money is not tied up for you can «in. out you want at any till. 1! delay or bOtIIGI'. mk Pass-Bookisalnt- tart on the road '0 b- lcocc, if not wealth. â€urrono. 0“" ’ his 0011936 {I neocnbd I. ‘: Pat practical "this. .3500. been. OutArin It in th. but“ {“0113st best 011er relied, our macho" 019C“ b’rucgon, our mainâ€. . ’ we ‘ apsrtmentr- ‘ DUI-«mu. SW all?“ We have more. 0! a all.“ P Vanna! moot. Cdl_m ‘A‘. LOUY, day god night, on eposits in tho Saï¬n‘. Department of tho I u. t- an." m M."-â€" ‘5' .‘rqt‘nrm, m :-'-w mnum “M . cm u- »! line for it. I†- NHL, 8 on. pet â€no“ Inn-m 'ntn'uI I“ I out-«2m â€no Incl “m F 5mm." azamu‘ awn. “ ‘u‘l J - (Hf-5M] “d “1“ Zunlm-vr 14“." “Ion-M." " . lua- m: ï¬rst inaction. I... h In :nn‘uun. wrung-mu M w I“ d lnterest Accumulate! K OF CANADA “0p. us the original savings, ,oubling you: saving ls PIXEL.“ m1 TuvwoA' It. would. Printing Noun, Strut. I, be 0851103 If.“ 50 may gltmprinjo‘ E 3 Bank. In time tho t amounts to .0 .1, at. to: _ â€Mn .3“ L?» can flzed v nf ( 'nthnlic Rob“ II! all?! .119 ('ups fur aged p00“ mom's! 01 A 4! Dale: in â€" UBING promptly m n tended to. DA a-év'tiounonu. b and. Ni. 0!)an bow. . .s of all Kinda. mixed and Iron Ply Brass, Brass Lind run Cylinders. nos "om $2 Illlll. o D. A. I‘LACIMI. onus JD WWI and ’al Directom balming a Special! n a vet y dunno. Uh‘n‘m EHBUIIELE RHAM. ONT-c all annulus. CONNOR RHAM. ONT. Igloo-Olin. I“ a... W. 0. 00"" . BELL E RTAKER b w- 1“on 0.0M 33' I. an .t mung-nah. II‘ \V. IRWIN ummg on notice. 5}}.‘1'431-5. '63. a: pal u N tom-L Fmâ€! __l‘ X1: :‘Iumel '1}! bo_ ‘4‘! , 1910 ++. :99 .+++. .+...... .T? 1.... sat... 57+. 5.... We have a full stock of Fur and Fur-lined Coats for ladies and gents, to be sold below wholesale prices, also a large stock of Muï¬s and Buffs. A new stock of up-to-date Dress Goods, all newest shades and at very low prices. We also have a complete stock’of Crockery in sets,a.nd Fancy China. at very low prices. We also have a very large stock of Boots and Shoes, also a full line of Rubbers of all description with prices to suit the pocket. We have a nice stock of Ladies’ Mantles, Skirts, and an up-to-date stock of Millinery on which we are prepared to give you a very close price. A fresh stock of Groceries always on hand. Raw Furs. . U. 0 . .0 :0400.0 <‘O:â€:O’.O +O:‘M+O:-Ov~ â€'6‘ .0. .00. 0. O. 0.: 0:. Although I am not going to move owingï¬to the Standard Bank go- ing to occupy the premises, still Highest prices paid for Fowl, Butter and Eggs .‘couoooOON oovamboHO ou‘uï¬tuton 000 0.00 .99". H. 'A- '4 ..n-, Garafraxa St. , also THE DURHAM CHRONICLE :7? 3?? .+++++¢+_ .+++++++. .+.I.+ +3.... .+++ a??? if: 9.1. .12.. A Moraine: ‘woman [has been buried in her own piano at her own lequest. fl‘here are others who might be similarly interred by re- quest of fhe folks next door.â€" Stra'tfo'rd Herald. We recommend Ferrovim, the invigorating ".‘onic, to elderly peo- ple who et'reng‘.h is beginning to wane, and who suffer frequently from attacks of sudden exhaustion chilliness, weak heart action, etc. Ferrovim contains fresh lean beef, Citrate of Iron, and pure old Span- ish Sherry Wine. $1.00 per botlle alt drruggists. Mr. John Russmell, (Egremont, had a narrow es-capo L’rom death by poisoning on Tuesda night 0' last week. He. took ill a ter eating canned tomatoes. At first his illness was not ‘thought serious, but he became gradually Worse. till M‘rs. Russmell roused aneigh- bar, who went for the doctor. When 'the latter arrived, Mr. Russ- nell was very low, and was brought round “i‘h some difficul- ty.â€"Mi. Forest Comfederate. On Monday morning, lMiss Eva Fawcet't, who resides at Mr. Merrit. Kerr‘s, Duncan, came near being! poisoned by taking carbolic 'acid in mistake. It appears she had been using carbolic acid 'to “.reat a tooth-ache, and the bottle having a marrow neck, she poured :;ome into a cup, and ‘forgot to remove it, and .‘in'taking a drink, swal-l lowed about 'two teaspooanfuls. On‘ discovaing lher mistake, anxi- d-o-tes were given, and by medical aid, “she soon recoveredâ€"Thorn- bury Herald-Reflector. PARISIAN SAGE An Ideal Hair Tonic Parisian Sage is compounded on 'the most advanced scientific prin- ciples, and nothing on the market to-day can compare Wi'.h it. It accomplishes so much more than the ordinary tonics, and does it so_ quickly 'that users are astonish- Mr. John Keeso' met with a nas- ty accident Saturday night which resulted in a compound 'fracture of the arm. He was bringing his traction engine and threshing oust- fit into town after dark, and in do- ing some Work around the engine while it Was stopped for a rfew minutes on Wallace Street, the power was accidentally turned on, with the result that his arm was caught in the .fly-wheel, and both bones were broken below the el- bow. Fortunately, the power was tunn-ed off before any liur‘her dam- age was doneâ€"Listowel Banner. Parisian Sage kills the dan-d'rwff germs and eradica'tes dandruff, stops falling hair, itching of the scalp and splitting harm in two weeks or We will'refund your monâ€" ey. Parisian Sage gives a :fascinat- ing lustre to Women’s hair, and makes it beautiful. It makes the hair grow luxuria'n'tly, it is the daintiest and most refreshing hair d'ressi-ng 'that science has produc- ed, and has [not a particle at grease or stickiness in it. Parisian age costs 50 cents at your drug- gist, or postpaid If'rom the proprie- tors, The Giroux iMfg. 00., Fort Erie, Ont. The girl With the Au- burn hair is on 'every package. Sold and guaranteed by ‘Mascfa'r- ed. Every family has need of a good reliable livniment. For sprains, bruises, soreness of ‘the muscle and rheumatic pains, there is none bet- ter than Chamberlain’s. Sold= bv Gu'n’s Drug Store. 8“,"‘1â€" â€"'_ Eers are James, of Egremomt th.; gAlvan, in Saskatchewan; and gJohn, in Egremont. The remains "Vill be conveyed to Holstein by G.T.R. train, and the funeral will take place there an Friday. A service will be held at the theme Pan Fifth Avenue to-morrow even- ‘ing at 7.30 o’clock. The Rev. anr. Rodger, of Knox church, of iwhich the deceased was a mem- "ber will conduct the service. The bereaved husband has theaympa- After an illness of five weeks, Mrs. James Murdock, 843 Fifth Ave 13., passed away at an early hour this morning. Mrs. Murdock had been in ill health with “stomach trouble simcc last spring, but five weeks ago, she 'took typhoid fever. Her illness was of a most serious nature, and on several occasions her condition was critical and for the past three days mo :hope has been held out for her recovery. mame was â€Mairy Durran’t, . years of age. She is a daughter of of Mr, and Mrs. James Durrant. of Holstein, Ont., and was born. in Waterloo County. She was first married to Mr. 'D. Roberts, who predeceased her. Six years ago, she was married to Mr. Murdock, and a few months later they moved from lHolstein b0 Owen Sound, and have since resided here. Mrs. Murdock was held in high esteem by all who knew her. and her demise is mourned by a wide circle of Kriends. Besides her sorrowing husband, 'Mr. James Murdock, Inspector of Weights Measures, she_ is survived) byl‘ her -â€"‘- lane DEATH OF MR9. JAS. MURDOCK DICHUW'JD, DIED U'J u“- v _ . _ _, or parents. in Holstein, and three sisters and [our brothers? Her sis- ters are Mrs. 'Kmight. Denver, COL; Mrs. 81. Ledger, 8:. Paul, Minn: Mrs. Orchard, Egremont twp,.°._and Mrs. Moses, Toronto. Her brot - TOOK CARBOLIC IN MISTAKE POISONED BY TOMATOES. U3, THERE ARE OTHERS. A ‘NA‘S’I‘Y ACCIDENT. I Samuel Robins, C.P.R. brakeman, Ewan crushed under the car wheels The other day, a citizen turned up an old 'diary of 1878,. and found. some entries of market prices in Walked-ton which form a decided? contrast to present prices. On Deg cember 19th, 1878, the price of hay was $5.50 a tom. ’Meat by the quarter was 4 to 5 cents per 11)., for the from and bind quarter res- pectively. Geese were 5c. per lb. dressed, and turkeys be. to Sc. per lb. dressed. food ‘was $2.00 per cord-Bruce Herald. in the marl yard near Maple Hill on Thursday and lost a leg as a result. Robin-s was standing be- side the train, and just as it start- ed, he made a kick at the air brake, which was :not working properly, (but unfortunately slipped and fell between the cars. He saw what was coming, and with great presence of mind managedto throw his body clear of the track, and saved his life. He was placed on the *‘crain, and the marl crew made a record rum to W-alkerton, where the ambulance ‘took him to the hospital. I: was found neces- sary to amputate ‘the leg near the hip. The injured man is getting alum nicely. He has a wife and chil living hereâ€"Herald. 1 Mr. Charlie C-oppimger stole a march on his friends by entering the ranks of the benedicts in surâ€" prise party style, last Saturday ev-- ening. His bride is a well known and much esteemed Hanover girl. Miss Bird L. Woodward. The cere- mony was performed at the lresi- 3 dance of the bride’s mother at 7.30 o’clock, by the Rev. Wm. Hender- son fof St. James church. The bride’s mother, amd brother Luard and the groom’s parents, were the only witnesses of “the Iceremony. Here’s a wish that the gemial and debonnair groom and his petite bride may live long and be happy. â€"Post. For Bronchial and Throat af- fections, Allen’s Lung ‘Balsam is unequalled. “I had been troubled with con- stipation for two years and tried all the best physicians in Bristol, Team, and they could do nothing (or me,†writes Thos. E. Williams, Middleboro, Ky. “Two packages Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me.†For sale by Gun’s Drug Store. Not a vacant room in a year,‘ its first year, too, is, we read the record of a hotel in the Strand. London, whose characteristic is that it does not allow tipping. The success of the hotel, the directors believe, is mainly due to the non- tip rule. Guest s are forbidden to. offer any servant of the hotel a, gratuity, and servants found ac- cepting them are instantly dis- missed. People know exactly what it is going to cost them (before they set 'foot in the hotel, and when they pay their bill there is' no need for them to put Itheir hands into their pockets to tip an 'body. The management has bu. 11.1 difficulty in securing plengy of waiters and chambermaids, desâ€"| The [Normanby council have served .notice on the Carrick coun- cil that unless this township agrees to assume one-half of the expense of the maintenance of the new deviation county boundary line, an arbitration will be called tâ€"o settle the matter. Emboldened by the decision of the arbitrators conven- ed to decide ‘the cost of the bridg- es between the counties ot Grey and Bruce, the Normanby council now seeks to shoulde ronto this now seeks to shoulder onto this municipality, half the expense of maintaining this deviation. 'Well, let it come to an arbitration, but give us a competent board of arbitrators, who cam size up the situation fairly and squarely, and decide a case on its merits.â€" Mildmay Gazette. pita tips BhBUMATIBl Cured by Booth’n Kidney Pllll T.E. Poster, of St. John St., Fred- erickton, N.B., *says: I have found more actual relief from Booth’s Kidney Pills :than in all else I have ever tried .for rheum- atism. The pains in my limbs have lessened great- and I am bet- ter and stron- ger than in {lean previous. y appetie has built up, and I eat and sleep better than I have in . o v er three years. My general health is grt azly improved and I can Icredi't this only to Booth‘s Kidney Pills.†Q'o ‘ ,, n... This is 'the Boodi’s Kidney Pill: way. These wonderful Pills are sold under a guarantee to re-% fund your money if they fail Lo; relieve any sufferer from rheuma- tism or any trouble having its‘ origin in 'the Kidneys. They cure back-ache, dull shooting pained thick and cloudy urine, gravel and; atone, rheumatism and all diseases! a! the kidney} and_h_l_adder - â€"“J Lâ€" “1 Lily “Jul-VJ- â€". Baoths Kidney Pills we sold by all druggia'ts and dealers, 50¢. a box, or postpaid from. the R. T. Booth Co., L‘Ld., Fort Erie, Ont. Bold and ï¬nanced by Macin- Inc C CO. ~ ' COPPINGERâ€"WOODWARD. NO TIPS AT THIS HOTEL. COUNCIL SERVE NOTICE. the fact that they receiVe no LOST A LEG. PRICES. PLANING MILLS pahm..AmuulsoHcflad.4AJk for quotation. on your next job. Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To ZENUS CLARK DURIAI . - 01mm) Mrs. Beggs Son country. thnt be bu bl. Planning Mill nnd Fnctory completed and la pupa-ad 00 aka orders for Alno 3 limited amount of iron work and machine re- Durham md surrounding no undersigned beg- to SASI'I, DOORS â€" and Ill mm o! â€" House Fittings I!