Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Jun 1925, p. 5

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no W8" lhich no stream lin CAN HEAR TICK 01“ WA" m (‘A RS s. n-sulting cut M fly Thursday, June 25, 1., t )‘pe "‘9' fi'O-‘W BORN \bho-y form comm ~2< HIP nave. Inspilal tun he ha}; 1': Ming to “I. 0 .uthwlra] It. h N 8 England), ”USING; C‘)n\'ey’ ‘- 'mininr ‘OHVNP‘W ir Vignlu' at fruit. T 0‘01“," 1' s_--".'° {mil dwarfs and dPgl‘adPS ")9 t. Tim adults arc carminc in . Tllt‘ 0229 arc pink at fll‘Sl. i"-' liilt'l' a (lull. dark I'Pd. and the Hrzltliw arc a dull rPd. DPY- hm xx "‘llll"l'. fm'om rapid multiplication w? m-t. cool conditions tend to tlw post. under control. .In urwv'i tn combat. the mitc. no special mom or applications are necessalfy. Stunning lwicc with commercial Elmo mlphur 1-50. at the 1‘98“.” mun for othcr posts is sufficienkbut :i~' tho mitcs arc found on both sides M’ tho loaves. it is esential to 9WD? sill part. of the foliage. The aim 'IIII- i‘mnpman RN! Miit‘. 30mp- w» ~ . allow! the plum spider mite. is ' IIIIiuI Imst nf plum orchards in .. :II~ .I. n alsn attacks cherries 27.! < and Imavho‘fi. and has b9?“ Ind In Rritieh Lulumbia and the V I'II’IIIII PiminI‘I-i Datails 0f its 'itiHHito‘ lifp histflm. the injury viirww. and its control. are gixen ITII’I-nir-II .\'n. 39. inst issupd by . i‘IItc mnlngical Branch of the I m mun ntmartmontongriculture. ‘W I“ info"; tatinn robs the tI‘PPS 0f \lrs. Graham and Miss E. Scott. \wru uniohu for tho business part nr‘ Hwir pt'nm‘am. their health talks, clo-mnm‘h'atinns. contvsts, Ptc. Miss Sm" gun a synnpsis nf their work and m'wwntml Miss Evolyn Baird. Po-mlo'r nt‘ Hm winning group. with a lmknr nt‘ rhncnlatos as a prize. Mrs. \I'HHII' .\lc-4‘m\\':m. 0n bPhalf Of hPP' wH'. Mrs. Farrvl and Miss Sadie Mc- lbnnalal, guio‘lps for the physical ’x'ninin: Hf Hw girls. gave a report -!‘ Hwir part in tho work. Their re- purts wm'n intvr'osting and much ap- mi'o't'iflt‘o‘d. F'uwjl.'t\\'in2 another 8008. I '..E ‘nn National Anthpm \vhnn the del- 4mm mado thoir way tn the base- 'w-nf for lunch. which was served \ Hm Durham Branch. l‘hn rncnipb‘ of tho Distric‘t. for war 1924-25 worn $196.79. and vxppnditurps amountod to “33.61. The cnmbinnd receipts of “\NM and Branches were $2,059.85 - * rh.» nxpenditures $1435.42. 5 _ ---- .-. . -â€"..~- vv uuup IIIII'IIII l Dl'llE. ’xo- girls mm'vhwl out. The mPPtmg 5"" hrmmht t0 3 010363 by Singing MANY mum A? l\ .MI in the Women’a'lnatilnteo. ,..- have grown to mob prepor. .m that, the dilating {Ion-ethic ; o'llt'l'gy. e M mm .311 :.i week's V18“ tO/NWem ~ m... and although no two Insti- ‘.-< 31'» just the same, he noted _ pro-use. earnestness of the WI)- , :iil over. It has become a - at “Mo- movement. Special men- , 9..“ made of Denmark, 8 dele- 71H“! that country having been ,nmtml to come to Ontario to . min methods of instruction in ;~.ti.- St'it‘an? and Agriculture wmo-u. After the delegate heard Women’s Institutes, she spent “nuke investigating their me- A FRUIT TREE TEST Thundly, “ «Lnntinurd from page i) «lo-Vo-lnpmcnt has been won- ho- said. It is important wnn'wn Hf Ontarin think of M Institutes, We should ~t mtahlislmd in our mimh Mrs. Samuel Smith. aged 72 years who with her husband lived 2% miles south of Exeter 0n the Lon. don Road. was killed by one of the milch cows on Friday of last week. She and her husband were driving the cows in at milking time when a Jersey cow, usually a quiet ani- mal, attacked Mrs. Smith, catching her about the chest. with its horns and tossing her in the air. Assisted by Mr. Smith. the injured woman was able to walk to the, house but the shock was too much for her. and she died a few hours later. Read the Classified Ads. on Page 9. lat-may 1w nblainml from the Publi- cations Branch, Department of Ag- riculture, Ottawa. {3: , WW Form 1. and 11. held within the the Durham High School for the year ending June .1925. There were in all 532 papers written ‘upon. Of these, 466. or 88 per cent were of pass or honor standing, an increase of 6 per cent as compared with 1924. while 66, or 12 per cent. were__failures. / tony, English Grammar, Botany, Zoology, Physiography, Art, Arithmetic and Geography, and students failing in the tests set bylthe school stat! have the privilege ot writing the Depart- (1) (2?» (3, denotes first class honors, 75 per cent or over. denotes second class honors, 66 to 75 per cent. denotes third class honors, 60 to 65 per cent. (C) is a pass, 50 to 59 per cent. (F, indicates a failure. COW KILLS WOMAN Arnvtt. Roggio .......... Allan. Aylmor ..... .. Clark. Edgar ..... Collinson, George ....... Firth. (Nanny ........... Grant, Florence ........ Havens, Seaman ...... Hoslo'tt. Ruby ...... Ko-arney. Bea ..... . ..... Kelsoy. Fred ........... McAulilTv. John ........ McAulifi'o. Cocilia ....... McAnlilfo. Margaret. . . . .. MN’Inllooh, George ...... McDonald. Flux‘onco ..... MPquldvn, Frm'man . . . . Motlnuig, Pvarl .......... McIntyre. A. D. .. ...... )lortloy. Myrtlo .. ....... Robinson. Alma ......... Thompson, Hugh Wilson. William .. .. ..... Furm U. Medal awarded to Fred Kelsey, Andorson. Christine ...... Baird. Grace . Boaton, Mary ... . . . . . . . . .. Corletl. Cameron ...... Donn, Myrllo . ............ Ford, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gagnon, Norma . .......... Gomlchild; Christine . ..... Hargrm‘o, Mima . . ........ Hay, Ellen Hind, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . HOpklnS. Goorgo ... . . . . . .. Hoary. Clifford ... . . . . . . . .. HoOpor, Alma . . .. ..... Lavollo, George . . . . . . . . . . . . Kearnoy, Elsie . . . . . . . . . . . . McGowan, Wallace ..... . .. MOon, (lliiTOI‘fi . . . . . . . . . . . . Morrieon, Donald . . ..... . Marshall. I‘lloanor . . ....... MacArthur, Marylmllo . . . . Macintyro, Mary .......... McLean. Sa'ah Moon. Eunice ....... . . . . . ’Milne. lna Mountain, Vora Murdock, Blanche . . ..... . Morvyn. Nollie ....... . . . . . Mooro. Esther . . . . . . . . . . . . Noaws. Ernest ...... . . . . . Ritchie, Dorothy . . . . . . . . .. Rowe, Clairo ........ . . . . . . Ritchio, Norman ... . . . . . .. Ritchio. Bortha . . . . . ...... Storrry. Irvine . . . . . ...... Simpson. Martina ........ 'I‘inianov, Harry . . . . ...... 'l‘raynor, .lanic- ........... Vollott, Frod . . . . . . . . ..... Young. Donald Furm I. Mmlul awarded [0 Ernest Neavcs. FORM II. FORM 1. When a rich man dies, he leaves no more than a poor man. They huth leave everything. The “newsie” on the C. N. R. train undertook to take a walk along the dock, to get, a little fresh air on Tuesday. June 2, before his train pulled out. In some manner un- known. he slipped into the water, and was nearly drowned before Con Protisch came to his rescue and threw a rope around the drowning lad and pulled him out. He was un- conscious for some time, but after the water was pumped out of him and otherwise revived, he was ques- tioned but. could give no idea of how he slipped into the water, in fact did not appear to know what happened. He was able to proceed on his train later.â€"Meaford Mirror. A CLOSE CALL After the ceremony, the bridal couple were entertained at dinner at the home of the bride's mother. The latter was guwncc‘l in heavily bemletl black satin and were a Solid sterling silver hairpin, the gift of the grtmm. After smmrlint.r their honeymoon at, Port Stanley and London, Mr. and Mrs. Walker mu- tered t0 Leamingtnn. where Mr. \Vulkcr has charge as organist and choir leader “1' the ["nitml Church. A reception is being held in the, lchnrch fur Mr. and Mrs. \Valker and the new minister and his wife «in June 29.â€"â€"L0ndon Free Press. There is a bright side. The bus.- band 01‘ “ife \\ ho fools abused vets m an by loxing the children more. A quiet but. charming wedding took place at the First United Church manse, London. with Rev. Dr, William Beattie (.vt'ticiating, when Edna May Ritchie, only (langhter «if Mrs. Elizabeth Tcflehard, fermerly of Ghesley and Durham, became the bride of (I. H. Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Walker. of Fort. William. The bride, who was unattended, was graceful in her gown of white char- meuse satin with silver trimming and were a large white hat. with lily «if the valley. The bride car- ried a large lwuquet 01‘ Butterfly roses and maindeuliair fern. and were the groom’s gift, a string of pearls. NOBLE’S GARAGE SERVICE Later Mr. and Mrs. Torry left en a honeynmon trip for anmlto and other points. the bride travelling in a beautiful gown Uf brown broâ€" eaded silk cantun crepe with hat, and shoes to match. and wrap of [miret twill with trimmings nf fur. Upon their return, Mr. and Mrs. Torry. will reside in Bentinck. Th}: Chronicle joins in extending best \VlShCS to the young couple. -___ â€"-“.- The bride, who was unattended, was given away by her father, and wore a beautiful gown of white silk, crope and lace. She also wore a silk tulle wil, caught. with orange blossoms and arranged in‘cap oil‘ect. She carried a bouquet. of peony roses and maidenhair fern and wore the groom’s gift. a crvscent. hrooch sot with pearls. Mrs. (llitl'ord Howell of Durham played the wedding march. Following the ceremony, the guests entered the dining-room where a- bountrous ropast was sorvwl, the bride’s table being protâ€" tily arranged with \\'hitt‘ peonios and roses, while the bride‘s cake at tlirev storeys atlnrnrd the, contra. The home was beautifully decor- ated for the occasion, the ceremony being [wrfnrnied in the drawing room in front of a bank of flowers and ferns, starred with white pmnies and roses. Rev. Asher P. Latter of Haflovey i'nitmi Church. officiated. ent. ed in marriage to George Henry Torry, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilham Torry of Bentinck. Only the immediate relatives were pres- . On Wednesday, June 17. at. 5 p.m.. one of the prettiest of summer wed- dings was solemnized at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boyce, Crawford, when their only daugh- te_r, Mary Ann Marguerite), was unit- Pastry Flour 24 lb £1.20 Good: Delivered Anywhere I- To" Chevrolet Bakery Prdvision Store Baker 8: Confections The Finest Manitoba per-bag ' A. NOBLE, Prop. (3reases ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS Oils GUARANTEED REPAIRING E. A. Rowe ROWE’S Sales and Service Headquarters for WALKERâ€"RITCHIE Flour TORRYâ€"BOYCE $75.00 Gas A property deal was a completed last. week whereby Mr. Herbert Mur- dock of Marion, Indiana, purchased from Mr. Doyle Braithwaite. his property-on Corktown hill south of town. Possession, we. understand. is to be given late next fall. Mr. and Mrs. Murdock, former residents here, but for the past cou- ple of years living in the l'nited States. ‘came home to attend the funeral of her mother, the late Mrs. Miles \Vilson. and It was while. here. that the deal was put through. While he likes his present position. Mr. Murdock feels that he would have better health at an outside job, and it is altogether likely that he will go into the chicken husi- ness next. spring. Mr. liraithwaite, we understand. intends mount: to town. You qau pick tho. hicks. They act most. Important. at. :1 fashmnahlo resort. Every free man has a right to cri- ticize thgcnurts even after he 13 sent to Jail for It. Read the Classified Ads. on Page 9. BRAMWAITE PROPERTY SOLD W H. IURDOCK Deal Completed Last Saturday and Possession Will Be Given Next fell. The Barrie Examiner came Fog- tu__duly mspvqt the samn On the \vlmer Express. " ’Tis sure Cheslev Enterprise, this, The Examiner said, _“Ull, bliss! And'continuod to scan ‘i't? A GOdPl‘it‘ll Signal. you say? ' Or at Southampton Beacon? May nayâ€"â€" ’Twas a Cnldxx'nlm' Planet. Nli\\'Sl’Al’ERDUMBELL (ll' mnrsn lu-‘s right, The sun is a Cnldwaton Planet. _.\n_¢l that’s why We will print it; I gdess.“ Now what. did ”14- Citizpu soc As‘xt _gazvd__at “90 Sun In glee A .Kifichener livcord hv kvpt (\Hulo the‘yucknpw Sontixwl slept) 11‘ -A -I- Of each thing luv 53“ In an mama Journal twat He 1‘91".”Jmi it $110“! in ~‘Ilm'l Quite according to Li“ v--â€"‘- youuv his [mom is vallmI IIu- Bm‘tnn \\ orld. -â€"â€"'l uronto Star. In the days, nf nld DOhhill. the WUI'St that happy!!!“ tn 3 hugged driver was matrimony. Using Hamiltvnii S 388.â€" He noticed mm‘n 0 early, we nape. Through Uw “filigvrtun 'l‘elescqpo An Ottawg (Sum-n gazed At.__tl_w Mllwrtun Sun an TIE 3831'!!! WORLD - ‘-'-‘I'vvr 10 kinds Bread every day.

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