Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Dec 1910, p. 5

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sfions 0-â€" lTlON 3 ms Sewing of this col.- tom prion. N Rugs and done prices. I Hum! Thought. nko a wife happy. I. delight. of In. Thought” Ranges. to... why should dividnndo in coll- bought a “Happy emember that. is There can be no lurham. Ont. will pay you iemaml for it n‘ New Years, erton. 0n ing, and we 5.; Mirrors aviug Mirrors lNG Co. ANGES 'yhody 'ould be planned to TORE chines V6 ET OFFICE which will suit a gin awuy finished in on design. 0THS ”EB ’. 15, 1910 this is indmill «fin; hny, 2 Luna to acre, only .54“. Knm-ks the sunshine 03 Al- !m bargains. 533 ACRES near Proton Station and lugeen Junctiuu. tins brick rosidnoa h-ud'ul harm, a lendid suil. good wsta, chard (to. Wil sell loss than ”5 all cm. A bargain surely A hARUWARE and Tinsmith Busi- Iqurey Count '. post office in connoc ion Len than 910, ml] buy 40 was 0! land. Itnm and dwallimx. btrn, 0010' ft... Intuit!“ and “.003 stock. GENERAL COUNTRY STORE an hikes from Durham; very chap. Lam. number of cheap {um prop.“ Honey to Land at Low Rust. Lnuds bought and acid. Debts collected All kinds of writing. dnwn. No M!) who doies businou With H. H. Inlor is over unified to go chow Om methods seem to plane. ”Alway- onnpt. -- How Nahuatl.” TIME-TABLE Trains but Durham It 1.” tonal! .wpmn. Tums "the at Durham u 100* L50 pan" and 356 pm. IV“! DAY noun 5!}le CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY I TIME TABLE Trains will arrive and depu't as fol- lows, until further notice:â€" 'rt muntinn some of the thing. «answered nice Christmas , -_ We- have» a very large stock .. ‘. Immtbvr Goods, consisting of w. H ,1“! Bags. Music RollsNVrit- .. .ns Manicure Sets, Purses, _,(_‘ .i- of all description. Fancy [ANN-'1." in prcttv boxes, Perfum- ' 1- ., -\ (‘nnfectionery in cases, _ b. Hmlas. Hymn Books, Prayer l “A ,(‘ut Glass and pretty Chino. H, mm: Smoking Sets, Shaving r» \m .‘Iis‘. Mouth Organs, Fountain )lnntmy Brushes, Foncy Cigar .\w. A large stock of Fancy 4m: mans Present: from 10 cents Ho $25.00. Presents for old and young, present. ‘, rivh and poor. Como nnd see our (wk. You are jugt as welcome if‘ yon at 1" PV 15? 01' $25. Como only and get my pick of our Inge stock. Goods it up and saved for you until Christ- gs if you make your choice. HE CENTRAL DRUG TORE :: Durham R. MACFARLANE. - Town Agent. 32.3 AFRES clnso to Proton Station. ‘irk dwomngfine large nut-building. ady and gentlemn, girt d my 19 beginning to think of :e DfPM‘TIIS necessary 'to buy [or ”was and New Year’s Gnu “he question is where an 1 pg tht" nicest, best, most apprOp- L'e ppm-mt at the least money. 1L .«tion is easily answered 5:3! (1'4 . ;§35fv"0ting the unmense gunnâ€" gveYF' ‘ . fl. MILLER '- Um! 5.. a. d a "Mad . lilo-OI imam”; thfl 3158 AM! IDGI. “at. do. I Rum-nun. hm: UMQ r. Land Huntel Look Hen: DURHAM SCHOOL. J. TOWNER, Depot Agent JAMES B. GUN, Town Agent In. Ronni-w; and Writing. luvs DUIALDA xauuuon‘. M. Mum d ’I I dvad . t“ in. French. 1.... At! ‘ 3138 AM! 300]. 0nd...- dih- I Education. h a “in“. Immungu‘dub M a. no. mom: uni! pot-NC» 33“-“ ”dutrzuooabbuu ”bl-95$ mu- of The Control Businou Col- lege of Toronto contain. tom. opociol guarantee. of grant interest to students who do- oiro to attend o first-elm rollâ€" uhle school. You are invited to write for it. Addrouâ€" W. H.5haw, Pros. 396 YONG! OT. Elsi TORONTO Grand Trunk Railway at the (5mm Drug Store ..... The Hanover Counynar , up!“ that are daily be- Cémral Drug Store PI â€"â€"THE NEWâ€"â€" ATALOGUE 'l'iSlIIIdS . H. MILLER um um Emmi. 15 1910 Uaplo Hui Hanover Alba PM! Datin- Downh- Snum Jot Totonto J. D. Don-ll. gnome [he I.“ 000 !pâ€"hl Deduction «LBW tn 6 and AA- PASTRY FLOUR Ia mde from actuated winw wheat is u superior article for making 10 3.; Lou. Goods dalivond anywhere in town. Al op-m-dato flour 1nd bed ann grocer! keep our floor for sale. If Your grocer does not keep it come to tho mill ond we will mo you right. Coll :- up by telephone No. 8. All m 0! Grill! bought at Into $3.00 RETURN Ticket.- ood going RM. trains. DEC. 10th. an all trams DEC. 11, 12 tnd 13 RETURN LIIIT DEG. 14TH, 1910 Winter Tours to Califor- nia, Mexico and Florida A T L O W R A T E S Full srtiouhn from JAMES. G. GUN, own Agent. or J. TOWNER, Deppt Agent. A “,,,L-_ TO WINNIPEG A N D W E S T DIRECT! ONL‘ CANADIAN TH ROL ROUTEga CAR Ll DAILY SERVICE of up.“ "tin: cut-tying through sandal-d and tourist sleeping can for all points inAWo-tem Osnsdmm; SANTA CLAUS has JUST ARRIVED at the BIG 4 with a big load of Christmas presents for all. con- sisting of Toys of all kinds Work Boxes Games Glove and Dolls Hank’f Boxes Picture Books Shell Buxos Rocking Horses Mouth organs hull Uafriages Toy Watches Sleighs Purses Fancy Cups Silk Hanker’fs and Sums-rs Motor Scan-ts Drums Fancy Collars Toy Pianos Wool Shawls Candy. Nuts 85c. SHOP EARLY AND GET YOUR PICK John McGowan Account First Annual FAT STOCK SHOW . H. BEAN trawl by the ONLY THROUGH CAR LINE DARK IES CORNERS Mrs. Cm. Ritchie, and daugh- ter, Edna May, "spent a couple of weeks Witfln Ifriendss in Paisley rcâ€" ce_na_tly. ’ - -- l- A L‘ S_-â€"_-n -mxl‘rr‘.‘ 'in Bentinck . Miss Susan Kennedy, 'otf Bunes- san, spent a \few days last week the guest of Mrs. Chums. Ritchie. Messrs. Wm. and Herbert Atkin- son visited with Mr. and Mrs. John ‘Weir, Egrem'on't, a week ago Sunday. Mr. Wm. McEarlane left Tues- day for OWen Sound, Where he will serve as juror. Mr. Wm. Atkinson recently dis- posed of a fine four yewr old horse to Mr. ‘John Beatosn ,for a lnice sum. ' Mrs. Chas. Ritchie and her (laugh ter Edna, Miss Susan Kennedy. Mr. Murray Ritchie, and ‘Mr. and Mrs. John Hewitt. spent a very pleas- ant evenin at the hospitable name of M tam: Mrrs. Samuel Ritchie, last week. Mr. and Mrs._.1mmes W'ibsom, a."- “7'1 VUHUIJ 0 Mr. and Mira. ‘J as Atkinson mpen’f Wednesdtay of last ‘Week at film {home of Mr. and «Mrs. Ben Coutts, “ILL UVL-ll“; .... -.-__ ___ _. of M‘.‘. um"? 'Mms. Samuel Rite-bio, last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, a."- companied by Miss Blanche Wil- son, went a week ago Sunday with Mr. and Mus. Frank Havenr‘. Reading {tom left to right, they are: TOpp momâ€"Miss Minnie Roadhouse: Messrs. J. Mowri'tt, C. Srta- tia, Lyal Ireland, 'Art'hur Gow, Wallace Findlay, John Johnston, Fred Smith, Ed. Durkin, Miss Etta Mc- Sr. IVâ€"M. Patterson, J. Bell, A. Aljoe J. Allen. Jr. IV -â€"C. MocGirr, I. Ritchie, E. Atkinson, B. Bell, L. Newell. W. M-cGirr. Sr. III-E. Patterson, E. Lind- nay, G. Wh-itmore, G. Noble. J-r. IIIâ€"M. Lindsay, 'M. Bell. L. Aljoe, L. Ritchie. IIâ€"J. Bell, E. Ritchie, W. Mat- thews. â€"- ‘ ‘. AL‘_:_. Second nowâ€"Misses Pearl ‘Willard, Adela Ewing, Mamie Robertson, Belle McDonald, Sara Duffin, Maggie Firth, Mel stsey, Sadie ’W'altsson, Pearl ’Drott, Laura Sauvey, Irene Johnston. Third rowâ€"Misses Alice Whitelnan, FannyEctor, Winnie Binnie, Grace Alexander, Janet Fletcher, Nellie Gilchrist, Marry Edge, Alice Leslie, Annie McMillan, Lulu Snider, Laura Holmes. Fourth rowâ€"Jean Greenway, Edith Fortune, Evelyn Fraser, Viola Woods, Margaret McLaren, Prin- cipal Allan, Minnie Nesbit, Effie Purvis, Sylvine Knox, Eva Benton, â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Thompson. Bottom rowâ€"Misses Maud Stewart, Marion Greenache, Beatrice Mayne, Margaret McGuire, Mary Robertson, Leone Curran, Annie Alexander, â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Currie, 'Jessie Smit’h, Edith Peddle, Willa Coram. ‘II‘J W u. Iâ€"G. Bell, A. Lindsay, M. Atkino- son. Primerâ€"V. Ritchie, M. ’Whitmore. 0. Bell, M. Newell, W. Noble, ‘M. ..Davis and A. Ritchie equal, R. Da- vis. Average attendance, 30. of ‘ 113514014.“ \xu Ausnnv In the matter of the estate ery package befmtembuyimg. Robert Edge, late of the Towmhip of Glenel in the County of Grey, .. . Farmer, eceased. NOTICE is hereby iven rpuzrsu- PERSONAL. ant to “The Revised states of Ontario,” 1897 chapter 129, that all| Mr. J. P Tehfowd is in Toronto on creditotrshamd others;f giving claiugs g business. agains t e esta e o e late R0 -' , ck spent Sunda ert Edge, who died on or about the ‘ “Effig'erlgfigamigdm y 24th da of November, 1910, are: require . cm or ‘before the 9th day! Mr. Con. Kreller, ‘wih'o went West last spring, is home her the wmter. of January, 1941, to send by post prepaid, or debver to Lizzie Edge,' Mr J“. McClockhn is home from and Daniel Edge the executors. . , ' , hr e weeks’ named in the tut’ Will and Testanakgfgrz on a t 6 meat 01 the deceased, their Christ- , lam and surnames, addresses and. M133 Chmstepa. Henderson, of descriptions, the Lull pamticulam of; Glenel 9 i6 Vlflltmg her aunt, ”’5' their claims, ghehstatcment of! their McArt 111': 01 Cleveland. accounts, an e nature 0. their ' Mm. Eu Hmvle borrmsrly of securities, 11 any, held by them. 1m, pm? but no? of Wamroua And further take notice, that 3.1- Sank is visiting [relatives and ter such last mentioned date the miends there. said Executors mu proceed to dis- Man. A, momma, and. hahy boy, tribute the assets of the deceased Chicago, are visiting over among the parties entitled thereto '0! having re azrd only to the claims Christmas with.her parents, hit. of whicéi th ety $1:le tliisn gave Itlot- and Mrs. J. Levine. ad d gh- ice, am a sa xecu ors , , U uhart a an will not be liable for the said ”"1:me 0%3lanaqgofl, m mm sets, or any part thereof to anyiflh. [maria pal-gnu, Mr. an A - -l _L-_A 41.3m- ' -- _ I! nmAI-n person or persons ‘3! whose daim'a notice shall not have been received by them at the time of aid dia- tributiorn. Dated thin 8th day of December, A.D.. 1910. LIZZIE EDGE, 333:. am P.O., Ont. â€"â€" ~â€"-â€" on»... “A A...‘ ELIZ‘ABETH SCOTT, Teacher. Notice to Creditors. . Mffieller, lb; Barbed: Vollet. to Mm Picnic In: . 9, GLENELG THE DURHAM (‘HRUNICLE MODEL CLASS OF 1910 of I ZAM-BUK cums nus I Maritime Magistrate’s Case Mm. C.E. Smmford, :3f Wostnn. Kimg’s Co., N.S., a Justice of the tPe-zmcc ‘fm' the county, and a D03â€" {com of the Bambi-at chwrch in Bra» : Wick, says: “I have used Zamâ€"Bul: .inom wiles, mmd found it a splendid {reméd}; It c_u.rc~d m'e.”‘ . o , A I MODEL CLASS OF 1910. We model school session is drawing to a close, and soon the young people who have associated together .for the past three of four months, will be separated, never 'bo meet again, perhaps. This is the experience of us all. to a greater or less degree. In this issue we give a plhotograveur of the class to all of wlhom ‘we extend she .sems- on’s greetin s, with a sin-core ‘hope that eae may have taburzdamt success in vm-oulding the young and plastic minds committed to tiheir care. Teadhing is a noble ‘workâ€" second to none, We co.n'ten.d,â€"-4a‘nd it is {highly imperative that all ‘wlho engage in ‘it should have all the mental, moral, and physical qualifications, ms well as the liter- ary attainments. Light weights .and dmnes ihave ‘no mmper piece in the schoolmam. Let us how there are none ‘of these in the Mode} Class of ‘1910. hands Mrs. A, Holland, and baby boy, '0! Chicago, are visiting over Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Marc. J. Levine. Mu. Chas! Urquhart and daugh- â€" _ an.___A. -nn mnufnfla ”1". \v'ucbuo vâ€" 1_-_7 ter, of Welland Port, are vieitin the farmer’s tparenta, Mr. am MM. '1‘. Re 'W‘helan. Mr. and Mrs .R. Hinde, and their twin some, Bobbie end Jackiemtpe'nt Sunday at the rectory with the . Pearson, bf Prime? A]; BUSINESS COMES TO DURHAM In last Week‘s issue, the Mt. Fo'r- eat Rapresentative 6351- Durham has homes of the Canadian North- ern Railway running through that towm on a branch line extending from Washago, in M-uskoka, to Kincaord'ine. ‘For a local olptlonl town, Du'rhasm seems to be doing! well in various ways, one of which' is referred to by our Orchard corâ€" respondent this week. The state- ment ou'r correspondent makes knocks cold the claim that farmers will snot go to market in a local option town where (no with Open balrvro-oms is available. This is the item in Orchard cor-i respondence referred to: Quite a number of farmers in this neigh- borhood are drawing oats to Dur- ham. What is the matter with Mt. Forest than: they can’t pay as much for oats as Durham can? ‘20 years ago, Mt. Forest was one of the boat markets for oaths in Ontarâ€" io. The mill is there yet, Why don‘t they do it arrow, and make business for' the town. One sdlmool that is making itself ~felt in this community is the well- known Elliott Business College, 0..” Toronto. It enjovus .a large pat- ronage, and hundreds of students go out to positions ezch yoaw, The Winter term opens on January 3rd. A handsome catalogue will be mlmiled'to all dem'mous of taking a coarse. to, 11811133. «L‘ .04. 9a] D 0 U U}. shooting pams Would catch me across the small part of my back and ext-end into my shoulders and neck. often causing me to suffer ,with severe headaches and spells {or dizziness. :S'pots would daz-‘ 'zle before mi eyes, and everything lwould tum lack. I would fall to ithe floor mud be unable to get up |again without assistance. A (triend :told me of Booth’s Kidney Pills. Eamd I began their use. The first -box gave me relief and I am now iweu and mung." All @ruggists sell : Booth‘s : (Boomsmw -. tl a box, _' /;""""" with a guaran- hl'dlle. tee to relieve, or your money SURE SIGNS 0f Kidney Trouble: If your back is constantly ach- ing, and if you experience dull shooting «pains, your kidneys are out of order. If your urine is thick amd cloudy, and yowr (passages lrequent. scanty and rpainrtul, our kidmeys and bladder are out 0 or- der. Neglect uickly brim s on rheumatism, dia tel, lum ago, sciatica and etc. Mrs. John Wigner, of 110 Hollis St, ”Halifax: .S.. ‘ says: “Dull back. They are! the : world’s eateat speci- ic for Kidney and bladder] trouble. Postpaid from the prop-' rietora, The R.T. Booth Co. Limited . Fort Erie. Bold and guaranteed by Mada-lune 8: Co. ‘ A GREAT SCHOOL. THE REASON. Those interuted will plane but in mind that I Tuberculosis Ex- hibit car will reach the C.P. R. at:- tion here at 9.14 .m., on the 20th of December, an remain on the siding until 9.14 pm. on the 21K. The exhibit, which will be shown by the aid ‘0! an excellent reflect- oacope. will be well worth seeing. All are invited. Mrs. Amdhie Little, of .Disley, Sash, is very ill, and grave {ears are entertained regarding her condition. From the best informa- tim1 We can get. it seems she is suffering from (paralysis, A re- port that she had died suddnlly was circulated in town last ueek, but it was absolutely untrue, At time of going to press. we learn her condition is still critical The alteration: being made in film Keeler etare, which is being fitted up bar The Standard Bank, will be quite a transformation When completed. The large plate glass windows have been removed, and film ‘fvon't is built in with Ron}- “G.“ .--v â€"- v-vv â€"â€" an stone, an artificial atone made from Portland cement. marble and limestone. 'Dhree windows are be- ing placed in the south side, and two windows in ‘front. The space inside he; been divided up, and a large vault added. It Will He 1 handsome corner when finds-bed. TUBBCULOSIS EXHIB ‘1‘ CAR Launt Gonna. and tho Power of "cum tal Suggestion. We not only can strengthen mental. weaknesses and deficiencies. but it ll: perfectly possible to increase the gen- eral ability through the power of out gestlon. says Orlsou Bwett Martha in Success Magazine. Indeed. the an. ceptlblllty of all the mental faculti- to improvement. to enlargement. b something remarkable. Sometimes very strong faculties an. latent until especially aroused. Them are many people who pass for cowo. ards. who are humiliated because then have so little courage. when. if the! only know how, they could strengthes. this deficient faculty wonderfully by holding the courageous ideal. by thinking and doing the courageoul deeds. by carrying the thought of team- lessness. by reading about heroic lives. by constantly thinking the heroic thought and trying to live it. Th. courage may be small in a person bo- cause it has never been called in“ sufficient exercise. It may need cull to be aroused. There are many peOpl. living lives of mediocrity who migh. do great things, might become mentaf giants. if their dormant faculties wen aroused their general ability improved THE NEW STANDARD "BANK. MR8. A. LITTLE VERY ILL. HOLD THE RIGHT IDEALS. Tlu Number Nine. There were nine earths, according to medlaeval cosmogony, nine heavenl. nine rivers of hell and nine order. Of angels. The number being: perfection since lt represented divinity was of- ten used to signify a great quantity. as in the phrases. “A nine days’ won- der." “A cat has nine lives" and “Nina tailors make a man" In Scotland I distempered cow was cured by wash» in; her in nine surfs. To see nine mtg. pies was considered extremely lucky. Nine knots made in a black woolen thread served as a charm in the CI“ of a sprain. It was also believed end is still by some that it a servant an finds nine green peas in one pod end lays them on the window sill the first A_‘_‘ man that enters wlll be [191' Dean. Nine grams of when: lnld on a foul leaved clover enables one. it is said. a nee the fairies. rolling thunder. “A million times a million fateful curses sit. baletully athwart his hateful head of tow! Through the gloomy eon. ever!" “08 hi: balance. I served the stranger- 7‘01). no." said Smith; “that’s m. the well known poet. swearing at tho editor who rejected his verses."â€"Pucl. No Practical Diflomco. “I made a mistake." said yam Kn. Torkins. “and picked up my locket II- wetd of the little gold watch you an â€"‘;Never mind.” replied her husband. “The only “owned in that the watch daun’t tell time and the locket donn’t oven pretend to."-â€"Wash1ngton Btu. vowels? First Boy (grinning at tho duplicity of the questionr-Vowb. Illfl _Why. VOWII be chickenu-Iondon A. WHITTAKER. â€"I.n Durham, on Sand: ,Deeember 11th, to Mr. and John Whittaker, a IQIL Sunday. Only. In. Hoyleâ€"Your husband's but“). keeps him out of town 111 the week. I understand? Mrs. Doyleâ€"Yes. b. b I. home only one day. I call him my lunacy supplement-New York Pr. MARRIED VOLLMâ€"BWIGGER.â€"-On Wednu- day, December 71:11, It the home at the III-160’. parents, Bentinck. by Rev. HI. Deller, Kr. Barby-t The Guru of Genius. The nomber. long haired. seedy loch Lg man was speaking In a voice cl Know What Thoy Wm Examinerâ€"Well. my good boy. can an an me what vowel: m? m oy-Vowls. mt? Eu. at course I an. ins black soul 7:11: homeless tou-

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