Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Mar 1912, p. 3

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CAN YOU ASK MORE ? â€"_‘_~- "â€"- Msz~zfé~1§z~zow i Never substitute appeaiance for quality but i rather choose an article a trifle more costly and 9 obtain both. Appearance is prudential ~. +++++~§°~i~-§"M”’r'§"~?~1*+~??-?°$*'2'-r'r?' a"). D o W++++4~+M+Mé~1 W. D. Connor March mst, 191'2. ancr om EVERY u'rmmoofi Pumps From $2 Upward ALL REPAIRING promptly and properly attended to. W. D. CONNOR PUMPS OF ALL KINDS ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT YIUH BLOOD IS TAINTED But Quality Is Essential if best results are to be obtained. Remember that you can follow this example in purchasing any- thing in Tinware, GraniteWare, Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, and General Plumbing Goods from "' ( ' ' "’ 4%} “THE. GOLDEN MONITOR” FREE ‘ ' If unable to can. write for a Question Lu! for Home Treatment Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. -. . ‘ All letters from Canada must be addressed " ' N 071E to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- _â€"â€" ment in. Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personanv can at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in 'our Windsor offices winch are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address ‘all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address._ S. P. 3A UNDERQ Ointment, go to This Hémeum aka: 5‘ of . H.’ STERNALL We desire to call the attention of all those afiliezed with any Blood or Skin Disease to Our New Method Treatment as 3 guaranteed cure for these complaints. There is no ex- cuse for any person having a. disfl ured face from eruptions and biotches. Jo matter whether hereditary or acquired, our 5 )ecific remedies and treatment. neutralize al poi- sons in the blood and expel themjrorp th‘e vuv â€"â€"â€". vâ€"v wâ€"VVHV system. Our vast experience in the treat ment of thousands of the most Serious and complicated cases enables us to perfect a. cure without experimenting. W'edo business on the planâ€"Pay Only for the Benefit You Derive. If you have any blood disease, con- suit, us Free of Charge and let us prove to you how quiclily Our remedies will remove all evi..lonces of disease. Under the influence 0f the New Bicthod Treatment the skin be- cnnr 5 clear. ulcers, pimples and blotches heal up. enlarged glands are reduced, fallen out, hair grows in again. the eyes become bright, ambition and energy return, and the yrptim realizesanewlife has opened up to Sold by Mariano 00.. Durham YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED Send for Booklet on Disease: of Men Ahandsomely mustrstcfi firmly. Largest ctr- quationot any scientific jomnal. Terms to: Canada. $3.753. year, postage prepaid. Sold b; :n nasdealers. mm mam. New York Wmmna ‘ TRADE MARKS DESIGNS Comments «he. Anyone sending a sketch and descflgtlon may quick‘y ascertain our Opinion tree "' ether 9.: Invention is probably :itentabie. ommunlca- tlons strictly confldeutzzl. fHANUBDO on Patent: gent. free. Oldest. agenry for securmg ms. Patents taken through Mann a; 0. recer! maid 20M» {“22“- “386» m the. “i 7;: =27 ' “if? 9"” ”mfl'fvgg’m $+++¢fi++é+¢+++++é++++ CONSULTATION FREE .5. I? «:4 a}. .g. .‘ .0 " ‘3 . . ' 5 t. '0‘. 9’. .. Y}. .. CAN YOU ASK MORE z i CLASSIC CITY CHRONICLES. Your Money Back for the asking.‘ At the time of writing, 15th, a You Promise Nothing ,heavy SHOW storm prevails, which We are so confident that we can? 13 rapidlv filling UP streets, Side-j furnish relief for sin-digestion andlwm‘3 and rallroad traCkS- 0f . (course. the croakers now say “I dyspepsia that We (promise to sup... , . ply the medicine free of all cost!tnld you so,’ for according to to every one who uses it accord-53115911r gloomyhiorebzdings the beau- ing to directions (who is not per- 1“ {suns "13' 3Y3 and Clear fectly satisfied with the results. frosty nights 0f the .past three We exact no promises, and put no Weeks have been nothing to them . . u r‘ n v . one under any obligation Whatever but Weather breeders Whate‘x er Surelv nothing could be fairer. We that expression may mean. It is are located right here where you a great Pity that anyone should be live, and our reputation should be so f001i5h as.t‘o §POi1 Present sufficient assurance of the genuine- pleasure by anthlpatlng future i113. ness of our (offer. While passing throth the depot We Want everyone who is trou-l bled with indigestion or dyspepsiaI in any form ‘to come to our store and buy a box of Rexall Dyspepq sia Tablets. Take them home and give them a reasonable trial, ac- cording to directions. If they. don’t please you, tell us, and We‘ will quickly return your money.‘ They have a very mild but posi- tive action upon the organs with which they come in contact, appar- entlv acting as a regulative tonic upon the relaxed muscular coat of the bowel. thus overcoming weakness, and aiding ,to restore the bowels to more vigorous and healthy activity. T'hree sizes, 25c. 50c., and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at our storeâ€"The lane ' Co. Commencing April lst, Durham barbers will adopt the following price schedule; Shave..- 10c. Massage 15c. Witch Hazel Steam ...... 15c. Hair Tonic... 100. Singeing ..................... 15c. Hair Cut 20c. Children’s Hair Cut" ...... 15c. Shampoo... ...25c. Olive Oil ShasmPoo" ...... 35c. Razor Boned... 2'50. Beard Trimed............ 10c. Neck Shave ............... 5c. MANY FAILURES But Pari ian Sage Overcame Miss Kruger’s Hair Troubles. PARISIAN SAGE is not guaran- teed to grow hair on bald heads but it is guaranteed by the well- known druggists, Macflarlan-e Co. to stop falling hair, eradicate d=an-‘. druff and stop itching scalp, or! money back. Sold in every town! in Canada by leading druggists for 50 cents a bottle. Read Miss Kruger's letter. “PARISIAN SAGE is the best hair grower and beautifier and dandruff cure. I lost all my hair through typhoid fever; I was al- most baldheaded and my ‘scalp was as sore as could be. I tried everything, but in vain. Finally I tried PARISIAN SAGE, and after using one bottle my hair started to grow, and has grown three or four inches inside of two months. I advise every woman who wants beautiful hair to use PARISIAN SAGE.” Miss Meta M. Kruger... Browntown, Minn. That’s the place to go fox'zill kinds of Wall Decorations. \Vall Paper, Burlaps, Saunas, Varnish Tiles for kitchen 01- Bathroom, Lincx'usta, Decorators” Living Cloth, Etc. New Wall Paper Store Local Representative of the largest; Manufacturers of Wall Paper in Amerxca. \Vill be pleased to call at your house with my samples, or be at the shop by appointment. MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCflEWAN The onlx through line ColonistCars on all Trains No charge for berth! Thrqqgh Trains To_r_onto to annipeg and West ll _ W W 'I M - (In C Will have. Toronto Each TUESDAY men and mm [0.20 PM. Special Trains BARBERS’ PRICES LOW COLONIST RATES hlders’ Block. next; to the Post Office.) Rexall Store. zM-acfar- SETTLERS’ T R A l N S .__'[o_ and Tourist Sleep". Regular Trains leaving Toronto [0.20 PM. Daily Willis DURHAM CHRONICLE. 100. ’ 10c. 10c. 10c. 15c. 200. 15c. ...25C. 35C. 250. 10c. While passing through the depot recently your scribe came across Mr, John “McQueen, of Druham. John is the same jolly Scotchman that he was When we attended the old red school in Boothville, in the seventies. Our teachers were1 Messrs. Robt. Bell and Bobt. Leg:-i ate. The former died many years ago, but the latter still resides at Gre-enside, Egremont, and is now 82 years old. We were sorry to learn from the Chronicle this week however, that Mr. Legate is now completely blind. During the past three weeks,! very successful revival servicesl have been conducted in Knox? church, under the very able lead- ership of Messrs. Gale and C01- lison, of Boston. The closing meet- ing took place on Thursday even- ing of this week, and the big audi - torium of Knox church was pack- ed to the doors, and many turned away. Hundreds of young people and not a few old ones have de- cided to lead a new life. Mr. Gale the evangelist, is one of the sanest most logical and forcible preach- ers of the gospel we have ever heard‘ While the singing of Mr. Collison was magnificent. The senior Normal school stu- dents are writing on their final ex- aminations just now. We trust success will crown their efforts af- ter their strenuous Work during the past six months. We are pleased to learn that Miss Lizzie Aldcorn, of Swinton Pa1k has secured a fine situation at Cargill at a handsome salary. She will commence work after Easter holidays. Three terribly sudden deaths occurred here last week. One man. an employee at the G.T.R. shop; was killed almost instantly. His sleeve caught in a rapidly re volving drill. Another man Was smothered in a gravel pit, and the third a G.T.R. foreman, drop- ped dead with heart trouble. The Classic City is contributing its share of young men for the West. If the exodus continues, there will, in all probability, be a scarcitv of young men for local d-e mands. ~ Piospects for another railway are blight A proposition will be submitted to the ratepayers shortly asking them to give the CPR. right of (way through the citv alono the south side of the Ax rm 1-:er Of course, (many of our c tizen are up in arms against THOROBREO DURHAM BULL ' \Vill be kept. for service at Lot 30. Con. 4. N. D. R., Bentinck, during the season of 1912. Red, little white, calved May lst. 1910, bred by. Thos. Scarf 6; Sons, Rocky Saugeen, Ont», 2nd owner ‘Vm Brown, Aberdeen. Ont. Fashion’s Fancy 4th [90957] Fashion’s Eancy 3rd Fashion’g Fancy Fashion 7th Fashion of Maple "Han 2nd Frshion 2nd Fashion Helen Mar Albina. Lute FASHION (II-DP) _[177] Grizzlé Young Fanny Old Fanny " BROADHOOKS CHIEF” 2nd '82288- DAM PEDIGREE OF “ BROADHOOKS CHIEF ” JOHN BURNS, Proprietor 436125- Geo. Bruce -25507- Broadhooks Chief (Imp.) -50017- Verschoylg (Imp) â€" (48454) Lancaster 4552- K.C.B. 2nd :14].- Grand Duke -674- King Cyrus -735- N icholas 877- (6248) Locomotive 7 -149- Premier Earl 4281- _.â€"_v (38480) Duke of Airdrie (4242) Young Don J nan (3610) Studley Grange (1483) Young Dimple (971) Layton (2190) SIRE 'Lesson XII.â€"-First Quarter, For 1 March 24, 1912. SUNIAY Sflfiflfll. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Mark ii, 13-22. Memory Verses, 16, 17â€"Golden Text, Mark ii, 17â€"Ocmmentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Steal-us. The call of Matthew, the first part 01‘ today’s lesson. is found in Matthew and Luke, as well as in Mark. But the rest of the lesson, including Matthew’s entertainment, and the par- ables of the new and- old cloth and the new and old wine are found only in Mark and Luke. In all the acts and words of Jesus we must see God the Father, remembering such words ’as these: “I can of mine ownself do nothing.” “The Father who sent Me gave me a commandment, what I should say and what I should speak.” “The Father who dwelleth in me, He doeth the works” (John v, 30; xii, 49; xiv, 10). His compassion upon the a multitude and His readiness to teach 2them, no matter how weary He was, lis our example that we may follow i '1 His steps in this as well as in His ‘ 1 meekness and patience (1 Pet. ii, 21). ' | Matthew the publican (Matt. 1:, 3),; or Levi, as he is called by Mark and ' Luke, may have been turning to . Christ in his heart. as probably Zac- - cheus did, while continuing with doubt in his unponulm calling and ;' longing to be done with it. We might _infer this from the readiness with ‘ which he left all and rose up and fol- lowed Jesus. Many are still being called, but few are ready to follow so - Ipromptly Something of Matthews , lgratitude because Jesus called him is seen in the great feast which he made for Jesus in his own house, inviting a great company of publicans and sin- I ‘ners thereto. To see Him eat wi :h 'lpublicans and sinners was to the self t righteous Pharisees a great stumbling - block, 1’01 it was their way to have no; : fellowship with such nor any love for their souls, rather to pass by on the . 5 other side of the street and to say, i ’ “God, I thank Thee that I am not as 1 " other men * " * or even as thisl I l l l g 1 1 I l I l ; t publican” (Luke xviii, 11). They never e said anything more beautiful or true r concerning Him than when they said, “This man receiveth sinners and eat- , eth with them” (Luke xv, 2). The 5 words of Jesus to them at this time 1, are both a parable and its explanation, 3., the parable being, “They that are .3 Whole have no need of the physician, 3 but they that are sick, ” and His ex- ts planation of it, “I come not to call the d righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” These words and those concerning the old and new cloth and wine are found also in Matt. ix, 10-17, and seeming. ly in the same connection as here, but according to the gospel harmony the record in Matthew referred to a later incident. Be that as it may, His words are more than time or place, and we know that He did repeat some of His wordsâ€"as, for example, the y Sermon on the Mount and the Sermon e on the Plain (Matt. v to vii and Luke ) Q vi, 17-49)., '(DN :93” The righteous whom He did not come to call are spoken of in Luko xviii, 9, as “certain ones which trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others.” We know that in the matter of true righteousness, as God sees it and desires it, “there is none righteousâ€"no, not one.” But there are those who, “being ignorant E of God’s righteousness and going 1 about to establish their own righteous- { ness, do not submit themselves to the g I I â€"4â€"--‘ -â€" -â€"-â€"â€"â€"-<â€"r righteousness of God” (Rom. iii, 10: x, 3) To associate the disciples of John and of the Pharisees seems like a very: bad combine, but some of John’s dis- 1 ciples were no doubt from the Phari- ‘ sees and, like too many church folks of today. had not dxopped their mereâ€" formalities. In Zech. vii we read that when the people inquired of the Lord as to whether they should con- _tinue certain fasts or not He asked i them, “Did ye fast at all to Me, even true tasting in His sight was (Zech. vii, 4-10; Isa. lvili. 6-10). .Note how He speaks of Himself as the Bride. groom and His disciples as the chil- dren of the bride chamber, no doubt looking onward to the marriage of the Lamb of Rev. xix. We might well ask: Where is now the fasting be- cause of the Bridegroom’s absence? Where are those who long for His re- turn, who rejoice greatly because of HI! voice, glad to decrease if only He may increase? (J obn iii, 29, 30.) There is much patchwork in the teaching of our day which is directly contrary to the teaching of our Lord concerning the necessity of a new birth. The old garment of our un- rlghteousness cannot be mended. It must be a new garment throughout, even the garment of Christ’s right- eousness which He has provided at such infinite cost (II Cor. v, 21; Rom. x, 4). However unpopular the doc- trine may be. it is fnost plainly writ- ten that “the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be" (Rom. viii, 7). Not a shred of Adam and Eve’s fig leaf aprons could be tolerated. The coats of skins were all sufficient. We must sing from tho heart the words of Isa. 1x1, 10. The so called new thought or new theolo- gy will not do, for it is not of God and must therefore be from the ad- versary. who flatters man by telling him that he is all right and only need! some improvement, which he himself an easily. ”0031211111. 2 only Men’s Beaver Overcoats, Persian Lamb collar. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE Trains will arrive and depart as fol lows, until further notice:â€" 4.40 To be cleared out cheap. 1 Ladies’ Beaver, Imi- tation Lamb lining, German Otter col- lar. GET A BARGAIN New Grocery Store Fresh Groceries Always in Stock art‘a‘ve at Durh am Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange Mrs. A. SULLIVAN Upper Town - Durham 4 Q0§§¢§§§§§§O§§O§NM§N §o§§o§§§¢§ vaowoo‘ PLANING MILLS J. TOWNER Depot Agent JAMES B. GUN. Town Agent 30 7.10 “ Durham “ 11." 9.19 11 7.21 “ McWilliams“ 11.44 9.09 14 7.24 “ Glen “ 11.41 9.06 24 7.34 “ Priceville “ 11.31 8.56 40 7.50 “ Saugeen J. “ 11.18 8.43 15 7.56 " Toronto “ 11.15 7.55 x.__MACFARLANE. - Town Agent From April 9th merges into our Summer Term from July 2nd and gives opportunity for con- tinuous preparation for the bet- ter class of propasitions. In in- fluence. equipment and service. -‘O we haVe 310‘ superiors. Write for catalogue. Address W. H. SHAW, President. Head Offices. Central Business College, Yonge Gerrard Sts., Toronto. G. Elliott, G. P. Agent. Mantre‘mll ZENUS CLARK DURHAM C. L. GRANT main-s have Durham 3? Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that be has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for Also a limited amount. of iron work and machine re- pairs. A call solicited. Ask for quotations on 3your next job. A.M. 9:19 :1!qu cat-400 Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To SASH,DOORS â€" and all kinds of -â€" House Fittings EASTER TERMS m DAY'E‘XCpP} SENJDAY Lv. VValkerton ” Maple [fill “ Hanover “ Allan Park THREE. D. P. Agent. CE 7.16 3.31.. and P. M. PJI. “312.40 10.05 fl 10.30 gm" ONTARIO 12.17 12.03 'L’orbnto. 9.42

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