Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Dec 1910, p. 4

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I THE DURHAM CHRflNlCLE tides. It is nnpatriotic to endan-‘ The Marsh-ans in this locality, Of (er our Canadian nationality for whom there are a 800d number, film of dhearp labor, are :having their own share of at- Captam Snider, the leader of: flhcthon, flhe latest one to be taken the negative saidz~Let us ,studytdown “Ck being MTB- John MW- this immigration problem. Lookgall. her ailment being 'pleuriay. at the Italians. They are chempland a touch of «pneumonia. She hborers too. The :difference isafla‘t 111? “With Mrs. Dave Mamahall the Chinaman is peaceable, whileOIle 1118"“, and shortly omen-wards the Italian conceals his Wes/poms, was taken sick *wiflh the same tvpou- and belongs to black hand SOCiE-l 19. “hid! WON“ 811110“ lead one ties. The Do'ukaboors are amen-”0 helieve that the trouble 3' in- ace to Canadian life. They harn- fectxons.. on their wives to the plow, and set In renewing our actions during up like fanatics. Did they ay the year which is must hastening 0500 .p011 tax? It is unfair to talk I to an end‘ there are many of them about the Jam and Chinese as be- DO! mwdh to ”boast-of. but the one in: uncivilized. China was an ad-, “hm Which makes "us (feel almost Vance-d nation when Britons were {mm 91‘ than all the meat '18 the «wages, and England is only too. little pant we have takenin trying lad to have Japan {or an ally..t° help '0“ 'With “11°81‘98“ aftamme'rs’ ' e boast about our freedom ands delegation, Which it. tloawppear he- tell how the slaves shouted for toy more Parliament on the 101111 1D“. then they set foot on British 3‘0“. This dele tion is £03 to be the 'ro-day they would have been tax-. largest a the 'kin what has ever ed 3500 a head and if they could sppemjgd were! Parliament. to _-‘ _ Dot plank it down; 'tlie “mac-)3: band: would have seized them. The poll-tax should 0 because it in blood money. .hey cannot bring their tuniliee ’here. It would ruin them to pay about 83000 to enter like emigrants. Then if they are not desirable people, beep “them out altogether. Miss Maggie Geddea uidzâ€"The foil-tax i9 aiAtpply impogedflor nat- The tmlteel of the schoolhe-re fiave engaged Miss Binnie of the Durham Model school, to dispense knowledge to the lads and lassies to: the coming year. In. M.W. Byers, and Misses flaggie Geddes and Etta Anderson attended the Christmas dinner given by the Women’s Institute. In Aytom, last Thursday afternoon. The big event a! this week was “to debate at the Guild. Hammden, Tuesday night was stormy, but there was a very good crowd. Mr. I.W. Byers occupied the chair, and at the close of the discussion d a well deserved tribute to all e speaekrs. The subject was “Resolved that the P011 Tax on Orientals be abolished.” We have only space for an argument or two irony each speech. Allister Anderson, leader of the dflrmative, said:-â€"This is ‘a nation ll question. We have enough of the race bitterness now with-out opening the door for a worse. prob- lem than the French. Our very civilization is at stake. Twenty million Orientals are only a drop in the bucket. Where would our tight million Canadians be in such a flood? Is it aC‘hristia'n act to make the white man compete in the labor market with the orient- al“? The morals 0! both races are lowered by the influx of foreign- ers, and he told a story of how “You foole me and Ifoole you," to illustrate the mistrust on both aides. It is Impatriotic to endan- ger our Canadian nationality for fige otdhgatp‘labom. fliesâ€"59'. M.W. Byers, J. W'hite- "10rd. and J. Ward, attended the {at flock show at Guelph last wegk. Remember the anniversary aer- hea in the Presbyterian church here, on Sunday, Dec. 18th, when Bev. Kr. Host. of Southampton, till Ipreach, both morning and ev- gning. Qpecial music by__the choir. 0n Hominy evening, an “old-time" hI-meetin will be held, at which Iev. Mr. 033 will give a lecture on “Ten year: on the trails of the Meet.” A good program is being wgpued. _ he was at a disadvantage in taking note. on both sides on! the action, so for the benefit of the hronicle’e readers, we will send 80v. Mr .Budge’e report, which ap- pearked in the Hanover Post 139: wee . lannl protection: British :00 bio: on the giant Willow trees in (root In part of the Dominion, “'3'“ it = of ’his lot, 'and 'had left nothing but would be simply captured by the the stamps to 'tell where the late orientals. Workingmen in an the Samuel McGowan had 'plamted rovincee owe it to’bhdcmem in the . them. eat to help "them 12,. tzherlr labori We see the ‘mle bills are out an- )roblem. To regulate the orient- ’ bouncing tlhe auction sale of form nl immigration is for the best in- “OCR .and implements ‘01 MP- Arch. tereets of both pan-ties. It will McDonald on Saturday next. We prevent lawlessness, Tihe princi- Iincerely hope Archie does not in- file is not wrong, .we now prohib .,tend leaving this locality, as he is certain classes from England and u ‘ 890i“: ’0’"? 9°06 fellow Scotland from entering apart 0" .â€"..._.. then country. The poll tax mayl . be abolished sometime, but we'LOW RATES FOR CinIIOt assimilate [DOPE than w opened the door now, the Lord‘p Via Grand Trunk Railway Sys- Da Act would be a dead letter tem, between all stations in Can- on other good law-e would soon be ado, also to Detroit and Part Hur- destroyed. Politice would also be on, Rich" Buffalo, Black Rock. Ni- nor ‘ corrupt. for it in among the "an aura Falls and Snapernion Bridge lm'em'nere where bribery is most .Y., at Single Fare, good going Divalent December 24. 25. and 20m. 19m re- Vlth tondlith, and a at pneumonia, is on a [in Bella Park, eldest daughter at Mr. James Park, is laid up with an attack of mnemonia, bur in re- covering as well as can be looked 'Tivo week. a , the Hampden Guild held a ebate. The queao flon debated was, “Should 'the poll u: be abolished?” As your car- ;elpondant took part in the debate Mr. and 1111. Andrew Derby, of Dentinck, visited the latter’s par- ontl, Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper, on Wednesday. dhe true ML. Etta Andaman odd: â€"Tho Jew. are mother clan of emi- grant: who we more dam ran: to our laws than the poaca n1 Chin- ese. Whose mm in it that the lat- ter use opium? Britain domed it upon than, and should now nut nn upon them) and Maidâ€"Bo} put u}; Eith‘them‘; I! gantdq ycgulq show DURHAI. DECEMBER 15. 1910 d 13”.. Edna: m Proprietor. HAMPDEN. Pord, who has been a past three week; ‘nd a .fight attack is on a fair way to hurl giv§ trust that it maybe as influential 'as it will 'be large. It has been hinted .and said that tanner: can- not combine, but ‘we "think the day is very “near bat'ihand when the (tax-mars fibrou bout the Dominion will be unite 'into one of flhe 'gtrongeet associations that Canada i Mr. Albert Hoeflin, of Orchard, '18 now on a lair moad to recovery :nfter hovering between life and ‘deatzh .for over eeven weeks, with fty‘pnhoid .Iever. He was able to be zup on Sunday last for a Short ;w.hile. Before he was taken sick, 'he was a powerbul young man of a 200 lbs., but 'he has become so much .reduced in strength rthat it takes .one on either aide 'to steady him. to .and from his bed. We hope Ab. may continue to *gain rapidly m strenguh, and be 'in his usanl good "he_a_lth again. (has ever seen, | '; Mr. John Shamp has declared 'war ‘on the giant Willow trees in :ftl'OIflE = of his lot, 'and 'had left nothing but = the stumps no 'tetl where the late! Qaanmel McGowan had 'placnteda ' Miss Alice Lawrence, 0! Button '31“, and brother 'Herbi , gave us ha short, but pleasant call, on Sun- day, and they 38180 called on Mr. sand Mrs. Louie Groin, before re- turning ‘homeward. ‘ Mr. Don .Kreller ‘returned from the West last Week, and will go West in the apt-mg again, with a car 10qu of horses. This del-e tion is ing to be the largest on the ‘kin what has ever appeared before Parliament, tn ‘press its clzaims, ‘apd we hope and James Park jr., said. â€"It would be a calamity to have to mix up with such «people. Are they good citizens who live 'on five cents’ worth of rice and own twenty-five cents a day? If the negative must have Chinese laundries, why not send their dtuds to China? Talking about bad habits, their gamblin is one of the basest flormso evil in the world. ’ 'Prom s humane stsndpoint they on m'.d be admitted. I! has:- one sure u nesrl stone as the: Andrew Derby said: To abolish‘ the ll tax would bring a flood of heat wmun to our doors. Those who Wexe too poor to purchase tickets w ould soon get the loan of e rough to come over. They are a' nuisance to business men, as they want a bill for every article they puichase We have seen the ne- cessity of protection against Rom- auism. T1151 ought to teach us to beware of heathenism. Norma-n Anderson said: â€" The {act is that the objection is not so much against the oriental as a- gainst his intelligence and indust- ry. He has wakened WI) and is willing to learn. The orientals are the host class of laborers. They have monopolized the laundry bus- iness and we would have to turn up our coat collars if they were driven out of the country. They have besetting sims, but the white man has taught him some of the worst. As part compensation for the iniquitous opium war, we ought to admit them free of tax- ation and_g.ive them 1a_ fresh start: Miss Rebecca Park saddzâ€"Every man on the earth has a might to his share of the earth. We need them in Canada. The Chinese could teach us how even the gar- dens could be kept beautiful. The Japr would one day be good sol- diers for us in war, No missionary cal} Qefgnd the_ poll tax. smaller than all the meat in the little pant we have taken in trying to help on 'with the great xfxamme'm’ delegation, which in to appear be- fire lfaplimmen-t on 11116 15m mat. Both the leaders reamed 'for five minutes, amd the judges, Rev. A.L. Budge, Miss Isabel Byers, and John Milligau .met to decide. After a careful review of the points, they were unanimous in giving the ver- dict to the negative. As a closing shot, )et your cor- respondent 33 y that the Orient-ah: are still whacking up the $500 to gain admission to the play in this part of the world’s “stage.” you“! be c M_I§m_-gtm’- LOW RATES FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS Via Gramd Trunk Railway Sys- tem, between all stations in Can- ada, also to Detroit and Part Hur- on, Mich, Buffalo, Black Rock. Ni- agara Balk and gaspenaioq Bridge N.Y., at Single Fare, good going December 24, 25, and 201111, 1910. re- turn limit Tuesday, December 27, 1910, also good gain December 31, 1910, and January 1 and 2nd, 1911 valid yeQuzrning until Tuesday. J an- nan-y 3111,1911 At flare and one third, good 0:- ing December 2lst, 1910, to M y January 2nd,1911, inclusive. valid returning ur cil Wednesday, Jann- try 411751911. 86cm ur ticket. and v.“ M In Grand BLYTH’S CORNERS. rheaxrt of the Empire, where inter- est ’is held by the wonderfully viv- id scenes, around which much 0! ‘histocric value is imparted.” The lecture is reported as being given in Mr. Wilson’s well-aknown l-u'cid style, and mequests are being made for its delivery at outside points. ifi t‘he historic Windsdr Castle: gm they _inbg old LQndom, the Mr. Wm. Thompson, who left (here thirty-five years ago to re- cide in Midhigan, but has been the past eight years in the mining regiiop‘a of British Columbia, is on Rev. Mr. Millzigan was at Pr-o'ton' Station on Wednesday eveningl Est a'tten-djng a farewell giveni mat attending a farewell given Mxre. .MaJcodm, organist, of Knox church, who was presented With a sugar and cream set in cut glass, accompanied by am appropriate address. Mr. Malcolm, C P.R, a- gent, has been transferred to Alliston. a visit atmon relatives and 61d 'fu‘iends in b e township. MT. mom 11, who ire a son of the )ate 1'. Frank Thompson, of Port- law, spent his early days an the .tamm there, and found a wife in the person of Miss Bluncflyamd, tea- cher in the section. He now sees many dhamgeuin thewmzyemra »of_:his absence. By the Huntsville Forester we learn .Rev. Ivieo'n Wilson has pre- pared a very intereetmg lecture 9n {pislecegt holiday trip‘to Eng- thn Milne has sold his farm on the Mead-04rd Road to his neighbor, Mr. J'dhn Flynn. Mr. Milne is mov- _ing back to Oarprrey to {his former Mr. ‘.TA Blakely was recently el- ected class leader in the Methodmst dhmch, in the plaace of Mzr.Nich01â€" son, who is moving away. Rev. John Wells left Voxâ€"I'F'rid‘ay 1501' (his home at Adlaa Craig, after four weeks’ enjoyable visdt amomg his old friends. ' land. 'IThe lecture was given few evenings ago to a large mud-- ience in Huntsville, and says the; Fb'restecr, “was illustrated by a; magnificent set of stereaptican views, depicting this travels [mom embarkation at Montreal, through]. the Northern Bake lands, tthmoug h Chester, with all its historical int-' crests, t'hzrou h Satrabford-bn-Avf» on; through indsor, with a splendid series 01f liews, illrustrat-l Mr. and Mn. W. J. Freethy, of Sbayner, spent pamt a! last Week witih relatives in this vicinty. and visited the latter’a uncle, Mr. Joe. Blackbuzrn here, on Friday. Mr. Freethy is moving to Toronto to eng_a_ge in business. ’Dhe League special meetings in tihe "Methodist church the past two weeks, were well attended, and spiritually (helpful to a number of the youn people, eight of wih-om unit with the church at the morning service on Sunday. Baptism was aileo administered to tlhe intfan't children of Mr. Ed. 'Il‘h-ompeon, and Mr. Jae. McClock- 1n. Rev. Mr. Milli an goes to River- view this Tues ay, appointed by Presbytery to preach at the in- duction of Rev. G.W. Rose, called to Oorb_et'_ton 32nd Riverview. Mr. Alf. Harrison attended the wiflter fail at Ggemh last week. Geo. Stuart leflt on Friday for Gawganda. Mn. Simmons. of Riven-view. via- i_te«d_ 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R Mr. Fred. Sproule, barrister: Win nipeg, spemt a couple of days last week with his father here. Mr. Frank Tate, a! Lucknow, spent Sunday in town. Mr. W. Bentham and mother, via- ited in Towonto over Sunday and Monday. Through the kind offices of Dr. 'Smoule, M.P , the High School Board here received last week {mom the geological daparfment at Ottawa, a cabinet 0! specimens box-81:1“ é: {fitfie 50110;); which adds gre e on . 111251661an has added to A {his liveu'ty outfitâ€"I if“ "5513590155 Ileigh 0 most modern eadgn, with .11 wppeprrance of comfort for its "Pruit-a-tives” keeps the stomach cleanâ€"the liver activeâ€"the bowels regular â€"the kidney strong and the skin healthy. These are the organs that rid the body of all waste. When “Fruit-a-tives” so regulates the system that all waste is eliminated, then there can be no waste or “urea” to be changed into uric acid. Thus, there can be no uric acid in the blood, to inflame nerves and cause the ain which we know by the names of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neura gia. “Fruit-a-tives” will cure every trace of Rheumatism, Pain In The Back, Swollen Hands and Feet, and other troubles due to the blood being poisoned by uric acid. “Fruit-a-tiveo” is the only remedy that actually cure. Rheumatism, and Sciatica because “Fruit-a-tives” is the only medicine that actually prevents Uric Acid being formed in any quantity in the body. If there is no excessof unc acid in the blood, there can be no Rheumatism 5°¢~ O 1301â€". 5 for 52-50. trial size 25c. At :11 dealers, or eent poetpddon “pt of price by Fruit-a-tivu Limited, Ottawa, Ont. I saw “Fruit-a-tives” advertised in “The Telegram”and decided to “'7 thi’ remedy. After I had taken one box, I was much better and the pain less, and I continued the treatment with good hopes. When I had taken three boxes, I was so well that I could use my arm again and the pain was practically gone. After I had taken five boxes, I was entirely well againâ€"no painâ€"no sufienngâ€"and now I am as WELL as I ever was. _- - I'fheâ€"cnh 'dffinfia; câ€"a-se fr'yvhfirgi't-a-tives" was indeed splendid because all the doctors failed to even relieve me of my suflerings. For the sake of others who may suffer from this terrible disease, Rheum- tism, I give you permission to publish this statement. ” If you are subject to Rheumatism, cure yourself no‘w' with “Fruit-runs" and be free of pan thio winter. “I was a terrible sufferer from Rheumatism for nearly a year, and my right arm was swollen and the pain was fearful. All down the fight Side. the pain was dreadful, and I could hardly move for the agony. I .was treated by two physicians but their medicine did me no good, and I tried. numerous other remedies but received no benefit. I was simply a helpless cripple and snflered from Rheumatism all during last winter. Five Boxes 01“Fruit-a-tives”cured Her "muss NIPPLEâ€"W mom HHEIJMAIISM Ehd Wéu'k m THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ,5 FLESHERTON. 4 HOME PLACE, Tonom‘o, DEC. 15th, 1909. Mm. G95. Mitdhell is spending a ‘few days in the city with er ‘ daughter. ‘l.-- “T f h --‘..'I .0 - _ _- _ _,.1 M753. W.J Boyd is on a short visit with her parents at Pmbon Station. Centre your tickets 'ieaJd C.P.R. for the assurance of a comfortable Christmas journey. Stemnell Glass, in the mom: of Durham, has thin thy been dis-- lolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partner- ship are to be paid to William A. Glass, on or before the flat day of December, 1910, and ’all claiml a- gainst the said pantnâ€"erehip are to be presented to the said William A. Glues, on or before the [above date. when the name will be eettled. Inspector Campbell, of Durham, was .a visitor at flhe parsonage on Mon/dz night. and give an excel- lent a dress at the League meet- ing in tihe Methodist church. uSINGLE FARE C.P.R. CHRIST- MAS AND NEW YEARS, 1910-11 Retmrn tickets to all points in Canada, Port Arthur and East, and to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, N. Y., Detroit, and 430 stations in Maine and rVermont Will be on sale at all C.P.R. offices and stations wt ai'ngle mare, good going Saturday, Sunday, Monday, December 24, 25. and 266b, good to reburn Tuesday, Dec. 27%. A190 Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, ,Dec. 3181:, and Jan. 1 and 2nd, good to return Tuesday, Jan. 3rd. Notice of Dissolution of (Jo-partnership NOTICE is hereby given that the , tum-ship heretofore mbaiating notwqu ps,__the updgrsigned, a! Fame and .one-flhtird tickets will be on sale Wednesday, Dec. 218i, to Monday Jam.2nd,wit1h return limit of Wednesday, Jan. 4th. Be Dated at Durham this 29th day of November, 1910. NOAH STERNALL, WM. A. GLASS. Fall What ..... Spring What. . . Oats. .. Peas ............. Barley . ......... Hay ............. Butter ........... Duck- ....... Ohickonu. . . . MARKET REPORT Donna, DEC. 15. 1910 800w1000 wmww wwww 2217 12to The MCGOWAN MILLING Co. If you need any feed for cattle or hogs this is the cheapest feed you can buy, and it will pay you to buy it now, for aasoon asthe demand for it starts in the Maritime Provinces after New Years, the price will be advanced to $20.00 per ton. FARMERS ATTENTION ! Oatmeal Millers We Have a Large Stock of Oat ' Dust on Hand That We Are Offering at $15.00 per Ton in Ton Lots Buy Now and Save Five Dollars Per Ton Durham, Ont. Doc. 15, 1910 ‘ ACRES c1050 to Proton Stutitm. ; “dwellingfine largo nut-luxildi|.g> will km: buy, 2 (mm m art-v. «ml; 1 m. Knocks the sum-him: of? Ali ' Ihbcrgains. ' . ACRES Imar I’rotmz Static": .nd' Junctiuu. fine brick raridoncw fll Intuit, u )lPhdid unil‘ and “nut. 6 he. “‘il «WM [008 "mu 823 :w I A bargain surely HARDWARE Ind Tinnmith Huv any Coum '. post offiofl in calmer- ‘mL ' Hun .10, will buy fl was of lawn ‘ nod dwelling. bra. other {mm- und 34.000 stark. , NERAL COUNTRY STORE five from Durham; wry ch so. M for old and young pun. nu. ”and poor. (‘mlw and w m .r k. You m film as “vlcnuw It 5..“ “car ’25. Come cam and go.‘ Mot our huge stmk (mud. 8 ”duvet! for you "mi“ '11! 1st. :10. Bike your ( bnice. H land Huntel Look Hem Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE h M 0m 0‘ imam. uni ‘ Th. Contra! Business (‘olo no ofToronm contains sumo "bl (“trauma of pro-at “Wt” Utudvnta whn de- ‘N to “tend a first-elm reli- Qbh ochool. You ctr? inviwd 00 min for it. Adm-ouâ€" â€"â€"â€"THE NEWâ€"â€" CATALOGUE W.H.Shaw, Pres. .C VOICE OT. DI. TORONTO ' II mention some HfHH‘ thing. 1.” midered nine (‘hrvstmm ‘ We have a \‘vl'y intgo- th 5‘ War (30mins. ('(Hlslsulag ”1 d Bugs. Mllfiiv Rt)“:~.\\ li1~ k“. “1““?!er SP! 5. PH; ”\- MI 0‘ I." descriplicm. I’anr} ‘ in man huxrs. I'mth '5'“?! Confemimwr) in 1.1““, I m. Hymn Hunks. Pram-l W.UutGlass and [WM 3 y ( hum. I ”0: Smoking Nuts. Shunt.“ .Mnu, Mouth Organs. Fun-mum ‘ W, Brushes. l‘unvy (‘ipm .0 A large fitm'k of Fnlu'} '. . d 8"“ Present:- from m «mm; QT. .iJ'J‘i'iiin""iJ"§x, a5“ rm ms coo-I to plane. fl. MILLER - ‘I who ‘oics bpuineu mm H. H. H. H. MlLlFR TIC Ila-over Conveyuar b Dd! lid gentlpman. gi" h, “ beginning to think M ”a “xeuary ".0 buy f”. .II ”(I New Year's ”1-“ b. «cation is Whvrv can 1 Mt It the least mww-‘y question is easily anw‘mzx. . ”acting the immvnw q: A?» of toads that am daily ;., “meted at Mal Drug Store bought and acid. Delm- (Nikita-r. All Mall. of writings drawn. uni-1'18 pm. I” DA! Imam sun»! h will arrive and depart as f: l I“ further notice:â€" at Durban .3 100 mm. . C.“ nu. Inn All) IQUIPIIM CENTRAL DRUG II PACIFIC RAILWAI TIME TABLE 'AM SCHOOL. i, Depot Agent GUN, Town Agent Alba Put Duh-u IOWU‘h-I Milk Inna- Jot Toronto III-lot Influx “m ‘m 4 I". NWO J. D. ScDm-fl. N (bl Board” ~ What-chunk nth-h sum “It an: n the be!“ “lo. 10 ”hm Wu he I.“ lone. Hanover 0.... Durham Am GOO IVOIII‘I "ll Gouda white. Tickc Nth. BET Wil niax l’rup Ont! of cl! SM :- [Bl R01 llul at

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