Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Dec 1910, p. 5

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M our Honey Tn Foot took of our 8 s pulsing. in Cure do not delay pain. 5 0 will git. awn, L‘hait, flat-bod in y now.“ design. r a bottle of on: Silver dy known. “William. 80'!” Odell 0f “til...“ >ch bottom pried. nstcrod- Rob [0! loll“ m ntock hf R... 8" very clan prieo. ICKBT AGENT ‘ discharges from tho ‘t in the thrmt; 1! your t 3 package 0! our Dian ’0 buying, ad '0 ur Lou-c Killer. 1' brings 'ement. or if you huvo burning instant: remedy .u Killor. ng Chairs LC LOTflS wtth diatom". Than ‘ent. of our Poultry Food. Machines NTED LING Co. madame- some 01 our ’- 1. 1910 533 ACRES “a! Proton Sudan and Surgeon .IuLctiun. fine brick id”. mandid barns. sPlendid soil. want. .Iebud 8w. Wil salt has than 86 u: m. Abargain surely. A HARDWARE :nd Tinamitll Epsi- wflroy 001133,, post office in eonnoouon Lu.- than $19. mwill bgy 40moa of land, Al__. ‘____‘ 'osxiiRAL‘ COUNTRY STORE on me- hom Durban; very chap. Ml. Land HunteI Look HBIB .5 ACRES dose to Proton “Ouch. brick delliugfiue large out-build“) windmill 820.; hay. 2 tom to wre. on y ‘51“. Knocks the sun-him) of! Al- bum! bargains. W“ u 1.1.1., vv III I!!! -v "â€" 'â€" nor‘e nnd I(iweallimr. burn, 0th.! fume honing tad $1 600 stat k. Lug. number of cheap (am pm“. Money to Lend at Low Rates. Lands bought and sold. Debt- 00an All kinds of writings drawn. 30 nun who doies businou wflh B. Inlet is over utffied to 30 MN Our methods seem 0 plate. H. H. MILLER - CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE Thins will arrive and dept“ II foi- "3. until further noticocâ€" â€"-â€"-â€"THE NEWâ€"â€" CATALOGUE of The Centrsl Business Col- lege 0! Toronto contsins soms specisl gusrsntecs 0! grant intsrest to students who de- sirs to attend n first-elm reli- able school. You are invited to write for: it. Address- W.H.Shaw, Pres. 386 YONG! OT. TORONTO 25 Cents Lder Block - Durham For Colds, Coughs Hoarsenesa, Bron- chitis, etc. Effec- tive and Palatable Grand Trunk Railway .TE PINE AND TAR p m., and EU p In. INK)" DAY “('1' I00" The Hanover Convcyllcor .P. MILLER ‘N’S Compound TIME-TABLE J. Towga. 1910 - Rev. Sacha-I.” Dublin 503 IOU 3A 0mm. The Rail llom. Ila-nor With a bullet in his shoulder,‘ the result of the bad aim 0! some boys in Mildmay, who missed at target and struck him while he? .wss working in an adjoining field. Mr. Matthew Hoeiling came into Walkerton on Tuesday ‘to consult a ’local physician, and incidently to ivisit his sister-im-law, Mrs. Peter ‘Lafirance here. The injured man .has been carrying the bullet in !his shoulder for several weeks, ‘having until just recently been goonfined to his bed as a result of lthe accident. It is his intention, ,we understand, to shortly enter :the hospital. and undergo surgical {treatment for the removal of the i bullet.-â€"Times. “0‘ g, V gâ€"vwâ€" ‘evening of last week to answer to _a charge of obstructing an officer {of the law in the discharge of his duty. It appears that a couple 0! weeks ago, Bailiff Reabumn, ac- icornpamied by another man, were :despatched to fthe farm of John {Bennett to make a seizure, and awere driven off the premises by iBennett, at the point of a shot ‘ gun, and she threatened to shoot if they would .not ‘go. The plea of er8. Bennett was that “it was only .fendan't $10 and costs, or $18 in AalLâ€"Free Press. Thanksgiving Day saw the close .of the fishing season for another year. Each year sees the retunns :to the. fishermen a little less than the previous, and this past year .has provided no exception to the rule. The retunns from the fish- .United States do not take agrees- ,ive action to restock the waters to is greater extent than has been . done in the past, it is only a mat- ,ter of a few years wntil salmon 3trout and Whitefish will be a lux- wryâ€"Southampton Beacon. Mrs. John Bennett, of Melanc- fhon, appeared before ‘H. Falconer, 0'..,P of Shelbunne, on Wednesday -u_.. Ln. Quite a serious ‘HCULUWu. “a, penned on the Mildmay road on‘ ing to Mr. McPhail’s. Mr. Kir-; stein’s ‘horse is a spirited one, and when he pulled it up quickly it jumped and threw the occupants out. Mrs. Kirstein ’WaS thrown out on tap of the baby. while Mrs. McPhail lit under the horse’s feet and the animal “tramped upon her ,several times. There were no homes broken, but it is now ‘feared there were internal injur- ies. Her injuries are serious. Her face was also badly hurt by coming in contact with the hard road. Mr. Kirstein was also kicked by the ,horse, Which afterward ram away, damaging the harness ‘and buggy. 1 â€"â€"Mildmay Gazette. uite a serious accident. hap' peeled on the Mildmay road on I-..‘ hiynn‘r N'Y‘ a]‘( McPhail lit under the nursca ice. .._-, and the animal “tramped upon her It is now well known here that a! 59"91‘31 times. There v'ere m:.wildcat has taken up quarters mg him“ broken, bu} 1t 1*? 9°“ Mr. Reiner’s bush, on the Hanover! ieared there were interual IDJUP- road. While 'retunning 'lrom mov-‘ ms. Her inJuries are serious. Her ing a kitchen one evening last lace was also badly hurt by coming week, Mr. ‘F. Zimmerman narrOWIy. in. contact With the hard road. Mr. escaped an encounter with the ani-l Kirstein was also kicked by the mal He was 'able to escape imjuryT horse, which afterward ran away, bywvirtue of Swift running, (1' damaging the harness and buggy. landed at Mr. Metzger’s breathless,§ -â€"Mildmay Gazette. and not a little scare-d. not. yet give up the attempt to ___.__.â€"-â€"-â€" nreach Neustad‘t, and requested Mr.| A THIEF‘S TRICK. lMetzger to drive him past thel bush Just then ‘Mr. Rehlropf hap-‘ “ v ' o hatE V1.33; timmea Ihosteeel aI celiiahkk we?" paned along, and was kind enough: the slickest trick I ever knew 21"” see Frank safely placed well 'On' sneak thief to pull off,” said Johnl R. Jennings, of Buffalo. “It oc-l curred here m Washington 25 years) men on that road to travel only in With a porter’s cap ‘Walked up to‘ , - . . e safe, "or is it mot the ‘best 'road 3;: 3:51? geilgoflggcfi’fififl tlfi: to Carlrhrue, Walk-ertom and Han- said, mentioning the name of a over?â€"Neustad‘t cor. 'Eamover Post {hat store across the ”street from _____..._... the hotel. ‘Mr. Blank sent me over to get these hats. We will press LOST IN THE WOODS. them quick, and return them as a . lcompliment to the hotel, and as an. 33111311??st wgg Gigigegeeg}: advertisement for ‘3" :Wright brothers in \cutting timber ‘ ‘â€" ‘ AL‘AJ‘.A“ BULLET IN HIS SHOULDER. I A SMASH AT THE AUTOS. The saflors of the Brazilian navy mutinied on W .dnesday of last we .k, and, after killing several of- ficers, bombarded the citg of Rio de Jaheirp. The treuble as been â€"‘ ‘â€"‘ “A“‘Qn settled, the Go;er.nment granting anmesy to the offenders, when‘ they surrendered. i Alfred Carson, of Paradise Val- ley, near Lloydminster, Sash. is committed for trial on a char e of attempted murder of a meig - bor named Atkin, whom he attack- ed in his bed with a pite'hfork, striking him five times, penetrat- ing different parts of the body. gCarson is in Fort Saskatchewan r11, and Atkfn is in the ho ital. ‘ ivtng in Paradise Valley dn’t nuke an mgel of Carson. ' FISH GETTING SCARCE. 'e'mennt Don’t try to patch up a linger- ing cough by experimenting. A $10 BLUFF. “antral. ' The decision of a London cor. oner‘s jury defines the respective positions of autos, “bicycles and “pedestrians. An aged messenger of the Scottish office, was knocked down and killed by a bicycle. The [bicyclist claimed he was struck by an automobile. In summing up, the coroner said that? “no one had a right to whistle ori sound a heater as a command for a pedestrian to get out of his way. A pedestrian was entit- led to cross the road in ease. Even if 'he was hesi-tating, a driver must mot assault him. Becamse a main rode a horse or drove a . motor car, he did not become an ' autocrat of the road." Too many drivers fail to realize that the pedestrian has the right of the highway, whether at a crossing or elsewhere. This is ‘found-ed on a theory, says the Municipal ' World, that the safety of the per- : son is first in the consideration of A fire started at moon yesterday in this office, ‘while *Uhe staff were away at dinner, land when the door \W-as Opened at one o’clock, by one of the compositors, smoke poured out in a cloud. The fire _ â€"---â€"--J--J n‘\l‘ {n fi‘re puurcu ‘UUI- 815 a _-_....- alarm Was soumded, and in five‘ minutes the sidewalk in front of} the office was jammed with people. When it Was learned that Water from the mains could not be had for some time, a bucket brigade was formed, and in a few minutes the fire was puar out. The panti- tion between t he 'front office and the Work-aroom was completely destroyed as also 'was the desk amid papers, books, etc., thereon and in the drawers. Outside of the damage done by smoke to the paper in the stockroom, the loss was confined to the front office, and there 'we lose heavily, but ex- pect to be in lgoodnshape again :fi5;tl'§.Â¥Teesw§ter FIRE IN PRINTING OFFICE. UH Fluuusua v"- v "a‘ Darkness came on, but nothin ‘ damnted, Bill continued his searc I for the camp, while the Wright brothers were searching in all directions for him. All that night, the dreary march continued, and Rough ~finallÂ¥ turned up at Little Port Elgin. 't was late Thursday before the lost main finally found his we back to the Purple Valley camp, av'mg been directed by an Indian, after having covered doz- ens of miles.â€"W.iarton Canadian paigm fund for the Winnipeg YMJ C.A., closed on Tuesday might,’ 8350.000 was asked for and over $351,000 was 'eubscrlbe . J.A.D. McCuJ'dy the ’Canadian aviator, dropped too near the ound, while sailing at Mobile, 111. ast week, with the result that his aeroplane was badly smashed. Al- thon h going at a high rate of speec , he escaped uninjured. i John Tebo, in, of Halifax has been charged with the mar of a n2 -1... _LA WILDC ATS IN NORMANBY. THE RETORT STINGING. THEZDURHAM CHRONICLE News; A short time ago a woman in the ad- vanced stages of tuberculosis died in her own home. By her death five little ones were left without the care of their mother. There was money enough in the family to make some provision for the care of the children, but it was almost impossible to secure any- one who would render this service, so afraid are many peo 1e of this dread disease. A visitor to the ome says that time and time again she had found the baby sleepintr in her sick mother’s bed, and near by ?ood was stored from which the children par- took. A sequel is revealed in the fact that .to-day one of these five children is a patient in Gravenhurst, and the baby is in the children’s ward at the Toronto Free Hospital for Consumptivcs. a ,m-__-__ _- LL--- MOTHER DIED 0F CONSUMPTION AND ONE LITI'LE GIRL IS NOW AT GRAVENI'IURST. “vvvtlnvw- -v- 'v-â€"â€"wv It is for the care oi; such sufferers as these that the Muskoka Free Hos ital for Con- sumptives has been built. he tax on the accommodation is heavy, and the Trustees have only been able to make the large ex- tensions of the present year by borrowing heavily from the bank. An appeal is now made for funds to help on this work and provide a place where children, such as are referred to here, may find a home with good possibilities of cure. â€"â€" L- â€"A_L ‘A m .' r Contributions may be sent to ,W. J. Gage, Esq. Chairman Executive Com- mittee, 84 épadina avenue, or Sea-Treats. National Sanitarium Association, 347 King Sb. W. , iToAtontoL .9 l: C _-__L_ __ "“Tiin'Mnskolinv Free Hospital accepts pa- tients from any part of the Dominion, and not a single patient) has ever been refused L‘ “In“. u..--.. animals and birds delight in im- pressing the female with leither their prowess or their beauty, but that is .not a failing that is pecu- liar to the lower forms of animal life. One windy afternoon several weeks ago, a large crowd was goâ€" ing across to Hanlan’s Point, ’Do- ronto, and two young couples were standing close to the front of the ferry. They commented on many man in a row- oat, who was evi- dently crossing from the city. “Oh, isn’t he risky,” said one of “Especially, as he does [not know how to manage the boat properly.” remarked the young man. “I do not think it is brave 't-o go lout when you cannot row, I think ' it is foolish,” said the other girl. Then the young men proceeded to give 'them an object lesson on, .rowing by pointing out all the ,oarsmaln’s mistakes. They told ghow he could have caught the twaves so (as to make headway “without danger to himself; they :Iaw many little thin s which mi ht have been improve upon in be way he handled 'his oars; in short, .the girls learned how not to now a ;boat in a storm, and were duly limpressed with the knowledge of ithe young men. ‘ “ n-_..-.l .44... AM‘? thfl FIVE CHILDREN LEFT. Ina yUUlls "JV”. As they meared the dock, the oarsman could be seen more plain- ly and it was possible 'to disting- uish his features. . 2A1n old man, who had been listening (to the conversation without comment, tanned to the quartette at this point. “Do you want to know who the oarsman is?” he asked. “It is Eddie Dunnan, one of the three best professional scullers now livin , and he may row, very soon, for t e championship of the world.’ (fiflfim A. S. HUNTER « means a marked saving in fuel, and better baking results. T he Chancel llor not only does its work better but at less cost than other ranges. We can, demonstrate to you the Whule superior Chancellor principle of economy and efficiency in ten minutes. Isn’t it worth that much of your time right now ? The Chancellor is made for either coal or wood. Other Gurney-Oxford designs or every sort, for every purpose and all kinds of fuel. on diSplay on our floor. Special ‘ demonstration now; Z52 fib’fifit'YOX/URDSIHZ {0P Baking day instead of being a trial and a dxsappomtment IS a pleasure. a satif‘f‘JCUOn. Como in the store when you’re down town and let us explain to j; at {Last how this fine distributes the 31m: evenly over the whoe oven. Bakes m from Just as well as back «under cru;-.t as well ‘as upper. ' A good oven is the housekeeper’s delight. A poor one is the despair of her life. That‘s why we want to tell you about this Chancellor. A special divided flue makes 7‘ ‘the oven a perfect baker. ‘ | There is not a range in the ' country can beat it. The‘Be 51‘ Baker in Gene do. Farmers’ Central Mutual Fire Insurance COIPANY The Second Strongest Pnrel Mutual __ Pm lnsnrnnco Company in Ontario . Bond Dulce. . Walkerton, Ont l. J. M. m». Inmol .11 und- o! In propu- ty 3nd luolated dwellingl at to- ined cub tutu. 3nd under low- three or (our years than can be mad 0150']:ch Buildings pro- tected with lightning rodl and their contents necepted nt lower at“ than other! not IO protected ,.¢§§§¢##OOOOQOOOOOOOQOOQ 99 New Grocery Store Fresh Groceries Always in Stock Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange Upper Town - Durham OOOOOOOQQOOQOOOOOOO§OOO¢ ! (:4 PROPERTY INSURED NEAR- LY . J. MCFADDEN. Ag’t. DURHAM. ONTARIO WINTER TERI OPEN. JAN. 8rd Ionofi'm. om. Canada’s Hi h-clau Oommercial achool, sbco utely superior in- utrnction. Write today for large outdone: Ointment, go to 3. P. SAUNDERB notes 101' I term at The Runes-Into) People’s Mills A small or large bag 01 a (in. gun. white. nutritious flour, II mld u on brand. Have you over triid M 000 your growl- to give you our hlod net. tune and see the unpuinr ball? QM}- idea it postman. BPMI‘ an no" whole-mule. because u! u. scout prom. that we put the when through. Dun't fumt. A. “and of ‘ Manitoba. and Ont-Alb m and 18 a skinny 01‘ family flour Our pm Manitoba flour. made No. l Inuiwba wheat munch b0 fur dubs! (labels or «tomcat! ‘ 10 BI; Lon Good- (hlivered anywhere b howl. A] np-ho-dstse flour and bed m grocer! keep our flour for sale. If your meat due not koep it can b film will and we will use you fight. Call m up by telephone No. 8. mm of any taught 0.: Into Lace Curtains 8 yard- long. fl inches wide. pd: ....................... I fl ”1-. long. 33 Inches Vida. Ml. Oilcloth, 6 In. wide. ’3!!! ....................... 3 Floor Oiloloth. 1 sad I yula wide. John McGowan PASTRY FLOUR Inn-t3 o. Childrenl' and Mo’ Van all pm SOVEREIGN '. H. BEAN ECLIPSE THE

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