Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Nov 1912, p. 2

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us'r PART LOTS __41 ANDLi-z. Glanel , 100 acres: 76 acres clear- Od. b ance in hardwood and swamp: well watered with never- flailing Itream: two good wells: a desirable property. For furth- er particulars, apply to Thos. _ Banks, Edgewfllll. 8154pd LOT 16, CON. 1, S. D R CON- talnln 50 acres; aoout three I!!!“ rom Durham: well water- ad, and well lenced; excellent One nice cottage in ‘ IN DURHAM. Lower Town. â€"A. H Jackson, Durham. 3 21tf Ildghl. and n cutter. Apply to D. MacKenzib. Up kn.- about a quarter acre of land in good condition. Will sell cheap to quick purchaser.-â€"Ap- ___ply toâ€"‘Geo. Fingey...“ 418 t! A GOOD BRICK HOUSE AND five acres of land, just outside corporation of Durham; stable to accommodate (our horses: buggy house, henhouse, WOOdshed and other conveniences; good well. Will trade for farm prop- erty. For particulars, apply to John W’lllon. Durham. 8 22 90 A PAIR OF CLYDESDALE COLTS. Apply to Robert Meade, Lot 5, Concession 3, Egggggpnt. 2p 6EE'SPR‘I’N67‘6L‘1‘. CLYDE. A] ply to James Matthews, Lot Con. 3, Egremont. f 1114“ .1 COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE iv Durham. 2 floreya high, hard and not! watu inaido, good com- ant Itthln frame barn on too, quarter 9". of land. Price aWAy down t0 quick purchaser. Apply 0 the Chronicle_ofl_igg. 7 27 H LOT 39 CON. 9, GLENELG, CON-‘ taming 100 acres of first-class land in good condition. Roalon j able terms. Ap y to .LA. Rug- 1 tell. Box 39, S gewkk, Alberta; Mutant! l Notice to Tâ€"respassers ‘ Notice is hereby given that any person ionnd hunting or other- wise trespassing on Lots 9 and no. on the 3rd concession of the township of Egremont, after the first appearance of this notice, May 23rd. 1912. will be prosecuted according to law.â€"W. T. Wilson, Varney. 5 23 t! A anvnN-noounn“mxnn co'r- tugo on Collo o utreet; also a quantilty of nrnlturo will be 001:! ptlvatoly. Apply to Mrs. Jueob In“, Durban. 81M! ’oon BUILD .,____. .___â€"â€"-â€"-, "iNG‘iZOTS APPLY to J P. Teflon-d, or Mrs. G. Black- burn, Duyygm 613d house on College street' nix room two otoreys, hard ooft WM. good half acre of land. A bat-gun to quick pur- chuor. For ‘ lcularn, apply fn Ed- Inn: :1. Durham, _or ooft mum. good land. A ban-min t' chuor. For ‘ 1‘ John 1k. Littb. 205 Detroit, Mic!) f__ Practically all Chinese furniture -even planed table tops and the most intricate and delicate fit-I tingsâ€"is hand made. Furniture is planned in parts which generally dovetail together in order to el- iminate screws or nails and the various parts are shaped for the carver. The latter squats on the earth floor and works with vari- ous knives, chisels and other tools of native workmanship, but with no other vise or bench than his legs, toes. and the earth floor, or, in exceptional cases, a log combination of seat and bench. Workmen in these shops are prac- tically bred to the business. An apprentice serves three years with no other pay than his rice. He then earns perhaps 910 silver or “.80 [old a month for several years. °A full-fledged carver will II, , _A _A‘_A “A ‘3‘..-â€" Izara --<- ‘- HE J. CR‘I‘CHOL TAILOR SHOP and dwelling, next to R. Bur- nett'! store. For particulars, Win-{l} “ream":zo silver or 09.00 gold 3 month. Alva-"man of one inch or u “Mun insertion. Over one For Sale or Rent. CHINESE FURNI’I URE. arms for Sale. '01? u, CON. 1. For Sale or Rent SMALL ADS.= alum”. Yufly n!” inch or 1000. 25 cent: for It Over one inch 3nd under , .FFICEâ€"Over 5. P. Telford’s office. ' nearly opposite the Registry nmrv. Hemdmwe Second house south of Hegistrv “flit-P on east, side- nf Albert, S. I'Pf’t- ()mlfe-fliiul'fi 911 Run!" 2:4 p. Dll't’rll. Ulu‘lv u.- -v- m.. 7-9 p. m. Tvlvpiione cmnmunicko tinn between office and residence at, all hmn's. L RIC 'P.. LONDON. ENG RADULATE of London, New York And Chicago. mum of Eye. Bar Nose and Throat. Will he at the Hahn House, July 20, Oct. 19, November 16. Dec. 21, .m A5438“!!! Ray. London commune Hon. ml? to Gollou Sq. Throat 3nd None Hon. SPECIALIST I aw; nut mam nose I_..._.I Mg. Ham's, Ito 5 p.m. PHYSICIAN 4ND SURGEON, or. uurs " to 10 a. m. ., to 4mm. m. Spa-in attention given tn diam n Numen .md children. Residemo op mite Pmsbvtermn Church. Officeâ€"Over Déuglas’ Jewellery Store. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. J. P. l‘alford. 'ARRISTEL, SOLICITOR. ETC. Uflico. nearly opposite the Registry office. Lambton t..Durham. Any ampum t mouev to loan ut 5 per cent. on farm ropertv. 3FPICE CHURCHES JOINING FIGHT AGAINST WHITE PLAGUE. December lst will be observed as Tuberculosis Sunday through- out the province of Ontario.” V er, Conveyancer,' c. Insurance \gent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- riage License» A general financial busi- maa tramacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lowar Town.) '“ ""' L A movement fraught with tre- mendous possibilities for good has been launched in the form of are- quest that the churches of Ontario should set aside each year a Sab- bath t': be observed as “Tubercu- losis Sunday.” The Interdenomin- ation-il Ministerial Association of Toronto gave a ready assent when the proposal was laid before them, and they have fixed upon Sunday, December lst, as the day upon which they will seek to awake the sympathy and interest of their congre ations in the noble Work being one to .succour needyconsumptives, stay the ravâ€" agei 0! the disease, educate the publ'uc- in preventive measures, and finally stamp out the scourge of tuberculosis A general appeal is- Suzd to the clergy of all denomin- ations in Ontario is meeting with a cordial rtsponse, and in hund- zre-ds of linlpits. the sermons of De- 'cember lst will be devoted to this lvitally important subject The active co-operation of the churches 'of_ the province should result in a mighty impetus being given to the war upon tuberculosis in On- ario. J F GRANT.D.D.8.L.D 8. {IONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- t_v of anonto. Graduate Roy:- Yollege Denta! Squeoqs of Ontario Dentistrygn all ".8 Branchos‘ ’1' I Iv.- --â€" .flrurt dintance east of Knapp’s Howl, .mnh H." Street Lower Town Durham M44 .- hnurs Fruit: l2 m 2 «n’clock A. H. Jackson. O'I‘ARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION. er. Conveyancer, c. lnsmapce STOP HAIR FALLING TO-DAY. It won’t cost you a cent to prove that you can stop falling hair and prevent baldness, for Macfarlane 8: C . will supply you with a bottle 0 PARISIAN Sage and if you are not satisfied with the result, they will refund the full‘ purchase price. 3 6 Hl'flOfl. 3n. lamieson lamieson mmcn AND RESIDENCE A Thé same guhrantee applies to dandruff, splitting hair, faded hair or scalp itch. hair or scaly itch. PARISIA Sage is the most de- lightful, refreshing and invigorat- mg hair dressing in the world. It reserves the natural color of the an and im arts to it a glossy appearance t at all admire. 1 200 acre farm in the Township ;01 Egremont, close to church Inchool and post office, good build- 'lngl and splendid soil. Apply at [this attics to: particulars. t1 marge bottle 507*cehtsatudealers everywhere. The girl with the Auburn hair on every package. THE ROf'KY BADGEEN HOTEL propert;y.â€"Apply to J. A. Brown, Durham. 12 “It! on "who hon. first x .3. "ton. and 10 out. for each In two incbea, double the shove Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. .leed ical Directorv. Dental Directorv. W. J. SHARP JR BRCWN Legal ‘Dz’rectorv. FOR SALE OR RENT :73, 'FYOHt ma 0"“ “find. Over J J Hunter’s For Rent In certain districts a homestead- er in (good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Du'ties.-Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry {includ- ing the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate titty acres extra. inion land in Manitoba. Saskatchâ€" ewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Don- inion Lands Agency. or Sub-agency for the district. Entry ,by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain cpndigipns Py gather. moth- 2â€"4-4- ‘ u vvâ€"â€"â€"_~ gr. 8311, daughter, biother or sister of intending homesteader. Dutiesrâ€"Six months’ residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 60 acres solely owned and oc- cupied by him or by his father. mother. son, daughter, brother or sister. A ‘homesteader who has exhaust- ed 'his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain districts. .Price $3.00 per acre Dutiesâ€"Must reSide six months in each of three years, cul- tivate titty acres and erect ahouse worth $300.00. Depwty of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.â€"Unau'th;orized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmast- er General. will be received at Ottawa until Noon. on Friday. the 29th November. l912. for the conveyance of His Majesty’s Mails on a pro- posed Contract for four years. six times per week. Over Rural Mail Route from Goring Ontario. to commence at the pleasure of the Postmaster General. Printed notices containing further Information as to conditions of proposed Contract may be sEen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Markdale. Harkaway. 00r- in8.Vandeleur Beaverdale and at the Office of the Post Office Inspector at Toronto. Post Office Department. Mail Service Branch. Ottawa 15th October. 1912. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. In the matter of the estate of John Stewart, late of the Town-v. ship of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursu- ant to Ontario Statutes 1911, Cap. 26. Section 55, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said John Stewart, who died on or about the 10th day of October, AD. 1912, are required to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to J. P. Telford, Solicitor for the executors, on or before the 29th day of November AD. 1912. their names, addresses and des- criptions, and a full statement of particulars of their claims, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, duly certified. and that after the said day, the ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased, among the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Lauder, late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, :widow, deceased. i NOTICE is hereby given pursu- ‘ant to Ontario Statutes 1911, Cap. 26. Section 55, that all persons having claims against the estate .of the said Elizabeth Lauder, who :died on or about the 13th day of *October, AD. 1912, are required to 'send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to J. P. Telford, Solicitor for the executors, on or before the 29th day of November AD. 1912. ;their names, addresses and des- ‘criptions, and a full statement of particulars of their claims, and gthe nature of the security, if any. held by them, duly certified, and that after the said day, the ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased, among .the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of 'Which they shall ‘then have notice. A ‘1' Dated tfie 5th day of November. A.D. 1912. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. Dated {He 5th day of November, A.D. 1912. Rev. Miss Ina L. Morgan, of the Methodist church of Georgetown and Arrowsic, Maine, is the young- est Womaan pastor in -New Eng- land. She is in her early twenties and has been engaged in church work for nearly four years. having received a licanse in 1908 from Bishop John W. Hamilton, of Worcester. YOUNGEST WOMAN PASTOR.‘ George Binnie, George Stewart, Executors, by their Solicitor, J. P. Telford. MAIL CONTRACT NOTICE TO CREDITORS G. C. ANDERSON. Superintendent. - Archibald Davidson, James P. Hunter‘ Executors, by their Solicitor, J. P. Telford. NOTICE TO CREDITORS W. W. CORY, THE DURHAM CHRONICLE W'Wonoi Mi. Explain-tum 9ft?" Pafimt'. Anxh '«y About us. Lott». In a New York hospluu a cadaver- ous Spaniard. with the am of oxygen and a pump, was sun/tug 06 the final moment of exit. Rallying temporarily. no stretched out a hand and clutched at the arm of the nurse. mntiuuing her to lean over and put her ear to his month, "My doctnr :0?" "Yes. he‘s gune." “Shut 9 door " "Lurk him." he beggedâ€"it was the custom to nnmor the dying. He lm-knned, her clbser and pulled her down to him again. "You make promise '2" “Yes. indeed. What is It?" "Get paper. pencil and-what you rall?~â€"envelope.' " Shielding his wrltlng with one hand he managed to scrawl a single line on the note paper and to address the mes sage. but before loosening his hold on the paper he called her to him nnve more. “Now. you promise for me again? You promise you not show this to dm- tor. not show it to night nurseâ€"not to anybody? Just mail it-ynu promise?" She nodded. He slipped the sheet from the en velope nnve more. grinning with what had every appearance of fiendish ex nltation. "That Ox him." he muttered. "That Ox him.” An hour later. when the doctor re- turned. be found the nurse crylng. “He died fifteen minutes ago. and I don't knnw what to do. I ought to mall thls. but I‘m afraid it’s some Black Band business or sometblng. Would you be willlng to look It over and see If It’s all rlght to send? You read Spanlsb."- She banded blm the letter He glanced at the one single line and shook his head. “Is it a Blavk Hand message?" she whispered “N6." be said mammely: ”it’s to his brother. He just writes. ‘Don't pay the doctor.‘ ”-Llppincott’s Magazine. Folly of Betting. William B 'i‘rembley. the swimming hero of B‘nnston‘s regiment in the Philippines. visited New Orleans with a friend while city clerk of Kansas City. Kan Riding down Dauphine street one morning. the friend was boasting how he would bankrupt the bookmakers. Looking up from the paper he was reading. Trembley saw a boulevard ahead marked “Oleander way.” “You beat the races!" he exclaimed. “Why. I'll bet you $10 you can’t guess the name of that street yonder." The friend looked ahead and saw the sign. “I’ll take you. even money." be said “It’s Oleander way. you tummy. There's the sign.” “So 'it is." said Trembley. “but you ougbtn’t to believe 1n signs. Look here." Trembley. being a clty clerk. natural- ly was attracted by a column story of council on the night before. nght in the lead paragraph he showed his trlend the tragic evidenceâ€"the passage of an ordinance changlng the name of Oleander way to Jackson boulevard.â€" Kansas City Star. His Choice of Weapons. John P. lrish of San Francisco was counsel before the state department in the matter of a claim of an American client against one of the Latin Amer- ican republics. The Latin republic didn't want to pay. and there was a long dispute, dur- ing which the representative of the southern country claimed Irish had put a stain on his honor and said he in- tended to challenge Irish to a duel. John Hay. then secretary of state told lrish about the aflair and asked. “What will you do. Irish?” “Accept it, of course." “Accept it?" “Certainly. and I shall name thn weapons." “What weapons shall you choose." “Feet.” exclaimed irish. “good low: feet. the kind 1 was born with. and I'll kick that diplomatist down the street until the police interfere with the pro- ceedings."-â€"Saturday Evening Post. “I’ve lost my hat. You’re not lit tint; on it. are you. sir?" “Js it a stiff hat or a soft one?" “A soft one." “No; this Isn‘t yours.”â€"Meggendorfe Blatter. 7_â€"_- In Search of Useful Information. Donald and Jeanie were puttlng down a carpet. Donald slammed the end of his thumb with the hammel and.began to pour forth his soul Io language befitting the occasion. "Donald! Donald!" shrleked Jeanle, horrified “Dlnua swear that way!” “Wummun.” voclferated Donald. “mu ye know any better way now ll DA.“ 'fl- _. the timefito let m3. know lt!”â€"Cumm theraturo. Expgrt Opinion. Ilt' naumvithmmmnidhu “I out. not. no. not I. The prion of beef bring: me no (riot; Lot it to to the sky. ' And butter may go all tho way To sixty cent. a pound, To sixty cents a pound. While folk may has to get an en: Serene 1 shall he found. “Were toll: like me you'd quickly see Food prices take a tall. For trusts so hold, with goods unsold. Would soon begin to crawL They’d make a flap. and rates would drop, Be cheap as cheap could be. The way to bust each wicked trust is to become li,lts me. “I do not care for food that‘s rare. Care not for food that's plain. Why. its more sight upsets me quite; To taste it gives me pain. What do I eat? I simply heat Some water in a pan And melt in it a gluten grit. I've got dyspepsia. man!” I. PUBLIIIID EVERY THURSDAY IOBNING At the Chronicle Printing flouss, Osrofrssa 8treet. DURHAM. ONT.. --â€" .- ..--...-_'. - .._- .- % ' Tan Commons will he sent 3 “btcnption any address. free of pmtaze. ht - . 0] "Op" year.psyshlolnsdvssoe 3-11.50 may be charm if not so id. lite den '0 Whirl) over} ub-wrintion is on ti is denoted 5' Th? humor: Hr the addms label. 130 ”per ""‘i1 4h" it) all armors are paid. accept a! . ‘ . ' of the proprietor. 36W! ' ' For transient sdvertssenesh l :- t "”103 cents pet line for the first I“ “a e'. ‘ lion: scents parlineosoh subs. uwnt mention niinnon mesa-um. Professions iartla. not exmedinx one inch “.00 per saun- ‘d‘rrlluemeutm without specific directions vi? 0? louliliuhwl till forhid s, i chsmnd scanninn ly ‘Nuule it notioonâ€" 'Lt st. ":F‘ound.' “For c.‘ I Mr -â€".“»0 cents fut first insertion. 25 cell“ for cart in lmeq uent insertion. All advertisomontn ordered by strangers mun: i)ll [Bid for in “Vanna. Cause of the Uproar. “Hey. omcer. why don't you hurry over there to stop the trouble?" ~ “Over where?” “Across the street there. Don‘t you see all those women fighting and scrambling? It’s your duty to turn In a not call. Come on; I’ll help you till re-entorcements arrive." “You stay away from there.” “What do you mean? Do you pro- pose to stand here and let those wo- men claw at one another and perhaps cause a tragedy?” “You go on about your business and never mind them women.” 3 Marc Framing on shone» I non. SHOW Roomsâ€"Next, tn Swalluw'a‘ Bzu-ber Shun. RESIDENCEâ€"Net! He-You are \er) vain of your be!!!» «1001- Suuth nf \V. J Imwrence’t ty. Believe me. beauty passes. himksmith shnp. “Yes and ugliness Iasts"â€"Pages ~ _ - Folles ‘ DI a n * “But I lullat that it la my duty as a citizen to Interfere. and I shall report you to headquarters for your failure to -look at them! The trouble'l sewn: worse. They'll be smashing their par- uola over one another in a mluute. I’m going to telephone to the clty hall tor”- “You'll do uothlu' of the kind. and It you don’t so on about your bunneu I'll run you In.” “Man, you're crazy. Do you propose to stand here and see those women trample one another under foot and tear oi! one another’s clothes? Some- thing horrible must have happened. Listen! Buy. this is terrible. Come on. Their frenzy is increasing. Turn in a general alarm." “Say, what's the matter with yon! Can’t you read the sign above that door? That's an employment agency, and them women have Just heard that there's a girl inside who's willin' to do honsework."-Chicago Record-Herald. Tho H ypoorito. Tho Rev. George R. Lunn. the new mayor of Schenectady. saya, “I don't preach ‘leo to the poor.’ but ‘Btop taking from the poor.” _- Hr. Lnnn, discussing this dictum tho other day. said: “The millionaire social reformer. un- less he in u very sincere man. tiny! reminds me of the husbuid who brought home one evening a bottle of champagne and a lobster. “ ‘It is your birthday. dear,’ he said to his wife. ‘and i purchased these delicacies as a little treat for you this evening with your birthday dinner.’ “ ‘You are very kind.’ the woman an- swered. 'but I thought you knew I nev- er touch champagne. love, while lob- ster invariably disagrees with me! “ ‘Never mind. my dear. never mind.’ the husband answered. That hein: the. case. I’ll Just eatthe lobster myseli “It is a Chmnberla the best ‘ ever used. Campbell, have used and the n satisfactor dealers. . Avmcsdepaitedinthisbnk 'ANR hwhwmrmd m Wibdnwohofput (h. 97 @WA ““0”th “em OFFICE ever dded wihont 61. ."I‘ORONTO L______ DURHAM BRANCH, our. DUO I rink the champlzno to m ' "â€"Albany J ournd. tory pleasure to 'lain's Congh . cough med 9d.” Writes IMMUNE. d,” Writes Mrs. H 2gb of Lmonia, G11. ‘1 d it with all my chil ren results hme been h 2‘th my.” For sale by all Hor Answer. ~New York Preu. to tell van that '11 PART!“ V i" edicinr» I 'm' fl ‘ Tau Gammon will he can t {abunption w y Mon-u. free 0! ”mo. in at“ - Cl iIOper ymr. payableinulv‘m $1 50 may Mohamed if not no N. Hue don '0 Vt hi4 is ever \ ub-u- ripfinn in bad din denoted b! rho uumbv r [be nddmo hbol. 150 paper " 'H m. Io all arm" no paid «(new :0 ' --v nf thn pmprio-mr. - v-uâ€"vv-v-W V‘ [I'v-U ov- xmbliahed till for-Md u 1 our“ M I}; “gunmen notionâ€""h u. ' ‘W‘onnd.’ “'0! «no-{:0 cent. for first insertion. 25 can for cock- mbnoquont inurflon. All Mvafltmonu ordered by amalgam can be mid for in uhnuoo. 3dvenuin‘ For t-nnuent advert”... * 3 at on)“ pet line for the first not “‘ e" - “on: 301mm porn-owl! “be. uwm “mutton mimon mason. Prof...” "lama. not exceeding one inch GUI) per null. Adx'efgugmeutg without specific direction. 7"” Contract rate- for you-q durum-onto f" uiubud on application to the once. and Funeral Director A. BELL UN DERTAKER One of the most remarkable, likewise successful operations ever" performed, was that which wad: done on a 14-year-old boy in a Baltimore hospital, recently. Thei boy had been unable to move hiq jaws since birth, and his parentl had found it necessary to feedi him through a tube, for his jaw bones were stiff, with no norm “hinges.” I LI. The surgeon cut through thl solid mass of bone, where thi joint should have been, and mold ed upon the sections actual joint! such as nature normally provide! The boy can now move his jaws at well as any other person. A jellyfish weighing one noun contains over 15 ounces of wate! -Ireland has 3,363 m;les of rail Ways, of which 889 are control! _]'11'-_-__. highâ€"o iéwet than twelve differei companies. WhinmndomOhW' “Hedda-don. Aaalertncnflofll to pom un- mteraflnl "I. cum: mun-cunt mm the "P! Gonna-lei no Theodulph. bishop Orleun. while in much It Met: cl pond the hymn, “All Glory. Lind I Honor." which he mm on tho I dow of his cell. As the mun! PI Bundu procession pcued_thron¢h I The boy’s appetite is often th source of amazement. If ya would have such an appetite tal Chamberlain’s Tablets. They at only create a healthy appetlt but st'wugthen the stomach an enable it to do its work naturall: Fur sale by all dealers. u a ”occasional. the choir akin; each qua-um 1nd tho public 10h In m tho chem .A REMARKABLE OPERATION. Full line of Catholic Rnbes. and blorh and white ( ups for aged people. NURSERY STOCK Enrmn AND memnum Embalming a Specialty BOWMAN’S W. IRWIN a Tax Gammon will he cont 3 any adcim. {m at WW0» ht . pl «oney__ymf. payalgl‘o in MI “no I ‘.A ‘-D‘ Guaranteed November 14th, it will grow Plant the

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