Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jul 1925, p. 9

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rushing outfit Drunk trout a piece of are a lot ¢ nch crapp I I'PPIS. 3i i of a ham Ill! 1‘. am to last ll? 30.15 .16 0t 0 ink fls 2‘2. Egremont. containing 66 acres; 55 acres cleared. balance hardwood mush: in good state of cultivation; frame barn “x50.-s_t_9ne basgment; LOT 7, CON. 2!. EGREMON’I’. CON- taining 100 acres; 85 acres under cultivation. balance hardwood hush; convenient to school; on the prem- ises are a frame barn 42165 ft. with stone foundation; concrete stables; also hay barn 30x50 with stone base- ment; hog: pen 20x40; twelve-room brick house. furnace heated, also frame woodshed; drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks; 30 acres seeded to hay; 10 acres to sweet clover; this farm is well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. For information apply to Watson‘s Dairy. RR. 4. Durham. "iniario. 10 25 23 tf wnvrote stables; drilled well and vvmont tank at barn. Also Lots 6 ml 7. Can. 4, S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- lamina HO acres; 100 acyes gleared and in good state of cultivation; on the premises are a brick hguse con- mning seven rooms, With good frame wnodshed attached: .dnlled well at dnor: never failing springs on this farm. making a 0 once stock l'arm. This property will be sold rrcht to quick purchaser. For Qat- liorulars apply at Watson‘s [In . RR. 3. Durham. Ont. 10253 f PARIS FOR 8“! LN. 66. Con. 2. W.G.R.. Beatinck. 31;- miics southwest of Durham. con- famine 86 acres. Mostly clear “d '11 ~: .od state of cultivation. B3113 brim with shed adjoining and stone snblos. 7-roomed brick house With extension kitchen and woodshod. W01! watered and in N min For further particulars ml! to WHiiam Smith. R. 11. No.3. Dom NDRTH PART LOTS >7 AIS‘D 8. (301}: Thu HMS-word puzzle is doomed. Fun-V pow-QM!) jOkO I“! been *«xtleczed 00‘ 0! it. . REUBEN C. WATSON Licvnsmt Auctioneer for County of Grey. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- <onublc terms and satisfaction guar- nntmut. Datvs made at The Durham tilamnicle officer ur with R. C. Wat- wn. \‘zu'ney. RR. 1. Phone 605 r“. Moderate terms. Arrangements for 9310s. as in dates. etc.. may be made at The Chronicle Office, Durham. Terms 011 application. Address RR. 1. Durham. Phone 611 r 24. ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey DAN. IcLBAN [.icensvd Auctioneer for County of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- sonablo terms. Dates of sales made at The Chrnnicle Office or with him- self. LUCAS BERRY Barristers. Solicitors, etc. A mem- ber of the firm will be in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appointments u‘nfgy be made with the Clerk in the 0 Ice. v.5. mm,uuo.,u.u. Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto Graduate Royal Golley go Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Block, MillSlreel, second door east. (1 MacBeth‘s Drug Store. IIDDLEBRO', SPBRBIAR a IIDDLBBRO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Successors to A. B. Currey. Mr (3.1;. \liddlebro is permanently Menu-«l at. Durham Office. Priceville Branch 0le every Friday from 3.30 tn 9.30 p.m. c. G. AND BESSIE IcGILLIVRAY Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. Phe Science that adds life to years and years to life. Consultation free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 6 M 23 tf DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST 0mm.- over J. a J. Hunten’s store, Durham. Ontario, DR. A. I. BELL Office on Lambton Street (the late Dr. Hutton’s Office). Office hours, 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 9 p.m., except Sun- day. DRS. JAIIBSOII 11112801! ()fl‘ice and residence a short dist- ance east of the Hahn House on Lambton Street, Lower Town, Dur- ham. (Mice hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 t0 3 pm. (except Sundays). J. L. SIXTH, I. 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. (mice and residence. corner of 4,;ountess and Lambton Streets, oppo- site 0ch Post Office. Office hours : 9 to I! 3.111.. 130 to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). . FUNERAL SERVICE New modern funeral Parlors Phone Billcrest 0268 122-124 Avenue Road Toronto Lolm W. has I. lunch: Formerly 0f Flesherton BATES BURIAL C0. FARMS FOR SALE Licensed =14 uctioneer Medical Directorv . “Wu. My '10. ms. Dental Directorv Legal ‘Directory AND TAKE NOTICE that. after such last mentioned date. the Ex- ecutors shall proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard out to the claims of which they shat then have n0- tice and the said Executors shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any persm or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution, DATED at Durham this 2ith day of June A. D. 1925. . Lucas and I. , Solicitors for Brenton-s. In the matter of the [Estate 0 \\illiam.lan1e.~ HalliclaV late at the Fe“ nshi; i of Nnrmanhv in the Coun- 1v nffireV Fa1me1. deceased NOTICE is herth giV'.en pursuant to R. S. 0. 19” Chap. l2l. Section 56 and amending Act. that. all per‘ inns having claims. against the. 1:15- 1ate 01' William James Halliday late of the TOVVmship of Normanby in the CnuntV of Grev, Farmer. deceased. VVhe died on Or about the Sewn- teenth daV of February, A. D. l9‘2" are 1equii-ed to deliver or send by most prepaid to Lucas and Henry Solicitors for the Executors (-1' the Estate. on or before the Eighteenth day Of July 1925. their names and addresses. a full description of their claims in Wiiting, and the na- ture of the security, it any held by them. The Durham U .F.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers an. requested to glve three days’ notice. James Lawrence, Manager. Phone 601 r 13 Sow. (luv to furrow 0nd of July. Apply Frank Murdock, half milo south-west of Durham. Phone 610 1'23. 7 9 '1 \V ELL-BRET) FERTILIZER WE HAVE A PAR FERTILIZER 'l‘n arriw first work in August, especial- ly snlm'tv.-| fur full wheat. Call or phone your mwlors oarly. Priced right. Quality guaranteed. Phono- IH. J. \V. van Son. Durham. 7 162 of the unclm'signvd abnut. two weeks ago. a black. yearling steer; last 809" in the Vicinity of St. John’s. Anv person swing or taking care of same. please notify Archie Mc- .\rt.hnr. .ith (Inncossion Glenelg, R. R. 2.‘ Priceville. 7 2 3 STBER STBAYED STRKYI‘ID FROM THE PREMISES NOTICE TO CREDITORS GARDEN PARTY AND DANCE TO 1w hvlal at St. Paul's Church. Dor- nuch. July 22. 102;"). Supper son'ml frnm 6 M 8. ROCKYS XUGEEN CHI R! H GARDEN mm “ill in- hold at the hnmo 0f Domini St'mxait. on Fiidav Honing, July 17. Tea served from 6 to 8. Hum! pmgmm. .‘ahlmi sion :25 and IT) ('Pnis'. 7 9 2 WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 31523t WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short order. 1.! JI ST \RRTVED, A CAR oFfian B111113\\ick Shinglos. For prices, call 01 see ..I N. Murdovk Durham. (mt. ” 9 3 FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds, etc., apply to Lucas Henry, Dur- ham. 612 H PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- grade gas with the “pep” and long mileage. Sold only at Smith Bros’ Garage. 626“ I 01‘ 801 TH OF VOKER BODIES Limited; also lot south of W. D. Connm’ 3. Apply J. A. Brown, DUI- ham. 5 M tf Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. 1 10 tr BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT FOR SALEâ€"GOOD TWO-STOREY frame dwelling, well located on Lambton street. Hard and soft wa- ter, bath, furnace, electric lights, etc. Apply W. J. Young, Durham, Ont. 515 tf FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North of Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 221 if GOOD HOUSE, ALL GONVENIENCES; will sell cheap to quick buyer. Ap- ply Box 10, Chronicle. 414 U PROPERTY FOR BLjILpINQ ANSâ€" BUSINESS FOR wâ€". -â€"-v - V-‘ sale. One door nor“; of the Iiost Of- fice. A good chance for someone.â€" I-‘. W. Kelsey, Photographer. 10 9“ ARTICLES WANTED COMING EVENTS MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE TO FARMERS FOR FOR SALE ) YOI'NG YORKSHIRE Durh am, RR. 1 Haven’t you forgotten one thing?” asked the visitor. “What is that?” inquired the shep- keeper cautiously. Alive to the occasion, the deals: retaliated. “ es. I know, and time flies, sulphur springs. jam rolls. grass slopes, musxc stands. moon- light walks rubber tires and the organ stops.” A man seeing the notice “Iron Sinks" in a hardware store window went inside and said that he was perfectly aware of the fact that iron sinks. Who Is It? A suburban housewife relates «werhearing this conversation be- tween her new maid and the com]; next door: “How are you, Hilda?” "I’m well.“ said Hilda. “I like my yob. We got, cremated cellar, cemetery plumbing, elastic bells and a hoosit.” "What's a ‘hoosit.’ Hilda?" the puzzled cook exclaimed. “0h, 3 bell rings. You put a thing to your ear and say, ‘Hello.’ and someone says. ‘Hello,’ and you say. ‘Hoosn?’ " Preparations are practically com- plete for the 1925 Calgary Exhibi- tion and Stampede. It is antici- pated that the stampede this year will be the biggest ever held. It has been extensively advertised in Canada and the United States, and a large number of inquiries have been received from interested par.- ties, who anticipate being present. Entries have been received from all the best known riders and ropers on the continent, and the large number of valuable prizes offered for competition ensures that the spectator will see the best that can be offered in the way of broncho breaking, roping, wild . steer riding, of tent caterpillars which inter- fered with the functioning of the drive wheels on the greasy rails, where the insects had gathered in millions. All efforts to plow through or remove the swarm were unsuccessful and no progress could be made until half the cars were discharged. A Canadian Pacific Railway freight train “‘8 recently held up ngar Lemberg, Sask., by a swarm Arrangements have been com- pleted for staging the biggest lu- dian Pow-pow ever held on the North American Continent at Mac- leod, Alberta, early in July. Thous- ands of Indians from the Bloods, Blackfeet, Peigans, Crows, Crees, Stonies, Sioux and representatives from the Six Nations, in the East will take part in the historic and picturesque pageant. Robert E. Barlow, manager of Walter Hagen, announces that the British Open Championship winner will make a golf tour of Western Canada this summer visiting Win- nipeg, Regina, Calgary and the famous Rocky Mountain course at Banff. Hagen has won the Brit- iSh Open Championship twice and the United States Open Champion- ship once. Canada’s third largest industry, its tourist traffic showed an in- crease of 60,000 in the National Parks for 1924, according to a re- port issued by Commissioner J. B. Harkin. Rant! and Lake Louise, in the Rocky Mountains, showed a combined advance of 15,000 visitors. At Banff 1,693 camping permits were issued. M “Marble busts,“ was the reply. A remarkable wave of interest in Canada is sweeping Great Britain at the pksent time and all sorts of information is being sought by British firms as to conditions in the Dominion according to F. W. Mottley superintendent of the Dom- inion Express Company of Canada for Europe who arrived here recent- ly for a trip across the country. ~The reconstructed Basilica at Ste. Anne de Beaupre which Ins destroyed by fire in 1928 will be open to the public on the second Sunday in September according to a recent report and it is expected that. the huge pilgrimage: to the famous shrine will shortly be re- week of J une. Canadian cattle are now stated to be in strong demand in the British market despite Irish and English competition. 7988 head of Canadian cattle left Montreal during May and three more ships left during the first AND takn nnticn that aftm' such last montimwd date. thv said «*xocu- im‘s will pi't‘icm‘wl to «listl‘iblltv the assets. of tho said thCPilSPd, among the pzirtins ontitlml thereto. having i'nganl only tn tho claims of which tin-y shall then haw noticn, and that. tho said vxvi'utnrs will not he) lizlhlv for tho said assets. “1‘ any part. thereof to {my pm'snn nr porsnns of whosv claim nnticv shall nut, have bN‘Il i'acoivml by it at the time of said distribution. 0. G. Middlehro', Solicitor for tho vxecutors. Datod at Durham this 15th day of May. 1925. 7 16 t On behalf of the Salvation Army. I wish to tender my sincere thanks for the magniflcont. contribnliun given the Army by the citizens at“ Durham and district. in the rocnnt Self-Denial Week campaign. Tho allotment for Durham and distrivl of $300.00 was fully contributpd. and the Army feels deeply grateful to the citizpns for their 10yalty and generosity. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to) scrctinn 56 of the Trustees’ Act, R. S. O. 1914, Chap. 121, that all rrm‘lilors and others having claims or demands against the nstate 0f the said Elizabeth Gun who oliml on or almut. the 12th (lay of May. A. D. 1925 at. tho Town of Durham. arr. rmmil'mil 011 or hrfm'u ihv 18th «lay Hf July 1925. to 50ml by post, praâ€" paid, 01' c'lvlivor to Um suliritm' for thr rxrculnrs of tho Last. Will and 'l‘ustamrnt. Hf “In said «lvccrasml thvir Christian namrs and surâ€" names, addrvssvs and l’lrsrriptinns. full particulars. in writing. of their claims, a stalmnont. of thrir ac- ruunts. ancl nalurr of the security, if any, hold by llwm. IN THE MATTER nf the estate of Elizabeth Gun, late of thn Town of Durham, in Um County of Grey, Spinster dvcwasml. Keeping Salt in Summer Espazialfy at summor resorts, salt is most apt to become «lamp. Add a little cornstarch to salt in salt shaker, and a great deal of this hardness will be prevented. Use about 1,9 teaspoon of cornstarch to 2. tablespoons of salt. To Get the Most Juice Out of Lemons Hy heating a 19mm] bvfore sqm‘z- mg, much more juice will be oh- tainml than there would 1w “thor- wise. HOUSEHOLD HINTS Impromptu Lunches Always. have something on your pantry shalt” which can 1w mm! for inmromptu lunches. Haw at. least: Salmon. 'luna nsh. Sardines. (Iatsup. Pickles. Salad dressing. NOTICE TO CREDITORS CARD 0? THANKS Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty Web- sterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) LOST IN DURHAM ().\' SA'TIV’RDAY Nltill'l‘. July 11, a child's sailnr cunt. Findvr please leave at. Th0 ('thnicln ufticv. A man's Plumes. are. in slyln as lung as the-y arn \wnrahlv: a \m- man’s. \warahlp as Inns: as Hwy mm in style. ‘Here it is, " indignantly cumin- um} the publiv oflncial, painting to a nvws item. ’l he itom hogan: whn is encrusted funds. "'.\\hat dn wu mc-an m implxmg that I have dishunosllx con-rm! m\- 9.911 with tho pvuplv’s mmwv? «In- mandmi Hm «ilv (IV‘PaSlllPl‘, as he Pushed intn tlw mm" at “In Im‘al [)dlu,‘l'. “What's tlw tl‘mlhlv'? qum-iml H10 city odilm‘. 2 sliced oranges. 1 slice of lemon. 1 cun uf gratin! pinvapple. 1,2 cuy of gram juice. 1 cm» 9f granulated sugar. Method: Mix fruit, well. Add tiny pinch cinnamon and nutmog. Lvt stand in im- bux fur :3 hnurs. Just before serving, add 3 pints of gin- ger ale, ice, mui'v sugar if necessary and servo. immmliatoly. 2 Chickens. ' Salt, pepper. celery, parsley and onion. ~ 3 package’s of elbow macaroni. 1 pound of fresh mushrooms. ‘2 quarts of milk. Chickon stock. Method: Cook chicken with sun- sonings. Cut up into rather large pieces. (Look macaroni. Make :1 thick cream sauce. Add chicken. macaroni and mushrooms. float. when ready to svrw. By BETTY WEBSTER That Proofreader Again! For July Fruit Ginger Ale COOKING HINTS Chicken Delight “William Binns, with Hw public? casually Read Classified Ads. on Page 9. It will pay you. FISHING PROHIBITED FISHING 05' LOT. NO. 12 ON THE 7th Concession uf Glonelg, thp farm of Thomas Timmins. is strictly pro- hibited and {mrsuns fmmd so doing will hp prosnmlpd to tlm full ox- lont of the law.â€"-L. F. Rnl‘uertgmil. f l l GIRLS WANTED A NI'MBER HF GIRLS FUR FAC- tm'y workâ€"Clark Mutals Limited, Durham. PIANO FOR SALE I‘Mflufl'l‘ PIANO. LIKE NEW, FROM Huintzman «Zunmany. Turumo. Must hp sold by August 1 to close an minty. Can 1w lmught, at, a bar- gain for cash 01- tow yvm's timer- Apply at unce Nolsnn Ynst. Han- owr. Frosting 2 tablesuouns uf hot milk. '76 tvaspoun HI nuHN'. 11A; cubs of «'nnfm'tinuc-I ‘- sugar. Mo'thod: Add butter {u lml. milk. Mix “1-1! with sugar. Add flavoring and sm'l'ad. Method: MIX \wll. Sugar. flour, cream tartar. baking- antlrl'. and salt, which has ln-uu siftrd four “HIPS. Add scaldc-d milk 5|”le while still hot. Stir whilv adding. Add llamring. Mix \wll. hold in stiftly beaten \Vlutvs. Put in unâ€" grrasvd anarl rakv tins and hakv in slow own i5 minutus. 'l‘akc- from own. inwrt. and [at stand till cold. 2/3 “K2 BAKING Hill's Cheap Angel food cm cup of sugar. mum nf flour. h-aspuom nf flaking pnwdvr h'aspouns of cream tartar. (‘llp of N‘flhlo'd milk. Vanilla. mu: \Vhllvs PAGE 0.

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