Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Oct 1925, p. 3

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p.515 70 no mg 1.? gm 8196 “(mar Store S US M’S nusurc Suits 2 MRS . - < )vercoats Hm,“ , €hesley, Ont. .-',a'r>le Compound “I‘d-Sane“ S 1;. I must say I My. MI _" '1' ("‘nefit from i‘“ m“ . .. ,,,.;,,..work now. 1%.. _7 _-.-';1l'»lv (‘0me mm]: fl . 7-,: h r you _t9080 this lath. -.i Durham nrflnn, N. fig. N h . N . r" 's Ve e , j In.'.\..‘1ngack‘(§)e'.‘l=’ f" % LA'A . - adag a . ‘ 3‘33.:§led 1:: than: or OI. t ' mo Ibo; t5 fnend told . ~ â€" f’ '1‘ B £5.L.;‘r.1: Compound mama THE HOME or soon Corsets, Girdks, Russian Brassiere-Girdles, Hosiery and lingerie Sick a Year. Got! 6th from Lydia E. The Spirella Parlors g Hurse is simply another .:--.'m rm'elvm "-wr". suffering mm the ,. Ivy-P, h) their sex would 1‘ mar women say 'hoha YhP same sufferin Haw» this dependabe and at once. It in .‘ {'0'8. 6; “at we Ind. up but I m told a AMT Coats q - m-wear Suits We also carry a lino Stamped Goods . mas. J. c. manor. _ o \ 1‘ .0 HIS Vegetable (2“ Thursday, OM' ' .N' p?!" cent. re r’r‘i‘flfla} that Q m are in better ave given thh . :;n Rugs. Fancy Large Quantity Knits and Dresses. \ \RE FINE * '5 all ex- ‘1’211 be had 1 CU} )y, ups Sl/C, $8 50 Durham, m ipaml no inlet-form, Hum, mursw of shim j $8.00 aw, It's Bore. Hosiery ' INC} ~\ROUND ARTHUR H AS BEEN COMPLETED N \l -“«-“- \‘uIOL-‘IIIKVIIDLJI . \\ 9‘ «HM and how much oxnr- :vou are doubtful as to what. is suit- . mko-s should be regulated ahlo oxerciso for you. consult your -,« :z; to tho ago. mcupation and doctor. Find out whothor you have . .. ..::?mn of sm-h vital organs 3 sound heart. good lungs. and ar- 1. he'm't. arteries and kidneys. torios that will stand a strain. \~..;. - .~:»I:I'_~'o'. ono‘s tustos play on '1‘th oxm'ciso for health rather :; : , ”nu-z hurt in tho mattm'. than for a "superb muscular devol- u x Hm sports that are suit- ooment." r p yrig ht, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) HEALTH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ' the Machinery Used in Con- ‘ . 'mn Has Been Shipped Away' \ 3 Madway Is Ready far Use. .\l m»: It. may be harmful. Am] .1, ,...\\-m-t'ul muscles do not w. .i’\ mmm gum] health 01‘ the ”n M any unusual power to .: .;...-;m~. \ big biceps gives Heuwzmly ' gainst small-pox, ty- ‘1 mm- “1 pneumonia. Thursday. 00%).! a. in, No Sat Rules .~.;-.~. lm hard and fast, rules ..\\ mm}: mm should exor- "I'l‘i'l. U) «‘njO)‘ 800d health. up!“ upparvntly enjoy good and liw m :1 mp». old age u-rwally no systematic exer- Has Tried Reducing H. W. writes: "I am too .r- my agn and height. A .~ nun. [ started to roduce. 4 mm: sugar and vating ‘; ~\\‘m‘t like» candy. cakes. r;. and vul. dawn the amount. , gun‘ulno‘i and othm' starchy :zm. oliol sumo“ o‘WXPI‘PiSPS. I “right but not as much i ln. But I don‘t. fowl as l .12.} whom I had all of my .wm-ything that I wanted nun think that I Could haw ‘ 1...”: wt these viewpoints m... n is gram-ally accept, . mmlfll'atl‘ amount. of ex- g4.-..Itht'ul. It improves the u . :Inol favors the .nufirition "u.“ and UN? elimination . ..m Hw body. An. amount, that. sums to hunld .up a Hum-ular system 19 of MMIHII vamp. Some even .iwn Construction Company I - has pretty well complet- ‘ m: mmract in Arthur. A the mmpany’s men with -..,H- Inral helpers are still wIHing on some of the fin- fvhws‘. ThP last Of “19 pav- unnry was Shipped from ”wolny. and the pavement I' tI-affir. Pavement has I t‘mm the new bridge to -=I:‘- mmer on George '2 from there to Conestogo Inor on Smith street. Ar- THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR HOW MUCH EXERCISE? By DR. w. J. SCHOLES -----\~--VU\A “11L! JUUl‘Il “Ulllu be harmful during middle or old Flt-{0. Exercise may be beneficial to the man who sits at a desk all day. But. .it would probably add nothing to the health of the farmer or lhe man enaam‘d in manual labor. A little Hm much exercise may result. either directly or indirectly. in the death of the person with a diseased heart. Walking. swimming. golf, horse- back riding. tennis. dancing. ca'lis- lhenivs, lmxing, wrestling. gymna- sium work. football. baseball. hand~ hall. polo. skating. otl’er a wide rana'o‘ of rlmice. 'l‘here are sports suitable- to all ages and conditions. Some mmple get. enough exercise through their work. In the pres- enre of certain diseases. no active systematic exerciso should be at- tempted. In general. the older one becomes. the less strenuous should he his or her exercise. Svlm‘t your (‘XEI‘ClSlP nei‘-.0Pding in ynur individual requirements. If ynu sum lllmblflll as to what is suit.- alilo PXPI'L‘lSl‘. luv you. cnnsult your tlocmr. Find out, whnthm' you have a snuncl heart. good lungs. and ar- lvi'ivs that will stand a. strain. Inn-t mysvlf by trying to reduce? \Vhy «In sumo ponplo got. so fat “11011 Hwy mt. thn snmu things in the snmw ammmts as other pm‘mlv who stay thin?“ Both quostiuns :u‘o difficult to an- sm-r. Ynu might find nut Hm state nt' ymw lwalth b) liming \0111' «Inc- [or 0 \amin V011.“ \\ 011M plnhablv 1w lwttm' it tho" attvmpts to mull“ 0 “right wmv mnrv oftvn sulwnisod by 011014 physician. If nun has m-at'hml middlv ago. it. is certainly sul'm' tn haw a mrvful anminutinn iwl'm-n attempting an unaccustnmml ammmt 0f exorcise". StLl'iStit'S show that Hm lean live longm' on the awrag. 0 than the fat. For this and um»? rvasons. it. \umld sm'm nndvsimblo to put on too muvh wvight. SIImII pIIIIplII RING“ fat lIIII‘mHII lhII3 IIat too much and II tIII'CISI. tun littlII. SIImII SIIIIm tn iIIhIIIIit II lIIn- IIIIIIII3 to I-IhIIsit3. SonIIItimIIsI HIIIIIII SI‘O‘HIS m be u (liSOl‘dOl'PIl fume! ion of mm 01' morn of “III. IilIIIItlIIss g1: Inds. 'I‘hII. \xhnlII pmhlom of \3h3' poopln bIIIII-ImII. fat is probably not a simIIlII onII. rangementts for the celebratinn in ronneetinn with the formal opening «if the newly paved highways are completed. and a rare night, of fun and frolic is eunlic‘lently expected an Wednesday night. The town seems to have been very lucky in the mat.- ter nf weather. as a variety much more like that. usually experiencml in October than the premature win- ter of last. week. is. at time of writing. prevailing. Room lrvinv is receiving many congratulations on the successful termination of the paving project... Arthur Enterprise. Part of the. farmer's problems “ill be sulu‘d as soon as his crops are as diwrsified as the adxice he guts â€"â€"Kincardine Roxie“. Reply “HM“ KEEPS TUNING IN SPITB OF GREAT DANGER The true instinct of a cameraman to “stick to the ship" and keep granging wgs _vividly demonstrated by; Ernest Palmer, Cameraman for S irley Mason on “The Great Dia- mond Mvstery,” just completed at. the \V‘ifll'iam Fox \Vest. Coast. stu- dio. Hollywood. under the direction of Denison Clift. - While on location at Venice. Cal- ifornia, one of the Southland’s most famous beach resorts, scenes for the final fade-out of the production were being filmed on the big roller coast- er. With Palmer and his camera strapped and belted on the front end of the train, the director. Miss Mason and William Collier, Jlr., started on the eventful ride. From the time the car started on the downward rush until the first curve presented itself, nothing hap- pened, butâ€"when the careening cars dl'Op-pcd into the steep dip, things happened in lightning like succes- sion. Palmer‘s camera became. loos- ened. and crashed against the side of the car. Palmer himself was hanging on with great uncertainty cranking every minute. The (lip was so pronounced “that mid-way to the bottom of the incline, the nervy cameraman found himself precar- imisly balanced from tlm end of the car almost parallel to the earth he- lnw. but «luring the Whole duration of the ride. he never once forgot to keep turning the crank. The action of cameraman Palmer kept Miss Mason. Mr. Collier and Director (‘lift spollhnuml until the Hats \wro brought, to a stop. _‘"l‘|m Croat. Diamond 'Mystm'y“ wull ho shown at the V'eterans’ Star 'l‘hnam- Friday and Saturday oven- ings. Mr. Harvey Robinson. a farmer residing: on the sixth (:(mcossinn of the 'l‘nwnship 0f Marybomngh, sus~ tainml sun-inns injuries on Wednes- day of last wank when struck by a car driven by MP. Amos Nowth a farmer from the same township. Robinson had his hip badly disln- czntml, and was bruised about the body. MARYBOROUGH FARMBR STRUCK BY AUTOMOBILE Mr. Harvey Robinson Suffered Dis- located Hip and Badly Bruised Body in Accident. At the time the. accident, happened, Robinson and a man named (“marge Allingdnr wvre driving a number of cattle along the centre sidoroad. south of Mm'n'otiold. vaart. who was coming from tho Opposite dir- ection with a Load of chop. in turn- ing out. in amid tho cattln, struck Robinson. hnnling him into the ditch. The injured man was taken in tiw Royal Alexandra Hospital. Fi-I'gus, where he is said to ha in a sm'imis condition. wuwwwc-w-oWWWWWW The Dominion Circulator ' Burns any kind of coal or wood We are exclusive dealers. See our large Quebec Heaters with roller grates and full nickel trim at ................ $17.75 THE HOUSE OF QUALITY HARDWARE J. H. Harding THE DURHAM CHRONICLE The accident is being investigated by High County Constable George Green of Drayton, and the provin. cial police have sworn out a war- rant for Newart. charging him with criminal negligenceâ€"Arthur Enter- prise. To Saturday it would be hard to hand too much of honest praise; it certainly inspires the bard to put up fifty-seven lays. All days are slick when rightly viewed, but Saturday seems like a dude among‘ a bunch of hayseed guys. It is the be“ of all the days. it sees the long week’s labor done; the work- ers gotheir homeward ways, each man lobsided with his men. There's nothing makes us more ser- ene than knowing we have bravely wrought to earn the package of long green which to the wives and kids we’ve brought. And when the week-end whistles blow. announc- ing now a day of rest. what peace and comfort. do we know. who faced our tasks and did our best! Then the long night of perfect rest, and Sunday sees us at kirk. to hear a country blcst, tlm home of those .who pray and work. So let us work. IN HONOR OF A GREAT EVENT Birthdays are always important occasions ospociallV if one is very \oung or \m v (111].B13f01'0 long. The Y‘snuth Lombanion will be a hun- «lrod years old, and the event, is go- ing to 1111 made a memorable one for The Companions mam friends. So, although the «late is not until April 16 1927.[1101:1111‘211i1111s \xill begin with 1926. 111 honor of its birthday, The Gem-- panion will come to you next year at the new low price of $2. It will be dressed in its party clothes with new cover designs, enlarged illus- lratimis. 1111VV liiillianth Clear type, and 0\ 1111 200 pages more than last V11a1. It VVill contain 9 hook- length serial stories. fas1i11ating mystery stories. tales of adventure on land and sea, the new "Make-it and Do- It” Pages. radio games, books and puzzles,i1111_1111sting special articles and the 11V11r-1l1111ghtful Childrens Pag11.1)11nt miss this great year of The Y’south Companion; subscribe now and receiVe: 1. The Youth’s Companionâ€"52 issues in 1926, and 2. F1111 remaining issues of 1925 All for only $2. 3. 011' include McLalls Magazine, the monthly authority on fashions. Both 1.11111lieations. only $2.50 'I‘HE YOI’TH‘S COMPANION SN Dept, Boston, Mass. Suhs11iptions rereile at this office The New Yorker. The two great drawbacks to the happinnss of tho motor tourist are the billboard and the board bill.~ like a pipeless furnace A Quebec Heater built with circulating ee jacket It takes the cold air from the floor and passes it around the body of the stove, caus- ing a circulation to dis- tant rooms and equaliz- ing the temperature. around the outside. The Heating Sensation SATURDAY Durham Those who are supplied with tire- places in their homes feel 1111 re- sentment. as the chilly evenings of the early fall arriw, with their promise. of colder evenings and the winter not far away. The chill of fall can be welcomed because lti pnovides good reason for 11 blaze in the fireplace with the i1)\ and good cheer p111ssil1l11 11s the tire crackles and d11\elops. the ashes drop, and the tire burns itself out The famil) gathers about the tire. as the lure is strong and there. is promise of a happy l1ou1. It is a proper place to \isit. or read or snioke. to relax and dream. The glow of the fireplace is cheerful. companionablc and inviting. 111111 may watch the curling smoke. the jets of flame, the ruddy glow and find ever a new picture, always inter- .esting. Fireplaces 11111 domestic: *l1elong in the home \\l1111e a t11milx is t'.ound ']l1e sellish man and the miser might refuse them certainly could not, hope to see then 1111111111, glimpse the picture or teel the s pell. The hour of pea11e.ki111ll\ 11111tem- plation and ret111‘1sp1111tion 1.1111111 11s In the Tea Cug TBA no. is revealed. The flavor is pure. fresh and fragrant. Try it. Black. Mixed or Green Blends. THE FIREPLACE tho full charm of the evening wears away and the fire bums low, the hour with its sooth- ing and swootpning vfl‘m't. all life. Those hours .mmu unly in tho lmme. They are for “w gonomus. the hull)- ful to know and in mnjny.â€"â€"Kincar (lino Reviv\\'-R0portm'. Everything van-om. Iwalth and ha )- pinoss can now be bought on installxm-nt. plun.-~â€"->‘huv and lmauwr Rvpm-tm'. i All Our Graduates have been placed to date and still there are calls for more. Get your course NOW. If you do not get it you pay for it anyway in smaller earnings and lost Opportunities. Enter any day. Write, call or phone for information. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratford and Mount Forest PAGE 8. o.

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