Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jul 1925, p. 10

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(Our Own Correspondent) .\l:'. Hmrgo- Young at Wallaby and hi»: sistvr. Mrs. Aubrey of Toronto, Visitml tho» first. at thv wool: with hm' aunt. )ll's. G. Bnyd. Mr. and Mrs. J. MrKechniv had an mu’nyuhlv visit. in Owen Sound ovm‘ thv \vo‘w‘k-eml. Mr. Leroy )erHnald is working with Mr. William Armstrong in the jmwllry store in Fleshrrton. Good lurk Imroy! Mi.“ 1. Hepburn of Chesley is hol- idaying: with her aunt, Mrs. H. Vaughan. .lr. Gm-olnn. thc‘ youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 'l‘raflom. under- went. an npm'ation for thn removal bf his tonsils anal adenoids at the RM! Cross Hasnital. Durham. Gor- don is getting along wry nicely. Mrs. â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€" (nve Miss Maud Muir) or Pnrt Arthur. sister of Mrs. A. McLean. Visited frionds hm'e for a I'mv days last week. t Mi. and Mrs. )likn Kennv aw at- 0m Inf: HIP wedding Hf . ' “may. a friend On behalf of your friends and neighbors. we have long looked for the opportunity of welcoming Mrs. Kenny to our neighborhood. and we the this occasion for doing so. We Mr. and Mrs. M. Kenny, plies. Mr. and )lrs. Charlvs Schafm- en- tertainvd a number of the young people of this vicinity. Mrs. Phoebe Honilry and grand- children of Toronto are holidaying around her old home here. hood. In the course of the evening. Mr. George Ritchie called the crowd to order, and a short address was read, and Mr. H. Vaughan. Jr., pre- sented them with a beautiful 20- piece set of silverware. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny both made suitable re- film] '0 o‘xh-nol t‘nngratulatinfis to our Normal girls. Miss I. Hincks and Miss Mariam Muir, whnse names we 30» amomg tlw successful candidates. Miss Mary Alolcnrn is spending lmr hnlidaws in our no-ighborhoml at tho» pl‘Pso-nt timv. ’Tis good t0 see New armmcl again. At‘ter a great surprise to the neighborhood. Mr. Michael Kenny was married in Kitchener. On the arrival at Mr. and Mrs. Kenny the friends and neighbors gathered to welcome the bride to our neighbor- Communion service was observed here by the continuing Presbyterian body last Sunday with a good. at- tendance. Rev. Sutherland officiated in his usual able manner. The Revs. Fowler and Sutherland went to their outside appointments in the farmer's car which was no doubt a pleasure to both pastors who formerly were felluw workers in the Presbyterian church. Mr. H. B. McLo-an and little daugh- ter, Anna, and Miss Alice Rpm-y un- derwent minnl- npvratioms in Dur- ham huspital last. \wok. All are doing wall. “'0 am- glad to hear. Dr. Halliolay of Tun-unto was in charge of Hu- case's. “'0 lvarn that, a male tracker is In I)» principal of our school for the next sclmol torrm. We hope he will I»? a gnmi “PM man as W0" as teacho-r, as spam, thosn days should be a very necessary part of the 30110va training. A fin» crowd attonolm tho Sunday school picnic hold in the school grounds last work. and all rolmrt a good firm. “'o-athor was tin». and tho gathoring in a mood to make cwrything a success. Mr. and Mrs. Jusc-ph Harrison of Detroit, are Visiting friends lncally for a short while. Rev. Mr. Fowler, a former Flesh- ertnn pastor. occupied the pulpit. for the ['nion services here on Sun‘ day last. Swinton Park {Outball team visit- ed our village on Saturday evening and gaw our buys a trimming. A return same is arranged for next Saturday in Swinton Park, and we hope tn return the compliment. Miss Jam-t McDonald continues to improve again after a recent set- back in health. Mr. Roderick McEachern is con- fined tn bed with a sore foot. Dr. Carr is in attenance. and we hope for a speedy recovery. We are having a wonderful sea- son for general growth at present. and with continued blessings, we should have excellent crops here this year. We are glad to hear that Miss Donalda Sichol is able to be around again, after a rather sewre attack of what must hase been appendici- tis. We hope that there will be no repetition. A number of our young folks at- tended the. 12th of July parade in Dundalk on Monday where we be- lieve a real day was celebrated by a bumper crowd. PAGE 10. (Our Own Correspondent) The following address was Glenroadin Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clark 'l‘nrn and famil} Sundav were, Mrs .inhn Tony and daughter, Miss Edith. Turnntu Mrs. Fred Rem Miss \laitha 'Hfmr} and Miss Violet Mer- \'_\'11, Durham, and little Bernice \Vise. We extend congratulations to Miss Jessie Twamley in passing her Nor- mal examinations. We understand Miss Twamley has secured the pos- ition as teacher for Lamlash school for the next term, 1925-26. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McDonald and Mastvrs \Vam'vn and Evan Hf Tor- «mm are sponding a plvasant holi- day at tlw home of Miss Annie thkil'k. Mr. Sandie and Miss Katie Brovm accompanied by Mr. and Mrs .\Vil- liam Fulton. visited Glenelg friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Hastie and family. Mr. and Mrs. William'La- mont and family of Elmwood. Mr. and Mrs. James Turnbull and Mr. and Mrs. George Turnbull of Eben- ezer, accompanied by Mr. Wilfrid Bell, Toronto, were welcome \isit- ors at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hastie Sunday.‘ Edge Hill Sunday school picnic was held last Saturday afternoon in Mr. J. G. Firth’s bush and was a splendid success. The weather was fine. and a good crowd was pl‘vs‘mlt. The swings were kept go- ing. the booth did a big business, baseball. quoits and other gai.ies kept everyone interested. A large number of races were put through also which served to enliven the program. Amnng tlmso from ham who at- to-mlml Hm barn raising at Mr. Arch Ro-utnn‘s at (ilenolg Centre on Mon- day of this week were RM‘. and Mrs. (lrickingtnn. MP. and Mrs. Fultun. Mr. and Mrs. John McKech- niv and Miss Mary McKechnie, Mr. Sandor and Miss Katie Brown. ' .\l 1'. and Mrs. Gourgo Twamley and daughtm‘. Alien, of Victoria, B. (1., mm at, prvsvni. visiting their many frimids hvrv. .\ goodly number attended the Ladies" Aid held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McDonald Thursday out last week. \‘“i were pleased that Mrs. d. McDonald. Sr., was able. to he with us. it being the. birthday of her son. Mr. A. C. McDonald. All present enjoyed the kind hospitality shown. and trust Mr. M. McDonald will enjoy many happy birthdays with his wife and family. Miss Robinson and nephew of Toronto were guests for a few days with her brother, Mr. David Rob- insnn. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McLean of Aberdeen and Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn Hmw from Saskatchewan were the gnu-sis of tho mum’s uncln, Mr. Don- ald McKochnio, Mr. and Mrs. John Mt'Kt‘Chnit' and MP. and Mrs. An- qlx'nw Hastin mw day last. wwk. Last year‘s garden party under tho.- auspices 01‘ Edge Hill Sunday sclnml was such a success that steps urn undnr way to haw. another just as gnml and better if possible in the nvar futurv. Watch the papers for tlu- advertisement. (Tun lat? for last, W001i, Hl-artfvlt sympathy is nxtondod to 311‘. and Mrs. Clifford Howell of Durham. . 'I'lm pUpils M 8.8. No. 6. Bentinck, prpso-ntml thvir teacher, Miss I. E. Dubiv. befm'e leaving for her holi- clays at ”won Sound, with several [’io'CC'S uf Fronch ivory and :1 beau- tiful tluwm' vase and wished her a Muusant vacation. Mrs. J. G. Firth and daughter, Glennip, are visiting for a few days in Toronto.» Mr. and Mrs. D. Robinson and Arthur, and Miss Myrtle visited friends in Ayton on Sunday. Master John Ritchie of Egremont is enjoying holidays with his cou- sin, Dan Ritchie. hope that you may live a life of hap- piness and great prosperity and that no occasion may take you from our midst. We take great pleasure in asking you to accept this small gift. Signed on behalf of the friends and Neighbors. H. Vaughan, Jr. M. E. Boyd, The remainder of the evening until the wee smaf hours of the morning was spent in dancing and card playing. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Firth and fam- ily of Toronto are spending their vacation at their summer home here. Miss Belle McGirr of town Visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ritchie. Mrs. A. Anderson spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Beaton. Miss Mary Moflat of town is hol- idaying among her former school mates. Mulock (Our Own Correspondent) (Our Own borrespondent) Th is Week’s News Mr. Archie Ferguson of Proton spent a couple of days last last week at Messrs. James and Hugh McDonald’s. ’ Mr. and Mrs. James Atkinson and family and Mrs. J. Atkinson and daughter, Miss Margaret, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. P. McRae, Palmerston. Little Miss Rita Williams and brother, Master Harry, of Mimico, are Visiting with their grandmother, Mrs. Robert Bell. Mrs. N. McCannol spent the week- end in Toronto. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. H. Greenwood in their loss by fire Saturday last. Miss Margaret McPhail of Price- ville is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arch. McCormick. Statute labor is the order of the day here at present. Darkies’ Corners (Our Own Correspondent) Master Allie McGirr is visiting with his aunt, Mrs. T. \Vatson, Galt. Mrs. Lawrence Chapman spent a row days recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cuff. Miss Bertha Ritchie of town spent a few days with 1101* friend, Miss Stella Lynn. No. 9 Sunday school picnic will be held on Friday. July 17, in the bush just south of Mr. Alex. Aljoe's farm. An interesting game of ball is ex- pectod early in the owning. Every- body come and have a good time. Congratulations to M P. John Ewens on passing his ent‘ance examina- tions. Miss Mary Aldcorn, of Kincade, Sask., is renewing acquaintances around here. Mr. and Mrs. George Nnble, town, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McGiI‘I‘. Quite a number from here attend- 0d the Orange celebration in Dun- dalk on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Weir, Miss Bell Weir, Mrs. J. Atkinson and Miss Margaret Atkinson spent a day last week in Owen Sound. Aberdeen (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. Jack Smith of Niagara and Mrs. Ludwick and little daughter, Margaret of Clevelana are Visiting their mother, Mrs. J. W’. Smith. Mrs. S. Johnstm of Detroit is \‘iS- iting lu-r sislm‘, Mrs. John MCGil‘I‘. Mrs. M. Pate and son, William, of Oxbow, Sask., are visiting friends in these parts. Mr. J. Hay raised his barn on Sat- urday and has it nearly completed. Brown on passing his entrance ex- aminations' and winning a silver medal from Wiarton Public school. Swinton Park. (Our Own Correspondent) L. 0. L. 1136 went. on Monday to Dundalk to celebrate this year, and a large crowd was on hand as about 60 lodges were present. Mr. H. Richardson is getting along as well as can be expected after his recent. Operation. The Swinton Park football team played a friendly game with the Priceville team on Saturday even- ing and were again victorious beat- ing Priceville 2 to O on their own grounds. The return game is set for next Saturday in Swinton Park. Mr. R. Campbell of Walkerton is spending a few days at Mr. G. Haw’s. Mr. and Mrs. G. McCormick and family spent the week-end visiting the McMillan and McCormick tam- ilies. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE A number of friends and neigh- bors gatheled at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. George McKehey last Thursady night to extend a \\ elcome to Mrs, McKelvey, and presented them with a kitchen cabinet. If there is one place in town where enjoyment reigns supreme these balmy summer evenings, it is on the lot back of the town hall where Durham’s professional and amateur quoit tossers hold forth. Be- sides the exercise, the contestants have a lot of fun, and as time goes on, the queue of spectators grows longer and longer. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harrison and daughter, Roberta, of Detroit are holidaying among relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ritchie, Dor- othy and Dan, and Mrs. William Ritchie of Durham, visited recently at Mr. J. Weir’s. Master John Rit- chie returned with them for a visit. After a summer’s supremacy as kings of the local quoit pitchers, Messrs. Thomas Moffat, heaver ex- traordinary, and his partner, Mr. Harry Hugill, went down to defeat at the hands of Messrs.,D. C. Town and A. Haug last Tuesday evening after a grilling contest. Not satis- fied with trimming the veteran pro- fessionals in one game, these new- comers, just to show that it was no fluke, did it again. Mr. Mofl‘at however, is not satisfied that the better team won, and we understand will shortly issue a challenge on behalf of himself and partner when the battle of the Marne will he fought over again. Mr. and Mrs. George Hargrave at- tended the Orangemen’s service in the Anglican church, Durham, on Sunday morning. Mr. Thomas Hornsby is home again after a visit with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. T. Harrison, Jr., ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs- J. J. W’eir, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. William Weir, Glen- elg. Mrs. Dixon is also \isiting her daughter, Mrs. Weir. Lo_c_al Quoit Tossers Dethmned After The easiest way to be boss in your own house is to let your wife have her own way. John, {visited the Smith family one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Lynn, accom- . panied by Mr. and Mrs. William 59, Brigham, motored to Kincardlne Mt Monday. cej A number" from this neighborhood Spent. the 12th in Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Adams and sons spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. Abraham Hooper’s. “THE KING IS DEAD; LONG LIVE THE KING” Mr. and Mrs. William Weir, Sr., of Glenelg, visited recently with friends here. Glenmont (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. Alfred Tucker and son, Roy, spent'Friday in Southampton with his daughter, Miss Susie Tucker, and also called on his brother, Dr. R. Tucker, of Paisley. They were accompanied by Messrs. C. Harrison and G. Hargrave. Miss Mabel Tucker, R. N., of De- troit, is spending a few weeks‘ va- cation at the parental home. Mr. and Mrs. John Lynn, accom- panied by Mr. and' Mrs. William Brigham, motored to Kineardlne Monday. Miss Margaret Fletcher was called to Toronto last week to see her niece, Miss Flora McKinnon, who is in the hospital there. We hope to hear that Miss McKinnon is bet- ter soon. ° Glenmont (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. Alfred Tucker and son, Roy, spent'Friday in Southampton with his daughter, Miss Susie Tucker, and also called on his brother, Dr. R. Tucker, of Paisley. They were accompanied by Messrs. 0. Harrison and G. Hargrave. Miss Mabel Tucker, R.N., of De- lnnii in annndina a four wnpka’ va- Monday morning to prepare celebration of the Battle of the Boyne. The usual business was transacted, and Worshiptul Master George Fenton formed the members into line and thus constituted a village parade. Soon after, McFar- len lodge motored in, and the mem- bers headed for Dtmdalk. They re- port a very large crowd. The proâ€" gram called for a football match be- tween Holstein and Maxwell. The regular W. F. A. team intended to compete, but they received notice that they were billed by the W. F. A. to play in Milverton in the semi- final series on Tuesday. A junior ‘team was sent to Dundalk and came out second best. the score being 3 to l in favor of Maxwell. Thrifling Contest o‘n QueefiwSEéQâ€"t Lot._ Mr. Roy McLean, teller in the Bank of Montreal hero, returned Tuesday after a two weeks’ vacation with relatives and friends in Allis- ton and other points. Messrs. C. and G. T. Calder and Bert Brebner and wife motored to MP. and Mrs. J. Orchard went to Kitchener Saturday and were pres- ent at the Orange. celebration there. Our W. F. A. football team jour- neyed t0 Milverton Tuesday even- ing to play the first of the semi- final series of this district; but were defeated by a score of 4-0. The re- turn match will be played here on Friday evening next. Misses Ethel and Edith Hunt and Eunice Tyndall went to Kitchener on Sunday to visit friends. Misses Bella and Matilda Christie went to Toronto recently. The annual Sunday school picnic was held in the park on \Vcdnes- day of last week and was a decide-d success. Mrs. Harry Reay of Hanover and Mrs. J. Backus of Durham visited at J. Leith’s reocntly. Mr. and Mrs. D. Leith, Durham. were recent visitors at Mr. W. Nelson’s. What might have been a serious accident happened here one evening last week. One of the boys borrowed a horse and buggy to go to the C. N. R. station. On the way, he picked up a couple of girls. Some- thing happened to the harness near the bridge; the horse ran away, and the occupants were thrown out near the mill. No one was seriously in- jured, but all vs ere pretty well shaken up. Mrs. Petrie came home on Satur- day after- spending a week in Lon- don. Miss Helen Clemmons, teacher at Scotland, is the guest of Miss Reta Roberts. We congratulate Misses Eunice Tyndall and Ethel Hunt on their success in passing their Normal school examinations. Mrs. Joseph Sharpe and daughter, Martha of Glenelg called on rela- tives in the village on Sunday. The old lady is 86 years of age and has not been down the second of Egre- mont for about twenty years. "nix-3v. “B. Rife and family motored to Wiarton Saturday returning Sun- day. . ' Miss Jean Coleridge of Toronto spent a few days recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Coler- idge. Mrs. R. Morrison and daughter, Ruby. spent a day recently with Mr. W. J. and Miss Ethel Sharpe. ‘1‘le '3“. V fiction 0‘ DPOtnom spent a day or two lately with Mr. 'md alt-1.1. Leith; MP. Winter 80d mother 0f Ford- wich ‘ mange. “in. George Hostetter returnmi home Tuesday after spending- a month with friends in Detnn‘t. Mrs. W. Freeman of Teeswatm- m- filed her mother, Mrs. E. Johnston. 306K JOIBS GOING [I “I'll TRAIL RIDER L Pain-Stirring Tale Of the Old It wasn't so many years ago that the strife between the cattle mm: of the northern and the southern ranges was savage and long drawn outâ€"the reason being that nearly all Texas cattle were infected with the Texas cattle tever tick. That disease was almost always fatal 1.. cattle, and when the Texas ht‘l'dq started North, Kansas rancher. barred the way at the border. Mam a c'owpuncher “went West with In. boots on” during the resultant mu;- fights. The powerful story of “The Trail Rider," written by George Wash- ington Ogden. has that old ramp war as a basis. It is a tale that develops thrilling situations and gives the dashing Buck Jones “mill“ opportunities to snow that the man who lived longest ‘was the fellow whose gun leaped from its lmlslw first. The escape from the forel'rw of a herd of stampeding cattle .~ wildly pulse quickening. last week. It is a William Fox produchun and will be shown at the Votcr:m~' Star Theatre. tomorrow and Saturâ€" day evenings. .‘It isn’t the money boys inhuri' that makes fools of them. It something else they inherit. Water! Water! Water! Why take a chance and use water that is polluted and unfit for domestic use, when Pure Water can be had by having a well drilled. We handle‘ Pumps and Pump Re- pairs. Satisfaction Guaranteed Schutz’s Pump file Co. TILE ALWAYS ON HAND Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, i8, 2‘ in. ORIENT BRICK FOR SALE PUMPS PUMP REPAIRING Promptly Attended to and all work Guaranted. What Is Good Health Worth? ED. J. PRATT .. No. 4, Durham. Phone $42 Agents for Redraw Gram Separators OPPOSITE HIGI SCHOOL were recent visitors at Hm last MWRENCE FAMILY HELD HAPPY RE at Home of Parents. M Golden Wedding or. «y Evening Last. Mr. an “than! Lawrence Have 81 spend Residents of This 1 M Inny Years. A Illppy family 1:311“er w It "I? llnmv n1" Mr. 3 ”any Lama-mm. Laimhtul u Thumiay mvnxng “he “I and familn-s mvt :1! H! at the venorahlv mmolu 1.. w m the tiftivll. mmn'vrs their wedding: day. It was on Hm 12H: m: .In (but Anthony Lawrumw in" W “'rilzllt \wrv warm. .1 hull. thu\ young «mum mun mt Immmhutle tn 'lm where “I!“ llhd 1w Hlu' \v turning in «(T um the ..111 homestvad Ill hlc- m 1;; um ”I Line, Ulvy funny-«1 1..1- ;. 1.-\ subsequvnlly hum: Inr wu- in Bentinck. and luh-z‘ [Mm take [tossvssmn uf 1hr Immv. Glonvlc. \thl'u Hm l1\o~.i :1 “331‘s 31:0. \x'hv} Hue-x 11'1” haVP SHIH' “\Q‘I‘ :11 HH‘H' h“? Slllm- IIle at residom'v un Lamina: Th" IIIIinII I'vsulII-d threw sons and NW"! of “1an will: “In .- dflug'hh‘l‘ \VIIH div Illi‘ aI‘I- slill llx'im: and immmllah- III-Ig'lllmrll daIIglIlc-I' wlm «llml Ii hum: Mrs. William lullo‘. and Mrs l’u (Susan) Iu'ar \anu Hunpm 'AIIIIII- . ‘Ill‘l Hnl IkiIIS (AIII v .llc-II‘ him Hill: Mix l~‘ (Nam) , In l’w IIlIm-l James. in GII‘III'IL'. I “'illiam. in Durham the old lmmc-slvacl I desovndanls mums grandchildron and .. daughter. The rmminn am most happy ”no. 810 mvmlwrs M prosmnt. and fullm of an addl‘vss hw tho prvsvnhnicm u cnmmvmm'atim n M marriml “fen-:3 was spun! :1; ~ 23mm and muslv. I Mr. and Mrs. .lamv.~ La“ amonc tho mn-‘q ostwmc-d of the town and Vicinity Chronicln jams Hwir friends in wishing Hu- cmlplo (‘mltinumi hammn Ind many mmm yvars . life. ST. PAUL’S ANGLIC HAD GOOD ‘ Annual Anniversary Serv Sunday Were Well A' field Garden Party Mend The anniwrsm-y Paula Anglivan v last Sunday \wx-v M"; ed. I capavity ('um.‘ prawn! m ”w an \VlliltI in ”In mun” ffll‘cmi M stand In HI others \vvrv turnu ppeaqhm‘ I'm- H: An} .0 D ‘I' ’-‘-A7.I- hIOI‘I'i." Hf \Vnn tul', lwsidns [m qumlt. saw-mum noun and 4-H acquaintanu-c-sl Tho Sunday ;~' classod as am” by this (‘nnurv Ting) :IHMM m'omna mll'd Barbour's W“ On Honday n: t!» fence \Vhitmmw. m, In. Robert “Whamm- m some UM gun: I’ro- the farm of Mr. ill Beatinck which \\' ing. in Bantinck whu-h xx.- re faxnmhlx 1x ‘nv in this lmallty. " fl“ wheat mnasmwi 3 m Illd Ulv nuts .m ”Wt“ M LINN will ll) GOUbt 1th “mil when harwetod .1 In were nm 1‘ a“ by any meal but were a 58.â€"N0. 3031 . JP" illlu .uu. 84"IOMimx by was “'0“ I'vmt Pi\‘m‘l. and “w R. Patlliv'M ('1 INS prmml LN . Iddrvs'svs Ly Drnmurv and ”(130001; and minnnl Amhvr ll and thul' die-d I illiam INN ' was an I pnnuuh h I pah'cmafl ;. and “I w nt Im‘ni-‘h . a gum! mar. RM'. 9 chair. lhe- mun-Mi u- dlifu-e-n : IIN H \V Ha liH m \Vfl.‘ Illll II 1h I.I N H clalllu’h H \I I“! .\I

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