PAGE 8. hl-ZVKI.‘)I’MEXII‘S in tho" pvri‘owtinn and handling 01‘ aircraft. lately have been nothing short, of man-\i-Iuns. \\ itnvss this uxvhisiw photo of [hp famous dimgnhleâ€"the “L08 Angolvs -â€"mHOI'M .10 “IN I . S. S. Patnka whiln thv ship is undnr way. The test, was made in Chesapeake Bayâ€"and, while “which-raw h'nuhlc was ï¬rst i-nconntm‘edâ€"it DI‘OVOd 011“" 31100055“!!- THIS [m'turv «.riws yuu rmutwi's' an him (if the) sin nl‘ gigantic 1m viu-Hnrs that mow pro-so-nI-atay two-an lino-1's. Thu nnv shown hcrv twlungs tn tiw S. S. l’l't‘sltio‘lit Arthur M the Amvriran Pai- c‘wtino- Lmv \\'i|it'il tram-ls lwtxvown No'w ank and ttw Hnly Land unly. clumparu tiw sizn nt' thv \Vnrknwn with tiw hi9 Madm amt thvn~usv ymn' imagination. “The Ensemble’s The Thing†--Says Dame Fashion Power Blades That Move Giant Ocean Liners pifluro' 2in Hum that m in IHH. '5 In H - Linn “hic A“; here’s the ensemble with a ditIei'ence. ladies. muuuys frock of printed satin with pleated front and free falling collar has its match in the facing of the Kashmir coat. It’s simplicity recommends this modish ensemble as THE thing for late spring and early summer. It‘s a costiime that serves three purposesâ€"- that of a coat. a dress and a snit (when coat and dress are worn together?. To complete this charmmg ensemble, one’s hat, hos- iery and shoes must be of a harmonizing color. The favored shades of beigeuc-ocoa and wood have been efl'ectively combined Sllauca 1" â€Clef. LUDV“ “no“ in the costume illustrated. 01' aircraft lately have been nothing slmrt,_ pf FIRE-I’MHi'l‘l‘llb‘ in Burlin. Unrmun. have. lately acquired «me of lhv must. Imwl (-ustunws cwr duvisml ['01- their tasks. You 5m, it pn'tul'mi aboyv, It consists of 11 vomplcto set 01' water- ln'nul' uwmlls and g‘lcwvs. a Iit'v lwlt. and a SlN’('iill “Millet. 'l'lw lust mum! is tlw rllivt' i'vatlu'v of tlw tum-l cmtlit. Fur. l'l'Hnl Hm I'I'O‘s't. nt' Hun hulmvt. “Now is spnutml in :1 ('il't'lo‘ amuml tho \\’¢':I!‘0'l'~â€"«Hllls imnnnnsm'ahl)’ I'I'uh't'tim: tlw iil‘o‘mvn l'rnm burns \vhlle- lighting 'I‘Hl‘l cold. clammy hands of Death were cheated of a precious little life. through the skilled hands of modern surgery the other day in New York City. And thereon hangs a remarkable story. Little Dorothy Davis, 6 years oldâ€"pictured aboveâ€"was the principal. A victim of that dread scourge, diphtheria, she was, to all appearances. dead. The disease had clogged her windpipe, her breathing stepped. and no discernable heart action was tak- ing place. Drs. Julian Bailen and David Dennis, working over her at the time. resorted to extreme measures. Their efforts to use artiï¬cial reSpiration were fruitless. So they injected a dose of adrenalin into the heart of little Dorothy. Meanwhile, they made an incision and inserted a steel breathing tube. One min- ute passed. Their patient failed to respond. As the second min- ute was ticking oi! its last seconds, the little tot gave a choking __.--_A:LI- A (A... Ian-um UW “Ga blunlue vu IUD unqv uvvv-ouv â€"--â€" â€" gasp and heart action was faintl'y perééiiiibié.†A few hours later. she was well on the road to recoevry. And the hoto above shows her just before she left the Wlilliard Parker capital af- ter her sensational sojourn in the realms of death. Modern Fireman’s Outfit THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ll ‘5 HIIH 0â€".H 0‘ utinn Railroad Map Eastern Australia lN'l‘lMA’l‘lUNS have been given that Australia is considering the fortification of Port Darwin as a complementary naval base to that now being built at Singapore. The above railroad may of Eastern Aus- tralia shows how vulnerable to at- tack is the northern coast, at pres- ent, lacking as it does good land communication with the larger centres of population. LOOKS like some kind of shrineâ€"but it’s not. It's an Open air bake 0V0“ 01' anciont days still in use in old Quebec. And tho. picture shows one of the typical. thrifty French housowiws ab‘mt to put an extra large sized loaf of broad into the uniquo outdoor oven. In other words, the housowives there still do their “baking out in the back yard." Post Hole Digging Made Easy 11. 13. M. 15. 16. 18. 19. 22. 24. p()S']_‘-}{()L}«] drilling nm-cl 1m ltmm't‘ ht‘ tmtiulls. sluw \Vut'k. All Ohio inwntnr has «tuvismt tlw aiww illustrutmt augm' that can b0 Opt't'utt‘d by any t'arm trzu'tnr and will .1â€: :I â€Irv"- fcmt. halo, ninn inclws in cliamvtvr. m thirty so-t'ulltlï¬- «\ WI†«m a rod is sufticiunt. to start tin-augur «tnwnwul‘cl and annthc-r 4m a rod is. sufl‘u'ivnt. to start m.- angur «luwmx'urcl and anuthn-r pull stops it. at Hm I'vquirml «lc-pth and brings it tn Haw urigilml starting point. 'l‘lw inn-ntm' built his nrlginal mmivl fmm twvnty-tln'w pim-os Hf farm nmvhiuc-ry. 41. To ask for by process of law Answvr 'l‘umrlc Fifth month ut‘ the year Little child Swah Either A colur Accomplish And not Allow Number By Border The Egyptian Sun God Ancient1 _I_l_on_ian_ Emgorer who ï¬ddled while Rome burned A mineral salt Editor (abbrebiation) Equal Exist, Biblical king who had _ 1,000 wives Exclamation A number Ht â€{th )N'I‘AL flmudly, lay II. â€35- "0 9. in 18 31. 33 s)‘ 50. Answer to Last Week’s Puzzle No. 8 'l‘itlc- giwn any man [1 IS :pwtlc Somvtlnng \thh which to unluck Hum' snukv Sistm' 3.01:0! i810 Yum' «T pantie Plano ADOVP A ll‘m‘ Rodnnt Swm't [b01310 A [wt'snn Wlm is 12 years old mentally Sung commun among Sw i 5s ml mnta l noors 2,000 pounds \\' ithdt'aw Kitchen utensil Hurry Rlllt‘ Long: hair Hn lmrsns' nooks (plumb Umquvrs Sprvacl ful‘ drying Jump on mm fuot Blvmish l’rirtiun Quantity Mramru Hf lrngth Buy‘s luy Master alndian? Tit-It‘s Fiery Arid Drunkard ()utlit Skill Speak An intm'rugation Vlili’l‘l CAL Ilu'v v LamM ham. 8 [5.111 (i! It M [I â€RS. JAN (â€TWP ,' : (m C1 Thursday. May Classi