Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Jul 1912, p. 2

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THE J. C. NICHOL TAILOR SHOP and dwelling, next to :R. Bur- nett’s store. For particulars, apply to George Ryan, Sr., Lamb- ton street, Durham. 4 25tf As I haxe not disposed of my stallion Cl} uesdale Champion, I will keep him for use at his own stable for the season of 1912. All interested will bear this in mind. Terms made known on application. JOHN STAPLES, Owner. LOT 33, CON. 9, GLENELG, CON- taining 100 acres of first-class land in good condition. Reason- able terms. Apply to J.A. Rus- sell, Box 39, Sedgewick, Alberta. Mar.~14tf SECOND CLASS, FOR U.S.S. NO. 2. Bentinck and Glenelg. Salary $500. Duties to begin after midsummer holidays. Apply to Dan. )chrthurg Durham, Ont ' 304 Notice is hereby given that any person found hunting or other- wise trespassing on Lots 9 and 10. on the 3rd concession of the township of Egremont, after the first appearance of this notice, May 23rd, 1912. will be prosecuted according to lamâ€"W. T. Wilson, Varney. 5 23 tf A‘CQMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE A COMFORTABLE BRICK CO I‘- tage in upper town, Well located, about a quarter acre of land in good condition; Will sell cheap to quick purchaser.â€"-Ap- ply to Geo.__Pinney. 418 tf ON OR ABOUT APRIL 25th LAST I lost a note in my favor, of $325.00. bearing interest at Sper cent, and due on or about Oct. 7th next. All persons are here- by Warned against cashing this note. Any person finding same GOOD COMFORTABLE FRAME house on College street; six rooms, two storeys, hard and soft. wsxtqr. good half acre of *~ “4â€"...â€" THRIVING '13me BUSINESS in the Town of Durhamâ€"Apply to H. Burnett. 125tf A COMORTABLE BRICK DWEL- Bng on Countess street. 2 storeys, gyfi-acre lot, with ‘goodgtable. SIX-ROOMED HOUSE. CORNER of Elwin and South streets. Will sell cheap to quick purchaser. A Road lot and garden on prem- iumâ€"Apply to Mrs. Thomas Saunders. 222 t! BRICK COTTAGE, ANDNICE Lot A bargain for immediate buyengrthur H. Jackson. 18tf GOOD BUILDING LOTS APPLY to J P. Telford, or Mrs. G. Black- _burn, Durham 6 13 tf SEVERAL HOUSES IN DURHAM. One nice cottage in Lower Town. -â€"A. H Jackson, Durham. 3 21tf LOT 2, CON. 4, E.G.R., GLENELG. 100 acres: 70 acres working land. 10 acres new land, ‘20 acres hard- wood bush. Two good wells on premises. Good concrete house. frame barn. driving shed, yâ€"acre orchard. Well fenced. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. For furâ€" ther particulars apply to David McAulifle, Upper Town. Durham Oct. 5thL_gf_. f6? *1. OF"'{7_,MC(33’.W1, ECG. R, in Durham. 2 storeys high, hard and aott water inside, good cem- ent stahla frame barn on too, quarter acre of land. Price away down to quick purchaser. Apply a? the Chronicle office. 7 27 tf . GOOD LOT IN UPPER TOWN, Durham, on Garafraxa street, near the Durham Road crossing, next lot south of McArthur’s old store. ,‘ Splendid residential site. For particulars, apply to Miss Martha Sharpe, 37 Beverley St, Toronto. 5 6 3mpd or gixing information leading to its recovery, W ill be rewarded.â€" Thos. Harrison, Dromore. 5303 land. A bangain to quick pur- chaser. For articulars, apply to Ed. Lang on, Durham, or John M. Little, 205 Riopelle ;St., Detroit, Mich. 2 22tf This property Will be sold real cheap to a quick purchaser. and on terms to suit the buyer. Apply to Mrs. F. Caton. 3 7t! PAIR OF ONE-HORSE BOB- lleég'hs. and a cutter. Apply to D. MacKenzie. Upper Town, Dur- 9% 5 12 111:! CLYDESDALE CHAMPION Glenelg, 50 acres; fiorty acres under cultivation, 7 acres hard- Wood bush, 3 acres swamp. '2 small orchards, variety of other small fruits: watered by spring and Well. Frame house 28x24, frame barn, 50x36; stone base- ment underneath, and other out- buildings. Als-o lots 2 and 30f 15. Con. 1, W.G.R., Benttin'ck, 100 acres: 30 acres under cultivation. 30 acres pasture, 35 acres hard- wood bush, 5 acres swamp, 1,4 acre orchard. Small frame house frame barn 50x36, stabling un- derneath. The above property will be sold cheap, as the owner intends going to Alberta. For further particulars. apply on farm, or to Wm. Leggette, Rocky Saugeen, Ont. 125 tf Notice to Trespassers For Sale or Rent. Teacher Wanted Advertisements of one incn, or less. 25 cents for first insertion, and 10 cent-s for each subsequent insertion. Over one inch and under two inches, double the above amount. Yearly rates on applicatlon. TWO Farms for Sale. Note Lost For Sale, SMALL ADS. L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG ‘RADULATE of London. New York 4116 Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. _ . \Vill be at the Hahn House, Jan. n2'20 Feb. 17, March 16. April 21), and [3‘ May 18. Hours, 1 to 6 p.m. NORMAL TRAINED. SALARY $450. Duties ”to commence after holidays. Apply to W. J. Adlam Secretary S. S. No. 6, Bentinck: Mulock P. O. 7 4 3 HOUSE ON ALBERT STREET; THE ROCKY SAUGEEN HOTEL property.â€"App1y to J. A. Brown. Durham. , 12 7tf WARNING T0 TRESPASSERS HUNTING. FISHING A Nn DTII‘C A ROUGH-CAST HOUSE. SEVEN rooms, cellar, stable, orchard and 8 acres of land. In Durham Terms easy. Apply to Edward Burnett, Sr., Durham. 397 Am: TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED 13y thg undgpgigqed up to Satur- OUTSIDE Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. u (mace. nearly opposite the Regiszé office. Lambton $t.,Durham. Anyamount or" monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm wopertv. v V _ â€"-'-vâ€"v- L‘ er, Conveyaneer, c. Insurance Agent. . Money to Loan. Issuerpf Max:- rmge Lxcenses. A general financxal bus:- ness transacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) Dr. D. S.Craig, D.V.S.. V.S.V. D. ISEASES OF DOMESTICATED animals treated on most scientif- ic principles. All calls promptly attended to. Office and residence, Garafraxa StreeL. Durham, nearly Op- posite the Chronicle Office. 623 1 HONOR GRADUATE, UN IVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Roy: College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. _"-â€" OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION L er Conveyanegr, c. Insurance )FFICE Late Aesletant. Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos. Engz, and to Gollen Sq. Throat and Nose Hoe. SPECIALIST .- EYE: EAR, man“ NOSE U stairs. Lambton Street. Residene Corner Queen and George Streetsâ€"Nor, 0t Methodxst Church. Office hours 9- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. Office :1.aurs,8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 t09 p. m. Special attention given to diseases 31 women and children. Residence op. oosite Presbvterian Church. rooms. Town \K'atervgfid.;l%étrié lights. Apply to Mrs. Neil McKechnie, Durham. 530tf “v“- day, June 15th, for the excavat- ing and building of a brick basement under Trinity church, Plans and specifications may be seen at £119 Togvp Clerk’s IOffice firs. lamieson Jamieson. f, FFICE AND RESIDENCE A \ short distance east of Knapp"; Hotel; Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham Dflice hours from 12 to ’2 o’clock . EWB AND 2 LAMBS STRAY-j ed from Lot 16, Con. 4, G1ene1g,: S. D. R., about the lst of June.f Information leading to recovery: Will be rewardedâ€"T1105. TuckerJ Top Cliff. '20 3pd§ â€"â€"-_ Lot '28 on the 5th conce ' . ‘ .. . ssmn 0L Lentmck, IS st.}'_ic_tly forbidden. 01nd :“4-..--.J -_, _ of Bentinck, is strict]: and intruders Will be according to 1aw.-â€"T and Alex Grierson, 6209p UTSIDE WINDOW SHUTTERS and window frames for sale cheap. Apply to Mrs. Glass, on the premises. 1W“ J. G. Hutton, M. 0.. C. M. \FFICE, TELFORD’S BLOCK UP l. P. Telford. A§§ISTEEJ SOLICITOR, ETC. J F GRANT, D. D. TEACHER WANTED Omoe; 13. frost 83,, Owen Sound. TENDERS WANTED Dr. Over Douglas’ Jewellery Store. Med [cal Dz'rectorv. Arthur Gun, M. D. SHEEP ESTRAY Dental Dz’rectorv Legal ‘Dz’rectorv. 311)., 7-99.11). Telephone No: . J. SHARP .. H. Jackson. FDR SALE ’or Rent :rs Wlu be prosecuted :o law.~Thos. Torry Grierson, Proprietors. DR. BURY. .0. Pickering Dentist. 113d néw hair growing :in the bald spotsfl’. Mrs. Blanche S. Marshall, 407 Hinton Ava, Charlottsville Va. Ladies give delightful PARISIAN SAGE 'a trial, and see how quick- ly your hair will grow lovely and fascinating. Parisian Sage is also the Most De! The Strange Part- lightful Hair Dressmar on Earth. 1 Mr. Dresser (with evening paper)- PARISIAN SAGE enetr-tes' t Here's strange news! A New York the roots of the hair), destrofl'sntjhg child hid for thiity hours in her moth- clandruff germs, puts new life into er’s clothes closet! the hair, and stops it from falling Mrs. Dresser-I should say it is out. v strange. Imagine a New York woman Macfarlane 8: Co guarantee it . - - ° ‘ C' ' ‘ e! for dandruff, falling. hair and itch- not changing her clothes inthat tim mg Scalp, and._a large bottle costs -â€"Judge. but 50 cents. ‘ 1 “.In August I began losing mv! Ordeals. hair in spots from the size. of 3’ “It must be a terrible thing to go Quarter to the size of’ a silver through the ‘third degree!" dollar. I was seriously aiarmedâ€"; “It must .be. indeed.” replied Mr. 3:39;}; figsyliifig‘phylsicdiansd dand Bingdad. “I’ll bet it's even worse ' IDES, ' . try PARISIAN SAGE, anedmlefirtg than trying to answer all the questions my hair in much better condition, a twelve-year-old boy can 8’81"”â€" new hair_ Emitting :in the bald Washington Star. n-‘AL- ‘ Tenders marked -“Bridge Ten- ders," will be received by the un- dersigned, up to 1.30 o’clock. p.m._. on Tuesday, July 2nd, 1912, for the erection of a reinforced concrete Bridge and the filling of the apâ€" proaches over the Saugeen river at Lot 100, Con. ‘2 and 3, Markdale and Glenelg. Tenders will be received for the work complete and for each part separately. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of Albert Jack- son, Reeve of Markdale, on and after the 20th inst: also at the office of I. Traynor, Engineer. Dundalk. Notice is hereby given that the Crystal Spring Fishing Club, shaving leased all the fishing and angling rights on streams With branches and tributaries on the lands of Messrs. Blyth and Cornish, being Lots 30 and 31, Concession 3, and Lots 30. 31 and 32, Concession 2, all in the Township of Normanby in the County of Grey, as aPre- serve for the propagation and cul- tivation of fish, that fishing or trespassing by unauthorized per- sons Will be rigorously prosecuted according to law. A reward of $15.00 will be given for informa- tion given either personallyor by letter leading to the conviction of any person or persons guilty of unauthorized fishing or trespass- ing upon any of said lands. JUDGE BARRETT, W’. HFETHER. President. Secy.-Treas. Neustadt, May lst, 1912. Saugeen Fishing Club, having leased all the fishing and angling rights on streams ,with branches and tributaries on the lands of Messrs. Wettlaufer, Mueller, Damm, Seirm and Ryan, being Lots Lots 27 and 3.0, Con. '14; and 30, Con. 15; and Lot 23, Con 3, all in the Township of Normanbv in the County of Grey, as aPre- serve for the propagation and cul- tivationpf fish, that fishin or according to law. A reward of $15.00 will be given for informa- tion given either personally or by letter leading to the conviction of any person or persons guilty of unauthorized fishing or trespassâ€" ing upon any of said lands. A. ‘homesteader who has exhaust- ed ’his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter {or a purchased homestead in certain districts. (Price $3.00 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cu}- tivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.00. Deputy of the Minister of the Interiom. N.B.â€"Unau'thJ0vrized publication ofolthis advertisement will not be homesI Dutiesâ€"Six months’ residence upon and cultiVation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live Within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and oc- cupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. ANY PERSON who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quartersection of available Dom- inion land in Manitoba, Saskatch~ ewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Don- inion Lands Agency. or Sub-agency for the district. Entry ,by proxy may be made at any agency, 0'11 certain conditions by father, moth- er. slon, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NOR? WEST LAND REGULATIONS FISHING NOTICE Tenders Wanted FISHING NOI‘ICE KILLS GERMS ALBERT JACKSON. Reeve of .Markdale Wettlaufer, Mueller, 1 and Ryan, being Lots on. 12; Lot 30, Con. 13; i 30, Con. 14; Lots 29 ’. W. CORY, earns with branches es on the lands of? 1 and Cornish. being; 31, Concession 3, and‘ DURHAM CHRONIC NORTH That they are sinners few are will- ing to deny: that they are 81mm): 16!. pa readygo 39mm ‘ .â€".. ...... .-..___. a. .n.-- The Strange Part. Mr. Dresser (with evening paper)â€" Here’s strange news! A New York child bid for thilty hours in her moth- er’s clothes closet! Mrs. Dresser-I should say it is strange. Imagine a New York woman not changing he: clothes in that time! -Judge. Apple or Onion? No one would for a moment imagine any one mistaking an onion for an ap- ple. But don't be too sure. Some day when you have nothing else to do cut a small square 01' onion and a square 01' apple of the same size, close your eyes and hold yours nose tightly and then get some one to hand you one of the squares without telling you which one it is. You would be well advised not to wager any money on being able to tell by chewing which it is. The expla- nation is that a large part of what we call taste is really smell.-â€"Pearson’s Weekly. The Boy. A writer in the Biblical World, speaking of “The Minister and the Boy,” says: “To behold in the boy a rough summary of the past and to be able to capitalize for good the suc- cessive instincts as they emerge is to accomplish a fine piece of missionary work without leaving home. * * * The fire worshiper, the .fierce tribesman, the savage hunter. the religion making nomad, the daring pirate, the elemental fighter with nature and rival of every kind, the master of the world in mak. ing, comes before you in the unfolding life of the ordinary boy. * * * He is an abridged volume on ethnology.” l A. strong rope leading from the ends of g the spar is drawn close and tightened l with a clove hitch round the fish’s tail behind the wide tail flukes. It is thus '1 the sailor harnesses his enemy, ' The clamp of the cruel jaws drives .I the two inch long teeth deep into the l tough spar. 'lhe tight line holds it in ; place. and,st1uggle as he may, the shark fails to moxe the spar an inch gfrom its position. As a finishing touch the sailor drew his knife blade across the sharks. eyeballs and let him go. The incident furnished much amuse- ment to the patriots and was cleverly versified by Francis Hopkinson, a prominent lawyer of the day, one of the signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence and the first district judge of Pennsylvania by appointment of Washington. He was one of the most popular writers of the day, and “The Battle of the Kegs" had a great run among the patriots and distinct influ- ence in the way of military inspiration. Francis Hopkinson was the father of Joseph Hopkinson. author of “Hail Co- lumbia.”â€"Indianapolis News. The alleged torpedoes were shaped like kegs. and when the British land forces discovered them floating down the river they were drawn up and or- dered to fire on everything that came within range. The oflicers remembered the Trojan horse and feared every keg might contain an armed rebel. As the kegs came floating down there was great excitement and much firing, but no casualties. The only explosions were from the British guns. for the torpedoes were a failure. BATTLE OF THE KEGS. The Sageine girl is to be seen in gthe ("entral Drugngtore and on ev- |ery bottle (if Sageine . hair tonic that is genume and sold under a A BlOOdleSS Naval CONfliCt Of the Rev. {Ianitive guarantee to Stop falling olutionary War. All wars have their humors and jokes, and the Revolutionary war was {hair .in thick soft ! Sageme is history as the date of the battle of the I 1"” ton"? composed of the no exception. Jan. 5. 1777. figures in kegs, and, though bloodless. it has been celebrated in verse. Six months after the Declaration of Independence, while the British fleet was stationed at Phil- adelphia. the Americans undertook to destroy the ships by means of impro- vised torpedoes, which. set afloat in the river above the city, were to carry death and destruction among the en- emy. lllzlil‘. eradicate dandruff 'grow the most lifeless. coarse. dry and to luxuriant. scientific most modern hair producing and beau- tifying agents: it is free from greasy substances, is not a dye and is daintily perfumed. Sageine IS the {favorite of particular peo- ple, and is sold in Durham only at the Central Drug Store. Sage- me is only ‘50c.. so as to being it within reach of all. and a clean. _______________________ TO CLEAN LEATHER. Cruel? Of course it was. But sure- ly, like the venomous snake, the shark has long put himself beyond the pale of human mercy. Soft hearted as he usually is, the sailor man has a long memory. The shark has followed for weeks in the shadow of his ship and has watched each man of the crew with greedy, malevolent eye. There is a heavy debt against all the shark tribe for many a lost mariner, and when the chance comes to settle old scores the sailor pays it to the fulL Besides. the thing has the sanction of immemorial custom. It was some Old Phoenician, trading out of Tyre to the far Cassitorides, who probably first put the trick in practice-Wide World Magazine. . Bitted and bridled, blinded. with jaws Wide gaping. he swam through a limitless sea in never ending fatuous circles. The queer furnishings he bore scared away others of his kind. Lone- ly and silent. he passed like Cain among the fishes till starvation and sheer misery ended his existence. Cruel Revenge That Has the Sanction of lmmemorial Custom. The shark s jaws are pried open to the fullest extent. A stout eight foot spar of tough timber. 4 by 4 inches in cross measurement. is fixed trans- versely far back in the angle of the jaw. the ends projecting On either side. HA‘RNESSING A SHARK". Mrs. Hugh Firth and children. of Markdale, visited her mother, Mrs. James Moore here recently. and was accompanied home by her mother. We also congratulate Mr. Chas. Reid and Miss Mary Patterson. and Mr. Victor Adams and Miss Clara Hooper, who today, ‘Vednes-day. join heart and hand in matrimony. Master James Gregor, of Mount Forest, is spending the summer holidays at our home. ’- THE We congratuhte Mr. Geo. Hooper and MISS Annie Nelson. one of Egremont’s bonnie lassies. who embarked on the sea of matrimony on Wednesday of last week. \Ve wish their yoyag‘e may be pleasant sailing. and that they may be iongz spared to enjoy life together. Mr. Anthony Lawrence sold a fine team of horses on fair day for a good sum. Mung, Lne.10un(1:ltl(m for Mr. Phlhp Lawrence's new house. Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrence took a pleasure trip in Mr. Jas. Main‘s auto to Hagersville for a few days recenth‘. “D'ye know that, man? H‘s name is Grant... tie lives in :x big-r hnncp M Li] ‘ hum-Wm m‘ our street.” ”Oh. FPS I knuw him. He's a [11.111 with the \\'r>}'st n putatinn possible." Don‘t re- prnrwh him “‘th that. It’s the. only thins: It“ has thnr l)~(1id:1't.steztl.” Intended for last week. The weather still keens drv. with not much appearance of rain. Mr. James Main. of Hagersville. is visiting his many friends around the neighborhood. Mr. Falconer, of Mono Road. af- ter visiting his' daughter, Mrs, Jos. Moore. North Egremont. left for his home on 'Mondav last- The masons are busy Inymg the. foundation Philip Lawrence's new The handbag or satchel of un- dressed kiad, when soiled by usage need not be turned over to the professional cleaner. The secret of restoration is a piece of sand- paper rubbed over the surface. A very fine grade of sandpaper is required. When this is used with care the effect is magical. and no injurv to the material accrues. Many kinds of leathers, without Man}i kinds of leathers, without polished surfacesâ€"for example. suede. undressed and ooze calf- skinâ€"can be cleaned thus. Probably you wish to send your son to an agri-ultural inducement for him to stay on a farm, it is a good inv: at his birth for his education by depositing a certain s a savings account for him. Discuss it with our local n BANK J US'I‘ Capital and Surp? $6,806,033 '. HUGHES, Manager, MCVVILLIAMSVILLE vu- ry'!‘ . ESTABLISHED 1878 IN DURHAM Y fir accrues. Without Without exam D19. son to an agrivultural college. As it creates an ENDING money to any point in Canada, the United States or Europe is safe, economical and expeditious when this Bank's drafts and money order: are used. lung a certain sum at regular intervals 1!) with our local manager. 602 A farmer’s wife who had no very romatic ideas about the opposite sex. and who. burr) ing from chum to sink from sink to shed and luck to the kitchen stove. was asked if she want- ed to vote. “No, I certainly don’t.” she said. “I say if there’s one little thing that the men folks can do alone, for good- ness’ sake let ’em do it.” Sold by Modular» 6: Co.. Durham For Full particulars : from any Grand Trunk write A. E. Duff. D.P.A.. J. R. GUN. Agent. Phone 14 J. TOVVNER, Depot, Agent. Phn Winnipeg and Return .= $34.00 Edmonton and Return 42.00 and every second Tuesday there until September 17th Via Sarnia nr Chicago. Special train will leave Toronto : 10. 30p. m. (m above dates. catrvin through coaches .md Pullman Tmuis Sleeping Car-s via (‘hicagn and S Paul. 'v-‘v 'v. eauv mu bum. quent insertion minion measure. Profession. cards. not exceeding one inch $4.00 per uni... Advertisements without anecific directions will be published till forbid a) 1 charged accord y. Transient noticesâ€"“I4 BL. ":Found."“F’or e.” etcâ€"50 cents for first insertion. 25 cents for etch subsequent insertion. Allsdvertiaementa ordered by strangers nut. be paid for in adv-ace. Contract rates for yen-J advertisement. fur niahed on application to the oflioe. ° ° Tan Gammonâ€"fill be sent to Sdbscnpnon any address. free of postage. f” Rates . . $1 OOper year. payable inadvaneo -$l.50 may be charged if not so paid. The date to which even ’ nbscription is paxd is denoted by the number on the address label. 30 paper dis. continued to all arrears are paid. except at the option of the proprietor. ' ’ For transient advertzselnente E Advemg cents per line for the first inner- Rates. . . _tion‘; 3‘! cents per line_each subse- At the Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxa Street. Future Frammg on shortest notzce. SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallo Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Nex‘. door South of \\'. J‘ Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. and Funeral Director 3 a good investment. Make provision Full line of Catholic Rube and White Caps for aged 1 DURHAM. ONT HOMESEEKERS’ E X U C R S I 0 N S IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Embalming a Specialty Tickets good for (’30 June 25, and July 9 LET THEM D0 11‘ NO CHANGE 0} W. IRWIN Total Assets $32,000,000 July 4th. 1912. SDE' SM! DURHAM, Ont. Ibes, and blat Id people. “H A I 'oront IVS ‘84 1e

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