Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Sep 1925, p. 8

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mstlr pllhliv nwnership mm m :nlway" u ~‘uppnrter of the polio“ [pf SH' Adam. although 8 Lim i. [.nlitn's'. His swipction yvill haVo th. apprcn'ul Dr ”I" mumcipflifi of ”w prmiuw‘. Whose chpnmion b. has hwn nu many Montanaâ€"1m. inn Frvv Proms. 'I'ho- mnlongml dry spell has I.“ hu- \\0NN‘." unusually dry. “6 “In. W” and rampers should be doubly ral'o'hll J'lfit 2". this tiIMr-PM- hum. Examinpr. TEAIS vumn nu S'I‘RH’PIXH. APPLY DURHAM mmw x Sand 020., Durham. Ont. i Thursday, hip Huit' isn‘t. easy to learn. A man frxwt practice for months before he .-\!;~'\\.~' which club to cuss. I PARK FOR SALE Ix»? 66. Con. 2. W.G.R., Bentinck. L“: rmlne southwest of Durham. con- "rim: 86 acres. Mostly Clear and x cm! state of cultivation. Bank Mm with shed adjoining and stone “ 7-roomed brick house with ~‘\Iw.'“.¢i0n kitchen and Woodshw. “1-11 watered and in good repair- Fur further particulars apply to \\".liiam Smith. R. R. No. 3, Durban: ‘n ~ farm. making a 0. turn). This property Will be 3010 r :H to quick purchaser. For Qat- {arulars apply at Watson's DIRT. R R. 4. Durham, Ont. 1025”“ NHRTH PART LOTS 7 AND 8 CON. Exremont, containing 66 acres; 55 11:11; in good state of cultivation; :1m1 barn “:50, stone basement rote stables; drilled well and 1111nt tank at barn. Also Lots 6 T’ ‘ Con. A, S....DR Glenelg. con- 11;: “0 acres; 100 acres cleared '1' 1 111 good state of cultivation; on ' 1'11'cmises are a brick house con-i ‘ .1111: sewn rooms, With 1111.1. woodshed attached; -_drilledl [OT 7, CON. 2!. EGREMON’I‘, CON- taming 100 acres; as acres under cultivation. balance hardwood bush; Convenient to school; on the pregn- ls.~s are a frame barn 42165 ft. with stone foundation; concrete stables; 31m ha barn 30:50 with stone base- mum; 0g pen 20:40; twelve-room brick house. furnace heated. 819-0 frame woodshed; drilled well close :0 house. with windmill; concretel Water tanks; 30 acres seeded to hay; in acres to sweet clover; this farm is well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. For information apply :1. w alé'difs Mix-iii? 1:; Durfiim'. "rtrario. 102523“ REUBEN C. WATSON th’OnSvd Auctioneer for County of Hwy. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- wizsiblw te-rms and satisfaction guar- :u.r.-»-.L Dates made at The Durham tlle‘ulllt'tt‘ office 01‘ with R. C. VVat- wn. Vurney, RR. '1, Phone 60’. I‘ll. Mndo'l'aff.‘ terms. Arrangements for «Hwy as In dates, etc., may he made at, The Chronicle Office, Durham. l‘urms un application. Address R.R. I. Inn-ham. Phone 611 r 24. ALEX. MacDONALD an_en§ed ‘Au‘ctionee; for Co. of Orgy. DAN. chBAN Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. [tea- amiable terms. Dates of sales made at The ChroniCIe Office or with him- ~‘elf. LUCAS HENRY Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- ber of the firm will be in Duyham on Tuesday of each week. Appomtments may be made with the Clerk in the nthce. FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Hillel-est 0268 122-124 Avenue Road Toronto John w. Defies I. fluent: Formerly of Flesherton Barristers, Solicitors he. Successors to A. B. dune}. M r. (I. (1. Middlebro’ is permanently located at Durham Office. Priceville Branch open every Friday from 3:50 tn 9.30 p. m. J. 1‘. sum. D. D. 8., L. D. 8. Homer Graduate Unnversity of Tor- onto, Graduate Roysl College Dental Surgeons 0! Ontario. Dentistry in an its branches. Office Calder Bluck, Mill Street, second door east (2: MacBeth_'s_ Drug Store. BATES BURIAL C0. Durham} Ontario. c. G. All) 32881! IoGILLNluY Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. the Scionce that adds life to years and years to Me. Consultation free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 6 M 23 U FARMS FOR SALE Umce on Lamptoh EGER (the late Dr. Hutton's omce). Office hours, 2 to 3 p.m.. 7 to 9 p.m., except Sun- day- J. 1.. Slfll, I, 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. Office and residence. corner of Countess and Laughton Strpets, oppo- site old Post Oflnce. Oflnce hours : 9 to M a.m.. 1.30 to l 9.11)., 7 to 9 [MIL (Sundays excepted). D88. “[1289! annoy (mine and reszdence a short diet- ance east of the Helm Home on Lambtnn Street, Lower Town, Dur- ham. ()mce hours 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 3 pm. -; except Sundays). an. WICT‘Pmnimafnm ' 011' ice. over J, A: J. Hunter‘s £01110, .._an [‘n‘-‘-A MIDDLEERO', Licensed fluctt’oneer aamuruay mg!“ 01 week ordered. 25 cents. On 811 chgrge orders g . Thur-day. Sou-hu- n, ”as. Legal . Dental Directérv Medical Directory. nn. A, I. 321:1. She: “Thank you, I look even worse in white." A Slight lisundorstanding Hv: Say yam lonk like Helen Brown." 2 lovers sat beneath the shade, And 1 un2 the other said, How 14-8 that you be9 Have smiled upon this suit of mine. If 5 a heart it beats for you Thy voice is mu6 melody, ”Dis 7 to be thy loved l, 2; Say 0y nymph wilt marry me? Then liSped she soft “Why l3ly.” â€"Peccolina. [ Professor E. Katz, the well-known drugless eye specialist of Listowel, will examine eyes on his rounds again at the Hahn House on Tues- day, September 22; will restore weak eyes and relieve eyestrain and head- ache; by our great skill and long experience. we. can help you even though others have failed; glasses ground. $7.50, worth $16.00. Gradu-l ate of the Canadian Institue of MontreaLâ€"E. Katz. ipd HEN BOARDERS WANTED GOOD ACt‘JOM’MODATION AT REA- sonable rates. Apply Tho Chronicle nffico. 9 17 2 STRAYED 1R0“ [0T 60 CUNCESSIUN 3 N .D. R.. antinck. abnut Septembm 1, “hi!" 2-year-old Stepp. dohornml. Findm plpasv notify (neopg _n J. Tum- bull, Phone Allan Park. 917 tf _ . ‘_"J c-v'lvm Jamves Lawrence, ianager. Phone 601 r 13 Durham, RR. 1. The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham On Tuesdays. Shippers are requested 30 give_ three dayei notice. HIGH SCHOOL .3TI'DEN'I‘S ACCOM- modatwl; all mndern conveniences. â€"Apply at The Chronicle Office. CIDER MILL NOW OPEN DI'RHAM CIDER MILL IS N(_)W' open and rnady tn make cider, apple huttvr M'm'y (lay.-â€"â€"R. Smith, Prop. WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short order. " WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 3 15231. FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds. etc., apply to Lucas an Henry, Dur- ham. 6 12 U ==='-'"â€"â€""-â€"'â€"â€"â€"_â€"____â€"=â€"_â€"_-- ARTICLES WANTED BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL A'I‘ Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. i 10 tt LOT SOUTH OF Limited; also lot Connor’s. Apply J. ham. FIFTY HEAD OF YOUNG CATTLE for sal.â€"Apply F. W. Kelsey, Phone 6091'3. 6 8 tf ONE LARGE SIZED STRAW (HTT- ter, ensilage cutter and blower in good working order with complete FOR SALEâ€"GOOD TWO-STOREY frame dwelling, well located on Lambton street. Hard and soft. wa- |A_ L-LL D FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North 0: Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 221 if BUILDING AND BUSINESS FOR sale. One door north of the Post Of- fice. A good chance for someone.â€" F. W. Kelsey. Photographer. 1091.! PROPERTY FOR SALE EYE SPECIALIST COMING Pignr-S-ive Courtship N OTICB T0 FARMERS BOARDERS WANTED FOR VOKER BODIES south of W. D. 8 13 6nd 2 [M 221“ 1 Lama {11" fiALEâ€"The real estate will be put up subject to the usual conditions of sale, and a reserve bid fixed by the Administratrix, 20 per cent of the purchase price of the land to be paid down on the date of sale and signing of agreement of purchase. balance in 15 days. Live stock, farm implements, lumber, chattels, etc. six months credit on. approved joint notes with interest. Cash for all sums of $10.00 or under. acres, and there is also on it a good frame house, and frame barn. The following is the real estate: 1st. Lot Number 9, Concession 9, Townshlip of Glenelg. 56 acres, on which is situated a saw mill, chOp- ping mill, frame house and ham, and wnter power. (low, 7 years; Cow, 6 years; Cow, 6 years, farrow; flow, 5 years; Cow, 6 years, dry; 5 Yearli'ngs; 3 Spring Calves; Log Waggon: Lumber Wlag- gon; Log Sleigh; Buggy; Cutter; Binder; Mower; Seed Drill; 2 Plows; 2 Harrows; Harness, double; Har- ness. single; Sugar Kettle; Sap Pan; Buckets; 4 Rolls Fence Wire; Boat; Cant Hooks; Chains; Tools; Lumber; Lath; Sovereign Measure Range; Dining Table, Small Tables; 2 Side- boards; 2 Singer Sewing Machines; Davenette, large; Double Bed Couch; Rocking Chairs; Chum; \Vasher, and other articles. ' 'l‘he Arlnliuisu'atrix of the Estate of J. (.3. Ross, late of the Township of Gleuelg, in the County of Grey, deceased. will offer for sale by Pub- lic Auction on Thursday, the 8th of October. 1925,'at the deceased’s place with Mr bm‘Jt-lâ€"n-filts" , __-‘_._.l.......\..u«. nau- sas. narrowly osmpmt doath by vh-c- trnvutiun whvn hv mnw in contact with an olm'tric wit-v carryim: 600 \‘HIts. ' Wu haw to chronicle» this \ka tho (“With of Mrs. Mclntnsh. what. of tho tutu Dnnuht Mclntnsh. “Path ”emu-rm! on Sunday night at the age! of 8! wzu‘s- vuulll' 't’ f _ - -.- II. lll'abll ncourrml on Sunday night at the age! Hf 8i )‘Pul‘h‘. Miss Margurvl. Lindsay has 1'9..- turnml l'mmv after a DI'ulnnmul vieit Lucas 8: Henry, Solicitors for the Administratrix. Mr. Angus Mctlm‘mivk is Visiting his parents horn from London. whm‘c- he has been commctwl with the) d011- hlv tracking of the Grand Trunk as supm'intondvut of tho steam shovel and train works. R. S. M(r(_}m\'n.n. emplnyml 35,3!) nloctrician at Um \Vcstm'n Portland Commt plant. Indomnulmcv. Kan- Qfig II- ......... l__ Rev. and M115. Rice are pleaswl over the arrival of a young SOIL who came on the first of Septem- ber. He is already dmvloping a clerical appearance though ho was (,lostimte of ecolosiastical vastmonts 0n__h.is arrival. ~-~-â€"<.--'~‘ -u “nu "nu. nuu, all BI'UWII UP. Messrs. Matthews and Latimm'.’ have taken over the grocery busi- ness carried on for the past few months by Mr. J. H. Rose. September 21, 1905. Miss Julia McLean 0f antinck lrt'i Thursday mnrning to visit her braâ€" ther, Mr. D. McLean, Gould Uityn Mich. She went by steamer Albert‘a' from Owen Sound to the Sun. .. Clark, Auctioneer. On Friday aftonnmn last. Mr. James Andrews, who lived about. a mile east, of town, died vary unex- pectodly in his orchard. Ho was 68 years of age and llrived°on the farm on which he died since early boyhood. Ho loaves a widow, two dagghtc'rs and one son, all grown up. .‘All- We regret. very much to chronicle the death of Mrs. Henry Storrey which occurred Monday last after an illness of only a few days. She was in her 60th year, and for about 45 mars had been a resident of Durham. Four children remain to mourn their loss. Mrs. Wlilliam Caldwell of Varney. Thomas of Win- nipeg and \Vesley and Melville at home, The furniture factory has started up again, and about 30 men are now engaged. Every precaution to pre- vent a repetition of the late disas- ter has been taken. Mr. William Livingston left on Friday last for Flesherton where he has been transferred as cashier of the new branch of the Standard Bank opened Up in that place. Mr. B. B. Moore of Victoria, B. C., is visiting with friends here, and we had a brief intemiew with him last week. and he was prebipitat‘édvffdmnhis' position near the top of the build- ing. Some of the timbers fell on him, and he sustained a sore gash or two on the head. 0n Friday last, Mr. John Vollett had quite a tumble from which he will feel the effects for some time. He was working on a scaflold ven- eering a house for Councillor Moran when the underpinning _g_qve why, -_.I We are pleased to see merit ap- preciated and this can be shown in no better wa than by an increase of salary. T e trustees of Hutton Hill school evidentl appreciate the services of Miss awrence whom they have re-engaged at quite an advance, the new salary being $390. ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE from The (nu-much Filo o! Soppmber it, 1905. , --â€"vâ€"\, "V“ UUu‘.’ m3; Chum; Washer, and 93. 1 also bg ofl‘ered for sale "‘ "" U“.\_' the‘saw mill and THE DURHAM CHRONICLE El DI'Hlnngmi Visit and other t'ru-nds 9173 Mrs. Stanley Foster, the wife of a very highly respected farmer at Clavering Village. killed her 8â€"year- old son, Lloyd. and then herself with stryehnine on Monday. Mrs. Foster had not been well for sonie time. and her husband had purposed giving up farming] shortly and tak- ing her away for er health. Vhen her husband came in from the fields, he found his wife and son in agony. He immediately? called doctors from Wiarton. Hep- worth and Owen Sound, but Mrs. Father Finds Them at Death’s Door Prom Strychnino Poisoning. MOTHER IN ILL HEALTH KILLS SELF AND 801' Not To Be Outdone Ring: “The Lns Angvlvs Traction Company has lc,»\\'m‘ml its car stops so that vmmon won’t. have to exhibit tllezlir hosiery in climbing on board, an _99 Bang: “It made the women som?” Bing: “N0; now they take two steps at. a time.” Advertise in The Chronicle. It Pays i I’NiIII.I to SPH‘I‘Dl IIIIIIIIgIIs in ”In [)I'flVilH‘itll laws and DIInIiniIIIl FtIIII~ tors \IIt. («Infusion IIxists :Is tn the vntIIIIs lists t'IIII HIII nIIxt. Domininn ng'IIIIIIIIIl IIIIIIItinIIs. AIIIxaIIItIIII Smith. Ottawa. who has maItII a. Sill‘t‘ial study Hf the la“. t'IIIInishIIs ttIII i'IIt- '1)“ng IIIItliIIII: Am main or fIImIIIII, “It” is a British SIIhi.IIIIt 2t _\t..‘ll“ of :IgII. :IIIIi wlIII has mI.ItiII:IIIi|v 1‘-(' siItIIs in Canada for 12 mnnlhs. and in ”In IIIIII tmIat district thI mHIItPIs lIIIfIIIIII ttIII issnII of ”III writs, is qualitiIIIt in min. KELLY 8: AIKEN COLLECTORS Oran eville and Owen Sound Owen ound offices 169 9th St. E Referenceâ€"Standard Bank of Canada ' _'_U â€"uo Sideline ' Nothing too old, small, large or hard for us to tackle 34 years’ experience N O COLLECTIONâ€"NO CHARGE For the best group snapshot of three or more persons, devel- oped and printed by us, we will give a prize of a beauti- ful enlargement of the win- ning snapshot Contest open till September 30. Leave your films at the Studio or at D. C. Town’s Jewellery Store. Kelsey’s Studio, Durham Amongst those who attmulml the Torontn Exhibition \wru Miss Mur- tha Firth and MP. HPl‘lL le‘nwoml. Bofm‘o I'Mm'ning, Hurh tank Iin the sights at, Niagara Falls and also \‘iS- ited in H:Imiltnn.â€"â€"Eclgv Hill mrrvs- pc)ml¢'*ll('¢.'. in Sulpm'im'. Mmmtuna, and British Columbia. We nmittod tn mention 'in our last budget that. Mr. James Ritohie is at prvsvnt. taking a trip through Manitoba and the North- \\'vest..â€"â€"Darkios’ Cnrnors cnm'ospoml- once. We Handle Collecyions Only Cut the rib-end an“ of n rib-roast. "l‘his makos rivlicinus soup. When the end is roasted with meat. it is practically wastmi. Servo New Boats Prettily and Dinerently Method: (Look the heat greens until tender. (kink the boots until tendon Chop the greens very fine. Season with butter, [H‘DDOI' and salt. Press we'll into a hutlm'ml ring mould. linmould «m platter. Fill centm' with small. nmv Dents, son- sxmml we’ll. 'l‘rim nutsidn mlgn with thin slices of hard hnilml e-ggs. COLLECTIONS When freshening a brass bed where part of the lacquer has worn off, the rest of the. lacquer may he removed by sponginz with alcohol. To clean soiled wall paperâ€"take a clean duster and rub in dry pow- dered borax. Them rub it over Prize Picture Contest Peach Butter Pvachosâ€"Pm'k nI' 1/; ELECTION RULES To Take 0!! Lacquer HOUSEHOLD HINTS comma; HINTS Good for Soup m. runs m mma- mm «of a 1m 01' 1/; peck of tons. Scoop nut contrrs. (Jul. corn helpful \Vhllv (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) FOSIPI' dim] in the buv nassm 4 cups of sugar. Little water. 2 pounds of grapes. Method: Make a syrup. ()wor sugar with just. enough water to moisten it. Cook until syrup thrvads. Then add grapes (seedm‘i and boil until transparent. For September peach bulk. (look very slowly 3 or 4 hours until done... This is easy to tell as they become darker and more settled lookim in the pan. This peach butter is excellent for short. cake or as :1 831100 for icu cream. Children low it on their bread and butter. BAKING HINTS mid \\ len 1 Tomato Cups crust. Tomatoes. (Dorm (umtuoked).1‘o P Butter. Bread crumbs. gm... Bacon if dosired. am. im Method: Slim of] «Wis 01' tuma- Iim M (as. Scuop nut contms. Cut (on. lu-lnml m- died in tho mvantimv, and boy passed away befnre anv- Grape Jun and thing could lw dmw for him. any- Tho buy was an only child. upc men “'ng tightly. amund. the 3mm mm of a pm. Thus 13 vspm'nally corn helpful WIIIIP baking a bvrry 1w. Add small Unlrlvslumn \‘im'gzu' to mid walvr \vlwn mixing pie. crust. Them them is no fmu' uf saggy pie crUSL Buy Oven In] 1 cup lol’t-owr meat (clumped). (fun of tomatovs. 1 ("up of bullvd rim'. Seasoning. Molhnd:_ Mix well. Puur in but- tm‘ml baking dish. Sprlnkh- top mtg: crumbs. Tap mlh ('hm-su if desarod. Baku» Ill mum-rah. «wen. mato. Top with bread crumbs and butter. link» in hot «own until crumbs aro brown and tomutuvs are cooked. Servo on rounds at hutp tm-ml toast. Puur uwr any pan tomato juice» Garnish with crisp bacon if dosh-mi. ufl’ cob. Cook for a l‘vw min with little. tomato pulp. Fill . Mrs wig: com maistmwd with To Prevent Juice from Running Out of Pie ”PM?“ i! srm 01' “"1 ('lan ulmut Inn 2.‘--I. -4 ’ I .- u .. To Insure flaky Pie Crust for a few minutes PAGE 1.

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