Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Jan 1912, p. 3

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SHOP OPEN EVERY AFTERNOO} Pumps From $2 Upward ALL REPAIRING promptiy an- properly attended to. Galvanized and Iron Piping, Bras Bras: Lined and Iron Cylindem PUMPS OF ALL KINDS. W. D. Connor 1.. ”Mal-cum; L3.W ’Wflura‘ W. D. 3" \OR Offers you advantages not offered in any other sir‘nool in the. provinc This school is affiliated with Central Business College. Stiarford. and Elliott Business College, Toronto. The courses aie practically the same in the three schools. The proprietors of this school are receiving: seven times as many applications as they have students graduating. \Ve can do more for you than any other similar srhao! in Canada. Take a course. with us and see how quickly you will secure a position. Your success will mean our success. Students are entpring each Week. Commence your course at once. .77”. k x 10:1: T?‘IMOQ‘..OO.OYrOO-OONOQ JOQNOO” O WWW MOMMNW POULTRY ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE ECOMPLETELY CURED BY THE EW METHOD TREATMENT mun n as n January 25th; 1912 Uinunent, :2 S. P. SAUNU IT: (I) D. A. McLachlan, Plumbing and Tinsmithing i neatly and promptly e'xecuted. Anything in the line of FIII‘IRIPBS, Ranges, Stoves, Tin and Gr‘aniteware can be had. REMEMBER Macfarlane’s Drug Store Hannfacturer of And Dealer in January Saie Fancy Goods {“3~}°'§‘°§'°I~§“§°M++N~+ Tm urnnssmake Sold by Macfarlane 8: Co., Durham COME IN AND SEE N. H. STERNA LL- PRESIDENT, MOUNT FOREST onT'r. 32*“ 01 l firisweifi Ct, Deficit, Mich. All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment 1n \Viudsor, Ont. If you deSIre to compl ic cure \\ i We desire to call the attention of all those af..ic.< d with any Blood or Skin Disease to 0111‘ New Method Treatment as a guaranteed cure to: muse complaints. There is no ex- cuse for any person having a. dist} ured face from eruptions and blotcbes. -‘o matter whether hereditary or acquired, our specific remedies and treatment neutralize all poi- sons in the blood and expel them from the sa'stem. Ourvast ornnrience in the treat- of at lajn’s Cough Remedy, and is a medicine of real merit. For sale by all dealers. THAT OUR TINSHOP IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL. 0f I CAN AR°ANG E TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED 'fiiE GOLDEN MONITOR ” FREE 1te in Detroit as we see and treat :11 are for Correspondence and Address all letters as follows: ~r hereditary or acquired, our specific es and treatment neutralize all poi- the blood and expel them from the . Our vast experience in the treat- ft.::.,e.;.san._iso: the most serious and sated cases enables us to perfect a. Ethout experimenting. We do business planâ€"Pay Only for the Benefit You‘ . If you have any blood disease, eon- Free of Charge and let us prove to quietly our remedies will remove I‘m-‘3; of disease. Undcrtlze influence New Method Treatment the Skin be- cieuz', ulcers, pimples and blotchcs z. enlarge! glands are reduced, fallen 1r :':‘('I‘.‘.‘~_'. in again. the eyes become midnition and t‘JN’I‘L'Y return. and the 0" rcaiizesanezs‘ 1.x: has opened up to :16: to can. write for a Question List for Home Treatment CONSUI ., Windsor, Ont. 1r 7 ; ‘ .I' ‘ é L- . .u’ pl“! ‘1". k‘ 3% $5331? 9" £3?! a? "3’6"" .TATION FREE a.“ [HIPS RC. White Leghornâ€"Hen, H. Grasby, 1, 2 and 3; mullet, H. Grasby, 1, 2 and 3. 8.0. White Leghornisr-Coick, W. Con-nor, J. Latimer, C. Lang: (hen, J. Laitimer. W. Connor, J. Bogle, C. Lang: cockerel, J. Latimer, W. Connor, J. Latimer, J. Gibson: pallet. J. Latimer, 1 and 2. W. Connor, J. Bogle.- Pen, J. Lati- mer. W. Ctoumor 2 and 3, C. Lang. Best collection, J. Latimer. Blauck Leghornâ€"Hen. M. Wilson 1, 2: 3, and 4; oockerel, M. W'ilson 1 and 2; pull-eta, M. Wilson, 1, 2, 3 and 4; Pen, M. Wilson 1 and 2. RC. Bigown Leghornâ€"Hen. H. Grasby, 1, ‘2 and 3; pullet, H- Gras-by, 1, 2 and '3. Indian Game.â€"Cockerel, A. Mc- Donald, 1, 2 and 3; pallet, A. Mc- Donald, 1 and '2. S.C. Brown Leghorn. â€"â€"Cock, H. Grasby,1 2 and 3; hen. H. Gra‘e by; cocke1e1,H. Grasby, 1, .2 and 3. M.Wilsozn;pu11et,H. Grasby, 1. 2 and 4, M. Wilson; 3." :Pen; . H. Black Red Game.â€"-Hen, N. Har- vey, 1_, 2 and 3; cockerel, N. Har- vey': pallet, N. Harvey 1 and 2 Brown Red Ga-me.â€"-â€"C0ckerel, N. Harvey: pullet. N. Harvey. Pyle Gamaâ€"Cockerel. N. Harvey H. Grasby.,; pull-at, N. Harvey 1 and 2. H. Grasby. Bes‘t collection. N. HarveY. Partridge ROLL-kaâ€"Cockerel, R. Matthews, C.H. Oyns: pullet. R. Matthews 1. 2, and 4, C.H. Oyns .>. Best collection, R. Matthews, Golflen Laced Wy2.ndott-es.-â€"Hen, T. Cowanz-cockerel, T. Cowan: pullet. ’I‘. ‘Cxolw'am, .1, 2, and 3. Silver Laced Wyandottesr Cock. C.P. Kinn-ee, 1 and '2; lhem, C. P. Kmn‘ee. 1. 2 and 3; Icolcke'rel. C'. P. Kinnee, 1 and 2; pull'eft. N. Har- vey 1 and 4, C.P. Kin‘nee .2 and 3. Pen. C.P. Kinnee, Besrt [collection C.P. Kinnee. Blaék Wyan.d,o»tte.â€"Hen. J. Lat- imer; millet. J. Latimer 1 and 2, Buff ', 'Wya‘nxdaotte.â€"Pullet, H. Grasby 1 and '2. ’ and 2; aockerel, G. Thompson 1., 2 and 3, H’. “in. shy ; p ul- let. C. Lang, G. Thompson, ‘2‘ 3 and 4.,Pen, G. Thompson. Best collection, G. Thompson. collection, W. Macdonald, W‘hite Rocks. â€"-â€"Cock. W. Mac-don- ald. 1 and? :’hen, W. l‘vI.-n.-é’doxmld, 1. f: and 3; cockerel W. Macdon- al'd. J. VollettQJ. Gibson: pullet. W. Mauc'djomald, ‘J. Volleatt. Best The Durham Poul-try Association held their second annual exhibition in the town hall here on January , 7th and 18th. The Show was a! great success, and there were .100: birds on exfhibition, and Mr. AW. ‘ "Wakef-ord, of Listow,el placed the; a“ ands Where they belonged. The! general quality of the birds wasi good. and keen (competition in? some varieties, especially hhe, black, buff, and White Orpingtons, Wihite Leghornls, Plymouth Rocks, Blinorcas, thde Island Reds, W’hite W'yarmdlottes. Brown Leg- horns. Brahmas and GameS. Some ; birds changed hands at fancy pric- es. A plucking constest took place on Thursday night, and was a great attraction, Mr. Cthas. 0’- Near winning the prize. The As- sociation Wish to thank the citiâ€" zens Who [donated so freely, and also the town council, for their iibe1al ”rant. The exhi‘: itioai prov- ed great progiess ox er last year, there being more birds and bette1 duality. Nearly four hundred }_.re=ople visited the Show. THE PRIZE LIST. Light Brahmasâ€"Cock, N. Har- vey: ihen. N. Harvey; cockerel, W. Connor; N. Harvey, 2-. and 3; pulâ€" iet. W. Connor; N. Harvey, 2, 3, 4. Best collection, N. Harvey. a. __ -..... _-â€".â€"â€"â€"- â€"-.-.â€"â€"._â€".. Barred Rockss-Cock‘ J. Bogle; hen. J. Eagle 1 and :2, R. Mat- thews 3, W. rCyomnor 4.; :cockerel, W. Cxonm-or, R. Matthews; p1. 1"et W. Connor, R. Mmttfhews. 2 and 3. Wihirte Wyandaotte.â€"-Hen, E. A. Hay. W. Oomuor: cocke‘rel, \V. Coat... nor. J. Latimer, J, Vollett, E, A. Hay; pull-9t, W. «Connor, J. Lati- mer, EA. Hay, T. Cook. Pen. J. Latimer. Best collection. W. Cor.- Dark Brahmas. -â€"C3uck N H '1 and "‘ ° ihen, N. Ham ey, ,2. : cockerel, N. Harvey, 1 arlnd 2 (5 let, N. Harvey,1, 2, .3 and 4. collection. N. Harvey. ‘Black Javas. â€"â€"Cockerel. C. P.' Kinnee; Tullet. C.P. Kirnnee. i 83C Rhode Island Red. â€"Cock G. E Thompson; hen, G. Thompson, 1, ’i 2 and 3; cockerel G. rDhompson, H Grasby; pullet, G. Thompson 1 3. and 4, C. Lang, ‘2: ‘ hen, Timowmpson Best collection. "‘hompson. « ; -â€"..-.â€" .m .0 Best collection (1:0 1‘ Buff R‘o»cks.â€"Cockerel, H. Gras- 10m SHOW A GREAT SUCCESS Island Bede-C J. Bogle, Pen THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Thompson [arvey. »ck.. N Harvey , rey,1,2gand :5 1 and 2: pul- : 3 and 4. Best: pric-l S.=C. Black Minm‘ca.â€"Cock, T. )lace .Cioowan, A. McDonald; shen, A. a McDonald 1 and 2, T. Cowan 3 . O’- I and 4: .oockerel. W, Connor, J. Vol- As- lett, T. Gorwam 3 and 4; pullet, J. citiâ€" Veollleltt, W. Connor, C. Lang, J. andgvnollett. Pen, A. McDonald, T. their Cowan, J. Latimer Best collec- 'I'OV-tiOn, A.McDona1d ' Leax‘ R.C. Black Min.01cas.â€"Cock, T. ettex Cook: hen. T. Cookl antic? :mock- dredzerel T. Cook M. Wilson.; pallet :.T Cook 1 and 3. M. Wilson 2 and 34.13911. M, Wilson. Best collection H31_!T. C'O-Ok. l, \V.i Andalusianâ€"Hen. H Bunnett: pu1_f-cockere1. H. Burnett H Giasby 2 3, 4 gland 3; pullert, H. Bu111ett. Best ‘ collecnion. H. Burnett. I '.\e v! Anconas.â€"Cockerel. C. Land 1. £2 nd:3;|and 3: pullet. C. Lang, 1, 2a11d 3. polâ€"i 811\ ;1 Grey Dorkingrâ€"Cockerels Bet: A. Brown: pulleit. A. Brown. 1: ‘3 co ._..i-.1 read, lead and inWardly di- gest win-1:; he had to say. He divided his subject into the follow- ing topics-z I ’bV English Pheasantsâ€"N. Harvey 1 and 2. Golden Pheasantsâ€"N. Harvey Tumbler Pigeonsâ€"M. Wilson- T and ‘2. A Homer Pigeonsâ€"M. Wilson. Magpie Pigeonsâ€"M. Wilson. An interesting feature in con-- neciion with the show Was an ad- dress delivered by Mr. A, J. Harris, of Barks Falls, The address was not 01.15" interesting, but profit- able. to all poultry raisers, .WhO i all:( Museovy Ducks.â€"1snt drake, lst duck, lst ywou'ng drake, lst you~ duck. M. Wilson. Mallard Ducks.â€"lszt drake, lst and 2nd dsuccks, A. Bnorwn. Pekin Ducks.â€"Drake, C. Lang. W. Conn-or; duck, J. Gibson, W. Connor; Pen, H. Grasby. Crhinese Geese.-â€"lst gander. lst goose, M. Wilson. Buff Orpingt:on.â€"COCk. W. Clarke, W. Ritchie '22 and 3; hen. \V. Clarke 1 and 4;, W. Ritchie ‘2 and 3; czolcke'rel, W. Clarke 1 and ‘2. W'. Ritchie 3 Dead 4; .pullet, W. Clarke 1 and ‘2. W. Ritchie 3 and 4. Pen. C.H. Oyns. W. Ritchie 2 and 3. Best collection, W. Clarke. Black Orpin-g‘tlo«n.â€"Cock. T. COW- an. J. Laatimer; hen, T. .00qu 1 and ‘2. J. Latimer; oockerel, T. Cowan 1 and 2., J. Latimer, C. Lang. puller. C.P. Kinvne‘e, T. Cowazn 2 and 4. J. Lwtimer, 3. Bronze Turkeysr-Cockerel, H. Grasby '1 and ‘2; pullet. H. Gras-by, l. 2 and 3. Toulouse Geeseâ€"Gander. H. Grasby: goose, H. Grasby; ,lst young gander and let yowng goose H‘. Grasby, C. Lang. \ ' "' Embden Geese.-â€"Gander. C,Lang: goose, H. Grasby _1 and 2, Golden Sebrizhts.â€"Co-ckerel, Harvey 1 and ‘2: pullot. N. Harvey ‘Black RC. Banutzzm.-â€"â€"Puliet, M. Wilson. . Buff Cochin Bantam.â€"Cock, and pullat, M. Wilson. ' . Black Cochin Bantam.-â€"Pullet, M. Wilson. White ClOlChm Bantam.â€"Cock, hen. pullet, M. Wilson. Cowain '2 and 4, J. qumer, 3‘ Pen, T. Convan, J. Latimer, C. P Kinnee. Best collection. T. Cowa-n White. 'Orpi'ntgt'on.â€"Cock, C. H. Oyns 1 and 2: beta, R. Matthews 1 and ‘2. CH. Oyns, C.P. Kinnee; cockerel. CH. Oynss, R. Matthews. C.P. Kinnee; pullext, R. Matthews, C.P. Kinnee, C.H. Oyns 3 and 4. Pen. C.P. Kinnee. Best collection. Kinnee. Best collection, C. H. Black Red Game Bantams.â€"â€"Hen M. “119ml pullet. N’ Harvey, M Wilson. Bnonvn Red Game Banatamvs.â€"Hen cockerel anad pull-at. M. Wiison, Silver Duckwmg Game Bantam -'-Hen.‘ M. 'ilsLon. Pyle (Same Ba. Harvey: pullet White Miynoovca.â€"Cockerel\ C Lang '1 and '2. Houdan.-â€"Cock, C. Lang 1 2zcorkere1 C. Lanrg; pull‘eEt, Lang. Silver Duckwineg Leghorn-Cock- erel, M. Wilson; pulle't, M. Wilson 1 and 2. Pen, M. W'ilson'. BlaTck Spanishâ€"Cockâ€"N,‘ Harvey 1 and 2; then, N. Harvey, 1, :2 and 4. H. Gmsby 3; oockerel, N Har- vey 1 and 2; pullert... N. Harvey, 1 and 2. Best collection. N, Harvey. S.S. Hamburgâ€"Clock, M. Vil- son, C‘.P. Kinnee; fhem, C.P. Kin- nee. M. Wilson: c-ockerel, C. Lang; pullet. C. Lang, 1, 2 and 3. Best collection, C. Lang. Wil s'om. Buff L-eghorn~s.â€"Co«ck, R. ‘Hinis. M. W'ihsozn: ‘hen. R. Hilli‘s. M. Wil- son 2. and 3; cockerel, M. Wilson, R. Hillis, 2 and ‘3: pallet, .M. \Vil- son 1 and 2, R. Hillis 3 and 4. Best collection, .M. Wilson, Grasby, J. Gibson. Ber-Lt collection, H. Grasby. }uinea.â€"â€"Cio‘ck and hen. M. Wilâ€" ylden Polands-PuHe-t. H, Gras- Bantamâ€"C-omkerel. N. C. Lang 1 and Harvey, M The judge, Mr. A. W. W'akef'ord, of Listowel, was highly pleased with the fine exhibit‘ and express- ed his opinion that the birds would be creditable in the larger exhibitions. The Society, too. express themselves as highly satisfied with his services, even those who were beaten on close margins Shavi'm' no cormnlnin‘rs A-“ Use of poultry, Euormity of the industry, Cleanliness. Breeds. Housing, Feed. Show room. Egg production. Markets. Conditioning the birds for shows. etc., etc. A fair-sized audience listened to What he had to say, and no doubt many of the poultry fanciers "fit- ceived valuable {hints from his remarks. The annual meeting of The Grey 8: Bruce Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in Miller's Hall‘ Hanover, on Saturday, Feb- ruary 10th, 1912, at 1.30 13.111” to receive the Annual and Auditors" report, and for the election of Directors, and other business. Hanover, January 18th, 1.912, D‘J'iHPi Air: AND SO 71"; ” (Tr? E"): PUULT"Y Arise 19.4th The annual meeting of the above Association will be held in the Oddiellrows’ Hall on Thursday night,’ February lst, at 7.30 p,m., for the election of officers and other important business. All Who are interested are requested to attend WM. BLACK, WA. MACDONALD President. Secretary, in-O' postage on same. The compo- sition is not very difficult, it is quite Within the reach [of young pianoiorte players, and is a Won- derfully effective piece of Work. To obtain a copy, forward two cents, cost of postage, to the Zam- Buk 00., Toronto, asking for a copy, and mentioning this paper. The compartment cars have ‘a style all their own, being the lat- est in construction and appoint- menrt. They are electric lighted throughout; absolute privacy is assuredzindividual ltxoilet requiâ€" sites, etc. A fine composition for the piano-- forte, by the famous composer, J. Michael Watson, has been publish- ed by the Zam-Buk 00., of Toron- to: and We are able to make our readers the very useful offer of a copy of this March for simpiy pay- The new compartment cars re- cently put into service between Toronto and Ottawa, and Toronto and Montreal, on trains leaving: North Toronto at 10 p..m daily, in addition to Uhe electric lighted sleeping cars also opeiated on this train‘ make it second to none on the continent. “A Premier Train,” is the gen- eral verdict; some say, a credit to Canada. WOULD YOU LIKE THIS MUSIC“? IT IS OFFERED FREE! muse wno were beaten on close margins having no complaints. Mr. Thomas Cowan sold three birds. Black Orpi-ng'tons, for the handsome sum of thirty-five dol- lars. The judge 'was (the buyer. and he did no chkering; over .the deaL Taking into consideration the magnificent equipment supplied by the Canadian Pacific, even at full tariff rates, every day is a barâ€" gain day for the travelling pub- lic. For over half a century Dr Morse’s Indian Root Pills have been curing con- stipation and clogged, inactive kidneys, with all the ailments which result from them. They cleanse the whole system and_-purify-tl1e blood. Sold everywhere at 25¢. a box. 2 V They has e regulated my stomach and bowels. I am cured of constipation, and I claim they have no equal as a medi- cine.” That was indeed a lucky day for me, for I was so impressed Wlth the state- ments made that I determined to giv_c them a fair trial. “For many years I have been troubled with chronic Constipation. This ail- ment never comes single-handed, and I have been a victim to the many illnesses that constipation brings in its train. Medicine after medicine I have taken in order to find relief, but one and all left me in the same hopeless condition. It seemed that nothing would expel from me the one ailment that caused so much trouble, yet at last I read about these Indian Root Pills. Mr. George Andrews of Halifax, N. 8.. WI'lLCS. R. Macfarlane, Durham A Mr. Andrews praises Dr. Merse’s Indian Root Pills. QUEER 0F BUNSTIPATUN ACME OF SERVICE NOTICE H. H. MILLER 1H rs. A. SULLEVAN 4.00 7.10 “ Durham “ 11. 54 9.19 4.11 7.21 “ MCW'iliiams“ 11. 4-4 9.09 4.14 7.24 “ GM) “ 11. 41 913 4. 24 7.34 “ Priceville “ 11.31 8.56 4.40 7.50 “ SaugeenJ. ‘ 11.18 8.43 5.15 7.50 “ Toronto “ 11.15 7.55 MACFARLANE. - Town Agent. New Grocery Store Fresh Groceries Always in Stock Upper Town - Durham H+MWWQQ+¢~¢¢wow i i. v4§§§§9¢¢+ooo.o Trains will arrive and depart as fol- lows. until further notice:â€" CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE 2 only Men’s Beaver Overcoats, Persian Lamb collar. 1 Ladies’ Beaver, lmi= tation Lamb lining, German Otter col= lar. cheap. cleared out PLANING MILLS DURHU! ZENUS‘CLARK A. M C. L. GRANT country. that he Planning Mill and completed and is 00 take orders f0 Also a limited :11” iron work and mm: pairs. A call solicih for quotations 0: next job. arm DAY mm W 1‘ TIME €ER, Depot Agent and all kinds of P. M. P. .VV alkermn Ar. 1’40 10. M: iplv Hill 12. 2.5 9. Hanover “ 12.17 9. Allan Park “ 12.08 9. K $388 {fled begs to residents of numb i-ne re- T9 wn Agem H'QD THREE. l( ONARIO A away ling his mam. Pox-onto. 0.80 um, and

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