hnnsennd harmlnnking a desirable prop- erty. Jennaâ€"10percent.nt purchase money r. ' m. c u! sale and sul‘iicivut to make u ) $.00 hiiilill thin) days there; her r. Hui let't' nutyi'eumin «m umrwage at 4') per (went. at .mth uf purchaser. 17m fmiizer particulars apply to James Ridden, Beetnu, Out. Juhn Ridden. Kinghurst. Executnrs Hugh Riddcll Estate. (.r m C. J. Mickie, Chesluy Their Sulicitur. J 16.01% Auctioneer, Chesley. (‘ !.4 Joy J:11n1:. 1v .flth “Dinâ€"3. ‘ Hacfarlane’s Laxative Grip Tablets _ 25¢ per bdx M.‘mn;~ 9 Carr 5 Cough Cure I Use Baby’s Cough Cure. For Children. It will not harm the most delicate child. McFARLANE 6100. O'I‘ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Noun-y Public, Commissioner, etc. Will cure La Grippe. Keep a box in the house. If taken in time will cure a cold in one day. . Every bottle fully is fully guaranteed. 50c abottle. For a Chronic Cough. Shortness of Breath or Bronchitis, try WM I: Bookullou Notice. Private Money to Loan. Farms Bought and Sold. J. l’. TELFORD. . Sulicitur for Applicant. W. LAIDLAW. IAS. , IRELAND. ONTARIO Just Arrived. Provision S: m. ‘1‘. Hana, errHQrumuflrHerHLHHH math.“ingugugwuwcwhhï¬ï¬ï¬huwswbhuwgU Pines yinp in Pails, each. Maple Sy i up in Tins. each 'i‘ilsou’s Buvku hem Ficus ‘30 Tins Baking Powder wl New Prunes. per lb ...... . 100 lbs. Grnuuiated SLIgM‘ 3 lbs. Raisins for“ . .- ..... Overcoats Z Caps which we will clear at a discount of 20 per cent, Bargains in lm-ss Goods, Tweeds, Yam ' and in fart, all winter goods for the next 13'» day 5 doz. suits llccce lined underwear, reg. 500, ' ' to clear at, 390. We extend a cordial invitation to ztlhto come . examine our goods and take advantage of than prices. , You Can Save Meney. W. W. MBKLER. Blanket.“ Furs! We have a large lot. of Buys†and Men’s Winter A Fresh line of Christmas Goods in Grocer- ios zmzl I‘metir-nory, Oranges and Lemons, Figs, Xm.‘ .aml Candies. Also the best brands of Family Flour and Mill Feed of all kinds ulwm's m1 lmml. Call and inspect our stock. a E7 a 11);! Hi: nkms vc'onh l‘iamkcts “oath Blankets worth ram‘s 5313 (’0 Use“ Outs €512.00 (Hen-nuts $8 00 ()vm gents Mufls that Weir .3- Mufl's that were $ 1 (1“!) 3:!“4 1 0M; IUE Caps that ' that \\ akinv what ztztgc 0t Lhu thllmxinu pric- 1 mil 1m u; u \ 1 VI: \m 01in the lulluw- smtsumlnc 0.) H13 at glcaulv re duced Cheaper cunts in proportion P I“ l‘l'lâ€" l't ic Sc d I“, ()0 ‘J, “in" 00, Iluw o) per m NU H 0 \V P! \\' Feb. 2|, 1901. "t J. C. Healy. NOW South End Grocery z» ‘1.me IU 00 9 L0 OJ