Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Oct 1925, p. 5

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“'7' w Kahuna] Policyâ€"so Mh HIP Umsel'vmv. fiqu'ho's‘ \"OUld M mg m “(won 13'". that our, Iartisan, c-Implo or “no! name no 7‘ M) at school, magnu- k m wmm broak. Her both H’“ ['o'JISU" fur her m ~ho-x' m'nmised me 3 ° .mm gnu ")6 one-” mu. Thursday, 0c... ‘â€" tiunadlan workman u ..-ts Hw Canadian ' m)! I” favor 0! “MM: wnuld ”39%| ngiun citizenship. I“ .l\l|' ',."\I;A__ - WV wanton] now W‘Mu‘ mu truths and facts. 1 "0' mto'ndmi to 5 5'0 1. .‘his whnle address, I. «mglv utterance M how-ll takm exception Na rabid partisan. 1e Classified Ads. er promise )3 'lo‘l'. "rha BOLSTEIN nturday. October 36 VALTER'S FALLS 7. October 26, 3 j MARKDALB w. October 26, 8 p HANOVER nesday, October 27 DURHAM um ho'l'o M'.N.v°.”.‘ D UNDALK riday, October 23 mm Man'phail R.\.\'TEED "' ‘ ."O-obm \\ ll .m: to a 18 t “w w .19, white”. Egg: utterance a)“ KPH excentim. 30* will p rosem’f .Oll " .- n- !mf. England. ~ «1‘ firm: Britain iatial homes. N080“ Hutu been comm {hp hPil‘S 9' m .IVY‘J“ “.ill d‘m omly [keys 9nd wealth! '|‘h.- .i»-?o~::itt's t0 the Imperial W.“- ...m'.-mu-p recently held in “an...“- .\ustl'alla. have returned ‘.., m an Ham a tour in Tasmania .msi hm” H'M’ LION? to Baliarat on Him" \\:i\' m‘ Ach‘laidé‘. where they “4! minim)- embark on their re- Mm; \..\ .._-.- t'mm Australasia. The News-.1 \ Mt. to Western Australia 3,‘ wrim'nllvd because of the h-wino-IG stl'ikv at FPN‘MMUO. \ .iu‘puh'h 1'6‘1't‘iVPd by the K50]. nwf'H: 1' \Z i me-atnry from the as- '.'"" .szzli HIDSO‘I'VfltOPy at h’harko. Rum! f‘wpnl'ts‘ thn discovery of a U.“ .' min: by the Russian astron- ,.,,,..~ i:;.:-~il.asq'llnfi. in the constella- I'nxasus. southeast of the (g... }'.~_":~l-rl‘h0't3. The comet and '. we :uw- \‘is‘ihlt‘ through IOW- pnew. Pegasus is a con- ; y nt' the nm‘them hemis~ ... ;i;.;u~:u'ili'.: between Pisces 1-,,“ mm! largest metgorite in the “Hfl‘t 1:71‘ “131; al'l‘lVed In ”Page“, Q-n‘tll’d- f'g'nnl t‘PPQDIand m the “”33, ..-h.mnvr SOROEBB. NOW hw ,s;.. wt 96‘?!) the stone, but .31,ng i'mlo-t'som. 0f the 801mm, 4:15 ;t xwizhs 80)?“ tons. Eskimos 3”,. ”upmtwol with the statement mw ,...-t..-m-ntv fell "1.1913, and szt' aim h'n‘o' hoen dragging it to- ;,,‘.,,,...p‘ ~fz'iko- at Freemantle. mg: 11¢ I my Events 33‘ gondensed for -‘A‘ \q l‘h'. l‘nllth)“ Tim in m m”. “WW-s pvt-plpxny and conga-n ”‘9'..mnntinn It h” received to ,.y}'.-u'f that the United at“. HI"th i“ Brewed. unla- Thursday, om ‘i‘i ROI‘ ‘JIIu nun-o - ‘v-minr, or “mtogyroz” m- \ 1m Juan Do La .ervp. «mu! snoopssful mm In \inndnv. achieving a Weed - m iiinil'. tth hovering in st .1 landing 3911“)? after 3“ ' ~:~°u-:\l descent. The quntâ€" 1 : erVa. tried about thirty 'YMVH'» evolving the DIES?!“ nm 1:0“0‘1‘ radio telephone is ihiain. \xhich is to be - .; :umnission to America. . wmplo‘tmi. and merything \ ‘ '2’ npmation. .« I-‘: win h «Iotachment which 'wmml at Ruhrm‘t for the ~31 ..:' thn IntPr-Allied Rhine _- t amniission. have left. The i Mi. zmw is completely evac- 11111;. ~ 111' 33 bandits killed by °111111~ in "111 course of a -1 1;.“ u'pnpatinn the vicin- lkunnsvus. havo’ 0n taken 1- My and exposed in the \1-;:1r-.1.~' as :1 warning to 1 lmndrml bandits were '111~' 111N‘l'illl0n. l'wshinn's lzul. vagary in 1- ---'- wily of fashions. has all 11111 \mmon to wearing 'l'hu malty eyes of the ~ M11211 :11'1‘ 110 weaker than 111,11, but tho celluloid * 11.. 11\'02la.~336‘s.m3d9 in - ‘ ”1 colors. are novel “111111 the) match her ;.‘:msn of the campaum. ‘21Ih‘d in the m0!“ 03p- ~H:m:hai. After Shea-L)“ W of mm 'rso- 1;; ‘:_'::‘irm loader. were tote, . the \‘angtse Eng; .‘ “NOW? ”WY 9W" to L; ‘1 A“ - - hm boon in force since v \x-Insinn in the Sveti Kral .ni April 16. in WM?" . 1m po‘l'SOflS were killed. fut-um» iho‘ {Million in Eng- "'I~'iralioi.\ and wives. par- "iuw who spend a good i rim» in the country. *"biiIO‘S which match. Th0 . Dmhnss of York on sev- ~wm< I‘m‘Pntly have 80' ' Hi‘nrmi hhin suitS. the 'vnf‘nnil)’ having been 611‘ - *iimt‘ roll. ' HM positions as prison- inil ; on England. Fridav an. . largost days 31113 of .rz mam months.at0t£_110f Ixmdnn" builiOn brokers "I hnlio‘f that. the bulk mm? was hmlght for Ship- «' I'nitnd States. \ mu at Maidstone, Eng- w-w :iwm three weeks’ Yllo' lilo‘ Hf \Vight as a > 4...“! mnduct. They were "an chimp Hill penal estab- '.\ llo'l’v‘ th}‘ (lid only light gm: their vacation and \ \x'wv‘o‘ in th- midst of the " l'arkhm‘st forest. They Mainlstamo in an ordin- ' maid] and attired in or- .mn oll‘PSS. but they re- . In Cahinpt has decid- . w m» Hm state of martial HS Readers: theEInitSr 'Sé'hool of Christianity at Kansas City. Missouri. for final solu- tionâ€"Toronto Saturday Night. Slipping Back To be. sure. life becomes more com- plex. 'I‘wenty years ago. I c uldn‘t. understand my wife. Now can’t understand my wife or my 9.11me. bileâ€"«Atnhison Globe. According to Mr. Roseman, and the testimony of \Vestern farmers who have tried it. out. the. possibil- ities of producing rain through the l'nity School of Christianity are sim- ply enormous. But how about. pray- ing for other things? For instance. sunshine and dry weather and cold weather and hot. weather. and snow. And suppose that two people in the same neighborhood would want (lif- ferent kinds of weather at. the same. time. what. would this body of sixty “trained metaphysieians” at Kansas City, Missouri. do about it? Again. it. must be taken for grant- ed that the peonle in Kansas City have no monopoly on prayer. and such being the case. other peoples in other countries might get just as good action. in which case. there would he too much wheat and oats and things. anrl the price would slide. down to below cost and tho peeple in the Saskatchewan dry belt would be worse off than before.__ _ mil 'i'é 'fillwin all a very big- quqstlon. which we are afraid we Will be obligmlto leave to Mr. Roscman and Of course. it. is always possible to pray for rain for ourselves and poor crops for the other fellow. 0r dry weather when I wisth to go fishing. and wet. weather when too lazy to hose the lawn. which would likely be just the opposite of what my neighbor wanted. Mr. Roseman writing to the Min- ister of Agriculture of Saskatche- wan says that with the help of the Inity School of Christianity, there will be a bumper crop in the. Saskatchewan dn belt every year. “It will save.” he says. “millions of dollars no“ spent. in relief work af- ter the drought, season and it will l‘t‘lldt‘l irrigation ~1 homes unneces- Still“. v - --- .;':|. axxuulale IUI JUU. Prayers. by this body of “trained metaphysncnans" is, we are told in the letter to the Minister of Agri- culture. continuously at one’s ser- vnce. day and night some twelve hundred cases being dealt, with ev- ery twenty-four hours. All one has to do. if short on rain, is to write or telegraph the Kansas City headquarters. but as there will soon be local branches in Manitoba. Sask- atchewan. Alberta and British Col- umbia, the need of foreign endeavor in this matter will be passed up. Anyhow. why should we not have our own home-grown rainmakers‘? If these Missouri people once get the notion that they had a monop- oly, the first thing we know Presi- dent Coolidge would put an export duty on it, and then where would atchewan. and thirdly, a package contains four printed sheets headed “Fifty farmers testify as to rain- making.” Mr. Roseman writes that he has been investigating the drought prob- lem and that he has come to the conclusion that the only sure man- ner of doing away with this crop menace is to join up with the Unity School of Christianity, Kansas City, Mo.. U.S.A., and elt their able corps of prayers, “trained metaphysmans the letter calls them, sixty in num- ber, do your rain getting for you. hm ‘‘‘‘‘ L“ . . "F‘ \ We 0! the Duke of Weuminm, to : commny which will erectoon the pmmnses an apartment minim; ‘ The ““89 1°“ ' 0f Salomlu was From ADMISSION 55: (Tax Included) The body of a middle-aged man, as et unidentified, was found in a mil pond near Weir, four miles from Lynden. The body bears no out- ward marks of violence. Coroner's jury at Weland places onus on Federal Government for motor accident. causing death of S}- las fieamer of Wellandport, and in a rider to the verdict, calls upon the Government to repair the high- wa without any further delay. . wford Tozer of Windsor, held in London since Saturday night on “(11101: and highway traffic charges, resulting from injuries to three youths by his car, was liberated on 31990 bail on a week’s remand. The nomination meeting for can- didates for the Six Nations’ Council, held at Ohsweken, was attended by no untoward incident. . 0. Batzo'ldâ€" is Winner of the sen- lOl‘ championship at the annual games of Hamilton Technical School. By request of the defence, charges agmnst Mayor MacBride of Brant- ford, were adjourned for a week in Police Court. Mag istrateJ. H. Camp- bel_l_ of St. _Catharines will preside. The fall wheat acreage. in Kent County has been considerably in- crgaseg ov_er last_ ye_ar._ A .- A Dr. Vooden, principal of the Col- legiate Institute, headed a St. Thomas delegation that paid a visit to the St. Catharines Colle iate In- stitute and Vocational aining School, which represents an invest- ment of $800,000. John St. Loe Strachey, editor of the London Spectator, addressed the Woman’s Canadian Club in Hamil- tor_1_recent_ly. Lilo in Weston Portion of Canada's Bangor Province Told in a Column. WESTERN ONTARIO NEWS IN BRIEF Wflfli \ ‘I THE TEN] 0mm 0mm THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Cinemasterpiecc Oct. 293031,! STAR “I am opposed to bobbed hair on princ’ le. If I had a thousand daugh rs, not one would have bobbed hair. The Creator made it long; and I am in favor of leaving it at way.” Thus spoke John. E. Thompson, editor of The Thorold Post, and for this reason. he donated a $10 cash prize at the Thorold Fall Fair for the flmst head of unbobbcd locks, which was won by an eleven- year-old fair-haired maiden whose curls reached to her waist. But. is Mr. Thompson consistent in his be- lief that, hair should be left as the Creator intended it to be? Or is it just his idea in, the case of women only? Is it-fair to have such a prin- ciple and confine it to the female of the specie alone? Editor Thompson recently celebrfited the fiftieth an- niversary of his wedding, and we picture him as having hair that reaches his shoulders and a long, grey heard that he has to tuck un- der his vest to keep it out of the way; both hair and heard unshorn "for is that not the way the Great- or designed it should grow?â€"<Kin- cardine Review-Reporter. The famous criminal lawyer 111d won a shockingly bad case by elo- quence and trickery. and a rim! lay-yep said to him, bitterly: ‘ William Kretch, of Hamilton. succumbed at the hospital Monday night the result of injuries sustained at-the Colter Planing Mill, when a roof collapsed, and he was caught in the debris. _ 18 IE 60881873" ABOUT I'M auto into a building and caused the death of ‘Lorette Dube of Windsor. Sentence was deferred. of _Al_frpd Pyanpd. 'whp, drovq .1313 Willing to Oblige CHILDREN 27c .70.? IV' I was a guest~ he says, at a lunch- eon. where Colonel and Mrs. Roose- gvelt were present. A darling little #daughter of the host. sauntered into the room. The .colonel. always re- sponsive to a chnld, immediately at.- tracled her attention, and she came to his side. The luncheon had reached the dessert. “She shall have some ice cream," declared the colonel, and, dip ins his spoon into the ice before im. he was transferring it to the child’s mouth when a voice from the other end on! the table said quietly, “Theo- 1 1 Profit, Protection and Pleasure Will be found by those who use Com- bination or Two-piece Suits of ; Stanfield’s Unshrinkable Underwear For Men, Women, Children We are in a position to supply your needs, both in heavy and medium weight. You can get a surprizing amount of wear and comfort out of these combinations and two-piece suits. J. J. Hunter General Merchants Durham - Ontario MOO The spoon halted in the air with the instantaneous precision of a Wilmifiog- Theodore Roosevelt was the kind of person who usualiy finished what he set out. to do. But we learn from Mr. Bok’s book of reminiscences, Twice Thirty, that Mrs. Roosevelt‘s gentle renwn's'u-ance occasiomuly ef- ected a change in his p .- gays, we may be sure, for the bet- 1'. The spoon went back to its plate the two rows of splendid teeth glit- tered and. pounding his fist on the table, the colonel came out with. “Now, I ask you. friends, I ask you: what is the use of my tram-ping from one end of the country to the other condemning bossism?” ' “Yes?” answered the colonel as he looked at his wife. With the most ingratiating smile, Mrs. Roosevelt ventured, “You know Theodore, it is not customary to ask anyone to eat from a spoon from which we have eaten!" w v vuv DU.-. Mrs. [looseâ€"9a? smiled, .but the child did not get its ice cream! And, IR. ROOSEVELT LID Dr. Horton. a well-known Emil-h prescher. in a recent sermon, said: “I believe that theme is no si vice in Englandâ€"no, not even worst and grossest vicesâ€"which does such constant and irrepsrnhls damage as the talk of idle 00!)qu that kind of talk which simply re- sults from empty minds. You te- member thnt scathing line of Pope‘s in describing the talk of women in his day, “ ‘At every word, a reputation dies? “1 have come to the conclusim that Pepe‘s remark is true sultan that among women who would bi horrified to be charged with any thinqdiilgtovi‘oe or sin: their bogging vvvâ€"v'w are killing the reputatidd and (ha happiness of their fellow-creatures? Why shouldn’t great men can» from small towns? Great cities do. Water! Water! Water! i3 m9th_er_ mopent. the colonel “I theorbed in discussing with It neighbor at. the table a book u be ind just been reading about the Icelandic sagas. TONGUE! [ILL “P011110” What Is Good Health Wadi? .. No. 4. Durham. Phone ”-1! Why take a chance and up! water that is polluted and unfit for domestpic use, when Pure Water can be had by having a well drilled. We handle Pumps and Pump Re. pairs. Satisfaction Gnu-ante“ ED. J. PRATT l .0 PAGI £

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