vvw-â€" we will have. to take it. as it comes. Miss Ethel Watson relurged to Tomato.» Saturday after spending her hollolaysgyllh her owq family here. Wéither conditions aren't what we could do,- wi:h_ fog" hayingt‘pp} Miss Mary Aldcorn is spending a tewweeks with friends in Montrefl. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harrison re- turnvd to Do-tmit on Saturday after a Shnrl huliclay with friends here. Mrs. ollark nf Toronto is holiday- ing with Mrs. Dohs'on hvre for a whiln. "Ifiiiir'tï¬ii 'i‘riXï¬'Js ’nimii Hammnn an» visiting at. Mr. John Mth-eken’s for a fvw days. Miss Lydia McKinnon. R..\'.. who has bo-Pn receiving treatment at Hrawnhurst for 3 {PW months past. is vxnvctml hump again this WPek. “'62 are very glad to hear of her improved healâ€); I I3,I-__. ----r â€" ,_ Dr. Hair and family am holiday- ing for a couplp of weeks In Owen Sound and district. fl liés'; Slum-Plant] pmaclmd in Dun- dalk and Ventry on Sunday lasf.‘ â€Mrs; Sham-mid of Gan ié visiting in this lncality this week. f_ MM}: 5an MFQQ'imnaIIImn or [MI-mt III-p \isiting at tho- hump of thpir sister and hI-Intlw harp for a few days. ."‘ “I. Misé'v'Lawrence. representative 9! llm )lntlu-rs' Pensicms Board, paid an ofï¬cial visit tn our locality last wow-k. _ __ Mm. Duncan Simpsun of \ancou- wr is \Isiting with friends in our 1099â€â€; _A-‘AI--A ,‘I Row. and Mrs. Mollnrmick are now in our midst. and judging by pom)- lar c-nmmo-nt. thpy aw V'm‘) likely m stav “ith us I'm a Inns: “1"]an vm lwar nnthing but gum! Imports of tho‘m. W0 o-xtpml a hmuty wvl- (‘nmo' tn thl-m 'l‘hnrn is a B. and B. Ram: in Mn» (1. P. R. yards at present. Thpy urn busy proparing tn roplacp the 0M OVPI'hPad hriolgv at. Hm rrnssing a milp paid. of our \‘illagn. “"0 un- tlc-I'stnml that Hm undo-Making will rvmliri' abmnt. six wooks. (Our Own Correspondent) Tho-ro- pnsso-ol away at lwr wsi- dvnw at Swintnn Park. Mrs. Sarah Fo-rgusnn. wiolnw of Hm later John Fo-rgumn. Sho- was in NW sv-vpnty- fifth )‘o'm' and amp nf Pruhm’s pio- nm'l's. a lifo'lnng: .‘lo-thmlisf. and a crvat rhurvhgnor at. all “mus. Shp luau-s tn mmu'n mw daughtvl‘. Miss Smlio- nf 'l'nmnm. and mw 80!]. Ed- ward. m, hump. 'l‘ho- rum-ml. hold in Saint!) (-o'mvto-ry. was liu'm‘ly at- h-mlml. Row. Mr. .‘lNlurmzu'k and Row. \lr. Rnwvs. a fnl'mm' pastâ€? 0! ho-r church. Mï¬ciatml. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Blair and fam- ily nf Durham spmlt :m vwmng mrly in â€w won-k with Zinn frit‘mls. Mr. and .\h'.~'. Lm'nv )lcNuIly 0! “9'1th and .‘h'. Hl'ysnn “01°ka of Durham \‘isi'wl Sunday with MP. anol_.\lr§. Hugh MrArthur. _-‘-- Miss )laymo- Dunbar nf Hm Qm-nn city is Visiting: at Um parmnal home. .‘liss Hlmh‘s Firth is spo‘noling this wow-k tho- gnu-sf 0! Mrs. Philip Hat'- r'isnn uf Swintun Park. I'l‘nn lah- fur last WPPk“ )lisso-s lsalwl. .‘lzlrgal'o‘t and Lil- lian Flynn rMurno-ol tn Tm'nntn am Saturday :IHM' sno‘noling a civlighl- ful lmliday a! Hu- Hrwnwnnd and Rnhsnn humps. Mi“ )lm‘)‘ Ha’stiv \‘isitml thv past \wo-k m Hm humus M Mr. Gomrgo E. [Mart and Mr. .lamns Hastm. \lr. H. Watsnn mutm‘od with R. FI‘PPIS :In.| \\ illiam “thwart, t0 Ah- I‘IIII'III IIn \lnnolm III zIHPnll thcI fnnm II III' thoir (muslin. Miss Flora MI Kinnnn. Rm'o-nt \‘isihn's at. tho Edwards lmnw wm'v: Mr. and Mrs. Ewrntt Ho-m'y and sun. Hilly. Mrs. \Villiam Homry nf Flo-shvr‘tnn. .‘lr. Ivan Rd- \\'m'cl.~: nf 'l’nl'unln and Miss I‘Issol Emmi-as 0f )lnrkolalo'. .‘lo-ssrs. .1. {2. Ynung. dllm'v. Harry am! Norman. and Mr. Nana of B-nmptnn attmulml Hu- l‘unm‘nl 0! MIN. Ff'rguscm. .‘liss Isalwl Mays nf Hunlph is sm-nchng lwr Vm'atmn at Hm hnma of how granolpuro-ms. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Firth. Mr. and .‘lr.~.‘ Philip Ham'isun of Swmtnn Park \‘ls‘lh'ol Sunday at the No‘lsnn hnmn. Mrs. H: Irwin and Tmldy of â€war! Suuna aw spv-noling a furlâ€"night with how sistm'. Mrs. H. \Vatson. .\ numhm‘ rmm hm attended Mr; 'mnh McIMnalol’S Rain on Fridav and PW gone! stuff. Prices went high Tho‘l'o- was a must slh'rvssflll harn- raisxing 1on! at Mr. .lanws Murphy’s ml “'mlnusolny nf lzwt wwk. The yum): pwmlo- wow treatml to a jnlly purh’ in My» M'mnng. Tho“ ,illninr fnnthall club from Mr» playml a frimnlly gamoa with Swamp 614.â€ng toam and got the small and of the scorn. L. H. L. annual picnic on Hm 20th nf _-\u!.'u.~‘_t. Km‘p [ho (IMP in mind. Mrs. William Timmins returned lmnie last week al‘ler spending a l'm'lniglit. in 'l’m'nnt.“ consulting Sl‘o'i'ialisls. She expects to undergo an niiei'alinii in Durham hospital this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kinsella and family at annntu were recent visit- nrs with the Fallaise and Green- wow] families. . ...-.v.. . ‘III‘I \'|\ lzll‘ Mr. and Mrs. James Miller and .. _ , , , family Spent Sunday with Mr. and â€m “ "“1†39‘“ Mrs. H. Trafford. .u m» Immv 0f «‘zouncmnr Black Mr. and Mrs. Bartley l‘homnson .m Saturday night. there was a and Mr. Clarance Thompson .09 duughtpl- hnl-n tn .‘IP. and Mrs. IngIBW'OOd Spent the “’BEk-end With Frank )chssz. Mr. and Mrs. A. Thompson. _ _- _ - - II... A PIVLA‘-‘_-_ IADA I--- ‘\72-_ WNW! familic‘s. Mr. and Mré. R. E. Richardson of Durham were" visitors the ï¬rst at Ihg week M the Edwards home, .\lr. lning Anderson celebrated his 80th birthdav on Mondm but everyone counts him a be yet. His broth". Sqndy, _ from glitche- wad, aim thisusistpr. Mrs. Dubqan Simpson of Vancouver, are Vlsmng him. a present. Mr. and Mrs. L. Might of Port PAGE 5. (Our 0;†(7th) Traverston. (Oï¬r Own Correspondent) Swinton Park. i’towan was a guest at the Edwards heme part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McLean of Aberdeen visited the first of the week at Mr. Hugh McArthur’s. Mrs. W. J. Cook arrived home Friday after spending a few weeks in Toronto with her daughter, Mrs. Victor F airweather. Mr. Willi. Ryan of the 4th Con- cession hat his barn re-shingled l'é'yf’ntly._ 4-- 9“ I IVJ__._-..Jâ€" AAAAm ' ‘ ii 1:72.13}! Mrs. T. I. Edwards, accom- panied by Miss Myrtle McClocklin, mntm-m-l tu Toronto the ï¬rst of the wevk. _ ‘Lln . Surï¬e- fnlks from our neighborhopd ath-ndod Knox l'nited church DIC- nic in Mr. Ernest Greenwood’s grpye and_ rgpnrt a ï¬ne time. I. -1"- ,Irl...“ Mrs. Jackson and son, Rob. accom- panied by Miss Mina and Mr. Jo- SPph Edwards, motored to Swinton Park the ï¬rst of the week and vis- itml with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Har- ... 31F. BBQ-1’ mg. ' \“\'-iiiiam McFadden and family of Orange Valley visited Sunday at Mtg and Mrs. W. J. Coqk’s; Mr. Lorne McNally Spent part of last. week at his sister’s, Mrs. Hugh McArthur’s. Mrs. William Timmins was ap- erahnl on in l)urhanl hos Hal on Saturday by Drs. Groves 0 Fergus and I). B. Jamieson of Durham. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. "Dtumt forget Zion’s garden party to be held on August 13. Watch for tho ad. next week. Aberdeen (Our Own Correspondent) Mrs. Angus Mrlx'immn nl' llaslnr, ‘.\llwrt;!. arrived here nu Sunday to ‘alh'nol the funeral of her daughter, il'lula. “he died in 'l‘mnntn lmspl- I" ll nll \\ eclnesdav, July 22. The fun- 90'! ml “as helcl nu Manchu at hm lnrlmk, frum the home nl her un- ‘grle. Mr. Alex. Fletcher, and was largely allenclecl. Much sympathy Ms felt. l’nr Mrs. MrKihmm and the ‘l'lelrher family. Mr. Dan McKin- mm and sun nl' 'l'nrnnto and Mr. and ’Mrs. Frml. \V'ggs nl' Seaforth were present. risnn. Mr. (Harem-(- Ingllam. Slljatl'ord. 5pm". a few days recently Will) Mr. and Mrs. William Jacques, mil 1;. â€" tam! .1“ rs. (Raw-ford Harrison \‘isih'd on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. \Vatsun. Mrs. Davis, Manjtouligx Island. is tlw guvst of [nor snstor-m-lmv, Mrs. .luyqflg Mkmsun. for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MamlonaM and sun. Ko-nnvth. spent. tlw ï¬rst of the mud; with tho- Hmwss family at «irawfc 'Pd. Much mmpath) is thvnclm‘l U9 Mr. and Mrs. Ruhm‘t Lindsay and famil} in Hm cloath of their son and lu-utlwr. .lnswph in Montana. Mr. 'uul )lls. Lindsm are at [n'vsvut in Munlanu “lww tlwv attended the flunv :tl. Mrs. John Davis of Manitoulin Island Visitml with Mrs. J. D. Clark n-«jvmly. Mr. and Mrs. (L. B. McDonald and Miss .leva nl' l’ric'vvillo. and MI'. and Mrs. .lnhu L. Mchmald and family nt‘ Httawu \‘isitud at Mr. Hugh. .‘lamlnnuhl's on Munday. .\lr. mm Mrs. Jame-s Haslett. Mrs. 1mm and Mr. and Mrs. Gray of Durham spout, ttw first. at the wvok with t'rivnds near Holstein. Mr. and 3115.3. Pattc‘rsun. (laugh- tm'. Eliza and Miss Maiigurvt MC- â€in spent a day we cvntly \isiling i'i'imuls in (llwsloy. Rocky Saugeen (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. L. Slwldrnth 0f noat‘ «llwslo-y spvnt Sunday with friends :mmnd â€"3 _ Rocky,†’mx'n.--â€"'l‘n Mr. and 311‘s. Ed. Pratt. «m July ‘33:, a sun. Cnngl'atulntinns! Wu are- snrry imlmul tn lwar of “In sow-inns illnvss of M 1's. H. Soalvy, and \w Imm- fm' a (-hangv fur the thu' sum). Mr. and Mrs. William Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. ()harlvs Wolfe and lit- tlu dzmghtrr. and Miss Smliv For- gusnn mntnrml frnm Chicago and are Visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. Mclman and “them frion(ls._ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hind and family «if Durham spent the first of â€ID \w-i-k with iiw vans family. Mr. H. (El-annool had his barn raisvd nll Mnnclay. Mr. .I. 42. Hamiltnn spvnt. â€no work- mm in Uwvu Snuml. va'y picking is â€In â€MW of Hm :II} Sumo- (annut «mu IDSiSt thv to'mm ltiom HI I't‘lit \ ing â€ll' patch on HIM Sabbath. Mr. and Mrs. L. Mc‘me and fam- ily spun! Sunday 3mm the lattvr’s sisto'r. Mrs. Nell le'mgstpnn, ' Mrs. .luhn Davis of Manitoulin Island Spent. a few days With the Hush-H, family. Missvs Margaret, andâ€" Myrtln Mc- lmun arr spena‘ling tlwil' holiday 1 with frivnds mar (nawfnnl. Miss (élac'lys MgDonaldjs spending a few \woks’ holniays WIN! hm' mn- thm'. Mrs. Dan. McDonald. )1 1f. and Mrs. (‘worgv Turnhull and famlly spent Sunday with the Hill and Schouermann families. Miss Mqriel “'atson has b.5011 a recent vmtnr of her aunt 2’an uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Archne Watson. Th0 monthly monting of‘tlm W. .\l. S. will be hold at the nnme of Mrs. D. McKechnie on August 5. Mrs. A. Thompson 16ft. [or Wiar- ton on Mpnday_to_ yjsitjriemï¬. A number 011‘ this line attended the funeral of Miss Flora McKinnon. who died in Toronto and who was brought here for bu_rial. One need not be pro-German to admire the wa the hair in Hinder:- burg’s pompa our _clings to the Darkies’ Corners (Our Own Correspondent) (Our 616» Correspondent) Mrs. James Miller of the Rocky is spending a few days with her moth- er, Mrs. H. Trafi‘ord. The Misses Traynor and Miss Re- cord are holidaying with the Melosh and Kenny families. ' Mrs. (L Dunsmoor and family of Durham are spending a few days with her mother2 Mrs. H. Vaughan. Berry picking is the order of the day. but, it appeared more like a picnic Monday mqrning than a berry patch to see so many cars and bug- gieg lined up. ' b'fl_-_-..1,. :1. no:h Mrs. Simpson of Vancouver was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. An- derson last week. Mr. Robert Ector is reshingling his barn. wâ€"-â€"â€"â€" ' Mr. and Mrs. w. H. Motl‘at of Pin- kerton xisitod the Ritchie families in this vicinity op Wednesday. .v.’ .-x-- Mr. Alex. Vaughan had a success- ful raising of a driving shed and garage combined Monday evenin . Mr. Kelly assiled by Mr. Josep Hudson, were the lyamorg. Edge Hill (Our Own Correspondent) Mrs. Prior of Walkerton is the guest of her cousins, the Misses Edge, this-“leek. - u - r1n_,l_- -_.I uuc\ , v- - Mr. and Mr; Fred Staples and family were \isiting his mother in Markdala on Sunday.__ DIV“ u.-- . .Mrs. Sumrï¬'otjhill of Toronto isyisâ€" Itlng her 00113111, Mr. James Elllson. -"M‘i:'vand'M‘rét War-ling of Vinde- lour are visiting their daughter, Mrs, Albert _ McNal‘lyL Tho momlwrs of tiw continuing Presbyterian choir were enjoyably ontprtainod at the home of the Misses McFaydc-n on Friday even- "Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Firth went to Owen Sound Wminvsday to he pres- ent. at. the bowling thmrn_arp_mt. “lg. Mossrs. (loci! Mofl'at and Clarence Robinson, acmmpaniod by Miss Rob- inson of Toronm and Miss Myrtle Robinson, motored to Owen Sound “10 first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Gonrgo Ritchie. Will, John and Miss Ella, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McGuire, Hol- stein, on Sunday. Mugsrs. Rnliwrt.1mnnl«l and Stow- al'l McLzuvn and hm sistvrs Missvs Jannt. and Katharina nt‘ Highgate, \wrv Visitors at “I" hump of Mr. and Mrs. W. .l. Iiitchio. Mrs. Broom and little daughter, of Fc-rgus. \‘iSitf‘fl a few days with Miss Kata McFyden. Mr. and Mrs. Rnhm't. Ailknns of IInlstoin Visited MP. and Mrs. Thom- as Glenvmss on Sunday. Miss Margarvt Ectm- nf Stanstvao-l. Qunhvc, is Spvnding tho summer va- cation with Mr thu-r. Mr. Rnbm't Ectm‘. and other rolativosin this \‘igil_1it_\'_._ MI. Adam AIIdt'lSOIl and sun. Mel- ville haw takm tlw contrrmt of taking 011' _Mt_‘. A. l}. Mqullap’glmy. MP. and Mrs. Donald McIntyre 0f Tap (Zlifl' spent tlw ï¬rst of tho “mph with Hm McDonald family. 7 M iss'Marjorivn McFarlann 0f Ham- iltnn is visiting hm‘ aunt. Mrs. Hon- ry Mnfl‘at. Mr. and Mrs. \Vnkvlnnd. Lindsay. Mrs. 'l‘hnmas Swallow and $011 of 'l‘ranscona. Manitoba. Mr. Bcwkwith nt‘ Brynn, 'l‘vxas, and MP. and Mrs. Rowo of Durham \W'l'f' I'N‘Plll Visit,- nrggvith tzhgnMcFaydep family. n-ï¬o- VM‘)’ litllv pi‘ngzi'vss is being made this \wek with tho haying owing to unsatisfactory wmitlim'. Fall wheat lizn‘wst is on, and barley is begin- ning to turn. Mr. and Mrs. W’illiam Buchan haw [(‘tlll‘llml tn thi‘il hump aftvr II [Ilvasant holiday mm the latters SiS‘U'l'. MIS. Thomas Ritchie. nt an eveninï¬.:rt. the home of r. Clarence ison. Swnnton Park. recently. -. . ' ; Many from this nelghborhood nt-u tended the induction servnces of our new pastor, Rev. G. S. McGormnck. at St. Columba church, Priceville. , We wish Mr. McCormick every success and blessing in his work among us. There are many around Priceville not yet ready for Church Union which makes it rather unpleasant but we have no doubt as time goes on, they will gain in conï¬dence. The hymn, “Faith of Our Fathers," is in the hymn books of every church. We can all sing it. It is bigger and broader and better than denomina- tionalism. “The Church’s One Foun-' dation†is another good hymn that belongs to the great Church Uni- versal. A few years ago. there was a hot controversy in a church about singing hymns of any kind. The psalms of David were all some good people of that day considered fit to be sung in church. The singing of them hymns _wa._s then supposed to m1. -‘- be rather a Methodist idea. There was another church sharply divided over getting an organ. A number withdrew their certiï¬cates and built another church over it. How we do change with the passing years! Our little systems have their day; They have their day and cease to be. (Our Own Correspondent) Mrs. J. H. Sharpe and two sons, William and Arthur, of Guelph, ac- companied by Mr. Crouch of Tor- onto, paid a short visit to relatives and friends on Fri-day and Saturday of last week. Miss Reta Roberts went to Oshawa Monday to spend a couple of weeks with Mrs. Hare at their summer rosorh Mr. Joseph Bilten of Windsor, af- ter an absence of three years, mnâ€" tm'ml to the village last Sunday and will spend the week with his par- ents here. . The éï¬ï¬Ã©lruction of the new school 18 pI‘OgPOSSlng favorably._ The ï¬rst stqyy IsAcumplotml 3951 ,]_(_)lsts all set. The foundry softball team of Mount Forest played an exhibition game with the locals, but were (te- I'eated by a score, of i2 i0 10 on M miday evening _la§t.__ n. -- Mrs.'6«_»org¢_»'McCa11 loft Monday morning to spend a week \\'1t.ll her Sister 1n 'l‘t'n‘unto. Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell, l\l1s. D. Adlam 11lD111l1a.m M1. 111111 st (i11n1g11 R11a\, Ml. 111111 Mrs.Jnl111 Builm 11111! Miss Florence Bailey of Ebenezer \\ 11111 1111111nt guests 01 Mr. and Mrs. G. Fisher. MI; and Mrs. \n'hio MLFadvon of Toronto spent 8. d3" Iocvntlv at Mr. John Manarvs Mrs. Gmrgn Fonton is spending a fe\_v_ dayg w_1_th fl‘fllQlldS in I)otru_it_. Mrs. Shaffer of Detroit and Mrs. hum-y and two sons of Shvlhurnv visited their father and sister ro- cvntly. Mr. and Mrs. Harnlcl Russ. Mr. John ROSS. Miss Isnhnl Mt'Lc-Han and Mr. lnglv 0f St‘l'ull'm'cl \Vm'n guvsts of Miss M. Russ 011 Sunday. Mrs. I. Drumm gav:1 a trous- 1:111 ton last Thursdav afternoon in I10nm- of h:111 :Iunghmn Miss Ireno Drumm. “I10 is t1. 11:1 marriod early in ‘Augu‘st. ‘0 I A ,,I _-,, P.--“- ".I‘l-_'.. Rev. Mr. Mitchell of Guelph ocqu. pivd tho pulpit in tlm Prosbyteman church Sunday. Mr. John Shivhts, t‘nrmm'ly' uf ngwil hut. now of Urognn. is hora, on a ï¬sh after an uhsoncn at 42 ymns 'Ihorn “mo nnly two in Hul- stvin that ho. know. Mr. Honry His- cock and Mr. Jamvs F. McInnos. Ha louks halo and hoarty and was glad tn got, back tn tho 300110 at“ his ear- lio_r dayg. __.. - -- - A4 a u ' Mr. William Nvlsqn made a bus- lll¢_‘$S trip to (hymn Sound latrly. Holstein Bordâ€"Tait. and Mrs. J. F. Mo- Leanon July 23, a doubler (still- born). . Mrs. Hawking of Hamilton is con- ducting 3 class in millinery in the hall this week. There are sixteen members in the class. Mrs. Thomas Bunston and son, Clinton, of Toronto, visited relatives here this week. Messrs. Cecil and Gordon Simpson of Toronto Spent, a few days lately with their cousin,‘ A193. AleMillau. .A..‘ A- \‘vlbll lllUll‘ L'UUDIII, lilhao 5'5vov-‘-- The Merchants†softball team or Mount Forest came up to Holstem Tuesday evening‘ and defeated the locals by a score of “-6. Mr. John Manary has delivered two car loads of coal this week to his customers. "“Miv‘gulliiiaâ€"siiy Irvin of Texas ar- rived in the village '_l‘_uesday: tgnspeq‘d Mr. Thomas Corbett,- of the Bell Telephone Company, visited over the weekâ€"end wi_t.h his mother, Mrs. A. Corbett. South Bentinck (Our Own Correspondent) Miss B. flower of Paisley is spend- ing her holidays with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William Derby. v-"vvvv family, accompanied by Mrs. A. Cor- bett, Visited friends in Guelph re- cently. " ‘31}? 'and Mrs. Thomas Turnbull of the Rocky visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. John Milligm, ._ w"Mr-s: Wi'liiath Derï¬y visited a few days with fgiends in Toronto_._ """ Messxs. Noxman McRonald and John Derbv motored to Detroit on Satyrda‘ and returned Mondgy. .21"?ng -.'d§§s'§;fi71' Mr. anil Mré. Irvin. Miss Mildred Breutigan of Hm,- den visited her sister, Mrs. William Mather rocpntly. w wwâ€" ï¬rsruiaiti'lmn’ and Mr. R. (I. noâ€; Clare, returned home to Detroit 1351 Thursday. 'm-s. Him manna of Toronto is home on . two week's vacation, Mr. Ind lira. Garter, accompampd by the lager‘s mqtllgr g‘ndum-ln, . Miss Elma McMitphell of 1‘."an 18.“. present, spending her mum-g wnth her parents. ' ThQ â€@8868 Phillil)s 0f ’hlllllvi'S‘nn are wanting With thew aunt and uâ€, cle, Mr, 94“}. Mrs; Staï¬ogirm M188 Blanche Pritchard l’o‘tln'x to Toronto last Saturday. U, â€I. W‘I 5'1 â€â€œ5 .vo -. â€Mr. and Mrs. GeorgoCliIYoufhm. (188 are visiting their SiSil'l m,- A. M. McQIIIre._ ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Brewster of Husln-In, visited last week with “In lumpy, mother and aunt, Mrs. \\';u'nur and Mrs. Demerppt. "Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘rocknn nf Mam accompanied b the f-‘m'mm 5 mm ther, visted wit her daughtm Mu Hamock, a few days nuns \wnk "Mn-Géraon Noble: 0f 'l‘nmntn :9..- turned home Tuesdav aflm- Visnmg with Mr. and Mrs. McMitchlul. POLE WAS BROKEN WHEN STRUCK BY A Durant tmxrm; var cease numlwr 27-710 rm on “W l’l'uvun'ial High“ .098 lb"!!! I.’ u'c'lm'k 'I'Hc noon wlwn it ran “11' H into mw 0f â€In pmu-r l the Durham l’urmtuw breaking H. almut High the gmuud and badly \\ (SIP. VOL. 58.â€"N0. 30:13. Toronto Car Ran Amuck No TOW Tuesday Afternoon a: considerable Damage.-â€"â€"Occ “Cored Manor Injuries. Th0 {I'hl‘mlulc- dcu~ M: i to keep count on all in. n... eldentï¬ â€œIN “a! MINI .‘I! 13.1 town likn Durham; Hm take up tau) much u!’ um m the accident on l‘uvsday \ much out (of tho- Hslmi Hm v vet ONION. undo lstmlcl hm“ cupmts or “H' {21' 1‘! .Hun] lIIJUl‘V'. The party mu m, one of thu lwst sum-t between “Pr" and H“ when Mml‘wu‘lnng \I thur‘s gate-ma) :almm of town. “w «211' “M 0‘01. sun-m tn lo-aw ' C lllllldl‘ml Im- niliug at H... rimwd uni Mr. ï¬ll. wntimm lwvnty Inc-t, sm p010. snapping: “10 g'l'nunoi um palv. partly h-u it was M'l. imph-me-m ~01 and at Hm th of harm's mu hindvr. hut .. building. hm†“'Unld'll um‘li' \wnt. tn Hu- telvpllunin: 1c the party w: in town “1m" Minus injum and lwynnd a serious \me \VPI'I' l'N'I'H mi Im: In a vat of llw party 01' 205A Chum ufacturing I" [biml by Imus: wifv and 1w \W'l'v HII HIM \Wis hmv and I~' :u it ram" ‘ (“1'0 HI ‘ \V‘hvn Hu (l' “N I “PM â€If bark un. far â€I" t tn â€Iv Ill: Th! at "N Immu ing. “I.†THEM GO,†SI McEWEN OF SU Would Present Hanover Cnlder tn Bruce. w'al 5m!“ "1 a prnhahin v: RvPVcwzlmo 1" mm clay Hus (ion with H was uskml \\' mm- sue-calm David didn‘t his l'uply. l1 round stun" [10mm] a \\'h “If tlw [N'Hl' farmvl‘s' :H‘o' CHI“. 01' mak Irv badly mu juin lh'uvv. fast as Hwy wvll rid â€1' I 'l'll': ‘ “21"“ .‘h \Wu-n 35'ka \\| jumim: “rm-v, m that HIM 1mm from Hm Imnmial was quitu \Villmu haw lmvlmm HIS clcmmu: "\'o-.-. ' â€I“ ‘la'dl‘l' "OH. “'0 \Umlcl ,imi; wk by a l'vw'o-w Jakv I‘vmlokw. lio- n“ “in uHu-r' H! hlvkim: uf In» .- sitiml in lllv pu' rc-al rural and I County. and tho “hip hand loving: Hi†‘lfllt in“ in IN evm' Sim ham." MI“. .‘I!’.\ Lul'imm' KPI‘I‘. naught“ Kmr «of Vamm and HI" i H. Kl'l'l‘. hvcamv “In iII Hi" 39 Nichol B0". mm M .\h William Roll. F',IUIa (Anni WI. H. Smith offlvialml. The brick gown with and rum-MI ()[giwlia I'm" 'l‘hc- marriam- \\:.~ HIP mansn. Durham. “'Nim-Hdly. Alli-HIM -I‘. u - _ The mung (uupln \\ ill I â€their friends after 96“ it â€0“. Immmiiatvly M'h-r â€w the bridu and umnm lvï¬ hunevmoou fur British via the Great Lain-s. 'l‘lw vel'led in C sand Quit. W tad hat to match. W0 ['1 “l0 1 u in â€Ill-K hl'ul’cl lhv ~ Pll M'c‘uloanh “1' , to “w rem-nu, burning in Dr. II party “its" hlkvn wn Whi'l‘t’ H \\‘u-‘ vus injuruw hml bflynnd a «'nuplw pus mmmh nth. ' l‘N'l'iVNL 9 Par was “Iv [Il't in a card llillll‘v In» WINS. Hf Mr. ISA Church S'l‘m‘l. ll lw um 10f {III NH. and \Vl :mtn pa Halm H ill Hu- lllfllliillvlll H slllafl ' ï¬T-Iigo vamv L Hal Highway u u'l‘lm‘k 'I'll'ï¬das H HI BELL» KERR llwll U "I Mr .\I'! I won- a [ma piohlrv hat a shuwvr h its |\ \\ an Hun ll H ll Io ll H